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15188990 No.15188990 [Reply] [Original]

>humanity's greatest achievement occurred over 50 years ago
What went wrong with us?
Why haven't we dedicated more to space travel?

>> No.15188994

>the greatest achievement is landing on a space rock b-b-b-because American pop culture said so

>> No.15189006

The number 1 thing we should be doing is trying to get off this rock
We'd go from limited resources to effectively unlimited if we figured out space travel

>> No.15189016

>The number 1 thing we should be doing is trying to get off this rock

>We'd go from limited resources to effectively unlimited
"We"? You're not going to any off-world paradise. You're staying here. That's a given. Now try again with that fact in mind.

>> No.15189022

I dunno m8
More resources sounds like a good thing in the long run

>> No.15189057

whats the real greatest achievement then?

>> No.15189167

I don't know, "Greatest achievement" sounds like purely subjective tripe with no defined criteria, but muh moon landing wasn't humanity's greatest project in terms of its lasting impact or scale.

>> No.15189171

>More resources sounds like a good thing in the long run
You don't need to send people anywhere for that.

>> No.15189175

nta but single points of failure are a bad thing

>> No.15189179
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>> No.15189183

>single points of failure are a bad thing
Single point of failure for what?

>> No.15189187

for all life known to exist. propagating life to currently-sterile worlds is a hedge against global cataclysm.

>> No.15189191

>for all life known to exist
How do you know this is contingent upon muh humaninoes propagating it?

>> No.15189199

because 'known' in your greentext is short for 'known by humans.' of course there could be life that's not known by us, including hypothetical future intelligent life that arises on earth after a hypothetical extinction of humanity which might accomplish said propagation, but that would be unknown life.

>> No.15189210

That's a long pseud way to say your total extinction fantasies are baseless.

>> No.15189231

>moon landing
>humanity's greatest achievement

humanity's REAL greatest achievement was the discovery of electricity and it culminated with maxwell's laws. That single handedly catapulted us to the modern age.

>> No.15189248

if you have the abillity to gather the resources from space you can just as easily go there so why not?

>> No.15189260

>so why not?
"Why not?" doesn't make something an indisputable top priority.

>> No.15189293

if you'd gone with "extremely unlikely" rather than "baseless," you could have avoided being wrong

>> No.15189327

If it's not baseless, on what basis do you conclude that life would disappear forever in the event of some major cataclysm on Earth?

>> No.15189329

most retarded post itt. moon landing used maxwells laws
most intelligent post itt. jews have used blacks as an excuse to hold us back

>> No.15189367

you may have inferred that, i never concluded it. "all known life" =\= "all life". there's at least two cases i can imagine where global cataclysm would result in the end of all known life without ending all life.
1. life exists on other worlds already, and the earth gets some force applied to it sufficient to kill all life on it. maybe it's bathed in radiation sufficient for sterilization, maybe it's whacked with a mass of antimatter sufficient to annihilate a significant portion of the planet, maybe it's consumed by the sun. Life goes on on other worlds, but unknown life.
2. there's no life on other worlds, only humanity goes extinct, and all the other life on earth is eventually replaced with currently-unknown evolutionary descendants, or else also dies out. in either case, no known form of life would continue to exist.

>> No.15189380
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The future is hybrid of two books
1. The Camp of the saints
2. Submission

>> No.15189389

Feeding 7bi people.

>> No.15189435

never happen

>> No.15189438

Look, I'm not even going to read your worthless wank. Here's the bottom line: if the world was going to end tomorrow, your technotroon handlers wouldn't be saving me or anyone I even remotely care about, so my personal stakes in your space wank are nonexistent. As far as a broad and impersonal perspective goes, I have no reason to believe intelligent life will be gone forever even if this planet explodes into bits. Consequently, I don't care about your space troonery.

>> No.15189457

>most retarded post which literally proves the point the post was making

You're probably a midwit so ill make this easy for you

no maxwell's laws - no modern industries - no moon landing


no moon landing - ??? oh wait, it was literally just a vanity project.

>> No.15189459

Probably the cultural revolution in China, the greatest mass movement in 1000 years.

>> No.15189460

>greatest achievement
More like a waste of resources and money

>> No.15189463 [DELETED] 

>feeding niggers is an achievement

>> No.15189464

Nothing to do with humanity, even in China it has been denounced. The cultural revolution was nothing but a Premo

>> No.15189479

>he still thinks the apollo moon landings were real
at this point i think this must be bait, but i'll bite and tell you you're ngmi

>> No.15189489


>> No.15189516

>i'm arguing in bad faith
you don't say

>> No.15189517

I'm not arguing with you. I'm just telling you why I don't have a single reason to care about your space troonery.

