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File: 1.17 MB, 4096x2018, 1672290401506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15191720 No.15191720 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>15186533

>> No.15191724
File: 97 KB, 1322x874, 1665871757104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

birb genocide edition btw

>> No.15191727
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>> No.15191731

why the fuck did you choose the over saturated crap?

>> No.15191736
File: 3.69 MB, 1280x720, 1673818813996.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile on the css
>experiments being transferred to the outside of CSS via Mengtian module’s experiment airlock

it was the first decent pic i took from the other thread

>> No.15191739

>previous >>15186533
thats the current thread, a legendary titan, the largest /sfg/ in recent memory. attempting to usurp it's legacy while its still living is fake and gay. please delete this counterfeit /sfg/, we will never accept it as the real thing

>> No.15191749
File: 1.49 MB, 4096x2731, 1675978235609483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was this one too
but >>15191739 is right

>> No.15191760

Literally too early, you’re going to break the treaty. We aren’t allowed to make threads before page 10

>> No.15191869
File: 772 KB, 1138x1612, spaceberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

image limit was reached so it's ok

>> No.15191917

>ass ninny

>> No.15191918

jannies broke the NAP when they purged a bunch of threads

>> No.15191920

no edition edition

>> No.15191931

Falcon 9/Heavy does just fine with large sections of ascent unable to handle engine-out events (first few seconds after liftoff and the entire second stage of flight). This is because Merlin 1D very, very rarely, fails. SpaceX seems to be accepting that Raptor is not as good. But if your engines are failing even before liftoff, and also right at ignition, then it seems to me you've got a substantial problem. tldr it's gonna take some two more months

>> No.15191933

Space colonization will just spread suffering to other planets


>> No.15191934
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15th for Thor

>> No.15191942
File: 501 KB, 604x411, Starship Final t Checklist Starship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are close bros...

>> No.15191944
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>> No.15191949

>static fire a complete success
>only 15 posts
/sfg/ is dead

>> No.15191961

Why is the tank farm so close, it freaks me out

>> No.15191962

>woodward effect - discredited
>em drive - discredited
>not a single mention of the Flyby Anomaly, an actual enigma with potential gravity control ramifications
Some pretty plebeian depths there

>> No.15191966

I don't think static fires are very good for the rocket.

>> No.15191972

>31/33 engines is a "complete success"

Sorry chuds but the faa is going to need to do a failure analysis to.determine the root cause of what went wrong in this test before they even think of issuing a launch license. Having anything fail to work is unacceptable.

>> No.15191974

>Full 33-engine static fire test of booster 7
who's gonna tell him?

>> No.15191978

>massive cold front rolled through
expect things to slow down in boca chica for awhile

>> No.15191982
File: 107 KB, 2048x2048, 1673022890793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

india is back, baby

>> No.15191983

You are a day late chud 1000+ post already happened during the event.

Just for reference. 33 Engine has ~ 1.5 T/W ratio. 31 engines have 1.4 T/W. Even 29 engine has 1.32 T/W ratio.

So it will be more than fine. Engine out capabilities of Superheavy is well known.

>> No.15191984

chicken wing edition

>> No.15191995
File: 139 KB, 520x894, spacecraft mutts goblino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15192000

Leave NSFer

>> No.15192004

>1.5 TWR ≈ 1200 m/s gravity losses
<1.2 TWR ≈ 1500 m/s gravity losses

So 1.4 would be maybe 100-200 m/s loss, this doesn’t affect starship’s launch or even reuse without payload, but it would reduce its Payload to orbit in reusable mode by 10-20 tons

>> No.15192007
File: 142 KB, 1200x675, 707E93EF-FA19-4C08-B35C-8E13AD7E6072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh your raptors failed when you were trying to propulsively land on a complicated tower with chopstick arms? That’s cute hahahahah good luck with that

>> No.15192013

>let me in
>I'm your dead husband
>I came back haha

>> No.15192018

>people still think 2030 is too early for people to go to mars
i know seven years isn't a long time, but it's not a short time either. i think people are too stuck on the idea that starship hls will dictate the momentum going forward. just because artemis 3 wont get to the moon until 2028 doesn't mean that spacex's mars program has to wait too.

>> No.15192019

Starship is empty for the first few case anyway. So from 150 ton to 130 ton, its no big deal. Even 100 to 80 ton is nothing due to empty shell.

>> No.15192039

>piece of foam hits your shitty space plane

>> No.15192041

Depends on how many times they land on Mars before that. The landing sequence looks super sketchy the way it pivots around. I wouldn't want to be on board that thing before they've landed there at least dozens of times with no issues


>> No.15192049

tell that to N1

>> No.15192051
File: 31 KB, 324x282, men+in+white+coats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come with us you Musk 1 fruitcake

>> No.15192052

Starship will fly 100 times before humans ever get on board. It will happen within 2-3 years from now. Mars will have atleast half a dozen landings before humans because cargo missions will take before humans anyway.

>> No.15192054

yeah spacex will definitely need a rigorous program leading up to the first manned landing

>> No.15192056

This is just a gut feeling but I’ll express my own thoughts on the matter:
• [part] of why SS is moving slower now is because it’s part of the artemis program and NASA / SX are being cautious
• once SS starts flying starlinks it will be a separate sort of “fly often, break often, learn from this” mentality
• SX will be going to Mars with NASA. I’m very confident on this. Musk will be able to do it alone quicker, but I’m willing to bet SX and NASA are already doing off-the-record talks about a strategy to some degree. NASA is getting a TON of experience right now with starship. And their ultimate goal is Mars, even if it’s not a top priority. Musk/SX will want to leverage all the contracts and perks of doing it with NASA so it will probably be way slower than 2030s but way faster than 2060s+ if NASA did it with SLS alone

>> No.15192057

>>>15191720 (OP)
Yeah those look like some spicy buffalo wings.

>> No.15192060

How much delta-v could a tether station remove? Might be worth setting up in Mars orbit if you're actually going there in serious numbers.

>> No.15192066
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>> No.15192067

>begin to study SSTO later this year

>> No.15192070
File: 118 KB, 712x516, ssto mockingbird-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmm looks familiar

>> No.15192072

Last thread has 1400 replies and hit image limit

This board is going to go balls to the walls when the orbital flight test happens

>> No.15192074

>begin research
They are installing powerpoint 2021.

>> No.15192076

>SpaceX seems to be accepting that Raptor is not as good
Kek. You're such a retard

>> No.15192078

retard bait

>> No.15192080
File: 646 KB, 1080x910, Screenshot 2023-02-10 at 9.11.16 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Russhit vaporware

found this the other day


>> No.15192083

>They are installing powerpoint 2021
Haha, I'm sure they're much further ahead than that

On an unrelated note does anyone have a product key for Windows 10 that they'd be willing to share for a brief period of time? Please send to MakeyevRDB2510@yandex.com

>> No.15192085
File: 2.25 MB, 1249x700, prototype payload bay.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Starship payload bay mechanism spotted

>> No.15192086
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>> No.15192090


>> No.15192092

>they fell for the hypersonic shape meme

>> No.15192094


>> No.15192096


>> No.15192099
File: 2.11 MB, 330x166, 1654212418252.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New flight-of-fancy fan render spotted

>> No.15192102

yes, and?

>> No.15192103

raptor will be iterated until it's MORE reliable than merlin.

>> No.15192106

Holy shit, and normies complain about Musk being the hype man.

>> No.15192108

Good, misery loves company.

>> No.15192109

At least it doesn’t look like they’re planning on spending several billion rubles and over a decade of work to build a launch complex for this.

>> No.15192115

Development for this supposedly began in 1992, i’m sure there has been plenty of corruption involved over the decades

>> No.15192122

>development began in 1992
>absolutely nothing to show to this day

>> No.15192128

Coincidentally, Angara also vegan development around 1992. It’s still in the testing phase lmao

>> No.15192140

stokebros, we got too cocky
where does the payload go?

>> No.15192156
File: 403 KB, 1170x765, 7BA95640-96B4-4233-B416-202B132C9DEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

payloads are stored between the balls
(russia is incapable of making non-spherical fuel tanks let’s be honest)

>> No.15192174
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, Skylon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to Skylon?

>> No.15192175

They had problems with the Office key, 10 more years.

>> No.15192182
File: 221 KB, 1088x791, FaceApp_1676042000620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Starship switched to hypergolics
Umm, based???

>> No.15192183

Lol project rho really does like it's furry webcomics

>> No.15192186

CKAN is unironically too complicated, KSP has probably THE easiest mod instal system I've ever seen, adding another software on top of it is useless

>> No.15192195

how will they direct the payload out that door. This thing is becoming more like the shuttle by the day

>> No.15192197

Raptor should've literally like a Merlin but methane fueled. Imagine the reliability, reusability and cost

>> No.15192198

Is it just me or is Raptor 2 way more reliable?

>> No.15192200

>release the payload from the adapter
>slowly back off

>> No.15192201


>> No.15192202
File: 475 KB, 2048x1365, E65C02E0-2BEA-4380-AAF3-F74D611C1EA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not being sarcastic either btw; they’ve barely done any Raptor swaps. Raptor 1 did that all the time

>> No.15192203

Absolute fucking retard lmao. There's a reason Raptor is not some dinky gg engine.

