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15196308 No.15196308 [Reply] [Original]

Scientists to be replaced by software. I guess publishing irreproducible nonsense isn't as difficult as the professionals were making it out to be. ChatGPT can pound out a perfectly good soience article for a tiny percentage of the cost of having a human fraud artist do it

>> No.15196310

Just imagine the future after neuromorphic computing

>> No.15196312
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>statistical regurgitator learns standardized template and generic toy problems

>> No.15196339

you'd require several years of expensive grad school to pull off the same trick, the software can do it way cheaper

>> No.15196342

Are you fucking retarded? You think people study for years to "pull off a tick"? They do it to be able to solve real problems, not to pass generic interview questions that a mindless bot can solve.

>> No.15196343

if robots can build houses and buildings for agricultures why are you going to make us live in pods and eat bugs though. What are you an asshole?

>> No.15196346

>You think people study for years to "pull off a tick"?
Most of them do yes. That's why 90% of all scientific articles are fraudulent.

>> No.15196349
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ChatGPT can't even pull off basic reasoning. "AI" isn't real. You are a victim of mass psychosis generated by corporate PR teams.

>> No.15196351

can it do engineering?
I can't check i lost my password.

>> No.15196352

>the software can do it way cheaper
Then what do we need accreditation for?

Checkmate, academics. Everyone should have the right to engineer bridges.

>> No.15196354

This would pass most peer review boards if your conclusions were politically convenient to them. The future of climate science is secure with ChatGPT.

>> No.15196361

Cool. Who cares? If your "research" is so worthless no one would ever notice if it's completely wrong, you are a parasite and deserve to be replaced.

>> No.15196369

You're fooling yourself if you believe the vast majority of the workforce isn't expressed with those terms.

>> No.15196373

Coding interview asks for 20 to 200 line code leet code snippets, which chatGPT happens to be good at.
But software engineering is 50% planning, managing, meetings, etc.
Clearly chatGPT "passed" to answer some technical questions and not being rude. It didn't pass to be "a good fit for the team", since it can't function as a software engineer.
tl;dr this is a meme

>> No.15196376

Why do you guys act like victims?
You gave a bunch of people work from home jobs that are useless for no reason.
Yes I'm kind of jealous desu Well I'm glad those smug cunts are getting fired though

>> No.15196384

I can tell that you're experiencing emotional distress because of your use of profanity, why don't you take a "time out" from the board and calm down a little so that you can come back ready to discuss science objectively without getting all emotional over it

>> No.15196388

You're fooling yourself if you believe you are capable of forming your own thoughts and that your regurgitations aren't a mix of AI hysteria and corporate predictive programming.

>> No.15196394

I don't think AI can do research as it currently is. It grabs info from a database doesn't it?
Research is about coming up with new data.

>> No.15196404

no it isn't research is about reaching foregone conclusions in order to justify setting up false premises for some hidden agenda or another

>> No.15196414

It's blatantly obvious you've never written any paper in your life.
Experimental research makes up only 50% of the actual work. And that's generous.
There are entire """scientific""" fields that don't do actual real world experiments at all.

>> No.15196424

no, your parents won't feed you forever, eventually you'll have to get yourself a job and make a living for yourself.
reminder you have to be >=18 to post

>> No.15196433

Isn't experiments part of the scientific method
Never claimed I wrote a paper though