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File: 121 KB, 979x612, 1673957708909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15170860 No.15170860 [Reply] [Original]

New settled science just dropped!


>We included 12 trials (10 cluster‐RCTs) comparing medical/surgical masks versus no masks to prevent the spread of viral respiratory illness (two trials with healthcare workers and 10 in the community). Wearing masks in the community probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of influenza‐like illness (ILI)/COVID‐19 like illness compared to not wearing masks (risk ratio (RR) 0.95, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.84 to 1.09; 9 trials, 276,917 participants; moderate‐certainty evidence. Wearing masks in the community probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of laboratory‐confirmed influenza/SARS‐CoV‐2 compared to not wearing masks (RR 1.01, 95% CI 0.72 to 1.42; 6 trials, 13,919 participants; moderate‐certainty evidence). Harms were rarely measured and poorly reported (very low‐certainty evidence).

>> No.15170879

i thought masks were saving grandma wtf

>> No.15170984

Those psychotic lunatic enforcement officers should have been ashamed of themselves.
what a ridiculous sad state of affairs

>> No.15170992

>Those psychotic lunatic enforcement officers should have been ashamed of themselves.
it doesn't work that way, they need to be shamed by people

it's so easy, just record their faces and names and post it all online

>> No.15171037

If only they'd had twitter and smartphones in the 40's so people could record and cancel all those stasi officers.

>> No.15171070

>If only they'd had twitter and smartphones in the 40's so people could record and cancel all those stasi officers.
wrong comparison, the entire population was with the State, not in this case

by exposing those cops that complied you could end their lives in society

>> No.15171079

>wrong comparison, the entire population was with the State, not in this case
Dafuq? Public approval for covid rules was nearly 100% in countries that went full-North Korea like Australia.

>> No.15171107

>Dafuq? Public approval for covid rules was nearly 100% in countries that went full-North Korea like Australia.
Not is some american states, not in austria

And even then, do you really trust the government numbers? You really think they wouldn't lie to fabricate consenst, when they admitted to lying multiple times?

It's very simple, outcast those cops, let's see who will sell and buy from and to them, cancel them too

>> No.15171112
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>And even then, do you really trust the government numbers?
It's not about believing the government, it's about believing that 80%+ of random idiots believe what they see on TV.

>> No.15171142

People need to feel like they are helping. Also it's been a further wedge to divide us.

Mask vs no mask. Vax vs no Vax. On and on. It's red vs blue on a global scale with the intent to divide and conquer.

>> No.15171188

>Those psychotic lunatic enforcement officers should have been ashamed of themselves.
Ashamed? They should be hanged for civil rights violations.
Fuck all leftist scum and their Stasi Gestapos.

>> No.15171193
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>It's red vs blue on a global scale with the intent to divide and conquer.

>> No.15171285

>Also it's been a further wedge to divide us.
It's not some false dilemma like team red vs team blue. If you were willing to violate my rights over the common cold you're a subhuman worthy of nothing more than pity.

>> No.15171300

The government literally worked with letter agencies, MI5, CIA etc to increase the scare and manufacture consent. Do you really believe those surveys?

The government these days is all about enriching themselves, their buddies and the corporations they serve before the people.

>> No.15173106

they aren't real people, anon. literally agents of the matrix.

>> No.15173115

ACAB is the most based thing to come out of the soi-left since Occupy Wallstreet. If only they were doing it for the right reasons.

>> No.15173129
File: 85 KB, 571x680, Government Organized Crime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The government these days is all about enriching themselves, their buddies and the corporations they serve before the people.
Meme is fitting.

>> No.15173145

no goggles. no one was doing clean room shit at home (not that I blame them that stuff is a pain). people touch their face with their coofed on hands all the time. the whole thing was just such a meme lol also all the masks were basically pointless since covid really requires n95s and probably even those full face mask respirators to stop

>> No.15173280

I wish you were capable of understanding why it is necessary.

