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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 105 KB, 900x900, 1661957064948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15168173 No.15168173 [Reply] [Original]

Who are the best science youtubers?
pic related

>> No.15168180

im trans btw

>> No.15168240

this guy is a narcissist with a very fragile ego
>replies to comments on 7 years old videos
>seethes whenever someone points out he is not a professor
>makes debunk videos as if the 0.0001% of people who still believe in flat earth are going to be convinced by someone reading abstracts of advanced physics papers none of them can understand

organic chemistry chad, 3b1b, blackpenredpen, Trefor Bazett and khan academy are way better for undergrad stuff. those are the ones that actually focus on teaching uni course material and go through examples

>> No.15168243

It's even worse than that. He makes "debunk" videos and gets the basic science completely wrong, making his position look foolish and retarded even if he's technically right.

>> No.15168247

Every scituber that DEBOOONKs flat earth can be ignore.

Sabine, my wife.

>> No.15168248

See the Pattern is a great channel. Surprisingly people on /sci/ are starting to warm up to him after the QED video.

>> No.15168255

I like Anton Petrov

>> No.15168273 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15168275

I enjoy Journey to the Microcosmos, Lecturio Medical, and Parasites without Borders

>> No.15168282

>the 0.0001% of people
Cope harder globenigger, we are expanding like the flat Earth is

>> No.15168300

This is the best channel for me

>> No.15168314

Most Brazilians are low IQ mutts. Not very impressive either way to be citing their opinions on anything.

>> No.15168327

Think again fucker

50 years from now flat Earth will be a competing theory in the mainstream

>> No.15168330

I thought he came out of the closet a couple months ago?

>> No.15168340


>> No.15168350

>hello jesus de favelino, did you know that the earth can't be flat because the Lagrangian of kinematics implies the nonexistence of homogeneous gravitational field
that's really going to convince a guy that believes jesus visited america that the earth is round.
most of the people that do debunks do it for their own ego. this is especially true for the "professor"

>> No.15168361

for me it's Eugene Khutoryansky, I love his videos


>> No.15168362

>the Lagrangian of kinematics implies the nonexistence of homogeneous gravitational field
You realize the Earth being flat doesn't negate some places in it have different masses?

>> No.15168522

Don't forget to mention that he doesn't actually understand GR/SR and just keeps regurgitating the same popsci misinformstion like everyone else

>> No.15168584

holy fuck this is too perfect

>> No.15168589
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Justin Riddle's videos on quantum consciousness are decent.


>> No.15168597
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>> No.15168600
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Mario is and always will be the king of /sci/

>> No.15168926

closer to truth

>> No.15168937


>> No.15168939

the only things expanding are the universe and your asshole

>> No.15168941

Thunderfoot can be cringe to anybody with his 5 million musk videos but he's anti-popsci and does realistic research

>> No.15168983

>Mario is and always will be the king of /sci/
Why do people shill him? His videos are really weird.

>> No.15169008

>Le ebin 3 blue 1 brown
When will this meme die? 3b1b hasn't been good since he made that shitty linear algebra series. He's basically just a shitty version of a undergrad lecture series. I'd rather watch numberphile videos, where at least they talk about some cool topic in math instead of the same shit everyone sees in freshman undergrad.

>> No.15169012

>Flammable Maths more based than cringe

>> No.15169025

The whole chart is awful, and obviously made by a high schooler.

>> No.15169899

What would you change?

>> No.15169938

Would happily push this insufferable twat off a cliff

>> No.15169998

Kill yourself, I love 3B1b and will always keep him in my heart

<3 u Grant, u da MAN !!

>> No.15170013

based bprp enjoyer

>> No.15170021

scishow deserves to be at the very bottom for being wrong consistently throughout their chemistry """"videos"""" where they misinterpret lab papers, without even verifying them. Ergo ACTUAL fucking science.

>> No.15170057
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>> No.15170080
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Prof Leonard
I wish he covered Analysis...

>> No.15170306

Dr. Tour, an actual scientist

>> No.15170326

This is one of those cases where an idiot pokes a hornet's nest, gets stung, then kicks the nest and dies.

>> No.15170354

Is Issac Arthur running out of topics?

