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15176915 No.15176915 [Reply] [Original]

His Scientificality has been criticized by Bill Gates for not funding measles vaccines and instead choosing to spend his money where he wants. Gates says that Musk is not a "real philanthropist" like himself and should do more to fund healthcare instead of SpaceX. Do you agree?

As far-fetched as Musk's Mars project is, it seems like a strange move for Gates to promote more vaccines to "save lives" if he also says the Earth is overpopulated, a problem the colonization of Mars could fix.

>> No.15176922

>a problem the colonization of Mars could fix
Retard, they're not gonna take people from earth and start moving them to mars. You are legitimately retarded if you think that's gonna happen. In a perfect timeline, at most something like 500 people would go to mars and then they would settle there and build a somewhat independent mankind.

>> No.15176928

My idea was that if over population is causing serious problems on Earth, there'd be another separate place with a managed population.

>> No.15176935

>it seems like a strange move for Gates to promote more vaccines to "save lives" if he also says the Earth is overpopulated
He's explained the logic; when your kids are vaccinated and won't die from some retarded disease, people will have fewer kids because they don't have to worry about them dying. Increasing the quality of life decreases birthrates, this is happening globally. Preventing deaths from disease is part of that

>> No.15176940

Isn't he funding it in Africa?

>> No.15176942

There's no such thing as overpopulation.

>> No.15176944
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oh no

>> No.15176945

Only works when there are NGOs babysitting the tribe. Once the NGOs leave, the birthrate goes back up even though more of the infants survive.

>> No.15176948

>(((quality of life))) means going extinct, goy!

>> No.15176950

Yeah, where deaths from malaria, diarrhea and apparently measles is still prevalent. Might seem paradoxical but poor people have more kids. They're still working with that mindset that they need as many hands on deck as possible, plus a couple reserve kids just in case a couple of them die

>> No.15176951

It's almost like having kids is good or something.

>> No.15176953

No I understand what you're saying, but they're still going to be poor and have lots of children, but more will survive measles.

>> No.15176957
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I have no idea what you're trying to express here

>> No.15176962

Any phenomenon that causes lower fertility rates is bad and probably orchestrated by Jews.

>> No.15176963

Well, industrialization is also part of it. As China and other countries bring more industry there and they stay in education longer, especially women, it would be expected that births start decreasing. At least that's how it seems to work everywhere else

>> No.15176966

Yeah I want to go back to living like a feudal peasant as well

>> No.15176968

>He's explained the logic;
so people are making more kids because they afraid that they will die from diseases, but they live anyway and it causing over population and global warming, so we need a vaccine to assure them that their kids will not die and they will do less.
did i get this right?

>> No.15176971

Women shouldn't be educated past being taught how to cook and clean.

>> No.15176972

Tell that to Israel, they have above replacement fertility rate of 3

>> No.15176978

Oh no, life without Funko-Pops. Truly unbearable.
Healthy animals when provided with an abundance of resources will have as many offspring as possible, not have so few that they go extinct, which is what the degenerate and decrepit peoples of Europe and East Asia are doing.

>> No.15176995

That's actually pretty interesting. I saw someone theorize that people are more used to kids, so they have a lower threshold to having kids themselves. Like people will bring their kids to places and then you end up interacting with other people's kids as well. The only children I ever really encounter are my niece and nephew. And the occasional annoying kids in a train or the store or somewhere, which just make me dislike children. So yeah the idea was that if you're more used to dealing with children through exposure, then you're more likely to start having them as well, especially as peers around you are starting families too

>> No.15176998

No. The earth will have trillions of humans and a polluted gritty air that's hard to breed but a square meter of polluted soil here will still cost more than 500 acres of fertile soil on another planet

>> No.15177000

How many kids do you have?

>> No.15177001
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Humans are SUPPOSED to get measles. It is well known that the only complications such as eye problems came from malnutrition and lack of retinol (vit A). Measles help calibrate the immune system. Gates just wants to pump people full of reproductive toxicants and endocrine disruptors like formaldehyde and the adjuvants in them as well.

>> No.15177006

Four; ages range from six to one.

>> No.15177012

>did i get this right?
Yes, those people are insane as much they are retarded

>> No.15177016
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I hope they stay healthy anon

>> No.15177022

Well, part of it might also be that he just doesn't want children to die. Might be a strange motive for doing something, dunno

>> No.15177023
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>one of my kids is really sick and might die
>good thing that his sibling is healthy
>problem solved
Retarded stuff.

>> No.15177030

Both Musk/Gates are helping africa. Gates is doing vaccines, Musk is giving global internet to Africa where none exists.

So think giving man fish vs giving them a fishing rod so they can fish.

>> No.15177037

>doesn't want children to die
>part of it
i am confused about his order of priorities.
if he claims that the reason for over population is due to people's fear that their children will die of diseases, but they live anyway... where is the root of the problem?
their fear, or the diseases themselves? it is not clear what he is trying to interpret, and how a massive vaccination attempt supposed to solve it

>> No.15177050

They have been trying to fix Africa for decades now and it’s still pretty shit over there.
What they need to do is give those people jobs to lift them from poverty. China is the current factory of the world, but that’s about to change, India and other south east asian countries will soon have the chance to be the factory of the world and be lifted from poverty.
Africa is supposed to be after this but I think AI and automation will steal a lot of jobs leaving them fuck and dependant on handouts.

>> No.15177056

I was injecting a bit of sarcasm in that sentence, sorry. Well, anyway, here's a direct quote from him from 2010

>“This is a very important question to get right because it was absolutely key for me. When our Foundation first started up, it was focused on reproductive health. That was the main thing we did because I thought population growth in poor countries is the biggest problem they face. You’ve got to help mothers who want to limit family size have the tools and education to do that. That’s the only thing that really counts. Well then I came across articles that showed that the key thing you can do to reduce population growth is actually improve health. And that sounds paradoxical. You think, ‘OK, better health means more kids not less kids.’

>“Well in fact, what parents are doing is they’re trying to have two kids survive to adulthood to take care of them. And so, the more disease burden that there is, the more kids they have to have to have that high probability. So there’s a perfect correlation that as you improve health, within a half generation the population growth rate goes down. In fact Hans Rosling, here at this conference, in two of my favorite speeches, actually showed that unbelievable correlation that population growth has gone down. Today, where is there high population growth? It’s in the places with the worst health conditions – northern Nigeria, northern India. And so the two problems go exactly hand in hand. If we improve health rapidly we will get the peak population to be as much as a billion below the current expected peak. That is about 8.3 billion versus 9.3.”

So I guess that's how he thinks, take it as you will

>> No.15177064

so he want to increase health by reducing the population, and reducing the population by vaccination.
make sense

>> No.15177067

gates is a retard if he is such a pleb he really thinks mars is the be all, end all. Cheap access to space. Orbital installations. Industrialization of space with access to near infinite base resources. As a play pretend environmental freak (is the style of the time), gates should recognize the value of moons helium-3 reserves in cracking the development of a actually viable fusion reactor.

Mars is just a carrot being dangeled in front of extremely superficial peasants like landing on the moon was used as a major motivation goal. The real prize is dirt cheap access to leo orbit which opens up heavy tonnage to pretty much anywhere in the solar system you want

>> No.15177070

>people will have fewer kids because they don't have to worry about them dying
bullshit. ever hear of a welfare queen?

>> No.15177072
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I'm actually reading a thread on /int/ about why people aren't having kids, and spotted this, maybe it's relevant to this lol. Ultimately they never know how many of the kids are going to live or die, might be 1/5 or 4/5, so just aim for five, I guess. Of course this is only a part of the big picture. You hear a lot of people say they're waiting "until they're ready", economically, career wise or otherwise. I don't think the guys in Africa are really thinking like that. You start working a field or taking apart e-waste at age 14, and that's just what you'll do. And then having kids is just the thing you do at that point

>> No.15177073

>Satan-worshipping elite wants less humans, especially brown humans
I hope someone puts an ice pick through Bill's brain

>> No.15177076

Having kids is what everyone does who isn't a degenerate freak.

