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15162347 No.15162347 [Reply] [Original]

I avoided vaccines but I might have to get a test so I can go to Japan. Do tests do any sneaky stuff like the vaccines do?

>> No.15163662

Yes. There is bad shit on those "swabs" that you jam in your nose.

Spit on it and do the test that way, instead of putting it in your body.

>> No.15163666

Every notice that they never unwrap the test swab in front of you. It comes in an individual sterilized container but you never get to see them open it.

>> No.15163672

no jesus christ relax

>> No.15163678

Yes, it's just another toxic shit that's not supposed to go into your body.
It is only natural if one develops flu-like symptoms after being tested.
What a "coincidence".

>> No.15163850

it contains a microchip that sends your data to levi jeans to sell you cargo pants

>> No.15163876
File: 75 KB, 960x918, Microchips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you laugh

>> No.15163893

i couldnt care less what happens to a moetranny weeb like you

>> No.15163924

Nobody is gonna tell him that in Japan they vax you on arrival if you don't have proof of vax clearance?

>> No.15163939

Fo real? OP better put on the ninja suit and jump from the plane with some cool somersaults while it is landing.

>> No.15163949

Would rather take SugoiVaxx.

>> No.15163951

they make the swabs out of some suspicious materials almost like they're designed to break off in your skin

>> No.15163953

Su = The
Goi = Goy
Vaxx = duh vaxx

>> No.15163955

kek do people actually believe this shit. lol.

>> No.15163956

aye and they'd have had plenty of chances for that with all the cloud spraying they've been doing

>> No.15163960

Bill gates literally has a patent about using quantum dots and smart dust to mine crypto off of peoples' brains...

>> No.15163967
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>do people actually believe this shit
Are you asking if people actually believe reality? Not hard to look up new technology, even if you are a backward sperg like you seem to be.
Do you think televisions, phones, satellites, radio waves and other tech things are hoaxes also? KEK!

>> No.15163976
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Damnit. What's fucked is that make it an express point on their Ministry of Health page that it's very much a choice. The country with a massive boner for bureaucracy and red tape gives its people choice.

>> No.15163980

They also strongly remind people not to force anyone to be vaccinated. Can you imagine if the West treated its citizens like citizens instead of cattle to be culled?

>> No.15163981

That is not "GPS" capable chip lol. It uses ultrasound. Completely two different things. Not sure if you are trolling or sub 60iq "one chip made small chip so they can make small chip that tracks you"

>> No.15163987

graphene particles are nano-sized, making that tiny chip huge by comparison, and they can be detected with wireless signals now, and even manipulated with them. Certainly tracked.

>> No.15163988

People are probably a lot more willing to do things when they're at minimum given an option to refuse. It's disconcerting when you're being forced by some shitty organization that pays crap, your educational facility, or your own government to take wholly experimental injections without specific long-term data.

>> No.15163991

What the fuck are you talking about anon.

>> No.15163993

>What the fuck are you talking about anon.
kek! You are so behind the times and technology you don't even know what anon's are talking about.

>> No.15164267

just look up charles lieber's patents, it's all easily accessible information

>> No.15164343

Fuck off you piece of shit, morons like you deserve a bullet in the head.

>> No.15164346
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Idiots like you only understand when you get your skull split in half.

>> No.15164726

If that's true he probably has that to prevent anyone from actually making use of such technology.

>> No.15164837 [DELETED] 
File: 347 KB, 428x487, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so............. is it bad if I take the test???

Worst case I can just blow my nose really hard and get the chips or whatever out of my nose after they put it in right?????

It's not like the thing is a nano-sized spider that can walk with robolegs up to my brain or something right??? haha...

>> No.15164863

Vaccines don't do any sneaky stuff, neither do those tests. If you really think they put something harmful on the swabs, you should ask for some antipsychotics like two weeks before going to japan, you'll have a better time instead of being afraid of irrational things.

Go back to /pol/ we don't need more schizos retards like you on /sci/

>> No.15164879

if this was true theres no way you are avoiding them lol, youd need to go live in the desert somewhere and even then im sure some would find their way into your blood eventually

>> No.15164882

niggas be way too worried about whats directly injected into them but unless you entirely grow your own food and drink from a personal water supply "they" whoever they are could put shit in your blood whenever they liked, hell the air itself could possibly be infected too so you better go live in a sealed bubble in a cave somwhere

>> No.15164895

what is OP going t do when he gets to japan and everyone is wearing a mask
have fun with your schizo episode lmao

>> No.15164979

I wear a mask daily tho??? Nothing wrong with masks

>> No.15165010

>It spreads through saliva, allegedly
>But we can't test a saliva sample, we have to stick this big swab into your brain.


>> No.15165015

how deep do they really stick it up your nose? i've never had the test done before

why can't i just do a spit test

>> No.15165052


>how deep do they really stick it up your nose?
I've had friends/family say it's really deep, but never had it done my self.

