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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15162903 No.15162903 [Reply] [Original]

'Alarming Number of Vaccinated Are Developing AIDS’
>The German government has admitted that an ‘alarming number’ of vaccinated people are developing AIDS.
>According to new data released by German authorities, Germany has experienced over 102k excess deaths in 2022, a 276% increase on excess deaths recorded in the year 2020.
>Vaccine effectiveness isn’t really a measure of a vaccine, it is a measure of a vaccine recipient’s immune system performance compared to the immune system performance of an unvaccinated person.
>Vaccines allegedly help develop immunity by imitating an infection. Once the imitation infection induced by the vaccine goes away, the body is left with a supply of “memory” t-cells and antibodies that will remember how to fight that disease in the future.
>So, when the authorities state that the effectiveness of the vaccines weakens over time, what they really mean is that the performance of your immune system weakens over time.
>Thankfully, we were able to help the Germans out with the information The Koch Institut failed to produce by simply doing the calculation for them using Pfizer’s vaccine effectiveness formula.

>> No.15162931

>fact checked
lel and kek

>> No.15162938

Lol, your the only people who care about covid anymore.

>> No.15162949

new opposing strategy

>> No.15162955

Sadly we've known this for a long time.

>> No.15162982

why do these /pol/ spam images always give an archive link even though the article is still live
I don't get it

>> No.15162984

Articles are often deleted or edited for being inconvenient to the status quo.

>> No.15162991

Because it masks the URL (this time it's some dime a dozen scam news site) and "mystifies" it. Nothing hits the psyche better than URL THE ELITES DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT with truths from some faggot under the alias of "Sean Adl-Tabatabai".

>> No.15163040
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>> No.15163047

This is 70% of the answer. The other 30% is that many sites are paywalled and almost all of them run ads. Archive links bypass the paywall and deny the site ad revenue.
This is the cope answer made by someone projecting.

>> No.15163083

It can also help prevent a site from going down if it isn't served through a CDN (content distribution network), but that's more of a case for smaller websites rather than something that'd be covered in ads.

>> No.15163307

>why do they post links that will always work instead of links that will stop working in the future

>> No.15163308

it was worse without the vaccine

>> No.15163339
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>reeeee muh /pol/!!!
how many boosters?
the only people who chimp out at news about vaxxxies having AIDS are vaxxxies

>> No.15163349

VAIDS was worse without the vaccine?

>> No.15163358
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It's funny that schizo conservatives make this faggot millions.

>> No.15163384
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>The German government has admitted that an ‘alarming number’ of vaccinated people are developing AIDS.
They did not. The writer did napkin math and claimed german claimed covid vaccine gave you aids because of their napkin math.

>Vaccines allegedly help develop immunity by imitating an infection. Once the imitation infection induced by the vaccine goes away, the body is left with a supply of “memory” t-cells and antibodies that will remember how to fight that disease in the future.
Doesnt mean this
>So, when the authorities state that the effectiveness of the vaccines weakens over time, what they really mean is that the performance of your immune system weakens over time.
Its not the overall performance of your immune system its how you deal with covid specifically. Whoever wrote this is probanly 80iq or below. Its impressive they can even type.

Also they left a spelling mistake.

>> No.15163439

>Its not the overall performance of your immune system
Actually studies have proved empirically that this is what it is. Your immune response is permanently weakened by a shift away from IgG3 to IgG4 production.

>> No.15163445

>Vaxtards on full damage control
>Shut it down
>The goyim know

>> No.15163559
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>>So, when the authorities state that the effectiveness of the vaccines weakens over time, what they really mean is that the performance of your immune system weakens over time.

Remember in 2021 in Australia when tens of thousands of people started testing positive for HIV after getting the "vaccine", then the government "stopped giving that particular vaccine", and said they were just "false positives".

>> No.15163735
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Buckle up.

It's going to be a fucking wild ride.

>> No.15163737

Wow, older people are doing much better than those under 50.

"But it's obviously not the vax!" says the fake news left-wing media. kek!

>> No.15163742

when the initial pfizer study came out it only demonstrated that the vaccine reduced symptoms
there were two possible explanations:
>vaccine was effective
>immune system was being destroyed

for some reason 99% of scientists are midwits and a bunch of low IQ schizos were the only ones to see what was going on

>> No.15163746
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It's because the mass of normies are only capable of following manufactured consensus. They do not base their beliefs on principles, science, or data. They just follow the herd, like the cattle they are.

>> No.15163750

>for some reason 99% of scientists are midwits

In 1984 it is said that 'science' is merely following a cookbook, and that real science is effectively outlawed.

Most scientists are simply the teachers' pet types. They excel at parroting 'correct opinions' but fail at critical thinking.

>> No.15163766

must be a pretty shit feeling waking up everyday then realising what you injected into yourself

>> No.15163785

most /sci/ posters have always been AIDS they dont care, it is like a warm comfy blanket to them

>> No.15163800

The cookbook-chef analogy is a good one. Most doctors really are nothing but pharma pimps now.

