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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 414 KB, 900x900, Screenshot 2023-01-31 at 14-52-25 image_proxy (JPEG Image 900 × 900 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15167825 No.15167825 [Reply] [Original]

>Here's this thing that's really dangerous and detrimental, but don't worry! SCIENCE is on the case and things will be all sunshine and rainbows in the end!
>Yeah sure we wouldn't have made these videos if Bill Gates didn't throw us $600k to be a front for his human experimentation projects, but we're definitely not shills!
>A video pointing out our bullshit and biases? Nonsense. We're the victims here even though we have millions of subscribers and dollars.
>You don't need easy access to our research and sources! We've got our own experts™ checking all of our videos behind the scenes!
>Le quirky and hilarious After Effects bird mascot

I hate this channel and others like it because they're ultimately more anti-science than they are for it. They very deliberately craft narratives in each of their videos which do the thinking for the viewers rather than enabling them to think more deeply about the topics on their own.

>> No.15167839
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>They very deliberately craft narratives in each of their videos which do the thinking for the viewers

Don't worry about it. That's perfectly normal. :)

>> No.15167868

>I am so smrat
>these eggheads, they don’t know what they are talking about
>because I am so much smrater than them

>> No.15167892

>I might not love bill gates
>but I really really REALLY hate people who don't vote the way I do
>and who won't do what I say
>so I'll suck off billionaires who'll force the issue

Hi, Karen. Make sure to click that 'report' button for disinformation

>> No.15167896

Yawn. So a channel told you to get a vaccine and suddenly you are losing your shit.

Two things
1. It's ok to get triggered
2. Take meds to prevent triggers and episodes

The rest of the world will thank you.

>> No.15167976

they have a comment section, go bitch there

>> No.15168105

Actually it's German for "in a nutshell"

>> No.15168223

Yeah they present everything as absolute fact even if there's ambiguity or nuance. It's just a vehicle for advertising the idea of The Science as totally settled dogma.

>> No.15168360

It’s a bad channel because of all their climate change/renewables bullshit.

>> No.15168367

>the CDC used the literal NPC face to represent the conpliant vaxxcattle
It was peoples faces all along

>> No.15169124

Kurz = Short
Gesagt = Said

>> No.15169128

So it's basically "In Short"
More like "In Shart" in my opinion

>> No.15169135

They are just an Equivalent of the Tech-Bro Channels, except they go into Scientific Topics.

Meaning, they try to look Professional, but usually end up with a generic Corporate look.

Oh, and they don't know shit...

Like 'Techies' hitting a Button to 'Benchmark' their latest 'Product', these Guys are working on Topics like 'Dude it's such a weird World, bro'.

Perfect for the deracinated no-where people of shithole cosmopolitan smart-cities...

>> No.15169137

That's where the meme comes from you braindamaged zoomer.

>> No.15169141
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It is a pop science channel.
Not even science.
it's a comic channel that presents hypothetical complexes in a scientifically appearing setting.
> scientifically appearing setting means comic of test tubes and lab coat wearing birds and globohomo styled humans

This is science fiction pop science.
Based on nothing.
With no sources except their funding stakeholders.
> Muh hypothetical scenario of Universe explodes
> Muh two black holes colliding
> Muh meme Gene editing turns you into Captain america
> Muh was "thanos actually the good guy ethics"

All memes and Comic enhanced science fiction.
It is a infantile comic "edutainment" bullshit.
It is infantile and the target audience is infantile redditors who are "yawn" and "yuck!" posters, of which every datapoint from which they constructed their worldview is solely evaluated on it's popularity or labeling as "tranding".

>> No.15169144

>Muh was "thanos actually the good guy ethics"
This one raises red flags
Especially how they changed his motivation from the comics

>> No.15169155
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The channel is owned by "funk", a propaganda network by German governmental media corporations ARD and ZDF.

>> No.15169164

Have you seen this channels weird fixation on ants? It's bizzarre to me, probably their most populaar video but there might be some other reason like the have an ant expert in the studio or something.

>> No.15169191

Good Points.
Their Style is distinctly Childish as well, which I find disturbing, considering it's probably men in their 30s who watch...
The Nowhere Men

>> No.15169256
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>fixation on ants?
It is all about the conseption of normalizing the idea to make human "worker-consumer" drones who are incapable of reproduction, or no interest in it.
Only a dedicated class of the ants, are designated to reproduce.

