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15164622 No.15164622 [Reply] [Original]

Medically speaking, how do I protect myself against freedom?

>> No.15164625

Just keep waging, consooming and voting.

>> No.15164627

freedom is a notion made up by extremist nazis white supremacists

>> No.15164632

>screenshot of the headline of an article written by a political think tank attempting to summarize a study

>> No.15164633

People are coming to understand how your "science" works. No amount of paid shilling is going to help you now.

>> No.15164638

You missed my point. Why not read the actual study, instead of a political groups take on it?

>.10 goybux have been deposited to your amount

>> No.15164641
File: 33 KB, 532x783, images (41).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realize that the liberal conception of freedom as simply "the ability to choose," isn't true freedom. It is just arbitrariness, which alienates one from the rational/the Logos, which in turn alienates one from everything since the bridge between subjective experience and nature is rationality. That is, we can understand nature because it is rational (does not allow for contradiction) and we possess rationality.

This sort of choice based freedom is a contradiction. Once you make a choice, you have lost your freedom, as you can't make the choice again. It is a freedom that negates itself.

True freedom then evolves following ones true identity. Choosing ones friends and spouse puts obligations on one. It removes choice; so does choosing a vocation. And yet, by making decisions one makes these obligations necessary, and so control over necessity is the freedom we seek.

Absolute freedom then is the free will willing itself, the informed, self-conscious decision towards freedom. This type of freedom is not in conflict with limits or obligations, but emerges from it.

Basically, the liberal ideal of the modern world, embraced by both the modern left and right, is childish and self defeating.

Read pic related, I can't do it justice in 2,000 characters first thing in the morning. The Science of Logic is helpful to understand first, but not necessary.

>> No.15164646

>Why not read the actual study
1. It doesn't matter
2. It's the same narrative with extra verbosity
Post your pro-establishment drivel under your real name so people know.

>> No.15164653

>t. midwit philosoretard
Social freedom is freedom to choose my own obligations as opposed to have them dictated by the uniparty shit state.

>> No.15164655

>Social freedom is freedom to choose my own obligations
NTA but show me the state where you're "free to choose your own obligations".

>> No.15164659
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>freedom is neetdom
Didn't need your wall of text book report to tell me that.

>> No.15164662

The state has to limit action to allow citizens to develop and become free. That is, children must be educated, people must not be enslaved, monopolists must not be allowed to charge ruinous prices on necessary goods, one business must not be allowed to dump toxic shit into a river, forcing all the fishermen who use the river to abandon their trade when the fish die, etc.

I won't go along with Hegel and say that the 19th century Prussian state was the epitomy of a freedom producing state, and he seems to only put that forth as a sop to the censors anyhow, but I will agree that people who want minimal obligations, without protections for others who haven't been given the chance to develop, are acting childishly. They want choice without responsibility.

But the development towards freedom comes with heavy responsibility, as it means acting in accordance to rationality, as opposed to following unexamined drives.

Think Paul in Romans 7-10, in a war with the members of his body, dead in sin, resurrected in Christ, who is the Logos. John I was a proof text for the early Hegel.

>> No.15164665

Statism is a mental illness: the post.

>> No.15164672

Move to the Central African Republic, they haven't had a state in years.

>> No.15164704

And here come the preprogrammed drone lines, like clockwork.

>> No.15164714

No, no, they want to live in a first world country, just without the state that creates them. You know, like a fantasy, maybe add some dragons and unicorns too.

>> No.15164720
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Hegel invented modern liberalism though. It's just that he also invented communism and then later fascism. Arguably, he created these three just so they could sublated each other and move the world towards the Absolute Knowing he had achieved.

You have to understand the esoteric Hegel as well as the philosopher. How else could one man's thought so dominate all of world history for centuries now? People mistake him for saying that Napoleon marching east was the end of history. What he meant was that, from his vantage point, he could see the end of history, and would bring it into being.

