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15137413 No.15137413 [Reply] [Original]

germs causing harm was never proven

>> No.15137424


>> No.15137426

>first it was eating lead, now it's normal theory but special
Hell fucking climate change threads have better science and pop-sci atleast gets the potential of discussion.

>> No.15137428

Go back to your original thread so you can lose with dignity.

>> No.15138275

Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI)


Before adopting a definite opinion on viruses, one should at the very least get familiar with the methods of virus "isolation" used in virology. See these three early papers on SARS-CoV-2
and check for yourself that the methods sections describe isolation exactly as in the link.
Virologists have been using this method since John Franklin Ender's work on measles in the 50's, and they have never verified its correctness by control experiments since then. That is why they compare the critics to flat-earthers and stipulate their theory as an absolutely undeniable obvious fact. They fear the public questioning their methods, because they would have to acknowledge that they have never read the essential papers their theory is built upon and that they themselves have never verified its foundations in an experiment.

>> No.15138277
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>> No.15138340
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Critics are often attacked for having unreliazable demands and being impossible to convince. That is not true. Here is a proposal of an experiment which involves nothing else than virologists' own methods that they're using on a daily basis. All tasks are part of the standard isolation process.


Contact universities, hospitals and research facilities in your area asking them whether they would agree to participate in this experiment. It should be the easiest thing in the world for them.

>> No.15138772

As a Microbiologist working in a BSL 3 laboratory this disturbs me greatly. Look up Koch’s Postulates please.

>> No.15138778
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yep, these postulates never confirmed. make an aerosol from snot, try to make people sick by spraying it, then wake me up

>> No.15138782

Look up any virus isolation satisfying Koch's postulates, I dare you.

>> No.15138789

Did you read them? Can you tell me what they are without a google definition? Why not use rats instead of people?

>> No.15138792

based AIDS faggot trying to trick others into thinking he's not a diseased poof lmfao

>> No.15138795


If you have trouble reading this I can simplify it if you’d like

>> No.15138805

yes. and fact is, the germ theory of problems with health is total bullshit. now go experiment with snot.

>> No.15138807

shill, take meds

>> No.15138809

dude, the "false positive" is the very opposite of those postulates. also, these postulates are part of the theory, it's like self confirmation.

>> No.15138830

So you don’t see to understand then. Germ theory is the response to Spontaneous Generation theory it has nothing to do with human or animal health. Koch’s Postulates are, to put it simply, germ theory in regards to human health. It would’ve been more convincing if you attacked Koch’s Postulates instead of germ theory with the point you’re trying to make.

>> No.15138848

A false positive is a sign of human or reagent error. It is not the opposite of the postulates it is only the error. Error meaning the inherent uncertainty of all scientific tests. There’s also a reason it’s called a Postulate and not a theory. It is used to prove a theory and is not part of the theory.

>> No.15138864

OP just wants to be able to justify his fetish for drinking shit water.

Bro it’s okay if you want to drink your spunky water. You don’t need to be embarrassed. We all have vices, it’s just that yours includes making yourself sick. It’s cool you like it when rats shit and piss in your well. No judgement here.

>> No.15138870

watch yourself with those controlled opposition guys. You'll get yourself hurt.

look up every name associated with the lucis trust linked "academy of divine knowledge" like bigtree, stone, cowan, etc, etc.

>> No.15138872

>As a Microbiologist working in a BSL 3 laboratory this disturbs me greatly.
>Look up Koch’s Postulates please.

I don't believe you are who you say you are or you would list the actual standards not the meme

>> No.15138892

I work in a state lab for TB, a bsl-3 pathogen. You don’t have to believe me on this Malaysian Basket Weaving Forum and posting my identity here would defeat the purpose of why I’m here. Also why do I have to teach you Koch’s Postulates? Can you not do that yourself?

>> No.15138902
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Piss culture for OP just came in.

Recommended course of action is to order $50 worth of vitamins from the first chiropractor webpage you can find. Recommendation made by me, anon, and not some peer reviewed BS so you know it’s legitimate.

>> No.15138912

Because virology uses a modified form of koch's postulates.

>> No.15138914

This exact paper is briefly discussed

>> No.15138967

I had a hard time finding the original video where she lays out the flawed methodology of that paper. Also hard to find her credentials which I mean isn’t a deal breaker but most doctors are proud to show off their Alma Maters. I would also like to eat her pussy while she explains the health benefits of vaginal flora tho. So there’s that.

>> No.15138968

could you please link the actual paper this seems to just be a summary

>> No.15138972

Bailey is a retard no offence.