>why can't i just do a spit test

>> No.15165189

There's a mucosal cavity that lies right behind your nose and leads down into your pharynx. That cavity tends to hold a lot of microorganisms that aren't necessarily prone to making a problem unless they make it down into the lungs, and the ciliary elevator does its best to move those guys back to be coughed up or swallowed. They swab so far back in there to access the top of that cavity where the nose connects and gather some of the dead epithelial tissue and mucus to see if there's enough of that microorganism to show positive for a test. Spit doesn't really cut it because there's not usually going to be enough there to show that you're positive.

>> No.15165201

>it goes against my laymans understanding so it must be a malicious conspiracy!

>> No.15165208

The vaccines are fine. The tests are even more inert.

>> No.15165231

It's not a comfortable experience and most people associate discomfort with something bad happening. The information on why something is done (and this goes for most things) is readily available if you understand what to look for, but many people don't have a strong understanding of anatomy or medical procedures.

>> No.15165235

did you know the nose is the only place in your body where the nerveous system is directly exposed to the outside? thats a little unnerving to me ;)

>> No.15165239

i wish most "skeptics" would actually bother to look up what the fuck they are actually being skeptical about before jumping to conclusions but i guess thats human nature for you

>> No.15165251
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>> No.15165265

It goes both ways. People tend to dismiss things that slightly deviate from the norm if it's not usually significant too.

>> No.15165303

yeah thats fair

>> No.15165322

Moral of the story is that we can't be smug. We're not omniscient creatures, and denial on the basis of not fully understanding something is common. It's why we get so many missed medical diagnoses on people that don't meet the generally observed criteria to make a diagnosis.

>> No.15165487

i see what u did there ;)

>> No.15166016

I've had to take a few PCRs, the first time the swab was opened in front of me, the second I was handed the swab to open and self-test.

>> No.15166034
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if they erase your immune system, you become a fully dependent customer for life


>> No.15166036

the so called GPS smart microchips are NOT full GPS, do NOT have actual networking capabilities and require you to be standing inside of some VERY EASY TO SEE POWER UNITS, most tracking of people at borders is done via cellphone aka personal identification to society

also the tests themselves SHOULDN'T be a problem, but just to make sure that they AREN'T TRYING TO SPREAD AND INCREASE NUMBERS/POSITIVE RESULTS

have them do a test with a brand new, unopened one with a sterile saline solution
-if THAT shows a positive for COVID

--they have a COVID INFECTED PERSON actively giving tests to people, infecting them, generally NOT BY COUGHING on them, but by perspiring on, breathing outside and around their masks constantly before pulling up/down their masks, cross-contaminating their gloves/workstations, and failing to clean/dispose of EVERYTHING that infected travelers touch(if someone has a airborne virus on a plane, unless every single vent and intake vent inside said plane has regularly changed and cleaned HEPA-filters, that whole plane and its crew are infected

most common masks work because they are for limited time usage, human breath is generally higher in moisture than the surrounding air, causing all pathogens and virus' to stick to the outside of the mask AND keep your own unique boutique' of viral and bacterial fungi attached to the inside of your mask and away from others, if worn correctly AND removed with gloves or a VERY THOROUGH HAND WASHING(no cuts/sores on hands REQUIRED)

>> No.15166039

>most common masks work because they are for limited time usage, human breath is generally higher in moisture than the surrounding air, causing all pathogens and virus' to stick to the outside of the mask AND keep your own unique boutique' of viral and bacterial fungi attached to the inside of your mask and away from others, if worn correctly AND removed with gloves or a VERY THOROUGH HAND WASHING(no cuts/sores on hands REQUIRED)
And only if replaced every 20 minutes. You forgot that part.

>> No.15166040

OP here so am I actually fucked 100% if I get the test? I have to book one within a week or so basically

>> No.15166041

that airplane thing will be a very LOW viral oubtreak

like a single drop of infected saliva in a swimming pool at a underfunded outdoor park, which compensates with a shit-ton of bleach and chemicals, and the mandator firing of anyone dumping liquid ph testing fluid in the pool(everyone pee's, even a tiny drop, in pools, you think holding it in prevents piss to water contact?)

>> No.15166048

>Do tests do any sneaky

Is acute sinus damage "sneaky"?

>> No.15166052

No, you don't have to go to Japan, stop being retarded.

>> No.15166053
File: 119 KB, 1000x1000, 037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I don't have to go but I want to

>> No.15166060

Go back to preddit we don't need more child fuckers like you on /sci/

>> No.15166065

just call ahead to check if they are busy, if they are NOT BUSY, and you don't advertise that you are going to get tested, the place should be plenty sterilized and clean(if you are stuck on covid testing, and its been HOURS/DAYS since the last test, idle hands will use all the sanitizers and cleaners to keep you busy when Cellphone coverage gets axed/monitored
-if you are getting tested at the border, you are almost guaranteed to get infected when that one coughing up a lung and blood idiot gets up there and smears everything in view and several stair rails, walls, and other places not in surveillance to spread the misery
Hospitals/Clinics, it depends if they are the crazy/psycho treating dumping grounds(easy to check unless the hospital has taken all google results for mass shootings, needle stabbing, throwing shit at people hospitals/clinics/wards)

