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15154303 No.15154303 [Reply] [Original]

My meals are almost always meat, milk, pastry or sweets.

>> No.15154310

bowel cancer

>> No.15154393

Vegetables are useful for fibre and micronutrients.
The fibre is like a brush for your insides, the micronutrients help your body run well.

>> No.15154403
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eating animals that eat vegetables is the same thing as eating vegetables.

>> No.15154481

It won't be limited to his bowel.

>> No.15154485

>mommy!!!! look!!
>i ate all my vegetables!!
>i'm a good boy!!!
your greatest accomplishment in life so far

>> No.15154487

can i get criticism for my diet too?

- eggs (4 a day)
- 300ml whole milk
- whole grain bread or pasta
- butter
- protein powder
- spinach
- sardines

all of them quality organic other than the protein powder, but that's decent quality too. i take vitamin tablets but i'm probably missing something

>> No.15154488

The carbs are the bad part.

>> No.15154497

i never got this keto schizo crap. how are you supposed to keep your weight healthy? i feel like the only people doing it are fatties trying to lose weight and not people who are already at lower end of normal bmi. go for a run fatty

>> No.15154501

If all you eat is meat, dairy, and processed sugars you're basically eliminating every beneficial part of a meat-based diet by eating processed sugars that fuck with your glucose levels. At that point just eat fruit for your sweet tooth.

>> No.15154502

also your brains need carbs. you'll literally turn retarded with your keto meme

i do keto too before extended fasts, so that autophagy and other benefits come sooner. but literally complete schizo garbage for desperate fatties otherwise. go for a run (or walk depending on how fat you are)

>> No.15154503

>- eggs (4 a day)

>For most healthy adults, it's safe to eat 1–2 eggs a day depending on how much other cholesterol is in your diet. If you already have high cholesterol or other risk factors for heart disease, it may be best to eat no more than 4–5 eggs per week.

>> No.15154506

i want to know what i'm missing. no, i won't eat less eggs and don't care that it elevates heart disease risks for fat and unhealthy people

>> No.15154507

He didn't say he eats rice or pasta, he said he eats pastries and candy.

>> No.15154511

Get some more varied vegetables. Broccoli has a lot of nutrients.

>> No.15154513
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>- eggs (4 a day) -ur gonna die
>- 300ml whole milk -lol see spinach
>- whole grain bread or pasta -gold star
>- butter -gold star
>- protein powder -no opinion
>- spinach -check picrel, this is what grows in your kidneys when you eat spinach and drink milk
>- sardines -they would be healthy but the oil they are in is not

>> No.15154514

>go for a run (or walk
exercise doesn't burn that significant an amount of calories unless you do an extreme amount
it's easier to just not eat if your goal is simply losing weight, although it will also eat through your muscle mass

>> No.15154521

are just broccoli and spinach enough?
that's some thing you have to be predisposed to, and just quickly steaming the spinach decreases it a lo
>- sardines -they would be healthy but the oil they are in is not
true. i only buy ones in water or olive oil. but, maybe i shouldn't trust the oil to be genuine

but also, the seed oil hysteria seems like another schizo meme, if that's what you were referring to

>> No.15154540

>t. ZOG approved and censored dietary rumors
the yolk of an egg is the most perfectly balanced nutrition that exists, it contains exactly enough minerals & vitamins for a healthy baby bird. the white is the most pure form of protein that exists.
the two together create a complete bird. if the egg wasn't perfect nutrition the bird would die because theres nothing else to eat inside an egg.
fish eggs are good too, but they're usually preserved with a lot of salt. when you eat a steak thats good, but you're not eating the bones, skin, organs, etc, so its not exactly complete. eggs have everything anyone needs, its the one food you could subsist off forever without running into nutrition issues.

>> No.15154546 [DELETED] 



>> No.15154554

See >>15148813


>> No.15154557

see >>15149318

>> No.15154560

You’re eating the eggs? Fine, it’s your funeral.

>> No.15154578

Why even risk it? Is just a lot easier to avoid deficiencies by eating a large variety of foods. A well trained gut flora can tell you with gut feelings if you need some food in specific, but you need to eat it first and pay attention if your gut flora likes it or not. Keep trying different vegetables prepared in different ways, one at a time. You need to know what works with you and what doesn't, alone or mixed with other stuff. Some combinations can be awful for you.

