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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 239 KB, 787x783, 4479608826_f1d2ca0f71_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1516660 No.1516660 [Reply] [Original]

People who brand themselves as agnostics are dogmatically claiming that ultimate truths cannot be known.

My question is how do they know?

>> No.1516662

There is plenty off proof that god exists. Some people just choose to ignore it.

>> No.1516672


They can't. Therefore agnosticism is an unsustainable viewpoint.



>> No.1516674

Our perception of the universe is limited (dimensions and senses etc) and thus we cannot truly ever comprehend wtf is hiz-happenin

>> No.1516676


I repeat the OP's point: how do/can you know this?

>> No.1516678

This whole conversation is stupid. Science as a whole already admits that "ultimate truths" are beyond us at the moment - that's why everything's a theory. Laws are statements of observed function, and even they are subject to revision.

>> No.1516679

agnostics only claim they don't know. They don't say that knowing is impossible.

>> No.1516682

So we should stop pursuing knowledge as it is then?

>> No.1516685

Agnosticism is essential nihilism, which is essentially upright denial of reality.

>> No.1516687

no the contrary

>> No.1516688


Hard agnostics/Soft agnostics etc.

>> No.1516690

WTF are u on drugs son ?

>> No.1516692


Yeap but the common word is agnostic. All the rest are quantifiers.

>> No.1516693


True agnostics say that mankind can *never* know. How can they know this?

Similarly, theists say that 'God is unknowable / unfathomable', yet this implies that they know that he is unknowable.

Whichever way one looks at agnosticism, it's irrational and false. Atheism is the only rational position.

In my opinion.

>> No.1516696

Speak English, you inbred troll. Nothing he said was incomprehensible.

You may notice that this is in sharp contrast to your post.

>> No.1516699


You don't get to define "true" agnosticism.

Your definition is false. Your premise is false. GTFO

>> No.1516700

True agnostics say that mankind can *never* know. How can they know this?
>false, it says with the current info cannot be known, like that issac asimov story, the "last question", not enought data ... waiting more data.

>> No.1516703

oh hi grammar nazi

>> No.1516705

>uses "u" instead of "you"
>expecting him to comprehend English skillfully

>> No.1516709

It's possible his current English is still limited, and he's unaware and unknowing of the definitions to the words: "nihilism" and "essential."

>> No.1516710

Say I understand that I have no empirical evidence to support the claim, but I enjoy the notion that there is a watchmaker - an engineer, if you will, of the universe.

I understand that I have no concrete reason to believe this, but the idea is more appealing to me than the alternatives. Not for emotional reasons, the concept of nothingness and rational explanation of universal phenomena holds no fear or unrest, I simply think that the universe would be infinitely more impressive as a work of precision engineering than an accident.

I don't put any faith in it, I merely entertain the notion.

What does this make me?

>> No.1516711

not a native eh ?

>> No.1516714

A moron.

>> No.1516719

It's possible his current English is still limited, and he's unaware and unknowing of the definitions to the words: "u" lol´d

>> No.1516723

the answer.

>> No.1516724


I don't understand what you are syaing.

Do you believe in the watchmaker or not?

If you believe in the wathcmake but realise you have no reason to then you are a moron.

If you don't beleiev in a watchmake but want to then you are no different than anyone who wishes spiderman was real.

>> No.1516727

> he's unaware and unknowing of the definitions to the words: "u"
Well duh, it's a letter not a word.

>> No.1516728

"u" is more than one word now?

Damn, I really am out of the "loop" - you kids and your crazy pidgin English, bastardizing a noble language through blatant disrespect and sheer laziness.

>> No.1516729

He doesn't believe in one but thinks it would be cool.

>> No.1516733

Also relevant >>>/r9k/10404205

>> No.1516736

Oh, so he's crazy?

>> No.1516739
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>> No.1516740


>> No.1516745

Basically. It's the stance that cubic zirconium is more impressive than diamond since it's man-made.

He likes the idea that things created with purpose are more interesting than things naturally occurring.

>> No.1516748

You can have separate stances. For example, I am an atheist when it comes to the Christian god because they posit a very specific definition of this creature that is entirely irrational, illogical, and outside any bounds of reason or possible understanding. However, I am agnostic to the religions of most other cultures, because I have not taken time to accumulate knowledge and assess them.

