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File: 550 KB, 1096x954, E5Ig2OTZlxJy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15179057 No.15179057 [Reply] [Original]

How come coronavirus wasn't a problem in Africa even though they refused the vaccine?

>> No.15179075

Very few old people

>> No.15180053

Few fat people.

>> No.15180061

People get lots of sunlight, so little vitamin D deficiency.

>> No.15180069

And last but not least, people already take antimalarial and antiparasitic medications, which are very safe and effective ways of preventing covid 19 despite all the pathetic attacks "calling it "horsepaste"/test which limits the dose for very fat people/ test which administers it too late etc.

>> No.15180232

Strong immune systems. You think a little fever flu is gonna stand up to tropical diseases that cause your asshole to fall out or skin to blister? Hell someone there might be immune to aids.

>> No.15180235 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 474x550, poltard_incel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to your containment board, incel.

>> No.15180258

no 'testing'

>> No.15180449

HIV and retrovirals

>> No.15180455

when your whole race put 0 evolution points in intelligence and all of it into avoiding getting killed by pathogens from eating raw meat because half of your race don't know how to cook food, you are pretty resilient to whatever virus the globohomo release

>> No.15180462

Because coronavirus is like Tuesday for Africa, there's way more important things to be worried about over there.

>> No.15180471

I am pretty sure in the continent where the average lifespan is in the teens numerous people have to be dying pretty suddenly.

>> No.15180497 [DELETED] 

the short life expectancy in africa has to do with the very high murder rate there, not poor healthcare

>> No.15180542

>You think a little fever flu is gonna stand up to tropical diseases that cause your asshole to fall out or skin to blister?

>Hell someone there might be immune to aids.
There actually is a small subset of people who apparently can't be infected by HIV.

>> No.15180560

>There actually is a small subset of people who apparently can't be infected by HIV.
It's a Nordic gene though. The people are only in Europe.

>> No.15180855
File: 96 KB, 951x1280, xxzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The virus was created in Whuhan lab to target certain ethnic groups.
Africans are mostly immune due to having been exposed to many viruses that are related to the AIDS/HIV/Corona Virus they created.

>> No.15180859

This is also why COVID-19 virus wreaked havoc on black-Americans but not black Africans, as 99% of black Americans have large amounts of European DNA in them.

>> No.15180870
File: 128 KB, 550x535, Eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coronavirus is the only thing NOT built for BBC

>> No.15180900

It wasn't killing white people.

>> No.15180907
File: 19 KB, 306x306, 1654606514854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no "it", you are paid shill

>> No.15180910
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scary words for degenerate cattle, samefag

>> No.15180952


>> No.15180957

But they died disproportionately when they live in other countries?
Maybe it was a scam and you don't need to bother scamming people that are retarded?

>> No.15180966

They got vaxed and were refused antiparasitics in other countries.

>> No.15181029

>But they died disproportionately when they live in other countries?

See this anon's post. >>15180859

>> No.15181092
File: 29 KB, 300x300, salk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be one of the most improbable things ever, given the amount of literature, that something like described doesn't exist.
Books no one has even heard of have talked about it for a hundred years.
Pic related says they'll use them to control population btw.

>> No.15181169
File: 6 KB, 250x206, 1653159661858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a fact, virology is a hoax, and books about "it" are part of this hoax, also you really are paid shill

>> No.15181173

people are morons

>> No.15181175

>People were in on the virology hoax before virology existed

>> No.15181184

>even though they refused the vaccine?
Because they refused the vaccine*

>> No.15181912

it evolved from religion hoax, globohomo needed replacement for gods punishment for "sins". also, original meaning of the word virus is poison

>> No.15181924

Which is a small whitepill considering how much AIDS they must have imported from Africa by now.

>> No.15181938

It's actually because black people are the master race.

>> No.15181996

This, they also eat fruits and meat and living unclean boost defenses

>> No.15182007
File: 53 KB, 403x448, 1551573368122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people are morons
>this post

>> No.15182140

If being young saves you from 'Covid' then why did the gov force everyone to take the vaccine instead of just old ppl.

>> No.15182143

If being thin saves you from 'Covid' then why did the gov force everyone to take the vaccine instead of just fat ppl?

>> No.15182150

If sun saves you from 'Covid' then why did the gov force everyone in a lockdown and closed the beaches?