>> No.15177080

In that case they're gaining something from it in the form of money. Of course in some poor African country their family is still theoretically benefiting if they have a lot of kids, once they're old enough. I think ultimately industrialization will be the thing that cuts down birthrates there, as long as they don't make the kids work the factories too. At that point you're benefiting from having a lot of kids again

>> No.15177086
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Might be at a relatively high age though. My social circle is around age 30, and barely anyone has kids yet. Like I know one guy who I studied with that has one kid now. At least one person has said he doesn't even want to have kids

But actually I don't know why I'm rambling about all these things anyway, when I just remembered that the African immigrants over here just seem to like having a lot of kids. They just want to have a lot of them, they'll tell that to you. So it's ultimately just a cultural thing I guess

>> No.15177093

>"until they're ready", economically, career wise or otherwise
not many people in the west have those considerations, they spawn kids because they want regardless the health status and the available services.

>> No.15177107

Humans will never live on Mars. Robots maybe, but now our biological ancestors.

The Earth is being fucked in the ass right now and we need to save it before going anywhere else.

>> No.15177112

One culture is virile and vital. One is decrepit, dying, aged.

>> No.15177114

Do you get paid to post Semitic scribbles like this?

>> No.15177154

They want to have sex, but they don't have any birth control. Even if they had birth control, they wouldn't use it because they're not concerned with planning for the future.

I don't know why Bill Gates is so obsessed with saving niggers in Africa.
>every life is precious!
No, every person who has ever lived also died, so clearly not. I genuinely don't understand this faggot logic.

I predict there will be a massive famine in Africa this century; maybe a billion dead. Afterward the continent will be colonized by other races.

>> No.15177186

>says the Earth is overpopulated
>He's explained the logic; when your kids are vaccinated and won't die from some retarded disease, people will have fewer kids because they don't have to worry about them dying
That lunatic reasoning only works if the culture is engineered to do that. If the culture is to have as many children as possible because God demanded it then what? You will go after us? You will get shot, be warned.

>> No.15177191

You don't con a bunch of idiots into investing into your scam by buying vaccines. Elon Musk prides himself on his ability to scam people, not make a difference.

>> No.15177192

>If the culture is to have as many children as possible because God demanded it then what? You will go after us? You will get shot, be warned.
The hell are you babbling about

>> No.15177195

Gates conned billions into buying his operating system when a free OS like linus exist that does everything. If anything, Gates is a bigger scammer.

And for that matter, anyone using money is scammer.

>> No.15177213

What "scam" are you talking about? Tesla is the only reason electric cars aren't considered universally gay.

>> No.15177214

>then they would settle there and build a somewhat independent mankind
They will get regular supply ships at a huge cost like 100 million dollars a kilo. The ships will mostly carry lube, guillotines and children.

>> No.15177218

In the real world, space travel is much cheaper than that

>> No.15177232

>The hell are you babbling about
Do you not understand English?

>> No.15177258

Electric cars didn't need tesla. Everyone who has a tesla nowadays just looks like a sucker.
>what scams?
Selling full self driving with no intention of delivering. FSD promised to be deliverd "next year" in 2014,2015,2016,2017... and every year since then with Elon being "highly confident". Con man is short for confidence man, which describes elon exactly.
The promise of buying a tesla will give you a robotaxi that makes you $30,000 a year.
The hyperloop and boring company.
Tesla semi being worthless despite elon stating Tesla has a truck already more profitable that diesal in 2019.
Any so many more I don't even remember.

>> No.15177262

I understand the words, but I don't understand who or what prompted you to start threatening to shoot people, or what group I'm meant to be part of that is going to "come after you" for having children. I didn't know Mormons smoke meth

>> No.15177272
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>Buy my rockets!
>No! Buy my needles

Someone is eventually going to give me an offer I can't refuse; giving them both a one way ticket to the same place.

Yes it's the the Mormons shooting everyone in inner cities. The Amish too, they're responsible for all those riots back in 2020.

>> No.15177277

Overambitious deadlines aren't a scam

>> No.15177279

>musk thread

>> No.15177301

>Sell people lead
>claim it cures cancer if you eat it
Being overly-ambitious isn't a scam. Where is your sense of optimism?

>> No.15177347

Well, he was talking about being in some religious group who tries to have a lot of kids because God told them to do so. Made it sound like Mormons, I doubt an Amish person would be on 4chan. But then the rest sounded like some kind of violent paranoid schizophrenia

>> No.15177367
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>funding measles vaccines

Bill Gates: "we need BILLIONS of more Africans"

>> No.15177368

300K people are driving fully self driving Tesla. No one said it was going to be perfect. But its better than anything else on the market. Unless God comes down from Heaven to make a self driving car, there's no one else ahead of Tesla

>> No.15177376


Also this. Show me one another company that can do this. For now, Tesla has delivered, 300K+ people are using it daily. On top of that, there's 3+ million people using regular highway autopilot daily. So as far as anyone is concerned Tesla has been delivering on their impossible promises.

>> No.15177378

>fully self driving* Tesla
>*not actually fully self driving

>> No.15177415

People like Gates think if they spread feminism, cheeseburgers, and Netflix, to Africa, they'll be like westerners and stop reproducing. Almost every intervention in Africa is based on the assumption that what worked in the West will work there too.

>> No.15177542

What if we just send Measles into space ?

>> No.15177557

Does Bill Gates know his money is essentially being used in a morally reprehensible nature for the pure profit to pharmaceutical companies or is his just a naive rich guy?

>> No.15177609

You guys must be too young. My grandma had 12 kids. You think people are having too many nowadays, but just a few decades ago they were having over 10. That thing about having as many kids as possible is absolute bullshit; you don't have what it takes to have 10 kids. It's really hard.

>> No.15177660

People used to have 10 kids because 6 of them would die before adulthood

>> No.15177663

They used to have 10 kids so that they could work together and pool resources. Even with modern medicine people who knew what they were doing had big families.

>> No.15177666

He wants it to be used to sterilize people with pharmaceuticals. He is a morally reprehensible Malthusian who belongs to a cult of self-worship.

>> No.15177668

I cannot imagine having 10 autistic zoomers in my home, Christ it sounds like hell

>> No.15177672

Raise them not to be fags and it won't be like that. It's not my fault you give your kids a 24/7 indoctrination device.

>> No.15177730

Musk and the new generation of Elite are tareing the old order limb from limb for being spawns of satan.

>> No.15177736

He has extensive investments in those companies so he's probably very aware of what they're doing with the research his donations produce.

>> No.15177959
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Mars wouldn't fix overpopulation in any realistic scenario.
Overpopulation is only a problem in certain areas of Earth. In other areas underpopulation is the problem.

>> No.15178017
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What everyone has refused to admit so far is that Mars is a good place to send boat people. There's loads of them rocking up on the beaches every day. I don't know how much it costs us to lock them up for years on cage islands but... A ticket on starship has to be cheaper than that.

>> No.15178026
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>it seems like a strange move for Gates to promote more vaccines to "save lives" if he also says the Earth is overpopulated, a problem the colonization of Mars could fix.
Put two and two together.
Gates wants to save lives the same way that Zeke wants to save lives. Kill them all, or at least sterilize them all. That's the only salvation.

>> No.15178046

>Earth is overpopulated, a problem the colonization of Mars could fix
Even the deadliest places on Earth are more resource-rich and hospitable than Mars. Where do Musk morons get this idea that colonizing Mars is a better alternative to colonizing the deserts or the Arctic circle?

>> No.15178051


>> No.15178061 [DELETED] 

>a thread for out of touch with reality idiots to say "heres what I would do if I had infinite money"
as if anyone cares

>> No.15178318

>Bill Gates: "we need BILLIONS of more Africans"
Africans/Blacks are easy to control, they accept their slave-state, waging and working in the pits to mine resources for the rich elite.

>> No.15178322

>People used to have 10 kids because 6 of them would die before adulthood
Child mortality rates have been very low (less than 10% even at their highest) for over 400 years.

One great-grandmother had 11 kids, another had 9, another 7, another had 5. Every one lived to well past middle age. Those were all born between 1895 and 1922.

>> No.15179101

>I don't know why Bill Gates is so obsessed with saving niggers in Africa.
his various vaccine experiments in african and india have killed thousands of people, he isn't concerned with saving them, he enjoys killing them and then lying about how he was doing it for humanitarian reasons.