>> No.15189523

>I'm not arguing with you
that's an argument

>> No.15189524

I'm not arguing with you. You're free to care about space troonery. I'm just telling you why I (and most levelheaded people) don't.

>> No.15189527

>Slaughtering 100 million people is humanity's greatest achievement
Wew lad

>> No.15189533

cool story bro, i have a class to get to, have a good one

>> No.15189534

Cool irrelevant space obsession, bruh. Enjoy being underage and thinking upright ape actions matter in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.15189539

How’s this for a reality check faggots: if we don’t get to colonizing space soon, we (workers and intellectuals) will become slaves to the growing hordes of nogs. African birth rates are quickly exceeding the birthrates in all first world countries. More mouths to feed means more taxes and more problems to solve in order to subsidize an entire continent’s existence. This doesn’t sound like a future I want to live in. I want to leave this shithole or at least work on problems that are actually solvable. I want a place with less politics and hurt feelings. I want to be somewhere that my voice actually matters. I imagine in space people will be less faggy because they understand better how close we actually are to oblivion..

>> No.15189543

Reality check, you flaming homosexual: you are not going to space. Ever.

>> No.15189563
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>What went wrong with us?
There are not more cool nazis to steal tech from.
Worst, you filled NASA with noggers, trannies and women.
Now, 50 years later, the ones that started innovation in space tech are: one south african guy, (Elon), one redneck farm guy (Tom Mueller) and mexican welders to build them rockets.
Think about that.

>> No.15189567

Because, we as humanity must be compelled to expand, if we woudn't have done that, Columbus would never have discovered America, and the neanderthals would have never abandoned their caves.

>> No.15189575

>we as humanity must be compelled to expand

>> No.15189578
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>you flaming homosexual

>> No.15189580

You're not going to space. If you have some problem with the way things are going down here on Earth, you better start looking for real solutions that don't involve kiddie escapist fantasies.

>> No.15189584
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Because stagnation is death, and decay, you are either going up or down.
Because past generations have given us a technologically developed civilization, and is our duty to them not to waste their effort, and to the next generations to improve in what has been given to us and to make conditions better for them. We must expand, we must improve, we must advance.

>> No.15189587

Space brings real solutions, space makes science and tech advance, which in turn, improves everybody quality of life.

>> No.15189590

>Because stagnation is death
Stagnation in what, you parasitic cancer?

>> No.15189593

>Space brings real solutions
Name one real problem space wankery has solved. The closest thing you have is satellites and that doesn't connect with any of your space colonization fantasies.

>> No.15189596

>Stagnation in what, you parasitic cancer?
Stagnation in tech and science, we have stagnated since the 50s, the only really new thing is the internet and smart phones, all other things have been merely improved upon.
Since we live in an stagnant culture, we are in decline, and in decline, edonist, ignorant, stupid and narcissist "people" such as yourself flourish, which makes the rate of stagnation increase, since you are a cancer that infest the system that is society.

>> No.15189599


>> No.15189602

>Stagnation in tech and science
Why does rejecting your space settler fantasies imply stagnation in tech and science?

>> No.15189606

The only relevant items on your list were satellite-related.

>> No.15189610

>You're staying here. That's a given.
A colony of pajeet miners is cheaper than a colony of quadrillion dollar mining robots

>> No.15189612

You're not going to space.

>> No.15189614

Not as an expendable rock smasher that's for sure

>> No.15189750

oh sorry, im not the guy who claimed it was tho i do agree its a pretty good idea mostly because it would be pretty cool but also because it would allow a lot of experimentation of different types of social structures, cant wait for the flat earther rotating habitat

>> No.15189755

>it would allow a lot of experimentation of different types of social structures
As if. Hope you're ready for a space revolution against the UN space army or whatever.

>> No.15189766

you guys seem super fun and enjoyable people to be around

>> No.15189773

it would be the UN space navy i guess but the thing is space is so big its almost impossible to polic all of it so any group with enough funds could set up a small colony on some asteroid somewhere and as long as they dont fuck with other people and maybe pay their space taxes they would probably have a lot of freedom to do whatever they wanted

>> No.15189774
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>you guys seem super fun and enjoyable people to be around
You sound like you copy your zingers from a teenage girl's twatter.

>> No.15189778

proving his point really
>verification not required

>> No.15189782

> any group with enough funds could set up a small colony on some asteroid somewhere
Exactly what is going to stop Earth Government from following you and forcing its rules? Planet Earth used to be pretty big, too.

