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15184669 No.15184669 [Reply] [Original]

>created the numerals and number system we use today
>described factorials
>created algebra and trigonometry
>created the immediate precursors to calculus
>developed modernish concepts about gravity
Why doesn't India (or China for that matter) get any respect for its contributions to maths and science? Everybody acts like the Greeks invented everything.

>> No.15184674

Good morning sirs!

>> No.15184690

The way history is taught in schools is eurocentric and white supremacist. Cultures outside of Europe are never covered, and they pretend the more than 2000 years of civilizations before the Greeks never happened.

>> No.15184708

Because they did none of those things. It's all just racially centrist historians coping about the lack of contributions so the clutch weird straws without any evidence (there are virtually no original writings that survive for any of the usual claims, which themselves are nearly always overstated).

When Indians leave their racial supremacist sheltered education system they become confused that no else acknowledges their claims. Mostly because it's outright lies or "discoveries" that came thousands of years after others already discovered it.

>created the numerals and number system we use today
The decimal system is Egyptian. The symbol and use of zero as a placeholder is from Ancient Greece, the first use, however, is Sumerian and later Babylonian.
The font (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) is by Fibonnaci. The "Arabic" number system he cited was in reference to a style of arithmetic the Arabs had (which in turn is mostly Grecian). The unrelated Arabic number font can be traced back to Hindus hence "Hindu-Arabic", dropping the Arabic is disingenuous as the only real outside influence is the collection of Arabic arithmetic methods Fibonnaci studied.
>described factorials
Grecians, a full thousand years before the Indian claim.
>created algebra
Algebra as a field is Persian (al-Khwarizmi). The first use of symbolic math to solve problem is due to Diophantus as written in Arithmetica and its ultimate roots are again Sumeria.
>and trigonometry
Sumerian again, first formalised by Greeks. Indians didn't even discover it untill 500AD, a full 800 years after Europeans and never formalised
>created the immediate precursors to calculus
Completely false. Newton and Leibniz's FTC entirely cited and built on European precursors. The Indian series formulas were not discovered until the 20th century and it's mostly about integration and infintitesimals which they discovered 1000 after the Greeks.

>developed modernish concepts about gravity

>> No.15184716

It's the other way around. European schools give far too much credit to other cultures and study them, but not vice versa. Other cultures only focus on themselves and cherry pick to build racist narratives.

>and they pretend the more than 2000 years of civilizations before the Greeks never happened.
Wrong. Western Canon does indeed start with Greeks because modern education is a 2000 year old system built on top the Trivium and Quadrivium in turn built on Ancient Grecian education. But Europeans have never dismissed contributions from Egyptians. Only more recently have the contributions by Sumerians become apparent and this is now being highlighted in European education.

You are forgetting that these are ruins of dead cultures that Europeans found and they had to be pieced back together. It took time.

>> No.15184718

Because they did nothing with it. It's white people who applied it to real world and hence succeeded in world domination.

>> No.15184722

Here's some real history for those who are interested.
>The first documented systematic technique capable of determining integrals is the method of exhaustion of the ancient Greek astronomer Eudoxus (ca. 370 BC), which sought to find areas and volumes by breaking them up into an infinite number of divisions for which the area or volume was known.[1] This method was further developed and employed by Archimedes in the 3rd century BC and used to calculate the area of a circle, the surface area and volume of a sphere, area of an ellipse, the area under a parabola, the volume of a segment of a paraboloid of revolution, the volume of a segment of a hyperboloid of revolution, and the area of a spiral.[2]
(NOTE: 700 year time gap)
>A similar method was independently developed in China around the 3rd century AD by Liu Hui, who used it to find the area of the circle. This method was later used in the 5th century by Chinese father-and-son mathematicians Zu Chongzhi and Zu Geng to find the volume of a sphere.[3]
>In the Middle East, Hasan Ibn al-Haytham, Latinized as Alhazen (c.965 – c.1040 AD) derived a formula for the sum of fourth powers.[4] He used the results to carry out what would now be called an integration of this function, where the formulae for the sums of integral squares and fourth powers allowed him to calculate the volume of a paraboloid.[5]