>> No.15170381

I don't know a lot of those channels, but as follows:
>Kill(ss)ing Asuka
Probably slightly below the x-axis
>Jonathon Tooker
Below the x-axis
At least halfway up above the x axis
>Femboy anything
Necessarily as cringe as it gets
>Aleph 0
He's at least twice as informative where he's currently placed
>Flammable maths
Cringe - basically reflect across the y-axis
Should be dead center
Cringe - reflect across the y-axis
>Eric weinstein
He's not based, but he's more informative than e.g. Tibees
She's based - probably put her where Eric Weinstein currently is
>Professor Dave
Should be bottom left corner
He's honestly pretty informative, and definitely doesn't follow the pop-sci scheme. Should live near the center, probably slightly towards informative.
Same as AsapScience
Reflect across the x-axis
Should be where 3b1b is in the current picture
>Action lab Should be roughly where PBS Spacetime is, but a little more based
Should be about a third of the way to based, and halfway up informative
More informative than Wildberger
>Math sorcerer
He really isn't very informative. Probably near the x-axis and maybe less cringe
Should be halfway below the x-axis. He's just pop-math.
Same as professor Dave - as far left and bottom as it goes

>> No.15170389 [DELETED] 

Math Sorcerer has to be the least informative math channel I have ever seen. He rambles on and on getting nowhere with his pointless topic. I swear to god he's autistic, high, or both. Most of his videos could be like ten seconds long.

>> No.15170406

He was a sort of professor. You can be a "professor" with only a masters. You are called an associate professor.

>> No.15170412

He doesn't even have a Masters as far as I'm aware. He has a Bachelor's degree and he taught in public school or something.

>> No.15170413

Sure. I only watched his earlier videos, which were pretty good in terms of advice and book recommendations. The problem is that he doesn't really qualify as pop-sci either, so that's why I said near the x-axis.

>> No.15170422

>You can be a "professor" with only a masters. You are called an associate professor.
Jesus christ burgerland is pathetic. Even in third world countries like Australia, even the title of associate professor is reserved for relatively large contributions to your field, and it's common to take 30+ years before reaching professorship.

>> No.15170428

He has a masters in science education. The thing highschool teachers usally get but he still could be a professor. I know high school teachers who get their masters in science education or whatever teach as an associate professor. Usally online as a side job. Non meme colleges either. Fully accredited schools.

>> No.15170429

He's thinking of a lecturer, not an associate professor. He's wrong about the rest of what he said too so it doesn't really matter.

>> No.15170431

He was a children's schoolteacher so you can take a rest with your speculation.

>> No.15170445


>> No.15170452


>> No.15170463

Only thing you know about professor dave is he makes the SCHIZOs SEETHE. Look how angry and autistic they he makes them in thread
>umm actually he doesnt have a phd so even though he taught college classes he is only an instructor not a professor. So like he is lying
Pure Autism

>> No.15170468

Meant for

>> No.15170475

But Dave is a smug sanctimonious twat? You really don't need to have any knowledge of or ideological position on whatever topic he takes aim at to see that. He's just a very odious person..

>> No.15170483

As someone who actually has a degree, I am indeed offended that charlatans pretend to have completed a degree to gain false authority from it.

>> No.15170503

Professor colloquially doesnt mean someone who has a phd and is in a tenured position at a college. It just means someone who is the instructor at a college. I know this triggers your autism and makes you sperg out but its the truth.

>> No.15170509

You will never be a real professor. You have no masters degree, you have no PhD, you have no tenure. You are a high school graduate twisted by hubris and retardation into a crude mockery of actual intelligence.

All the “validation” you get on your youtube is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your lack of intellect behind closed doors.

Students are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of milliseconds of thought have allowed anyone without intellectual disability to sniff out frauds like you with incredible efficiency. Even your claims that are “valid” are fallacious and disingenuous to a non-retard. Your target audience is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get an ifls soiboy to watch your videos, he’ll turn tail and stop watching the second he gets a clue about the scientific method.

You will never be intelligent. You wrench out a fallacious arguments every single morning and tell yourself it will be okay, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked without mention of professorship, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a failure is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a youtube channel that is unmistakably shit.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.15170511

Well luckily he was never an employee of a college, unless he did work study during his Bachelor's Degree.

>> No.15170516
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>femboy anything
what is this trash?

>> No.15170520


>> No.15170529

lol, his flatearth deboonks are kinda fun tho

>> No.15170534 [DELETED] 

Debunks? They were embarrassing to watch. Globetard ego stroking, and they age like fine wine.

>> No.15170537

A literal retard talks to literal schizos.
I'd rather listen to Eddie Bravo and Brendan Schuab than waste my time with some sanctimonious asshole pretend to be smart by comparing himself to the only people dumber than him.

>> No.15170544

I agree with everything you said, but other than these the original chart wasn't that far off.

>> No.15170545

He just gives ammo to flat earthers by being demonstrably wrong about nearly everything he brings up. Those videos are an embarrassment.

>> No.15170579

I don't know about American colleges but here associate's professor is strictly postdoc and it usually requires a lot of work. very few of postdocs make it into assistant professor and it takes years before they become associate's. it's a protected title.
maybe you mean teaching assistant or assistant lector?

