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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15183263 No.15183263 [Reply] [Original]

Why do doctors prescribe these drugs as candies, for no obvious reason?

>> No.15183278

to make schizoid happy

>> No.15183280
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Corticosteroids cause tissue degeneration = more future visits and money.

Anabolic Steroids cause tissue regeneration and promote youth and vitality = less money.

Government promotes things that are bad for the public, so as to keep the public sick, unhealthy, and dependent on them for healthcare, assistance, etc. and bans and arrests anyone promoting good things.

>> No.15183283

Probably the same reason your local street drug dealer would do it, except these labs are guided by snake tongue lawmen and vicious scary competition with the blanket of serving the public health but everyone just wants enough money to make their wife stay at home and fuck them a lot, you know what i mean?

>> No.15183314

>but everyone just wants enough money to make their wife stay at home and fuck them a lot, you know what i mean?
wives are for cleaning, cooking, child-rearing.
mistresses are for fucking.

>> No.15185183

>Why do doctors prescribe these drugs as candies, for no obvious reason?
Doctors are just pimps for government controlled big pharma racket.

>> No.15185232

they both have their purposes, don't be a roidtranny

>> No.15185256

corticosteroid purpose = reduce inflammation by destroying healthy tissue = make doctors more money by treating all the health issues that arise from their use.

Same as government, "fix" a problem by creating another problem or two that also need fixing.

Job security.

>> No.15186351
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>inflamation happens
>because something disturbed your tissue
>some foreign substance or toxic metabolite of bacteria, your own cells or whatever

>damaged/poisoned tissue signals to generate inflamation & calls granulocytes, lymphocytes etc.
>to deal with the problem
>swelling, accumulation of water, increased heat to accelerate chemical break down of foreign substance
>feels unpleasant
>go to doc
>"Here take roids to supress inflamation!"
>"but why am I inflamed? Shouldn't we find the cause?"
>"Lol I don't care. Inflamation is unpleasant I can make unpleasant feeling go aways, take meds, don't ask questions."
>takes meds
>white blood cells reduce
>inflamation goes away
>tissue gets necrotic, but you don't notice because you activly supress your immune response to it
>as soon as you stop taking it, get inflamed again, worse than before
>repeat cycle until issue cannot be supressed anymore
>have to get surgical procedure
>have to take more meds now than ever before
>don't think about it further
>just accept that you are on meds4life now

>have large splinter in the heel
>go to doc
>"I have splinter, it hurts can you remove?"
>doc tells you:"See I am the expert, and in fact, it's not the splinter that hurts you, it is your brain generating the nerve impulse to tell you it hurts"
>*writes down painkillers and local anestheticum like lidocain or benzocain*
>"take this and the pain goes away"
>"But doc my splinter hurts, I think-"
>*doctor interrupts*
>"I am the expert, take meds, and stop with your alternative homeopathic unscientific things you read at doctor google!"

>> No.15186473

even outside of drugs i really don't see why trying to reduce inflammation and swelling is the goal. what good does it do? am i missing something?
i was thinking this when i fucked my ankle and did all those steps which are seemingly just for reducing swelling. maybe it's different in that case idk but surely suppressing the body's response is not a good idea?

>> No.15186479

Swelling can cause damage to the body even if nothing else is the cause. It often prevents healing when it happens for non-illness reasons like sports injuries. Swelling is also sometimes idiopathic or caused by the body's own immune system such as with arthritis (autoimmune) and nobody is going to want to take immunosuppressants just to stop arthritis. Better to take an NSAID and just live with that.

>> No.15186536

>Swelling can cause damage to the body even if nothing else is the cause.
Wierd claim.
"We cannot say what causes the inflamation, therefore nothing must be the cause!"

> It often prevents healing when it happens for non-illness reasons like sports injuries.
Non-illness reason?
Illness and Injury are homologous in describing a abnormal condition. Broken leg is a abnormal condition, because normally it should not be broken.
Abnormal conditions, like broken bones, lead to fluid exchanges which should not happen and are "abnormal", For examble blood, interstitial fluids and bone marrow mixed up.
If this happens, than biochemical compounds enter areas, which they should typically not enter, and cause irritation.
Inflamation is a reaction to this condition.
Increases the nutrients and water and heat in that area to break down chemicals and accelerate the white blood cells for cleaning up the issue.
Inflamation is painfull.
Reducing inflamation, inhibits the healing process which lessens the pain but prolongs the healing.