>> No.15179116

Gates realises that Africa's main problem is overpopulation and his own foundation has been caught sterilising Africans more than once (and such a small, irrelevant and petty scale emblematic of his other token efforts). What he is doing is for his own ego only and he and his wife have no real long term goals towards a sustainable future. They are fumbling in the dark like idiots pissing on wildfires. What Africa really needs is massive industrialisation, urbanisation (to stabalise fertility rate) and for both Chinese and Western neoimperialist powers to leave the continent alone. Such a thing might even happen with space exploration opening up new frontiers and resources to exploit.

Elon Musk has done for more for humanity and Africa by inspiring us alone than Gates has ever done. As an African I can also assure anyone reading this that most of trust and love Elon Musk far more than we do that pedo island visiting globalist who thinks he knows what's best for us.

>> No.15179122

>He's explained the logic; when your kids are vaccinated and won't die from some retarded disease, people will have fewer kids because they don't have to worry about them dying. Increasing the quality of life decreases birthrates, this is happening globally
He's an idiot. SSA's have too many kids because there's no cheap birth control option. They actually want to do family planning, but have no such option. Muslims have too many kids because their retarded religion makes them believe that enduring hell on Earth in their overpopulated aid reliant shithole will allow them to Jihad the world despite horde tactics never working in their thousand year history.

>> No.15179134

>They're still working with that mindset that they need as many hands on deck as possible, plus a couple reserve kids just in case a couple of them die
This is retatdedly disconnected and ignorant. There is no place left on Earth where kids aren't mostly a burden. It's a lack of BC options other than condoms which no man should ever be forced to resort to.

>> No.15179137

Egyptians having so many kids that their slums expand faster over arable land than their government can control is not "good". You have no idea what you're talking about. Go live in Bangladesh or a Nigerian slum for a week.

>> No.15179143

>As China and other countries bring more industry there
This has zero benefit for Africans, Chinese bring in their own workers too. They hate Africans too much and minimum is too high for their shit plant designs to be profitable.

>> No.15179144

Europe and East Asia are overpopulated idiot. The primary reason for not having kids in all those countries is a lack of financial stability i.e. resources.

>> No.15179147

Exactly, Gates is a jealous pedo grifter trying to distract from the fact that the covid epidemic was partially his fault.

>> No.15179150
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Only when they're white.

>> No.15179154

The way to fix Africa is to depopulate it of Africans.

>> No.15179160

Africans in the West don't have many kids, the mean tfr is high with initial migrant waves due to young people coming in then dips below the native rates quickly. Later gens are even worse off as they realise how shit life is relying on welfare to raise kids.

>> No.15179163

No. You guys just need to leave our continent alone and stop taking our migrants. Africa would be fixed in a single generation without outside interference and brain drain. African tax money is basically subsidising cheap educated workers in the first world right now.

>> No.15179166
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>going to mars
cool but mostly just for credit

>going to the moon and making a permanent colony
what the actual fuck are we waiting for?

>> No.15179167

Genuinely no idea which one you're talking about the Chud, since both are cookie cutter Westernised globohomo cultures.

>> No.15179174

Are you so sheltered in rich all white neighbourhoods that you've never met a single Muslim in your life?

>> No.15179176

Honestly he needs to do better. Not enough are dying and at this rate the whole planet will be niggers by 2100.

>> No.15179180

Mercedes already has a better self driving product, but that's not the point, other car companies were all forced to invest in these technologies due to Tesla disrupting the market and forcing policy changes.

>> No.15179187

>stop taking our migrants
Well, I agree on this point at least. Tbf I'd be happy to leave you fuckers alone if we could have a big beautiful militarized buffer zone across North Africa so that we never have to see any of you again.

>> No.15179192

Why do retards still believe this bullshit? Even in the medieval era people living in urban areas would only have 1-2 kids. The industrial revolution was a rare shift to a higher resource normal and children were already seen as a burden rather than a free farmhand, child mortality actually increased compared to the past. It's ultimately irrelevant.

>> No.15179196

>Tbf I'd be happy to leave you fuckers alone if we could have a big beautiful militarized buffer zone across North Africa so that we never have to see any of you again.
You won't do that because Muslims already subverted your governments like they did ours. African Christians have done just as much to save Europeans as vice versa.

>> No.15179234

? To have actual terraforming capabilities I guess ?

It's would would not be much of a colony otherwise. Just a glorified ressource-sink.

First step toward terraforming would be to actually be able to stabilize Earth environment. And right now, we suck at it.

>> No.15179240

But the birthrates are ready at an all-time low, mfs don't pop out 12 kids like they used to, unless you're a retarded nigger of course

>> No.15179251

He's butthurt about Musk being the establishment's designated cool guy so he's making PR appeals modeled after Twitter and reddit opinions to gather them around him.

>> No.15179269

>going to the moon and making a permanent colony
This will happen a lot sooner than anyone realizes. It's quick to get to, easy to work on and supply, and the chinks are already sizing up the resource rich craters near the lunar south pole.
Plus they can make their own oxygen and aluminium by focusing sunlight on Aluminium Oxide, which is all over the place in the regolith.

>> No.15179270
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>a problem the colonization of Mars could fix.
Yes, Elonino Muskerino will surely transport 4 billion people to the deserts of Mars in two more weeks to solve this fake problem. I'm sure Mars has more food and water on it than the Earth.

>> No.15179280

>space? nah niggers need more gibs
lmfao thread reminder bill was VERY close friends with epstein

>> No.15179283

every species in existence can experience overpopulation, but humans are somehow different

>> No.15179285

>b-b-b-but it CAN experience muh heckin' overpopulation
Call me back when there's any objective indication that it does. So far your Malthusian cult has not made a single correct prediction in centuries.

>> No.15179403

I absolutely love how earlier on to the public eye Musk was considered the god and savior of mankind and Tesla being a genius new creation that will advance us as a species forward. Then the moment he starts expressing anti-woke sentiments all of a sudden everywhere you look he's considered a clown and part of the brotech cringe cult and actually his EVs are a pipedream and all of his ideas are retarded. Really interesting correlation there.

>> No.15179443

>"buy my useless, actually destructive products instead goy"
more proof BG is not interested in science or exploration or advancement of humankind. he's interesting in controlling, monitoring and herding the cattle (goys)

>> No.15179453

Mars is a building block, a network node, a stepping stone and a monument of inspiration

>> No.15179459

here here!

>> No.15179477

No one can use Mercedes system because of extreme restrictions such that no one would encounter the situation.

1) you need a follow car
2) you need to be within 2-3 car distance
3) you need to be below 40mph
4) you need to be in Nevada's highway
5) it only works on daytime
6) but if there's any sunglare, it stops
7) it cost 7500+
8) it's only available for their 100k+ car

In short one one can use it due to almost impossible to hit requirement

Meanwhile 3 millions Teslas drive on highway in all conditions, all day, all night, in rain, in sun, in snow, on any highway, in any country, and it comes free with any Tesla including ones that cost 36k. It doesn't need a follow car. It doesn't need to be under 40 mph in desert. It can work in any condition.

Your confusion is the Tesla's FSD, also known as city driving, is something even more groundbreaking. Which only Tesla has, of which they have 400k users daily driving right now, costs 10k, but can be used from any road in any city, in both US/Canada. City roads and highway. And in any conditions, on any Tesla cars.

Consider re examining your evidence and marketing ploys by others claiming one thing or another

>> No.15179482


9) it only works on SELECT highways in Nevada
10) it can't do bendy roads

>> No.15179491

Also Tesla has been doing autopilot on highways for 5+ years now, on all highways of the world. Some others like Mercedes can't even do basic highways right unless you tackle on all those restrictions.. Mercedes hasnt surpassed Tesla. They haven't even matched Tesla's free auto pilot system that comes standard.

The same levels are a meme, it's not a show of capability but a gaming of technicalities.

>> No.15179536

>Mercedes already has a better self driving product

>> No.15179564

you know bill gates isn't a jew right?

>> No.15179572

He's aristocratic family.

>> No.15179576

Yes stupid anon, Awk'wasi and Ablama will just stop after their 2nd child and focus on their masters' degrees in civil engineering. Don't question science if you're too dumb to understand it baka

>> No.15179577

Fixing mortality and quality of life directly leads to lower population since people do not have to have 12 kids in the hopes of a couple surviving.

It's long term thinking though.

>> No.15179585

Number of babies in the oven is the only important aspect in life.

What happens to them after birth doesn't matter.

>> No.15179589

This is patently false

Look at the birth-rates of apex predators
It's low, favouring quality over quantity.
Compare to prey, it's all about numbers.