Essentially, everyone takes this stance. A person who follows Christianity considers themselves a theist, yet they are an atheist in terms of all other religions. Further, we are all ignostic to faiths that we may not even be aware exist.

I conclude that the entire concept of atheism-agnosticism-theism is useless until we have a valid definition for god that can be agreed on. People often say they have proof of or against "god", but it's always much harder for them to describe what that god exactly is.

>> No.1516749

nope, it´s a abbreviation

>> No.1516756

>he thinks English has ever been a static language
It's been perverted beyond recognition constantly since it first developed. People only developed standardised spelling in the last few hundred years, a small fraction of the time the language has existed. Get some perspective.

I do agree that the purpose of language is to communicate clearly, and many aspects of text-language seem to inhibit that. It also makes the author of the text seem retarded to me. I talk to intelligent people in real life, then when I talk to them on MSN I can't help but picture them as retards when they post their overcompressed bullshit.

I am ambiguous about the development of language.

>> No.1516759

Castration of words is not the same as abbreviation, we have a word for it: "contraction".

>> No.1516763

You missed the fact that I was just giving him shit about referring to "u" as "words", since he simply copied another's post and didn't bother editing for grammar and syntax.

The idea of language as static is laughable.

>> No.1516764

There is no such thing as "ultimate truth" to non-believers, so the distinction the agnostics are trying to make implicitly sides with religious people who insist there really is "ultimate truth."

tl;dr: agnostics are religiousfags

>> No.1516765

>it´s a abbreviation
>a abbreviation

>> No.1516768
File: 28 KB, 512x384, pity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump to say GTFO

>> No.1516771

Everyone who has an opinion on the issue is a religiousfag, we're past this.

>> No.1516772
File: 36 KB, 400x478, grammarnaziinvalidargument.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1516776

That's not a Nazi or German uniform.

>> No.1516783

lol as usual missing the point again

>> No.1516786

That's agnostics for you.

>> No.1516791

that´s what a grammar nazi do, miss the point

>> No.1516794

You can tell the idiots on /sci/ from the people actually trying to have a discussion by their typing styles. They ignore punctuation, use casual language, riddle their speech with contractions and acronyms, make broad statements not pertaining to anything relevant and generally post things which aren't worth the fraction of a second it takes to read them.

>> No.1516805

>that´s what a grammar nazi do, miss the point
The point that your speech is the text equivalent of speaking to a developmentally-challenged child with a lisp?

That's the only point I see here, and I know you're capable of trying harder than that. Don't type, actually communicate.

>> No.1516808

Same on any board. If someone ever says "lolno" then you should just ignore them.

>> No.1516809

they dont
also, anyone who thinks agnosticism is a belief option between theism and atheism is retarded
protip: it isnt

>> No.1516813

well , you can detect grammar nazis and just it, that thinks they are better than others ´cos they have english as native language

>> No.1516817
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>> No.1516820

We don't give a shit what your current country and language is, if you can't use proper English then you are an idiot that can't make a proper argument.

>> No.1516828

yet better than a boring nerd grammar nazi

>> No.1516832

another nazi

>> No.1516833

I know for a fact they don't teach slang to people learning English as a secondary or tertiary language.

If you're teaching yourself using the internet, you should look at educational websites and get a sense of good form when speaking. Using "cos" instead of "because" is just silly, it makes you look silly both on the internet and in real life.

If anything, you should try harder than a native English speaker because you have more to grasp.

>> No.1516839

Guys, guys. Let's not argue about grammar. This thread is about what a strawman-torching douche-nozzle OP is.

>> No.1516844
File: 308 KB, 400x600, grammarnazi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1516847

Shit, you're right! That rat bastard nearly got out of this unscathed because we were too busy squabbling amongst ourselves!


>> No.1516861

spell activated ... OP wins

>> No.1516866

That's not how Magic cards work at all.

>> No.1516870
File: 39 KB, 312x445, FlameWar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1516872

holy fucking shit, thats a really low mana cost for a 12/10 creature

>> No.1516876

guys look ... here we go again

>> No.1516878

how in the world is a 12/10 only uncommon? That should would be rare

>> No.1516881

I know im being trolled but:

Agnostics are taking a more scientific look at it.