> Swelling is also sometimes idiopathic or caused by the body's own immune system such as with arthritis (autoimmune) and nobody is going to want to take immunosuppressants just to stop arthritis. Better to take an NSAID and just live with that.
""We cannot say what causes the inflamation, therefore nothing must be the cause! And we call it Autoimmune response! It is like dark matter".

Autoimmune diagnosis is a lazy mans term used to avoid saying "we don't know whats the cause, and we also don't want to invest time to figure out why you have it".
Athritis can be caused by many influences and deficits.
Selenium or colagen deficiency.
Or poisoning via chemicals eg. Mercury, Aluminium, Cadmium, Lithium or other pharmaceuticals like blood pressure medicine:

Stop making retarded claims.
Everything has a price. Taking immunosuppressive treatments have only a short term benefit.

>> No.15188082

Reducing inflammation stops tissue damage of healthy tissues. If the inflammation is abnormal or chronic this is helpful. Killing some bad tissue can allow healthy tissue to proliferate instead of a shitty scar.

>> No.15188102

>Reducing inflamation, inhibits the healing process which lessens the pain but prolongs the healing.
Inflammation can inhibit the healing process. Help the body heal and the inflammation will go away.

>> No.15188104

>Killing some bad tissue can allow healthy tissue to proliferate instead of a shitty scar.
Good god, this is the level of "intelligence" of /sci/ now? KYS

>> No.15188108

>Why do doctors prescribe these drugs
Because it works. Yeah, it's very hard to understand if you are science uneducated.

>> No.15188114
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>Because it works.
The level of intelligence/stupidity as seen with the "vaccines".
"Take it! It works! Good for you and good for me! Don't know why it is good, it is just 'science' chud!"

>> No.15188140

Is that not how it works?
You lessen the inflammation, the immune response is less, and you get less of a mess of calcified and bad tissue. If you take a lot of the anti inflammatory it’s gonna kill bad tissue and kill pain.

>> No.15188146 [DELETED] 

>Wierd claim.
>"We cannot say what causes the inflamation, therefore nothing must be the cause!"
You misread me. If you get punched or your tendon is pulled in an accident, swelling results despite there being no immunological necessity for it. Your bruise or swollen tendon are merely a haywire result of bodily defense mechanisms that now get in the way of healing.
>Illness and Injury are homologous in describing a abnormal condition. Broken leg is a abnormal condition, because normally it should not be broken.
>Reducing inflamation, inhibits the healing process which lessens the pain but prolongs the healing.
Absolute retard detected.
>Everything has a price. Taking immunosuppressive treatments have only a short term benefit.
NSAIDs don't suppress the immune system.

>> No.15188160

The inflammation does not always go away and that’s why they prescribe drugs. Things can heal and stay in a diseased state.

>> No.15188176

It's not really healing then. The inflammation is an inadequate effort to heal. Not that I'm saying I have all the answers for inflammation. Autoimmunity is especially complicated.

>> No.15188211

>doubles down on big-pharma tripe ignorance.

>> No.15188219
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>reduce inflammation by destroying healthy tissue

>> No.15188225

When inflammation is acutely dangerous or a chronic condition, corticosteroids can in the first case tone it down and in the second may be the only option if a root cause for chronic inflammation cannot be ID'd and treated.

>> No.15188291

>have really bad asthma, triggered by multitudes of allergies
>get pumped with corticosteroids, well over the reccommended dosage, for two years
>never have asthma attack again
i'm glad my alergologist was not one of the "muh underlying cause" faggots who would have me on antihistamines and salbutamol until my 50's when he'd finally find "the underlying cause"

>> No.15188330

Profit and laughs. They're psychopaths.

>> No.15188349

I'm pretty sure the doctors have a better understanding of what they're doing than you do.

Now go back to your containment board, incel.

>> No.15188350

Because corticosteroids supress the immune response, and so you get new diseases to pay for.

