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15200841 No.15200841 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the Michelson-Morley experiment often cited as providing evidence in support of relativity. All they really did is disprove the aether, which was already baseless speculation.

>> No.15200870
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>> No.15201074

*disprove the classical formulation of the aether

>> No.15201104


>> No.15201108

Not really. There were competing and more widely-accepted theories of aether that it didn't claim to disprove, but somehow went away for no good reason. Not that it actually disproved anything. It was conducted in the wrong environment to actually do what it set out to.

>> No.15201208

>Why is the Michelson-Morley experiment often cited as providing evidence in support of relativity
because that dumb bullshit experiment is a noncompliance and intelligence test. you already failed both.

>> No.15201240

because even when the null hypothesis is important, modern scientists are scared of it and have to add a clause where it actually predicts something else

>> No.15201349
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> 2034
> disprove Dark Matter exists
> /sci/ calls you a pseud

>> No.15201602

>All they really did is disprove the aether
I guess LIGO un-disproved the aether.

>> No.15201612


>> No.15201614

The entire design principle behind LIGO relies on space being a field in which waves can propagate. That's aether theory.

>> No.15201619

That's kind of a stretch isn't it? You could say the EM field confirms the existence of the aether then.

>> No.15201622

Modern theories of light essentially do confirm the aether without saying so. There is a "light medium" which was the whole point of aether theory to begin with.

>> No.15201633

I suppose in the broadest sense of what was meant by aether in 1900. But the specific aether targeted in MM was demonstrated to not be Lorentz covariant, meaning it couldn't reconcile with EM theory.

>> No.15201646
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>an experiment ultimately based on a baseless speculation
On one theory of the Aether no less. It doesn't even classify as an experiment.

This "experiment" was so hilariously awful that it actually gave Einsteid hope that the Aether did in fact exist.

>> No.15202072
File: 946 KB, 1x1, classical_doppler_michelson_morley.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Michelson-Morley disproved was their own analysis of the experiment.

>> No.15203548

>Why is the Michelson-Morley experiment often cited as providing evidence in support of relativity
Because academica is a giant scam. How can you prove or disprove eather when the reflectors are hardwired to the emission source is an easy to grasp question and only people who went gaga through study university bullshit did not ask that at first.