>> No.15164724

>nonhuman updoots its own post
Your precious state is importing those monkeys for your own good. You have a responsibility towards those people, as determined by your corporate handlers. :^)

>> No.15164732

did any of you ask himself what if "covid" was lethal to young people?
imagine the powers of the propaganda, the justifications to exterminate the people who refuse to receive a vaccine or any medical treatment that does not meet the standard.
covid was just a testing ground, they can definitely keep lying by pseudo science, fake statistics and incite everyone against each other, i see this coming slowly, but im positive that this is the next stage, another "pandemic" eruption this time will effect everyone

>> No.15164748
File: 48 KB, 827x767, pfizer covid vaccine hide the data.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why not read the Bible, the Church Fathers, and contemporary Christian theology before claiming to be an atheist?
Nice courtier's reply.
Much of contemporary science is no better than religion.
Unless you are a billionaire with your own labs you will never have access to reliable data.
There is no fucking point in (((trusting))) scientists and other alleged experts after they have repeatedly betrayed that trust. Pfizer is the most criminally fined pharma company in recorded history.

>> No.15164784

The propaganda headline is the point of the study.

>> No.15164787

God damn, philosophy midwits are annoying. So many words, so little meaning or relevance.

>> No.15164796

NPC line. But even then infinitely better to live in the Central African Republic than in Maoist China, the USSR, Pol Pot's Cambodia or any of the other communist trash I'm sure you love.
>The government creates first world countries
This might be the single most retarded thing I've ever read on this board. I'm surprised you can even figure out how to breathe without government assistance

>> No.15164802

Based takedown.

Cringe whining.

>> No.15164814

Islam is true whether you believe it or not, fedorafag. Also, you fedoraniggers are the ones responsible for the 'trust the sciencerino' types we have in abundance nowadays.

>> No.15164831

Wasted comment.

>> No.15164840
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>> No.15164845
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>> No.15164854

remember anon, not maximizing life is illegal
the goal is set for your benefit

>> No.15164866

Is it summer already

>> No.15164869
File: 418 KB, 1024x1024, 1649798777102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>s-s-summer! s-summer! i fit in, see?

>> No.15164995

>Reddit fake stutter
You have to go back

>> No.15165037

>K. Lloyd Billingsley is a Policy Fellow at the Independent Institute and a columnist at American Greatness.

What a garbage piece. Belief in freedom is bad when the "freedom" is the medical equivalent of eating shit or intentionally exposing yourself to danger, like not wearing a mask. But doing that also requires a political concession, that Americans can't just walk into a Walmart and do whatever they want and be ignored. Americans have no sense of community, collective construct, or even the ability to casually form 1 friendship while standing in a shared space if that space is not a Walmart with clear rules.

>> No.15165301

>intentionally exposing yourself to danger, like not wearing a mask.
kek that was good bait until you said this.

>> No.15165311
File: 527 KB, 1536x1113, hegelian_dialectic_virus-1536x1113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15165562

The state is a tumor that grows on prosperous societies. I don't think sending hellfire missiles to Israel or stealing 30+% of people's income is what makes societies great.

>> No.15165840

Sounds like you are suffering from eleutheromania. Perhaps you should see a psychiatrist

>> No.15165888
File: 566 KB, 638x1075, 1651130762929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Islam is true

>> No.15166101


>> No.15166268
File: 120 KB, 692x544, narialandmeme12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

double seconded

>> No.15166334

It's yet another profound anti-vax thread.

>> No.15166339
File: 78 KB, 623x641, 1668525131450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, it probably won't kill you.

>> No.15166441

if you run at the speed of science

>> No.15166471

You'd probably want to run at least a little bit faster to outrun other entities moving at that speed...

>> No.15167404

It won't 100% because I didn't take the shot but I forced my gullible elderly parents to do it so they can die and I could inherit their house. So far they're not dead so you guys are full of shit.

>> No.15167552
File: 105 KB, 622x446, 141 iq post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ tier post scoring 141.
over 99% of the soigoy midwits who constantly chimp out over "muh /pol/ boogeyman" have lower IQs that that

>> No.15167661

Stop spreading bullshit. Stop opposing neoliberalism you fucking bitch.

>> No.15167671

Believe in freedom is like belief in god. It clearly doesn't exist, so keep it to yourself.

>> No.15167678

it's called a post

>> No.15167775
File: 22 KB, 719x278, Screenshot 2023-01-31 at 16-35-22 COVID Vaccine Hesitancy and Risk of a Traffic Crash - The American Jo….png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It says so right in the study, FAGGOT.

