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File: 1.58 MB, 210x210, InverseKinematic2re.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15162223 No.15162223 [Reply] [Original]

robotic arm in space edition

previous: >>15157514

>> No.15162227
File: 44 KB, 788x594, manned spacecraft atop a Boeing Delta 4 Heavy Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle Orbital Sciences-Northrop Grumman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st for lifting bodies

>> No.15162231
File: 34 KB, 595x588, Delta Clipper passengers dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15162237


>> No.15162246
File: 2.29 MB, 2193x3994, 1657163686388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Delta Blue

>> No.15162257
File: 113 KB, 1125x1454, starbase trees bear a strange fruit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15162262
File: 824 KB, 2056x3000, atago_spacex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

space dog!

>> No.15162265

>public execution at starbase
we gaaan

>> No.15162284
File: 60 KB, 583x500, x-33 mcdonnell douglas space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15162286
File: 1.38 MB, 2376x2068, Ihminen Avaruudessa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FTS Archive

>> No.15162307

redpill me on quasi-satellites of Earth

>> No.15162310
File: 81 KB, 1245x425, Ted Brown, mural, NASA, poster, space achievement,.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15162330

So you put an asteroid or something in orbit. Add in a sky hook. Planes or w/e hook onto it and enjoy the free ride. Doable?

>> No.15162336

They should just tie the moon to the Earth so we can zipline back and forth.

>> No.15162343
File: 19 KB, 499x333, dark star surfing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All those skyhook/rotavator/space elevator plans got fucked up by the LEO satellite shells like Starlink. Any permanent structure will get hit too often

>> No.15162352
File: 15 KB, 1159x125, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this realistic?

>> No.15162356

on time, and under budget. results over rhetoric

>> No.15162357

>musk tries to make space travel affordable and routine
>ruins any chances for that

>> No.15162368

same reason why oneill cylindars will never happen. we will all live in personal pods

>> No.15162378

>>ruins any chances for that
he didn't do that, he just stole the credit, it was his engineers who ruined it

>> No.15162385
File: 45 KB, 350x450, king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15162387

Apparently it’s a pantone color

>> No.15162433
File: 525 KB, 680x698, musk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Starlink delayed

>> No.15162444

women are quantum mechanical systems that follow the schrödinger equation. what more is there to understand?

>> No.15162449

Its very distressing to know that even now we don't have good pictures of many moons in the solar system.
I think we should mass produce imaging satellites and then send orbiters to all major solar system bodies above 200km in radius (there are 80 such objects I believe).
Must be mass produced and cheap. Mostly common instruments. <100kg per orbiter.

This is our colonization list : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Solar_System_objects_by_size
Look at the piss poor images of some objects in that list. Ideally we should be having at least 5m/pixel resolution for all these objects. We can include multispectral/hyperspectral cameras too to gain insight on minerals present, other chemical weirdness, etc.
This would be a survey project - firstly there would be a lot of scientific value, and loads of data for everyone to go through. Then we could identify all interesting locations to send the next set of missions, which would contain more specialized instruments.

(If successful we can then look at surveying >100km objects, etc.)

>> No.15162457
File: 42 KB, 1024x630, pluto from hubble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this was our best look at Pluto before New Horizons went zipping by.

>> No.15162470
File: 11 KB, 320x251, 299259main_EC75-4643_full (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15162473

hes literally autistic

>> No.15162482
File: 18 KB, 400x259, 2194a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15162486
File: 1.30 MB, 1155x1306, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know how working for boeing is like?
i noticed they have positions available in Japan

>> No.15162489
File: 2.70 MB, 6000x4000, 2014-DSN50-Social.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine, 250 tons expendable starship payload carrying 1-ton observation sats built by planet labs. there are 200+ known moons in the solar system, and about 10+ dwarf planets, give or take. we could deploy MULTIPLE orbiters to any interesting object in the solar system.
the first problem is communication. the DSN is already woefully unequipped to handle current probes, bandwidth is extremely constrained. we should prioritize a space laser communication relay infrastructure throughout the solar system. maybe new dishes. someone should design one. any anons know what's going on in the commercial DSN sphere? nasa was talking about it at some point

>> No.15162502

Will that RDE project from NASA go anywhere? Unless some private company decides to use it in their project, the results of their works will most likely end up in the archive.

>> No.15162507

lots of those objects are uninteresting or impractically far out. would take a lot of time and money to reach them all, for relatively little gain. at least everything out to Neptune should be prioritized, almost every moon, dwarf planet, large asteroids. after that, the closer larger kuiper belt objects. your probes must get smaller in mass the further out you want to go if you give a shit about travel time. and assuming you want orbiters, you need fuel and time to slow down. it would be brutal
Pluto is surprisingly big

>> No.15162514

Daily reminder that Bargouzin, ADELINE and SUSIE have the same chief director

>> No.15162515
File: 3.66 MB, 4000x2400, 3B2C12F0-7F9B-4D16-895F-C99037FFAD45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adeline is really stupid. Bargouzin would be cool 40 years ago but now it can’t be justified, that shit looks way too heavy. I hated on SUSIE when it was first unveiled but the more I think about it the more I like it. I think combining it as crew AND cargo is stupid though; have a crewed variant and have a cargo variant

>> No.15162516

neighbor liked working there but that was for upper management in the airplane part. it's a huge company so company culture can be wildly different based on where/what you work

>> No.15162523

What do you like with SUSIE?

>> No.15162524

It feels like the next step for bespoke, bleeding edge ultra expensive hardware like the Shuttle. In other words, I'd have an autistic fascination with whatever rlv/ssto they make but starship and cheap isru would render it obsolete.

>> No.15162533
File: 356 KB, 1170x645, 5FC81A2C-0FB7-4C1E-BD7D-C7CE4D294BAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shortest version is:
About last year or whatever (I can’t quite remember, covid has blurred the years for me) Euros announced wanting to do their own crewed access to space. I agreed with Berger’s take at the time, which was that they need to do something different than a capsule or else there’s no point. Everyone expected a shitty capsule. And if they DID do something “different,” it was most likely going to be a Hermes space plane. But instead we got something interesting. I’m a sucker for people taking chances and trying something new

>> No.15162540

New chemical engine tech is like breakthrough battery tech. No one will upset the current meta*. Same with lithium ion, iron phosphate, etc. batteries. If you have some new tech you have to make it work, make it cheap, mass manufacturable, reusable, AND it needs to work better than the alternative, not just a little bit better.

>> No.15162541

Shitty capsules work tho, and they probably could have found a way to make one fit on A62, which would have been safer and cheaper than A64 (unless A6 is not man-rateable at all and the current plans are a meme)

>> No.15162543

I thought it was a cool CGI video, much more engaging than the conventional DoD PowerPoint

>> No.15162545

So only the big guys, like SpaceX, are able to make it work. I'd love to see them making the RDE kickstage for Starship.

>> No.15162550

The people that I know that have worked for Boeing have fallen into two camps. They either love it or hate it.

The ones that said they hated it worked on the commercial aircraft side and would say it is not a good place to be an engineer. They told me how the company is run by the marketing department, which makes big promises and sets short schedules, which engineering then has to scramble to try and meet. When they can't meet those expectations the blame falls on engineering. It results in over promising and underdelivering. Also the company would move people around as it saw fit, engineers were a resource, and they didn't take into account people's career goals.

The one I know who liked working at Boeing was on the space side. She worked on the starliner project. I haven't a poker with her much to know what her experience has been like. I do know she was a hard-core feminist in college and it may be that she aligns well with Boeing's corporate culture.

>> No.15162557

so is she? What's your point?

>> No.15162560


>> No.15162561

how do i get an autistic japanese wife?

>> No.15162564

If I managed the program we could visit 10 objects with identical probes for less than $4B

>> No.15162567

sounds like a younger, non-jewish zubrin. with more training data you could do it, there are innumerable podcasts he's done where he just pontificates hours on end

>> No.15162568

Move to Japan.

>> No.15162571

Does the NASA RDE require turbopumps?

>> No.15162572
File: 137 KB, 1440x519, 111807_190196489_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15162575
File: 1.49 MB, 1073x1300, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats my plan >>15162486

>> No.15162578

it was about 1 minute of training data with the new ai
shits crazy

>> No.15162584

Get us a perfect model before noon, and don't dawdle, anon

>> No.15162590
File: 1.94 MB, 1920x1081, CavehouseArizona5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15162591

go try it yourself if you want
that's my training data from facebook
you can use mbasic to easily download and convert more podcasts

>> No.15162593
File: 183 KB, 1240x826, LunarHabitatQuarry-GPI-070615-1-5-1240x826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15162598
File: 147 KB, 743x1103, Yule-Marble-Quarry-User-Album-46481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15162605
File: 126 KB, 596x608, Derek K. Stone astro mmu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15162608

Pretty good. Pitch it up a little bit, he’s got a slight squeaker voice

>> No.15162613
File: 71 KB, 670x440, C374B3CC-1F0D-44E9-B386-135A95F68E9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn have your name be remembered as the first man to get sucked into a comfy black hole

>> No.15162615

I wonder what Musk would sound like

>> No.15162622

>gets accreted and ejected inside relativistic jet instead

>> No.15162623

Lockheed CEV felt crazy when it was revealed.

>> No.15162628

What's the Falcon 9 success ratio for all the versions?
What is the success ratio sorted by years?
Anyone want to calculate this or do I need to make a table myself?

>> No.15162630


>> No.15162633

Shit I forgot different
I meant for all the different versions
Not for all Falcon 9 versions combined

>> No.15162639

Never mind, that is old data. Today it's at 99%.

>> No.15162642

And F9 B5 is 100%

>> No.15162643

The A62 can only lift about 10 ton to LEO and moden capsule designs are all in the 12-20 ton range. The A62 looks bit but it was always intended as a replacement for the Soyuz, so it was only ever going to be lifting a Soyuz-equivalent capsule which would have been an extra shitty capsule.

>> No.15162656
File: 96 KB, 647x810, LOX-Augmented Nuclear Thermal Rocket 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15162662

A62 with P120C+ and some of these later meme upgrades may be able to stretch that 10.5 tons into a 12 tons.
Soyuz and Shenzhou are fine what are you talking about

>> No.15162663

it's the most reliable rocket

>> No.15162673
File: 88 KB, 790x780, rocket race 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol @ Bezos

>> No.15162677

I wonder what's cheaper and easier, building a load of probes to explore all these objects or making a massive space telescope to look at them.
Isn't Shenzhou like twice the size of soyuz?

>> No.15162688
File: 182 KB, 1243x762, FfH312eWQAIBBKs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

250 metric tons to LEO (expended)

>> No.15162689

Holy fuck, I made this in like 10 minutes ahaha. trained off a single podcast, less than 100mb mp3.

