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15167943 No.15167943 [Reply] [Original]

Have people who talk about the Fermi Paradox ever realized that any possible evidence of the exietence of humanity could only be detected from roughly a hundred light years away? Something like a radio signal. In the astronomical scale, 100 light years is a stupidly small distance. Many of the stars that you see on the night sky are further away than that. It is less than 0.01% of the distance to the nearest possible galaxy.

There would be no way for aliens from another galaxy (hell, even from the edge of the Milky Way galaxy) to detect the existence of humanity due to the fact that information cannot travel faster than light. Aliens in the nearest galaxy would have to wait two million years before they could detect the first radio signal that has been created. Unless you are going to sacrifice one of the most fundamental laws of physics to your sci-fi fantasy, the Fermi Paradox is bulls*it and there are no aliens looking at us. Even if there were billions of aliens in the universe, they STILL couldn't know about humans because out of those billion civilizations, even the closest one would still most likely be further away from earth than only 100 light years.

>> No.15167990

the paradox is not that they haven literally come here and said hello but the fact we can see stars with the naked eye at all, we would expect any civilisation capable of interstellar travel to encase all the stars in their galaxy in dyson spheres in less then 50 million years from the moment they become interplanetary, thats not a lot of time in astrological timescales

>> No.15168007

Yes they thought of that and then some.
>Issac Arthur
He's got about all the easy to digest and WELL RESEARCHED videos on the Fermi Paradox you will need for now.



>Fermi Playlist

The bigger issue is when those radio wave reach some aliens with Warp Drive and they decide to come rob Earth blind with their advanced weapons. This idea give rise to the "Dark Forest Hypothesis" which is what we should have done and what any smart aliens are likely doing.

It's called "security through obscurity" you can't attack something if you don't know it exists. A very strong defensive tactic.


Now let us for also think about the expanse of space, it would take us 30,000 light years to reach the center of our galaxy traveling at the speed of light. Now imagine how long it would take to get to the next closest galaxy, impossible. So it's likely barring a super warp drive or hyper wormhole no aliens including us can leave their galaxy. So many reasons and variable to the Fermi Paradox.

Happy hunting.

>> No.15168009
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It would take 1.98 billion years to cross the galaxy with the speed of the probe that was sent to take images of Pluto (15 km/s)

>> No.15168013

Sorry haven't had a lot of sleep
I R sound retarded, kek

>> No.15168018

its assumed an intestellar civ can go at least 1% the speed of light and probably 10-20% too. the fastest interstellar ships with known physics would likely go up to about 80% until they start getting too much diminishing returns on the energy expended to go faster.

>> No.15168037

How many suns (mass) worth of energy would it take to accellerate your mother to 80% of the speed of light? And back down again?

>> No.15168040

That's still assuming there are aliens anywhere close to begin with. Even with the generous assumption that there are billions of alien civilizations in the universe it would still be VERY probable that not single one of them exists in the Milky Way galaxy, and literally 100% of the stars that we can see are part of the Milky Way.

>> No.15168042

dyson spheres are just a hypothetical, an advananced alien race could well have other methods of harnessing energy that we have no idea about that doesnt involve physically encassing stars

>> No.15168054 [DELETED] 


>> No.15168145
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they teleport in from the astral plane all the time

>> No.15168187

>we would expect any civilisation capable of interstellar travel to encase all the stars in their galaxy in dyson spheres
>uhm well life expands to fill all niches
Maybe once you reach a certain level of sentience, that principle of cancerous growth no longer applies to you

>> No.15168198

With a stellar gravitational lens telescope, you can observe earth directly at 10km resoultion from a hundred lightyears, and take atmospheric measurements from thousands of lightyears.
If there's anyone without a few hundred lightyears of us, they have detailed maps of our planet already.

>> No.15168208

Another anon here.

I always found it not even debatable, that idea of coming here for goods and Rob us ...

What can a space traveling species get? I'm sure they get all sorts of matter they need, hell they pretty sure also are good in 3D printing matter already.
Good chance fuel would be pretty much worth more ...

One thing would interesting, the fact of life itself. To study earth, fauna, flora, biology. Just the big picture and how it's came to existence. That's the only real currency here. Our unique little way of how the universe turned concsious here.

But even then, cances are high, they can observe us enough and extrapolate with simulations on top of that, without es ever knowing.

The view on time has changed for these beings, I guess. So never making enemies and stating off, does make sense for me.

>> No.15168220
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Stop looking up and start looking down to meet them

>> No.15168225
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I remember reading that paper last year. Got that sci fi vibes again. I used to get first reading stories as a child. I get it less and less these days. You just get accustomed.

>> No.15168257

sure. now find earth in the big sky among the billions of stars in your respective skybox. a single star system hosts on average several planets like the sun system and direct star transit sightings only get you so far. usualy the big jovians being deep fried at mercury tier orbits

>> No.15168325

The other civs should be much older than our 100 years of radio though, that's who we should be seeing. The problem is the Milky Way galaxy is so large with so many stars and planets that many many civilisations should have existed for very long periods of time already (hundreds of millions to billions of years) and have made noticable impacts on the galaxy we see today.

There should also be many type 3 civs amongst the other billions of galaxies we can observe, but there isn't.

>> No.15168861

>sending thoughts in binary

>> No.15169114

People are Stupid, they not only cannot comprehend Astronomic Distances, they cannot even comprehend the Size of the Planet they are on...

