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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 360 KB, 800x534, C2022_E3_(ZTF)-_Alessandro_Bianconi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15168143 No.15168143 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone see this shit tonight?



>> No.15168167


>> No.15168297 [DELETED] 

/sci/ posters are too busy shut inside huffing their own farts and pontificating on their grandiose, omniscient and completely imaginary knowledge of the entire universe, including it's whole history from the very first instant, to be bothered to go outside and actually bother looking at the space that they claim to be so absolutely fascinated by

>> No.15168497

There was a thread up a few days ago where anons posted pics they took with their telescopes. Looks like the thread died though.

>> No.15168780

What is funny is that /pol/ has a much better thread on it or did at least and it had 200+ posts pontificating and soothsaying about it. Comets are political now.

>> No.15168785

>Comets are political now.
MAGA comets! Fuck yeah!

>> No.15168789

Always have been. Comets are portentious.

>> No.15168827 [DELETED] 

intradasting thread

>> No.15168833

Did it get deleted or did you mistype? That link doesn't work.

>> No.15168835

Delete this thread right now or your mother dies.

>> No.15168855 [DELETED] 


>> No.15169024

I have no girlfriend to amaze her with my astronomical knowledge. So.... NO.

>> No.15170799

i couldnt find it. the camel constellation isnt even visible with the lgihtp ollution where i am, so i was searching between the polaris and capella and failed to see it. maybe i did see it and just missed it. i am using an 8 inch dob, a pair of binoculars would probably serve me better

>> No.15170944

I can't seem to find it. The stars are visible but there's a slight haze that gives many of them a cloudy appearance. How do you tell the comet apart from them?

>> No.15171101
File: 78 KB, 500x441, 1631401121069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...holy shit, is THAT the OMNITRIX?

>> No.15171154

I'm imaging right now. Stack of 100 at 15 seconds, 400 iso, f5.4. 300 mm lens.

I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing, but could see the fuzzy sonavabitch in the test frames at those settings, so hopefully the stack brings out some detail.

I'll post when the stack is done.

>> No.15171238
File: 1.88 MB, 3640x2160, badcomet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I kind of hate it, but at least I got something. I think I either need more iso, more shutter time, or both. Ill give it another try tomorrow.

>> No.15171263

No anon, I didn't. Instead all I got was cloud's that refused to rain more than a sprinkle, a 24 degree C night and 70% humidity. Fucking summer

>> No.15171270 [DELETED] 

you need a better comet. just be patient and you'll see one eventually, unless you're a vaxxxie. hyakutake & hale bopp were 25 years ago, the 1970s was a gold mine of good comets.

>> No.15171273
File: 1.20 MB, 1125x1389, 8550C5C3-EB60-4D8F-9A90-689766DA68AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/k/ and /p/ here

I used a PVS-14 from my apartment complex in SoCal and tried to see it but couldnt see anything from all the pollution. I cant be fucked to drive to the mountains since I can’t get a good photograph of it anyway and don’t have a telescope.

Here’s my photo of Neowise

>> No.15171278

What startracker do you use?

>> No.15171293

Star Adventurer 2

>> No.15171306

Ah, and what camera? Your result looks shittier than it should with 100 stacks. There’s a website that shows the noise and dynamic range of each iso settings for every camera wish I could remember the name of it. Anyway find your camera’s second base iso and increase iso to that, you might actually get a smidge less noise. You also have a star tracker…. I wouldnt be afraid to do longer exposures. Why dont you just try a few minute long single shots?

>> No.15171676
File: 1.26 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20230127_004555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posted pics they took with their telescopes.
I'll repost my picture from that thread. Took it with my phone through the eyepiece so it's not the greatest image.

>> No.15171829


Totally. I was afraid of getting washed out by the moon and light pollution. Looking at the histogram from the subs, it was waaay too dark (not even 10% peak). So yeah, I need to bump it up to at least a minute or 800 iso / some combination.

Nikon d3300

If you remember the name of the site, that would make you legendary.

>> No.15172004


Is this it?


It suggests 800

>> No.15172510


Found it

>> No.15174099

>only 500 watching

>> No.15174240


>> No.15174267

What is its current right ascension and declination

>> No.15175379

5h33m51.66s 58°53'31.4"
But it was at this spot when you made your post.
5h42m46.42s 61°55'48.8"

>> No.15175493
File: 194 KB, 2048x1365, signal-2022-10-05-125754_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comet Leonard a year ago wasn't half bad. There have actually been a few 'great' naked-eye comets in the 21st century, but they've all been for the southern hemisphere.

Anyway, here's an image I grabbed of comet K2/PANSTARRS at magnitude 8.8 back in June. Not super impressive: dimmer than Neptune and further away than Mars, but set a record for furthest comet from the Sun to sprout a tail. Raw 30-second exposure at 3200 ISO with a 1st-gen DSLR looking through an 80mm apochromatic refractor.

Planning to go out tonight and try imaging the current comet: will report back. I've observed Comet E3 several times through apertures ranging from 30mm to 200mm in diameter, and I haven't been all that impressed, except for the night when the anti-tail briefly appeared.

>> No.15175503
File: 148 KB, 2352x1568, ganymedetransit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For reference, Jupiter looks like picrel through my 200mm schmidt-cassegrain telescope, and comet E3 was still pretty "meh" for me (at least it was a week ago when it was half as bright as it is now). Hoping some long exposures tonight will bring out some detail. I guess it also really helps that it's able to get nearly 70 degrees above the horizon, as opposed to being stuck adjacent to the north star all night for the past week and a half.

It has been moving about a full moon's width of distance in the sky every 90 minutes or so, which is pretty cool to see even through binoculars. But don't expect to be wow'd by its tail.

>> No.15175521

That's a nice photo anon. I wish I could go see the comet, but the weather's been cloudy here and I don't want to get up super early. I've been tired enough from work.

>> No.15175602
File: 339 KB, 2048x1365, new_image_Annotated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>back in June
It was July 22nd according to Stellarium.
I was bored and plate solved your image.

Center (RA, Dec): (250.559, -6.525)
Center (RA, hms): 16h 42m 14.164s
Center (Dec, dms): -06° 31' 29.520"
Size: 2.11 x 1.41 deg
Radius: 1.269 deg
Pixel scale: 3.71 arcsec/pixel

>> No.15175757

That's a fake livestream you fucking retard. It's an image of comet C/2021 A1 (Leonard) taken on December 5th, 2021 that they have put on a loop. The image description is a huge give away. Filled to the brim with shady links.

>> No.15177903


>> No.15178069

Too bad it missed the earth, David Benatar lays out a compelling argument for extinction of all life.

>> No.15179322

Can I see this in Australia?

>> No.15179324
File: 1 KB, 113x120, 4125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>David Benatar
Interesting that they removed all mentions of him being a Jew born to a Mossad-connected father from his wiki bio.