>> No.15154579

Seed oil is a meme. It's just a lot of oil. Depends on your climate and energy output though. Hexane and other contaminants in oils is more of a concern than what plant they are from. Trying to find a good source of vitamin E though is difficult.

Broccoli and spinach are probably not enough. I don't know much about what's in meat though. If you eat broccoli you don't need to eat spinach.

Something orange is good, like sweet potato ideally. Carrot is similar but has more sugar. Tomato and cabbage mostly just because they are good for you.

You're probably fine for most trace elements with wholegrain.

>> No.15154582
File: 21 KB, 448x603, cypyi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good boy, but not enough, you also need to eat bugs and cut your penis.

>> No.15154590

Vegetables shed their seeds inside the intestines and stomach. These grow and serve as a source of renewable energy. That's why the world is going vegan. It's more sustainable. You will have a more volatile expression of energy without veggies.

>> No.15154608

True. The real problem is that any truly new method to process food puts the population in the front line of natural selection. Seed oil requires high energy processes and since those are quite modern side effects are not well known yet.

>> No.15155764

Why is this pic so funny

>> No.15155785
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I've been not eating veggies for like a year and a month ago my stomach started to hurt, I thought it was the cokes' fault (I drink one can per day), but after I stop drinking those the pain didn't completely go away. And just last week I happened to eat a lot of veggies because I ordered wrong meal, surprisingly the pain went away. Guess what vegetables are actually necessary for you health

>> No.15155791

>very low on veggies?
constipation. hard shits

>> No.15155852
File: 303 KB, 640x431, Diet advice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ditch the grains. Replace it with more eggs

>> No.15155871
File: 259 KB, 1280x960, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the people who choose poor nutrition in their diet, do so for economic reasons, which they then rationalize as being healthy because nobody wants to admit to themselves that they're too cheap or poor to even care for their own basic needs. Same people will then turn around and bust their saving on picrel tier idiocy. If only the goyslop would kill them faster

>> No.15155984
File: 72 KB, 929x702, PK Users Training.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also your brains need carbs.
Your brain needs glucose in particular.
>you'll literally turn retarded with your keto meme
You body can make glucose from both proteins and fats as needed.
>but literally complete schizo garbage
The idea of depriving your body of carbohydrates in order to lose excess fat is an old one and quite a healthy way to do so if you do it the right way. It's simply just exploiting your body's ability to use fats to make up for a glucose shortage and to minimize the amount of fat your body stores on a daily basis by simply good planning.
>for desperate fatties
You have to start somewhere. You might as well start at the most essential part, the diet, and optimize that fat loss so that all other consideration related to a diet and exercise routine designed for fat loss
>it's easier to just not eat if your goal is simply losing weight, although it will also eat through your muscle mass
You can lose weight and maintain non-glycogen related muscle mass. It's partly about managing your diet relative to exercise. You want a low enough calorie intake that your body will start to use fats, but high enough that your body still produces the regular amount of needed growth hormones like testosterone (if you go on a large enough cut, you'll get to the point where your body will reduce the amount of hormones it produces). At the same time, you need your other nutritional intakes to be about the same so that your body can function properly. It's more difficulty, but more worthwhile than getting physically weaker. Exercise is also important because stresses causes your body to respond to those stresses. In the case of vigorous exercise such as that in prolonged cardio, weightlifting, or calisthenic routines, your body should prefer to move resources to fortify muscles and bones as opposed to storing them as fats.

>> No.15156108

eggs are crazy good for you
am an MD in Western country, very interested in nutritional science (which is mostly crap)

anybody who says eggs are bad for you is retarded, based on old theory of cholesterol and heart disease , disregard them

>> No.15156113

brain doesnt need glucose
can perfectly run on ketones, even more efficient burn

t. am the MD in post above

you don't need sugar at all in theory
in practice, eat some complex carbs or you'll lose too much weight if you lift or are active

>> No.15156122
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>> No.15156137

Some eggs. Not huge amounts of eggs. Not the way we produce them anyway.

Interestingly the nutritional profile of an egg is highly dependent upon the diet of the hen. Feed them more linseed and you get better ratios of omega 3 in both the eggs and meat. This also affects flavour.