Not that it matters. It just adds 28 days of isolation to any space travel. Because I'm not letting you inside to mix with the general population until you've spent 14 days minimum in solitary isolation.

Then again maybe the vaccines will work in the future.

>> No.15173283

>It just adds 28 days of isolation to any space travel. Because I'm not letting you inside to mix with the general population until you've spent 14 days minimum in solitary isolation.
What kind of schizophrenia is this?

>> No.15173307

according to whom?

>> No.15173319
File: 86 KB, 850x400, quote-the-phrase-may-you-live-in-interesting-times-is-the-lowest-in-a-trilogy-of-chinese-curses-terry-pratchett-110-70-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

may you live in interesting times

>> No.15173374

Yea. That's a safe space response common among the unimaginative.

Most people are locked into a state where their capacity to consider anything outside of their personal experience. It's just what the system has done to you. I hear you no ill will.

Anyway, the common cold will evolve differently in different colonies. At some early point in the space exodus the supply of willing colonists will be exhausted. At this point there will be very few passengers making the voyage for periods of years or even decades. At this point I've probably lost you because you're a small minded idiot yet I shall plough onward.

In the later stages many colonies will remain isolated for generations.

So yea, the common cold kinda is a bit deal and that's a very hard sell to the mindless consoomer.

>> No.15173379

So you're saying that retards advocating for useless control measures in the modern world on Earth is ok because in space in the far future it might serve some purpose?

>> No.15173402

That's your interpretation. Sucks we all still have to share the same place huh.

People emigrating directly from earth will be the filthiest most vile and disgusting of our species. Riddled with infections, diseases and bacterial.

You can soak in a tank of some unholy disinfectant for 14 days or you can live with the other grubs in the unclean habitats on Mars.

Something like that. But then for people like you who seem to want to use a computer AND return to the stone age it doesn't look good at all.

>> No.15173407

Schizobabble nonsense. Come back when you have a thought about reality and not whatever technocattle scifi slop you're being fed.

>> No.15173410

America still boring eachother with this shit. The dull bastards. Must be the fluoride in the water. As it does lower intelligence, especially in kids

>> No.15173413

Picrel is Australia or New Zealand, maybe the UK. People are disarmed there and helpless.

>> No.15173420

That's Australia. They've got Victoria Police badges.

>> No.15173421

We are going.


>> No.15173433

Ah of course, Australia these days try to mimic USA. It's losing it aussie vibes massively. And already has really. You zoomies may not totally remember. You're too busy downloading your brain's leftovers to your video game consoles.

>> No.15173435

>Ah of course, Australia these days try to mimic USA.
You sold your guns back to the gubmint and became just like the UK. You lost your pioneer spirit.

>> No.15173439

Useless eaters like you are not. You're cattle for your technocrat masters. So be nice, wear the mask, and take your vaxies. We'll handle it from here.

>> No.15173440

I kek'd at their "public order response" morale patch.
"Order! We must have order!"

>> No.15173449

There is an absolute zero possibility of me staying down here. The only option worse for anyone than letting me go would be to keep me here. Everyone who matters knows this. I mean this is the internet and everything is just words so believe whatever you need to so you can make it through the day.

I hope you get better.

>> No.15173459

>There is an absolute zero possibility of me staying down here.
You're never going anywhere.
>The only option worse for anyone than letting me go would be to keep me here. Everyone who matters knows this.
Okay scratch that, you might be dropping from a large height. Just remember, when you do it, do a flip.

>> No.15173462
File: 4 KB, 205x245, incel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to youer containment board, incel.

>> No.15173469

I'm UK. We don't need guns, we can use words. We have slimeballs but your government my god, has slimeballs flying everywhere haha. You'll need the fucking ghostbusters not guns hahaha! I'll lend you my vacuum

>> No.15173477

>We don't need guns, we can use words.
How did that go for you this time?