>> No.15184728

holy based

>> No.15184730

(NOTE: Another 800 year time gap, a full 1700 years after the Greeks:)
>Some ideas on calculus later appeared in Indian mathematics, at the Kerala school of astronomy and mathematics.[11] Madhava of Sangamagrama in the 14th century, and later mathematicians of the Kerala school, stated components of calculus such as the Taylor series and infinite series approximations.[13] However, they did not combine many differing ideas under the two unifying themes of the derivative and the integral, show the connection between the two, and turn calculus into the powerful problem-solving tool we have today.[11]
(NOTE: despite the claims they about Taylor series they did nothing of the sort, It is using infinite series expansion to compute integrals and differentiations like the Greeks did
>The mathematical study of continuity was revived in the 14th century by the Oxford Calculators and French collaborators such as Nicole Oresme. They proved the "Merton mean speed theorem": that a uniformly accelerated body travels the same distance as a body with uniform speed whose speed is half the final velocity of the accelerated body.[14]
(NOTE: The only systematic development in all this time that improved ancient integral and differential techniques in use since the time of the Ancient Sumerians/Egyptians is Merton's mean speed theorem.
>The next significant advances in integral calculus did not begin to appear until the 17th century. At this time, the work of Cavalieri with his method of Indivisibles, and work by Fermat, began to lay the foundations of modern calculus,[6] with Cavalieri computing the integrals of xn up to degree n = 9 in Cavalieri's quadrature formula.[7] The case n = −1 required the invention of a function, hyperbolic logarithm, achieved by quadrature of the hyperbola in 1647.
>Further steps were made in the early 17th century by Barrow and Torricelli, who provided the first hints of a connection between integration and differentiation.

>> No.15184844

Because the indians that did all that got badly mutted out of existence

>> No.15184859

>european people and their descendants teach eurocentric history.

>> No.15184906

and this is why we need black history month

>> No.15184913

For africa.

>> No.15185024
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>they pretend the more than 2000 years of civilizations before the Greeks never happened
Nigger we know what we know about the pre greek history in egypt and the middle east because european scholars were the first ones able to translate ancient texts from these periods and because europeans dug out ancient sites and cities.

>> No.15185055

Of course, the midwit in >>15184690 remembers that he was taught about Egyptians and how they invented the decimal system just like every single primary school in the West. But he thinks he will get praise (and he hopes by magic; pussy) anyway by acting like an evil cunt that can only shit on y.t. people and worship African Americans (but only if they are making decisions for them, because, of course, black people have no agency without old white Jewish activist women telling them what to do!).

So just saying some vaguely grumpy rhetoric without any substantiated facts is the standard fallback whenever such brainlets have nothing of value to add to a conversation. Just say "white supremacist" and hope some other retard in the room who recently managed to concentrate long enough to read their 4 page marxist pamphlet for the day supports them.

>> No.15185061
File: 203 KB, 1024x1339, Formulas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey nigger, what do these 18 names have in common?

how about you fuck off to whatever shithole you disgracefully leaked from?

>> No.15185139

Linear regression should be on here. Also Enstein's field equation, not the gay energy mass equivalence which is not even due to him.

>> No.15185167

>The way history is taught in schools is eurocentric and white supremacist.
God I wish.

>> No.15185179
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*predates pythagoras by 1300 years

>> No.15185205

Not only are many of those attributed to the wrong person, proving OP's point, but they're not nearly as important as the discovery/conception of fundamental things like ZERO and NEGATIVE NUMBERS, you braindead dipshit.