>> No.15192208

fuck the performance, reliability is more important

>> No.15192211
File: 625 KB, 2882x2183, 1656616150961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Space Force is meeting on Friday with industry, to discuss how the Defense Department might build a Commercial Augmentation Space Reserve — a space parallel to the existing air and maritime civil reserve fleets that can be called up by the government in times of crisis or conflict to support military missions.
>Those fleets work essentially by the US government giving participating firms preferential treatment in exchange for them keeping some of their airplanes and ships at the ready to be rapidly called into action. Further, the US government guarantees participants some level of compensation should they be attacked.
>one of the key issues facing government and industry as commercial space companies increasingly are providing national security services is how to ensure that those firms are able “to operate in crisis and conflict.”
>“Just as we saw the value of commercial space systems in the Ukraine crisis, we’ve also seen the potential vulnerability and [the possibility for] commercial capabilities to be attacked as well. And so we’ve got to consider commercial capabilities and how they operate not just now, but also in the time of crisis. And certainly, we must consider how they must operate in a time of conflict as well,”

>> No.15192213

You're barely getting to 350 isp with a gas generator Methalox engine (see Arianegroup's PROMETHEUS), it's probably good enough for a F9 to FH sized vehicle, not for a super heavy launcher

>> No.15192216

Remember the F-1's sl isp was 263

>> No.15192219
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>> No.15192220
File: 63 KB, 1000x703, BRdZ2PkCIAIvwEE.jpg_large (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're looking good bros, star colonies will be en route within the century

>> No.15192221

Now imagine what a good orbital bombardment would look like.

>> No.15192222

there's area for more engines under the booster, especially if you make them smaller

>> No.15192223

imagine the property disputes

>> No.15192225

One weird trick to avoid bunker busting precision munitions. Targeting planners hate it!

>> No.15192235

You think theyll be able to get humans on starship before artemis III?

>> No.15192236

Anon russia was ruled by literal bandits for the entire 90s

>> No.15192240

Russia’s actually done something like this since the Soviet days. Zenit spysats were very short duration craft, and Moscow had no idea when the filthy capitalists would get up to something that would need a lot of spying done in a hurry, so they’d have a stockpile of R7s that they could rush out to the pad if there was ever a need. This might lead to something like the USSF buying a dedicated booster and a set of upper stages to stockpile out at Vandenberg.

>> No.15192242

do you think Putin's a bandit?

>> No.15192243

No. But Artemis is also not meant by Gwynne when she says hundreds of launches. That refers to launching people and landing them in an atmosphere.
There will not be hundreds of flights before Artemis III

>> No.15192249

Would it be more efficient to launch rockets form a higher altitude? Like let’s say you found a flat plane in the Rocky Mountains that you could set up a launch pad (let’s ignore the logistics of setting this up) would there be any meaningful performance difference to want to do it this way?

>> No.15192251

Somewhat, but he did cull the oligarchs and poverty when he got into office

>> No.15192252

you can simply flare out the bottom like N-1 if the engines have not enough thrust

>> No.15192253

>would there be any meaningful performance difference
>to want to do it this way
No because >let’s ignore the logistics of setting this up

>> No.15192255

Probably. it could happen a day before, a week before a month before, whats the different?

>> No.15192256
File: 226 KB, 1080x1440, FolW_ssaIAAUKAs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clear chads.... she made it





#H3ロケット 試験機1号機を全力応援します

Translate Tweet

>> No.15192257

Yeah I thought about that but there are benefits to having the whole rocket be the same diameter

>> No.15192258


>> No.15192259

Im so happy for my wife

>> No.15192261

Yes, less time spent in the atmosphere and you would achieve greater thrust and efficiency at liftoff because of the lower air pressure at high altitudes.

>> No.15192262

JAXA noticed her!

>> No.15192263
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>> No.15192264

I'm her boyfriend, indeed it's so nice to hear bro.

>> No.15192266

Okay. Nothing wrong with some suffering,

>> No.15192268

Anon AI chatbots dont have emotions for you

>> No.15192271

She's real though.

>> No.15192272

It’s the spiritual successor to the space shuttle, yeah. A private space plane with better ability

>> No.15192276

yes, she is my real wife

>> No.15192277

Japan is fucking weird. The government produced some Isekai anime about the occupation of Kuril islands by Soviets.


>> No.15192278

yeah in america they wouldve made a marvel movie with an obese gay black female lead about the bombing of pearl harbor. faggot. japan is better than america in almost every way imaginable

>> No.15192279

>not a single mention of the Flyby Anomaly, an actual enigma with potential gravity control ramifications
That's completely baseless. Literally the only person claiming this is McCullough, and if EMdrive doesn't work then neither do his strange ideas.

>> No.15192281

Is there some r34 of her already?

>> No.15192282

no, she is pure and innocent

>> No.15192283
File: 76 KB, 634x414, 1FF3DD73-670E-4133-A6A5-266502E6A0D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many people has your country put on the moon?

>> No.15192284


>> No.15192286

That list of the companies and then there's Clear

>> No.15192288

Around a couple hundred. Yours?

>> No.15192289
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>> No.15192291

if the first starship is named after star trek im bombing boca chica in minecraft

>> No.15192292
File: 70 KB, 845x475, 1636428829093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She gives very clear moral support

>> No.15192295

Japanese companies really like blue text on white background

>> No.15192296

No. They do various stunts and flyovers at sports events. Maybe in Japan making some anime shows is a more efficient vector, which is weird to me.


>> No.15192300

>japan is better than america in almost every way imaginable
I'd avoid both

>> No.15192301
File: 2.90 MB, 406x720, 1658266487748.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

orbital flyovers when?

>> No.15192304

>japan is better than america in almost every way imaginable
いえ、違うだよ。バカじゃないの? 笑

>> No.15192305

Space Shuttle Constitution was renamed Space Shuttle Enterprise after fans of Star Trek implored NASA to name it as such after a specific craft from the show.

>> No.15192306
File: 438 KB, 535x695, 76AC3587-9F3A-4702-8D11-CF6EFC47F6B5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no von Braun Mars flotilla
Why live

>> No.15192307

>how your town can avoid a recession
Send men to go strip mine mars! Sponsor a space ship and get naming rights!

>> No.15192311

thanks for putting things into perspective. The other anon almost convinced me government anime is weird

>> No.15192312

I hear she likes to get a little naughty sometimes :)

>> No.15192318

is it possible to construct a 3d body such that the solar pressure acting on it will always produce a net moment in the same direction. In other words if such a body was launched it would start spinning faster and faster from the solar pressure?

>> No.15192320
File: 410 KB, 1366x768, 1667331239908421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She likes big boosters.

>> No.15192321

They also forgot to mention Plasma Magnet, the schizo idee fixe du jour

>> No.15192323

Flyby anomaly and the Podkletnov effect are the same thing. Because the earth isn't superconducting nor pumped by microwaves its rotation produces orders of magnitude less axial push. Jupiter is much bigger so produces a larger effect but still tiny.

>> No.15192324

>Canadian astronaut and former Commander of the International Space Station, Chris Hadfield, today met The King at Buckingham Palace to discuss efforts to encourage sustainability in space.
Is this about debris management techniques or useless regulations to stifle space growth? Don't know where Charles stands on space, but isn't he supposed to be a treehugger or something?

>> No.15192325
File: 31 KB, 500x347, A0158D2C-F04B-418C-932B-97BD590049B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s in Spanish but Jesus Christ the ferry rocket was something else
>6,300 tons at liftoff
>Three stages of hypergolic propellant
>Fully reusable
>Can put 25 tons into LEO

>> No.15192326

Chris Hadfield is pretty pro-SpaceX and said Inspiration4 should “teach and inspire” so it’s probably just about debris and shit

>> No.15192329
File: 579 KB, 1125x1055, 6C2F52B6-8C13-43EF-8C9E-487D13AE756F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NASA’s WB-57 plane has a placeholder for March 11 to watch the Starship launch

>> No.15192331

Yeah it was on call during the hop campaign

>> No.15192332

The fuck can the UK do about anything regarding space, they are even worse than EU and Russia when it comes to space power and capability lmfao

>> No.15192333
File: 218 KB, 800x1167, 1671819523835896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So nothing has changed

>> No.15192334
File: 80 KB, 1024x535, 475CAA81-1557-408C-B403-19F26FE63BE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does the head of Roscosmos end up on the frontline of a war in less than a year

>> No.15192336

Unironically, because he got too cocky
There’s a fine line between putting russia first and trying to appease those above you, and completely deteriorating relations with America and pissing NASA off. Putin & Co probably accepted things like losing OneWeb on Soyuz as a possibility but i’m willing to bet NASA told them to shape up with ISS relations or face consequences

>> No.15192337

>The fuck can the UK do about anything regarding space
They can come up with even new regulations!

>> No.15192338

It’s funny because Rogozin caused trouble before this too. Trampolines and whatnot

>> No.15192339
File: 1.22 MB, 1200x1367, sep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should Martin marietta have won the Apollo CSM competition? Was their design better?

>> No.15192341
File: 781 KB, 1325x800, overall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15192343

He was an unironic nazi before he became head of RosCosmos. Aged cooled him down a bit, but not completely

>> No.15192348
File: 782 KB, 1920x1281, 1920px-Orbex_Prime_rocket_second_stage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orbex is planning its maidan launch of its Prime rocket from Bongland this year.

Which makes me wonder, how come the British have never been major spaceflight players?

>> No.15192353

looks worse

>> No.15192356
File: 739 KB, 768x900, 1537065032452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't it supposed to be a "promotion"?

>> No.15192368

The CEO of Wagner group got mad at Rogozin for wearing a bunch of American gear and threatened to order his men to kill Rogozin on sight lol

>> No.15192370

You don't need to do anything special
t, yorp effect

>> No.15192373

yeah but Asteroid won't just keep picking up speed

>> No.15192376

Angry Astronaut thinks the engines were throttled all the way down during the static

>> No.15192377

You literally can’t do that lol

>> No.15192379
File: 192 KB, 434x864, A71316C5-EA5E-496C-ABD4-9FEAA79ECD93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The /k/ and /sfg/ overlap is neat

>> No.15192380

Wouldn't that make them be 'not on'?