>> No.15162695

A62 b2 could be able to lift a modern capsule, but they're going to need to finish that carbon fiber stage first and I'm not taking bets on how long that's going to take. Soyuz is great if you're looking at cost or reliability, but it's got no legroom and its cargo capacity either up or down leaves a lot to be desired.

>> No.15162696

yeah without the tiles and wings and sea level raptors n more vacuums n shiet

>> No.15162699
File: 294 KB, 1440x1281, BC5708DC-97D3-4F58-8AB3-B07EECBFD14D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you need that you would have to expend a starship to put 250 tons in space?

Of course superheavy would land in the ocean, but that bitch is big, the size of ships. Wouldnt it float?

>> No.15162700


>> No.15162703
File: 758 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15162702
File: 42 KB, 634x537, 4562F03A00000578-4985616-You_don_t_even_have_to_be_a_fan_of_Star_Trek_to_know_how_big_the-a-65_1508173728966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Space Flight Genera

>> No.15162705

>What would you need that you would have to expend a starship to put 250 tons in space?
Fission reactor for an NTP powered orbitally assembled transfer tug for a manned mission to Jupiter.

>> No.15162707

manufacturing and/or mining equipment

>> No.15162708

radio telescope

>> No.15162710
File: 64 KB, 672x488, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was gonna use my model on some zubrin tweets but none of them are about spaceflight or mars. it's all putin putin ukraine ukraine, and today it's praise for israel bombing iran. anybody have ideas?

>> No.15162712

A few months ago it was pictures by word prompt, a few weeks later it was text generation, then it was video generation, now AI is speaking with the voice of man.
I do not like how quickly this is happening.

>> No.15162715

today we emulate media. tomorrow we emulate full body women

>> No.15162716

sorry for reddit link, but this is scarily good

>> No.15162719
File: 89 KB, 1163x776, Zubrin joker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not deranged enough, make him say Joker type shit

>> No.15162721

>today it's praise for israel bombing iran
It's hard for parents to resist showing off their pride when their kids start growing up and doing adult things

>> No.15162722


>> No.15162725

The first serious nuclear reactor

>> No.15162731


>> No.15162748

Idk bro, he sounds like he's reading an audiobook lol. i was gonna make him sing "we're gonna fly now" but it just sounds bland. trying to think up something funny

>> No.15162749

train it on elons voice and make it shit on biden

>> No.15162754

sounds like a woman

>> No.15162757
File: 41 KB, 600x315, spacecia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dr Zubrin
we could literally make the whole fuckin thing bros

>> No.15162759

gorilla pasta? pretty basic

>> No.15162763


>> No.15162771

we have a 10k character budget, and I already blew through 500. copypasta is funny only if you can rewrite it to be more spaceflighty

>> No.15162773

Put the dark knight joker music behind it and have him say some joker shit about “you wanna know how I got these scars? My father… was a hydrogen head. One day he comes home, less thrust than usual…”

>> No.15162777
File: 29 KB, 844x359, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah yeah, i was already one step ahead of you there. im a shitty writer but maybe i can think of something

>> No.15162779


>> No.15162782


well here are some joker quotes from the 2019 movie

> Have you seen what it's like out there, Murray? Do you ever actually leave the studio? Everybody just yells and screams at each other. Nobody's civil anymore. Nobody thinks what it's like to be the other guy. You think men like Thomas Wayne ever think what it's like to be someone like me? To be somebody but themselves? They don't. They think that we'll just sit there and take it, like good little boys! That we won't werewolf and go wild!

>> No.15162798

I agree, anything within Neptune
It's brutal, but that's why we are doing it.

>> No.15162801

Telescope will never give you 5m/pixel range, will it?

>> No.15162810
File: 129 KB, 1280x1280, funniest_clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15162813
File: 2.55 MB, 4096x2731, FnpDm6sXwAMT42d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15162817

>Sorry, this board does not have search enabled.

>> No.15162838

Hahahaha holy fuck this tiny sound it is better content than this entire thread kek
Thankyou for your service anon. Also PLEASE do Elon shitting on aliens.

>> No.15162842

however Flareon is the only
fully evolved Fire-type Pokémon
that cannot learn SolarBeam

>> No.15162844

Not even with a TM?

>> No.15162850

“ Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.”

>> No.15162861
File: 368 KB, 800x469, meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


France increased its military budget by 40% so now Dassault wants its own X37, they still haven't gotten over Hermes.

God just help fund Space Rider this actually has a chance of happening doesn't Dassault owns like 1/4 of Thales

>> No.15162864

Are you French?

>> No.15162872

"sometimes I think about the fact that humanity hasn't already expanded to Mars, and then my mind drifts to all the terrible things that must be done first."

>> No.15162882

What the fuck did you just space tweet about me, you little planetoid? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Space Division, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on the moon, and I have over 300 confirmed space walks. I am trained in vacuum warfare and I'm the top bay cleaner in the entire US space forces. You are nothing to me but just another thruster. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in this galaxy, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the SpaceNet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the system and your ship is being traced right now so you better prepare for the solar flare, maggot. The solar flare that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your shield capacity. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can destabilize you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my control system. Not only am I extensively trained in quantum combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Space Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little earthling. If only you could have known what cosmic retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit lasers all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.15162883

I get it, copypastas are funny, but it's funnier if it's actually something you can picture Zubrin saying. Topics like mini starship, VASIMR, the Augustine Commission, Martin Marietta, Sputnik. Or just imaging a more unhinged Zubrin.
like this

>> No.15162886

The X-37 made sense for the US military because they wanted to have a place to test and recover orbital hardware that wasn't public like the ISS, and they couldn't book time for that on the shuttle after its retirement. There's no rational argument for an X-37 equivalent marketed purely for civilian science missions.

Europe wants a lot of things in space but they don't seem to have a clear understanding of why they need the things that they want, let alone a good plan to economically pursue them.

>> No.15162899

The only reason would be to host experiments which need low reentry g loading and runway recovery. Both are rather contrived reasons to build an entire new spacecraft and the EU can just buy dream chasers.

>> No.15162901

Nothing in his post or the article implies civilian science missions

>> No.15162907

>“We collect what comes in, we put a coat of paint, we fill it with fuel and we send it back,” he said.
is it really that easy in space planery?

>> No.15162913
File: 240 KB, 800x633, 9nNVNxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wouldn't it be?

>> No.15162917
File: 50 KB, 280x280, zubo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's some junk

>> No.15162924

why did you not push spacebar between the posts

>> No.15162925

ai is horrifying

>> No.15162926

only good one

>> No.15162928

? I pressed the return key. maybe cuz i copied and pasted from notepad, but it looks fine for me

>> No.15162930
File: 23 KB, 240x240, Thinking Emoji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Rocketlab have a future?

>> No.15162939

More of a future than most companies. It'd be nice if they could get first stage recovery going, but I don't think there are any viable reuse plans that directly involve people.

>> No.15162941
File: 130 KB, 256x256, Mars_Perseverance_ZL0_0037_0670240887_104EBY_N0031392ZCAM00019_0480LUJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

misty mountains

>> No.15162953


>> No.15162965

A big, but relatively cheap telescope that wasn't designed (overengineered) to be as light and compact as possible.

>> No.15162969

did you make this?
can you do the "earthers could be here" copypasta?

>> No.15162994

lmao the third one

>> No.15162997

I never listened to Zubrin but for some reason I thought he would sound more like Zizek

>> No.15163007
File: 34 KB, 384x512, angeryzubrin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15163036

I always thought that copypasta would be better if anon rewrote the part about Sweet dreams (pick a diff song) and the $9 wine

>> No.15163039
File: 18 KB, 236x354, 1570821327389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it makes perfect sense from Dassault's perspective
for sake of argument and easier maths, lets say both the Dassault's Spaceplane and Space Rider were 1 billion Euros each - half the money goes to development, half goes for actually building the thing

if they build they own spaceplane + 25% of Space Rider project, they get awarded 1250 million
If they were to simply build more Space Riders, Dassault gets only 375 million worth of funding

>> No.15163044

"EARTHERS could be here," he thought, "I've never been down a gravity well before. There could be EARTHERS anywhere." The unrecycled air felt good against his bare chest. "I HATE EARTHERS," he thought. Black Sabbath's Into the Void reverberated his entire rocket, making its thermal tiles pulsate even as the cheap methane circulated through his weak low-G atrophied veins and washed away his (merited) fear of Earth-dwellers down a gravity well. "With a Starship, you can go anywhere you want," he said to himself out loud.

>> No.15163057
File: 13 KB, 250x246, 159267753866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright /sfg/, what song would YOU be playing as you pull up to cislunar LOx/Methane depot?
a good choice I'd say

>> No.15163058

>250 tons

>> No.15163063


>> No.15163076
File: 32 KB, 960x288, laughing mission control.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell

>> No.15163088

Considering Ariane 6 (when it arrives) will be booked solid with backlogged EU launches too politically sensitive to launch on SpaceX, and the Indians and Japanese can only launch a few times a year (with a significant risk of failure) and South Korea doesn't have a commercial launch presence, yes. Russia and China are not even considerations for commercial launch business. ULA and Blue Origin are booked solid with Kuiper and government launches.

The reason there was such an explosion at the small end of the launch market is because SpaceX is not big enough to meet the whole world's needs for smallsats. I don't think Shotwell is going to leave money on the table by not filling those needs but at a certain point you're spending more money than the investment will return.

>> No.15163096


>> No.15163103


>> No.15163113
File: 115 KB, 1600x1600, 318f4f1c-a41b-47bc-86e2-cbe67bf67e43.797aa94721019d289942caafd074426b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the robot camera arm behaving so stupidly complicated? You could get 99% of the same images with pic related for $20

>> No.15163114
File: 38 KB, 1029x558, 20211125_135707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to see new avatarkino last night. In the pre screen ads there was an ad that went something like this

>Diversity characters on Mars in suits
>Wow this sucks bro there's no water here
>One of the characters is holding what is implied to be a piss jug
>We're not drinking that bro
>Cuts to e*rth with the same diversity characters splashing around in a forest pool
>Ad ends with some gay tag line like earth is great, stay here, not go to Mars

Brought to you by Toyota advertising their EVs. I will never buy another Toyota vehicle again.

>> No.15163122


>> No.15163138

>Are you sure this will help us sell more cars?