>> No.15185212

The indians who came up with zero did not look like modern indians

>> No.15185228

As a tail end millenial I was demoralised for most of my life since they intentionally hid the history of our ancestors from us. I remember every time a scientists or mathematician's profile was posted it was some token foreigner with no relation to the body of the text and later some Jews (who they went to great lengths to emphasise should not be considered white Europeans) invovled in some controversial political issue. In history classes they glossed over most European history skipping to WW2 and communism while having several pages dedicated to various speculative theories about the possble civilization that could have existed from some Phoenician walls they dug up in Zimbabwe, but no writing or anything objective to actually talk about. And of course several chapter on Incas, Mayas and other dead civilizations. It was not until I got much older that I found out how much I was lied to and that whites invented virtually everything and built everything that matters. No one else really contributed to modern civilization at all. You have some dead civilizations who did great and interesting things (that white archeologists dug up while locals thought it was full of ghosts), and some token people that did things independently, but they were not in contact with us and not part of our continent's story. Mostly they just did things long after we did and try to We Wuz as Western civilization. This entire exercise has made me extremely hateful, simply because they wanted to destroy my identity and not give me the right be inspired. I would be a far less cynical and bitter person if they simply told me the objective truth.

This is what happens when we relegate matters of culture and history to the dumbest, low IQ people in our society who are more interested in destroying our culture than buidling it up.

>> No.15185235

>Phoenician walls they dug up in Zimbabwe
do you mean great zimbabwe the arab mining and trading outpost?

>> No.15185242

I stopped at the buzzword
please get yourself a personality and a brain and then and only then,come back

>> No.15185265

Yeah, I just checked the wikipedia page. Same walls. My highschool textbook still said this "might have been Phoenician", that's how little they fucking knew about it and still shoved down our throats. I guess the basic argument was that the bronze age spread and then iron ages cities were built by Shona or whatever and they speculated they had writing etc. I tried to find the original source my textbook used on wikipedia, but gave up, it was probably the Semitic author's own delusional anti-colonial ramblings.

Btw the title of the first relevant cited source is quite telling kek:

>Beach, David (1998). "Cognitive Archaeology and Imaginary History at Great Zimbabwe". Current Anthropology. 39: 47–72.

>> No.15185280

If you look into the history down there they used to worship blue eyed gods.
there's also a jewish tribe founded by 6 or 7 men escaping the muslim genocides in yemen from over a thousand years ago, it's like three small villages

>> No.15185371

The Egyptians also computed triplets even before the Akkadians. Pythagoras has the Theorem named after him for proving the generating formula, not just computing it.

>> No.15185434

The Pythagorean theorem doesn't let you generate integer triples. It's essentially the same thing the Babylonians had 1000 years before and the Indians had a couple hundred years earlier

>> No.15185438

Also I should note the Babylonians DID have that, considering that the size of the triples they list are too large to have been brute forced.

>> No.15186425

>The rigorous theorem and abstracted geometric understanding doesn't allow you to generate triplets.
>But this table of computed values, which contains numerous errors, with no relation to geometry is solid proof.
>Also the Indian who has no actual written source until several centuries AD did it earlier just because I say so.
>No mention of Egyptian source.

Are you, perhaps, a teeny, tiny bit biased and racist? It's rhetorical, don't think too hard on it.

The reason Euclid doesn't reference pre-Pathygoras mathematicians is because they didn't exist. Accountants and architects in dead civilizations are not relevant to the development of the theorem.

>> No.15186527

>newton peed his whole life but still needed an apple to fall on his head to figure out gravity existed

>> No.15187388

Babylonians related "pythagorean" triples to triangles 1000 years before he was born. They also generated triples too large to brute force.

>> No.15187810

The character Pythagoras was likely a myth. Mathematicians like Euclid and other at the time probably only used him as a mythical source of the knowledge discovered in Greece prior or from the near east by people whose names are forgotten in their works.

>> No.15188075

For such geniuses, why do they live in squalor?

>> No.15188120
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and now they're doing it again but with AI

>> No.15188184

Beacuse they don't do shit today

>> No.15188189

>>created the numerals and number system we use today
Thanks to the Muslims

>> No.15188221

Muslims are based. They keep their women in line and from ruining shit, and kill their homosexuals.