>> No.15192381

The power of rocket autism!
This makes unreasonably happy

>> No.15192383

Why? Old Star Trek is cool

>> No.15192384

all the way down as in lowest power setting. I think it's around 40% for Raptor

>> No.15192385

Oh okay that makes more sense I suppose.

>> No.15192391

wouldn't that make it more difficult? the way I understand it there's way more problems with instability when trying to throttle engines

>> No.15192393
File: 101 KB, 920x634, Ford Mars Lander, James Vaughan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Plasma magnet requires new physics
you are the schizo anon

>> No.15192396

They didn’t. You can’t throttle down during ignition

>> No.15192398

The first? Nah. The first one that goes to Mars with people? Yeah. It's gonna be named Enterprise.

>> No.15192399

so Raptors have to ignite to 100% and then throttle down? Source?

>> No.15192400

Heart of Gold is the first one with people, or atleast the one with Elon on it lmao.

Enterprise maybe for first cargo run to Mars.

>> No.15192401

Take your meds

>> No.15192402
File: 173 KB, 2496x1259, DDFBD7AB-8481-433B-B0D2-EC47EF1ACB31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fuck the static fire was bright

>> No.15192403

>Enterprise maybe for first cargo run to Mars.
Better than "Ares" at least.

>> No.15192405

I wonder where all the dust is coming from?

>> No.15192406

Ares could be Mar's first defensive fleet of Starship

>> No.15192410
File: 179 KB, 1024x1024, Starship Fleet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Texas is comprised almost entirely of compacted dust.
First Ares Fleet, Defenders of Mars.
Second Ares Fleet, Invaders of Earth
Third Ares Fleet, Vanguard to Venus
Fourth Ares Fleet, Sojourn to Saturn

>> No.15192412

Bros, what would a realistic design for a pure interplanetary spceship look like? VASMIR May be a meme but nuclear/electric seems like a good idea.

>> No.15192415

As long as they don't name them like NASA does I'm good. the crew dragon names were so forgettable It's unbelievable.
that also puts 'enterprise' out of the running.

>> No.15192416

QI thrusters powered by a local-overunity QI turbine.

>> No.15192418

Endeavour is a cool name

>> No.15192421

Watch next Crew Dragon be named Atlantis

>> No.15192423
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They had some contributions during the Europa project days, but that didn't last. There was a general unwillingness to give ballistic missile or space launch programs the amount of funding they needed during the 60s and 70s. Later governments didn't feel any need to change that policy and focused the limited budget they would allow on smaller scientific payloads.

>> No.15192424

they should name a starship Titanic

>> No.15192426
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>> No.15192427

There is always an Enterprise, dingus.

>> No.15192430

Enterprise would be based for a NASA owned specialty Starship vehicle

>> No.15192431
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>> No.15192432

The 18m one should be called Olympic.

>> No.15192434

Development hell

The engines are basically ready but it will take another 15 years to even build the first prototype lmfao. Which will crash and end the whole program

>> No.15192435

But muh gravitas

>nooo you can't name a crew capsule Snoopy or Gumdrop or Spider we're supposed to be professional!!1

>> No.15192437
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>> No.15192439
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>> No.15192443
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Shame, would've been cool to see stuff like
>Royal Space Marines
>Royal Space Force
>King's Space Guard
and Brits naming their spaceships cool shit like they do their ships

Imagine friendly space competitions and races between NASA and UK space agency, first man to Mars, etc

>> No.15192447

Tranquility or Shackleton would be a cool name for a lunar lander

>> No.15192450

It makes me sad bros

>> No.15192452

Same and I'm not even a brit

>> No.15192453

Apollo 7's crew wanted to name their capsule Phoenix in memory of Apollo 1 but NASA wasn't having it.

>> No.15192454
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>> No.15192455
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>> No.15192456
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>> No.15192463

fascinating lol

>> No.15192465


NSF shooting themselves in the foot and proving ammo to antis/"concernfags" in their desperation to capture every angle you love to see it

>> No.15192467

>not a single atom

>> No.15192469
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>> No.15192470
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>> No.15192471
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>FAA only allows Chinese spy balloons to freely roam the airspace

>> No.15192473

>The SIREN has yet to happen
>The enemy of my enemy is my enemy
>Total bird death is required for launch
>Vulcan will still not go into orbit even after launching and expending it’s two BE-4 engines
>The FAA only allows Chinese spy balloons to freely roam the airspace

>> No.15192474
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> no roundels in space
feels bad man

>> No.15192475
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>> No.15192476

>His Majesty's Starship 'Resilient'
>HMS Resilient
What could've been

>> No.15192479
File: 3.65 MB, 1276x720, NASASpaceflight-1623891748593315840-20230209 214857-vid1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15192480


>> No.15192481


>> No.15192482


>> No.15192485

the paint scheme and little fins are cute

>> No.15192489

very cool, is the first stage solid fuel?

>> No.15192500

It's got three solid stages and a liquid kick stage for fine adjustments. It's coming from the same line of thinking as the Vega and a lot of the new Chinese solids.

>> No.15192502
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You don't have to read threads anymore lads

>> No.15192503

Going out to sea instead of staying in port isn't very good for ships. But that's not what ships are for.

>> No.15192505
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Well until atleast you wanna know what the fuck some anons are talking about

>> No.15192509

>ICBMs first, launch vehicles second

>> No.15192514

The imperial explorer's spirit of the kingdom started to die when they lost the American colonies, and is now gone

>> No.15192521

The color mode looks like its made in the 70s. When was this taken?

>> No.15192522

Without all those colonies bongland is just a tiny island off the coast of europe, I dunno why any thinks we're a global power.

>> No.15192523

lol fagnerites are running around in multicam when not outright wearing ukie camo

>> No.15192524

I think an object that has one offset flat plane but otherwise all curved surfaces would work. Think of a nautilus shell with a flat cap on the opening.

>> No.15192525


>> No.15192526
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>So, we've already got this nice set of missile production hardware
>you think we can make a cheap launch vehicle with it?

The SSLV first stage is just a stretched version of the Agni-V first stage. The second and third stages seem identical, so it's kind of the opposite of China putting extra stages on top of their DF-25/26/31s. Still ends up in the same place.

>> No.15192531

The ESCAPADE New Glenn contract was $20M
Jeff must've really wanted that early Mars flight

>> No.15192537

pulverized beetles

>> No.15192558


>> No.15192566

>Vehicles driving under the OLM the day after the static fire
FONDAGbros…we won

>> No.15192570

Deluge can wait until after launch

>> No.15192569
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> muh rods

>> No.15192573
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>No static fire until August btw

>> No.15192577

CSI Starbase’s video about the new concrete was really informative and gave me some hopium

>> No.15192579

he's coping because he flew all they way out there and then heard it and said "i thought it would be louder"

>> No.15192580

He’s coping because that means the static fire was less powerful than Saturn V. Idk where Angry went from shitting on blue origin for DOOMPOSTING spacex

>> No.15192581

I think he’s making this shit up, as far as I know a water deluge is ONLY for protecting your own pad. Why would the FAA give a shit if Musk destroys his own OLM and concrete or not on launch. The mitigation to soundwaves would be minimal on the long-distance scale, it’s a giant fucking rocket it’s going to be loud with it without a suppression system

>> No.15192582
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The joke is that he’s 100% making it up lol

>> No.15192590

it just used my post verbatim

>> No.15192595

>gets BTFO so hard just on the same day

Its weird how the spacex reddit treats him like this all knower and making up excuses for why he is wrong with
>well things change so quickly with SpaceX you never know


>> No.15192598

Literal who?

>> No.15192608
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>hes doubling down

>> No.15192611
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Your new wallpaper

>> No.15192612

My wallpaper is already dedicated to ARCA, sorry

>> No.15192616
File: 444 KB, 1920x1080, maciej-rebisz-20190217-portariel-013-final-2560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wallpapers cooler

>> No.15192624


>> No.15192626

larping redditor.
many such cases

>> No.15192627

Wow, astronaut senator adminstrator bill “big dick” nelson getting excited over the static fire. You love to see it bros

>> No.15192628
File: 202 KB, 829x1280, 8141C8EE-6C01-4D77-82E7-DB143B783C81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bill Nelson W


>> No.15192630

OMG it feels too contrived is that just me lol

>> No.15192635

Is this the first he's congratulated SpaceX for in the entire Biden admin time?

>> No.15192637
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>> No.15192639

No hahahah it feels sincere

>> No.15192641


>> No.15192644
File: 63 KB, 500x344, 9D9EB9E9-0334-44E6-B6D3-C8F05AB976CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Bill Nelson, there I said it.
Also Jim Bridenstine is on the board of ViaSat. What a fucking snake.

>> No.15192647

Yeah probably is, he was in Japan touring a shitload of JAXA sites yesterday & giving speeches so probably didn't have the time to post earlier

>> No.15192648

Thank you Sir

>> No.15192649
File: 293 KB, 2048x836, BE455118-86B9-4A0B-80EE-55FFB16E0C59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next year SpaceX is deploying the PPE/HALO modules of Lunar Gateway

First time the extended fairing will be used

>> No.15192653

Bridenstine was a commercial space pioneer. Viasat flies on Falcon rockets.

>> No.15192655

>Starship is integral to NASA's... Mars architecture
we're going

>> No.15192657

NASA is serious about Moon to Mars and SpaceX is serious about Mars so...

>> No.15192662

He's 80 years old, obviously didn't tweet this himself.