>> No.15138979
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vaccine manufacturers are driving the economy now, not janitors


>> No.15139054

So I can tell you don’t read scientific papers nor would read this one but here
Nature. 2003;423:240
I’ll let you guess where I found it

>> No.15139077

your condescending manner isn't endearing your argument nor the fact you didn't just link the original paper first.

>> No.15139114

I don't care about her business or whatever, but her criticism is spot on.

>> No.15139165

OP your image doesn't make any sense. Germ theory supports both cleaning the tank and vaccination because dirty environments are incubators for microbes/germs that are themselves the dirt. The vaccine then protects the fish from the dirty environment when it has to go there, say to work it's shitty 9-5 job in a state where people are not forced to wear masks.

Regardless, do you support mask mandates? It's the easiest way to keep public air clean.

>> No.15139186

Most people don’t want to read a full scientific paper and prefer summaries. People who know how to read any scientific papers can take a summary and find the original articles easily. It’s like if I gave you car keys and you told me you didn’t know how to start the car. I don’t know if you’re fucking with me or being serious.

>> No.15139213

did you prove infection by snot already?

>> No.15139228


>> No.15139559

by creating spray out of snot and spraying? who witnessed your experiment, who independently reproduced?

>> No.15139560
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>> No.15139589

> semantics
Yeah so there is no war of nature against humans by bombardment with dangerous viruses and bacteria.
That's never been proven.
It's not that germs do not exist.
But the "regulation of health" is a nice rethoric trick, because it is true.
Your body relies on bacteria doing their job.
So yes they are important for health.
But the industry and "The Science" always use this to say:
> It's the bacteria that causes the harm
And not:
> Your biochemistry is fucked by xy, and thats why you have dying tissue and parts of you are decaying or turn acidic which make the bacteria multiply to deal with the issue.

Bacteria are as important for your "immune system" as white blood cells.
They clean up dead tissue.
They process chemicals your white blood cells cannot process.
There are interesting discoveries about bacteria that only "appear" when arsenic poisoning is around.
Same for the prevalence of "Parasites".
It is really interesting, if you look at bacteria as "trash man" of nature.

And crack junkies get scrabies and have parasites.
Because they are poisoned, and they are walking zombies, and bacteria and parasites do what they otherwise do with corpses...
Eat the dead flesh.

>> No.15139590

So what do you suppose they're gonna come up with to justify prematurely ending this tightening cycle? Daddy Powell seems pretty dead set.

>> No.15139616
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At least post current data.

>> No.15139745

Is pleasure occurring in episodes out of nowhere known as a symptom of any mental issue or is it always a neurological issue?

>> No.15139804
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Sexual erethrism caused by neorological poisoning such as with mercury, arsenic, bismuth and aluminium?

>> No.15140053


>> No.15140064

I'm glad we stopped injecting children with large amounts of mercury...

>> No.15140119

so you worded that in a very clever way that almost sounds like you know what you're talking about I'm impressed. You should look into the Dunning Kruger Effect it describes you in this moment.

> Your biochemistry is fucked by xy, and thats why you have dying tissue and parts of you are decaying or turn acidic which make the bacteria multiply to deal with the issue.

allow me to fix that for you. I could add add viruses to this if you'd like too.

> Your biochemistry is fucked by bacteria being present where they do not belong, and their presense is why you have dying tissue and parts of you are decaying or turn acidic due to the bacteria releasing biotoxins which make the bacteria multiply due to them creating an ideal enviornment for themselves and killing off your cells which are competing with them.

Your microbiome is extremely important but not for just for cleaning dead cells it also trains your innate and active immune response. I wouldn't call it a war also just you're body's adaptations that help keep it in homeostasis. Yes your body does rely on bacteria doing their job just in the places they belong. Bacteria are like animals they're adapted to find a way to live in as many enviornments as they can but show strong preferences to certain ones. Most cells that make up your body are a type of defferentiated cells that are adapted to do a specific job or jobs in a specific area of the body which makes most of them unable to survive outside your body. When a cell that doesn't belong in that area be it your own cell or bacteria it causes problems.

>There are interesting discoveries about bacteria that only "appear" when arsenic poisoning is around. Same for the prevalence of "Parasites".

Going to ignore this and move on... not really sure what you're trying to say with it

As for the crack junkies it's more their lifestyle than the drugs that would get them scrabies.

>> No.15140205

I don't think it has anything to do with poisoning

>> No.15140261

Why don't you do that with someone who has mononucleosis and then record yourself not getting sick? I'm sure we'd all love to see your findings

>> No.15140419
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germ theory would also suggest cleaning the tank
to remove germs

>> No.15140424

>umbrella corp scientists read my posts wherein I call someone a nigger

>> No.15140748
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So you are saying there was never a Instance in your life where you got knowingly or unknowlingly mercury or aluminium into your system ?