>> No.15188228
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Oh anon, but they do shit, in fact, quite a lot...

>> No.15188232

holy fucking SHIT!
That's a larger concern that climate change! NUKE INDIA!

Now show us the amount of shit 2 billion Chinese flush into the oceans.

>> No.15188277
File: 56 KB, 768x757, cor-1-768x757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was actually the wave amplitude from the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake. Here's the real map
Still, agree with nuking India and Chyna

>> No.15188296

>created the numerals and number system we use today
>described factorials
>created algebra and trigonometry
>created the immediate precursors to calculus
>developed modernish concepts about gravity

>and they used all those advancements to develop designated shitting streets

>> No.15188308

untrue. i'm a child of the early 2000's in high school. it was all mezoamerica, natives, mesopotamia, egyptians, and civil rights. barely learned about europe. i don't know shit about the napoleonic wars.

>> No.15188311

>barely learned about europe. i don't know shit about the napoleonic wars.
Typical trash public education system.
Any parent that doesn't homeschool or private school is trash now.

>> No.15188372

Mine predominantly skimmed through all the exciting parts of classical Europe to focus on the 19th and 20th century, usually through some ideological lens. Guess it helps to be from a smaller country, so it has to place an emphasis on its own history. When we got to US history it was a shitshow. Slavery, civil rights, Bush administration.
t. Norwegian

>> No.15192238

>The decimal system is Egyptian. The symbol and use of zero as a placeholder is from Ancient Greece, the first use, however, is Sumerian and later Babylonian.
The font (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) is by Fibonnaci. The "Arabic" number system he cited was in reference to a style of arithmetic the Arabs had (which in turn is mostly Grecian). The unrelated Arabic number font can be traced back to Hindus hence "Hindu-Arabic", dropping the Arabic is disingenuous as the only real outside influence is the collection of Arabic arithmetic methods Fibonnaci studied.
The one thing you don't mention in this drivel is the use of zero in the place value system (not just as a placeholder), which was indeed done by Indians and is the most important aspect of the modern number system. Try adding numbers greater than 100 using your Roman numerals alone and see how much longer it takes, let alone doing other operations.

>> No.15192239

>Grecians, a full thousand years before the Indian claim.
>In Indian mathematics, one of the earliest known descriptions of factorials comes from the Anuyogadvāra-sūtra,[2] one of the canonical works of Jain literature, which has been assigned dates varying from 300 BCE to 400 CE.[3]
>In Europe, although Greek mathematics included some combinatorics, and Plato famously used 5040 (a factorial) as the population of an ideal community, in part because of its divisibility properties,[8] there is no direct evidence of ancient Greek study of factorials.
I concede that the credit for the early development of algebra must not go to Indians alone, but Brahmagupta still played a significant role in it as mentioned in Brahma Sphuta Siddhanta in 628 CE where he solved linear and quadratic equations for both positive and negative roots, gave methods for computing square roots and the rules for summing series before Al-Khwarizmi was born.
>first formalised by Greeks
Greeks worked on trigonometric functions first, yes. But the modern convention for sine, cosine and sine inverse were developed in India, starting with the Surya Siddhantha and further developed by Aryabhata, Bhaskara, Brahmagupta and Madhava (who gave the series expansion for trig and inverse trig functions in the 1400s, 200 years before Newton and Leibniz), all legends.
>The Indian series formulas were not discovered until the 20th century and it's mostly about integration and infintitesimals which they discovered 1000 after the Greeks.
You are the one who is blatantly wrong. The precursors to calculus he is talking about is the Madhava series (also called Leibniz series) which Madhava of Sangamagrama discovered in the 1400s, 200 years before Leibniz.

>> No.15192702

Ok coping pooskin, here's your (You)
>the place value system
The Greeks literally used ό as a place value for zero (in certain applications, not in their primary number system). This symbol is also far closer to the modern zero which looks nothing like the Indian zero and it's probably where it actually came from. The Greeks were opposed to using zero as a standalone natural number, not as a placeholder.