>> No.15169126

The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

>> No.15169134
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>> No.15169244
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The truth is there are no aliens

but you're free to keep believing they exist until your old and decrepit in bed

begging for the aliens to arrive on earth to justify your claim

but they never will

>> No.15169625

>we would expect any civilisation capable of interstellar travel to encase all the stars in their galaxy in dyson spheres
Wouldn't that hide the star though so if it was there then you wouldn't see it anyway

>> No.15169667

if you're an alien species advanced enough to travel through space, I always imagined they'd be advanced enough to have some form of technology that would automatically be able to scan stars quick enough for the proper properties to hold life and then be able to just as quickly scan the planets around them for atmospheric properties that could handle life.

>> No.15169687 [DELETED] 
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this is a low iq thread on a low iq topic.

>> No.15169843

That website seems fishy. If you posted the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem into that box, what IQ would it output then? It's retarded.

>> No.15169890
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Oh really

>> No.15170594

On paper. IRL a lot can go wrong in that time frame. They might have destroyed themselves in a war or just a power plant accident on the solar system level. Oops! Just made the sun wind up for a super nova.

They might not be interested in us. Life might be so unbelievably rare the odds of them finding us and us them is miniscule. We might be highly toxic to each other and thus they don't come close enough to communicate.

>> No.15170940

we would see spheres or swarms being built by watching stars but we havent seen anything, so either dysons swarms are obsolete and completely useless or noone is there

>> No.15170943

Reminder me of a filter feeding animal

>> No.15170960

They use black holes for power.

>> No.15171038

it might be more practical to just collect hydrogen and burn it in reactors where it is needed, beamed power might just not be practical on those scales compared to traditional reactors

>> No.15171046

Dyson spheres are entirely speculative, it is entirely possible a sufficiently advanced species has access to full fields of physics we can't even observe yet which enable far more effective rewards.

>> No.15171054
File: 1.03 MB, 1000x1426, MV5BYWU0ODVmYzQtMjgxZS00MmFhLTk0NzUtNjM1NDg2ZTZiMWJjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzUwNzgzNzg@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has access to full fields of physics we can't even observe yet which enable far more effective rewards

>> No.15171446
File: 315 KB, 1993x1500, 1463459001041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dyson spheres are mandatory for advanced space traveling civilisations

of course not an naive "sphere around a star" retards know from star trek

an actual dyson sphere is something different, it just means you end up with so many space habitats, , space mirrors or other megastructures orbiting your solar system to partially block light from your star

we already started this by launching satellites, probes and building space stations, in a few centuries there might be enough to cause dimming

>> No.15172371

Almost like life isn't a scifi movie and interstellar travel is near-impossible you retarded faggot

>> No.15172399

>1.98 billion years
That is still good enough.
After all Erth is 6 GY old, the universe about 13 GY, so if intelligent life is common/inevitable, tere will be a ciovilisation >2 GY older than us, so they should have reached us by now.

>> No.15172460


>> No.15172771

No amount of YouTube shorts would save you from the boredom of 1.98 billion year long space trip.

>> No.15172842

You don't have to strap in. The idea was that a civilisation would send out probes across the galaxy, setting up a network and monitor and report back what they found. Many solar systems would probably be totally boring, some might be habitable.
I guess this is where Star Wars got the idea of the probots. In any case, such a scenario is plausible.

>> No.15173352 [DELETED] 
File: 258 KB, 835x1080, Sheeple-43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i learned muh soience from star wars
i only watch "ow! my balls!"

>> No.15173570

>an advananced alien race could well have other methods of harnessing energy that we have no idea about that doesnt involve physically encassing stars

What is left on the table that is in the realm of possibility?

>> No.15173640

why would you make a stupid fuck huge "dyson sphere" around a sun if you can make a sun on your own via fusion?

>> No.15173673

honest food for thought
I would like to imagine an alien race, would likely be ahead of us in our understanding of physics and sciences
and similarly
if you were to say that we can make 640000kg or 1410958lbs of metal (Antonov AN-225) fly within the Earth's atmosphere just 150 years ago you would seem like an absolute lunatic
Could we comprehend how an intelligent species, even if it was just 200 years ahead of us would be implementing their technologies?

>> No.15173880

with all the wild assumptions, why not consider the possibility that FTL travel is so simple that it could have been discovered by 18th century science - but humans just missed it by chance.

>> No.15173969

people don't realize that we have been getting radio bounces that match a coded pattern since we have invented radio signals. And I am not talking about neutron stars.



50 years later:

>> No.15173988

Because y-you just have to. Okay?

>> No.15173992

this was supposed to bee the link for 50 years later

>> No.15174514

>once you become smart enough, you become a pussy loser devoid of vitality

>> No.15174520

That’s all hypothetical made up BS. Aliens could be zipping around at 80 times the speed of darkness using black hole wormhole white hole quantum psychic fuckbeams.

>> No.15174523

What if dark matter is just dyson spheres

>> No.15174524

We have no idea what’s possible. We’re monkeys.

>> No.15174532

Have you realized the Furry Paradox on the other hand ?:
Even if it was possible to speed up information transfer (e.g by wormholes or any knowlege unknown to us yet ), aliens wouldn't wanna contact us, once they learn about Furries.