>> No.15163139
File: 1.42 MB, 330x220, ufo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we'll get to space eventually, once nasa figures out the physics

it's all tesla science, he figured out the zero-point energy field and scalar waves, among other things

reality is hyperdimensional and consciousness-based, electromagnetic, and holographic

consciousness masters of the past knew of these abilities such as levitation, astral projection, teleportation, non-locality, remote viewing, and manifestation

ufos are artificial consciousness objects that use the exact physics

they are documented in the gateway process among other places

when we go to hyperspace, we will have to contend with blackops, extraterrestrials, and holographic beings

nasa needs a scalar wave observatory at the very least

>> No.15163149

Fuck that, just make the next-gen Raptor replacement a full-flow methalox RDE. RDEs have a theoretical 20%+ ISP improvement, even if you cut that in half it would still put you squarely into the 400-420s. Basically knocking on hydrolox's door with none of the downsides. Bonus if you wind up with an aerospace (which seems ideal for an RDE's form factor) since you can remove the need for sea level and vacuum engines.

Obviously it requires a level of reliability that seems exponentially harder than standard deflagration engines, but in 5-10 years when SpaceX has mastered full-flow engines, going hard into optimizing a new combustion system seems like it'd be on the table.

>> No.15163150


>> No.15163151

Yeah thats the one, Matsumoto gets the airlock

>> No.15163153
File: 2.72 MB, 4096x2735, lc39a_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool pics of LC-39 from space


>> No.15163154

Aerospike, fuck you touch keyboard.

(And yes aerospikes are a meme, but if you can mass produce smaller aerospikes rather than one massive one it might sidestep a lot of the cooling and weight issues).

>> No.15163156
File: 7 KB, 175x208, 5048n5d2rpk61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why Beck left New Zealand.

>> No.15163157

>And yes aerospikes are a meme, but


>> No.15163159

fucking zoomers

>> No.15163160

The Final Countdown and 90$ Tang?

>> No.15163163
File: 657 KB, 1329x1008, FRONTIERS OF SPACE bono sassto plug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15163166

Toyota is zoomers?

>> No.15163168

What do you make of this stan deyo guy I came across? >>15163150

>> No.15163171
File: 632 KB, 1135x708, zubrinproposition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not great but i already spent too much time on it

>> No.15163175

he looks legit, i can't watch the whole thing, but it looks absolutely true

>> No.15163178

>The Mind Exists as a Field Connected to the Brain
>consciousness resides in a field surrounding the brain
>has certain similarities with a black hole
>a holographic structured field
>in another dimension
>could take the shape of a torus
>quantum wave resonance

>Gateway Process
>holographic torus universe
>holographic hyperdimensional infinite consciousness
>possible encounters with intelligent, non-corporal energy forms when time-space boundaries are exceeded

>Tesla Electromagnetics
>relativity is only a statement about FIRST ORDER reality -- the reality that emerges from the vector interaction of electromagnetic energy with matter
>when we break down the vectors into scalars (shadow vectors or hypervectors), we immediately enter a vastly different, far more fundamental reality
>in this reality superluminal velocity, multiple universes, travel back and forth in time, higher dimensions, variation of all "fundamental constants" of nature, materialization and dematerialization, and violation of the "conservation of energy" are all involved
>using scalar waves and scalar interactions as much subtler, far less limited observation/detection mechanisms, we must have a new "superrelativity" to describe the expanded electromagnetic reality uncovered by Nikola Tesla

>Consciousness-Assisted Technology
>hyperdimensional mind over matter consciousness field
>allows levitation, astral projection, teleportation, multiple timelines, remote timeline viewing, telepathy, telekinesis, zero-point energy, and manifestation
>can be mechanized with ufos, antennas, and ai
>populated by brains, black projects, extraterrestrials, and non-corporal interdimensional astral entities

>> No.15163180

>Odom's War by Anonymous
>Odom Manifesto
>Don's Navy SEALs Release
>The Matrix Deciphered, Dr. Robert Duncan, 2010
>Project Soul Catcher, Dr. Robert Duncan, 2010
>How to Tame a Demon, Dr. Robert Duncan, 2014
>How to Build a Working UFO | Alien Reproduction Vehicles (ARVs)

>> No.15163181

>aerospikes are a meme
No. They Are better than bells. Imagine how many raptors could fit under SH if they were aerospikes.

>> No.15163185

What's this about?

>> No.15163186

The hyperdimensional mind over matter consciousness field is the basis of our reality. It has been known since antiquity as the astral plane, heaven, hell, and sheol. It was documented by the army in the gateway process as a holographic torus. Tesla knew about hyperspace and invented zero-point energy and scalar waves. The original maxwell equations were also hyperdimensional. Current literature on consciousness also describes a torus hyperfield. Telepathy is instantaneous and across space and time. Consciousness masters throughout time have used this field to manipulate reality. There are many accounts of levitation, astral projection, teleportation, non-locality, telepathy, and manifestation. UFOs and interdimensional beings have also been documented throughout history as objects in the sky and strange interactions. Names for beings include gods, demons, angels, faeries, djinn, and others. It is noted the consciousness field is a singularity and can be construed as god himself. In modern times, world war 2 is thought to have allowed the creation of anti-gravity and zero-point energy by the axis. Vimana may have been retrieved. Vimana have been documented historically by the hindu scriptures and include knowledge of pressurized mercury. Many extraterrestrial craft were spotted during world war 2 and identified as foo fighters, balls of light. Craft were downed by scalar wave weapons, including roswell. Alien bodies were recovered. Technology was reverse engineered. Such technology includes anti-gravity, kevlar fabric, and integrated circuits. Bob Lazar may have witnessed an alien craft and noted it was a single piece, indicating it was manifested upon manufacture using the transdimensional consciousness field. Victor from the alien interview documentary in 1997 provided footage of a supposed alien leaked from the department of navy intelligence. It may have been a black project robot.

>> No.15163187


>> No.15163189

The kgb released footage of a greyling being dissected. Dr. Steven Greer telepathically summoned aliens and took photographs. One of the aliens was red with a triangular head, one was a plasma alien, and one was gray and from andromeda. He also claims to have seen a short alien surrounded by a toroidal field, a humanlike alien, and an invisible alien who teleported him onto a ship. A recent disclosure witness from boeing noted the humanlike aliens are known as "the orange." Synthetic telepathy has been in development since world war 2 when the frey effect was discovered. It was later updated to include radar EEG pings to read brain waves remotely. It is all AI encoding and decoding now, and involves hyperdimensional scalar waves. The nsa spies on aliens in their homeworlds and no SCIF is secure. Dr. Robert Duncan is a cia whistleblower who worked on such systems and has revealed many details of the technology used on targeted individuals. A us navy special operations disclosure document was released in 2013 and 2014 that documents the overall operations of these systems. It also includes synthetic timelines, teleportation, manifestation cloning, total weather microcontrol, remote force fields, cosmic ascension, non-linear spacetime generation, and contact with guardian angel interdimensional beings. This system or a similar extraterrestrial system was used on former marine kyle odom. He documented his astral projection experience, the apparent possession of people around him, telepathic interactions, remote manifestations or teleportations of objects, timeline switching, and the strange ballistics of the man he tried to kill who survived somehow and became a politician. The same thing happened to myself in 2016. I witnessed telepathy, timeline switching, possession, teleportations, manifestations, holograms, ufos, mind over matter object mutation, transdimensional manipulations of people, astral projection of large objects, and am currently under v2k.

>> No.15163191

fuck toyota too

>> No.15163193

>imagine how many could fit

Not that many more, sea level bells are not much bigger than the engine and the weight penalty would fuck you, plus all the engineering bullshit that comes with le memespike. Kill yourself aerospike retard.

>> No.15163194

unfortunately this is the latest /sci/

>> No.15163196

I was kind of indifferent towards toyota before, yeah they are not doing EVs as quickly as they should and perhaps even hindering the adoption through lobbying, but shitting on space exploration is too far

>> No.15163198

haven't had full blown schizos here in a while

>> No.15163199

i'm opening the box, hopefully all the women are dead

>> No.15163203

just you wait

>> No.15163211
File: 28 KB, 324x282, men in white-coats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come with me schizofriend, I'm taking you to the puzzle factory for a nice rest

>> No.15163218
File: 950 KB, 958x1196, earthers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone oughta put this to the music and sound effects (like that old jordan peterson vocaroo), im too lazy rn

>> No.15163221

fuck, shoulda made him say mini starship

>> No.15163226

Not interested I solved all of the puzles already and I know the guy who makes those puzzles.

>> No.15163228

So /sci/ is just /x/ for babies?

>> No.15163230
File: 38 KB, 626x352, first poc on moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15163232
File: 522 KB, 1080x857, odom illustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's called telepathy now

>> No.15163238
File: 179 KB, 988x1024, never should have trusted einstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, /sci/ is for public scientists

>> No.15163240
File: 470 KB, 1159x769, physics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a picture

>> No.15163247
File: 108 KB, 722x600, Horbiger world ice theory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Hörbiger predicted the 'Kuiper belt' and it should be renamed after him

>> No.15163250

click the red text below, it will lead you to a happy place

>> No.15163252

So they’re building a new crew tower at SLC-40, and there might even be plans to fix up 39A to support vertical integration for Falcon? What even is the point of ULA and Starliner at this point kek just use SX for everything

>> No.15163253

/sci/ is unironically more pseud than /x/. At least /x/philes admit they are schizos unlike modern """science""" full of charlatans, unreproduceabe studies and literal pseudoscience that is "settled science".

>> No.15163254

Nuclear reactors for new spacecrafts that need them

They are heavy as fuck mate

>> No.15163256

Just build them in two parts that you bolt together rather than throwing away a perfectly good rocket you oldspace faggot.

>> No.15163265

or even better just build a smaller one than can be launched in one piece you shuttle boomer

>> No.15163271

>smaller one
Enjoy your 1000x shittier ISP and thrust due to lower electricity levels

>> No.15163273
File: 41 KB, 400x598, 8C55225A-8F61-4201-A951-E3F8A13BE462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Open the /Sci/ catalog
>It’s people talking about IQ, vaccine, that random pic of the black lady scientist, Trump

>> No.15163276

you dont need to put your oneill cyllinder in LEO, in fact higher orbits might be preferable so you have more constant amounts of sunlight and need less delta v to get stuff from the moon

>> No.15163277
File: 2.39 MB, 3104x4096, Fnp3uIUXEAAY1Wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15163281

33 static fire is approaching so it is gaining attention rapidly again

>> No.15163282

>lower electricity levels

Good thing no one will be using NEP since it's twr is gutter trash tier before you even think about gigga nigga radiators for your gigga nigga reactor. The only way electric propulsion is happening is with le magic fusion source or solar concentrators with the thinnest fucking mylar ever made.

>> No.15163283

I’m so excited. A bit worried though

>> No.15163285

>be first man to reach another galaxy

>> No.15163286

That's science now, get used to it racist.