By the way, this 'study' was also funded by the government of canaduh, who are committed to forcing 100% of the population to get stabbed.

>> No.15168149
File: 43 KB, 600x500, Freedoms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do I protect myself against freedom?
"Voting" in modern "elections" is a good way to be protected against too much freedom.

>> No.15168159
File: 424 KB, 1176x1280, Excess Death Rates England.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers are full of old toxins that didn't kill them, but kill off the spike proteins.
It's only coddled bubble-wrapped little zoomers who are dying by the millions from the "vaccines".

>> No.15168261

Freedom is a nebulous concept. There is no freedom for a wagie even though he thinks he is free.

>> No.15168272

Threads like these made me wish i was truly free.

>> No.15168794

So boomers have magical immunity or what?

>> No.15168807

Statistically they're more likely to be taking medicines to counteract the vax damage in the first place, e.g. statins and aspirin to stave off the effects of heart disease and stroke.

>> No.15169402 [DELETED] 
File: 185 KB, 616x447, 92 IQ string theory expert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for comparison, here is a /sci/ tier cosmology post, note how low iq the post is regardless the authors tremendous effort to make the post seem like it isn't low iq. the effort failed because of the author's low iq

>> No.15169411

Somalia. Eat my dick and die faggot state kike cuck bitch NPC cancer faggot.

>> No.15169737

There is no freedom for neetie because he doesn't have enough money to buy luxury goods

>> No.15169764

>no freedom for neetie because he doesn't have enough money to buy luxury goods
NPC-grade take. Being conditioned to want "luxury goods" is already a form of enslavement, but neetie has a problem: they can make his NEETbux contingent upon compliance with the state agenda.

>> No.15169794

That isn't really the problem for neetie, since all he wants is daily chicken tendies. He has no political aspirations or agenda as long as he can live in his slovenly bubble.

>> No.15169990

>freedom is a nebulous concept
>makes definitive statement about freedom

>> No.15169994

Yes. Even the mainstream-acknowledged myocarditis risk from the vaccines was specifically against young men.
Did they ever figure out why?

>> No.15170645

yes, its like that because its part of the psyop, same as everything else.

>> No.15170913
File: 48 KB, 500x500, White Suprem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>freedom is a notion made up by extremist nazis white supremacists
What is a white supremacist anymore? Worn out term. kek

>> No.15170923

The vaccines are actually affecting females on a larger scale than males, not by much, but consistently across the board with all ages, more females are dying from the "vaccines".>>15168159

>> No.15171491

That's bullshit, everybody is taking aspirin.

>> No.15171495

So it's targeting younger generations specifically young men but it's actually specifically targeting females of all ages despite the fact that boomer females are taking aspiring and are therefore immune from the vaccine?

>> No.15173470

Tell your programmer you need re-coding.

>> No.15173546

>Absolute freedom then is the free will willing itself
But that's fucking impossible. You cannot simply will a will, because even the willing of that will would have been caused by another will itself.

This freedom you're talking about doesn't exist

>> No.15173608

I don't know you would say that, woman are more likely to follow social consensus, and it seems to target female production more than male production, and even if it's equal, one man can make up for 100 lost men reproduction wise but woman are locked so even with equal death it would be a bigger issue with woman dying

>> No.15173620
File: 123 KB, 800x533, ggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so even with equal death it would be a bigger issue with woman dying
That's why they are targeting women with the "vaccines". To reduce global population levels to 500 million or less.

>> No.15174337


Top left: plausible hypothesis. Top right: mostly sound. Bottom left: cogent meditation. Bottom right: correct apart from the last bit.

>> No.15174351

>apart from the last bit.
you can't say that and expect anyone to consider you credible until you can predict earthquakes accurately yourself. until you can do that, you can't prove you know what does or does not cause earthquakes.

>> No.15174360

Maybe you need to first decide on who is the vaccine actually killing because every post so far has a different idea of what it's doing.

>> No.15174537

is this the most jewish 'article' yet ?

>> No.15174542

> freedom is not freedom
shlomo, please! just stop. Cut the pilpul please for a sec, will you ?

>> No.15174690



>> No.15174921

>Compulsion is true freedom.
wtf I love booster shots now