So you can categoerically exclude it?


>> No.15140778
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No it suggests put poison into the tank to kill the bacteria.
Then wonder why the fish also died, because you did everything thet is considered Gold Standard.

For example streptocci bacteria, are mostly on necrotic tissue, simmultanously with white blood cells.
And its not a war between white blood cells and streps, the streps eat necroting tissue, and tmwhite blood cells aswell.

Thats why you find them not only in lung necrosis but also in diebetic legs which go into necrosis because they are not propperly supplied with oxigen.
And yet the white blood cells do nothing to them. Even if they are active.

If you take a healthy blood sample, and then add streps it will be "invasive".

And always despite "antibiotic" treatment so killing the streps people required amputation or simply die or go into septic shock.
Because it's like killing the trash man and now toxic decomposing waste chemicals leaching into your water supply:

"Blood cultures were positive in 4 patients, one in septic shock. Half the patients (n=13) underwent amputation, despite initially appropriate antibiotic treatment. No patients died but 3 relapsed."

"Despite intensive antibiotic therapy and adequate debridement, amputation is often required in diabetic patients because of severe damage to the tissue and poor vascularization."

They NEVER clean the tank.
They alsways add poison.

>> No.15140784
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sooooo are you the OP schizo? why do you now believe in strep?

>> No.15140813
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Streptoccoal bacteria are very real.
Like all bacteria, that can be observed living with a noninvasive microscopy technique.

The claim that they are the cause of diseas is the point of discuassion.
Anyone who denies the existance of bacteria is retarded.
And anyone who claims rhe bacteria are the single cause of disease is also retarded.
The multiplication of bacteria is a symptom of disease not the cause.
Bacteria are biochemical conversion machines of toxic crap, such as necrotizing issues.

If you see a animal corpse on the side of the road, and it is full with maggots...
Only a retard would say:
> the animal is dead and it has maggots
> therefore the maggots must have killed it

But for some reason within the micro realm this thought process does not happen, because it is hammered always and forever in our brains that our existance is a neverending war between humans against nature.
And nature is constantly trying to kill us with microbes.

>> No.15140831

makes sense the only creature that is harming nature is us and no one else.

>> No.15140837

wait the viruses aren't real fag believes that psych pills actually do anything? lmfao

>> No.15140898
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Not """US""".
It's the robberbarons and shitty Big Corps.

They literally fucked with humanities symbiotic self reliant cooperarion with nature via farming etc.

It's always the rich fucks who force selfreliant and nature loving people to be extrorted...
So They can destroy earth and rob its resources and sacrafice nature for it.
> the precious beautiful sweet metals

THEY not US want to live in dick shaped concrete skyscrapers in dense populated areas where we constantly touch elbows in a quasi open air prison of dept.

Look in history and see who put a fence between humans and nature.
It's not US.
We are not a monolithic collective.

I did not create the codex alimentarius nor do I respect it.
Stop calling it "US"

>> No.15140906

They made that shit up.

>> No.15140940
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> be you
> microbial cause of disease is fake
> waaaaah that conflicts with ma current beliefs
> I is going to short circuit aaaah my beliefs haaalp
> ???
> that must also mean chemical poisoning is impossible aswell
> that means nothin is real
> that means jumping from building causes nothing

>> No.15141016

sorry man but I honestly can't read meme text posts made by niggers with AIDS

>> No.15141051

What exactly?

>> No.15141094
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This shit is obsolete. And overkill.
Their premise is not even working nor scientific.
> they claim a virus is cause of the disease

They never establish once the causality between disease and the particle they claim is the cause.

Nor do they find it in a natural environment.

The SCIENTIFIC method is almost never used in most fields.
> you observe a natural phenomeon
> you have a dependent variable (the phenomenon) and a independent variable (the presumed cause of the phenomenon which you can manipulate and isolate)
At this step they already fail.
> you have a hypothesis about the independent variable to be the cause of the phenonon
> you conduct a experiment in which you change the variable, to demonstrate its influence or even cause of the phenomenon
> you conduct a valid control experiment under the same conditions without changing the variable in any or negligent way
> the results of the experiment can now be interpreted
> either the X causes Y or X does not cause Y (which is the null hypothesis)
> a theory arises
> a scientific experiment must be falsifiable and therefore repeatable
> meaning, there must be a chance of reproducing the experiment
> and maybe getting a different result
> never repeated experiments are not considered "good"
> methology is everything

The claime is: A virus is cause for a Disease.
Do the experiment should be
> this isolated particle from sick host
> causes the same exact disease if I insert it into a seperate host.