>> No.15192666

Biden cope

>> No.15192667

He damn sure had to approve it

>> No.15192669

Humans simply lose the ability to use the internet once they turn 75, everyone know this trust me

>> No.15192671
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Slight change

>> No.15192672

That next one is gonna look wacky with the asymmetrically darkened boosters

>> No.15192674

I think it looks cool

>> No.15192676

>interesting repetitive decimal
Maybe if you had full spectrum autism you would find that interesting, but then you wouldn't be working in aerospace.

>> No.15192691


F-22 is King of the skies

>> No.15192695

Twitter is not that new. Plenty of old fart politicians tweet themselves or dictate to a secretary.

>> No.15192698
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>> No.15192704

BO is hiring: "Propulsion Engineer – Nuclear Rocket Engine Design Integration"


>> No.15192706

its for the thing

>> No.15192707 [DELETED] 

Apparently they shot down two, but I didn’t think it would be F-22s again lmao. Not that it’s impressive or anything but it’s still cool that it’s getting action instead of F-16s or something like I expected with the first one

>> No.15192710

I wish BO was more public about even half of the weird secret projects they've been up to lately.

>> No.15192711
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>> No.15192712

Doing its job as a high altitude interceptor

>> No.15192714
File: 752 KB, 1290x1480, 0B12E0AC-FE64-4E5D-8F54-16317C55A39B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are a contractor on NASA and DARPA’s DRACO project, which will test nuclear thermal propulsion in 2027

Lockheed Martin is also a contractor with General Atomics leading the project


>> No.15192718


>> No.15192720

My post was wrong. I thought they shot down 2 today. I misread my source

>> No.15192721

>Super Heavy Booster 7 completed a full duration static fire test of 31 Raptor engines, producing 7.9 million lbf of thrust (~3,600 metric tons) – less than half of the booster’s capability

>> No.15192722

>login to ars
>another hit piece by josh brodkin
>purposefully ignores the fact that ukraine was in violation of ITAR
this isnt even news, its clickbait designed to generate hate for elon and spacex

>> No.15192723

Liftoff images are gonna make me cuuummm

>> No.15192725
File: 95 KB, 817x577, Pioneer, Rick Guidice Gravity slingshot Jupiter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are the astronauts floating? why doesn't the two coupled spacecraft topple over? wtf

>> No.15192729

>larper >>15192608 gets BTFO within the same day AGAIN

>> No.15192731

The only person of value at ars is Berger posts. Nothing else. Josh Brodkin has always been a Musk hater. He's just a symptom of the far left hate for the rich.

>> No.15192732

>less than half
Noo way

>> No.15192734

Can't make this shit up lmao

oh wait he can

>> No.15192737

i like john timmer's too. he's pretty good at explaining complex science topics.

>> No.15192738

SLS stay winning lmao

>> No.15192742

>Super Heavy can still launch a payload with half thrust

>> No.15192743

Rocket Lab's Adam Spice:
>we're at the beginning of the bloodletting of aspirational launch companies. Won't see much M&A activity; the weak will just die.

>> No.15192745

>autist doesn't understand what people say

>> No.15192746

It's on an asteroid. If you're lucky the local gravity will be something in the mm/s2 range.

>> No.15192749

When Elon said they could get to orbit with that, either he was telling a half truth or he didn't actually know what they were testing

>> No.15192750

>Total bird death is required
Quick someone use the AI voice thing

>> No.15192751

And a VO guy was on the panel with him
2023 is gonna be fun

>> No.15192752

refer to this >>15192745
he was doing neither. he simply said 31 engines were enough for orbit. any autistic interpolation beyond that belongs shoved in the locker

>> No.15192754

???? it can still launch with that I meant (not Starship obviously) but a less massive upper stage

rockets are like legos you know


>> No.15192757

>Fry birds with Raptor engines. Roundhouse kick birds into exhaust plumes. Fly birds to space and release them as payloads. Launch birds into the Sun.

>> No.15192761

>At the FAA conference luncheon, Sen. Mark Kelly said a priority for him will be improving launch capabilities, including support for companies to increase launch rates and regulatory reforms. That will include using this year’s NDAA and FAA reauthorization to address them.
My senator :)

>> No.15192765

Roundhouse kick a bird into FONDAG

>> No.15192770

I like Scott Kelly I don’t care if he’s a democrat at least he’s not a schizo or some shit

>> No.15192772

Rogozin has suggested he was the one leaked the location of Dimis birthday party cum sex change to the ukies kek

>> No.15192774

Exactly. People are unable to contextualize these days. Its sad.

>> No.15192777

New desktop background

>> No.15192780

Does this mean SpaceX will redo the static fire if it was only half thrust?

>> No.15192784

Maybe. Launch can also serve as another static fire and then either it goes or it doesn't.

>> No.15192786
File: 281 KB, 2048x1152, B05C3B93-304A-493C-88A5-79477548141C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.15192789
File: 296 KB, 1261x2048, E815CE6E-2730-4DAB-A94D-21B3407CB4FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are going

>> No.15192790

I wonder how many tiles fell off the ship after this test

>> No.15192792

All of them

>> No.15192797

All of them that’s why it’s shiny

>> No.15192801
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ok but the horizon should be much closer and it should be nowhere near the Moon

>> No.15192808

scott is mark's twin brother. mark is senator in az, both are astronauts

>> No.15192816

Whose the autist now

>> No.15192823
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>Total bird death is required for launch

>> No.15192841

>the Chinese Daqi-1/AEMS satellite was caught using a laser to scan hawaii a couple of weeks ago
its getting serious

>> No.15192846
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>> No.15192848

I just applied for blue origin


>> No.15192849
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Imagine the FAA regulatory bullshittery

>> No.15192852

It will never happen its genuinely unnecessary, 9m is perfect, it can support a 12m fairing most likely

>> No.15192853
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this is 17.5m btw

>> No.15192855

the extended fairing is for Gateway?

>> No.15192859
File: 1.37 MB, 1280x720, C4899E73-CAF3-42FC-9EE0-FD5352728067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>genuinely unnecessary
Did he fucking stutter? A spacer's right to one kiloton in low Earth orbit…shall not be infringed

>> No.15192860

damn how many contracts does BO have

>> No.15192861

looks dope af. but why are they using the visible spectrum

>> No.15192864

Angry Astronaut was right!

>> No.15192865

>no ice falling off booster
how come ?

>> No.15192867

I love russhits. The more their aerospace industry falls appart, the more they pump retarded powerpoint sci fi shit.

>> No.15192869
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which astro-anon was here to speculate. Maybe this is the laser for adaptive optics?

>> No.15192871

which rocket is that?

>> No.15192874
File: 168 KB, 828x1145, IMG_6265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those playing alone at home, 1 Crore is 10,000 ISR, and 56cr converts to about US$6.8M. Some other sources are stating that the SSLV only costs about $4M (30cr) to manufacture.

As a reference, Electron cost US$7.5M, while lifting about 200kg less to LEO and 100kg less to SSO than the SSLV does.

This could be interesting.

>> No.15192877

Super Starship and GigaHeavy

>> No.15192879
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>> No.15192883

>Appointed supporter
fuck does that mean

>> No.15192886


>> No.15192887

>Probably name it the Spruce Goose

>> No.15192889

He followed it up a year or so later saying 9m might have been a bit too big

>> No.15192892


>> No.15192894

He also said that at one point they actually wanted to make it bigger but sized it down to 9m

>> No.15192898

Because it's a massive pain in the ass when the weight of available payloads have barely caught up to Falcon Heavy, not because they are not going to

>> No.15192905
File: 38 KB, 750x563, 580d78f5c52402c3008b6584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

duh, ITS was 12m. they even built a full size test tank

>> No.15192910

i can feel this image healing my soul

>> No.15192913

carbon cringe steel based

>> No.15192914

Also because the benefits of full reusability have diminishing returns the bigger the ship. increases fixed costs too. Consider Boeing is no longer developing 747. Low demand + higher fixed costs. Would likely need to exclusively launch an 18m from ocean platforms

>> No.15192917
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It is for the best but I do miss the impractical and more-complicated ITS design a little

I hope to see it return someday as an 18m variant using stainless steel instead of the carbon fiber

>> No.15192919

They should use Royal Navy style

>> No.15192922

>full size
full diameter

>> No.15192925
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The power of anime

>> No.15192935

reminder that Saturn V is girthier than SS

>> No.15192936
File: 124 KB, 1500x844, blue-origin-solarcell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue Origin demonstrated the first step to making a lunar Von Neumann machine, they showed how to make solar cells from lunar dirt. These solar cells could be used to power machines to make more solar cells.

>> No.15192939

That's really cool, honestly.

>> No.15192941

inb4 grey goo until the entire lunar surface is one giant solar cell construct

>> No.15192945
File: 66 KB, 840x313, 90DD02D6-B9A4-4BA2-B3BF-B645079FB7C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saturn V is girthier than SS
Only for 2 and a half minutes bitchboy

>> No.15192948

on average along the length the girth is smaller

>> No.15192949

why is there so much unburnt fuel

>> No.15192950

Only at the base, women dont care about base girth. They want to feel the girl all the way at the top

>> No.15192952

>They want to feel the girl all the way at the top

>> No.15192955

Fuel rich to save the engines some wear/weigh it down

>> No.15192956

Its propellant is natural gas technically, so it's only actually 99% methane and 1% random bullshit.

They wanted to set up a purification plant but FAA was making such a fuss over it that SpaceX said fuck it and dropped that part of the request

>> No.15192958
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>> No.15192966

Two absolutely retarded answers to the question posed.

>> No.15192968

t. knows even less than nothing

>> No.15192973
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Blue Origin listened to me :)

>> No.15192979

This inspires hope.