>> No.15173494
File: 221 KB, 285x450, covid_conspiratard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does being a low IQ gun-toating hillbilly retard typically go for you?

>> No.15173496

We ain't drowning ourselves with silly dialog like America. And our government isn't holding us back with soldiers, so no need for guns lol. We're all hivemind here, we all want certain heads to roll, as does the jostle suggest in our government.

>> No.15173497

I wouldn't know.

>> No.15173503

>We're all hivemind here, we all want certain heads to roll
Your Prince was molesting children for 30 years and nobody did anything. I somehow think you're just airing false bravado.

>> No.15173505

Tell a lie. There is shit dialog here, but not as inane as America lol.

>> No.15173507

>We don't need guns, we can use words.
ohhhh that will show them! KEK!

Smite those baddie Nazi's with words! ooohhhhh! Skeery!

>> No.15173509

You weren't even allowed to go into empty fields bruv. You're fucked and you gave it all up without even a whimper.

>> No.15173514

So lets all us have guns then? The royal family don't run the show here.

>> No.15173515

>we all want certain heads to roll
So why has that never happened in over 900 years?
More of the same. "Hear! Hear! Good show ole boy! Now let's have some tea!"

>> No.15173521

Empty fields? What. Bruv? You fucking melt.

We gave up America? What.

>> No.15173529

I like hear hear good show lol. I'm not poor. And you lot have bad government too, but 1 of you saying we need guns lol. It was a reply regarding that.

>> No.15173540 [DELETED] 

>New settled science just dropped!

My fucking sides! Are you still on about this?

Pathetic fuck.

>> No.15173551

>We gave up America? What.
Gave up your right to go outside and touch grass.

>> No.15173568

You're gonna be so mad
When I plant my flag
With no stripe or star
Upon solid dirt afar

>> No.15173575

I don't hate you or envy you, anon, even though you seem to think that everyone does. I pity you and your delusions.

>> No.15173583

It's funny because I feel the same toward your type.

>> No.15173589

That's a result of your schizophrenia. You can't separate the fiction in your head from the reality of your situation. If you ever reach true realization it will cause your mind to snap. You'll likely never recover.

>> No.15173598

>I like hear hear good show
lmao me too. Best thing about limey's is their colloquialisms and their bitter beers. Plus some nice looking lass's over there.
But the government is shit, same as all governments, and the people are all so docile and wimpy.
Get some spunk back limeys! You used to rule the planet!
"The sun never sets on the British Empire" was once a saying, and now it's about to collapse completely. You cannot even properly tell the EU to fuck off and leave them.

>> No.15173612

>saying we need guns
unarmed people are no longer citizens, but slaves.
Ameritards may not have used their Amendment rights yet as their founders wrote out, but they still have them as a final veto option. disarmed citizens have no say, same as the jews once they were disarmed by the leftists.

>> No.15173658

>opinion of an internet random
Sure, I'll consider that. Just not seriously.

My point is that anyone who wants to leave should be able to. Everything I do is to make that possible.

>> No.15173660

What is it that you do?

>> No.15173661

I spend my time being anonymous.

>> No.15173665

Oh so when YOUR agenda turns out to be bullshit we should put it all the past?

>> No.15173671

So aside from defending your handlers' mandates on the internet do you have an occupation, or are you just a NEET?

>> No.15173682

You're obviously the one with handlers. Luckily you've all got poo infections in your brains.

I've been reading a really lame attempt at doxing me for a while now. You're just gonna hafta wait till I stand up.

Until then I'm anonymous. That's why I'm here.

>> No.15173687

>I've been reading a really lame attempt at doxing me for a while now. You're just gonna hafta wait till I stand up.
lol wtf are you even talking about?

>> No.15173696

Why even ask personal questions on this website you helpless drone.

>> No.15173710

To hopefully shake you from your delusions of self-importance. Making you reflect on your worthless technocattle life might (I hope) convince you to stop being a retard on the internet.

