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File: 2.19 MB, 1700x2275, Aristotle_Altemps_Inv8575[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15165324 No.15165324 [Reply] [Original]

>2,000 years later and this lil nigga still ain't been topped

>> No.15166603

Good conditions for the intellectual development.

>> No.15166657

He was a midwitted pseud of no intellectual merit whatsoever. Everything he said was either trivial or wrong.

>> No.15166692


>> No.15166693

quick rundown?

>> No.15166773

>muh forms
>also le fascism is le good
>and earth is flat
Greek philosophy was unironically that retarded.

>> No.15166778

That's what philosophy is you pseud

>> No.15166780

Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the Earth and Aristarchus of Samos theorized that the Earth orbited around the Sun which was just another star.

Sorry but human knowledge is not a linear progression towards string theory.

>> No.15166784

>muh merit

It's all philosophy is about.

No money involved.

Pointless loss of mental advantage.

>> No.15166787

why do liberals seethe so much about aristotle?

>> No.15166788

Fugg ov m8 stop startin'

>> No.15166795

but they do and you know im right.

im genuinely curious what part of his ideas make them so upset

>> No.15166799

>im genuinely curious what part of his ideas make them so upset
Uhm, maybe his support for fascism, racism, slavery, white supremacy and transphobia?

>> No.15166807

prove it

>> No.15166810

Americans only know about him through the lens of midwit king Walter Russell, who needed to throw a man greater than he was under the bus in order to gather some respectability for himself.

>> No.15166818

>Walter Russell

>> No.15166825

how did he throw aristotle under the bus?

>> No.15166837

The modern idea that everything Aristotle said was either trivial or wrong comes directly from him.


>> No.15166856

Aristotle was wrong though. Objects fall because of gravity not matter attraction. There are more than four elements and fire is not an element but a product of Oxygen. The Earth is not the center of the universe and the Sun does not revolve around it. He was an old boomer that everyone thought was the shit for 2,000 years before a Polish Catholic proved him wrong.

>> No.15166859

You have a better source?

>> No.15166860

women do on average have less teeth though. especially the ones that dont know when to shut up

>> No.15166862

im sure socrates and plato and others were all 100% correct about everything ever

>> No.15167020

Aristotelian physics was a good empirical model of physics on the surface of the Earth, and his idea of natural and unnatural motion is the basis of Newtonian physics.


>> No.15167027

Google it then.

>> No.15167111

The greeks knew the earth was round, only plato talked about forms (aristotle was distinctly against forms) and the greeks argued about ideal government systems all the time
You are not as smart as any of the greek masters

>> No.15167258

>aristotle was distinctly against forms
he coined hylomorphism

>> No.15167265

Aristotle was actually black, you can see the cracks where whitoids broke off his original negroid nose and replaced it with a euro one.

>> No.15167274
File: 144 KB, 662x1000, Parmenides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You only say that cause he was an asshole form of Plato.

>muh forms
Materialists, I swear.

>also le fascism is le good
But only when homogeneous.

Yes he turned it into a dualism, which is what makes him a pseud. As if matter actually existed past form.

>> No.15168904

Cause Zebubu with poop on stick from south Africa was the true genius.
Rape grandma and virgin teen to get AIDS away.