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File: 443 KB, 1200x1688, Niels_Bohr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15160132 No.15160132 [Reply] [Original]

How come there are no more great scientists?

>> No.15160149

We have something much better than greatness now. Diversity

>> No.15160152
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>> No.15160157

Cultural Marxism

>> No.15160162

Uh have you heard of Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson?

>> No.15160243

Mainly because of capitalism and the rise of conspiracy theories and other anti science ideology.

>> No.15160267

You don't belong on this website.

>> No.15160298

Low hanging fruits have already been harvested by the past "geniuses"

>> No.15160307

the Holocaust

>> No.15160308


>> No.15160312

Because science has become a tribal in-group like any other human cult. Funding is only given to those that suckle the teats of the upper priesthood. Outsiders/radical thinkers are ostracised as dangerous to the stability of the group. Thus there is no new thought, only a collective of self-sucking group think.

>> No.15160313

Affirmative action

>> No.15160317
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I think you mean
>How come there are no more famous scientists?
Carlo Rovelli is already a great scientist of our time and I don't think he's done yet.

>> No.15160320

Because black people killed them all

>> No.15160326


>> No.15160332

We don't have a singular outlet/route for news. Shit doesn't look great when you can find it anywhere.

>> No.15160342

The people didn't change, the language did.

>> No.15160344

One major reason:
Science has become so specialized that nomalfags can't grasp what it is even about. Hence there's less publicity when there happens to be a breakthrough and less publicly perceived geniuses associated with them.

>> No.15160346

Though if the people are the language/names, you could argue they did indeed change.

>> No.15160388
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I could have been a great scientist if it wasn't for easy pornography and video games.

Jokes aside, the main issue is that it's simply not rational to get in the rat race of modern academia. You're better off having a so-so job elsewhere and use your free time to study whatever you find interesting.
As such, no high-IQ people are willing to join the academia. Instead, only the midwits who value prestige above all else will give a damn about becoming a "scientist".

The brightest people I got to know while in the university all got disillusioned with academia really fast and set out to do something else.

>> No.15160422
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they all get assassinated every time they discover zero-point energy or consciousness hyperspace

>> No.15160425
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einstein already discovered everything, nothing left to look for, and he is "right again" of course

>> No.15160428
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>The Mind Exists as a Field Connected to the Brain
>consciousness resides in a field surrounding the brain
>has certain similarities with a black hole
>a holographic structured field
>in another dimension
>could take the shape of a torus
>quantum wave resonance

>Gateway Process
>holographic torus universe
>holographic hyperdimensional infinite consciousness
>possible encounters with intelligent, non-corporal energy forms when time-space boundaries are exceeded

>Tesla Electromagnetics
>relativity is only a statement about FIRST ORDER reality -- the reality that emerges from the vector interaction of electromagnetic energy with matter
>when we break down the vectors into scalars (shadow vectors or hypervectors), we immediately enter a vastly different, far more fundamental reality
>in this reality superluminal velocity, multiple universes, travel back and forth in time, higher dimensions, variation of all "fundamental constants" of nature, materialization and dematerialization, and violation of the "conservation of energy" are all involved
>using scalar waves and scalar interactions as much subtler, far less limited observation/detection mechanisms, we must have a new "superrelativity" to describe the expanded electromagnetic reality uncovered by Nikola Tesla

>Consciousness-Assisted Technology
>hyperdimensional mind over matter consciousness field
>allows levitation, astral projection, teleportation, multiple timelines, remote timeline viewing, telepathy, telekinesis, zero-point energy, and manifestation
>can be mechanized with ufos, antennas, and ai
>populated by brains, black projects, extraterrestrials, and non-corporal interdimensional astral entities

>> No.15160433

Bohr decided one day that Schrodingers equation solved for complex probability amplitude density contrary to any observation. He's not great. he's a hack.

>> No.15160443
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>> No.15160453
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Based consciousness researcher

>> No.15160470

Perlman and wiles

>> No.15160517

1. Science branched out and you need much more energy and knowledge to achieve much smaller projects
2. Politics in academia
3. Tolerance bs in schools allowed midwits to get into science
4. The great minds get absorbed by financial institutions and corporate niggers
5. Basedience, also negligience of philosophy

>> No.15160523

Meant progress not projects

>> No.15160531

paper industry and jews

>> No.15160536

Nobody trusts them
We’ve been burned too many times

>> No.15160550

Add administrative workload required to do science in an institution.

There's less incentive to do science these days also. The point of science is to improve the standard of living after all no matter how much autistic kvetching there is about this fact.

Less benefit can be gained from progress for any given country since with globalism everything gets shared around essentially. The cost of developing something groundbreaking really isn't there when your enemies can be expected to gain equally.

>> No.15160658
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Because of stagnation

>> No.15160752

>How come there are no more great scientists?
They were all kicked out for noticing that unequal things are not equal.

>> No.15160760


>> No.15160769

Based Guglielmo dabbing on all contemporary physicists

>> No.15160785

If he's so smart, how come he can't figure out how to be a healthy weight?

>> No.15160807

That list is such total shit. Half of those names are known frauds, intellectual-property thieves, and affirmative-action beneficiaries.

>> No.15160941
File: 16 KB, 189x266, Topps 1983 NDT Orioles rookie card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgetting someone?

>> No.15160948

That's ignorant dude, you shouldn't put Neil Degrasse Tyson's name on a Reggie Jackson card.

