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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 387 KB, 1656x1604, 1675959036060804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15198631 No.15198631 [Reply] [Original]

i have lost all faith in theoretical physics, cosmology, quantum mechanics, multiverse theories, string theory, and anything "working" on a subatomic level.

>> No.15198641

Good, now redirect the faith you once had in those satanic paths to the path of our lord and savior Wamphyrus Christ, Jesus Arisen in the Carpathian Second Sun

>> No.15198650

If you can't see it with your own eyes it's not real

>> No.15198662

Welcome, glad you're finally macropilled. All of the things you listed are just more sophisticated crypto scams. It's basically
>say a lot of smart sounding stuff
>get envious midwest to give you money
Except instead of Norks and Chinese organized crime, it's governments and university endowments funding them.

>> No.15198679

i stopped caring about anything astrophysics when they starteg talking about a random asteroid possibly be a spaceship

the gender theory of science

>> No.15198685

I stopped caring when they posted a "4k photograph" of a "black hole" that was actually based on about 8 bytes of image data.

>> No.15198689

gets the funding scams going

>> No.15198786
File: 14 KB, 390x220, jwst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i prefer the trend of posting pictures of sausage and saying its space pics to the propaganda images nasa produces. sausage is delicious and the soience sois can't tell the difference so no harm no foul, seems like a positive trend

>> No.15198802

But how can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't?

>> No.15198818

Cosmology especially is a way to let atheists tithe.

>> No.15198968

Why would you lump MWI in with real physics? And why would you lose faith about an unfalsifiable "interpretation" which isn't remotely necessary for quantum mechanics to be a valid theory (i.e. produce accurate predictions)?

Pop science did that, not astrophysicists.

>> No.15199010
File: 21 KB, 1024x546, mike tyson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pop science did that, not astrophysicists.
astrophysicists are all popsci, they serve no useful purpose other than providing the public with colorful space pictures and plot devices for hollywood movies. astrophysics isn't like chemistry where some of the science has useful application and meaningful impact for life here on earth, if astrophysics wasn't funded by popular demand, it wouldn't exist.

>> No.15199028

>Bose-Einstein condensate appears behind you
Nothing personnel kid

>> No.15200388 [DELETED] 

>if astrophysics wasn't funded by popular demand, it wouldn't exist.
"popular demand" exists because its an all female science, like every other female enterprise, it needs to be subsidized to succeed. and the female feminists support it because its female and the male feminists support it because they're desperate cucks

>> No.15200682

its called growing up

>> No.15200699

The funny part is that you consider yourself intelligent.

>> No.15200815

>Astrophysics is pop sci because I don't know anything about it except what pop sci tells me

>> No.15200857

Cool, study chemistry or HVAC or whatever

>> No.15200862

Private funding for astrophysics/astronomy has been a thing since forever. Physicists demand funding for what you consider useless or they refuse to work on useful science, its all or nothing.

>> No.15200867
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>> No.15200881

The truth sometimes hurts

And the truth is we don't know everything.
We're apes trying to figure out the universe. Shit takes time and is hard. We're gonna be wrong a fair few more times than we're right as we move towards understanding.

So congrats, you lost faith! Now you can admire the slow process of no longer requiring faith as humanity over coming centuries figure shit out!

>> No.15200890

There's also no way to know what is actually useful and not in advance.

Sometimes we find out something amazing. Mostly it's barely nothing

>> No.15200891

The sophons are doing their job, I wonder how long we have left before the dark forest strike?

>> No.15202022

good, faith is unscientific. take no assertion at face value and be prepared to investigate it yourself

the conflation of credentialism with science is an unfortunate byproduct of academia within capitalism (since it becomes a certificate selling business), so unfortunately you may need to expend personal resources to do these investigations and may see little to no return on it.

honesty and openness just aren't very competitive in capitalism when dishonesty and omission can be so profitable - it's certainly a shame that science cannot function if it allows ANY of the latter to persist, but academic institutions selling certificates can still function regardless of their scientific merits so long as they can profit off of the faith the general public has in the value of their certificates

>> No.15202145

go back to zoo, ape

>> No.15202147

Losing faith in CURRENT human understand of science is OK. Keep the love for science!

>> No.15202165
File: 277 KB, 879x485, jwst-april2021.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Private funding for astrophysics/astronomy
its not a penny compared to the stupid amount of money printer output nasa routinely wastes on making pointless colorful trippy space pictures for drooling, drugged out soience fiction media zombies.

>> No.15202205

>$88 billion
you do know the most pessimistic estimates of JWST's total cost don't break $12 billion total, right?

>> No.15202212

The only people in this world I trust are engineers.

>> No.15202216
File: 118 KB, 1200x1200, 1663318913903050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you possibly lose faith in MWI? And what about dark matter? There's no other possible interpretation without contradictions
Shut up retard

>> No.15202244

>its only $12 billion
get a load of the flamboyant multibillionaire, $12 billion is no big deal to him, when its other people's money that being ostentatiously wasted. we all know hes a penny pincher when it comes to his own personal funds, the grandiose generosity stops when other people's money runs out.
they have a bottom line, they know ever penny that was spent, they keep it secret in order to hide their shame and embarrassment at what was promised to be an "only" $500 million of other people's money telescope. thats what they bought too, stupidly paid well more than $12 billion for $500 million worth of telescope, but who cares about the price tag when its other people's money. ZOG soientists don't to produce anyhing at all to "earn" their exorbitant paychecks, stupid soience midwits in school don't pay taxes at all, they don't care how their greed for ever bigger and more grandiose free flamboyant toys affects the people paying the bills. they just wanna drool and look at colorful space blogs and imagine themselves as "enlightened" or some gay shit

>> No.15203224

explain your computer

>> No.15203229

Quantum mechanics might explain what we observe and be a useful tool but that does not mean it has any connection to reality. What we have are ways of calculating things not descriptions.

>> No.15203356

Dude, I'm gonna type as sober as possible, that honestly looks fucking pathetic and disgusting compared to my meal. And I'm being one hundred percent serious. Sorry we don't cook shit that was previously in cans. Don't ever post your fucking families poverty dinner on these forums ever the fuck again bro, and by bro I mean never my bro, fucking nerd. You're a fucking joke dude, and I'm dead fucking serious. Get a real family that cooks good food, drinks beer and wine and winecoolers and has a good fucking time, and has a millionaire house on the beach. I'm serious.

>> No.15203367

you have no faith in your device's battery?

>> No.15203391

That's engineering, or chemistry if you're feeling generous.

>> No.15203443

Can someone explain how renormalization is mathematically valid?

>> No.15203454

It isn't.

>> No.15203475

>i got filtered by physics
thanks for letting us know, cool blogpost, unsubscribed

>> No.15203691

if fire in cave goes out, nothing real? me scared.