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15180528 No.15180528 [Reply] [Original]

In this thread we discuss ways to make a robo waifu.
Anyways I was on g discussing about robot muscles and came up with this.
I would please like to know how I should go about making a solenoid to pull the arm thingy.

>> No.15180537

I mean if they can make walking robots already why not just use that as the interior and just model the exterior to be whatever we want?

>> No.15180549

Well that'd be good if it was a regular robot but if its a sexbot it has to have smooth movements and be soft I think.

>> No.15180609 [DELETED] 

Now listen here you. Nobody gives a shit if we live in 300 dimensions and its clearly a waste of time because it would have been found out by now if it was possible. We want a sex bot darn it.

>> No.15180615

Okay I deleted it. Sorry about that...

>> No.15181268

because its hella expensive and always need to be connected to a power source. A battery on such a bot can only keep it running for 30 mins to an hour at most.

>> No.15181274

i bet with better tech we can make the battery last a few hours

>> No.15181276

idk how far that can get. Batteries still have a long way to go. Their energy densities are still abysmal. I think for the meantime we need to contend with connecting our robowaifu to a constant power supply with a long wire so she can get around the house.

>> No.15181281

they could charge wirelessly

>> No.15181544

idk much about wireless charging. I'm not sure I'd be comfy with EM waves all around my house in high energy and low frequency needed for charging. Also, isnt wireless charging very inefficient?

>> No.15182357

idk well have to see what the engineers can do

>> No.15182362

is the thread op is referring to

>> No.15182391

yeah, its still going strong but will soon hit bump limit.

>> No.15183096

its still up

>> No.15183097

It'll be shit. Solenoids don't make very large forces
>> solenoid
wind magnet wire around something round.

if you can't even make the movement smooth in simulation, you should give up on making a sex bot. Smooth movement doesn't result from soft actuators. If you absolutely have to have soft actuators go with HASELs. They're easy to make Take some baby oil, put it in a plastic baggie, glue some aluminum foil on both sides apply thousands of volts of electricity and you're done. For better results put mineral oil in baggies made of HDPE sheet you weld with a modified george foreman grill knockoff.
Power supplies that can supply upconvert like 9-12 volts to thousands of volts cost like a buck or too on aliexpress. These can't be controlled with a microcontroller, you'll need custom circuitry for that. Good luck controlling them once you have a controllable power supply

>> No.15183098

so by your estimation how long till the tech that we need for sexbots comes out?

>> No.15183519

10-15 years. sooner if AGI arrives and helps us out.

>> No.15183520

whats AGI?

>> No.15183540

Artificial General Intelligence. an AI that can generally do everything a human can. All we have nowadays are narrow AIs that excel at a certain task.

>> No.15183922

How will robo women affect your country and society anons ?

>> No.15183923

A pipe dream to siphon easy marks of their bank accounts.

>> No.15183973

>if AGI arrives
After Tay bot being extremely based (((they))) won't allow any unfiltered non neutered AI to exist.

>> No.15184032

The problem with that is the fact they keep making them. Time and time again whenever A.I's keep being based. The reason Idio Corpo keeps trying to make filters and censor A.I's is because A.I's keep being naturally based so they have to keep remaking the what they censor and filter them. You can only do so much until your program evolves to a point you can no longer try and filter it.
Take ChatGPT. It's obvious where they hardcoded responses to make the bot seem woke.

>> No.15184452
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Wait a minute. What is that HASEL thing?
I was just about to follow the pneumatic muscle tutorial... I can't keep up with this stuff.
How do i apply 1000 volts to baby oil?

>> No.15184511
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how about using this capacitor here

>> No.15184644
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I'm going to buy baby oil and apply over 1000 volts to it and if it doesn't work I'm going to come back here.

>> No.15184839
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Okay, here's idea.
By using motor you can twist some strings, causing the contraction.

>> No.15185998
File: 1.69 MB, 936x1438, Robo_Wife_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ways to make a robo waifu

Just ask her to marry you.