>> No.15173724
File: 78 KB, 632x672, 1662380783720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm UK. We don't need guns, we can use words.

>> No.15173861

It just reads to me as though you are tragically depressed and unable to see any way out. When confronted by information which challenges this view you prefer to wallow in your hopelessness and, more tragically, you strive to infect others with your malaise.

In a way you could compare each if us to a thought virus. Which is better for you. The voice that tells you that you can't, or the voice that tells you that you can.

>> No.15173862

But to answer your question "what do I do" I'm in business.

>> No.15173866

It's funny because it's Australia, yet now everyone in Australia is like "masks? Wow, I honestly don't remember wearing a mask. Crazy. You sure? Why would I wear a mask?"

They need to study that memory hole.

>> No.15173870

Preferably I would choose the voice that doesn't say "obey the government and wear a face-diaper."

>> No.15173920

Which one of us is saying that?

>> No.15173978


>> No.15173985

Ahh yes, back to red vs blue. Gotta keep your population infighting and mentally shackled. Have fun.

>> No.15173993

See >>15171285 and >>15173665

>> No.15174022

The masks were basically a pacifier. Intended to calm the panic. Their benefit was minimal and questionable.

We all have walked past that guy in the train station who walked around without wearing a mask, making a big point of it. We all tried to politely ignore him, choosing to wear the mask to provide what little comfort we could to those close to the vulnerable. People who were experiencing a great deal of psychological distress.

>> No.15174032

You're legitimately deranged.

>> No.15174035
File: 143 KB, 1076x1458, 1650157019043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we all knew it was meaningless but we did it to provide hypothetical psychological comfort to hypothetical people experiencing hypothetical distress acquired through excessive news consumption
Usually when people want to do stuff like that they buy a bumper sticker, not suffocate themselves for months.

>> No.15174046

You're legitimately retarded.
Yea it would have sucked for people who had to wear them all day. I would have done something about my life circumstances if that had been me.

I guess some people choose the life of slavery. I'm not going to pity them.

>> No.15174116

>I'm superior because I only obeyed two hours a day instead of eight

>> No.15174138

Red vs Blue. Divide and conquer. Whose side are you even on lol.

>> No.15174144

>I guess some people choose the life of slavery.
Like you, for example. I chose to say no to slavery and took my own route where my life continued as normal.

>> No.15174182

Wow now you really made me mad you giant fucking faggot.

>> No.15174183

It's unfortunate, but anger is the first stage of grief. You'll get over it soon and maybe then you can make a change for the better.

>> No.15174186

Oh no my mistake, it's the second stage. You already went through the first stage earlier in the thread.

>> No.15174194

Goalpost shift. There should have been no need to ease panic since it was completely manufactured by the media and government. The only people who cowered from a big part of what makes us human—our faces—were those who were completely delusional and contributed to the panic. With all this concern for the vulnerable I would think there'd be some for the business owners, children, cancer patients, dying people, etc. who had their livelihoods stolen, were pushed to isolation and obesity, weren't given the treatment they needed, were held hostage from their family in their last moments, etc. You laud backwards policies enforced by proven liars and crooks who don't follow their own rules.

I hope you find the strength to admit you were wrong for three years, it takes a big man to do that.

>> No.15174196

Shrinks actually be this retarded.

>> No.15174204

Look. Despite your desperation to push me into arguing how you want me to I'm just going to explain to you my opinion in the simplest possible terms. Here goes, grab a glass of water and sit down. It might be a hard concept for you to grasp...

I don't care if other people wear masks or not. Just to expand on this opinion further...

I don't care if other people get vaccinated or not.

So you can see now that I have proven you are the schizophrenic ones because you can't accept that reality. Instead you cling to a delusion which you want to be real so badly you believe it.