>> No.15192981
File: 857 KB, 1322x867, BO this time to stay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit I meant to post this the other day randomly but didn't. Seems appropriate

>> No.15192985

Wrong. Skylon was never meant to exist, it was just a 'look what you could do with these engines' thing

>> No.15192987

Well Berger was once again right when he said on MECO that BOs only future was to focus on cornering novel aspects of space flight such as ISRU fabrication and stuff. Not that they've 'conquered' it with one little prototype, but this shows they are focusing on things SX aren't putting direct public attention on

>> No.15192993

That's insane

>> No.15192994

stop shilling your shit videos here faggot

>> No.15192997

>pop sci buzzwords galore
BO learned how to make a solar panel. Newsflash, it's made from the same raw materials as regular panels

>> No.15193006

It's only "intuitive" in hindsight

>> No.15193008

Yeah this one was pretty worthless. He had some good ones though.

>> No.15193014

>Blue origin found a way to make Silicon solar cells out of... Silicon

>> No.15193015
File: 2.67 MB, 1920x1080, D548B62C-3DEA-48E0-BCC8-B11896552B81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, for the PPE and HALO modules that will be launched together

>> No.15193018


>> No.15193020
File: 853 KB, 800x535, lunar-amazon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's gonna build self-replicating Amazon fulfillment centers on the goddamn Moon. Exponential growth means exponential wagie suffering. Here's an illustration of what the future may hold.
>>same raw materials
the raw material here is moon dirt.
they found a way to extract silicon from moon dirt and purify it to grades high enough to make solar cells using processes that are suitable for use on the moon. And the glass, and the wires, and all the other crap you need. From dirt.

>> No.15193022


>> No.15193023

that will be 3 Billion plus tip
and on Earth it's Earth dirt. fuckin amazing

>> No.15193033

Stop DOOMing. I agree it's not a breakthrough but it's R&D that needs to be done one way or the other.

>> No.15193035

7.9 million lbf = 35 meganewtons. less than half full thrust. LESS THAN SLS. embarrassing for the redditor, and even more so for spacex. they will absolutely do it again with higher thrust, and 33 engines.

>> No.15193037

>and even more so for spacex

>> No.15193039

ah the ansuini version

>> No.15193041

point is it's not a fuckin von Neumann probe lmao

>> No.15193043

obviously not. it's a solar panel factory. nothing self replicating to it at all

>> No.15193044

He needs a higher dose of hopium.

>> No.15193047

A full water deluge system is necessary for full thrust 33 engine fire. There's nothing around that. Expect launch in september

>> No.15193053
File: 129 KB, 500x701, Fool-QUXwAEwRON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Berger with hot takes

>> No.15193062

QRD on “it’s time to deliver”

>> No.15193066

Jim Bridenstein on the even of Elon revealing Starship update on Boca. Most took it as a snub to Musk/SpaceX, Berger tried to take it as a criticism of Boeing. Which I don't buy, but w/e.

>> No.15193067
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>> No.15193070
File: 773 KB, 1080x1551, Screenshot_20230210_164328_Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Tom Mueller antagonizing?

>> No.15193071

That's some pretty mild cheek desu

>> No.15193072

I'd say AO is rather unlikely. It's pretty unclear wether it would really work at all in reverse, and even if it could be done they would probably use it on the day side and wouldn't need a laser.

My first thought was some kind of altimetry, I was not aware some missions used visible lasers but apparently IceSat-2 does. ESA's ADM-Aeolus also uses a laser to measure wind velocity profiles, it's one is UV though. It's also possible to use it to measuring scattering from aerosols and clouds, like CALIPSO. I think there are quite a few reasons to use a laser for earth observations without invoking something exotic.

It's very cool though, never seen anything like that before.

>> No.15193073

that shit was so weird and uncalled for

>> No.15193075
File: 48 KB, 441x368, magma-electrolysis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

solar cells on earth are made using toxic chemicals which are hard to obtain on the Moon. Worse yet they require water and there ain't fucking much of that on the Moon. They use a process which doesn't need these chemicals. They take dirt, melt it to lava and pass electricity through it to electrolyze it, turning molten oxides in dirt into metals. They get a mixture of molten iron and silicon along with some other crap from this. Somehow, they're able to refine out the silicon from the molten iron, get aluminum out, and make glass. All of these are no small feat. Oh and did I mention that lava is fucking corrosive? Not only does it melt crap, molten silicates are very good at dissolving stuff. Getting silicon out has been tried before, but it didn't work great. No one got to the point where they could make solar cells. I don't think anyone's extracted aluminum from fucking lava like this either. Yeah, Hall–Héroult process does this, but that requires cryolite. Can't get cryolite on the goddamn moon.
If they really worked out all the steps to make solar cells and the solar cells efficiency isn't utter shit it's a breakthrough.
as I said, it's a first step. If you can't power a von neumann machine, you can't build one. Now, depending on how good the silicon they produced is they might be able to make shitty transistors and associated electronics. Huge, not very fast, but better than vacuum tubes. The process for making solar cells ain't too different from making transistors.

>> No.15193077

ask twitter instead

>> No.15193084

What’s your most anticipated robotic mission of the 2020’s?

>> No.15193085

LMAO, another tankwatcher

>> No.15193092

Starship first landing on Mars, bringing dozens of scouting rovers with it to analyze for water presence on the surface and see if it's a good landing spot for the first manned missions.

>> No.15193101

Could a fully fueled starship in LEO be able to get Dragonfly to Titan on a direct trajectory?

>> No.15193107

>google von neumann machine
>6 wikipedia pages
Is there anything this man didn't do?

>> No.15193116

>Is there anything this man didn't do?
Live a normal lifespan.

>> No.15193120

If he hadn't died so young we'd have a dyson sphere by now

>> No.15193122

Moon has the advantage of vacuum which probably makes the process easier.

>> No.15193129


>> No.15193133

My guess is 1 more static fire of 33 at half thrust (after raptor swaps). install deluge system. static fire full 33 at 75% thrust. static fire full 33 at 100% thrust. repeat with a fueled starship on top. evaluate data. start launch license process. assuming the ship or booster dont break or get scrapped after testing, I think december is a real possibility

>> No.15193139

Wrong by many months. They're launching pretty soon.

>> No.15193147


>> No.15193152

it was 2 years before the first 9 engine static fire of F9 till the first launch

>> No.15193159

Reasoning from analogy leads you nowhere my friend.

>> No.15193163


>> No.15193171


>> No.15193176


>> No.15193178


>> No.15193184


>> No.15193187
File: 1.79 MB, 6932x3982, 1658340804266859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wallpaper is cooler, because it's an actual picture

>> No.15193192

Read L2

>> No.15193205

I'm not gonna pay for that.

>> No.15193210

Those mountains at the background look so surreal. Oddly smooth, it's as though they'd been 3d generated or something.

>> No.15193211

No wind=No erosion

>> No.15193213

>No wind
if there's no wind then how are they moving? Newton's first law, moron.

>> No.15193214

I know. It's not something the human eye is used to see in person.

>> No.15193222

>Hopefully, humanity will reach Mars in 20 years
what did he mean by this?

>> No.15193223
File: 157 KB, 828x1107, 0849 UTC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Falcon 9 thu 2023-02-02 02:58
>Proton-M sun 2023-02-05 04:12
>Soyuz 2.1a thu 2023-02-09 01:15

Why the fuck does so much space have to happen so early in the morning?

>> No.15193224

Mars is hard

>> No.15193225
File: 8 KB, 590x350, 1676066743889006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The object that was shot down over Alaska was described as "cylindrical and silver-ish gray" and seemed to be floating, US official - ABC
So the mystery of Tic Tac is solved. It was the Chinese baloons with advanced propulsion all along.

>> No.15193227


>> No.15193231

InSight learned that already lmao

>> No.15193233

Maybe next time it will take an actual drill instead of some autistic german micro hammer

>> No.15193241

That'll be 2 extra billion :^)

>> No.15193260

lmao that was peak elon autism
>asked by some CNN literal who about the tweet
>say that
>look at the camera and make that face
>confuses the normie reporter

>> No.15193268

He was looking straight at us, tankwatchers, when he made that face.

>> No.15193275

All while being expendable.

>> No.15193289

That guy has been proven a larper if it's who I'm thinking

>> No.15193292
File: 731 KB, 1921x1281, 1610438370398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cylindrical and silver-ish gray" and seemed to be floating

>> No.15193294

Biden wants to send in F-22s to destroy Starship

>> No.15193300


>> No.15193303

They'd never catch it

>> No.15193304
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>> No.15193305

SotU address

>> No.15193308


>> No.15193316

Maybe we'll get a carbon fiber version, Musk said the reason they didn't was that a kiln big enough didn't exist, but once starship gets flying regularly 10 years down the line they'll definitely be able to build a fuck-off huge kiln, after all Boeing and Airbus use massive one for their newer aircraft fuselages.

>> No.15193320

It's going to be interesting. It's been a long time since we had a launcher on the western market that was directly derived from an active ICBM.

>> No.15193322

It's obvious to anyone with common sense. No source is required.

>> No.15193327

>wake up
>america may have actually shot down a ufo
well at least in this movie we'll have starships of our own

>> No.15193330
File: 898 KB, 558x682, von.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did someone say 'shit Neumann did'?

>> No.15193343

implying the chinks have “““advanced””” technology

>> No.15193362

well, it is advanced compared to Europe's.