>> No.15182186

I agree in general with your point but I'd like to make a correction. Because religion was dying, Cabal replaced it with psychology, virology replaced the belief in curses. If you think about the two in abstract they are the same construction: An invisible dangerous thing exists, that you can not verify for yourself that it exists, but you have to believe in it because the establishment(clergy for curses, doctors for viruses) tells you it exists. If you suffer in anyway clergy/doctors suspect it is a curse/virus. In the name of helping ppl against the curse/virus the clergy/doctors gain more power. Curses/viruses have a lengthy literature yet non of it is replicable and much of it self contradictory, the only ppl who always seem to confirm its findings are the same ppl who derive power from it. If anyone else fails to confirm the theory about curses/viruses he's just a chud who 'doesn't understand'.

>> No.15182190

>It's actually because black people are the master race.

Which is exactly why they're fleeing to white countries to live on wellfare and crime.

>> No.15182199

Ppl wear masks for viruses in the same way peasants wore talismans against curses. Even the contagion part, in the old days ppl avoided individuals who were 'jinxed' because they didn't want to catch their bad luck.

>> No.15182217

Blocking immigration to every country except the one shitting it up and sucking resources.

Thinking that they care about morals or integrity when they literally came out of a jungle, desert rock that would kill them almost instantly or eat each other.

Giving these new people welfare and now recently power because of centuries old slavery and guilt. Blacks are going to be the new (toxic)-Jews. Instead of holocaust it's slavery.

They'll guilt you, then they'll steal from you, then they'll either mix with you or kill you. What a beautiful country. Reminds me of France.

>> No.15182223

Makes me wonder what America is going to give Japan considering they nuked 'em. Twice.

>> No.15182224

wew lad

>> No.15182232

how many times do you retards have to be told that your "vaccine" doesnt prevent transmission

>> No.15182238

>Dying is the only thing Covid did to people
You retards keep grasping straws. The vaccine didn't just prevent people from dying, it prevented some of the worst effects of Covid even for survivors. Even young healthy people are negatively effected by Covid, something the vaccine helped reduce.

All you guys have left in your argument are misinformation and lies.

>> No.15182249

>source: my ass

>> No.15182255

go take another booster, moron

>> No.15182460

They didn't record covid related statistics in Africa bro. Turns out no one cares about Africans.

>> No.15182552

But excess deaths were measures, check recent studies (>15 M globally).

>> No.15182880
File: 53 KB, 700x372, african lyfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be african
>"hahaha clottshot can't get me
>but then other africans

>> No.15182932

all statistics are made up bullshit

>> No.15182935

> study
source: governments ass

>> No.15183545

Less immunosuppression resulting from widespread use of chronic medication. Easy as that.

>> No.15183599

>the gov force everyone
Name one person who was forced. You can't. There's a lot of people who don't have a shot, so don't come with that bullshit of being forced.

>> No.15183604

>Name one person who was forced.
Hospitals were injecting people against their will during unrelated medical procedures, and the military "accidentally" injected at least 10,000 holdouts during routine checkups instead of the medicine they were supposed to be getting.

>> No.15183605

Most europeans are immune to aids and yet we've had alot of deaths

>> No.15183615

Also basketball Americans are enormously fat and diabetic and likely to live longer than their ancestors in homo erectus land.

>> No.15183618
File: 53 KB, 1194x787, synthetic telepathy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

africa doesn't have 5G antennas

>> No.15183640

>why did the gov force everyone to take the vaccine
Deep down you know why.
It's coming.

>> No.15183643

>If sun saves you from 'Covid' then why did the gov force everyone in a lockdown and closed the beaches?
Left-wing government wanted to cull the herd.

>> No.15183646
File: 165 KB, 1153x1070, pfizer ceo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how many times do you retards have to be told that your "vaccine" doesnt prevent transmission
Apparently they refuse to believe that fact.

>>source: my ass
The makers of the "vaccines".