Same is true for animals living in essentially paradise. Paradise birds etc.

Just cause you assume something doesn't mean it's true.

>> No.15179592

Thats neat. But if only such were the true goals.

Their true goal is population reduction, not increase in QoL. The WEF (of which Bill Gates is a great promoter and a member) has repeated told us about their designs on the world. Depopulation, no ownership, no privacy, no freedom, eating bugs, etc.

>> No.15179598

All that leads to control of people, their mind, their speech, their actions. They employ censorship across internet, on news media, in politics, within corporations, and such.

You could argue thats just a tools to get people to become less misinformed/vaxxed, but to what to what end will this be done? As long as humans are imperfect, we'll always have half knowledges, incorrect knowledges, etc.So what will the WEF do next? Direct mind control to stop bad thoughts from happening at all?

Do you not see what this sort of draconian authoritarian control seeks to impose upon humanity as a whole? On individuals?

>> No.15179600

I'm not the one you're replying to, but, where would humans fall on the predator - prey spectrum?

>> No.15179602

Humans are herd animals that become dominant.

>> No.15179604

QoL and population reduction go hand in hand.

Also everyone always spouts "eat bugs" like some sorta weird mantra. It's weird, both as a strawman and an argument. Farming bugs really isn't any different than eating crawdads and other shellfish. It's just new, and thus evil/scary.

Not that we're any likely to exploit insects for food anytime soon. Don't think it's very efficient. Unless they eat grass.

I suppose big slugs might be good. I believe big slugs and snails were the first animals humanity farmed, if we look at ancient abandoned cities. Makes sense, easy to catch and keep locked up.

And if history teaches us anything it's that humans will eat whatever they can if they can. Just look at blue cheese.

>> No.15179607

The spectrum is really about how many resources you have available and how many natural enemies you have.

Humans do not really have any natural enemies anymore. Except maybe mosquitoes

>> No.15179608

That's not the point. The point is, humans eat whatever they choose to eat, not whats forced unto them. Our own individual volitions leads us to our choice in food, taste, thought, etc.

When elites have authoritarian designs upon people to force us to eat certain things, to force us to act a certain way, to force us to think a certain way, it creates a picture of a draconian system. A dystopian nightmare where individuals have no freedom, no choice, no will of their own, and they're all manipulated by the few unelected powerful individuals.

>> No.15179611

And Bill Gates is part of that group which has designs upon humanity. However "benign" his altruism maybe, the methods which he and the elites of his kind are employing are extremely deplorable. Such that the group must be purged for better of humanity because if left alone, it will fester on and grow more powerful over time such that with ever increasing power of technology, these elites will have full control of the world.

>> No.15179614

How so?
For example, rabbits and wolves are enemies of each other, but the former is clearly prey, the latter predator. Is it just that rabbits have more enemies?

>> No.15179624


>> No.15179629

Sorry my language was bad

Bunnies do not hunt wolves, thus bunnies aren't enemies of wolves.
Wolves hunt bunnies, thus wolves are enemies of bunnies.

I didn't intend for the word enemy to go both ways haha. Such is it sometimes when English is ones second language. Sorry about the miscommunication

>> No.15179633

Ah I see. I think the English phrasing would be how many "natural predators" they have

>> No.15179635

Anon, noone is forcing you to eat bugs. Relax

Some markets are long term unsustainable and might have to crash a bit, such as the meat industry. This will mean the price of meat will skyrocket. But it'll likely always be around and you'll always have the choice to buy it. Just a bit costly.

Having new things on the market does not mean you're forced to buy them

>> No.15179651
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>Anon, noone is forcing you to eat bugs. Relax
>Some markets are long term unsustainable and might have to crash a bit, such as the meat industry. This will mean the price of meat will skyrocket. But it'll likely always be around and you'll always have the choice to buy it. Just a bit costly.
>Having new things on the market does not mean you're forced to buy them
You and your likes don't belong here. Go back.

>> No.15179654

>you're not forced to eat the bugs
Given the propaganda level of control, whats the difference?

>> No.15179656

Go back to sleep, schizo. Nothing is going on.

>> No.15179662

>Some markets are long term unsustainable
According to your handlers, who are intentionally sabotaging the food supply chain while shilling bugs and trying to turn people against meat?

>> No.15179834

No bugs are even being sold last time I checked.

Wasn't the whole "bugs" craze mostly just stupid journos writing clickbait like usual? Then people latched on cause it feels good to have a scapegoat to blame in life.

>> No.15179837

You are aware of the practises required to sustain the meat industry right?

I like meat myself too but on this kinda industrial scale it's just ridiculous.

>> No.15179841

Bugs is what WEF promoted. Its what they are promoting all over the world. There's quite a few hollywood actors promoting this as well.

>> No.15179842

What are my likes in your mind?
I use no social media, except 4chan sometimes when I get bored.

Or are you just mad cause I don't have the same opinions as yourself?

Remember well the saying "In a room where everyone is of one mind, not much is being thought"
Getting to interact with differing opinion is healthy.

>> No.15179849

Yes, more options on the market isn't bad.
But nothing's set up yet

Also holy hell, I didn't think people actually took actors promoting things seriously. They're actors, their whole area of expertise is a form of lying! Why would people care about their takes on anything? Besides maybe on acting.

>> No.15179856

Who are they lying for? They're lying for WEF. The world doesn't need bug eating people. Given the choice between eating bugs and eating potatoes, I'll take potatoes every single day.

>> No.15179860

No they're just dolts
They don't actually know anything

>> No.15179863

Someone pays for them to fly, someone pays for them to hear the voice, someone pays for them to be influenced. Its not a coincidence that they're promoting WEF propaganda.

>> No.15179869

Insects are just protein like any other. Some cultures eat insects, others don't.
It's no big deal.

Seriously, being willing to eat crawfish/lobster is basically no different from eating insects. Nutrition is nutrition

Maybe I'm weird though, I grew up being taught to be openminded and willing to try new foods. I know some people are so scared they refuse to eat anything but like mac'n'cheese. Which fair enough, personally find it a bit sad though.

Live a little, be willing to experiment. Maybe you'll discover something you actually enjoy and if not. No issue either, just keep eating whatever.

>> No.15179871

>Some cultures eat insects
Some drink piss and some eat live animals. I'm not part of the culture that promotes these things nor values these things and they're not part of my culture, nor do I want them to be.

>> No.15179889

So no arguments beyond your handlers' say so?

>> No.15179895

Very long winded cope, subtly admits Mercedes defeated Tesla anway.

Obligatory shillbot to make it seem like there's support for this delusion.

>> No.15179896

Elon will get to Mars and all his settlers will die suddenly of measles.

>> No.15179898
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>I grew up being taught to be openminded
>I grew up being taught to be

>> No.15179900

Bill gates wants to save niggers lile his daughters boyfriend.
Musk wants whites to start over on a planet that nogs are too stupid to get to.
I know where my support is going.

>> No.15179901

That's okay. Your children will be taught to be openminded. Like me.

>> No.15179914

Not with me at the helm they wont. You can eat bugs all you want tho.

>> No.15179915

You won't be "at the helm", chud. Your children will be educated by responsible and openminded servants of the state.

>> No.15179983
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>Africans/Blacks are easy to control, they accept their slave-state, waging and working in the pits to mine resources for the rich elite.

>> No.15179984
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>> No.15180026

Why is Bill Gates presently a billioniare? That means he has billions of dollars that he has greedily held onto instead of using it to vax even more african niggers.

>> No.15180028

As in, try new foods

Do you fear the new and cling to the past?

>> No.15180035

You grew up being taught not only what to think, but even how to feel. Are "people" like you even human after undergoing that kind of golemization factory process?

>> No.15180054

I know you're just having some fun and making a joke but the general arguments are
1. More products on the market is better for consumers
2. Industry can't grow in perpetuity, eventually you'll run out of something and meat isn't super efficient in terms of oand usage etc
3. Mass manufacture of meat leads to inhumane conditions for the animals. This one's more of a moral argument and can be discarded as you see fit

In general, I'm just saying we could cut down on meats a little and be open to trying alternatives as well. Especially if it helps reduce mass clearing of forest and sad lives for the livestock. But that last bit's mostly a personal opinion.

>> No.15180060

>You grew up being taught not only what to think, but even how to feel.
Yes it's called an upbringing. You think your personality and views weren't shaped by how you grew up?