>> No.15163287
File: 592 KB, 1185x668, boeing contractor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a boeing employee
>Classified Alien Projects Whistleblower - A. H. Boeing Aerospace/Witness Testimony
>face on mars is real, made by aliens
>aliens created the sun
>aliens put the planets in orbit
>gray aliens are in charge of the earth
>humans created by aliens
>electromagnetic gravitics is real
>ufos teleport
>humanlike aliens called "the orange"
>roswell crash was real
>aliens have underground bases, they always have
>evidence of aliens going back to prehistory
>new laser weapons and soundwave weapons that can demolish buildings
>aliens thousands of years ahead of us
>thinks we're catching up to aliens technologically
>remote viewing of past and future

>> No.15163289

>soundwave weapons that can demolish buildings
Reminds me of what they used to destroy the the twin towers.

>> No.15163291
File: 2.73 MB, 1663x1314, 1674964754166999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is amazing

>> No.15163292
File: 298 KB, 480x480, captain greer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15163294
File: 1.49 MB, 1161x893, jimeyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not convinced this isn't the eager beaver himself. fuck.

>> No.15163298

can you change the way the words are pronounced/emphasized
sounds like the last "tits" is said with force somehow

>> No.15163301

I had volume on max when I clicked. I should've known.

>> No.15163302

AHAHAHA How much training did you use? You need to make a lot of these.
Not always. The AI kinda decides where you would want emphasis, but doesnt always play nice

>> No.15163316
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, ehwattheheckzubrin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honest Zubrin

>> No.15163327
File: 12 KB, 420x312, James-Burk-portrait-420x312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15163342

Not to mention the extra difficulty in gimballing, and for something like the flip maneuver you can't get away with differential thrust like in regular flight.

If a hypothetical RDE based Raptor could offer 10-15% better ISP it might be worth dealing with all those headaches, assuming of course that you can't just strap an RDE to a bell nozzle and call it a day.

>> No.15163346

>extra difficulty in gimballing

>> No.15163355

Because the spike is substantially heavier than a sea-level nozzle, and unlike a bell engine there's no obvious taper point where most of the plumbing ends where you can attach the pivot. With an aerospike you basically have to put the entire engine with turbopumps and combustion chambers on the pivoting part. I don't know how an RDE combustion chamber would alter that but I imagine it'd make it harder, not easier.

>> No.15163356

sadly it only seems to work with american accents. i tried to do a hullo one but it didnt work at all. its fine though, have another beaver:
i used like maybe 50 minutes total of his videos

>> No.15163363
File: 2.04 MB, 1840x1040, Screen Shot 2022-04-28 at 6.43.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15163365
File: 34 KB, 400x400, jimholddew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any others you've tried? I'll race you to thunderf00t

>> No.15163376

can you try Musk?

>> No.15163385
File: 9 KB, 320x180, 1675021539529518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15163391
File: 1.33 MB, 3840x2160, 2023prius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say what you want about them but Toyota really unfucked the Prius with the new model.

>> No.15163392
File: 24 KB, 135x196, 1675023037988032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15163394
File: 955 KB, 676x877, wind rider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can visit any object in the solar system on a yearly basis
>Cheap, rapidly scalable
>only thing that makes flybys worth it (because they can all happen so fast after launch)
>multiple probes sent at once to each moon armed with simple color cameras
>flyby of each moon from multiple vantage points to image all hemispheres and poles in one year
>cameras only need to last for 1 year max (out to Eris, Sedna) so can be duplicated for redundancy and be cheaper nearly off the shelf
>the ingenuity drone of planetary space probes
>can do daring follow up missions closer to points of interest found on previous flybys with probes armed with specific instruments
>initial goal is to just get high res imagery of every moon and finally see the hidden side of Triton
>any classical dedicated probe headed to a moon for detailed examination just deploys one for extra free acceleration cutting down travel time to no more than 2 years max to any moon of interest and can maybe even use it to reach multiple moons from a single probe - revolutionizing and speeding up planetary exploration

Plasma magnetic sail can revolutionize everything.... it just has to work

>> No.15163399
File: 266 KB, 543x779, Sir_David_Frederick_Attenborough_at_Weston_Library_Opening_20.3.15_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15163398

alright what thread are you getting these?

>> No.15163402


>> No.15163403


>> No.15163405
File: 80 KB, 600x532, image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planetary exploration in the future:

>Hmm I want some more detailed imagery of Europa's northern polar region from 15km
>35 days later

>> No.15163406

love the inhaling sounds

>> No.15163411


here is a v thread


>> No.15163419

Fuck your stupid AI voice shit its not spaceflight

>> No.15163423

planetary society ads are getting grating

>> No.15163438
File: 39 KB, 680x634, 268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He will never get funding

>> No.15163472

>no one has done Musk

>> No.15163481


>> No.15163486

i'd rather hear von braun, at least anything out of his mouth would be on topic

>> No.15163497

Hey is it true you can't see the sun in outer space?

>> No.15163520
File: 286 KB, 454x413, Screenshot from 2023-01-30 10-20-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a plug for her nozzle right here

>> No.15163522

35 days? But I wanted to explore it now!

>> No.15163540

The better X-33

>> No.15163545
File: 3.45 MB, 1605x2373, ap16-72-HC-260B-3.31.72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing is fun

>> No.15163548

Better yet, just build a reusable TSTO rocket. Now you don't need to develop hundred-kilometer long space tethers and the mach 10 aircraft needed to catch up to the tether hook, plus you get more payload to orbit per flight AND you don't have to lug around a fucking asteroid (you can put it into a stable Earth-Moon Lagrange point for tasty minerals instead)

>> No.15163550

This AI thing is going to be great
I can't wait to listen to lord of the rings narrated by musk

>> No.15163552


>> No.15163555

Starship will enable this, relax.

>> No.15163560

Needs to have actual, real, meaningful increase in Isp to matter at all. If the Isp isn't higher, then it's just a heavier chemical engine, and not useful.
Yes, the propellants still need to be delivered to the injector plate. You know how an aerospike engine is actually identical to a bell nozzle engine except for the nozzle geometry? A rotating detonation engine is also identical to a bell nozzle engine except for the nozzle AND the combustion chamber. It's not magic

>> No.15163566

>your probes must get smaller in mass the further out you want to go if you give a shit about travel time. and assuming you want orbiters, you need fuel and time to slow down
Consider: Starship is big enough that a 1 ton probe could carry two stages with it that would afford it enough delta V to achieve orbit around Eris within 15 years after launch

>> No.15163573
File: 603 KB, 1920x1080, FnPWl2WaEAEvhc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A further update on ABL's launch pad in Kodiak.
>Satellite imagery taken on 2023-01-26 helps give some more insight into the current state of the launch pad.

>Comparing this imagery to the Google Maps imagery we can see the changes to the launch pad.

>> No.15163580

started out ok but began to morph into something else.
i burned through all my characters, so i guess i gotta make a new account. maybe play with it again tomorrow

>> No.15163582

Making probes, of course. Good luck using a big ass telescope to map Pluto to a global resolution of 10m/pixel, since you need to wait hundreds of years for it to orbit the sun and stop pointing its north pole at you all the time.

>> No.15163585

On Mars that will be illegal

>> No.15163595

Everyone is looking too far into this update.
IMO it's there to give context to Starship's size versus every other rocket. Now when people point at Starship and say "lol but why is it so much bigger than SLS when it only gets 100 tons to LEO? SLS gets 95 tons you know", Elon can say "Yeah Starship can get 250 tons actually but we do full reuse which is why Starship costs 50x less than SLS to launch".

>> No.15163598
File: 66 KB, 850x613, Roy Gjertson shuttle station a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>achieve orbit around Eris within 15 years after launch
eeh I'd rather have a plasma magnet flyby probe that gets there in 2 years. fuck this 'wait a generation for data' bullshit

>> No.15163605

what a cuck

>> No.15163612

keep coping

>> No.15163616

Because it's a mobility function test.

>> No.15163618
File: 95 KB, 297x374, astro smoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true. Space helmets have shiny sun visors for style points. They don't actually have any purpose.

>> No.15163620

I saw something like that too. Made me want to firebomb some government buildings unironically. However I watched the 3+ hour movie afterwards and felt too tired so I did not act.

>> No.15163629
File: 36 KB, 444x767, hardsuit wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15163633

Truly an work of art

>> No.15163637

Imagine tying your companies imagine with luddite ism or the lack of fasisnation and hope.

>> No.15163638

None of that shit is needed before we can colonize the entire solar system. Chemical rockets are completely fine for colonizing the Moon and Mars from Earth, and also for colonizing the Asteroid belt and the Jovian system from Mars/Moon.

>> No.15163643

They are heavier and worse.

>> No.15163645

Wouldn't care even if it were true.

>> No.15163653
File: 39 KB, 836x405, SERJ equipped X-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chemical rockets are completely fine for colonizing the Moon and Mars from Earth
>and also for colonizing the Asteroid belt and the Jovian system from Mars/Moon

>> No.15163659

They're not that heavy if you aren't using a pressurized water design (which you'd have to be retarded to consider using in space). Remember, NERVA used a reactor core with a thermal output measured in gigawatts, and only weighed a few tons.
The real mass gain comes from the low temperature radiators you need to keep the cold side of your heat engine cold. This is why I kinda like the concept of the pulsed NTR more than I like big nuclear electric, because in PNTR you are still making niggawatts of heat but 99% of it is getting dumped into super high temperature radiators with a surface area of maybe 500 square meters total, while giving you an Isp of like 10,000 (and at decent thrust). Therefore if pulsed nuclear thermal actually works, it offers comparable efficiency to electric thrusters, except at a thrust output orders of magnitude higher, which more than offsets the higher mass.

>> No.15163660

I just saw the original video of that the other day for the first time lmao

>> No.15163667

Less power in electric thrusters results in less thrust, but doesn't effect Isp. Isp in electric thrusters is a function of voltage, not power. This is why ion drives can be scaled down pretty much infinitely: you can turn one watt into a gorillion volts if you wanna, you'll just directly trade off how many ions you can accelerate at once. It's kinda like how you can also go the opposite way and make an electric thruster with a high TWR but trash Isp, just by lowering the voltages and pumping more propellant through it.

>> No.15163676

>he thinks working for boeing offers any credibility
>fucking boeing
you must be new here

>> No.15163679

gunnerson the madman

>> No.15163682

what video is that?

>> No.15163684

>With an aerospike you basically have to put the entire engine with turbopumps and combustion chambers on the pivoting part
That's literally how Raptor gimbals though, and so do most other rocket engines. I agree with you that aerospikes are a fool's pursuit but this isn't one of the reasons why they actually suck in real life.