>> No.15163803

This is why hospitals want to replace them with statistical regurgitators. Because the modern GP and even the modern specialist is usually no better than googling symptoms.

>> No.15163815

Would certainly make sense for hospitals to get rid of most doctors, as an PA or even RN or similar lower paying med fag could do much of what most doctors do.
Surgeons are about the only real doctors still.

>> No.15163824

In the future they'll try to replace 60-90% of GPs with an "AI" (computer statistical regurgitator) that only produces government-approved prescriptions to treat symptoms and that's it, with a small staff of surgeons and RNs/nurse PhDs to sign off on the scripts and pretend to deal with people who know they need help.

Though I bet the number of people going to private clinics will explode, unless the government makes it harder to get insurance that will allow that.

>> No.15163826

>unless the government makes it harder to get insurance
haven't they already been doing that? Haven't been able to afford insurance for about 17 years now.

>> No.15163829 [DELETED] 

There was a third explanation:
>the vaccine provided immunity so they never got infected to begin with

>> No.15163831

It has though most workplaces still pay into group policies. Obamacare destroyed private insurance for normal people, probably as a prelude to that.

>> No.15163835

Well that unfounded guess can be thrown out immediately because they did get infected and the death rates in both cohorts of the study were identical. The vaxed group just had suppressed symptoms.

>> No.15163839
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>>the vaccine provided immunity so they never got infected to begin with
That was the BIG LIE they pushed to get the idiots to take it.
Turned out to be a joke on the vaxxies.

>> No.15163852

The vaxie was so ashamed he deleted his post almost immediately. They know how little people care about their flailing anymore.

>> No.15163855

I must correct myself. I confused '1984' with 'Brave New World'.

>> No.15163857

I seriously cannot stand how dishonest all these media muppets/media-programmed NPCs are. How do they live with themselves?

>> No.15163861

>Surgeons are about the only real doctors still.

Chiropractors, acupuncturists, even reiki practitioners.

I've been helped by these more than any western medic. These are disciplines that require skill and understanding, finesse and grace.

>> No.15163864

>cannot stand how dishonest all these media muppets/media-programmed NPCs are. How do they live with themselves?
They get paid large sums of money.
They live in gated areas and feel apart from the common people.
They are a gang that protects each other and covers up their illegal acts.
They tell themselves they are the saviours and good guys, and not the bad guys. Messiah Complex.

>> No.15163875

Not just them, but the people who go along with all the obviously false media/government narratives, even when it conflicts with what they were going along with just a few days ago.

Do they just immediately forget once the narrative changes and just accept everything they believed and were told and were promoting was a lie, and just forget it all? I just don't get how they can do it.

>> No.15163880

They don't care if it's a lie as long as they get to feel superior.

>> No.15163884

>Do they just immediately forget once the narrative changes and just accept everything they believed and were told and were promoting was a lie, and just forget it all?
Leftwing socialist slogans such as
"The science has changed."
"New studies conclude."

Similar to dissociation in psychology. People who are susceptible to being "programmed" make good Party Members, and sheep.

>> No.15163961

>Do they just immediately forget once the narrative changes and just accept everything they believed and were told and were promoting was a lie, and just forget it all?

Doublethink anon, doublethink. This is nothing new.

>> No.15164363

yeah i was just saying, that's was the assumption most people were running on for some reason.

>> No.15164397

Because then you aren't giving the media your clicks. Everyone who replied something different is a moron or a newfag.

>> No.15164400

I was hoping to be dead already so yes.

>> No.15164432

So what? This is obviously expected, they would've developed AIDS with the next flu or covid wave anyway.

Shouldn't have lived in sin.

>> No.15164437

Of course a vaccine can give you AIDS, you're retarded think otherwise and probably don't know the difference between HIV and AIDS.

>> No.15164523
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Was an entirely different case. These "lab rats" did test positive for antibodies against HIV ... as that particular "vaccine" was some kind of fusion protein between the viral spike and some other protein derived from the HI virus. It was actually terminally retarded if anyone did assume that this would NOT cause antibodies against HIV protein to be produced ... oh what a surprise!! Fucking braindead morons.

>> No.15164529


The correct term here would btw be "immunosuppression". Or VAIDS, could live with that too. Question being what the mechanism for this is ... could be either caused by immunomodulation from the "adjuvant" (so the combination of LNPs and mRNA, all signals which can trigger specific immunological signaling cascades) or from the "original" spike (remember, all the new strains did heavily mutate at the sites of alleged gain-of-function in a nice display of parallel evolution ... the currently circulating strains have little to do with the original one anymore). Likely a combination of both, triggering a nasty combination of faulty activation of the adaptive immune response together with T-cell depletion (latter being the question if this is a direct effect or just a consequence of the faulty adaptive response).

>> No.15164551

>fact checked