There is nothing scientific about virology.
They use Buzzwords and expensive equipment.
But their methods are esotheric

>> No.15142348
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>codex alimentarius

What in the fuck?

>> No.15142578

How do your theories explain parasites or zoonotic diseases such as orf?

>> No.15142580

What is the timestamp for the macaque paper?

>> No.15142765

What are "my theories"?

>> No.15143044

I like the fact that you ignored the post that explains how you are being myopic in your explanations >>15140119
Classic redditor strategy

>> No.15143468

If the evidence supporting germ theory and viruses is unsteady then what is causing them and how do parasites fit into the system?

>> No.15143487
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You just make claims about Immunity.
And Viruses.
Without any viable proof.

You claim that your immune system requires training because you claim that we have a constant war within us.

They never found viruses in Nature or got them from anywhere where a sick Organism is involved.

They didn't know how a virus looks.
Then mixed shit with a kidney cell.
Then the kidney cell died and desintegrated.
Then they stained the kidney cell with uranyl acetate and lead citrate.
Then they dryfroze the sample.
Than they took a invasive electron microscope which heats up the sample you look at.

Than they see a 20-100nm particle in the image beyond the thousands of particles in the image.
Then they claim that particle is the disease causing agent.
Then they DON'T isolate the supsect particle.
And do literally nothing with it.
Because they can't.
So they take the kidney cells with all the other crap of the culture.
Put it into a sequencer.
And say "find the virus" and then an sequence comes out.
And they never establish once a proof of causality of the disease.
They see shitty particle as a result of cell culture poisoning and claim its a virus.

And they don't have a control experiment.
Picrel is a vero cell cytopathic effect after lead poisoning.
Please tell me how to distinguish the cell debris exosome from a virus?

>> No.15143524

Look up Bechamp's terrain theory mentioned in the OP. It's supposed to be more of a starting point rather than a definite alternative nowadays. The only reason why germ theory became prevalent is because of John Rockefeller's agressive funding of research in this direction so that he could sell pharmaceuticals. Alternative theories have never been thoroughly investigated. People are slowly beginning to realize this fact. Virology will become obsolete.

>> No.15143536

>Please tell me how to distinguish the cell debris exosome from a virus?

>> No.15143550

Can someone provide any evidence supporting the mental illness theory for this?

>> No.15143578
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Trauma and non lethal amounts of neurotoxins.

Arsenic, BHC, mercury, Aluminium and lead influence your psychology and irrtatability.

Look at the late 1800s and early 1900s and observe the trend of mental asylums and the mercury and arsenic compounds that were in use.

>> No.15144278

Like so?

>> No.15144317

Nta but the post was about bacteria and now your just shifting the argument to vira.
Sounds preettttyyy Jewish or just a troll baka

>> No.15144382


>> No.15144505

>Sounds preettttyyy Jewish or just a troll baka

Go back to /b/ or /pol/

>> No.15144649

>Leave and stop tearing apart my fantasy with facts and logic!!!
Rude desu

>> No.15146020
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>> No.15146420

If germ theory is false please inject purified e. Coli into your veins please

>> No.15146506

you prolly die if you inject any shit in your veins that is not supposed to be there...
Like poo.
If e coli is so dangerous.
Why not just cook the poo, to kill all the e coli, and just inject the poo.
It's not goint to kill you, because the e coli is not there.

>> No.15146545


>> No.15146573

Because e coli in veins IS sepsis which is germ theory. Ergo, if germ theory is wrong, sepsis is no problem.

>> No.15146585

Does it though? Isn't the reason e-coli is bad because it produces toxic shit?

>> No.15146611

>I am retarded
Germ theory doesn't say that there isn't toxins. Did you know? If you search ecoli and see why it causes illness know what it will say? It creates toxins that damages your stomach or some shit. You put hand sanitizer in your poop and mush it around it will kill all the ecoli but the toxins that the ecoli created will still be there plus all the other toxic shit in shit.

>> No.15146622

It was and you're retarded.
A scientific "theory" isn't the same as your everyday theory.

> scientific theory: a coherent group of propositions formulated to explain a group of facts or phenomena in the natural world and repeatedly confirmed through experiment or observation

You don't believe it ? We don't care, it's true regardless.

>> No.15146628

Even the cell wall of e. Coli and other gram negative bacteria contain lipopolysaccharides, or endotoxins, which are poisonous. And even so, germ theory doesn't say that the physical object of a virus or bacterium causes sickness, metabolic activity of the pathogen is also a part of germ theory

>> No.15146641

Other than the discredited Pasteur and Koch who else were pivotal germ theory pioneers?