There is a God
There is not a God

are both two completely belief driven statements. Neither can be "proven" by our definition empirically.

Agnosticism is basically the acceptance that it hasn't been proven and the leniency to go either way if sufficient evidence is presented. It's not a claim that ultimate truths cannot be known.

>> No.1516888


>> No.1516894

I'm a Christfag btw

enjoy being pwnd by someone who didn't really know what he was talking about

>> No.1516913


but it costs 3 red and 3 black manas ?

>> No.1516920

I would say that (this is how I feel on my position of athiesm) an athiest, if shown comprehending evidence that a god exists, then they would change there position, although it has to be proper evidence, not just 'how do you know there is no god,'

to disprove athiesm you would need to destroy it from the inside, prove that atheism is a logicle fallacy same with any descent theory, prove its wrong with what we do know, not prove it wrong with what we dont know. (I am not implying that this is the only effective way to destroy a theory/belief/etc)

>> No.1516924

It costs three red, and only three red. Using its abilities costs more, but still only red and colorless.

3 red/3 black would STILL be insanely undercosted for a creature with 12 attack and 10 HP.

>> No.1516925

It costs 3 red mana to summon.
it costs 1 mountain and one colorless to use spell check.
it costs 3 red and one blue mana to noob slayer.

I'm personally surprised you don't need to tap it for anything

>> No.1516928
File: 34 KB, 377x421, 1276939269798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, atheism means not believing in a god you fucking stupid bag of dicks, it has nothing to say on the existence of anything.

click here to learn more you stupid 'agnostic' moron

>> No.1516931

plus the activation costs

>> No.1516932


You're free, of course, to live your life sitting on the biggest fence possible.

If everyone sat on their fences in regards to, say, whether the sun revolves around the earth or not, then humanity wouldn't progress as fast as it does. In other words, if we took all consensual 'facts' as one mere side of a fence, then nothing can be a 'fact' per se.

People tell me the earth goes around the sun, and although I haven't seen that for myself, the amount of evidence is sufficient for me, as a rational human being, to make me decide definitively that this is de facto.

I like the definitiveness of atheism. There are no gods. It appeals to my sense of reason.

>> No.1516933

it needs blue for noob slayer

>> No.1516941

Oh, whoops. Missed that.

>> No.1516943

Well i'm personally impressed how well /sci/ can into magic the gather.

>> No.1516945


>> No.1516948


You also kinda missed a whole verb out too.

>> No.1516955

wat verb?

>> No.1516956


He accidently an entire verb?

>> No.1516958


> can into magic the gather.

can what?

>> No.1516962

you haven't been here long, have you?

>> No.1516963

this whole thread is a grammar nazi´s trap.

>> No.1516979


I've been here for years, and I've never seen that shit.

...accidently, yeah, but not that.

Also, there is no god.

>> No.1516980

the word "existence" doesn't appear once in my post. im saying theists believe in a god or gods, atheists do not and agnostics are open to either side being true based their inability to present empirical evidence

>> No.1516981
File: 72 KB, 600x450, my_trap_card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>What do you mean this is the WRONG GAME

>> No.1516988

what the fuck man, i said I was an atheist for a long time because I wasn't buying what the churches were saying etc.

but turns out atheists have to prove that god does NOT exist, so I started having to say I'm an agnostic lest I be accused of being as logically flawed as a theist.

but now you are asking for fukkin agnosics to prove that neither atheists or theists could be right?

what the fuck do I have to call myself to properly convey that I do not give a fuck about any of this and just want to live my life without trying to prove/disprove any ultimate truths?

>> No.1516994 [DELETED] 

a nihilist

>> No.1516999


Why can't you just accept that it is perfectly rational to hold certain unprovable beliefs?

>> No.1517002


An atheist. Being an atheist does not mean you have to prove that there is no god. Ignore the retarded trolls who say otherwise. It only means that you don't believe in him/her/it/them.

>> No.1517003


We all hold unprovable beliefs everyday. People get far too wrapped up when it comes to religion

>> No.1517005

that´s why they are called "beliefs"
see in wikipedia for more interesting info

>> No.1517007
File: 126 KB, 310x319, dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


god dammit that's not any good either, that just makes me think of the germans from big lebowski

absolute truths are such a pain in the ass man

>> No.1517035

You can be "nonreligious" or "indifferent" though people who would have accepted "agnostic" in those cases will yell at you for being on the fence.