>> No.15189786

why stop at the discovery of electricity,the discovery of fire allowed us to survive and get to where we are today, or even better when we evolved and were able to use critical thinking, that's probably our greatest achievement right there

>> No.15189787

At least learn to samefag properly.

>> No.15189791

> we evolved and were able to use critical thinking, that's probably our greatest achievement right there
That never actually happened, but it would be a huge accomplishment for sure if they ever figure out the GMO procedure for it.

>> No.15189793
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>> No.15189797
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>> No.15189801

space is a lot bigger then planet earth, theres a lot of asteroids in the belt that would have been hollowed out for rare earth metals that some random group could buy and put a "small cylinder" habitat in big enough to house a small country worth of people. Earth probably wouldnt care much about what they do because 99.9% of the population is going to be living near the earth and moon for the next several millenia anyways

>> No.15189803

>the sheer desperation
You got caught,retard. Move on.

>> No.15189806

>space is a lot bigger then planet earth
So what? What's stopping them from following your would-be colony?

>> No.15189813
File: 5 KB, 390x121, coping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brother take your meds please

>> No.15189838

the effort required to police a million habitats in the asteroid belt next to the even higher effort of policing the several times larger number of habitats in orbit of earth and other planets. if you really dont want anyone meddling tho you could go live in kuiper belt or oort cloud since the months long journeys required to get there even with fantastical drive systems make it generally not worth a earth goverments time

>> No.15189843

>the effort required to police a million habitats
How did we got to "millions of habitats"?

>> No.15189878

sorry im thinking a bit too far ahead, in the short term any policing is going to be way more costly then just sending some cops over in a car or sending naval ships or armies in terms of nation states so space would be relativly "lawless" the further out or in the system you go. it changes a little once you start getting more space infrastructure in place but then the scale of humanities expansion would make it still a hard thing to do. Im not saying it would be entirely impossible just that it would be harder which makes it easier to just fuck of somewhere if you feel the current society is not for you and you have a big enough group of similar minded people with the funds to do it. another thing that i forgot to mention is the mutating effect the isolation itself due to the slow speed of communication and travel would have on society regardless of how policed it was, people living on jupiters moons are going to live different to marsians who live different to earth people regardless which makes for interesting social experiments imo

>> No.15189930

>in the short term any policing is going to be way more costly then just sending some cops over in a car or sending naval ships or armies
In the short term, your life will be completely at their mercy when you're out there living in your metal pod and trying to colonize a desert.

>> No.15189949
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Sanitary sewage systems would also compete for most important invention. Imagine if everyone still shit in bowls and tossed it out the window.

>> No.15190296

>What went wrong with us?
there wasn't profit to be made, the age of exploration was entirely profit driven, with the Portuguese going first, and all other Europeans competing afterwards, it was always about getting to asia by sea to buy spices from the asians, instead of the arabs... if they had found extensive mineral wealth on the moon, i fucking bet you we would have reusable rockets, mining and processing in the moon in the 80's

>> No.15190530

>verification not required
maintaining persistent cookies is for bluepilled cucks. if the captcha challenges your intellectual abilities to the point that you consider doing them frustrating, then you are in the 80-90 iq range.
t. while you were lazing away without required verification, i honed my intellect with six character sliders

>> No.15190554
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oh shit its true, captchas are intellectual steroids

>> No.15190637

A lot of people consider it the eradication of smallpox.

Which honestly is a grand, and global, achievement with no like. Other arguments could be language, writing, steam power, etc. Humans have done a lotta stuff through the ages

>> No.15190640

growing enough food to support the African population boom. that or affirmative action.

>> No.15190823

Horses certainly aren't going to fucking do it

>> No.15191610
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op if u think landing on the moon is humanity's greatest achievement, there is no hope for u

>> No.15191786
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no, virology hoax is greater achievement

>> No.15191790

if you think it happened then you are a complete retard, which is also an achievement

>> No.15191792

harnessing electricity
literally everything we have now is only here because of electricity

>> No.15191794

defeatism should be illegal
not wanting or believing humanity will ever leave earth goes against the perseverance of the human race

>> No.15191870

What makes you think anyone needs to do it? Why are technotroons always such megalomaniacal and delusional narcissists?

>> No.15191871
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>not wanting or believing humanity will ever leave earth goes against the perseverance of the human race
Why should anyone care about your space wank fantasies? "Humanity" doesn't exist, you retarded globohomo corporate product.

>> No.15191899

>Why are technotroons always such megalomaniacal and delusional narcissists?
they are low iq people who are dumb and easily manipulated