>> No.15163688

>plasma magnet
Getting pretty sick of this shit being spammed
Don't even care if it works at this point

>> No.15163689

This is the only time flybys actually make sense to do and besides that would be just for imaging, the plasma magnet sail can be added onto any probe to accelerate its time to reach its destination (though it can't be too excessive because it needs another way to slow down and brake)

Even if plasma magnet sails don't work out the way we hope them too there's still electric sails and they have good speeds too, propellantless is king in space, constant thrust

>> No.15163691

Mars is hard.

>> No.15163692

>being spammed

and what do you call 20+ vocaroo posts, not spam?

Holy shit

>> No.15163694

Globohomo is getting pretty anxious that people are going to find a way off the prison planet.

>> No.15163698
File: 198 KB, 2048x1366, brcfpm140tn01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Virtual Aerospike
Legit or Reddit meme?

>> No.15163700

Every fucking /sfg/ conversation, some plasma autist butts in
>haha whatever it is you're talking about is fun, but you know what's REALLY cool?
>Plasma magnet

>> No.15163701


>> No.15163704
File: 548 KB, 1920x1080, VRChat_1920x1080_2022-05-13_07-20-39.459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait to use a Virtual Aerospike in Virtual Reality :)

>> No.15163707
File: 398 KB, 1080x1638, TeamEarth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you wanted to be more angry today

>> No.15163711

You're right we should keep posting vocaroos instead and not talk spaceflight, thank you thread monitor

>> No.15163712
File: 366 KB, 591x461, 02.08.27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15163719

Love the dislikes on this. Where is VASIMR today?

>> No.15163720

>tom mueller
close call, I'd stop scrolling just in case

>> No.15163723


>> No.15163724

That's not the only thing he's imagining. ;)

>> No.15163726
File: 32 KB, 622x687, crash crone anus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Tom Mueller is a homosexual fascist
Based tbphwy

>> No.15163728

>no static fire tomorrow

>> No.15163734

Okay, consider this then:
Starship lets you send a probe with a plasma magnet sail and a braking stage to achieve orbit around Eris in like 5 years. In fact the transfer period is limited only by the amount of delta V in the braking stage: since a plasma magnet sail can achieve the same maximum velocities no matter what payload it's dragging if given enough time, this means the "braking stage" could be an entire fully fueled, specially constructed low mass Starship stage containing another low mass stage inside it. Sure it may take a few months to accelerate to full speed instead of a few days, but the payoff is that instead of an hour of data from one region you get years of data globally.
Of course, none of this stops you from sending ahead a vanguard high speed flyby anyway. It's just best to follow up with a slightly less high speed orbiter in my opinion.

>> No.15163738

>Gwynne Shotwell has a twitter profile
>number of tweets: zero

>> No.15163745

Oh God, I've just realised I can record Jessie's voice

>> No.15163747

you can make her say anything you want, so long as it uses the same cadence as every spacex livestream

>> No.15163749

Just don't post it here, faggot. Stop spamming that shit.

>> No.15163753

post something


>> No.15163754
File: 26 KB, 670x491, shuttle gunner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fast flyby cheap probes followed by slower orbiters sounds good to me. but I want a moratorium on >10 year flight times, I'm sick of them

>> No.15163755

You're gonna make her say that she loves you, aren't you, anon? ;)

>> No.15163757


>> No.15163759

I'm going to bed, I will try to make something tomorrow.

>> No.15163762

Doesn’t quite nail his bizarre cadence tbqh but it’s good

>> No.15163763
File: 177 KB, 828x917, degrowthers could be here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some people these days are fascinated with the metaverse and mars

Some people are fascinated with Mars. No one is fascinated with the metaverse.

>> No.15163771

>and also for colonizing the Asteroid belt and the Jovian system from Mars/Moon
Explain your reasoning. From as far as I can be bothered to think, the much less intense propulsion requirements for getting into low Mars or low Lunar orbit from their respective surfaces would make everything from basic launch and orbital refilling to more advanced on-orbit fabrication of huge vehicles so much easier that taking the next steps outward becomes very feasible.
The asteroid belt should be trivial to explore and settle from Mars, not only because Mars is so close and has low gravity, but because Mars has two little moons to act as training grounds to learn to operate on an asteroid, plus they act as massive reserves of materials to build stuff from.
Jupiter would be a much bigger challenge but I'm not convinced that it would be outside the range of hydrolox vehicles built in Mars orbit. The trick would be to send out unmanned vehicles with the equipment to mine and refine water into hydrolox at one of Jupiter's outer irregular moons, then follow up with crew to set things up and get a propellant source operating in system. From that outer moon you'd then drop in towards Callisto and set up surface ISRU there as well. To do this you'd need a very big and comfy habitat that people could live in for years at a time.

>> No.15163772

Is Tom actually gay or hid he accidentally like the video of the dude jerking off?

>> No.15163773

I think I've actually heard that spelled out sometime, there are people that think people owe the government (and them) because it enabled them to grow up and live
and I guess that is true to some extent, but at what point are you allowed to leave? people don't have freedom and somehow forever enslaved as indentured servants to the state to create taxable income?

>> No.15163775

>constant thrust
Only in regards to distance from the sun, while at velocities that are an insignificant percentage of the solar wind speed, but sure. Basically the thrust force drops off as you approach the velocity of the solar wind, but that's still like 400 km/s so who cares

>> No.15163776

Tbh it’s not a one or the other thing. You can love the environment and love space travel at the same time. I hate modern politics

>> No.15163777

he might be bi
who cares?

>> No.15163778

now do musk :^)

>> No.15163780

There's some kind of reference to Plato's allegory of the cave that can be made here

>> No.15163781

Only if he said "no homo" before accidentally liking the video.

>> No.15163782

>or hid he accidentally like the video of the dude jerking off?

>> No.15163783

sculpture is based

>> No.15163784

The ideal art form for space. Nothing out there but roggs to be used as canvas.

>> No.15163786

>he accidentally like the video of the dude jerking off?
Never happened. You must be from the halley-comet-crashing-into-the-moon timeline. Don't ever talk about this again.

>> No.15163787

It's fake as fuck forced meme. shitty rumor trolls think will catch on outside of sfg

>> No.15163790


>> No.15163794

Sounds fair. What's really nice about the plasma magnet sail is that it makes all gravity assist trajectories for reaching the outer solar system totally redundant. The only thing we'd still need assists for is getting to Mercury, probably. Even if you only want a roughly hohmann-level transfer to Saturn or whatever you can do it by launching into a solar orbit from Earth then use your plasma magnet to crank your orbit out there, and within a week of launching you're now on your way to your destination directly.

>> No.15163798

>but at what point are you allowed to leave?
Should be "allowed" to leave in exactly the same way people are "allowed" to emigrate from their home country. If they try to stop me, I am morally obligated to start destroying expensive infrastructure.

>> No.15163799

hi, tom

>> No.15163801

I love how the process for reaching Venus or Mercury with a plasma magnet probe will be speeding to Jupiter in ~30 days and then directing it into the inner solar system, and maybe the plasma magnet can brake then if not an e-sail break can be deployed

Man its crazy, plasma magnetic sails and e-sails have the potential to change everything about how we explore - or they can both be proven to not work as predicted and change nothing, but until we actually test them beyond the magnetosphere, nobody knows for sure

Shit is so frustrating in a way

>> No.15163802

Same, I actually want humans to eventually vacate the Earth entirely. Life is too precious to fuck up with yet another cobalt mine or whatever, we should use our big brains to turn dead worlds into gardens for us to live in while we allow the biosphere on Earth to recover and keep on trucking.

>> No.15163805

>but I want a moratorium on >10 year flight times,
That should only be acceptable for probes heading out into the 500 AU SGL distance or the like yeah

>> No.15163806

Yeah hopefully someone actually does the thing at some point, and not in a shitty retard meme way like that solar sail test.

>> No.15163810
File: 32 KB, 600x450, bezos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An excellent idea, anon. Let's make it happen.

>> No.15163814

It took NASA decades to finally try out a solar sail craft and it utterly failed (NEA Scout), I wonder if it will take a similar length of time for them to just get the e-sail tech demo done (HERTS) or if after NEA Scout failure they are put off from sails entirely, I really think solar sails are a meme and e-sails/plasma magnet will render them unnecessary except for inner solar system and maybe asteroid belt missions

>> No.15163816

Someone should do the math to figure out the timeline to get a telescope to the solar gravitational lens distance if we were to use a plasma magnet sail to accelerate to top speed them switch to an electric thruster to start slowing down to hit roughly zero m/s at the right distance. It's probably a long time, fuck can we just get a fusion engine soon please?

>> No.15163820
File: 592 KB, 1x1, Electric solar wind sail applications overview 1404.5815.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only thing we'd still need assists for is getting to Mercury, probably.
Nope, electric sails dont need them (dunno abt plasma magnets)
> the E-sail could take a probe to Mercury rendezvous (high planetary orbit) in less than one year with no gravity assists

>> No.15163822


>> No.15163825

>solar gravitational lens distance if we were to use a plasma magnet sail to accelerate
That would probably involve dynamic soaring to get there in any appreciable amount of time, also can't the e-sail be used as a brake after it reaches 500AU? I can't remember if it could or not, braking is really the weakness of this tech and why for planetary exploration cheap flybys make sense first just to get all our imagining done first

>> No.15163827


>> No.15163841

Not like that, I specifically want human civilization in space to grow completely out of control of the puny earther governments and then either forcefully deport all humans from Earth or exterminate them with targeted bioweapons or hunter killer machines or insert scifi apocalypse weapon here.

>> No.15163843

This is like saying an NTP will get you to Mars in 45 days, a midwit who only has a crude understanding of the concept got carried away.

>> No.15163869

>NEA Scout
>launched on SLS
>contact never established
solar sailfags must be seething

>> No.15163878

Solar and e-sails (also failed) are uniquely cursed I swear

>> No.15163886

>potentially revolutionary tech gets launched on shakedown missions
>coincidentally fail to even attempt to function
>legacy tech jobs preserved

>> No.15163888

Or they're legitimately shit.

>> No.15163891

I mean if they never even established contact that's not really a failure of the sail

>> No.15163897

The antenna and sail implementation count too, but I honestly don't know how those two systems were integrated.

>> No.15163902

Anyway I still think a photon sail isn't as exciting or potentially useful as a plasma magnet sail, so getting one of those up and actually functioning should be someone's priority.

>> No.15163903

There is no conspiracy.

>> No.15163908
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>> No.15163914

The problem with light sails that anon handwaves is how insanely big they have to be for even small payloads.

>But look at how fast they go if you start one at Mercury.

