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15159115 No.15159115 [Reply] [Original]

When do you think aging will be cured?

>> No.15159132

It already has but it’s for the elite only

>> No.15159133

Civilization collapses in 2040 because of resource exhaustion and climate change, so you have 17 years left

>> No.15159138

life expectancies are decreasing rather than increasing, your expectations are unreasonable, if anything aging should become worse as lifespans decrease.

>> No.15159152

Imagine thinking you can beat prophecy. It's scientifically impossible, in the strictest of definitions.

>> No.15159189
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> Of course, if the technological world-system is going to collapse in the not-too-distant future, as we've argued it must, then no one is going to achieve immortality in any form. But even assuming that we're wrong and that the technological world-system will survive indefinitely, the techies' dream of an unlimited life-span is still illusory. We need not doubt that it will be technically feasible in the future to keep a human body, or a man-machine hybrid, alive indefinitely. It is seriously to be doubted that it will ever be feasible to "upload" a human brain into electronic form with sufficient accuracy so that the uploaded entity can reasonably be regarded as a functioning duplicate of the original brain. Nevertheless, we will assume in what follows that each of the solutions (i), (ii), and (iii) will become technically feasible at some time within the next several decades.

> It is an index of the techies' self-deception that they habitually assume that anything they consider desirable will actually be done when it becomes technically feasible. Of course, there are lots of wonderful things that already are and for a long time have been technically feasible, but don't get done. Intelligent people have said again and again: "How easily men could make things much better than they are—if they only all tried together!"[9] But people never do "all try together," because the principle of natural selection guarantees that self-propagating systems will act mainly for their own survival and propagation in competition with other self-propagating systems, and will not sacrifice competitive advantages for the achievement of philanthropic goals.[10]

>> No.15159198

Right about...now

>> No.15159214

When humans lose all emotion.

>> No.15159627

Why are so many people on this board against anti ageing research? Advanced lifespans is one of the most science things there is. It's like if most people on a Christian board were saying heaven doesn't exist and coming up with reasons why heaven is bad. Feels like astroturfing or something

>> No.15159631


The funks own brother.

>> No.15159650

You will die in squalor within the next 20 years.

>> No.15159680

>Advanced lifespans is one of the most science things there is

life expectancies are currently decreasing rather than advancing and that is due to the influence of the contemporary charlatanism which is passed off as "muh science". if you want life expectancies to continue to shrink then you should want to progress down the same path things are going today, if you want life expectancies to increase then you'll need to reverse course and go back to the scientific customs and traditions of a time when life expectancies were increasing, such as the mid 20th century.
given that life expectancies are currently decreasing, it can be taken as a given fact that all contemporary research is being carried out incompetently at best, which is why you see some negative commentary about modern research, some but not enough, because results show that modern research is demonstrably all garbage, the only individuals who believe in it's worth are deluded, pie-in-the-sky stooges with laughably minuscule iqs

>> No.15159711

arent you the same retard back in the 1980s who was saying global warming would kill the earth by 2020?

>> No.15159745

Yes, but this time it's settled science. You can't have exponential growth in a finite world past 2040, until up to 2040.

>> No.15159749

umm no sweaty. this time the priest class really WILL reward my obedience with eternal life in paradise, and they will fix everything in two more weeks by regulating me into a pod

>> No.15159753
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This is the new dialectic. You will play this game.

>> No.15159755

Life expectancies have slightly decreased in the last few years mainly due to covid and the opiod epidemic, this has little to do with the feasibility of anti aging interventions

>> No.15159917
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not until the FDA classifies aging as a disease. probably >2050 for that to happen. I expect aging to be solved when intelligence is, no clue when but definitely before 2100

>> No.15159962
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>> No.15159992

>it can be taken as a given fact that all contemporary research is being carried out incompetently at best
Care to show anything that supports this claim? Other than that bbc article where they checked five studies and some weren't exactly reproducible and they called it a crisis

>> No.15160007

It's in the icd now which is a good start

>> No.15160018

probably in my lifetime. i already look 10 years younger than everyone else solely because i am aware that sun exposure fucks your skin (this shit is controversial apparently)

>this board
it is the same everywhere, there is a cloud of moral cuckery over this subject. it feels extremely counterproductive to argue with those people though, it is like sitting with ted kaczynski and being his psychologist, once treatments are available those people will just be left behind

>not until the FDA classifies aging as a disease
it will happen much sooner. they only haven't done that already because of politics.