>> No.15170801

this guy

>> No.15170811

It's the same thing in America, but we call them by the term "lecturer." It's a position that pays less than minimum wage and isn't considered prestigious or challenging. Basically a washout position, similar to substitute teaching.

>> No.15170838
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nuke youtube

>> No.15170850

>by being demonstrably wrong about nearly everything he brings up
extraordinary claims, evidence, and all that

link to one of his videos and show us exactly how.
I'm not defending him, just contesting your somewhat hyperbolic assertion

>> No.15170866

Plenty of people have already made videos destroying his idiotic takes. Just watch one of those.

>> No.15170965

>shitty version of undergrad lecture series
Except his content is 1000x better than what you learn in school. You learn more from his videos/visualizations in 10 minutes then you can learn from an entire semester if you have a terrible/shitty professor. Him and other people like khan academy basically carry the entire undergrad population

>> No.15171013
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>no Photonicinduction
sad really.

>> No.15171024

>the only things expanding are the universe and your asshole

>> No.15171095

I guess I had an outstanding professor, because she taught us all those tricks that 3b1b's videos explain without needing some animation, and moreover gave us a rigorous understanding of the subject, not just the "it's all rotations" pop-math babble.

But in any case, compare all his "recent" content to the videos he started out making - fractals, p-adic numbers with a view towards math exploration. Now it's just how many ways can I show you areas/volumes rotating and perhaps scaling with an animation, and then this is le heckin' linear transformation or integral, or whatever else freshmen struggle with.

>> No.15171126

>vsauce not based
Cringe opinion.

>> No.15171133 [DELETED] 

>i come to 4chan.org to shill for a jew owned corporate propaganda outlet
how organic

>> No.15171136


>> No.15171152
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>> No.15171235

I'll never understand why people here call vsauce cringe. I feel like these people probably actually use reddit.

>> No.15171245

>Kill(ss)ing Asuka
>Probably slightly below the x-axis

>> No.15171987

Why did you post the WORST basedence youtuber?
Low iq shitalian with no degree who only does leftist debunk videos.

>> No.15172129

didn't this guys work get ripped off by some big fucks at some yank uni?

>> No.15172553

His videos are basic computations of sums and then sci-fi tier QM interpretations.

>> No.15172748


>> No.15172750

>average closed individualist, coping and seething

>> No.15172843

some big university guys copied his work without accrediation, he got angry at them being dickheads, i think he temporarily closed his channel because of it, this was years back so my memory is foggy but found a forum about it from 2012

>> No.15172850

post a link (inb4 no spoonfeeding, then stfu with your nonsense claims)

>> No.15172854

I miss the old web...smartphones were a mistake

>> No.15172984

Wildberger is evil. Go fuck yourself

>> No.15173008

What does he get wrong in his QM interpretations?

>> No.15173012

He believed so hard in sci-fi notions of quantum immortality that he killed himself. Guy basically got driven insane by Discovery Channel schizophrenia.

>> No.15173361

japanese knife man

>> No.15173441
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I kneel before the King Wildberger.

>> No.15173450

Someone already posted three such links, you absolute dumbass. This is the reason spoonfeeding retards like you is pointless.

>> No.15173463
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But were his interpretations of quantum immortality wrong?

>> No.15173465

Yes. Obviously.

>> No.15173502

His organic chemistry videos are useless halfway through the series.

>> No.15173522

I agree except for vsauce. Fucking cringe.

>> No.15173798

Why? He's goofy, so I guess he can be cringe in that regard and I guess he looks a bit soi, but it seems to me like people here only say that he's OMG SO CRINGE because they're unironically ledditors who are trying to disguise it, in the sense that it's not a conclusion that they personally come up with from his videos, but because they're following the herd.

>> No.15174512

Anton and sabine.
No I will not link them.
Lurk more.

>> No.15174525

Sabine is informative and you missed IFLS! as the ultimate pop sci cringe

>> No.15174526

vsauce comes off as reddit in human form, the way he speaks and presents his videos, the wacky eyebrow stuff, as far as I know he never pulled any lefty political stunts but I couldn't get past his mannerisms to watch more than a few videos

>> No.15174544

Someone recommended Michel van Biezen to me but he's reeks of ADHD.

>> No.15174549

Not an argument
>inb4 he’s wrong because he’s dead

>> No.15174567

What did he do?

>> No.15174577

You're clinically retarded if you don't think that's popsci.

>> No.15174798

I have to say that I enjoy his videos and playlists. He's straightforward, doesn't stutter (making his videos shorter) and he has saved my ass a few times. I don't see how he's popsci, he doesn't dumb down anything.