>Try adding numbers greater than 100 using your Roman numerals alone and see how much longer it takes, let alone doing other operations.
This is far more impressive. Greeks used [math] M^{\!\!\!\!\! {}^\beta}[/math] for these factors, so in fact they literally had a more compact way of expressing numbers than Fibonacci's modern system. The Roman numeral system is comfy for the low numbers that it was used for, that doesn't mean they didn't have anything better.

>300 BCE to 400 CE
Plato lived ~428 BC so this predates the Indians, almost by a thousand years in the latter estimate. How am I wrong? SInce Greeks didn't study it formally and abstractly? Nothing in Indian math is formal and abstract until they adopted modern Western education. It was all number crunching arithmetic, nothing the Egyptians and Sumerians didn't have.

>> No.15192727

>I concede that the credit for the early development of algebra must not go to Indians alone,
It doesn't go to them at all. There is no evidence that al-Khwarizmi cited anyone in India on quadratics. The debate on the father of algebra is between al-Khwarizmi and Diophantus. Indian achievements of intermediate results are seperate from the developments in the rest of the world.

Objectively Diophantus was the first to solve equations using symbolic representation of quanitites. al-Khwarizmi deseves to be called father of the field for organising the knowledge. These two are connected and recognised for abstracting and distilling the algorithms and computations that the Babylonians already had. Siddhanta does not factor into this story.

>You are the one who is blatantly wrong. The precursors to calculus he is talking about is the Madhava series (also called Leibniz series) which Madhava of Sangamagrama discovered in the 1400s, 200 years before Leibniz.
You didn't read what I said. First of all there is no surviving evidence of Madhava's work, only later allusions, these in turn were first found in the modern era after colonialism.

Secondly they are not a "precursor" to calculus. Primarily they are not required for the development of FTC at all -like completely irrelevant to the development of modern calculus-, secondarily because Europeans who developed modern calculus were not aware of them.

Your posts are pure, racist cope.

>> No.15192771

>I concede that the credit for the early development of algebra must not go to Indians alone
Where do you fucking cucks even get off on statements likes this? No one outside of India thinks that Indians had anything to do with it. What a feminine attempt to We Wuz try and claim partial credit for the achievements of others.

>> No.15193916

>The Greeks literally used ό as a place value for zero
No, they didn't, you dumbfuck.
>The renowned mathematicians among the Ancient Greeks, who learned the fundamentals of their math from the Egyptians, did not have a name for zero, nor did their system feature a placeholder as did the Babylonian. They may have pondered it, but there is no conclusive evidence to say the symbol even existed in their language. It was the Indians who began to understand zero both as a symbol and as an idea.
>Brahmagupta, around 650 AD, was the first to formalize arithmetic operations using zero...
>The Sand Reckoner
Except it's only used to represent large numbers, not to perform operations on them. And if it was "far more impressive", then why doesn't the world use that instead of the Hindu numeral system?
>How am I wrong?
Just because he used a number which can be considered a factorial doesn't mean they actually studied factorials. The Jains literally used factorials in the context of permutations and combinations while Plato used 5040 for its divisibility.

>> No.15193917

>Diophantus was the first to solve equations using symbolic representation of quanitites.
Diophantus' solution to the quadratic equation had only one root while Brahmagupta's had both roots since he was the first to give an understanding of the role of zero in arithmetic, rules for manipulating both negative and positive numbers and a method for computing square roots in his Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta.
>there is no surviving evidence of Madhava's work
Wrong. A couple of them did survive and the citations of his work from later Kerala mathematicians are enough to prove the influence of his work.
>Europeans who developed modern calculus were not aware of them.
That is still under debate
>Given the fame of the Kerala school, and the interest shown by some of the Jesuit groups during this period in local scholarship, some scholars, including G. Joseph of the U. Manchester have suggested[30] that the writings of the Kerala school may have also been transmitted to Europe around this time, which was still about a century before Newton.[31]
>Your posts are pure, racist cope.
>Calls me pooskin.
>But I'm the racist for stating facts.