Or you can just accept that people like having firm convictions and go with whatever you feel like telling people.

(In my case this means loudly and bluntly stating that I'm a theistic communist with anarchistic tendencies and the belief that there is no god - just the human idea of god, and I worship ideas. Shuts people up real fast.)

>> No.1517039

I'll find out when I die, so I don't give a fuck now.

>> No.1517043


>> No.1517055


The term "Ultimate Truth" is nonsensical. We should instead be more concerned with what is demonstrably true.

>> No.1517086

Atheists and theists are open to the possibilities too.
Nowhere in their definitions does it include "with no possibility of changing their minds if evidence comes along"

>> No.1517096



>> No.1517116

You can't learn shit when you're dead because you're dead though. God damn these people are stupid.

>> No.1517126



>> No.1517131

Hm, a theorem proving that axiomatic systems have limitations - using said axioms.

>> No.1517211
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>> No.1517401

Utterly irrelevant to this thread.

How come this is a math and science forum yet people don't even understand the epistemological foundation of math and science?

>> No.1517499

>but turns out atheists have to prove that god does NOT exist
atheists don't have to prove anything. it's the default position.
every human is born atheist, and remains as such until he/she learns about the concept of faith.

inb4 butthurt self-proclaimed "agnostics". you're atheists too, whether you like it or not.

>> No.1517523
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Agnostic: Fuck bitches. Get paid.

>> No.1517525

Proving that an omni3 God doesn't exist is a trivial task though, if we go with common sense interpretations of the omni3 properties.

But theist don't want that. Ever debated one on the problem of evil? You will have noticed that "benevolent" means something where the current stand of the world is actually the best possible state of the world, given some constraints (free will etc). Yeah, that sure is what we mean by "good" or "benevolent".

>> No.1517546

is this real life?

>> No.1517560

cant we just go out own path n stop trying to shove our BELIEVES down other people throats without proof to back it up?

>> No.1517564

Christianity is basically the belief that God was wrong and Jesus fixed it.

>> No.1517567

is it just fantasy?

>> No.1517579

caught in a landslide

>> No.1517582

escape from reality

>> No.1517584

open your eyes

>> No.1517587

and seeeeee

>> No.1517590

missed a line bro

>> No.1517591



>> No.1517596


Not grammarfag, but if you are going to emphasize something with caps at least try to not look like a 'tard

Also OP, 0/10 for obvious blank face troll, 10/10 for getting over 9000 replies regardless

>> No.1517610



>> No.1517614
File: 11 KB, 291x52, Picture 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theism is right. Atheism is wrong.

>> No.1517624

lol i know man. words that end in f sometimes mess me up when making plural...cause of the f to v shit.

>> No.1517672
File: 36 KB, 447x494, nehfsrgfbejke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over 100 posts.....

>> No.1518689
File: 17 KB, 286x400, jezus_(Custom).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no sceintific prove of god.

But there is no sceintific evidence in the BELIEVE that laws of nature ARE being consant at any time under any circumstances, on any scale either.
since we don`t see/understand laws of nature on the smallest scale for example.
Declaring it constant is just as obscure as declaring a flying spaghetti monster does exists. Maybe there aren`t even laws on the smalest scale.

Besides that, one can`t even prove if he or the universe is real, in which case laws of nature are just an illusion.

See sceince alone can not be enough to form a grounded and stable worldview, one has to believe at least something.

Believing appears to be the destiny of a human, so why swim against the tie, and fallow a verry unlikely logic.

>> No.1519300

that´s not true
what differs is the method that religion and science uses

>> No.1519306

Earlier Captcha today was "origins neuron". Immediately thought of /sci/.

>> No.1519308
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>> No.1519310

Where do I find pictures like OP's I see the same type of pictures of peoples faces posted on SCI all the time.

>> No.1519343
File: 11 KB, 300x355, crow22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I proved God exists,


>> No.1519407


>you can call me

>ohhhhh ohhhhh ohhhhhhhhhh ohhh ohhhh

>> No.1519424

>I< >I< >I< >I<

Won't stop me never...

>> No.1519456

You have haphazardly stumbled apon the reason why opinions do not exist. Reductionism ftw!!! Untill its wrong!