>> No.15146661

>If you have trouble reading this I can simplify it if you’d like
yes please

>> No.15146745
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Sepsis was defined as clinical sepsis accompanied by organ dysfunction, hypoperfusion or hypotension. According to this definition, simultaneous multiple organ involvement is observed in septic shock (such as cardiovascular [hypotension or hypoperfusion], renal [oliguria], respiratory [PaO2/FiO2 <300], hepatic [plasma total bilirubin >4 mg dL−1], haematologic [thrombocyte count <100.000/μL], central nervous system [mental changes], unexplained metabolic acidosis, etc). Septic shock is defined as a clinical tableau in which fluid/vasopressor-resistant hypotension (average artery blood pressure ≤70 mmHg) and hypoperfusion is observed.

Although the 1991 North American consensus definition considers the combination of infection and SIRS response as sepsis, a sepsis-like clinical picture may be observed without infection.


It's a toxic shock.
It has nothing to do with infection.
it's a "assumed" cause.
I can inject you with mercury or iron oxide or aluminium hydroxide or lead citrate and can give you a sepsis no problem.

E coli is on every fucking salad.
It's on every Potato, every vegetable that grows in the outside, aswell as the anthrax bacteria...
Almost nobody properly washes salad.
And even if only with cold water and really hastly.
I for example rarely wash salad I buy from my locals farmer market.
Never got sick.

I cook soft cooked omlets with free range eggs, unwashed.
No shitteritis in my toilet.
> Muh e coli
It does not even makes sense.
I know how kitchen of restaurants look like and how """well""" they wash food.
And if the whole coli scare was real, then everybody would have a constant shittocalypse.
But in fact, they get the shittness if they eat at taco bell etc, where shit is constantly heated above 65 degrees.
And over cooked...
But its full of Silica dioxide and other crap as filler.
And there are the people who shit their souls out.

>> No.15146754

>repeatedly confirmed through experiment or observation
Never happened with germ theory

>> No.15146767

Different e. Coli are varying levels of pathogenic, and obviously mode of infection produces different results. If you think e. Coli is so safe, drink a liter of purified e. Coli while taking antacids.
Nobody needs to wash eggs, it's just
>american farming
That strips the external membrane and predisposes eggs to bacterial growth, and even so you don't eat the egg shells.

>> No.15146805

>Coli is so safe, drink a liter of purified e. Coli while taking antacids.

Oh now it requires a Litre of purified e. Coli and I have to aditionally take antacids?
Wow amazing argument on the danger of e. coli which is mostly present in the sub mg in mass.

> Oh you are telling me table salt is safe?
Then eat 1 kg of it !

>> No.15146821

One litre of purified e. Coli solution, i.e 1 liter grow solution purified of everything but water or saline, not a cubic decimeter of e. Coli. And antacids will remove the first layer of the passive immune system, which of course is unnecessary when there is nothing to immunize against.

>> No.15146862
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>And antacids will remove the first layer of the passive immune system

It neutralized my stomache acid... Which is causing issues by itself because it fuckes up the body chemistry.
Why can I just not eat my e. Coli infested salad like always?
Why do I also have to poison myself?

Oh yeah and of course antacids are mostly aluminium.
> Aluminum carbonates
Also the side effects.

So to prove to me, that e. coli is toxic, you want me to take e. coli in a nontraditional way.
And aditionally take antacids...
> which cause diahrrea...

So you want to create noise again?
Just like with every Virology experiment?

> nonono you cannot take the e. Coli alone.
> You also have to poison yourself
> but whatever happens, it will be the e. Coli

>> No.15146901
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>> No.15146910


just drink the choleric water to prove us all wrong

you still haven't

>> No.15147365

Your guys told the magic story about:
> you cannot Isolate it directly

Even though size is not the problem.
It's their excuse to do a bogous experiment.
Why not use centrifugal filtration, like with bacteriophages?
Or nano filtration like with exosomes?

Why jumping the hoops and do the bending end excuses with:
> we have to culture it
> and we have to poison the cell culture
> and we don't do controll experiments
> and we don't actaually test the particle we see under the Electronmicroscope
> because its to small

Just isolate the god damn virus.
Don't rebrand the word Isolation.

>> No.15147729

>When you finally corner him and show him evidence that viruses are transimissable particles that reproduce inside their host
Show the evidence, please.

>> No.15148178
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> show evidence if a virus on a micrograph

Where? When? How?
You skip the part of
> where did they obtain the "virus" from?
From the sample itself?