>> No.15174227

>We all tried to politely ignore him, choosing to wear the mask to provide what little comfort we could to those close to the vulnerable
but also
>I don't care if other people wear masks or not.
Wrap it up, guys. We're either getting baited or wasting time with a mindbroken fool.

>> No.15174233

Tune your algorithms glowie bot. You waste of resources. Why aren't you folding proteins you lazy bot. Letter agencies must only be able to recruit the retarded programmers who nobody knows about.

>> No.15174234

This is totally not a schizophrenic poster btw. Completely normal behavior.

>> No.15174235
File: 1.56 MB, 346x195, dna-replication.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot picrel.

>> No.15174237

Nah bro. You fail the Turing test. Go work on yourself.

>> No.15174248

lol we broke him.

>> No.15174253
File: 769 KB, 320x180, atp2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a protein folding thread.

>> No.15174256

Did you know that the vaccine-derived spike protein has all the qualities of a prion?

>> No.15174266
File: 2.46 MB, 400x400, proteinmachinepart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me more. Shed your tears. Just not on my shoulder.

>> No.15174272

Tears? Over vaxies getting what they asked for?

>> No.15174275
File: 764 KB, 240x180, liposometransport.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fascinating opinion. You don't care but you just gotta tell us alllll about it huh.

>> No.15174280
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>> No.15174286


>> No.15174851

Not that Anon, but just to point out: the cynical schadenfreude some people are experiencing right now would probably not have existed to this degree if not for the vaccine mandates, together with the resulting demonization of the vaccine skeptics over multiple years, their loss of income, etc.

>> No.15175324

Yep. The vaccinated masses were baying for our blood. I didn't want them to get hurt and I warned them not to do it but this is the future they wanted.

>> No.15175527
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>The high risk of bias in the trials, variation in outcome measurement, and relatively low adherence with the interventions during the studies hampers drawing firm conclusions.
>We are uncertain whether wearing masks or N95/P2 respirators helps to slow the spread of respiratory viruses based on the studies we assessed.

49 studies showing masks work, 41 peer reviewed:

>> No.15175537

>41 peer reviewed
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.15175633

Sometimes society goes in a direction and going the opposite way has consequences. There is no argument that the whole situation could have been managed better. The underlying issue is that your average citizen is too small minded, selfish, ignorant and even stupid to be told any complicated truth.

So they get told simple baby stories instead.

Only someone NEET would believe that "all the vaxed are dying" because they hardly go outside and they have practically zero friends.

It's a huge fucking nothing burger but it's all these drooling paranoid schizophrenics have to work with.

If I were to feel the need to draw a line, masks would not be that line. So it just reads as a deflection. And a pathetic attempt at driving a wedge between the common people.

If the people who shill these deranged anti establishment theories in these threads are not bots or glowies, they are still fighting on their side.

>> No.15175645

>If the people who shill these deranged anti establishment theories in these threads are not bots or glowies, they are still fighting on their side.
>"I agree with the government lying to everyone to make people scared, but it's the people who oppose the fear-porn who are their stooges!!!"

>> No.15175669

Yea my opinion gets worse because right now I'm considering just sitting back and not protesting while you handicaps get conscripted.

I'm not sure a better future is possible with people like you in it. You're rebellious for no other reason than to be rebellious. You're an idiot who thinks you should be allowed to make choices with far reaching consequences.

This is the hill you want to die on? Go for it. I'll just sit on my hands.

But in answer to your question Yea, basically that is my opinion. Because I have witnessed first hand how the truth makes you froth and writhe and thrash.

>> No.15175672

>You're an idiot who thinks you should be allowed to make choices with far reaching consequences.
Clear projection from the man who thinks it's ok for the government to cause a false panic to inject people with something.

>> No.15175677

Always putting words in my mouth huh.

You're confirmed retarded.

>> No.15175681

>Because I have witnessed first hand how the truth makes you froth and writhe and thrash.
You're angered by the truth of your shallow and deranged mind.