Same goes for all animals and fish. Lots of farmed animals are fed very unhealthy things. This is why in general I limit consumption of most animal products.

In particular, animal fats are increasingly unhealthy not necessarily because of le saturated fats meme but because fat soluble toxins build up in it.

When I was a child we could buy mutton which is fantastic in stews and even roasted. Now you can't because by the time the ewe reaches that age their meat is basically poison from all the drenches, injections and heavy metals/toxins from their drinking water.

I read about this but also that ketone metabolism places much more strain on the liver and kidneys.

>> No.15156148

organic just means that they use "organic" pesticides

>> No.15156196

>meat, milk
top tier healthy

>pastry or sweets.
Bottom tier

>> No.15156198

>limey noises
Go eat a buttered scone inbred limey.

>> No.15156227

I'll take the butter without the scone. Processed flour is a relic from the steampunk dystopian era (Victorian age).

>t. Not a Brit, close though.

I take it from your manners that you are an inbred burger fed swamp person from a certain country I don't even need to name.

>> No.15156768

yeah i don't disagree that it's good for weight loss, but my point was that not everyone is overweight with weight loss as their only concern. i'm 48kg, and do extended fasts, and ketosis just before those fasts, for autophagy alone. i'm not pleased that such a huge segment of fasters and keto ppl do it only for weight loss, and only focus on that aspect of them, when there are other health benefits. and then those evangelists say stupid crap like you should never eat carbs and be in continuous ketosis. which, ok go ahead if you're overweight, but for healthy weight people is just a nonsensical recommendation. and also if you have such issues with weight in the first place maybe you should have your hormone levels tested

but, i don't look down on fat people at all, i know what a huge impact metabolism has on it, like i have the opposite issue. but just don't apply that same premise to everyone when evangelizing

>> No.15156791

Mostly avoid refined sugars and maybe take multivitamins to supplement the nutrients you aren’t getting from veggies. Also take fiber

>> No.15158209

What's good for birds in not necessarily good for people. If you don't believe me try eating only rainworms and insects...

>> No.15158213

>unhealthy people
You mean like people who barely eat any vegetables?

>> No.15158216

Seems like an extremely one-sided and monotonous diet. Do you by any chance have autism?

>> No.15158218

The point of exercise is to increase your muscle mass which increases your base metabolism.

>> No.15158225

Op is autistic, he wants a single meal plan that he can follow everyday without ever deviating from it. I think the best thing for him would be some kind of vegetable-fruit smoothie from the blender. That way he can get a lot of variety in a single meal.

>> No.15158227

the point of cardio is to burn calories retard, not build muscle mass

>> No.15158230

And yet, still more than you

>> No.15158237

No the point of cardio is to exercise your cardiovascular system so your heart doesn't give in at 50 due to atrophy. Everything else is a side bonus.

>> No.15159790

pseudoscience nonsense for controlling market demand

>> No.15159892


>> No.15159897

Protein powder is a scam.

>> No.15159903

>how are you supposed to keep your weight healthy?
Huh? What exactly is confusing you?
Low carb is just regular food with less pasta and bread. The only schizos are the likes of you, getting all hot and bothered when someone doesn't eat a pound of candy every day.

>> No.15159905

Dumb ESL.

>> No.15159933

He will be cancer.

>> No.15161807
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reminder: a cow on a farm gets 2.5% bodymass of dry matter, or 12.5% fresh green grass. a veggy weighing 40kg should eat 5kg of green vegetables daily

>> No.15161851

>economic reasons
More like intelligence (although that is not *quite* the correct term, since I don't think palette depends on it) reasons. Lower class people have a shittier IQ, and also a shittier palette.
The calories/kg ratio of comically healthy foods like potatoes and beans is very compettitve with mass-sneeded out goyslop.
Yet they don't pick it.
>muh cooking
Certainly an argument, but not a very good one. Potatoes don't need oversight and recipes to cook. There comes a time when you can't chalk shitty lifestyle choices up to stress/time. It'd be also less time wasteful too not wipe after shitting. Defend this.

>> No.15161864

It's a tier of suppression. Even being on top of it we are all suppressed.

There are different tools and methods available. The psychological warfare breaks most people down. It's more a matter of endurance than intelligence.

The experiment to create a society where there is no suppression could be the most dangerous we have ever done.