There is always this wierd step in between.
> host is sick
> must be a virus
And then instead of finding the virus in the sample.
Isolating it AND THEN adding it to the culture to prove its effect.
They add the UNPURIFIED sample to the culture.
And then to not get some ""'bacterial""' of """mycotic""" effect, (Which they wierdly always exclude from the beginning) they add:
> streptomycin b sulfate
> neomycin
> a antimycotium
> Penicillin
to """purify"'" the sample.
(Which in my opinion is now more tainted, and noisy)
And these chemicalS are all toxic to kidneys or cytotoxic in general...
And guess what cellines they tend to always use:
> Monkey kidney cells (Vero Cells)
And then when the monkey kidney cells die because of the witch brew of antibiotics, they claim:
> THE VIRUS replicated and exploded the cell
Then they add aditional toxins to stain the sample.
> uranyl acetate
> lead citrate
Then to fixate the sample they dry freeze it.
Then they take a thin slice.
Then they put it under to electron microscope.
And then they point at some phages and and now comes your part:
> show evidence if a virus on a micrograph
> picrel
And even then they do not isolate the suspect particle.
But take a sample from the culture.
And centrifuge it
> to get the genes out and broke up
And then a magic machine comes.
> next generation gene sequencer
And yout tell the machine: this is a virus
And the machine finds the virus gene fragments, and puts them together and tells you:
> it is a Cunilingus Vaginitus Virus
And this is the evidence for a virus.
And now every anti-germer can go fuck themselves or something like that.

>> No.15148188

people did that back in koch's day and proved it wrong then too

>> No.15148312

> this isolated particle from sick host
> causes the same exact disease if I insert it into a seperate host.

Is this why HIV needlestick transmission is so low?

>> No.15148822

they literally say they are not verifying koch's postulates but rivers' postulates.

>> No.15149267
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>rivers' postulates.
There is no thing such as "rivers' postulate"

There is Rivers comment and critique on Kochs postulate:

My favourite quote:

"To summarize, it can be said that the cause of viral diseases
is known and that Koch's postulates as proposed by him do not
have to be fulfilled in order to prove that a virus is the cause of
a disease. However, the spirit of his rules of proof still holds
in that a worker must demonstrate that a virus is not only associated with a disease but that it is actually the cause."

> a worker must demonstrate that a virus is not only associated with a disease but that it is actually the cause

>> No.15149317


here you go

>> No.15149350

Please pick a specific study you have read and demonstrates, that a single Identified particle type is cause for the plant disease and decay.

Putting decaying plant juices on starving plants, does not prove the Existance of A virus.
But that the decomposing crap of a plant and all it's substances can be cause of poisoning the other plant.

To quote Thomas M. Rivers:
"a worker must demonstrate that a virus is not only associated with a disease but that it is actually the cause"

>> No.15149425

So what's the disproof of RNA sequencing of viral material

>> No.15149430

>So what's the disproof of RNA sequencing of viral material
The absence of proof.

>> No.15149431

>But that the decomposing crap of a plant and all it's substances can be cause of poisoning the other plant.
Prove it. Put plant juice from a healthy plant on another plant.

>> No.15149445

>Prove it.
That's literally what the papers about TMV prove.
They never take isolated "virus".
They take a decaying plant juice.
Ergo they are proving that decaying plant juice is bad for plants. Not that there is a virus.

>> No.15149471

A fellow critic from my shithole country has asked a plant virologist, a specialist on TMV and related, whether he could conduct a simple experiment proving TMV. After some discussion and a lot of vague claims of there being "tens of thousands proofs everywhere", the virologist has decided on his own initiative to write a summary of TMV research including evidence and rebuttal of the counter arguments.

It has been 8 months and he has stopped responding to all messages since then.

>> No.15149472
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Thats literally what they did in the original tabacco mosic experiment:
> https://www.apsnet.org/edcenter/apsnetfeatures/Documents/2008/Mayer1886.pdf

So what he did, was just grinding up plant matter.
Adding water to it, and injecting it into a vein of a adult plant.
There was no control experiment done.
Nor "a isolation" of the specific "virus".
He ground up crap, mixed it with water, and injected it into a plant.
You can do the same with any plant.
Take leafs, grind them up mix them with water.
Take a syringe and inject it into the plant.

This is not proof of anything but:
> if you inject crap that doen't belong in a vein of a plant
> the plant dies...
> because you fucked up it's pathway of retrieving nutrition and water

The absense of a controll experiment, where he would grind up a healthy plant, mix it with water and inject it aswell into a healthy plant is unscientific.

The invasive methology of a nontraditional pathway of inocculation via directly injecting it into a plant.
Does not prove:
> a virus flying arround
> dropping on the soil
> getting absorbed by the plant
> then the plant gets sick

>> No.15149475

>You can do the same with any plant.
Prove it then, it will be easy to do the control. Your Nobel Prize is waiting.