-check the places you can get tested names
-google for crazy shit recently/in the not too distant past patient/psycho relatives/relations/political/religious terrorism incidences
-choose the less news worthy ones
-call to ask if they've been busy, running low on supplies, etc and gauge which ones seem BORED as shit(not to the level of regularly shitting in the chili in the cafeteria bored levels depravity of course)
-get sterile masks(2), wear gloves if the doors don't auto-open, and purell the shit out of your hands skin, and wash your face/hands/shoes afterwards

you WILL be probable fucked if you take a test at the borders for COVID situation though, just because they spend more on theater of war of terror/bugging peoples phones than disease control(minus the newspeople(old school papers and legal teams, not cellphone retards with following because of ass/tit/look at me too shit) watched locations)

>> No.15166068

Thanks anon will take your advice. I'm assuming you don't believe in the whole nanochip in COVID test thing tho??

>> No.15166074

>-get sterile masks(2), wear gloves if the doors don't auto-open, and purell the shit out of your hands skin, and wash your face/hands/shoes afterwards
For what possible purpose would someone do this?

>> No.15166079

Miraculously these integrated circuits are powered by bullshit or magic I presume

>> No.15166090

nah, thats shit, and anything they'd ADD to track U instead of everyone else would leave your body within 48 hrs, radioactive isotopes and shit gets everyone elses governments invovled, aka medical dyes for quality of vaccine testing

those APPS though, never updated, easily hacked and backdoored shit houses the whole lot of them(except Israel's, they actually have something to lose if they get track via their apps)

nah, for tracking vaccine users, all they have to do is monitor your tiktok google, facebook, etc usage, and that spastic college druggy they pay to monitor people for them til they rinse/repeat with the next underpaid hobby "SPY/JAMESBOND/WHATEVER SHIT SHOW IS CURRENTLY POPULAR" crap

remember, a drone can fly for a good day on its fuel and stay in the air watching your heat/cellphone sources and switch shifts without human intervention, all outside of human hearing and sight

a expensive, chip inserted into the skin would be easy for most to detect, even if it takes days/weeks to activate and only in certain power fields (radio, ultrasonic, x-ray bursts, etc) also would take MASSIVELY NASTY NEEDLES, instead of the ridiculously tiny ass muscle borers they use(had fun with the party in power denying/unpatriotic shit talking asshole that was following me around, constantly talking about being infected with hospitalization invovled, and trying to shake my hand to infect me crazy talk

you generally wash your hands and body with steaming hot soap and water, followed by pyrell after such either true crazy or faked for clout shit-shows

>> No.15166117

2 masks, outer one will get most of the covid virus on it, easier to remove and prevent transfer to your own sinus'(remember the moisture barrier effect outside of the masks own filtering abilities?) face mask your crap, second mask THEIR CRAP, leave place, remove gloves along with outer mask, get to vehicle and remove other mask and throw in nearest trash can

clean hands(because you touch pens/tables/tablets others touch in hospital settings)also touch and throw that dirty mask afterwards(these tests are keyed to specific proteins)

clean shoes(because people deficate on those floors, spill blood, cough and leave shit there and moping can only be done so often)(would suck to "get covid" while on vacation and not being able to enjoy yourself/LEAVE THAT COUNTRY)

doing that shit should remove all reasonable chances of getting covid from a medical facility receiving funding for covid(understandable they purposefully made it easy to get funding, even if the facility itself has no actual cases, thus easy money)

and remember that the poster WANTS to go somewhere that has NO ENTRY INFECTED/QUARANTEEN COVID requirements for COVID infected individuals

better to be ridiculously safe, than to pay all that money, get insurance/passports/visa's ready, and be raring to go only to be stuck in a sterile facility til you are considered no longer infectious, and having to leave because you no longer have money and/or a job(because they stayed for +2 weeks instead of a couple days they had vacation time for)

>> No.15166122

You're basically telling him to turn into a covid cultist. Bro this shit is over. It's been over for 2 years.

>> No.15166366

yeah dujde they are full of nanobots nasty little sneedy weedies they will burrow right into your brain and turn you into a libcuck!!!!!

>> No.15166381

Pollutants and microscopic junk you can get allergic to

Well-poisoner cuck

>> No.15166424

of course you are going to japan lmao. dont forget your extra undies for that swamp ass

>> No.15166429

Their scientists were some of the first to actually unwrap the shit show that MRNA turned out to be. Not to mention that it was a japanese team that originally discovered avermectin's properties.

>> No.15166462

fuck off monkeypox spreader, and take you 7th booster

>> No.15166466

masks don't stop virus particles, stop spreading this lie

>> No.15168317

>Drugs are good for you
>If you don't think drugs are good for you, then you need some drugs!

Hello Big Pharma Shill.

>> No.15168349

Reddit is a better place for people who think like you.