>> No.15160024

>Why are so many people on this board against anti ageing research?
Most people here are indifferent to "anti-ageing research", but everyone is sick of anti-aging copers with their anti-aging delusions and anti-aging shilling. Take your support group some place else. You are going to die 100% guaranteed.

>> No.15160038

>everyone is sick of anti-aging copers with their anti-aging delusions and anti-aging shilling
post literally 1 example of that

>You are going to die 100% guaranteed
you don't even know what life extension is

>> No.15160039

>post literally 1 example of that
This thread.

>> No.15160050

this >>15159132 schizo poster is also indifferent to "anti-ageing research" just like you. sorry if you cant tell.

>> No.15160054

Contemplate the incoherent nature of your reply and reflect on how your impotent anger distorts your mind.

>> No.15160072

but you're triggered over people discussing anti-aging research online

>> No.15160073

>you're triggered
Quote the post where I'm "triggered". Why are you frothing at the mouth?

>> No.15160079

I am sick of deathist copers with their aging delusions and aging shilling. Take your support group some place else. You are going to die 100% guaranteed. I am not triggered.

>> No.15160080

Notice how you keep shitting out completely incongruent replies as your impotent rage continues to drive you insane.

>> No.15160084

nvm i've been talking to GTP3 all along

>> No.15160086

See >>15160080

>> No.15160092

Do you think extending human life is impossible? If a person born in 1875 can live to 122 without any longevity interventions, all while drinking, smoking and living a rather sedentary lifestyle and an ordinary diet, is it not naive to suggest an intervention could alter the rate or repair the damage of aging?

>> No.15160095

*that an intervention couldn't

>> No.15160104

>Do you think extending human life is impossible?
I don't know and I don't care. What's obvious is that no one is planning to extend your life because you're a useless eater, but that wasn't even my point. All I'm telling you is that it's not so much that people here hate anti-aging research as it is that they simply hate you.

>> No.15160107
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>it will happen much sooner. they only haven't done that already because of politics.
hopefully. ageing politicians and billionaires should move the needle along nicely

>> No.15160143

>Take your support group some place else. You are going to die 100% guaranteed
Why does everyone who hates anti ageing think that pro anti ageing people are terrified of death or are extremely selfish. It's nothing to do with that at all. I'd like to live a lot longer because I want to learn a lot more and build things that help people etc, it's got nothing to do with being afraid of death. I might die tomorrow getting hit by a bus, there's nothing I can do about it, I'm fully aware of that and anti ageing medicine isn't going to stop that

>> No.15160161


>> No.15160168

To avoid death is the primary purpose of medicine and probably most of what we do, if you were diagnosed with cancer would you get treatment? By your reasoning you would merely let the cancer kill you as you would merely be acting in irrational terror against an inevitable death, I somehow doubt you would do that though. Aging is merely biological process such as cancer that we could prevent for our own benefit.

>> No.15160172

Thanks for demonstrating my point. Note how your incoherent emotional reaction has nothing to do with my post.

>> No.15160176

See >>15160172
I like how every reply to that post proves its correctness.

>> No.15160227

You said take your support group somewhere else, if that was you, and it implies you think people interested in longevity are only interested because they're afraid of death. I said no that's not the case, and somehow that's an incoherent emotional reaction

>> No.15160656

>Revelation 9:6

This is how ignorant the average religious fruitloop is. Why does YOUR book prove ME right?

>> No.15160661

I don't care what each member of your support group is interested in but you should take it elsewhere.

>> No.15160689

Living longer may or may not be a good thing due to quality of life (am i just gonna look like an 80 year old for an extra 50 years?) and the problems it would cause society (imagine if Biden lived to 200) Immortality is a pipe dream however. Even the earth itself is not immortal.

>> No.15160713

you should take yourself elsewhere instead. i don't care that you don't care.

>> No.15160720

>imagine if Biden lived to 200
so biden needs to die in order to secure all future elections?