>> No.15184123
File: 563 KB, 1648x2756, 1649266385499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100 BC - 300AD
>Leprosy pandemic
>Declare anyone as Leper who has: Cough, sniffles, hairloss, sings to loud in public, commits fornication, has a skin rash
>send them to leper colonies, force them to wear bells arround neck
>make people kill the lepers
>suddenly disappears after christian medical council decides: "Now someony is only a leper if their skin is rotting, and libs are falling of"
>Leprocy pandemic is over

>Pestilence pandemic
>Declare anyone as as infected by the pestilence who has: Cough, sniffles, hairloss, sings to loud in public, commits fornication, has a skin rash, gets goosebumps when blown in the neck
>Force medicate them with mercury, scalp them and burn their farms because "it could spread"
>even execution is on the list for beeing declared as "pestilence infested"
>if people die because of the treatment or starve, collect their property and hand it over to the catholic church
>1400AD Catholic medical council decides: "Now only people who have foul bumps are pestilent"
>Pestilence is now over

>~1500 AD
>Pestilence pandemic
>Declare anyone as as infected by the pestilence who has: Cough, sniffles, hairloss, sings to loud in public, commits fornication, has a skin rash, gets goosebumps when blown in the neck
>repeat pattern

>~1800 AD
>Syphillis epidemic
>Declare anyone as as infected by the Syphillis who has: Cough, sniffles, hairloss, sings to loud in public, commits fornication, has a skin rash, gets goosebumps when blown in the neck
>now create such a fear and a "solution" that people will take the solution even if they are fine
>Calomel and arsenic as "preventative medicine"
>people get sick
>must be the syphilis
>Catholic medical council now says: "only people who have smelly wierd foulish genitalia are syphilis vicitims"
>epidemic is over

>> No.15184127
File: 676 KB, 936x4448, cutter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>~1900 AD
>Polio epidemic
>Declare anyone as as infected by the Polio who has these symptoms longer than 3 days: Cough, sniffles, pain in the limbs, fever, stiff neck, rashes, menegitis, encephalopathy
>now create such a fear and a "solution" that people will take the solution even if they are fine
>Vaccine with aluminium and shitton of streptomycin and neomycin as "preventative medicine"
>people get sick
>die (cutter incident)
>must be Polio
>World medical council in 1950 says: "only people who have paralysis for longer than 60 days are now Polio cases and all former symptoms are actually seperate diseases"
>epidemic is over

>2020 AD
>Covid pandemic
>Declare anyone as as infected by the Sars-cov-2 who has these symptoms: Cough, sniffles, pain in the limbs, fever, stiff neck, rashes, flu like disease, cold like disease, rsv like disease, respiratory distress
>now create such a fear and a "solution" that people will take the solution even if they are fine
>Vaccine with memeRNA and shitton of mystery LNPs, phosphates and other adjuvants as "preventative medicine"
>people get sick
>die (the vaxxident)
>must be Covid
>World medical council in 2023 says: "Now it could be the flu, the cold, the rsv, the brochitis, stress etc"
>pandemic is over

>> No.15184137

You sound highly antisemitic.

>> No.15184593

because it was all a big scare about a failed bio weapon that got loose and was not actually dangerous in the wild and then big pharma made loads money selling a dodgy untested new mrna tech that they would never have been allowed to trial on the general public under normal circumstances.

>> No.15185216
File: 118 KB, 680x663, Truthssss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because it was all a big scare about a failed bio weapon that was released on purpose so China could murder tens of millions of dissidents and USA and other China controlled countries could steal elections with "mail in" voting fraud.


It was a really obvious PSYOP, and about 35% of the public ate it up, 35% rejected it, and the rest just didn't give a shit about it either way.

>> No.15185225

>young population
>undercounting infections
>undercounting deaths
>high excess in more developed countries like SA or Egypt

>> No.15185250

There was no mention of Semites in that reply at all, or any implication of antisemitism.

>> No.15185267

>big pharma coverup shill and weak propaganda that even a kindergarten lad could come up with.

>> No.15185276

>all these arguments
>not a single one founded
Such is life

>> No.15186328

This is the place where over half a million people die from malaria every year, covid is like a blip on the radar in comparison

>> No.15186415

...and wakandan technology

>> No.15186417

>no counterargument

>> No.15186511

Why do you assume the government was trying to make things better?

>> No.15186747

Little to no fatties, few old people, people live farther apart and less population density in regard to landmass, its warm all year round so people spend more time outside

>> No.15187337 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 1014x458, nairaland joke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres some african wisdom on that topic

>> No.15187403

>life expectancy in nigeria is 53
it seems they die suddenly a lot more

>> No.15187418

Infant mortality skews the average down.

