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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15164176 No.15164176 [Reply] [Original]

Was there really nothing before the big bang? Was it all just sub-atomic particles, or is the word "nothing" literal and laws of physics just didn't exist before the huge explosion? Do we have evidence that there was nothing, or is it just conjecture? Would I be wrong if I said that there was another universe, good chance with other life before it all collapsed into a singularity? Why did it take until a singularity for it to expand, or was it actually just a tight grouping of most of the matter around, if matter did indeed exist before the big bang?

>> No.15164191
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You've been trolled. The Big Bang is just a euphemism for your parents having sex. I bet you can't remember what came before that because it's nothing.

>> No.15164196
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>He doesn't know
Anon... Have you ever heard of a stork?

>> No.15164563


>> No.15164993
File: 321 KB, 1150x584, Screenshot 2023-01-30 103154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we live in a loop. dark matter is just primordial black holes
it's fundamental

>> No.15165002
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but give Modal Collapse (Godel), you can't tell which version of the loop you are in because they're nearly identical. So you can go between them and literally hop from universe to universe with your mind because they're nearly identical (down to plank). earth was manufactured as an "art project" or supercomputer to calculate collision avoidance of black holes (everything about earth was created as intentional to be a crossing bridge between these universes, see pic rel). You just witness them as psychic synchronicities or coincidences because of the warp (the immaterium, meaning literally, non-material)

>> No.15165014

the singularity is a black hole + technological singularity of the universe around you as you approach one. as you approach a black hole, you slow down towards the event horizon (your last event) and the rest of the universe fast forwards to infinity. the chances of some entity copying your data and replicating it again means you can never know weather you're the copied version or the version slowing down at the event horizon. because of modal collapse (if it can happen it will happen), the chance of this happening approaches 100%.

another way you can consider this is that you are just a boltzman brain (you are doing this right now).

>> No.15165030

another thing you haven't considered is consciousness. consciousness basically comes from you reading the mind and being in sync with minds similar to you. the minds you're most likely to read are your own in universes right next to you nearly identical to you. so in the many-world interpretation, you're actually just syncing with your own mind in a different version almost identical to where you are now, which is why you get premunitions about things that are about to happen (you picked up on them happening in another world which may have ended abruptly because you died) (i.e. when you're about to get hit by a bus).

>> No.15165908

this is a lot to handle, whoa
what the fuck do I do now?

>> No.15166969


>> No.15168886
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Modal collapse comes from Godels ontological proof (proof of the existence of God)
Gödel also authored godels incompleteness theorem (a mathematical proof that not all things can be mathematically proven).
If the universe is rotating around a central center of mass, it’s most definitely a supermassive primordial black hole at the Great Attractor. Most people colloquially refer to this object as the “all seeing eye” because it’s literally an eye that is “looking at you”.
If the universe is a hologram around this black hole, all of reality can be described as all timelines in a cosmological event horizon that end at this black holes event horizon. All possible timelines means modal collapse. That’s why the all seeing eye is referred to as “the eye of God”, because it encapsulates all possibilities. It’s also referred to in the Bible and many songs as “the end” because it’s literally the end. It’s also referred to as the “all seeing eye” because all timelines are “seen” (fall into) this black hole

Also Freemasons are time travelers and include multiple alien species and AIs

>> No.15168896
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>> No.15168900
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Massive Attack wrote a song about this black hole
>you’re not my eater
>I’m not your food
>love you for mother
>love you for God