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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1518624 No.1518624 [Reply] [Original]

Edgar Mitchell, Apollo astronaut, stating the facts

Twenty credible witnesses in front of the National Press Club

John Podesta, former White House Chief of Staff

Gordon Cooper, Project Mercury, witness to flying saucers

And here's Bill Nye getting beat up on CNN.

>> No.1518632
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UK Government UFO Files

Mexican Government UFO Video

Alien implant research (physical evidence)

Stan Romanek Timeline

Mexican Government Documentary

>> No.1518637
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Stanton Friedman Interview

Hoagland National Press Club

COMETA Report, peer-reviewed.

And here’s Bill again

Lovely website

>> No.1518643

told you they exist

>> No.1518660
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>> No.1518682
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Flying Saucers and Science


>> No.1518685
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>go to that site
>upload a fake and obviously bullshit report
>it gets accepted
>see it on there report page
>oh god, maximum trolling

>> No.1518693

>And here's Bill Nye getting beat up on CNN.

wtf man, why is the title of that "bill nye gets pwned"?

the dude says "are you going to do this with baking soda and vinegar" to bill nye, and then when nye says that we can't be completely sure it wasn't human technology the dude says "in 1964 you were chasing girls" or something like that.

and then after saying that he goes on to accuse bill nye of making ad hominim attacks >_>

>> No.1518696

>flying saucers

that's almost as bad as being a devout christian and studying biology.

>> No.1518697

Must you people post this on every board? No one gives a shit about aliens unless they are worth sexing up.

>> No.1518700

Because Nye never said anything scientific.

He just kept bullshitting about car wrecks and cameras.

>> No.1518722

Neither did the retired airforce guy.

>> No.1518732


>> No.1518734

I was just about to make that exact same comment.

I'd like to just state the following:
Saying UFO's are "alien spacecraft" is a leap of faith much like the leap of faith that religious people make about god/s, miracles, etc..

>> No.1518742



>> No.1518744

i love how they draw such incredible conclusions from some grainy photos that they can't or won't produce for independent analysis.

>> No.1518750
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Super Nazis.

And aliens.

>> No.1518757

This is cuntpasted onto /sci/ at least 3 times a day, I dont honestly understand who would waste their time doing this.

>> No.1518771

okay, 95% of observations are explainable by natural phenomena. so says the common sense, and government studies Blue Book, COMETA, and UK MoD UFO files.

but what about the remaining 5%?

like when you have visual ID from multiple witnesses AND a simultaneous radar track of a metallic-looking object that hovers silently?
how about multiple radar tracks from ground station as well as fighter radars of an object going from hover to hypersonic speed within seconds?

now, i'm not saying that these object are aliens.
but i think that they are interesting enough that they deserve some SERIOUS scientific research.

>> No.1518789


I showed that video to my older sister and she said the airforce guy really believes he is telling the truth because he has been telling the story in his head for so long. but in a reality it is just a delusion because he lead a pretty boring life.

that's the gist of it at least, she said a lot more including a FF7 reference but it was a while ago and I don't remember it all.

and she isn't generally wrong about such things, with emotions she is like neo in the matrix and if you doubt her she will make you cry.

>> No.1518794


>okay, 95% of observations are explainable by natural phenomena

>okay, 100% of observations are explainable by natural phenomena and I am a retard.

>> No.1518819

you're not being very scientific.

why don't you read some of the relevant reports? or you don't consider military sources to be credible enough?
what evidence would you accept as credible?

>> No.1518841


relevant reports?

I dont have to read reports about shit because I am not a simpleton who can be easily misled on the internet.

Aliens fall under the category of sage.

>> No.1518852

We're the aliens.

From the future.

Prove me wrong.

Their descriptions could all be conclusions of years human adaptation.

>> No.1518872

>who can be easily misled on the internet.
1. download official british UFO files from http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/ufos/
2. search for radar events
3. read
4. still unconvinced? send a RFI to british MoD, obtain a physical copy of said documents.
5. ????

>> No.1518891
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I still fail to see how you are not a dumb ass. Let me put it this way, you continue to believe in UFOs and troll 4chan, and I will continue to be a intelligent contributing member of society.

>> No.1518901

another ad hominem? is that all you can do?

>> No.1518924
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Why so much butthurt Mendel?

Why do you love the government lying to you so much?

>> No.1518927

Eyewitness /= empirical evidence
Not that long ago people used to belive in witch craft and in some countries still do.
Also i have a question why do aliens never kidnap indians.

>> No.1518933
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Because if you knew a little bit about the subject, you would know that there are humans flying the UFOs now.

They fake abductions and troll you into believe it's all silly.

>> No.1518935

>The lines aren't there so we'll just add them in

>> No.1518937

Evidence motherfucker do you have it!!

>> No.1518940

Don't really care. Nor belief.
Your honestly trying to convince me that aliens traveled a huge load of lightyears, just to ... do nothing? Seriously? Seriously? From where I'm sitting, even the bible is more believable.

>> No.1518943
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Did you somehow miss the dozen links or something?

>> No.1518950

Where is the evidence humans are driving UFO's idiot.

>> No.1518952
File: 215 KB, 640x963, rufo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this book is a required reading for anyone who wants to comment on the topic of UFO. whether he's a "believer", conspiracy theorist or sceptic.


you can steal it online here:

>> No.1518954
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I don't see anyone disputing any of this.

Just gonna keep fighting over Bill Nye's failure at forensics, or what?

>> No.1518959


I couldn't give much of a fuck if they exist or not given they never contact any humans.

I'd rather they don't tough.

The consequences would be horrible.

>> No.1518965
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Well, the consequences are a comin'.

This whole shit is out in the open now, they're either going to kill us all or hand over power somehow.

>> No.1518969

well, what would you do if you discovered alien civillization?
1) observe it without interfering, try to learn as much about their life as possible
2) land in a the middle of alien city, come out of your ship waving hands and shouting "we come in peace, where the bitches at?"
3) nuke it from the orbit, it's the only way to be sure.

>> No.1518973


stop with this bullshit

>> No.1518983

because one particular case was disproved, that somehow disproves all other, completely different cases?
am i still on /sci/?

>> No.1519018
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>Ignore winess testimony from astronauts, pilots, and high-level officials, and mountains of evidence
>Believe the what the TV tells you to.
>Claim that you're rational.

>> No.1519063

>one particular
not only one, many of them

>> No.1519099

/sci/ - Conspiracy theories

>> No.1519136
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>> No.1519139


>> No.1519189

yes. i said earlier that 95% of cases have either a conventional explanation, or not good enough evidence to make any conclusion. even though they might initially look very convincing.

but it's what remains that's interesting.
yes, eyewitness are susceptible to optical illusions. yes, radars are susceptible to glitches. but when both people and radars see the same thing, at the same time, something they never saw before, and these people are trained to identify anything that flies... now what?
now you probably expecting me to write "so it surely must be the aliens!".
no. my position is, that it's an unknown, but very interesting phenomena, that needs some serious research, using scientific method. it might even turn out to be an elaborate hoax, but that doesn't mean we won't learn something in the process.

>> No.1519206

PS.: i'm not OP, and i don't associate with crazy conspiracy theorists.
and i sure as hell don't consider an isolated eyewitness account as an evidence for anything.

>> No.1521703
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bump lol