>> No.15149478

>proving TMV.
speak english, please. proving what about TMV?

>> No.15149483
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>> No.15149487

>doesn't conduct control experiment
>it's the others' job to prove that a control experiment would invalidate my work

>> No.15149493
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yeah, moron, it is
if you inject saline solution into your blood, you amazingly don't die

>> No.15149494

Well instead of whinging about it you could disprove germ theory once and for all. Nobody would be able to argue with you then.

>> No.15149506

Science works the other way around. It's the scientists' job to provide proofs of their hypothesis that would withstand criticism.
How about you prove germ theory once and for all. Nobody would be able to argue with you then.

>> No.15149527

>disprove germ theory
This in itself is a reification fallacy.

>disprove god exists

>> No.15149536

They already provided the proof. If you want to argue against them you need to falsify their evidence by performing a replication that shows the original experiment wasn't correct.

>> No.15149539

Listen, retard. It's a scientist's fucking job to provide as many proofs as demanded whenever I doubt their previous proofs. They are living off my taxpayer money and it's THEIR JOB to provide proofs of their proofs when I doubt them.

>> No.15149545

Well anon, I'm actually quite sure that Adolf Mayer is not receiving your taxpayer dollars, and in fact you cannot ask him anything unless you do so through a séance.

>> No.15149550

a proof which doesn't use the scientific method is of no scientific value

>> No.15149554

>whenever I doubt their previous proofs
more like whenever I show obvious flaws in the proofs, such as the lack of control

>> No.15149563

>They already provided the proof. If you want to argue against them you need to falsify their evidence by performing a replication that shows the original experiment wasn't correct.

What did they proof?
Bacteria and microbes and bacteriophages in general exist.

Did they prove that Germ X is cause of disease ?

>> No.15149597

What exactly has Adolf Mayer proved, according to you?

>> No.15149680
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Most "science" does not use the scientific method.
They cannot even prove that Vitamin D supplementation is beneficial.
Don't consoom anything based on """The Science""" that is funded by Big Pharma.
Let it be:
> Antivials
> Anti bacterial
> Anti [insert meme]
> reversed aging
> panacea

Most studies are Headlines for PR and Marketing campaigns.
No proof or working methodology is required.
Just headline and then a press release and a science tabloit online article, and midwits go:
> wow
> a studied said that...
> experts say that...
> wow such expert so wow

Nobody actually reads the Study and nobody tries to reproduce it.
The inflate "science" with "The Science" studies.
They overwhelm the market and then nobody will be able to test anything.
> just believe
It's all memes....

>> No.15150000

It doesn't matter.
As you can see nobody is interested in science.
Or the methods therof.

It's just creating a hypothesis and do everything to jump to conclusions.
When questioned, scream heretic.

If there is money and their job on the line, nobody would admit anything.
This is a business model.

>make hypothesis
>make fear
>claim to have the solution
>sell the solution

>> No.15150170

>make niggers
>sell nazism

>> No.15150552

>create terrorism
>sell war

>create fear of disease
>sell remedies which make disease
>sell symptom supressors

>create fear of CO2
>sell CO2 certificates

>> No.15150581

Hegelien dialectics

>> No.15150622

>humanities symbiotic self reliant cooperarion with nature via farming etc.
Farming isn't natural, dipshit. It replaces complex ecosystems with fucked up monocultures.

>> No.15150643

Monocultural farming is a Coorporate phenomonon induced via this specific act.
They forced farmers to only grow monocultures.
Forbid variety.
Monocultures exist because of agricultural legislature.
Nit because farmers want it that way.
Farmers are not as dumb as you got taught by TV.
They know how soil and animals and plants stay healthy.
They xare more about life and nature than these retarded activists and prolly you.

>> No.15150669

You should read Hegel.
This whole hegelian dialectic shit is wierdly astroturfed into the Social media realm.
And apperently all people repeat the same about the Problem solution dynamic even though hegel never said such a thing.

He was a naturalist and searcher for philisophical truth.
He never established this perverted idea of the trickery and enslavement, via problem and solution.

His works are amazing.
And it is a shame that people just repeat this thing, just because they heard it once on alex jones or on a youtube channel.
Infuriating to be honest.

>> No.15151616

No it's not their job.
But ther Job is, as the title says to follow the scientific method as good as possible.

And this is actually what they don't do.
Null hypothesis or controll experiments are either never done, or are fraudulent.