>> No.15187427

Every tribe and culture on earth cooks their food retard, the human body is literally evolved to eat cooked foot, that means we’ve been doing it for hundreds of thousands of years

>> No.15187429
File: 221 KB, 591x589, 197623198746213987648793216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone who know basic virology saw that the governments are lying about covid and everything related. It was a power and cash grab. Modern society is helplessly retarded.

>> No.15187434

The government should just ban fat people from all places for their own good. It would be so funny.

>> No.15188031

What women, children, and weakass men do.
Which one are you?

>> No.15188039
File: 52 KB, 616x620, 1984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone who know basic virology saw that the governments are lying about covid and everything related. It was a power and cash grab. Modern society is helplessly retarded.

>> No.15188044
File: 26 KB, 474x565, incel_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to your containment board, incel.

>> No.15188083

You just have to get it, okay? It's science. The injections contains science. That's all you need to know.

>> No.15188103
File: 79 KB, 548x500, Government Fact Checkers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The injections contains science.
That's about the level of science displayed by most of the Democrat controlled government advertisements for the clot shot.
Sesame Street being used to pimp drugs for kids was the biggest kek of all!

>> No.15188264

it was a couple israeli doctors that blew the whistle on the history of vaccine scams, with the largest chapter by far in their book dedicated to polio

>> No.15188484

coercion is also illegal, stupid shill.

>> No.15188505

This, jews deserve to genocide the goyim.

>> No.15188738

>Which is a small whitepill considering how much AIDS they must have imported from Africa by now
Not in the slightest. If that information gets out you'll have even more coal burners in Sweden

>> No.15188740

It was other jews behind vaccines though. Egalitarian jews have been telling us about the jewish psychopath problem for at least two thousand years, but we never listen.

>> No.15189233

>How come coronavirus wasn't a problem in Africa even though they refused the vaccine?
The answer is obvious and you already gave it yourself, but please keep in mind the "Covid deaths" statistics have nearly zero reliability.

>> No.15189744

These are both less scary than them injecting people with metals so they can control and monitor them with satellites and such down the road. They can recreate what you see through your eyes if they can connect to the metals in your brain and blood. Recreate your thoughts. Change all of it. You are both glowies trying to calm people down.

>> No.15189923

>aren't dying suddenly

>> No.15189954

Fuck off faggot, I was forced to take it.
>B-B-BUT how!! The threat of being expelled from your university, sacrificing your future, being ostracized by your peers, being barred from every extra curricular activity, and losing career opportunities isn't freaking forcing you!! The only way you could be forced is if they had a gun to your head... OR threatened to take away your heckin Funko pop collection!!! Anyone would cave to that!!

>> No.15189963

I used to think like you, but stopped. I dropped out when they mandated a booster. Nobody was forced. You just want the whole world. We are living in Revelations.

>> No.15190710

>Fuck off faggot, I was forced to take it.
You didn't have a gun? They can't force you unless you allow it. Use your gun dude.

>> No.15190848

>Bro just get gunned down in the street by coppers and leave your family to rot and starve!!
I understand that nobody on this website can relate to having more at stake than themselves, but holy shit try to put yourself in someone else's shoes
I didn't take the booster, never got that bad thankfully, but it was getting close. It's not a matter of having the whole world, it's a matter of having one at all. Yeah not wanting to be homeless is just too much huh

>> No.15190850

You answered your own question

>> No.15190878

>holy shit try to put yourself in someone else's shoes
You're a cuck. You let yourself be killed the moment you gave in. Now you can never un-inject what they gave you.

>> No.15190906

Hmm let me think, die in the streets and leave my loved ones to starve, or die from the injection? Wow! What a wide array of choices. Of course you probably struggled hard to resist the vaccine, you know, living with your parents, jobless, 0 education, addicted to neeting all day. Tell us stories of your heroism Anon! How you gunned down the vax man, how you saved your family! Oh wait, lol there was never any pressure, or coercion placed on you at all because you're worthless with no real life value to anyone. My mistake!

>> No.15190920
File: 149 KB, 1200x1222, Strawman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who here said viruses don't exist.

>> No.15190930

You say that as if anyone would notice that a bunch of Africans are dying suddenly. It's just another day for them.

>> No.15190933

I'm a graduate student at a highly ranked school and I just didn't take it lmao. What were the faculty going to do? Give me up? No they wrote me my exemption and I just kept doing what I was always doing. You're only mad that you're so replaceable and so spineless that you let yourself be put into the sheep pen.

