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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15185241 No.15185241 [Reply] [Original]

What is this "The Science" everyone talks about and why am I supposed to trust it?

>> No.15185248
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Science = NewSpeak = obedience to left-wing corporate-government politicians and bureacracy.

>> No.15185313
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philosophy time /sci/

What is science?
That is to ask: is science the process, or is science the results?

If this is 2 separate things frequently get conflated, should we create new words or language to differentiate the two?

>> No.15185346

For a while "The Science" was used to express the body of scientific knowledge associated with a particular topic. So one might say "I know the science on climate change" if they were an expert in that field and had spent years gaining familiarity with. As soon as an expression hits the mainstream it loses all meaning however. During covid it became a politicized statement and a dog whistle to express support for government policies and mandates. People who said they understood "the science" really had no idea what they were talking about. Saying you "trusted the science" became just a statement of fealty and submission to whatever CNN was telling you to believe that week.

>> No.15185352

philosophy is not allowed here, only unquestionable, unfalsifiable, dogmatic science. take your free thinking elsewhere.

>> No.15185363

>So one might say "I know the science on climate change" if they were an expert in that field and had spent years gaining familiarity with.
This topic was the same as
>a statement of fealty and submission to whatever CNN was telling you to believe that week.

>> No.15185369

Yeah I shouldn't have said climate change, it's too polarizing. It was just the first thing that popped into my mind at that time. You can replace it with "The Science on Particle Physics" if you like it more

>> No.15185634

>"The Science"
Something that progressives, /pol/acks, twiggers; invoke, argue, and complain about despite knowing little about it.

>> No.15185732

The science is what you hypothesize and the outcomes you've observed. It's subjective, but that doesn't mean you should discredit it. If you can't clearly understand someone as being wrong, then there exists the possibility that they are right. Remember that the hypothesis is necessary. Facts are hypothesis, memory and senses are observation.