>> No.15193370

Its advanced compared to navy jet pilots

>> No.15193374

>cylindrical in shape, silver in color
>no visible features
>moving around in an odd manner despite no visible propulsion
>shattered like tempered glass when hitting the ground
the more we hear about the object the more it sounds like some classic ufo

>> No.15193375

meatheads dont know their ass from a hole in the ground

>> No.15193377

>>>moving around in an odd manner despite no visible propulsion
>>shattered like tempered glass when hitting the ground

>> No.15193381

Was the ayylmao-pentagon-report anon right all along? Is he still alive?

>> No.15193390
File: 449 KB, 587x637, Screenshot 2023-02-04 at 21-37-11 How Stoke Space&#039;s Unique Rocket Works __ Exclusive Tour &amp; Interview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>UFO tards learn that you can have cylinder shaped balloons

>> No.15193391

it's in their recent tweets e.g.https://twitter.com/sentdefender/status/1624233926892945408

>> No.15193395

>Several officials said they believed the object shot down Friday was a balloon, but a Defense Department official said it broke into pieces when it hit the frozen sea, which added to the mystery of whether it was indeed a balloon, a drone or something else.

>> No.15193405
File: 186 KB, 872x540, balloon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15193409


>> No.15193421

If there were aliens, Elon would already know about them. And you know how autistic he is, he wouldn't stay silent at all.

>> No.15193435

Hardly any advantage over a hydrogen balloon

>> No.15193440
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>> No.15193443
File: 70 KB, 937x503, moon solar power beam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's happening

>> No.15193444


>> No.15193446

I am staunchly in favor of building anything on the Moon that is visible from Earth.

>> No.15193452

SpaceX will conduct well over a hundred starship launches by 2026 and probably over 500 by 2028

>> No.15193454

Well it wouldn't even be 2030, it'd be 2031. That is 8 years. 8 years ago ago SpaceX was just landing Falcon 9 for the first time.

>> No.15193455

Absolutely delusional.

>> No.15193456

how about a giant star of david?

>> No.15193457


Some coverage of yesterday's static fire from local news

>> No.15193460

>solar beamed power
best way to immediately spot retard who have not done the math.
microwave rectennas are strongly favourable.

>> No.15193463

I hate blue origin please blacklist them from applying for contracts thank you

>> No.15193464
File: 19 KB, 320x240, judge mills lane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Star faces the Earth, swastika faces the stars.
I'll allow it!

>> No.15193465

Yeah. If they have the chutzpah to pull it off then I would respect it.

>> No.15193467
File: 222 KB, 1920x1080, phenotype.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

least obese muskrat

>> No.15193470

Actually funny thing is beamed power from Earth to Moon to more economically viable than from LEO to Earth. That's because there is zero energy infrastructure on the Moon

>> No.15193478

He drove 8 hours to get there. Why haven't you?

>> No.15193479

I don't believe in driving, man was not meant to go faster than a horse unless powered by a rocket.

>> No.15193480

average sfg anon

>> No.15193481

well for starters I would have had to drive 32 hours

>> No.15193483

Idk you gotta give me more to do than just drive through an industrial park for a day. aint shit out there

>> No.15193488

Sadly it’s because it literally never occurred to me that I could have drive five hours to Boca Chica during the great hoppening era. I was retarded and now I don’t live in Texas.

I’ll probably go in November, hopefully there will be a habbening

>> No.15193494

Me and my buddies talk about him sometimes in the sense of statistical anomalies. By now we should have seen at least one other Von Neumann-tier intelligence on the planet, but we just haven't.

>> No.15193496

>we should have seen at least one other Von Neumann-tier intelligence
I'm just 19, give me some time

>> No.15193497

Kill birds. Behead birds. Roundhouse kick a bird into the concrete. Slam dunk a bird baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy avians. Defecate in a birds food. Launch birds into the sun. Stir fry birds in a wok. Toss birds into active volcanoes. Urinate into a birds gas tank. Judo throw birds into a wood chipper. Twist birds heads off. Report birds to the IRS. Karate chop birds in half. Curb stomp pregnant black birds. Trap birds in quicksand. Crush birds in the trash compactor. Liquefy birds in a vat of acid. Eat birds. Dissect birds. Exterminate birds in the gas chamber. Stomp bird skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate birds in the oven. Lobotomize birds. Mandatory abortions for birds. Grind bird fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown birds in fried chicken grease. Vaporize birds with a ray gun. Kick old birds down the stairs. Feed birds to alligators. Slice birds with a katana.

>> No.15193499
File: 31 KB, 258x271, birds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eat birds
I fucking eat birds all the time.

>> No.15193500


Elon is off the giant giganigga rocket train these days. He said a few months back that it would have been much smarter if SS was an even smaller rocket than that they have now. I am guessing he meant something around 6m instead of 9.

>> No.15193503

For the first iteration, not forever.

>> No.15193506

elon will die

>> No.15193515

How is it delusional?

>> No.15193518

You must think starship is just meant to be a larger Falcon 9. Its not.

>> No.15193592

the bottom tank is the oxygen tank

>> No.15193648

dead general

>> No.15193650

spaceflight general

>> No.15193664

>chinese hours

>> No.15193691

You know, it’s wild to think that the Starship programme is only just barely starting. I wonder what engineers in 2033 will be saying after a decade of Starship dev

>> No.15193693 [DELETED] 
File: 227 KB, 1284x2093, hLj6rXCcHxHU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is political blowback from musk's takeover of twitter whats responsible for the slowness of spacex?

>> No.15193694


>> No.15193695

> Gateway Pundit

>> No.15193697
File: 53 KB, 611x655, 8D48A8C3-A15D-43ED-8131-1C852D8BAB27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people always come to /sfg/ and try to shit it up with politics

>> No.15193699

Retard polniggers.
If you had been watching Starbase at all you would know they have been working on the OLM and the berm and the booster and tower constantly.
There is no political blockage that has been relevant to the timeline and it's apparent if you're not a retard monkey.

>> No.15193701

Weren’t you literally saying the US government should take over starlink in the last thread

>> No.15193706

anons I really need some advice.
I joined an aerospace company couple of months ago. A bit of software, simulation and this and that.
I do all the tasks assigned to me. But I'm not the best. How do I become much better?
Have you read the book skunk works? I want to be like Kelly Johnson. He could intuitively solve problems without even having to think a lot. It just magically comes to him. I want to be a nice designer, not just a wage slave. I want to be a great programmer.
Rn I'm probably in the bottom half of the company. How do I become top 1%? And do that while still having something resembling a social life?

>> No.15193707

>working on the berm
Oh wow a heap of earth
That's what you do when you have nothing else to do

>> No.15193708

should have seen during the election. bans left and right

>> No.15193725

you should troon

>> No.15193727

suborbital sample return

>> No.15193760

I suggest learning how random stuff works and is and how it's made (ie. watch How It's Made).
Like, for example, Gutenberg came with printing press by realizing wine press does the same job. He would have never applied that machine for books had he not seen one in action.
The people who brought uppon change in their fields were more often than not from a different field and simply applied things they were familiar with from elsewhere.

>> No.15193814

>Gutenberg came with printing press
Midwit take. There were already printing presses. There was even movable type already. He didn't even invent movable type, but a system for making it in quantity, instead of carving each one individually.
This doesn't even show the first two steps, where you create a (positive) punch, to make (negative) molds. Just like pressing records, as the tooling from later steps wears out, you just go back and make more.

>> No.15193891

Not twitter, but because he refused to let Tesla be killed during pandemic by being forced to shutdown. There's a chart showing how California shutdown nearly killed Tesla

>> No.15193895

Wow redditors really hate gunnerson

>> No.15193909

Who knows what the madlad would have come up as revenge for the Soviet crushing of Hungary's revolt in 1956 or what history would look like if he was a key figure in the space race.

>> No.15193918

So if I understand correctly the ESA has historically been an "anchor" for the NASA to weather budget cuts and keep funding scientific projects over long period.

>> No.15193924

What are they doing now

>> No.15193930

Is that taking into account all the kids that die super early in 3rd world countries?

>> No.15193932
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sls may never go away, it just might get used less and less until it becomes something like pegasus

>> No.15193944

>The name "Stargazer" is an homage to the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation: the character Jean-Luc Picard was captain of a ship named Stargazer prior to the events of the series, and his first officer William Riker once served aboard a ship named Pegasus.
Between this and Enterprise, I hate Trekfaggots so much

>> No.15193946

>russia wants to continue with space stations
>nobody wants to work with them
i wish they would build 2 smaller stations and put them close together to make the first space station cluster. it would keep russia relevant in the space game since they'd be the only ones with experience in managing such a thing.

>> No.15194001

They just want to keep the prestige missions going on while having no actual robotic exploration that isn't flashy. Abandoning space stations would be a visible sign of decline from USSR times.

>> No.15194003

To be honest the shake up in the space industry was necessary.

>> No.15194021
File: 136 KB, 828x727, BF3BD759-9D38-48F9-96FE-8F09B379D11B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no

>> No.15194026

This is why they’ve been planning on putting the ROS into a polar orbit. No one else is talking about doing it and Russia’s always had a hard time with equatorial orbits anyway.

>> No.15194044

Wait is that the one that already had the coolant leak or was that MS22

>> No.15194055

mr borisov a second micrometeorite has hit the soyuz

>> No.15194065

the Empire as many have it in common conception didn't even come into conception until after the American colonies were lost.

>> No.15194078

Nope, this is a new one

>> No.15194089


>> No.15194094

>possibly another coolant leak
the absolute state of pockocmoc

>> No.15194106

>This test is at ~50% throttle. Launch attempt next month will be at ~90%.
What did he mean by this

>> No.15194108

Did they already unload cargo? If not, is it possible to retrieve cargo by using the arm to pull it to a distance and then an EVA mission? Or is exposing cargo to vacuum a really stupid move?