Or did you grow up alone in the wilds or something?

>> No.15180065

Normal people get brought up by their parents. But you maybe different anon. You were brought up by corporations and elites propaganda.

>> No.15180071

You may have misunderstood me
I said that my parents taught me to be willing to try new foods.

The hell are you on about?

>> No.15180078

>people with 12 kids will then start planning into the future
Gates is a lying faggot, this is obviously not his reasoning.

>> No.15180079

Your parents taught you to eat bugs, to give up your freedom of thought, to give up your independence, to give up your privacy and to become a tool for corporate elites who wish to shape the world in their image?

Wow your "parents" are something

>> No.15180086

They cooked me varied meals anon. Containing stuff like mushrooms, beef, fish, squid you name it. Didn't like all of it but was always willing to try it. And it has enriched my life.

Didn't your parents cook you varied meals? Or was it only chicken nuggets and mac'n'cheese every day?? Are you okay anon?

>> No.15180100
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>Yes it's called an upbringing.
Subhuman upbringing produces subhumans like you.

>You think your personality and views weren't shaped by how you grew up?
Not in the linear, factory-controlled fashion you were made to be what you are.

>> No.15180106

I think you may have made up an image of who I am in your own mind. Yet you don't actually know anything about me.

Hope you're having fun fighting ghosts though Anon!

>> No.15180107

They gave you food. Not bugs. Are you seriously trying to extrapolate what your parents did to you and justify becoming a corporate tool to enslave humanity by the few unelected elites?

>> No.15180109

Alright so listen here.
What is food?
Define it.

>> No.15180115

>Yet you don't actually know anything about me.
What is there to know about you? You're a drone and you believe everyone else is a drone like you. I have no real interest in discussions with your likes (the only rational, moral and pragmatic response is to cull you as soon your handlers lose their grip) but it's nice that you go out of your way to confirm that bug eaters are the kind of "people" who take pride in their havint been programmed how to think and feel.

>> No.15180118

>What is there to know about you? You're a drone and you believe everyone else is a drone like you. I have no real interest in discussions with your likes
It is your loss
But as long as you have fun, go for it! Fight them ghosts! Feels good to have enemies one can easily squash or blame

>> No.15180119

Notice how you've devolved into fully generic, preprogrammed tweets.

>> No.15180120

Food is what you eat in the culture you were raised in. Is eating shit food to you because some other culture does it? No, its all cultural norms. There's an acceptable limit within the culture that no one breaks. The cultural limits can expand and change over time, but it needs to be brought on from bottom up, not top down like drones being commanded by a controller.

>> No.15180121

Also, the revulsion from people like me and others are the normal reaction to this type of intrusive commands being given from top down.

>> No.15180124

>What is food?
Whatever I feel like eating.

>> No.15180137

Your literal argument is that I'm not real. A drone to be dismissed out of hand.

One cannot argue with sollipsism so why would I bother? You do you

>> No.15180142

I'm not having any kind of argument with you. Just tell me more about how proud you are of being programmed what to think and how to feel. Show everyone what being a literal bugman means.

>> No.15180148

Gates needs to be excuted at this point for Treason against several governments.

>> No.15180151

>Gates needs to be excuted
Yes. Same with the rest of them. Where did people even get the insane idea that everyone has to tolerate these parasites?

>> No.15180152

Glad you admit that it's more of a gut reaction against old Bill than anything against the actual possible culinary value of insects.

I absolutely get that trying to force something like that is dumb and only causes dissent. But blame the people trying to force it. Don't just repeat "bugs bad, bugs bad" like some sorta braindead mantra without ever having given the idea a chance.

If it tastes like shit it tastes like shit, if not then yay, cooking has a new ingredient we can experiment with alongside all the rest.

Actually brings to mind the potato really. In Europe the potato got introduced centuries before it actually got adopted. Scientists would laud it, trying to get people to grow it. Some ate the flowers and got sick, cursed the thing altogether.

Yet here we are today. It's funny really how culinary history works.

>> No.15180156

>underpopulation is the problem.
Underpopulation is not a problem. Overreliance on an economic system is the problem. Overpopulation is also a symptom of overreliance on the economic system.

>> No.15180161

>Glad you admit that it's more of a gut reaction
That doesn't invalidate his point in any way. Try to dispute this fact to prove that you are both low-IQ and exrcuciatingly brainwashed.

>> No.15180165

There is no such thing as "overpopulation", but be sure to argue otherwise under your real name and see where it gets you.

>> No.15180167

I really should just leave you to your fun
But it is kinda funny how when I look at you, all I see is *you* droning away thoughtlessly.

You look like a drone to me and I to you as well. Which really is farcical

>> No.15180175

His argument has zero to do with bugs as food. The only aspect I was interested in.

We do not have a subject to argue about he and I, we do not disagree. What do you want of me?

>> No.15180177

Why don't you want to elaborate some more on how you've been programmed how to think and feel? I thought that was supposed to be normal and desirable. Why are you embarrassed about it all of a sudden?

>> No.15180180

>There is no such thing as "overpopulation"
Globally yes. Locally and relatively? No. When an area has too high of a population that its infrastructure starts to struggle, it's overpopulated (think of constant traffic jams in urban areas in the US). You can say that the area is overpopulated relative to its infrastructure. If the infrastructure is then improved such that the problems are no longer an issue, then the overpopulation ended relative to the infrastructure.
>but be sure to argue otherwise under your real name
If I argue that in the right crowds and have ponytails, I can get millions of dollars thrown at me.

>> No.15180181

>His argument has zero to do with bugs as food.
No, his argument explains exactly why bugs are not considered food by normal Westerners and your claiming that it's based on "gut feelings" doesn't make his statement any more true. This shorts out your programming.

>> No.15180186

No, it's not. A space colony needs intelligent and hard working people who can be trusted. Sending them to Mars is the worst thing to do with them.

>> No.15180188

>When an area has too high of a population that its infrastructure starts to struggle, it's overpopulated
Then maybe you and your urbanite bug-eating buddies need to reconsider your life choices. There being too many people in the rat-infested sewers "people" like you huddle in by choice doesn't imply any real problems.

>> No.15180190

Because you're just using me to superimpose your own idea of a demon to fight against. Nothing I say matter for you, that's not of any import. What's important is the strawman you can build up for yourself to feel better.

Be careful of thinking you understand others more than you actually do though. Can lead down bad places. I mean not here, on an imageboard, but irl. The reason I warn you on this is that you seem very sure I am embarrassed. Certainty like that, well it can make life miserable for those around you.

Not sure why I bother trying to warn you on that. Bored and procrastrinating I suppose.

>> No.15180196

Did you realize the modern man in western nations are entirely urbanite? Even if they live a fair distance from a metropolis, they still live in the same lifestyle.

>> No.15180197

My only argument is that insects *could* be food and dismissing the idea out of hand is a bit of a shame.

If you're reading more into my position then sorry about the misunderstanding I guess.

>> No.15180213

Humans have specialized enzymes in their small intenstines to break down chitin and insect specific macromolecules.

It is likely insects have made up a variable portion of our diets for the vast majority of our evolutionary history. Plus humans are good at making shit taste delicious so I'm actually somewhat looking forward to cool insect food delicacies of the future. People forget lobsters and crabs are arthropods and they're generally considered relatively upper class food when prepared properly.

>> No.15180214

So you refuse to elaborate on how you've been programmed how to think and feel? Too bad. I wanted to talk about that.

>> No.15180218

>modern man in western nations are entirely urbanite
You're not a man and your overcrowded sewer is not my problem. If "overpopulation" is merely your choice to live like a cockroach, then "overpopulation" is not a problem.

>> No.15180225

>insects *could* be food
But they're not.

>dismissing the idea out of hand is a bit of a shame.
It's not dismissed out of hand. It's dismissed because it's disgusting, unnecessary and dehumanizing, which is why only shills like you should be kept on a diet of live cockroaches.

>> No.15180245

No, the argument stands. You haven't given any reason to accept bugs as food other than "open minded" nonsense.

You've dragged your mother down the drain to defend the elite's position. Is the programming that string that you not only have to drag your mother but also mutilate her so that you can offer a caricature of what your mother has stood for her entire life?

Its sad really. You're not even able to realize what you're saying. Your own "open minded" is a code word for agenda programming.