In nature even though the worker ants are female, the queen is the only ant that can lay eggs. They have highly evolved social systems with three different castes ~ queens, males, and workers. The workers are female, but cannot reproduce.
Queens lay eggs.
Unfertilized eggs develop into winged males who do no work other than to fertilize a virgin queen. The queen produces myriads of workers by secreting a chemical that retards wing growth and ovary development in the female larvae. Virgin queens are produced only when there are sufficient workers to allow for the expansion of the colony.

Depending upon the ant species, it may take from one to several years for a colony to become large enough for the queen to begin producing virgin queens and males that will leave the colony, swarm, mate and begin a new colony in another location.

And if you look into our current state of social degredation, it appears, that they work towards the goal, to turn everyone somehow female, but unable to be bear children.
Males => Femboys, Infantile feminized simps, trans-women
Females => Sterilize womb via Pills, sterilisation campaigns for heteronormative women, trans-men

And this will create a similar situation as in the ant kingdom.
A feminized worker class, who just works and can't reproduce.
While there is a elite class, that skims the cream of the non-psyoped women, who will be turned into "Queen like" breeding machines.

>> No.15169269
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>Have you seen this channels weird fixation on ants?
You are what you eat. You vill eat ze bogs and you vill be ze bogs. Once we perfect mandatory covert moral bioenhancement, you vill be ze perfect colony of worker drones. Be sure to get your mRNA-injection-based gene therapy if you want to be a part of humanity 2.0's bright future.

>> No.15169380

>Have you seen this channels weird fixation on ants?
I know right? It makes me so hungry...
Are they trying to fatten me up?

>> No.15169638

It's target audience is middle schoolers or high schoolers to try and spark an interest in science, simple as.

It's not meant for you well educated physics undergraduate and graduate students.

>> No.15169644
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>> No.15169659
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>> No.15169674

an unbiased, randomly selected sample of your writing produced an accurate, but low iq score and now you are doing everything your minuscule intellect can conjure to discredit the iq software because you estimate your own sagacity as substantially greater than merely 10% above average.
cringey behavor

>> No.15169676

iqlet btfo

>> No.15169679
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>> No.15169685

Kill yourself

>> No.15169692
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>> No.15169695

Kill yorself

>> No.15169713
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>> No.15169718
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>> No.15170147

Any channel that makes such well-produced videos while purporting to be funded solely by donations and with such few viewers is extremely suspect.

>> No.15170155

Your an idiot , the npc meme was pre 2018

>> No.15170156
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>muh conspiracy theorists
>iq 107
Yep, just about what you'd expect.

>> No.15170183
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>> No.15170190

Self important cringe

>> No.15170191
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>> No.15170203

People not living in Germany probably don't fully understand the implications of this. ARD/ZDF (German state TV) is the main instrument of brainwashing the German population.

>> No.15170231
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>ARD/ZDF (German state TV) is the main instrument of brainwashing the German population.

What i learned about the NPCs is, that no real brainwash is required.
Only a slight rinse is enough.
People are so lazy they just believe everything if you prepend:
>a study found out...
There is no questioning about:
>data integrity
>study design in general
>how large the data pool is
>what they actually say in the study

People don't even bother to read the headline of a study.
It is enough for them if it is mentioned in a news article.

>> No.15170495

>Take meds
Like you're one to say faggot. Have you taken your booster yet? You should be in your 4th one by now

>> No.15170581

As far as I know IQ is closely tied to pattern recognition and not rhetoric Skills.
Using buzzword bingo lingo is just a way to conceal low IQ.
Using the sesquipedalian prose and memorizing anglofied french and greek synonyms to show off is nothing but smoke and mirrors.
Especcially when the context is an anonymous message board that mostly uses vulgar lingo.
You should eat a bag of dicks btw.

>> No.15170584
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>> No.15170631

>take meds
No, that's the problem. Stop pushing cheap, no effort solutions. You become a real man by learning to deal with your emotions in a constructive manner. You're what's wrong with the world.

>> No.15170637

>What i learned about the NPCs is, that no real brainwash is required.
No that's not true. It's just that they have a very malleable psychology that lacks any resistance to brain washing, like the natives with smallpox. Without the brain washing, they'd believe all sort of bullshit, but it wouldn't be directed to the social engineering goals of the lunatic psychopaths in charge.

>> No.15170679

it is still chimping out over it's low iq score, still desperately trying to come up with some reason that it's low iq score isn't legitimate.

>> No.15170906
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>> No.15170979

>Funded by Bill Gates and other private equity companies trying to hype their portfolios

Oh look another episode of science is all marketing gimmicks.

>> No.15171180
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