>> No.15190957

No you aren't anon, don't lie lol

>> No.15190959

Believe whatever cope you want if it helps you get through life. I'm not the one who has to live with your choices.

>> No.15190993

It is a disease that only rich countries had.
This is known from the very beginning. Why do 4channers think they are not dumb as fuck?
The only difference to the worst reddit idiots is "the spacing"

>> No.15191102

Have you traveled through Africa? I have. Extensively. Outside main coastal cities its still very primitive. Sealed roads are rare. Most Africans still do not have access to clean water and regular power supplies. There do not exist pharmacies and hospitals as Westerners know them. The vast majority of sub Saharan Africans do not have access to modern health care, certainly not to regular supplies of antimalarial and anti-parasitic medications.

It was and continues to be a problem. It just so happens to be a very minor problem with a very low mortality rate, a fraction of a percent of some people dying of Corona in Africa is the very least of their worries.

The Corona hysteria in the West was an effort to protect a tiny percentage of the population which was at greatest risk, the elderly, the sick, the obese. Even then the risk to those at risk was relatively minor. The reaction was however justified in certain terms. One of the greatest threats to any population is the malicious introduction of a genetically engineered disease. The hysteria and the government mandates were a useful "trial run" to prepare the populations for future events and to test the effectiveness of health systems in such an event. Put it this way, if a new and far more serious disease pandemic occurred tomorrow we would have a far better chance of minimizing casualties and economic disruption than we would have had a few years ago. We are now better geared up for the possibility of biological warfare. This "preparedness" will deteriorate over time. So expect similar knee jerk reactions on a fairly regular basis, perhaps once every ten years at least, for the rest of your life.
>Why dont they just say so?
Sure, be the politician who sparks mass panic by admitting that the possibility of an engineered disease with a 50%+ mortality rate is a very real threat.

>> No.15191112

>So expect similar knee jerk reactions on a fairly regular basis, perhaps once every ten years at least, for the rest of your life.

>> No.15191151

Got to admit it would be a useful political tool, particularly in shithole countries. Some unrelated shit happening, such as social unrest, high food prices, political riots, etc. So the Government points to some some pandemic happening somewhere ( there is always some outbreak of some disease happening somewhere in the world ), and lockdown the country for a few weeks to cool things down. Instant support from majority of population because they are mostly dumb sheep.

>> No.15191175

There are far less coalburners in Sweden than there are in America, though.

>> No.15191176

>certainly not to regular supplies of antimalarial and anti-parasitic medications.
Anon never heard of Bill Gates.

>> No.15191183

Westerners almost deposed a few governments because of this round of wolf-crying to justify state power. Even in a hyper-cucked place like New Zealand or Canada the protesting got so heated that it would result in overthrow if they tried it again.

>> No.15191202

>Westerners almost deposed a few governments
>almost deposed
>almost deposed
Stop it! You are killing me! I will die of laughter!
>almost deposed
OMG! Hahhahahah! Oh God! That's some funny shit! Fuck! I haven't laughed so much in years!
>almost deposed
I am crying with tears of laughter streaming down my face!

>> No.15191233

Oddly enough, agree with this post since people are so soft these days.

The United States was created because of a 3% increase in taxes and an attempt at gun confiscation.

>> No.15191606

Are they making a warm and comfortable bed for him, anon?

>> No.15191620

Foreigners don’t often go to Africa. Also low population density in most of the countries.

>> No.15191631

>The Corona hysteria in the West was an effort to protect a tiny percentage of the population which was at greatest risk.

No it was an effort to euthanize the elderly. The created panic, to switch the standard care protocoll, to something deadly.
>Opiates + Benzodiazapines + Remdezivir + breathing tube
This was considered "standard care".

>possibility of an engineered disease with a 50%+ mortality rate
Please define "engineered disease".
And also read:

>> No.15191651

It's one thing to lockdown for a month or maybe two, but after locking everything down for over a year with no excess deaths over the annual rate from the flu, will you at least admit it was overblown and likely also used as a political tool to piss everyone off and oust orange man in the so-called "most secure election in history"?

>> No.15191655

USA corp. was created because the masons wanted a base of operation under their direct and explicit control.