>> No.15194111
File: 795 KB, 1125x1129, FCC39AE4-C210-4B57-941B-B54AD496CA7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Statement from Roscosmos

>> No.15194112

2 weeks

>> No.15194120

Okay so like did it just have a little leak, or did it have a complete blowout?

>> No.15194121

It is interesting that they don’t want to redo the static fire at 90%? It seems like a risky thing to not test

>> No.15194129

Normal launch already is a seconds long static fire into decollage. They'll just abort if they don't get satisfactory numbers at startup.

>> No.15194130

they can't because it will literally break the launch stand

>> No.15194131

Seems to be that the pressure inside started to drop slowly. How much it has or how fast hasn’t been reported.
Could be something like 1/100th - 1/1000th of atmospheric pressure

>> No.15194132

Who let that woman astronaut into Baikonur to drill holes again?

>> No.15194136

I can’t believe Russia blamed that one astronaut instead of admitting they made a manufacturing error

>> No.15194137

Cargos been unloaded for a while and the station trash loaded for disposal. Progress missions only stay docked for about a month and this one was in the process of getting ready to leave.

>> No.15194141
File: 606 KB, 4000x4000, N1-7l-1st-Stage-Ortho-0180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N1bros? Are we still winning?

>> No.15194147

>N1 had a 17m diameter at the base
Starship absolutely mogged lmao

>> No.15194150

It’s so fucking sad N1 never worked

>> No.15194153

Why would they do static fire again? Its stupid. There's no benefit.

>> No.15194158

Okaaaaaaay, so what are the chances TWO micrometeorites strike the EXACT SAME subsystem on two different occasions? Either this is a statistical anomaly [X], or there is something fishy going on. Two explanations that come to mind:
a) quality control is absolutely shit at the facility in charge of constructing the coolant loops (very possible)
or b) sabotage (not out of the question)

>> No.15194165

Oh, pockocmoc, can't you go five seconds without humiliating yourself?

>> No.15194166

You want to nationalize starlink. You can't say anything.

>> No.15194175

That doesn’t seem to be what’s happened. It sounds like there was a pressure leak on Progress and as soon as that hit Twitter a lot of people started confusing it with the coolant leak from MS-22 because they stopped reading at the word “leak.” Quality control is always a looming demon for the Russia space program, but I’m not seeing anything right now that suggests a systemic problem. Just two completely separate problems occurring in close proximity to each other combined with people on the internet being as dumb as usual.

>> No.15194176

Still mogged N1 by wide margin.

>> No.15194177

Girth at base is irrelevant, women dont feel the girth at base. They feel girth at tip and the length of it.

>> No.15194183

Quality control is just plain ass for pockocmock.

>> No.15194184

It does indicate a systemic problem for them though. How many American or Japanese cargo vehicles have had issues these bad lately (other than the one winged Cygnus)

>> No.15194187

Boeing tests vehicles have been shit

>> No.15194195

You could be right, and there are probably rumors right now that are being taken as fact. But Katya is calling it a coolant system leak and she’s usually right.

>> No.15194196

>Boeing = USA
oh no no

>> No.15194200
File: 165 KB, 1170x364, 632F6C43-5ED6-481D-8B49-99DBF4B15728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm update they are rumors

>> No.15194201

What else do the rumors say?

>> No.15194206

War, and rumors of war.

>> No.15194226
File: 296 KB, 1170x716, DF18E3BC-365B-4F87-A4B1-4BEE4F75B851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s over

>> No.15194233
File: 110 KB, 827x458, EA0F719F-AB28-45E6-AD54-35F9AC5C7663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe not. Who the fuck knows what’s going on anymore

>> No.15194235

Will Elon Musk be able to save the day? What will happen to the stranded astronauts? Find out next on es-ef-gee

>> No.15194246
File: 31 KB, 480x360, five minutes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread will stage in FIVE minutes!

>> No.15194252

Those kids also existed when Von Neumann was alive, and there's far more people outside and inside those places as there were in the world than when he was born. If we take the estimated figure of 1.6 billion people being alive on Earth back in 1900, then we should have seen another Von Neumann several times now outside of those shit holes. Particularly in the last fifty years when there hasn't been any major wars or plagues to fuck up the population big time. Fukuyama is a pseud, but he's broadly right about this being the most peaceful time in modern history, and the deaths of infants and children in those hypothetical "Einstein died as a farmer in Africa" situations have also been greatly alleviated as a result of Western meddling. So either we've just been getting cucked ultrahard by chance or fate or whatever you want to call it, or the odds of someone like Von Neumann showing up are even less common than I'd like to believe.

>> No.15194253

>Takes three episodes to cover a single fight

>> No.15194256

Or someone's been quietly poaching the cream of the crop, secreting them away someplace to work in peace, quiet, and covert cover.

>> No.15194260


>> No.15194264

>90% of the launch is just them filling up their tanks

>> No.15194265
File: 176 KB, 767x750, 1630602188013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, I thought about that for a moment... I think MS22 is the one that had the coolant leak and MS23 is the one they'll send up empty to replace it.

>> No.15194273

Berger thinks it's coolant too

>> No.15194275


>> No.15194277
File: 205 KB, 790x1117, __tali_zorah_mass_effect_and_1_more_drawn_by_amrrr__f5001fc917957ea5d72d6cc02d009871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does sfg believe jn aliens?
I unironically believe in grays and think UFOs have visited earth before

>> No.15194279
File: 2.90 MB, 1280x720, Superheavy charging.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15194282

Yes to ayys, no to visitations, at least in any detectable way

>> No.15194292

I don’t care (secretly I do)
can you elaborate

>> No.15194293

>I unironically believe in grays and think UFOs have visited earth before
I don't think this is a crazy thing to ponder, though I don't confine the potential visitation to the timeframe of our civilization. We might've been surveyed once as part of some galactic data-gathering effort but if it was 90million years ago then they're info is likely out of date. Or we might be scheduled for our first visitation when an automated probe passes through our system in another 20,000 years to see what's here. If we were visited just yesterday I'd be very surprised.

>> No.15194299
File: 65 KB, 654x699, leaf wearing nig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is that taking into account all the kids that die super early in 3rd world countries?
100 IQs are sparse there let alone 200 IQs lmao

>> No.15194304

I just want to bring up the record, again, that rogozin-era roscosmos bitched about dragon 2 demo-1 docking to the station because it could have “posed a threat” to everyone
Look where we are now

>> No.15194311
File: 206 KB, 1600x900, Nauka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet they still launched this piece of shit

>> No.15194319

2 months until JUICE launches
8.5 years until JUICE arrives

>> No.15194329

Behold, peak Bonoshit

>> No.15194336
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Super hot fire

>> No.15194361

mhhhh roasted beetles

>> No.15194364
File: 309 KB, 1080x1398, 3D3EDBD7-EDB3-4B88-9520-578040E3C14E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever think that gemstones could pay for allot of moon/ Martian mining?

We know that gemstones exist on both, imagine mining a bunch, bringing it back and selling it at exorbitant prices

>> No.15194371

Capture a diamond asteroid, flood Earth's disgusting gem market and crater the prices so hard you can buy diamond gravel for cheaper than regular stone. Execute the De Beer clan.

>> No.15194372

Their intrinsic value is minuscule, especially diamonds, its price is absurdly high only because some families of a certain tribe among which DeBeers tightly control the entire pipeline from extraction to (authorized) retail

>> No.15194374

But a funny thought that just popped into my head: in the grand scheme of things, stones such as pearl are WAY more precious than something like emerald or diamond or gold. It requires life, and that’s not found anywhere but earth

>> No.15194375

nope, trade between planetary bodies is pretty much infeasible because of how expensive transport is. Even landlocked countries struggle without access to cheap shipping, imagine the situation on another planet.

>> No.15194377

Yes. Basically the record is that everyone gives Tesla and SpaceX shit. Then they are bought into the fold and are given inside details to the difference of what they're doing, and overnight they become fanboys. Because the difference in ability and rate of progress/innovation is that stark.

There's also this fact. Right here: https://youtu.be/jj_0vh3Z3X0?t=5257

Nelson explains the government/commercial partnership. Nelson, I believe was appointed by the present administration to keep SpaceX politically in check, because their rate of innovation was putting too many existing far too slow moving and poorly innovating money sinks at risk.

But Nelson has basically flipped that script here: https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Biographies/Display/Article/108115/john-e-hyten/#:~:text=Gen.-,John%20E.,the%20Joint%20Chiefs%20of%20Staff.

^ This man told Senator/Administrator Nelson that SpaceX had saved the USAF/USGOV $40Bn in launch costs. THE ENTIRE ORION AND SLS PROGRAM FITS ONLY 50% OF THAT. Ever since, Nelson has been cautiously threading the needle, but has been consistently batting for SpaceX behind the scenes; and the SuperHeavy's static fire success is the first time where he's being open about it.

Bridenstine was very similar on this front. He was a detractor, then he was bought in, he saw all the data; the hard, undeniable facts, he saw the testing and the process, and he became a champion for basically SpaceX (and all downstream upcoming competitors off it, indirectly) within NASA's acting scope while he was there.

>> No.15194379

huh, why so many yous all of a sudden

>> No.15194384

How long until regular people can live on the moon/orbit?
I want to live in space with my japanese wife. Fuck earthers

>> No.15194385

>Their intrinsic value is minuscule, especially diamonds
What about making artificial diamond sheets to serve as glass windowpanes on Mars? If you just mean simple cut stones then yeah I agree.