>> No.15193919

>Why doesn't India (or China for that matter) get any respect for its contributions to maths and science?
What does it matter? Today’s India and China are at best third or second tier in science
>Everybody acts like the Greeks invented everything.
Because Europeans are at the top of the world, and they ostensibly derive their blueprint of civilization from the Greeks

>> No.15193992

You're proving his point. Assuming nothing happened between 530BC and 1610, no matter how incremental, to enable all the subsequent work, is dishonest at best.

>> No.15193995

>Because Europeans are at the top of the world
You mispelled American
>inb4 they're EuRoPeAn

>> No.15193999

>It's the other way around. European schools give far too much credit to other cultures and study them, but not vice versa. Other cultures only focus on themselves and cherry pick to build racist narratives.
Your worldview hinges on /pol/ memes
Get help

>> No.15194138

>Why doesn't India (or China for that matter) get any respect for its contributions to maths and science?
Because none of those claims are true. It's just the same old anti-white bullshit we see everywhere. Trying to erase Europeans both from history and from the present.

>> No.15194142

>It's the other way around. European schools give far too much credit to other cultures and study them, but not vice versa. Other cultures only focus on themselves and cherry pick to build racist narratives.

>> No.15196983

>they pretend the more than 2000 years of civilizations before the Greeks never happened.

Because pre-greek history was completly outshined by the greek one.

Simple as.

>> No.15199242

I have no idea of what you were tought in school, but here in Italy our school history program starts with the ancient civilization around Tigris and Euphrates, then Egypt, then Greeks and later whole of Europe.
India and China are not much covered but the whole subject is very extensive and unbiased:
we teach exactly what happens during fascism and WWII and the brutality of the conquest in Ethiopia, all made by Italy.
Our school programs right now end around the USA invasion of Afghanistan if I remember correctly, we keep some years between current here and last events tought in school.
I say this just to explain how we are not cherry picking anything and explain shit for what it is.
Almost no country is on the same note

>> No.15199245

They invented the street before the toilet which was their fatal flaw and ultimate downfall

>> No.15199249

> we teach exactly what happens during fascism and WWII
Yeah Nope, no one does that. Teaching "exactly" what happened during Fascism and WW2 Would be very Antisemitic.

>> No.15199268

>created the numerals and number system we use today
>described factorials
>created algebra and trigonometry
>created the immediate precursors to calculus
>developed modernish concepts about gravity
No idea what you're talking about.

>> No.15199300

>created algebra and trigonometry
what parts of algebra and trigonometry do you think the chinese and indians didnt have?

>> No.15199319

My nigga, another way to say someone is stingy with money in Italian is that he's a rabbi.
But for real, we even explain the reasons that brought Nazism to power, one is that the Jews controlled a disproportionate amount of wealth. In Italy the racial law were applied just to pander to Hitler because Jews were a small fraction of Italian population and most of them already lived in ghettos.
Not like the ghettos were the same as it is indented today, they were the districts were the Jews had to live in because not Christian until about the the 20th century, then the laws changed.

>> No.15199418

>everythang was becoz wealth disparidy xD
Sounds like marxist nonsense

>> No.15199432

No it was because da joos were stealing German kids foreskin and moustache man was searching for an excuse to try out his brend new oven.
Fucking retard.
Wealth disparity was ONE OF THE reasons that Shoah happened but still an important one.

>> No.15200453
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Because their accomplishments are entirely trivial compared to Europeans.

>> No.15200461

>Why doesn't India (or China for that matter) get any respect for its contributions to maths and science? Everybody acts like the Greeks invented everything.
Because fuck you, that's why. If Indians have the right to obsess over their minor contributions endlessly and downplay the accomplishments of everyone else, then Western nations have the right to focus on the contributions of Western thinkers.