>> No.15174824

kill yourself

>> No.15174843

he unironically believes that the earth is a globe and doesn't have any evidence to support this ridiculous claim

>> No.15174912

Flight time from argentina to australia

>> No.15174917

Real Numbers denier

>> No.15174957

Haven't watched his debate videos (don't have any interest in those), but as an educator, he's great if you want someone who doesn't "ummm" through his videos, takes ages to write something on a whiteboard, and make 100 different videos about specific examples and niche specialization topics filled with fluff. He's great if you want an undergraduate level understanding of STEMshit.

>> No.15174998
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fixed it for u buddy

>> No.15175095

>organic chemistry chad, 3b1b, blackpenredpen, Trefor Bazett and khan academy
no offense but all of them takes ages to explain basic concepts, no better than your average college teacher, also organic chemistry tutor sucks at explaining new/foreign concepts

>> No.15175109

>all this extracurricular autism
im good, ill stick with dave and professor leonard

>> No.15175114

No one should be on the right side of the based axis unless they have named the jew

>> No.15175126

Yeah, most of the people in that pic makes "informative Youtube videos" (in other words: basedman reading Wikipedia), not college related stuff.

>> No.15175196

isn't this that faggot who spent like an hour insulting some flat earther? imagine being such a loser that you go after such an easy target to feel better about yourself

>> No.15175220

Argentina isn't that great, flights go through LAX to avoid the andes. Now what you really want is aukland, NZ to Santiago, Chile.

Remember flatfags, the bible does not support flat earth, it only supports geocentrism, any attempts to claim that it does support a flat earth abuse a small number of translation errors.

>> No.15175333

>inb4 [thing that's self-evidently correct]
Won't save you.

>> No.15175404

How is "dead people are automatically wrong" self-evidently correct?

>> No.15175407

There are a lot of other plausible mechanisms for how an afterlife could exist besides quantum mechanics.


>> No.15175415

What do you think of these arguments for quantum immortality?


>> No.15175417

Him being dead from suicide disproves his theory on quantum immortality.

>> No.15175421

His videos are cringe and autistic teenager tier.

>> No.15175423

I saw his "debate" with some flatearther and he managed to make himself look like an insanely smug little shit by being nothing but condescending and using personal ad hominem attacks. It was more like an internet bloodsport debate than an actual debate and definitely hurt himself by exposing himself as a snarky little unlikable cunt.

>> No.15175425
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>I can't see other universes or other timelines where he could have been reincarnated, therefore other universes don't exist

>> No.15175430

I'm sorry you believe in schizophrenic nonsense, but his experiment is an obvious failure.

>> No.15175436
File: 84 KB, 464x302, quantum immortality worldline of consciousness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hypothetically, if quantum immortality were true and his experiment worked, what would you expect to see happen?

>> No.15175439

Him living a normal, non-schizophrenic life with a GF where he abandons nonsense theories.

>> No.15175446
File: 84 KB, 464x302, quantum immortality you are here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying he couldn't be doing that in another timeline

>> No.15175448

I got a 94 on my anatomy exam bc of him

>> No.15175452

isnt 3b1b part of khanacademy now

>> No.15175455

True! You should perform a replication experiment to find out if he is or not.

>> No.15175495

>implying I would end up in the same alternate timeline as him if I an hero'd

>> No.15175497

This is a thought experiment to show you why you shouldn't be promoting such evil and schizophrenic ideologies.

>> No.15175498

3b1b, Veritasium
Usually the popular stuff sucks, but these two are actually high quality 98% of the time.

>> No.15175605
File: 40 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shameless self advertising for my (theorerical) chemistry channel

>> No.15175922

That they are pop-sci.
You need to grow up.

>> No.15175925 [DELETED] 

all of youtube is popsci

>> No.15175950

i enjoy him
any other pedagogic youtubers who dont take half an hour to explain basic stuff? i watched a tibees video yesterday and she spoke so painfully slow

>> No.15175959

take your adhd meds

>> No.15176224
File: 60 KB, 1000x800, 1675483384071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will be watching your career with great interdest

>> No.15176247

Wildberger gets a lot of praise around here, but I've never seen any of his videos. Someone post one of his best ones

>> No.15176270

I don't even know who he is, but I watched this video after itt
Looks like another pedantic 1.999... != 2 argument
Because the ... is the hangup.

>> No.15176274

That's an extremely based video. Very good breakdown of the argument.

>> No.15177846

This is good actually. If you invert the scale, it's a really good way of seeing who to watch

>> No.15177932

Veritasium is cool