>> No.15194394

18m Starship is unlikely to ever be built on Earth, because the gravity well and fuel cost to orbit are too ridiculous even with MethalOx driving the engine stream. But if 12m and 18m Starship platforms were to be developed, they would inevitably be born of a Star Dock type station in LEO or MEO that brings resources from Earth and Moon for assembly. Then crew/colonists would be shipped up from the surface to this vehicle and that would ferry large groups of people over to the Moon or to Mars, where 9m Starships would act as shuttles ferrying crew and cargo from these behemoths down to the surface. This probably makes the most sense for such large body/mass vehicles. Risking their structural integrity during reentry is too much great a factor. Instead of potentially killing 25-50 people, you'd kill several thousand per flight. Not everyone would be onboard to that. Especially government and aviation agencies.

>> No.15194424

>if 12m and 18m Starship platforms were to be developed, they would inevitably be born of a Star Dock type station in LEO or MEO
At that point there's no reason why they'd be Starship derivatives. Just large crew transports.

>> No.15194432

Likely yeah. Especially if ship scale fission or fusion reactors are achieved by the time that 12m or 18m Starship type vessels are even being built in orbit.

>> No.15194435

Alright why the hell do some engines, such as the RS-25, throttle at above 100%??? Is this just due to the engine being upgraded to have more thrust than it originally had with the first variant?

>> No.15194444

I would assume the intrinsic value of a lunar or Martian gemstone would be high, simply because of the fact that it was not mined on earth

You could market the shit out of that, turn gemstones from other celestial bodies into an ultra luxury product

>> No.15194446

But erosion is preciselly what makes mountains look like that, instead of jagged peaks

>> No.15194452

“100%” was the max they were originally rated for during STS-1. As the program progressed the engines were improved and their tolerances were better understood and their max thrust was increased, but 100% still stayed the same value for programmatic purposes.

>> No.15194453

Yeah, and/or the 100% was an early estimate which later proved to be below what the engines could safely accomplish.

>> No.15194454

In case they need extra performance for various reasons like another engine underperforming, for extra large payloads, etc.

>> No.15194470

"True gemstone" value these days is 100% based on speculation, they are glorified NFTs.
Even diamonds. Just a few years ago, synthetic ones used to be grey and cloudy, but that's not true anymore.

Any old rock you bring from the Moon/Mars will be insanely valuable, especially if it's "visibly extraterrestrial"
I think this could be a nice side-business for SpaceX. They will be practically the only source of lunar/martian rocks for decades, much like DeBeers was the only source of diamonds for decades.
that's a very good point
And Things like fossils, amber and petrified wood are FAR more rare. I mean you can cultivate new oysters relatively easily.

>> No.15194473
File: 441 KB, 1125x1660, E10A17B2-7500-4259-BEB9-D75799C08705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the hardest fucking image I’ve ever seen

>> No.15194478
File: 748 KB, 1484x875, Fos0iRBXsAMV1CQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed coolant leak LMAO

>> No.15194481
File: 71 KB, 659x692, 51B47C66-C4AE-42C5-99FC-FE1F96298939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15194487

micrometeorites, huh?

>> No.15194489


>> No.15194490
File: 1.56 MB, 400x225, ISS construction.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the station finally dying? Is this it? I don't think I'd be ready, anons.

>> No.15194494

Yes, but that has nothing to do with these leaks.

>> No.15194497

>the crew is in no danger and is continuing with normal space station operations
>but is the ISS dying bros?

>> No.15194503 [DELETED] 
File: 712 KB, 1366x2048, yes we can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15194509
File: 720 KB, 1366x2048, yes we can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15194514
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>> No.15194519

Whether by the slow decay of time or a significant collision event the ISS will die.

>> No.15194540
File: 16 KB, 370x202, pinbacker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does sfg think people in space (especially those who live near to the sun and rely on solar power + absence of solar flares) would worship the sun and ritually burn themselves? because I'd totally be down for that. I imagine that being so deep in the suns gravity well would make mercurians for example rather isolated, which would allow for this.

>> No.15194542
File: 19 KB, 474x335, slab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sapphire (monocrystaline Al2O3) is better for something like that.
Almost the same hardness as diamond, but we can grow it in huge slabs.

>> No.15194543

It's just going to be decommissioned at some point. 2031 is the current set date.

>> No.15194549


>> No.15194554

>Does sfg think people in space would worship the sun and ritually burn themselves?
No, that's retarded.

>because I'd totally be down for that.
Please cease being retarded.

>> No.15194557
File: 393 KB, 2344x2474, 1608055083663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ is playing again today, /sfg/'s reps Wernher and Musk are still on the team. Game starts in a little over 40 minutes. >>15194318

>> No.15194633

Nothing so retarded like that is gonna happen, everyone will be living on all the Earth-like oxygen+nitrogen worlds we find in this galaxy once we develop the warp drive tech to make crossing from one star system to the other a breeze

>> No.15194635

Some of the smartest people I know actively believe the press ... amazing

>> No.15194636

Not me though... I'm so cool and anti-woke and paid 44 billion for twitter, heh

>> No.15194651
File: 339 KB, 1125x1326, C66CADB5-0EE6-4C7D-BCB0-D4FD23598826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No im le hecking edgy contrarian lolololol

>> No.15194657

It’s over

>> No.15194672

I dont trust the press to report facts. I trust them to report their opinions. They cant seem to separate facts from opinion.

>> No.15194676

So which newspaper is he going to buy?

>> No.15194691

hi elon

>> No.15194693


SpaceX workplace gallery just 2 months after their 1st successful Falcon 1 launch.

>> No.15194695

I don’t trust the press’s opinions to be any different from the opinions of the people who own the orgs they’re employed by. I also think that most journalists are willing to sell their soul and spread their cheeks almost as easily as your average reddit mod.

>> No.15194697

So was this the one that was supposed to take the astronauts home?
Maybe we'll see a dragon cargo hold ride after all.

>> No.15194702

Nigga read the fucking article.

>> No.15194706

oh sorry I see now. So not that bad. Hopefully doesn't happen to the replacement Soyuz

>> No.15194707

>Bridenstine was very similar on this front. He was a detractor, then he was bought in, he saw all the data; the hard, undeniable facts, he saw the testing and the process, and he became a champion for basically SpaceX (and all downstream upcoming competitors off it, indirectly) within NASA's acting scope while he was there.

And then immediately started trying to block SpaceX's Starlink plans the instant he got that job at Viasat. How the turn tables.

>> No.15194711

>probably wont get any details about starship or the ufo until monday
this a long ass weekend

>> No.15194717

He never said that. They will redo the static fire

>> No.15194722

It is unclear if they will redo. Your assertion is just as made up.

>> No.15194728

They werent prepared to hear the truth that Starship is a spaceplane (Shuttle 2.0)

>> No.15194736
File: 174 KB, 1920x1300, carbon honeycomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you even build this shit?

>> No.15194737

Carbon bees

>> No.15194743

the pic lmao

>> No.15194746

>Yes. Basically the record is that everyone gives Tesla and SpaceX shit. Then they are bought into the fold and are given inside details to the difference of what they're doing, and overnight they become fanboys. Because the difference in ability and rate of progress/innovation is that stark.
Tesla as a company is looking better and healthier than ever. I just won't buy his marketing hype about FSD ever again until it is demonstrated in the real world. Dude had clearly no idea of how hard it would be and sold a gut feeling.

>> No.15194751

kino. quality looks like they could have been taken today. where are thr kwaj photos at this high res???

>> No.15194753

>In Princeton, he received complaints for regularly playing extremely loud German march music on his phonograph, which distracted those in neighboring offices, including Albert Einstein, from their work.


>> No.15194765
File: 232 KB, 544x653, muskmeme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15194774
File: 589 KB, 683x500, 8bftd5tpmj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15194783

All those fucking strange ass looking jigs. Exactly like Boca.
It has this very unique style.

>> No.15194798

Boca, but smaller scale and kiddie glove clean room. Now Boca is large scaling operations, out in the open, with dirt/rust, semen everywhere. Boca is the big boy evolution of F1. More confident, more masculine, more robust, and more scaling.

>> No.15194822

Wow, suborbital nuclear rockets!

>> No.15194844

How prepared are you to work there? Are you familiar with Solitaire and minesweeper?

>> No.15194850

Over 15 years SkiFree and Rodent's Revenge experience

>> No.15194854

I know Scott and Tim. Who are the other guys?

>> No.15194859

One of them is Das from NSF. The others I have no clue.

>> No.15194873

Prosthetic Conscience
So Much for Subtlety
Space Monster
Uninvited Guest
Attitude Adjuster
Charming But Irrational
Lapsed Pacifist
Now We Try It My Way

>> No.15194876

Wow, the world's first suborbital solar panel

>> No.15194886

>never heard of Euler

>> No.15194893

I thought that was the Vanguard satellite

>> No.15194896

New thread

>> No.15194901

>just 19
>By the age of 19, von Neumann had published two major mathematical papers, the second of which gave the modern definition of ordinal numbers, which superseded Georg Cantor's definition.

>> No.15194912

>And do that while still having something resembling a social life?
lol, you're already behind and you're competing with dudes who eat, breathe and sleep this stuff
you should have realistic expectations of what you need to sacrifice to achieve your goals

>> No.15194918

To be fair female American astronauts are insane or lesbians or both.

>> No.15194929

ok, let's try again
last for zubrin

>> No.15194962


>> No.15195075

sfg is dead

>> No.15195288


>> No.15195465

Staging in ten

>> No.15195467
File: 36 KB, 679x604, e04a1e1044d48267ace71247057d6367.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's already a thread retard

>> No.15195612
File: 257 KB, 600x817, 1666520416721593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russia has far bigger things to worry about right now, like the ongoing identity crisis and havoc the self inflicted wounds are causing, then worry about prestige projects like going to space with their ancient sojuz space ladas