>> No.15191795

> malaria
bad air, regular cold, you are a shill

>> No.15191833

Coronavirus wasn't a problem here, either.

>> No.15191894

The schizo fuckwits have arrived in force. Abandon thread.

>> No.15191956

>even though they refused the vaccine?
You answered your own question.

>> No.15192147

Sure but his point still stands. All the data and testing they gathered from this huge social experiment was fantastic for them. They are better geared up if biological warfare is a reality plus governments have learnt a lot using propaganda and manipulation to steer society in which everyway they want. If you were the one holding power and making the key decisions would you not say it was a resounding success? As perverse as it is to us, you cannot say it was without merit to them - we just have opposite interests in whole affair.

>> No.15193173

no one goes to fucking africa

>> No.15193215

melanin blocks vitamin D, melenated people are usually amongst the most vitamin D deficient.

>> No.15193229
File: 370 KB, 640x802, B6F24CF9-7ADA-435B-9990-46EE5F3C011A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen, wiseguy: I know that you know that you just answered your own question. big pharma will hear about this.


>> No.15193244
File: 35 KB, 600x510, Bad vax causes covid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>even though they refused the vaccine?
>You answered your own question.
Less vaccination = less covid = less deaths.

>> No.15193258

>melanin blocks vitamin D, melenated people are usually amongst the most vitamin D deficient.
Very true.
A really dark black person has to get around 5 hours of sun a day to make as much Vitamin D as a redhaired person makes in 20 min.

>> No.15193542

African masks.

>> No.15193820
File: 82 KB, 536x1160, 1675063009072008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vitamin D is a not a vitamin but a secosteroid.
Whatever the memeStream pushes you have no evidence, vitamin D supplementation helps nor does it have to do with all over health.
Vitamin D has multiple inactive forms such as:
>Cholecalciferol, Cholecalcidiol, ergocalciferol etc.
And on ACTIVE Version which regulates inflamation and is never measured:

They measure resevere Vitamin D. Never the active.
If "Reserve" is low, they declare you as defficient, even though it is converted to calcitriol and activly used by the body.
The Vitameme causes people to supplement steroids which actually harm them.
Because they believe Youtube Podcast gurus and headlines of Popscience magazines.
Nutraceuticals are a meme.
And Vitameme D is a also a meme.
Nobody reads the science.
Everyone falls for Youtube Podcast memetics.

>> No.15193835

It was. As many people as expected died, still small pennies in comparison to malaria.

>> No.15193837
File: 169 KB, 816x1344, 1658213000911839 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah the experimental malaria treatments and vaccines...
And of course. Muhlaria is also a disease that has a shitton of "asymptomatic" cases...


And also very unspecific range of symptoms:
Signs and symptoms of malaria may include:

General feeling of discomfort
Nausea and vomiting
Abdominal pain
Muscle or joint pain
Rapid breathing
Rapid heart rate
And literally having nothing symptom.

> Same symtoms like almost every disease, or poisoning.
> But is mostly asymptomatic.
> But if you have one on these symptoms, trust us, its the muhlaria
> But only if you are in subsaharan africa
> and trust us, its not the dirty water
> or shitty food
> its the muhlaria


> correlation != causation
> except we can use it as an excuse to force or coerce people into a invasive medical treatment


>> No.15193841

Malaria is a macroscopic parasite you dumb retard. You don't even need special equipment to see it, it shows up in a normal microscope viewing of a drop of blood without any sample treatment.

>> No.15193858

And it's mostly asymptomatic.
Therefore not even fulfulling kochs postulate.
Correlation != causation

50% of people who die have aten bread the same day.
Therefore they die of bread poisoning.
Other people who ate bread and didn't die, have asymptomatic bread poisoning.

>> No.15194484
File: 235 KB, 700x3516, malaria_prevention.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it is really odd...
That the "prophylactic medicien" to prevent "malaria" wierdly resembles similar conditions, like malaria.




>> No.15194563

Who forced you and in what way? In my country they were completely optional, though a lot of people decided to get vaxed (including me).

>> No.15195545

>In my country
Why do people say this but not tell what country?

>> No.15195569


>> No.15195581

Great vodka there!

>> No.15195585

Thanks and agreed

>> No.15195988
File: 1.06 MB, 272x480, shut it down comando.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it would result in overthrow if they tried it again.
the governments are honing their repression techniques, so probably not