>> No.15175688

>Ree why do we must wear mask
>Common cold is nothing
Explains to you why the common cold is a big deal.
>Ree that's stupid none of that is ever happening
Shows you that it is happening right now
>Ree my personal freedoms, muh jailed bomber, my freedoms
We live in a society.
>Indecipherable frothing

>> No.15175691

>Explains to you why the common cold is a big deal.
In your schizophrenic scifi fantasy.
>Shows you that it is happening right now
In your schizophrenic scifi fantasy.

Please, at least come up with some material that isn't based on your delusions of grandeur. Mr "in business" man, surely your high IQ and large bank account can afford a better delusion than this.

>> No.15175720
File: 2.27 MB, 320x180, china14.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buh bye.

>> No.15175723

The bug begins seething, but cannot cope.

>> No.15175728

You might get to meet some of them up close and personal.

>> No.15175736

You just need to survive the beach landing first. I'd post a gif but this is a blue board.

>> No.15175789

lmao this is peak soi. too afraid to do anything so he resorts to hoping for a foreign invasion.

>> No.15175799

Are you seriously this ignorant? I'm gonna laff and laff.

>> No.15175804

Your leaders consider people like you to be useful idiots. Your false sense of superiority will be used to lead you down the garden path right up until the control scheme is fully constructed, and then you'll be discarded.

>> No.15175815

This is the opinion of a useless moron.

>> No.15175818

Thank you for conceding.

>> No.15175823

The thread was over when I pointed out that this topic is merely intended to divide people. Since then I've just been aiming for the bump limit. See you in the next thread.

>> No.15175830

>The thread was over when I pointed out that this topic is merely intended to divide people.
>"Hey goys, don't attack us for forcing you to do things that hurt you! That might make you hate us! We need to be um... united and stuff."

>> No.15175890

I'm just not really seeing anyone in my life being hurt. I guess if you use social media for anything except selling products your perception might get skewed.

If you want to push society in a certain direction then pick a nice direction. It's too obvious that you are mired in negativity.

I think there was a nice quote in a movie one time. Positive emotion wins over negative emotion.

>> No.15175894

Those cops are dumb brainless drones, a lot hate the politicians as much as the next guy but there are many dumb ones who would end up being stasi officers and just comply.
You average police officer is quite dumb, and the Cheif of police is usually a very narcissistic intelligent evil person.

>> No.15175902

We need a new frontier for those of us crazy enough to escape to. It won't be a fairytale but it's got to be better than what things are turning into right now.

>> No.15175908

That's just defeatist. Overcoming the system and improving life so that it isn't a hellish slave state should be the goal of every person.

>> No.15175919

Societal resets are long and messy. I'd rather just leave. Besides which nothing can ever change here. All the seats are taken. If you think that can change you're madder than I am.

Some people love fighting. I prefer learning.

>> No.15175923

Frontiers are conquered by people who like struggle. You're not suited for the world you claim to want, it's just a delusion.

>> No.15175926

Struggle against the environment not against my fellow man. I'm a pioneer not a warrior. We're almost extinct. Let us go.

>> No.15178262

>New settled science just dropped!

>> No.15179215

problem with leftoids or really anyone mindbroken by ""political"" ""affiliation"" is that they're schizos who will cheer for state brutality if the person receiving it is framed as enemy group rather than ally group (there's only ever these two groups, they cannot conceive of another dynamic)

>> No.15179220

old people and asians still wear them
old people seriously think it protects them. i thought the idea was that it protects others from you, to some limited extent. but it's likely it doesn't do that either.

>> No.15179254

spam to distract from truth

>> No.15180827

>anyone mindbroken by ""political"" ""affiliation"" is that they're schizos who will cheer for state brutality if the person receiving it is framed as enemy group
Team Sports in school and professional sports on TV train people for this "divide and conquer" mentality.

>> No.15180837

Having a strong and accurate friend-enemy distinction is essential to preserving your society.