>> No.15188452
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>have absolutely brutal atopic eczema
>doctor prescribes me corticosteroids
>says to use them very sparingly, only when it gets unbearably bad
>follow doctor's advice
>get no sides, no longer have to deal with bleeding purulent spots
>eczema completely disappears in my late teens
Sounds like a skill issue.

>> No.15188621

>get vaccinated with copious amounts of mercury and aluminium
>therefore have trivial but non lethal metal poisoning metal
>develop wierd allergies
>teenage years ruined
>go to doctor
>doctor cannot explain where this all of a sudden comes from
>supress symptoms for two years
>aluminium and mercury moves from all over the place
>to brain and glands
>allergies and asthma reduced
>thank you medical system
>for making me sick
>ruining my teenage years
>and then supress symptons until I am better
>this is not Munchausen's by Proxy syndrome syndrome

>> No.15188693

>Inflammation can inhibit the healing process

Never said it is 100% to avoid.
As I said:
>everything has a price. Taking immunosuppressive treatments have only a short term benefit.

So yes in the short term it "calms" the immune response to a reasonable endurable level.
But it is not a mid to long term strategy.

>> No.15188707

I've got psoriasis. Have visited like 4 docs over the time and they've prescripted more or less the same topical steroidal cremes. No mention of long term usage affects, so i simply used them. Few years later i find out about them, the hard way. Shit's fucked. Fuck doctors.

>> No.15188735

It's partly a problem of their self-importance and your trust. People need to become more independent and the status of doctors and medicine needs to be duly dismantled so they're forced to stop being retards and killing people.

>> No.15188743
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>> No.15188773

I never take corticosteroids for my psoriasis/eczema/whatever it is, but a few days ago it got to a point where I couldn't sleep at night (it moved a sensitive area). I don't wanna take that shit but had no choice this time. Idk what to do

>> No.15188786

And I've done everything trying to find the root cause, went on a elimination diet which helped but didn't completely get rid of it, but I couldn't keep that up forever and could never pinpoint what food might have been causing it

>> No.15188874

I had eczema for years, it's all gone now. The things I learned for mine were;
>diet doesn't do anything
>stress isn't a cause (it can make it seem worse because less patience with itching etc)
>the acute cause is something that has physically come into contact with the affected area
>skin ph levels play a significant role in chronic eczema - as a general rule, if your skin is oily or pimply you need higher ph, if it's dry and flaky you need lower
>bacteria can definitely be a cause for chronic eczema - get a swab done
>if your eczema keeps returning after topical steroids - stop using it

>> No.15188898

mine appears on different parts of my body, moving every few months. sometimes around the knees, then moves to around ears, then to the elbows, then the armpits. it doesn't move gradually, it just reappears in a different area. It's obviously caused by something systemic and not skin contact with anything.

>> No.15188908

If it was systemic then wouldn't you expect it to reappear in the exact same places every time?

>> No.15188929

>increasing collagen production
>not "with lotions" but by food
>Bone broth (not bought by supplement companies but really self made) does wonders.
>If collagen is low, skin cannon repair properly
>Buy bones form chicken or beef, doesn't matter
>Or buy meat with bones cut out the bones
>also don't remove joints or cartilages
>put the bones in a preheated oven at 180°C for 20 minutes
>crack or saw or cut them in such a manner, that you reveal the bone marrow
>add the bones to a vegetable broth
>let it cook for at least 4-6 hours in low to medium heat
>let it reduce
>the marrow and joints and cartilage will break down
>releasing complex lipid and lipoprotein and protein chains (buildingblocks of collagen)
>most of the collagen will break down in the broth, because it is thermal unstable, but it does not matter, because you just need the building blocks
>now take a strainer and strain the broth
>broth will be fatty and rich
>but this will taste amazing in soup and also will allow your body to repair
>other supplementation will hardly help (except maybe msm), because you don't require collagen you require the lipids and disulfuric bonds which make complex collagen structures possible
>bones have these

Also this is a good source of a lot of nutrients like potassium, zinc, selenium etc.
And it is cheap, and you can make a lot of it.

>> No.15188967

Do you have a desk job or spend a lot of time sitting down? Do you wear ear/headphones for long periods of time?

>> No.15190730
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>Because corticosteroids supress the immune response, and so you get new diseases to pay for.
Government wants you sick and weak.
Easier to control sick and weak people and you become dependent on them.