Another handwave, it takes less delta V to get to Jupiter than Mercury.

>> No.15163921

You might have a point, but there's still something that you haven't consider.
They look cool.

>> No.15163922

You're not talking about spaceflight, you're just fantasizing. No proof that Greason's schizomagnet actually works.

>> No.15163931

Works in the lab, now it just needs to be tested in space, same with the electric sail, the fuck is your problem, this is what you bitch about, we have speculation like this all the time here

>> No.15163937

>They look cool.
Or do they?

>> No.15163940

Hey please no shitfits, if you don't like the current thread discussion either start talking about a topic you prefer or come check the thread later. If you consider something spam, just ignore it.

>> No.15163943


>> No.15163984

196hp and 57mpg

>> No.15163999

>astronauts twitter bio
>"in space now"
What a flex lmao

>> No.15164001

which astronaut, I wanna give them a follow now

>> No.15164004


great pics too

>> No.15164006
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>> No.15164007

>tfw no JAXA FD gf

>> No.15164016

They really do seem to be stretching out the scientific research thing as much as possible, huh?

>> No.15164017

what science does the ISS actually do?

>> No.15164022

Canadarm testing

>> No.15164040

Wrong. We should have been writing textbooks about human fertility in space by now. We're only now just getting into the BASICS without getting into real fertilization, embryos, and babies. It's crazy that we haven't done any substantial research on the topic.

>> No.15164047

Growing lettuce and looking at some flies, space is hard.

>> No.15164053
File: 18 KB, 522x252, Earth–Mars-Ballistic-Captur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon solar electric propulsion is already a thing.
In fact, because of starlink most orbital vessels use solar electric propulsion.

>> No.15164066

For tiny dv orbital station keeping and the satellite has a lifespan of a few years, not for sending hundreds of tonnes on a Mars orbit you dense faggot.

>> No.15164071

>hurr y u keep posting about the most promising space propulsion development since ever
>if I put schizo in front of it that invalidates it haha

Kill yourself earther.

>> No.15164075

>because of starlink most orbital vessels use solar electric propulsion
Wild how they went from operating zero satellites to the majority of craft in orbit within four years. It's going to be interesting to see how this part of history gets written about, in comparison to how anti-Musk sentiment in the media and government lead to the insane accomplishments of his companies being ignored whenever possible.

>> No.15164096

That's literally what I said, silly

>> No.15164110

Why not? For non time sensitive cargo you can do many less refueling flights.

>> No.15164128
File: 1.16 MB, 2992x1988, newly installed Destiny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there some place where I can read about experiments and research that happens on the ISS. I know there's a NASA blog that does a day-by-day rundown of what's happening, but it's not really technical. Most of the shit I do find are either blogposts with a couple words from the guy that sponsored the experiment, or dead links.

>> No.15164136

NSF L2 has thread which has daily updates of what's happening on the ISS.

>> No.15164172

>For non time sensitive cargo

You need to go back to and learn orbital mechanics 101 for fucks sake.

>> No.15164183

it would be japan studying sex in space

>> No.15164184

>nasa wants to send actual scientists to the iss
>congress hinders it

>> No.15164194
File: 661 KB, 1125x675, C5708B35-BF8C-49F4-A106-3046845467F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceXNigga is unironically my favourite space YouTuber at the moment

>> No.15164197

Don't worry, they would only be studying the effects of zero g on tranny axe wounds anyway. Nothing of use will get done while the government is in charge.

>> No.15164198

whats he up to

>> No.15164205

He’s made some in depth videos about the concrete, deluge, etc. I’m watching his older stuff and it’s insane how much shit he and his team figured out.
>Booster 4 was never going to fly, ever
>SpaceX had to rip out all of the Raptor 1 QD’s from the OLM for Raptor 2.
>This explains why SpaceX was so quick to switch to B7/S24

>> No.15164210

the program is for commercial research

>> No.15164273

pretty sure that massive methane vent during wdr was illegal

>> No.15164279

I get my ISS news from https://space ref.com

>> No.15164281

It wasn't.

>> No.15164282
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>> No.15164286

they can dump many tons of methane as per the faa.

>> No.15164287
File: 89 KB, 817x434, porco elon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15164288

wait, the horny posting potential of this is catastrophic

>> No.15164289

Eric gunnerson is in heat? o_o

>> No.15164290

Okay ESGhound
Kek remember when a lot of people took him very very seriously?

>> No.15164294

you have no idea. meltdown has barely begun

>> No.15164295

Didnt he get doxxed? we should pay him a visit. Bring your truck

>> No.15164297

So is chaining sacrifices to the ground under the rocket to prevent 600hz honks but that's not stopping them, nor should it

>> No.15164298

Not his address but yes his name and workplace are known. He doxxed himself though kek he posted it all in the FAA public comments.
It was always very obviously about protecting his stock portfolio and he did it all while working for fucking kinder morgan

>> No.15164300

>Not his address

>> No.15164303

there'a no way that's true, but on the off chance that it is, spacex is depraved and awful

>> No.15164306

name is all i need for an address

>> No.15164315

I can't tell if you're autistic or baiting but they obviously don't. That said, I would absolutely support offering human sacrifices at every test fire and launch if it demonstrated a statistically significant increase in positive results.

>> No.15164319

Plenty of pedos, narcos and other assorted garbage out there to offer up to the COPV gods.

>> No.15164322

That's how all rockets work. Scientists do not know what causes this phenonmenon.

>> No.15164330
File: 64 KB, 655x656, 1719F4BA-6ECB-4FCF-9BDB-448E4DC9465C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His name is Eric Roesch, he worked for kinder Morgan and was based in Houston Texas. That was on his LinkdIn

>> No.15164421
File: 58 KB, 1073x623, Electric solar wind sail mercury.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The paper linked was written by the guy who invented the e-sail, try reading it

>> No.15164438

don't forget all the astronomers

>> No.15164459

The thread having 404 replies in red always gets me for a second

>> No.15164463

Science has gone too far.

>> No.15164478
File: 550 KB, 800x1238, 19200522_Dearborn_Independent-Intl_Jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep thinking about staggering similarities between Henry Ford and Elon Musk

>> No.15164556

It's going to be alright. Unlike the White Man, the Jew cannot create. We are facing obstacles, but we will overcome all of them.

>> No.15164569
File: 204 KB, 680x652, manson prison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A daring synthesis

>> No.15164618
File: 1.08 MB, 915x751, 1641636695185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15164621
File: 57 KB, 839x472, 1645430441829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This image represents a non-trivial portion of the data on human reproductivity in space

>> No.15164634

They're within LEO

>> No.15164679

Still the greatest opening to any album ever made. It's so bizarre and the sudden crushing beat with an insane black man shouting his fucking lungs out.

>> No.15164734


>> No.15164739

I'm surprised by how it even manages to use proper timing and emphasis on the words

>> No.15164742

Orbital refilling is not expected to be a significant bottleneck, in fact it will be a massive enabler. A Starship-operated orbital refilling logistics system should easily outperform the gross mass-to-Mars transport capacity of even a fleet of twenty solar electric vehicles. It should also cost less per kilogram too: Starships will get reused so often and so many times that the price will be amortized across many many tons of payload, whereas a solar electric vehicle which takes five years to do a single round trip to Mars and back could be reused what, maybe six times or so before being scrapped due to age/breakdowns?

I do think that large electric vehicles have a use case in interplanetary transport, I just don't think that use case is for getting to something as close as Mars. Basically, if chemical propulsion CAN get you anywhere, it can get you there faster than electric thrust, unless you're looking at something Saturn-distanced or so. If solar electric can achieve 3x the peak coasting velocity of a chemical rocket, but takes 24 months to reach that speed, then you need your target to be far enough away for your electric vehicle to catch up to and pass the chemical competition.

>> No.15164747

Is that his actual channel name? I can't find anything when I search that

>> No.15164761

so. uhm, it's 2023 now. When is dearmoon happening?

>> No.15164773


>> No.15164776


>> No.15164782

The second, more emphatic "who the fuck are YOU?" kills me, goddamn that is funny.

>> No.15164783
File: 548 KB, 1170x1767, 1B0F674C-2570-4095-877F-F25CAB6F6AD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15164785

Is that a copy of Starliner?

>> No.15164786
File: 397 KB, 1170x1145, 0803344F-68F5-4262-A938-834617472E72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SUSIEsisters I don’t feel so good…

>> No.15164789

it’s Orel aka the ultimate vaporware spacecraft

>> No.15164794

>begins by attacking its name
>claims it won’t even fit on an Ariane 6
it’s so over bros

>> No.15164799

>The propulsive recovery system also adds so much complexity to the design and for what? Precise touchdowns on Earth? Is that really a capability that is so vitally important that the whole vehicle needs to be compromised to ensure it is included? I don’t think so.
Once again, Euros proving the only thing holding them back is themselves. No faith of the heart

>> No.15164800

rumors say there's not even a powerpoint presentation of it

>> No.15164803


>> No.15164811

The susie vehicle never made sense and I'm glad some people are noticing how dumb it is

>> No.15164812

Precise landing doesn't help the vehicle accomplish anything though, unlike a booster with precision landing for example

>> No.15164828

I agree insofar as Arianespace needs to die

>> No.15164835


>> No.15164876

this man is an english - not a Euro
(not that being a Euro is something to be proud of, but it sure as hell is better than being an a*glo)

>> No.15164891

How else are you going to land it?

>> No.15164907

>To enable this kind of recovery, the spacecraft would be required to launch with a large reserve of propellant that would not be necessary if it was being recovered with a parachute system
Who is this nigger and why should I believe him? Has he seen how slow the Starship terminal velocity is? It fires it's engine for like 10 seconds. That cannot possibly be "a large amount" of fuel.

>> No.15164914
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>> No.15164919
File: 932 KB, 1200x675, 1517951140860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parashoot midwits
the 30-year old parashooter

>> No.15164920


>> No.15164921
File: 30 KB, 316x286, 84130542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15164922

Simple: don't need to land it if you never build it.

>> No.15164923


>> No.15164927

Was hoping for sex

>> No.15164932

With these new AI tools I realize I could just generate the voice of someone I know in real life and make her say that she loves me and that she wants to spend her life with me. Probably a rabbit hole I wouldn't dare to go down... yet.

>> No.15164934

This way leads to death.

>> No.15164945

the second half goes very hard
it's almost there

>> No.15164949

all these rentseeking nigger companies are going to be fucked up the ass. a single checkpoint of an equivalent model reaching the internet ever is going to ensure they will never see a cent again.

>> No.15164952

Need a little more training on the Jesse one I think. But hearing Jesse and Zubrin say I HATE earthers brings a tear to my eye.
thanks elon

>> No.15164954

This is just Elon with a mic from ten years ago.