>> No.15180256

As a Jew myself, I can't tell you how relieved I am that we can't claim Gates as a member of the (((tribe))). Otherwise, people might already be shoving us back into ovens.

>> No.15180259

There isn't really any argument against bugs besides "it gets pushed by some bigwigs (Bill)" and "it's new and unusual"

It's a possible new ingredient, personally I don't fear new things out of hand.

>> No.15180262

>There isn't really any argument against bugs
Why do you keep lying? The argument has been laid out for you multiple times.

>> No.15180263

>Musk wants whites to start over on a planet that nogs are too stupid to get to.
I guarantee you the first flight to that planet, if it ever happens, is going to be as "diverse" as any inner city school. Our leaders will make sure of it.

>> No.15180267

Insects aren't new. Shit isn't new. Piss isn't new. They aren't new things invented in the last 5 years or so. They've been there when you were born, they were there when your parents were born. They were there when writing was invented.

No humans have eaten bugs willingly, in the entire human history. The fact that you're claiming its a "new ingredient" means you've already accepted this as a food rather than question why you even consider it as such. If all you care about is new? Why not eat shit and drink piss all day for efficiency's sake?

There's a reason why, and you should know better than anyone, its your own taste.

>> No.15180268

>besides "it gets pushed by some bigwigs (Bill)" and "it's new and unusual"
Did I miss one besides these two? I already explained that the first one I feel like is a separate topic altogether and the second one is more of an opinion. Things always change. Especially when it comes to foods.

If I did miss one please do help me out I didn't mean to.

>> No.15180274

Well I have eaten some hardtack baked with cricket flour mixed with normal flour.

Tasted pretty alright and was high in protein. And some cultures do eat insects happily. See snails, scorpions, ants, crawfish, oysters, crabs etc etc.

>> No.15180275

>Did I miss one
You've been reminded multiple times that eating bugs is considered disgusting and dehumanizing by Westerners, which is ample reason not to eat them for the people who consider them disgusting and dehumanizing. The issue here is that you, as a self-admitted subhuman automaton, don't recognize that real people have their own sensibilities that they use to decide on what's appropriate.

>> No.15180277

I've already said if you don't wanna try it that's fine. I'm open to trying it though.

Having more options on the market is a positive thing for consumers.

>> No.15180278

So you would eat your own shit if someone baked it and put chocolate mix in it? Is that what your "food" is?

>> No.15180284

So you concede there is a perfectly food argument for people to reject bus? Good.

>Having more options on the market is a positive thing for consumers.
The people trying to put it on the market are actively sabotaging the food supply chain to make normal food unavailable or prohibitively expensive, which is why they and their shills (i.e. you) need to be tortured and executed extrajudicially by the population.

>> No.15180291

Its not food, and should not be put in the same stall as food. If you want to eat bugs/shit, you can do it at the toilet stand.

>> No.15180293

If it tastes good, is nutritious and healthy.
Why not?

However, shit is devoid of nutrition (we're not rabbits) is toxic and tastes quite literally like crap. So your comparison sorta falls apart.

>> No.15180295

Feces can be found in ground meat in most places in the US. So you are already, did you not notice?

>> No.15180298

Processed meat isnt my thing. Sorry bub. Just like processed bugs arent my thing

>> No.15180305

>Having more options on the market is a positive thing for consumers.
It's a very negative thing for consumers, because once the idea of eating vile shit becomes normalized, it will be far easier for your handlers to reduce the supply of decent food and manipulate prices without the fear of severe backlash against their political puppets.

>> No.15180307

Your argument sorta begs the question

"Insects are bad because they are vile shit thus if people start eating them it is bad"

It's a bit circular

>> No.15180317

No, you filthy kike. The argument is that if you consider eating insects disgusting and dehumanizing (as most Westerners do) it is in your best interest to resist their normalization and NOT regard them as merely another choice for consumers, because that normalization will enable a situation where other options are off the table.

>> No.15180318

Seriously, the ideology Gates is promoting is extremely backwards and repulsive. Not only that, its harmful and dangerous to humanity iself in not only the way they're being enforced but the way its conditioning humans to become subservients to powerful elites

>> No.15180325

It's a self-evident premise actually.

>> No.15180345

The bug eating is a small pie on the elite's design upon the world. Its basically a litmus test to see if you would be a willing pawn or not to their game.

If someone says, "yes bugs are food" then they're in the "ingroup", but if others say "bugs are disgusting" then they're considered enemies of the elites that needs to be purged. Its means means of controlling the population and the world through means of pruning all who disagrees with t hem. The WEF only invites those who agree with the declaration that "bugs are food" slogan.
They dont really care if general population eat bugs, but its a means to control those who hold offices/power and direct/narrative what their policies should be. And this is just the start.

>> No.15180347

Isn't that a bit of a slippery slope though?

Not to mention you're not considering that attitudes can change. If people become alright with eating insects then at that point they are already alright with it.

>> No.15180353

Attitudes can be programmed, no one disputes that. Whether that is something rational thinking people want is another question. Propaganda works for reason. The people who can still think see programming in real time. The people who are programmed are unable to see that.

So the question is,

1) do you believe propaganda works?
2) do you believe "your" belief in eating bugs to be part of propaganda?

>> No.15180356

>Isn't that a bit of a slippery slope though?
No. It's just common sense: if my concerns are correct, resisting your vile bugeating agenda means retaining the right to normal food; if they turn out to be unfounded, then nothing is lost. Conclusion: the bugeating agenda should be vocally denounced.

>> No.15180373

There's 2 historical different idioms I know that deals with similar thing.

1) emperor's new clothes
2) the Chinese idiom of calling deer a horse

Both show that sycophants will believe anything to save themselves as well as general public. However the outsiders will always find out the truth either through mockery and laughter or through deposition of the corrupt in power.

>> No.15180383

I believe even those who think they are not affected by it, are still affected by propaganda.

You believe yourself to still be thinking but I'm afraid the truth is you're just as programmed as everyone else.

>> No.15180386

Isn't that the very definition of slippery slope?
"I am afraid that if A happens B might also happen, therefore A is evil and must be stopped!"

>> No.15180388

Notice the vile drone's repeated attempts to equate himself to real people not by denying his own brainwashing, but by insisting that it's impossible to be anything but brainwashed.

>> No.15180392

No. Anyway, my case is rock-solid and it's a given that a shill like you will continue to argue no matter what. I don't consider discussions with you to be productive (you should simply be killed when the opportunity arises), but the argument stands for all to see.

>> No.15180394

The point is that they die, smoothbrain.

>> No.15180398

>just as programmed as everyone else
No, in this particular case, the programmed is you. But in general sense, everyone who watches media are programmed by the elites who control the media/news cycles.

The leftist philospher/linguists Noam Chomsky says this exact same thing and has said decades ago. Back then the problem was war programming. Today the problem is not just war programming but also social programming.

So its time to question who your masters are and ask why you would even want to eat bugs in the first place when food is plentiful and bountiful in our day and age.

>> No.15180404

Most expensive and elaborate executions ever conceived.

>> No.15180408

guarding yourself against plausible and undesirable eventualities is not a fallacy. it's basic foresight and there's no reason not to, when nothing is lost by doing so

>> No.15180411

Food's plentiful?
Have you seen the price of eggs recently?
The truth that many seem to forget in our recent age of plenty is that famine is ever a possibility.

People are complacent and forget that food isn't always a guarantee.

I am glad you have never had to starve though, I can't recommend it.

>> No.15180418

Few dollar increase for egg is nothing. We have so many food and so many choices in food that we live in an age of abundance today. Its because of our capitalism allows market efficiencies in scale. Small short term spikes in local egg production means nothing in overall scale.

>> No.15180420

And specifically to address >>15180411's point. $2 increase per dozen eggs isn't going to convert anyone to eat bugs. LMAO. The argument is so stupid its not even worth it

>> No.15180425

>Have you seen the price of eggs recently?
>The truth that many seem to forget in our recent age of plenty is that famine is ever a possibility.
Your handlers will pay for it.

>> No.15180426 [DELETED] 
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Go back to your containment board, incel.

>> No.15180428

>$2 increase per dozen eggs isn't going to convert anyone to eat bugs
They can keep pushing. The only thing it's going to convert people to, is whichever side offers a solution to make normal food cheap again.