>> No.15161008

>That list is such total shit.
I know, and the list supports my assertion that we have stagnation and that it has been going on for a while.
>Half of those names are known frauds, intellectual-property thieves, and affirmative-action beneficiaries.
I am not sure which are which, but I know several Nobel laureates have questionable merits. In some cases the names are only known withing their fields so you won't find them on, say, Wikipedia.

>> No.15161125

>>15160658 >>15160132 There is no stagnation.
Relevant: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metascience#Growth_or_stagnation_of_science_overall

>> No.15161136

you can stop at capitalism.

the fact you can profitably grift inherently erodes the scientific method when exposed to academic institutions - the most profitable action anyone can take is theft, and the second most profitable is dishonesty.

allowing science to sneak out from under the scrutiny and challenges of philosophy was a mistake that we will pay for with false starts and measurements of delusions until it is corrected

>> No.15161151

Measuring progress by publication count is hysterical. The wackypaedians fail to take fraud into account. The example with corona virus truly hammers the point in.

>> No.15161447

climate change, unionicly

>> No.15161475

>70 yo should be ripped

>> No.15161688
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>> No.15161816 [DELETED] 
File: 229 KB, 1488x1488, you will never be a scientist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel is what a scientist looks like in the contemporary era, compare her image with pictures of scientists in previous eras and see if you can spot any characteristic differences. if you can then those discrepancies might be a hint at how to answer your question

>> No.15161861

It usually takes at least a couple decades for a scientist’s research and discoveries to be recognized as great. The great scientists of the 2010s and 2020s aren’t going to be recognized as such until the 2030s-2040s.

>> No.15161863

academia was taken over by normoids

>> No.15161912
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>asks about great scientists
>posts picture of a jew

>> No.15161931


>> No.15161935

academia has always been cancer for science

>> No.15162000

Just give them time, new advancements in cryptography, mashine learning and interconnectedness of information online(youtube, wiki, free sci books) has just enabled new generations to achive absurd results in development of science, that will come this comming century.
The only question that is left to ask is when are they going to be discovered, and not if they exist

>> No.15162043

>>15161151 that's basically what it says so you probably didn't even read it. It's not stagnating nervertheless.

>> No.15162096
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Because modern acadummia is a hostile and anti-intellectual environment of forced mediocrity. There is no place for intellectual greatness when you're forced to shit out a diarrhea of utterly irrelevant low quality papers because the people funding your department are shortsighted business idiots with the "quantity over quality" mindset. Any residual trace of genius is smothered when publishing together with Pajeet, Zhang et al while having to write a huge ass introduction explaining how [generic niche topic nobody cares about] relates to the history of BIPOC LGBT communities.

>> No.15162830

how would they know it isn't stagnating if what it says is "our stagnation metric is shit at measuring progress or lack thereof"

>> No.15162847
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>> No.15163209
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>> No.15163467

There is no "they" and we don't know but nothing really indicates that it is.

Some things are slowing but that is normal and some things seem to speed up, including total quantity of papers and various novel fields.

>> No.15163475

*Well somebody should check if the total amount of nonpreprint papers is increasing, maybe that only needs a few tweaks to https://observablehq.com/@napsternxg/open-alex-data-evolution

>> No.15163505
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>> No.15163541

Source? Info on 'productivity'?

>> No.15163604

NTA but in my lab it’s well understood that everything we’re doing is for the sole purpose of making sure we never have a budget surplus and publishing to pump our numbers up. Top 50 university. People with any genius are driven out ruthlessly because they would disrupt the status quo. I just told a kid who wanted to research here to gtfo because he was too smart and creative.

>> No.15163646

"Disruptors" is a term used in business. They view it as a negative, anyone who can upset the status quo. Iphone was a disruptor, railroad was a disruptor, etc.

So what we view as 'progress', the people in power view as 'disruption'; and they stop it any way they can.

>> No.15163680

>there's an infinite number of things that can be invented
>nothing can be hard (high hanging fruit) to discover if you have high iq, so the reason there is no low hanging fruit must be that we have low iq
what an absolute retard

>> No.15163730


>> No.15163813

Because a lot of great scientists were Jews and a lot were killed in WW2 and most of the survivors went into Hollywood or business.

>> No.15163863

There are plenty, they just live in obscurity outside their immediate area of expertise because as scientific understanding has expanded, science itself has become more specialized. You're not a 'chemist' anymore, you're an high polymer organic chemist. You're not a 'physicist' anymore or even a 'plasma physicist' anymore, you're a 'low temperature dusty plasma physicist'.

Our breadth of understanding has expanded to the point where it is virtually impossible for an ordinary man, or even an extraordinary man to truly master multiple fields of science.

>> No.15163887

great scientists doesn't bring enough grants money to schools.
the current academia is a business that reward charlatans for their ability to sell shit to the government than doing science.
that's why you see the pervasive perversion of the current sciences inundated with trashes like gender theories, queer theories, "follow the sciences" and such... anything that bring more power to the government get funded

>> No.15164482

There are, but they end up as taxi drivers under the current system. Science is pozzed and corrupt, has been so for decades and in the past 10 years it has increase exponentially.

>> No.15164484

That is not even remotely true. It just shows that the current system exclusively produces Fachiditen which know everything about something and nothing about anything else. You wuill never become a great scientist that way. All extraordinary scientists were polyhistors who has a wide knowledge of a veriety of subjects. not some oberspecialized retards doing useless shit.

>> No.15164486
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