>> No.15164957

it's probably elon on lex friedman or something. low energy

>> No.15164966
File: 236 KB, 1536x2048, C0387D9B-53AD-4628-AAE0-FD74B0E68EEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay but SUSIE + Ariane NEXT would at least be “decent”

>> No.15164970

Yeah, most probably, I don't wanna cross that barrier, same thing with using AI image generators or chatgpt. Those two combined with this voice generator would basically make having a fictional relationship finally achievable. The only thing left are mass-produced cheap robots that look and feel like any other human, covered in those materials that hollywood uses for their human mannequins (they look preeetty real), and an AI that would mimic a person's mannerisms.

>> No.15164971

Explain in what way it would be "decent"

>> No.15164972
File: 393 KB, 1125x1018, CD8D1111-34F3-469A-BF59-3FA0E6397894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a joke but Zubrin literally had a book called “Merchants of Despair”

>> No.15164980

>Q4 2023

>> No.15164981

Better call it two weeks just to be safe

>> No.15164982

Q4 2023, be patient

>> No.15164984

>Starlink is a vessel

No, that's like calling Starship a spaceplane

>> No.15164997

If europe had a cost incentive to launch more things, and it was just Ariane doing it maybe. It will get pedaled out to a bazillion different countries. All hypothetical cost savings will be lost by the nature of it being a jobs program

>> No.15165003

At least it’s a partially reusable booster + capsule combo. Like F9 and Dragon. Better than Ariane 6

>> No.15165012

If plasma magnetic thruster is so good, how come there hasn't been any funding?

>> No.15165016

if reusable rockets were so good why weren't they implemented in earnest before SpaceX?

>> No.15165017
File: 160 KB, 1280x720, stupid jelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15165018
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, newsreader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need a newsreader one

>> No.15165035

We do, we absolutely do. God I miss him every day.

>> No.15165039

I just feel like it's incredibly overbuilt and a stupid design

>> No.15165044

Cuz the technology that enables it (REBCO superconducting tapes that can passively cool to their critical temperatures) didn't exist until recently, and the industry is slow as fuuuuck. Also the inventor guy is not so good at selling the idea to investors, he's kinda low energy about it and he doesn't do a good job of screaming in people's faces telling them "THIS TECHNOLOGY BLOWS OPEN THE ENTIRE SOLAR SYSTEM AND ALL OF THE SPACE AGENCIES ON EARTH WILL WANT TO BUY IT IMMEDIATELY".

>> No.15165046

They need like $50 million to build and launch and the tech won't be proven in Earth orbit it has to be done outside of Earth's magnetosphere so good luck getting an exclusive launch or rideshare with that in mind

NASA has no way to fund or incentivize anything like that especially as its all externally proposed and not even an internal program like HERTS (e-sail) which is also finding no luck in funding itself

>> No.15165047

Why are there no musk voice clips yet, this place is practically /elon/

>> No.15165048

Rebo superconductor poster is cringe and 16 years old

>> No.15165049

Because of the spaceplane meme, and because Shuttle poisoned the mindset towards reusability for 30 years.

>> No.15165054

Basically a hybrid of ministarship/crew dragon + falcon 9 aesthetics

Lacking imagination

>> No.15165058

>so good luck getting an exclusive launch
Just buy an Electron, it can do trajectories that leave Earth's SOI. Alternatively, buy a whole ass Falcon 9 flight, it's only $50 million.

>> No.15165059

That's because he doesn't want to come off as selling something too good to be true which a technology that can get your probe to Jupiter in 30 days obviously comes off as to the majority of people, especially as it can't be proven without being tested in space and that has to be outside of Earth's orbit, it works in the lab but the desired effect might not materialize in space.

It's a tall order

>> No.15165060

>so good luck getting an exclusive launch or rideshare with that in mind
Astroforge got a rideshare with Intuitive Mahcines
How hard is it to raise $50M? The company I work for did almost that last year (we make microsats).

>> No.15165061

Rebco, rare-earth barium copper oxide

>> No.15165065

Case in point

>> No.15165067

>it works in the lab but the desired effect might not materialize in space
I'm honestly not so sure about this. Correct me if you know better

>> No.15165068
File: 225 KB, 376x431, firefox_2023-01-17_00-07-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's only $50 million
They need $50 million just to construct the thing first

>They need $50 million just to construct the thing first

>> No.15165073
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I'm not so sure either, but it gets me really excited thinking about the possibilities if it does work, that alone is worth investing in just to ensure it does, if it doesn't then there is still the electric sail which isn't as insanely game-changing for planetary exploration as 30 days to Jupiter is but its still a 100x improvement over solar sails, but that remains to be tested in space properly too.

>> No.15165074

So raise $100m dumbass

>> No.15165075

They really should do a kickstarter or Spaced Ventures thing for their tech demonstrator mission yeah

>> No.15165076

For the curious, here's the initial design : https://youtu.be/00xyBT70sB4?t=1764

>> No.15165079

getting 50 mil investment for a company and product that has semi-clear ROI vs 50mil to burn for a science experiment is very very different

>> No.15165081

Also it's methalox which is just better

>> No.15165086

I wish I was rich

>> No.15165091

Or even just go straight to SpaceX.
It shouldn't be hard to sell Elon on testing something like this, if it works it's free delta V for sending Starships to Mars. Seriously, think about a fully fueled Starship boosting itself just high enough to get out of Earth's magnetosphere, then activating its magnet sail to fuck off towards Mars, reserving most of its propellant for braking propulsively on arrival before a typical aerocapture and landing. Even if it can only cut the travel time by half, that's still like 2 months to Mars. If you don't care about going faster though you still can use the magnet sail propulsion to cheat and drag more payload with you. I dunno, it feels kinda bonkers that NOBODY would be willing to spend the necessary money to build a test vehicle like >>15165076 and fly it.

>> No.15165101

My thoughts exactly, it has the potential to speed up everything we already send and plan to send to deep space, even current NASA probes in the making could probably jerry rig something to include it as a free delta-v generator, get to their destinations quicker, completely change the paradigm of how probes are designed, a single probe now capable of visiting every moon of a planet

It almost sounds too good to be true, and it could still be

>> No.15165102

>It shouldn't be hard to sell Elon on testing something like this

>> No.15165103

just start spamming elon with this lol

>> No.15165105

share the best plasma magnetic videos, I'll spread it around all corners of the internet.
Literally no one even knows this exists.

>> No.15165108

He's probably already semi-aware of it since Berger covered the dynamic soaring paper, which requires the plasma magnet sail to work, dynamic soaring doesn't work if the plasma magnet doesn't afterall

>> No.15165109

>It shouldn't be hard to sell Elon on testing something like this
Musk didn't get to where he is by being conned by others on fluffs.

The first step to getting anything done is to prove your worth. Your engineering worth and your work. That is to say, do you have a prototype of the product you want to polish out?

The second step is, how can you scale it fast and cheap?

And most importantly, can you work independently? Do you have a head on your shoulder or do you need to be babysat for every little thing?

>> No.15165110

I don't really think it sounds too good to be true, just clever
the sun is big, it shoots out a lot of shit, this is just taking advantage of that

>> No.15165113

The arguments against it are that it would just deflect solar wind and not form that plasma magnetic loop, at least in the comments here https://www.centauri-dreams.org/2021/11/19/wind-rider-a-high-performance-magsail/

Still lots of unknowns before it can be considered a proven effect in space, sadly

Wind Rider/JOVE is basically a science/tech demonstration to prove it works as they say it will.

>> No.15165114
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>> No.15165116

Even earlier article here https://www.centauri-dreams.org/2017/12/29/the-plasma-magnet-drive-a-simple-cheap-drive-for-the-solar-system-and-beyond/

This tech is really slept on

>> No.15165117
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>> No.15165119
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>thats not an orbit

>> No.15165120

Anyone here tried using Basilisk Astro?
Its like KSP but really really realistic.

>> No.15165121

>magsail or plasma magsail still needs constant source of power
>useless past Jupiter without RTG or some other source

>> No.15165124

Maybe we could simulate plasma magnet drive in this

>> No.15165126

Read the room, musk has fallen out of favor ever since he gave up the dream and moved on to braindead bird app

>> No.15165134

Obviously. What I mean when I say "sell Elon" is actually just convincing him that there's something there worth attempting to validate with a field test. As Elon once put it when talking about aerospikes, "Show me a rationale that makes sense and we will do it".

>> No.15165137

Deflecting the plasma would still result in a reaction force though.

>> No.15165142

Yeah, probes that go very far from the Sun still need power bro. In case you are just unaware, the plasma magnet sail gets you to top speed (between 400 and 700 kilometers per second) in a very short time, long before you've gone as far out as Jupiter.

>> No.15165144

Oops I meant that it wouldn't deflect, that the plasma loop wouldn't close and generate no thrust basically

>> No.15165146

Simulating plasma physics is almost impossible, due to how complex the self-interactions in plasma are. This is one reason why fusion systems are lagging so hard, we literally don't know how any device will perform until we are testing it in real life.

>> No.15165147

So battery power alone could work for outer planetary flybys maybe

>> No.15165148

isn't there literally one equation which describes magnetic fields?

>> No.15165150

Which one describes magnetic field interactions with the solar wind

>> No.15165151

If you can get to Pluto in 6 months with this technology, you may legit be able to get away with a fuel cell power supply, assuming you insulated it well enough to avoid freezing the fuel cell and supplied the thing with a few hundred kilos of hydrolox. It would still use solar to power the sail but as soon as it reaches top speed it can be shut off and you just coast along.

>> No.15165153

Imagine it works out as expected and suddenly 6 months to Pluto becomes a reality, fuck, that would simplify probe designs like never before

>> No.15165154

Flyby probes at least.

>> No.15165155
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There's 4, since electric and magnetic field are closely related.

>> No.15165159

oops, meant >>15165148

>> No.15165165
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>In order to run Basilisk, the following software will be necessary:
>Cmake 3.14 or higher. Make sure you can execute this program from the command line
>Python 3.7.x
>Visual Studios 15 or Greater
>Swig version 3 or 4
>(Optional) Get the GitKraken application to be able to pull and manage a copy of Basilisk

>> No.15165166

I can help you set it up, are you on linux?
You just have to copy paste the terminal commands.

>> No.15165167
File: 1.45 MB, 320x240, Zenit-2 F14 901004.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Soyuz-5 actually completed most of it's engine test campaign last year, so the only big hold up now is deciding where the dumb thing is supposed to launch from.