>> No.15180430

Bugs are next to piss/shit for most of Americans. So unless they're starving and extremely underweight, no ones willingly eating bugs. Not even during the great famines of the past, bugs werent on the menu.

>> No.15180473 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15180554

>We have an opportunity for a fresh start. Maybe we should use it to plan an ideal society that can elevate mankind to new heights.
>Nah fuck it let's make another Australia.

>> No.15180563

See >>15180394
He explained that it's not about a breakaway civilization, it's about exiling the dregs of our civilization somewhere that's inhospitable to human life.

>> No.15180567

Elon will not be such a meme if he actually does make it to mars

>> No.15180603

What? The 200+ rocket launches to orbital space don't count? The 3000+ satellite internet to orbit don't count? The 30 astronauts to orbit dont count? The 3 million+ electric vehicles on road don't count? The 1+ million starlink subscribers dont count?

What do you mean he's "such a meme"? Are you just talking about the mars?

>> No.15180722

Musk is a huge meme

The engineers beneath him are decent though

>> No.15180746

Scientifically speaking, engineers are a meme. Its the janitors below them, that are decent.
Ofcourse logically speaking, jannies are a meme. Its the cooks that are decent.
Then ofcourse the cooks become the meme, and the real decent people are the farmers.
With that line of train, the farmers themselves are meme. Its the sun doing the real work.
And ofcourse the sun is a meme. The real work done is by the big bang.

In short, everyone's a meme since no one can take credit for anything because no one build anything.

>> No.15180788
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Elon tries to make good things and the world a better place

BG just tries to make "vaccines" that kill people and control the world.

It's like a SuperHero and SuperVillian movie, but better than anything woke Hollywood could come up with.

>> No.15180824
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well musk is the most successful south african after all

>> No.15180832

yeah. one or two who made it to adult hood. In euro where there are church archives reaching back in history then two piss short centuries the family tree lines are chocked full of Adams and Eves who never had a family name or married. Infant mortality deaths who never got a proper name but the medieval equivalent of John Doe.

>> No.15180838
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no, Venus has it chud boi. Everyone who gets sent there is so happy they never contact earth again. Earth sized body, long days, earth type gravity so no bone and muscle problems etc. its paradise

>> No.15180852

>Farming bugs really isn't any different than eating crawdads
you fucking soiboy. Fish provide a much healthier source of proteins without being a tenth as disgusting. Eating bugs is not about what is economical, it is about humiliating the peasants while neo-aristocracy munches on beef stakes.

In medieval times pillocks were starving as lords forbade poaching in woods under the threat of the death penalty. While the lords themselves had fiests in their manors. That is what is being discussed brining back. Something dictatorship shitpiles like Russia and China are well under way enforcing

>> No.15180854

Russia is actually much more free than the US when it comes to what you can and can't do on public land. They just don't even bother telling you not to hunt, or that you can't own automatic weapons.

>> No.15180864

Shut up, chud. Current enemy bad. Now, where was I... Oh, yes. You bug-eaters are so brainwashed by your neo-aristocracy!

>> No.15181349

"Don't make measles vaccines": Elon Musk slams Bill Gates vaccine ambitions as a "Waste of money" because he could be putting billions into buying "reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight"

>> No.15181356


>> No.15181376
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Well it needn't be an either / or thing, but at the same time Elon has publicly stated his intention with respect to space travel is to allow some humans to escape our suffering planet, which is also a pretty shitty perspective from which to invest large sums of wealth, and contrary to the interest of most humanity.

Like, contrary to Gates, I can see how the prospect of space travel and offworld colonization is something hopeful for all humanity.

But Elon's take seems to be the opposite extreme; along the lines of being entrusted with billions from the government, but using it to say "fuck you guys, me and my rich buddies are leaving yall in the dust first chance we get".

>> No.15181400

Is this some sort of End-stage Capitalism Billionaire Crab-bucketing??

What do you call this?

>> No.15181412

Rich people being bored and attempting to create "deep" content.

>> No.15181419

Bill Gates is so far into the creepy 'people are a resource' phase he thinks saying what he said was even comparable. non-critical vaccines vs established buildings on mars LOL

>> No.15181431

Both are probably a pipedream. Vaccine uptake isn't as viable in parasite-ridden shitholes because of the immune factors. Remove disease causing agents, destroy ecosystems because of it, and mass deworm Africa and all of the animals they fucking eat there that shit all over the place and maybe something will change. The Mars shit is retarded. Fix the flaming shitpile here before going and ruining some other place, at least that should be the priority. The expense, technology, and sheer time required to establish a colony on Mars is probably not something we're going to see.
They both are just used to pissing money away.

>> No.15181563

>nooooo you should be conducting highly unethic non-concentual clinical trials for experimental vaccines on illiterate 3rd worlders that cause permanent disability, birth defects and death like me
>don't spend you money on developing technology that could benefit all of humanity instead of pharmaceutical companies I'm invested in

>> No.15181972

Are you retarded? You can't escape Earth to a "paradise" on mars. Mars is a hellhole. The whole reason to go to Mars is to save humanity. If humanity doesn't leave the cradle, then humans will 100% die out on Earth. This is 100% guaranteed, no matter the time scale. So along with humanity, other animals, plants, life itself will have second root to grow and thrive such that life cannot be extinguished anywhere. It is in the interest of humanity to survive. Just like how we left Africa, from the trees to the rivers, from the caves to open world, from Europe to America and so on. Without it, humanity and life itself is in a single planet bottleneck.
Musk isn't "investing", he's building the very foundations. You can invest in stock markets. You can go on vacations. To build something takes management/leadership/recruitment/goals/personal drive/extreme hardship. Bill Gates used to do that too, but he retired 20 years ago.
Also Musk hasn't been entrusted with billions from the government. Government has riding on his back and saying "fuck you, you can't do that, you didn't build that, we'll stop you from building more, doing more" for petty reasons. Even while knowing that not only would the US need Musk and his companies, but its an extremely critical company that the US is trying to stop for poltical gains.

>> No.15181976

>this is what mentally ill people actually believe

>> No.15181983

call me a low IQ conspiracy theorist, but i think theres something suspicious about his motivation behind the vaccines if the end result of taking them, in bills own words will be less kids. Now lets just do some very simple logical reasoning here, bill gates says theres too many people (so) he's going to reduce the population by giving them vaccines. That's what he said, now call it a haunch, but.... i think the vaccines may be a sterilization method if not an outright killshot, maybe just a health reduction shot. Is this really so difficult to even consider? I don't understand the conspiracy theory hesitancy.

>> No.15181988

>Is this really so difficult to even consider?
Useless eaters are brought up in a culture that teaches them they're the special and essential little snowflakes that the world revolves around. They can't comprehend the notion that they are not a part of the future their masters envision.

>> No.15181997

People said the same thing about the Americas yet they never died off in England.

>> No.15182013

The reason to leave English weren't for altruism. It was to escape England and go to the land of opportunity. A freedom from the state's religious laws.

>> No.15182046

I don't think elon musk will be going to mars out of altruism if he ever even does, but that's just like, my opinion man, i wouldn't if i had a multi-billion dollar business popping off.

>> No.15182048

No one would go to Mars out of pure vanity. Its not a paradise. The only reason to go there is for adventures, dreams, and personal ideals about humanity.

>> No.15182064

>The only reason to go there is for adventures, dreams, and personal ideals about humanity.
>No one would go to Mars out of pure vanity.

>> No.15182078

You dont understand the words you're arguing about.

>> No.15182088

And you are stupid, anywho. Vanity would be going to mars for personal ideals about humanity, enacting personal ideals about humanity does not mean putting an elon musk on mars unless that is a better use of his time than managing the development of rockets and business. Signal lag from mars would make running tesla extremely difficult, if not impossible. So ye, vanity, i just have a different idea of what constitutes vanity.

>> No.15182090

You're both painfully retarded. The only reason anyone ever does something is to satisfy some personal values. That's just a given and can't be used to categorize different kinds of actions and motives.

>> No.15182092

Clearly Bill Gates is not interested in funding vaccines that actually save lived, he needs to fund “vaccines” that create more bodies so he never runs out of food

>> No.15182100

Vanity isn't related to grand ideals about future of humanity. Vanity is personal grandstanding. Its beautification of personhood.
Personal values do not mean vanity. Vanity is not same as personal values.