>Immortality is a pipe dream however.
whos advocating for that though

>Even the earth itself is not immortal.
so we need to achieve earth immortality before we can have life extension?

>> No.15160726

>you should take yourself elsewhere
I'm not the one whinging about how strange it is that everyone shits on me.

>> No.15160727

if he thought the tech system was going to collapse anyway (which I agree with) then why did he start a bombing campaign? why not jus twait it out in his little shed?

>> No.15160734

Maybe he got impatient and wanted to accelerate it. Or maybe he just wanted to set some context for the collapse for when it finally happens.

>> No.15160735

you literally opened this thread just to whine lmao

>> No.15160739

>why did he start a bombing campaign?
anger obviously

>> No.15160740

You sound like you're losing your mind. Anon asked a question. I gave him the answer. Now you and your entire crew are frothing at the mouth over it.

>> No.15160804

>I gave him the answer.
no you just told him to stop posting (lol), also you started your post talking about life extension and ended it with immortality (taken straight from the bible) therefore you are here just to whine

>> No.15160819

We can already reverse DNA methylation, thanks.

>> No.15160820

Take your meds.

>> No.15160833
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already did this morning

>> No.15160847

Figures you'd be that sort of retard.

>> No.15160910

If he was honest, he would've said it's because he couldn't get a gf. People would rather blame technology, capitalism, communism, patriarchy, Jews etc. than admit the simple truth - no waifu no laifu

>> No.15160912

>implying Christians know how to read

>> No.15160914

>incel keeps projecting its lack of sentience and humanity onto everyone else

>> No.15160960

you're such a fucking dumbass, i lost brain cells reading your post.
>problems it would cause society
not having sick and old fucks being a dead weight to society is a problem how?
> Immortality is a pipe dream however. Even the earth itself is not immortal
biological immortality isn't physical immortality.
there are quite few animals out there that do not age and are biologically immortal

>> No.15160969

He makes a valid point. Imagine having people like you strick around for centuries, polluting the future with their subhuman worldviews and preventing any kind of progress.

>> No.15160972

>t. deluded, pie-in-the-sky stoogeswith laughably minuscule iq

>> No.15161165

>Why are so many people on this board against anti ageing research?
Death is the only thing keeping humanity in check, no one benefits from the nepotistic elite living forever nor from the unwashed masses of retards being around for even longer. People aging and expiring is a good thing

>> No.15161172

>subhuman worldviews and preventing any kind of progress.
the irony

>> No.15161249

Actually nepotistic elites living long enough to produce a descendant who is actually capable of replacing them would be a very good thing. They could pass over a few generations of retarded oligarchic offspring. Much better than competent oligarchs dying and leaving their wealth to a bunch of spoilt brats.

The unwashed masses are an essential ingredient in the economy which supports us, our way of life and our goals and ambitions. The more unwashed masses, the more wealth and the more that can be done with the portion of that wealth which can be allocated toward culture, science and art.

>> No.15161325


>> No.15161357

You’re a fat retard with a little dick.

>> No.15161364

This! Praise death! Praise decay! The worms, roaches, and rats, acolytes of disease, blessed are they!

>> No.15161369

>Much better than competent oligarchs dying and leaving their wealth to a bunch of spoilt brats.
This is only bad if you think the oligarchs like you and have your best interests at heart. I'm happy to see the oligarchy that despises me handed off to a generation of retards with none of their ancestors' intelligence. Then it can collapse and something can finally be built back.

>> No.15161392

there hasn't been exponential growth faget, greentards stopped the proliferation of cheap nuclear energy and are doing their damndest to stop the developing world from exploiting fossil fuels
"productivity" has only been exponential in terms of fiat currency, which has merely been exponentially inflated. quality of life has increased bit by bit from technical progress, but the monkeys in charge of the oligarchy have also been recklessly throwing wrenches everywhere they can from finance to the nuts and bolts of the supply chain.

>> No.15162573

After reading real science and then coming here you have to conclude that 4chans IQ is about 85, and that no poster is adding anything but terrible opin

>> No.15163101

It's the incapable oligarchs who fear and persecute you.

>> No.15163126

First improvement (i.e. some significant life extension on average): within this century.
Prevent aging: Within the next century. So we JUST barely missed eternal living. Fuck this shit.