It's compatible with any of the old Zenit pads, but Pad 35/1 at Plesetsk got converted to launch the Angara, 45/1 at Baikonur has been derelict since the last Zenit-3M launch a decade ago, and 45/2 got sent straight to God in a ABL style launch failure back in 1990. Russia and Kazakhstan have been playing chicken over paying for the refurbishment of one or both of those, and neither looks willing to budge.

The last possibility would be launching from Sea Launch's old Ocean Odyssey platform. That reverted to full Russian ownership in 2016, but when that happened Boeing stripped it of all of its western-owned computer systems. Russia just can't buy computers these days, so it's hard to say if fixing it would be any cheaper than refurbishing one of the Baikonur pads.

I'd still like to see the Soyuz-5 launch the Orel from latitude zero somewhere. It'd be the most inspiring thing the Russia space program has managed since the Buran test flight.

>> No.15165168
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>Shot on Panatomic-X, the same B&W film used on the Apollo missions. My supply expired in 1978. I am impressed with the results of shooting on a film of this vintage.

>> No.15165170

Chaos theory bro, classical gravitational interactions are also very simple yet the N body problem is still a thing. Plasmas are a self interacting N body system following more complex laws than gravity, and instabilities take far less time to ruin your plasma structures if they pop up.

>> No.15165174

Just looks like digital with a B&W filter

>> No.15165179

If you combine a cubesat with electric solid propellant and a plasma magnet drive you basically can visit wherever the fuck you want in the solar system

>> No.15165181

For flybys yes, and it would benefit orbiters too, but you definitely can't get to Pluto in 6 months AND brake into orbit, because you'd be arriving with like 400,000 meters per second relative velocity.

>> No.15165183

It probably is because the shadows are very well lit and film is notoriously bad with them

>> No.15165184

How do you decelerate though?
Lets say I want to go to Mimas within an year. How would I do it with plasma-mag? Not just flyby. I want to orbit.

>> No.15165185

>electric solid propellant
what's your delta V per second, if it takes a year to use your propellant it's too slow to let you brake into orbit

>> No.15165187

I would laugh my ass off if they went through all this trouble only for their new rocket to only have launch capability out of kazakhstan

>> No.15165190

Yep, so for very fast flybys for imagining its perfect basically but harder to do much else without combining propulsion methods

Even still that fact alone means you can image Pluto, Eris, Sedna, Triton like never before, and then decide where to send more dedicated probes that may make use of the plasma magnet for some slight initial dV gains but shut it off quickly before reaching anything that they can't brake using the propellant onboard, they make for the ultimate scouts

There's also the possibility of combining aerocapture with this drive
>Aerocapture probe into Neptune's atmosphere to bleed off plasma magnet speed and settle into orbit

I just love imagining all the new mission designs this would enable

>> No.15165193

You have two options. Pick a destination with a magnetosphere with plasma currents that let you drag yourself to a slower relative velocity, OR, drag a very large kick stage (or kick stack) with you from Earth, and use chemical propulsion to decelerate (warning, you can't go faster than what your braking stage(s) can remove later).

>> No.15165195

>Aerocapture probe into Neptune's atmosphere to bleed off plasma magnet speed
>aerocapture to bleed off plasma magnet speed
>greater than 400 kilometer per second aerocapture
anon, I . . .

>> No.15165196

use the mag sail for free dV and then just decelerate using normal methods

>> No.15165199

Jump off when you get there, tuck 'n roll

>> No.15165200

>you may legit be able to get away with a fuel cell power supply
>No more Pu-238 bottleneck

>> No.15165205

Yeah I'm aware of that, I should have clarified it would be a probe that would use the plasma magnet attached to a tether to accelerate partially to a speed capable of being slowed by aerocapture, this still reduces transit speed to Neptune by several years

Aerocapture technique can be tested before that with faster probes meant to just refine the method and not reach orbit or anything like that, damn I just love the idea of having this kind of speed available in space, when no planet is further out than 1 year away it enable so much more to be tested and tried out

>> No.15165209

>No more Pu-238 bottleneck
The fucking dream

>> No.15165211

I want to believe in the plasma magnet sail, but I want to actually see it tested IRL even more

>> No.15165214

Same, the fact that the test involves a 30 day flyby to Jupiter is just insanely based

>> No.15165215

Ah I see, so you're really not getting there much faster than a chemical rocket, you're just doing it with a way lower departure mass. I can respect that. Aerocapture at Neptune even from a hohmann transfer is going to be very hot regardless, though.

>> No.15165222

Maybe the magnetosphere braking at Jupiter technique can be used to shave off 2 years travel or the like too, with a JGA towards Neptune... lots of possibilities enabled by this technology

>> No.15165223

400 km/s plasma magnet sail propelled seismic impactor for studying Europa

>> No.15165226

RIP :(

>> No.15165228
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What the maximum speed for aerobraking if you have a dummy thicc ablator?

>> No.15165229

I recall that in an older talk about this technology he mentions that Neptune is one of the only places where you can definitely use the plasma magnet sail to brake into orbit from a full speed arrival, I think he didn't mention it in the more recent video because the Neptune brake requires a spacecraft with a nuclear reactor versus a small solar powered demo probe.

>> No.15165232

Could you use the magsail to accelerate and then do a grav sling to get back?
400 km/s impactor to get rid of earthers

>> No.15165234

I'm not spending up to several hours just installing software before I can even attempt at installing the game itself.
I know these games, it will take a week of learning before I can even get to orbit.
Sorry dude, I have a real job, other autistic hobbies and something resembling social life to a certain degree, my free time is limited.
I'm sure it's a good simulator.

>> No.15165236

/r/ elon doing the sls is real pasta pls

>> No.15165237


>> No.15165240
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This little dude entered Jupiter's atmosphere at over 48,000 m/s without getting vaporized

>> No.15165241

Pretty sure it was Jupiter, due to its outsized magnetosphere, really nice of Jupiter to evolve from being the gravity assist King to the Magnetosphere braking king

>> No.15165242

why? lol

>> No.15165245

Nope, even passing by Jupiter while almost skimming the atmosphere is hardly going to bend your trajectory, you'd just be moving that fast.

>> No.15165246

400km/s DART II

>> No.15165249

Hah I was half joking when I said it's like KSP.
It's used for real missions.

>> No.15165250

>up to 480km/s back towards the Sun

>> No.15165252

That's probably what's going to end up happening. A Sea Launch revival is too interesting for this world and refurbishing Baikonur would be cheaper than building another whole new pad as Vostochny. The amount of corruption in Russian infrastructure projects is absurd.

>> No.15165253
File: 98 KB, 498x1142, mag sail dynamic soaring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>400 km/s
>grav sling
just dynamic soar around the heliopause to build speed and wait till your vector points at the inner system then turn your sail off until you need to course correct - you hit Earth at 0.05 c

>> No.15165254

Hear me out: Plasma magnet sail RKV to Mars. You know, just to soften it up first. Just in case.

>> No.15165255

Nah he very specifically was talking about Neptune, he had a picture of Neptune up and he was talking about a 6 month transfer time at top speed (again, points to Neptune/Pluto).
It's likely that he didn't even know of the Jupiter magnetosphere eddy current at the time of course, this was years ago and there was no talk of a demo probe or anything yet.

>> No.15165258

>The amount of corruption in Russian infrastructure projects is absurd
>Spends $50B on the SLS

>> No.15165260

Oh that would be great, that means Neptune and Jupiter are both helpful for braking
>years ago


>> No.15165262

How the fuck does this work?

>> No.15165268

Hey hopefully it works, lets focus on harassing people to build a working prototype before we start planning interstellar missions though ok

>> No.15165270

If plasma magnet drive works it deflects solar wind generating thrust, if that works it uses dynamic soaring to generate more thrust than the solar wind can provide + repeat as necessary

>> No.15165271

>1.6% speed of light impactor

>> No.15165272

If you think SLS is bad, Angara has been in development since the 90s and is STILL in the testing phase. Vostochny is absurdly over time and over budget, it makes the SLS program look like a well oiled machine. And this is only the tip of the iceberg. Corruption is part of what crashed Proton and almost killed Nauka

>> No.15165274

>that time anon 230 years in the past casually mentioned the future Earther weapon that causes the Mars Independence war to escalate from interplanetary vehicle sabotage and cyber attacks to full blown asteroid redirect kinetic strikes

>> No.15165279

Dynamic soaring? You bounce between two different media and use the relative velocity changes between yourself and that media to achieve higher velocities. Sounds weird but it's real, albatross fly for tens of thousands of kilometers straight by dynamic soaring

>> No.15165282

Anon that's 0.16%, not 1.6%. Still goes hard as fuck, mind you.

>> No.15165290

They must have real faith it will work and the principles behind it are sound if they are already planning advanced techniques and interstellar missions with it, these are the same people who propose the Wind Rider/JOVE tech demo

>> No.15165295

I don't know how many Rubles they've poured into the project, but they've been working on an Angara pad at Vostochny since 2013. A few managers involved in building the Soyuz complex there were actually arrested for being too corrupt even for Russian standards.

>> No.15165296

That's what I mean, I'm saying I hope plasma magnet sail propulsion is actually real.

>> No.15165298
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>> No.15165300

In Russia there's no such thing as too corrupt, there's only being the right kind of corrupt versus the wrong kind of corrupt.

>> No.15165302

>it makes the SLS program look like a well oiled machine

Holy shit lmao

>> No.15165305

So what's the deal with this then, is it going to static fire or nah?

>> No.15165307

Me too, and if not then at least electric sail

>> No.15165309

They're stacking the rest of it first

>> No.15165310

Two (2) weeks.

>> No.15165312

is this just a fit test

>> No.15165315

Seeing Zenit have a record of exploding early into flight makes we wonder if Energia reaaalllly was actually safer than the shuttle. Being able to shut down your engines on ascent means jack shit if they shut down on their own a second after lifting off the pad

>> No.15165318
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>> No.15165319

U boys excited for sn25 testing this week??

>> No.15165320

Yeah. S25 and B9 apparently have a bunch of upgrades that make them safer.

>> No.15165323
File: 198 KB, 1170x708, 1F9F58FC-21DC-4246-9975-A7DCA6299720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget this banger of a launch attempt

>> No.15165326

why doesnt nsf post cool archival stuff anymore?

>> No.15165328

They upgraded it to SN33. I think it’s the D variant now

>> No.15165339


>> No.15165341

the wat

>> No.15165390

why the country is a shithole

>> No.15165414

Russia is the only country in Europe where there was never any check on the power of the king. In England, it was parliament, in France it was the estates-general, in Germany it was a bunch of petty nobles and kingdoms. In Russia, the tsar could just kill anyone at any time.

The end result of centralized, absolute monarchy with absolutely no checks on the power of the government is corruption. Communism put the nail in the coffin.