>> No.15182104

>Personal values do not mean vanity. Vanity is not same as personal values.
Thinking that your personal values are so important that humanity should be mobilized and rallied behind them is vain to the extreme, but I'm not the retard you were arguing with. I'm just remarking on the retarded nature of your dispute.

>> No.15182108
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Behold, the man of personal values. pic related.

>> No.15182110

To be vain is to have something utterly worthless for anything other than yourself. If your personal value is wanting humanity to colonize another planet, thats not vanity. That has huge implications for future of humanity. It as far away from vanity as possible. If your personal ideal requires you to go to mars, build infrastructures maintain/run a colony, and promote humanity's 2nd home planet, thats not vanity at all.

You're confusing what vanity means.

>> No.15182111

My post stands completely unchallenged. Your mentally ill ideas about vanity don't matter.

>> No.15182113
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Read a dictionary.

>> No.15182115

>inflated pride in oneself
Like when you think your values and philosophy are so important that humanity should be mobilized and rallied behind them?

>> No.15182116
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>> No.15182118
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Ladies please, you are both gay and retarded, but the man of monotrips is significantly less so by the will of KEK.

>> No.15182120

See >>15182115 and then hang yourself as soon as you're done reading. Rid the rest of us of your cancerous presence.

>> No.15182123

>desperate little attention-seeking kiddie begging for my (You)

>> No.15182124

Are you saying humans thinking of survival is not important at all? And that humanity should never venture from its cradle? Or that they should have have let the trees? Or the caves?

>> No.15182127

I'm saying that thinking your personal takes are so important that humanity needs to be mobilized and rallied behind them falls under "inflated pride in oneself", which was the criterion you presented for vanity.

>> No.15182130
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A man, denied his (you)'s. I am wounded.

>> No.15182136

Shut up, bigot. Humanity will LITERALLY END if it doesn't do what I say. Do what I say or DIE. I'm not vain, I'm just trying to save you!

>> No.15182137

I think you're straw manning makes no sense. In no certain terms did Musk ever in any form or shape ever asked entirety of humanity to devote to his goals. The most he's asked is to think about the future and for the government to let him build his companies/ships/etc.

If we did live in a world where Musk forces everyone to be obedient and become enslaved by his personal whims, then you'd have a point. At it is now, its anything BUT inflated. Its anything BUT vain. Its pure altruism. He's not forcing you to go through any of it, nor in any effort any any significant or inflated amount.

>> No.15182139

>In no certain terms did Musk ever in any form or shape ever asked entirety of humanity to devote to his goals.
He actually does it all the time, and you've been doing it for your cult leader ITT very much in the vein of >>15182136's parody.

>> No.15182141

>He actually does
All I see is you commies crying about Musk. In an ideal world where Musk had the power over the world, the commies would be purged from earth.

>> No.15182145

Did he ask using money? alot of money? What is a business or business network but the advanced apparatus used for imposition of ones will on reality. (technically the business is also a meta-organism that eats money, but still)

>> No.15182146
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>In an ideal world where Musk had the power over the world, the commies would be purged from earth.
The mask slips and delusional mental illness is showing. Reminder that Musk is living off of government welfare.

>> No.15182152

No, thats your ideal world where you supposedly believe Musk controls everything. Dumb commie. You don't even realize how stupid your arguments are. If Musk had the superpower to shift the entire humanity's resources to his vanity, then we'd already get there to Mars by now. Instead you're crying about Musk having the control, but not doing it, then doing it, then crying about shouldnt doing it, and all other nonsense that are contradicted by your own initial claims

>> No.15182153

He lives off of government handouts and contracts, but that's besides the point. Where did I say anything about him literally forcing people to comply with his schizo pop-soi fantasies? He just goes around thinking he's some kind of prophet and savior and that his drug-fueled ramblings are instrumental in shaping the future of humanity.

>> No.15182155

> your ideal world where you supposedly believe Musk controls everything
Full-blown psychotic delusion. Stopped reading. I'm satisfied with making you froth at the mouth so hard you're having a psychiatric episode. No need to abuse you further.

>> No.15182158

>some kind of prophet and savior
>some kind.
Are you saying these people don't exist or just that elon isn't either of those? because like, he kind of unironically is.

>> No.15182161

>He just goes around thinking he's some kind of prophet and savior
Thats your own delusion at work. All he is is a man with his own dreams. And he's just pitching his ideas to advance his own goals.

If you think he's a prophet and savior, thats your own delusional thinking. Probably made up to support the idea that he's doing great harm to some people or group that you've conjured up in your mind.

>> No.15182164

>Are you saying these people don't exist
I'm saying that acting as if you think you are one is extremely vain. Your definition of vanity supports this. Now stop posting, you fucking retard.

>> No.15182169


Haters are fundamentally fanboys. They hype up everything they "hate" and create grand vision about the person they hate. So that they can claim something is very wrong with the person they've build up in their mind.

>> No.15182171

>desperate samefag

>> No.15182176

Ah you're a Muslim, now the violent threats make sense lol

>> No.15182207

>people are dying from diseases
>want to kill people
>instead of letting them die from diseases, vaccinate them against diseases with a vaccine that secretly also kills them
Solid plan

>> No.15182227

every vaxxtard itt needs to post timestamped pic of their newly updated bivalent boosted vaxxcard or their opinion is worthless

>> No.15182247
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How is it even a question? Why would anyone trust goofy Musk over dreamy Bill?

>> No.15182257

how can you even anon?

>> No.15182261

>people have a positive population growth despite dying from diseases
>inject them with something to reduce fertility, thereby reducing population growth
>convince them to comply under the pretext of saving them from diseases
Yeah, that should work. Ever notice how faux skeptoids always reason interms of strawmen and thought-terminating cliches? It's almost as if your likes exist on the margins of sentience and are inacapble of genuine reasoning.

>> No.15182274
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>> No.15182703

Well, are there any studies about infertility in Africa, it seems like a pretty big thing to cover up

>> No.15182946

That could just as well be Jeb Bush taking the heat in the video. The glowniggers took over America in 1963 when they assassinated JFK and installed their own guy in the white house instead. Ever since, progress has come to a crashing halt. JFK was the last person to put NASA to the task of achieving more than they had in the past.
The chink could be talking to himself too, he had an advanced unique culture with many admirable characteristics and it was all wiped out in favor of becoming a judeo-Asian knockoff of the west.

>> No.15183258

>The chink could be talking to himself too, he had an advanced unique culture with many admirable characteristics and it was all wiped out in favor of becoming a judeo-Asian knockoff of the west.
Nigger what the fuck are you talking about. Prior to the industrial revolution the entire nation was a rural backwater. They didn't even have the parallel of Africa being left advanced industry and infrastructure by the west. The only western legacy imposed upon china was gunboat diplomacy, a population utterly destroyed by drug addiction and stripped of resources and dignity. They were at such a low they couldn't put up anything that even remotely resembles a "fight" against a small island nation. I get the "china bad" programming but there's no reason to go full retard.

>> No.15183325

First of the common logic that Mars(or space exploration in general) is a waste of money and that we should spend it on other things is obviously retarded and I hate it, because we spend way more money on far dumber things.
Like why should we stop funding space exploration and science and not for example the movie industry, art, museums or whatever other "unneccessary things" you can think of?

Also I'm not against Mars colonization but I don't think it's gonna solve many problems on Earth.
(surprisingly the Moon would be better in this aspect since it could supply resources for contruction in Earth orbit and there is also that radio astronomy thing that's interesting)
If overpopulation was a real problem people would likely "colonize" places like Greenland or Siberia long before thinking about Mars.
First off Earth is far from overpopulated and its problems like water shortage(desalination), farm land(vertical farming/greenhouses) climate change(carbon capture) for the most part could all be solved with abundant clean energy.
But even if Earth was overpopulated the rich would probably "flee" to Oneill cylinders in Earth orbit not to Mars since it's a lot closer and they could probably easily travel between Earth and their private space station.

>> No.15183385

Over population is a meme. Earth can support trillion humans just fine.

>> No.15184004
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The Earth is full. You're just another retard who doesn't know how much of the natural environment we had to destroy to feed you. And no fish aren't an infinite resource either the Chinese overfishing has already destroyed populations beyond recovery in the next decade. Our arable land suitable for monoculture plantations is also at full capacity and relies on synthetic fertilisers too.