>> No.15163715

Never Ever.


>> No.15164115

this but on a tribal level

>> No.15164131
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where are you reading "muh real science"? replication crisis literature?

>> No.15164516

>because the principle of natural selection guarantees that self-propagating systems will act mainly for their own survival and propagation in competition with other self-propagating systems, and will not sacrifice competitive advantages for the achievement of philanthropic goals.
mkultra'd luddite gets btfod once again by xenofem tech tranny accelerationists

>> No.15164520

Aging isn't a disease

>> No.15164546

The Chinkflu took him from us, never forget.

>> No.15164566

>verse taken out of context
family goy tier arguments

>> No.15164573

Nice cope. Religious LARPers never read any of the holy books. The more serious they are about the LARP the less they've read.

>> No.15164596

Sorry but soience is fake and gay. After some 14 thousand years of civilisation and we made almost zero advances. All these two more weeks publishings are scams to secure funding.
>Dude some guy on Joe Rogan said he will make me immortal if we give him our money
No he won't. Grow up.

>> No.15164630


>> No.15164705

We made advances, but they were engineering and math advance. Science just piggybacks on our achievements and revisionists retroactively steal credit.

>> No.15164825
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>> No.15164849

You have big funny ears.

>> No.15164964

SHOULD it be?

>> No.15165967
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>> No.15166191

from a thermodynamic standpoint, even assuming only a tiny fraction of humans are capable of propelling human knowledge and synthesis forward, sustaining human brain tissue remains far and away the most effective method of using energy to reverse entropy

>> No.15166495

The battle against entropy should be our ambition as a species yet we seem instead drawn to fight with it. In such a conflict each human mind can be considered too valuable to be allowed to decay. Instead, there is a case to be argued that each human mind should be preserved and connected in a neural array capable of solving the problems in the universe which sustain entropy.

>> No.15166503

Posts like this are why you should never put your children in public school or let them consoom corporate science fiction. The levels of delusional mental illness are stunning.

>> No.15166511

Mental illness is a label applied to nonconformists as well as those who legitimately have problematic brain chemistry.

Psychology is merely another layer of control in its current form.

You are an unfortunate ignoramus.

>> No.15166516

he seems pretty obsessed with his media image and portrayal

>> No.15166518
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who says is hasn't been, bog is now bezos' gf

>> No.15166525

Sometimes the intense desire to conform makes you overshoot and then you end up shitting out posts about how it's actually good if the psychopathic oligarchs that rule over you stick around for centuries and how insane technocratic drivel is actually the meaning of life.

>> No.15166528

Most in his category are.

He was a smart bloke. Almost worked a lot of stuff out. But he didn't fully account for the influence of economics and basic human greed in his assessment.

>> No.15166530

You seem like a naracissistic little sociopath with no theory of mind.

>> No.15166531

Post verified IQ score and links to your published research, reddit spacer.

>> No.15166539

In my case it is quite the opposite. The need to seperate myself from this society is what drives me. Conformity is not possible for me here though, so perhaps, in a roundabout and unintended manner, you may be correct in that assessment. As misguided as your logic may be.

I'm interested to hear your idea of the meaning of life. You seem to fling yourself about this place as a greatly depressed person does, sprinkling negativity and bad vibes as you go. Selfishly struggling to inflict your own pains upon others. I call this behaviour transference even though you do nothing to assuage your own discomfort in the process.

I will share with you what I believe to be the purpose of life if you ask me.

>> No.15166542

>In my case it is quite the opposite.
No, it isn't. Your entire worldview is just the zeitgeist taken to its most extreme conclusion. You are a super-normie.

>> No.15166550

Way to bitch out lol. See you around in here.

>> No.15166555

My point still stands. Normie failing to socially integrate and going off the deep end is a story as old as time. You are still just another shill for the anti-human technotroon corporate agenda every other normie follows religiously.

>> No.15166557

You assume so much without evidence.

>> No.15166559

Your "personality" and life story are corporate standard issue.

>> No.15166666

They started a building a road in the middle of nowhere near his shed.
He realized he couldn't live his life out in peace, society would come after him regardless