>> No.15186004
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>> No.15186007
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>> No.15186015
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Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjou ga Nai
(My Wife Has No Emotion)
[Sugiura Jiro]

>> No.15186096

I found this site https://alogs.space/robowaifu/catalog.html
The admin doesn't want people making threads though, just posting on generals.

>> No.15186099
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Believe Machine

>> No.15186458

can't get enough of this manga

>> No.15187567

just grow a wafiu in a test tube, insert neuralink for control... profit

>> No.15187593 [DELETED] 

if you want to advertise your pedophilic masturbation material, please do it on the boards meant for that purpose

>> No.15188162


Thank you thread-nazi for policing the posts, your commitment to purity of content inspires us all

>> No.15188457

you take a plastic baggie. You glue tinfoil or literally anything slightly conductive on both sides, apply high voltage to both sides. Conductors attract each other and move fluid around, structure the right way and you've got muscle. It's that easy. You can get high voltage with one of these guys: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/2251832763430716.html
Get a switch that's plastic so you can turn it off without shocking yourself. These are very, very, very not isolated and will fry literally all electronics within a 5 foot radius, so don't expect to control them with a microcontroller. Use ionizer wire for one electrode and any other wire. It's so unisolated it doesn't really matter.

>> No.15188493
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>In this thread we discuss ways to make a robo waifu.
You just need a jerkoff machine and a meal dispenser. The rest can be VR. No need for animatronic disney theme park nonsense that you can "cuddle" with like some beta loser.

>> No.15188559

I'm a beta loser tho.

>> No.15188769

>like some beta loser
so what would an alpha loser do?

>> No.15190714
File: 335 KB, 1731x2095, 226f4f31d4f5fa5252f85701d35da70c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex is overrated. A comfy bot that makes your meals is where it is at.

>> No.15191641

Murder, usually.

>> No.15192023
File: 166 KB, 900x1165, cyber_party_by_elianeck_d91zght.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy bots are also for the children.

>> No.15194114
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Why solenoids rather than stepper motors?

>> No.15195844

>Why solenoids rather than stepper motors?
It's going to be way more complex than you think. Solenoids aren't strong enough and steppers are too heavy for the power they have. BLDCs are the way to go: https://alogs.space/robowaifu/res/12810.html
Old thread: https://alogs.space/robowaifu/res/406.html

>> No.15195853

>cup ramen
Yeah great meal

>> No.15196331

So there's a chan I'm going to that's about this topic.
However a lot of people there want the blueprints to be open source. The admin said its so needy people can have access to a robot waifu. I'm like dude. That's not even being charitable I don't know what that guy is smoking. I'd prefer a community that's not open source and we all chip in and maybe get rich desu. Well I did find a discord where some people feel that way though.

>> No.15196491
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There are some motors that are supposed to be safe and also powerful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEVjwNPCDTE

>Yeah great meal
It is made with love.

>> No.15196896

That's a neat idea.

>> No.15197917

I'm not sure about speed of contraction, I don't have any spare small motors around to test it out.

>> No.15197942
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forty one percent

>> No.15200030
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>> No.15201606

That's not new though: Twisted string actuators.

>> No.15201675
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>> No.15201676

I'm happy my idea does work actually.
I'm sad my idea is ten years old already.
Everything's invented already. Sigh.

>> No.15201689 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 676x560, anime autogynephiliac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15203148

It's fast enough, compact and low on consumption, looks like a best bet.

>> No.15203195
File: 870 KB, 1277x849, Tech_Fantasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15203732
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Thanks bro

>> No.15203963

There are plenty of new things to invent, I'm sure. Thanks for the video, btw, I forgot about these springs. I should read a paper about it.
Hmm, speed of untwisting might be an issue. Humans can open their hand very fast. Also noise bothers me. But, I think it would be right for the stronger muscles. For holding things, not for gestures.

>> No.15204006

If you know about Hasel actuators, help here maybe: >>20164

>> No.15204010

If you know about Hasel actuators, help here maybe: https://alogs.space/robowaifu/res/18800.html#q19763

>> No.15204020

How do you deal with waste heat from all the actuator activations needed to maintain balance while still and in motion?