>> No.15200463
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he Holocaust -- insofar as that means a state-sponsored and purposeful genocide of Jews, primarily through death showers using a delousing agent and diesel engine exhaust -- did not happen. What did happen was that Jews were rounded up and sent to concentration camps, like the Japanese in America. And tens of thousands died from disease, starvation, particularly towards the end of the war as German infrastructure and supply lines were collapsing.
Many have heard of the old axioms
>History is written by the hands of the victor
>History is a set of agreed upon lies - Napoleon
But a small subset actually consider what that may mean and its implications.

>> No.15200506
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You probably won't listen to me. Hell maybe I'm wrong. I seriously doubt it though but obviously you have no reason to trust a 4chan schizo. What's more you might be the (living in france?) schizo who shows up in any Shoah thread, be it /his/, /pol/, or /sci/.
But even if so, consider that the implications of it being victor war atrocity propaganda encoded into law are profound. Post WW2 morality is in many ways centered around it. Bad is defined as that which Hitler and the Germans advocated (e.g. eugenics, ethnonationalism, epistocracy/autocracy, anti-liberalism, JQ etc.), and good as the opposite (humanitarianism, liberalism, internationalism, open borders, "democracy", anti-"racism" etc.).
In short, the modern West's tree of life is poisoned; built on a house of cards dispelling lies. Hence the clown world you see today.

>> No.15200516

>>created the numerals and number system we use today
>>described factorials
>>created algebra and trigonometry
>>created the immediate precursors to calculus
>>developed modernish concepts about gravity
how do you know they were first?
>inb4 muh historical research
the same historical research that made us believe it was the romans?
nobody cares brownoid, this will not make you pass Calculus 1

>> No.15200582

I see your point, honestly it's very plausible.
The thing is that if you want to revert the clown world you can't opposite it with fascism because you would lose before starting, seen how radicalizied in people's mind is the idea of Hitler and his friends just as pure evil.
Just wait till people start dying of hunger and then they will understand.
Either that or the whole world will become an evil empire run by a single elite with the rest of humanity being slaves.
About 50/50.

>> No.15200619
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>> No.15200678

Weird cope. He lived in Syracuse in Magna Graecia and ran a school there where he promulgated his strange divine number and triangle-based religious cult.

>> No.15200691


>> No.15200696

jesus walked on water

>> No.15200705

>jesus walked on water
This is a purported supernatural act, whereas Pythagoras was a crazy old man who raved about triangles. They aren't comparable.

>> No.15200721
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>> No.15200732
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>Why doesn't India get any respect for its contributions to maths and science
Why do you give a fuck, you weirdo? What is it with you useless brainlets coming over to the science and math board to... not talk about science and math but pose questions the fucking humanities should be concerned with.

For the record, there is NO point whatsoever in praising countries, out of all things, for "their" contribution to science and math. The people responsible for propelling their field further are all credited aptly.
If anything, you should be concerned with popularizing individual scientists and mathematicians, whose work doesn't get nearly enough credit today.
Another thing: These ancient discoveries are so fucking elementary, it's not even worth talking about. Even if your petty, nationalist attempt at activism were successful, all you'd effectively cause is some professors adding a few very tiny footnotes to the historical pre-ambles of the undergrad curriculum, which already are an afterthought in their own right (especially "ancient math"), and by that, I take it, "dispel" the "eurocentric" perception of ancient math but only that.

There really is much more interesting stuff to discuss, faggot.

>> No.15200851

Just because black science man is a hack doesn't mean he doesn't exist. Likewise for Pythagoras, smoothbrain.

>> No.15200876

you should consider returning to reddit

>> No.15200916

>how do you know they were first?
We don't. But we know they were before the people who are given credit (greeks mainly, but also other europeans)

>> No.15201319

I'm indian and I don't give a shit, it's only the few select individuals who contribute to maths, science, and philosophy, the majority of humanity does basically jack shit.