>> No.15151692

all three are weapons against fossil fuel based civilization/economy

>> No.15151698
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4chan, behind the scene

>> No.15151706

Much of social theory is entirely divorced from its original conceptualisation.
The idea that groups establish a goal then create two differing solutions to funnel thought into creating the actual solution they want instead of what would naturally occur.
Do you think Marx would have had any concept of the horrors of contemporary cultural marxism?

>> No.15151718 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15151720 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15151735

What am I looking at here?

>> No.15151749 [DELETED] 

all together you got some pics of the website's founder who has a fondness for crossdressing at pedo anime conventions and then you got some other background info connecting moot to the hardcore radical feminists of the gaming industry and leftist political media and also a link to a /news/ thread about the radical feminists who are employees of the democratic party while they're also moderators on 4chan.

>> No.15151769

Ah I see, I missed the thread title
>4chan mod loses her day job

>> No.15152160
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>Do you think Marx would have had any concept of the horrors of contemporary cultural marxism?

I read Marx.
And it is astonishing to me how his concepts are retardetly converted to what it is perceived as now.
Marx would spin in his grave like a windmill during hurricane season.

The fundamental issue is not the system.
It's the low moral and normalization of lying and deception.

>no cap
>not gonna lie
>I swear
>for real though

These fundamental building blocks of normal conversations between young people is one of the biggest psyops and brainwashes that exist.

The default is apparently lying and deceiving. Thats why it's normalized to use these terms, to make the recipient of your words, acknowledge that you do not lie, this time.
And this is such a small thing, yet detrimental to our fabric of society (which is built on trust), that we literally just accept and assume being lied to, even when it is unconscious.
>lying is the default
>and it just got normalized
>nobody cares

We live in a low moral, lying and deceiving society.
And no system will fix it.
Only if moral and truth become standard again.
Only then things will go up.
> the good, the true and the beautiful

>> No.15152204

So the war against christianity which venerates humble truth makes a little more sense to me now.

>c: GAS D Y

>> No.15152214

imagine this in a country like russia where it actually could be possible and consider the existence of havana syndrome and the possibilities of that and stuff that is not public would really suck to live there as political oppposition at least

>> No.15152217
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>imagine this in a country like russia where it actually could be possible
Extremely crude attempt.

>> No.15152221

> create artificial image of Russia
> sell speculation and propaganda
that is what you just were doing

>> No.15152238

>There was no control experiment done.
how do you know this?

>> No.15152258
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u wot m8?

>> No.15152301

>be sick
>cough in someone's face
>they get sick
it was the terrain

>> No.15152310

>be sick
>say "hello" to someone
>they get sick
"scientific breakthrough! certain words may cause diseases, scientists say"

>> No.15152318
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Because it is not documented and mentioned and no protocoll exists?

If you do a experiment you document everything.
The hypothesis.
The methodology.
The variable.
And the control experiment.
Not doing a protocol means it has not been done.
> but the dog ate my homework

A scientific method for experimentation requires the variable that is the presumed cause of the phenomenon to be tested.
Meaning: If the presumed cause of an phenomenon is really the single cause, then leaving out the causal variable away should not induce the effect
(in this case a Virus or Parasite in the decaying plant leave, then it should not be in a healthy plant leave.)
This is called the: Null hypothesis.

So you would also grind up a healthy leave, mix it with water and inject it in the same fashion into a plant leave, to exclude :
> the invasive unnatural procedure itself is harming the plant
> the plant chemicals themselves (like alkalic compounds and nicotine) causing issues because the typical way of transmission is not injection
> if the procedure itself without any sick plant causes the same issues in the experiment
> then the procedure is faulty and another procedure has to be found

The scientific method requires you, to exclude you messed up your experiment by the nature and make up of the experiment.
Or lets say to not fool yourself.

> Hypothesis: dandelion kill mice
> to prove that dandelion kill mice i will take a mouse and a dandelion and put them into a 100% hermetically sealed 20cm x 20cm container for 10 days, so no outside poisons can come in.
> 10 days later I look inside and the mouse is dead
> I proved my hypothesis

If you are smart you would ask?
> 10 days in a small hermetically sealed container? didn't the mouse just suffocate?
And you would demand doing the same experiment but without a dandelion to check if the design of the experiment actually killed the mouse

>> No.15152322
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>> No.15152325

>Because it is not documented and mentioned and no protocoll exists?
Then it's assumed they did the control.

>say hello over telephone
>no one gets sick
wow that was hard

>> No.15152328

>cough in someone's face
>they don't get sick
wow that was hard

>> No.15152333

>Then it's assumed they did the control.
you can "assume" whatever you want. that won't magically make it true.

>> No.15152334

>cough in someone's face
>they get upset
evolutionary psychology supports the existence of transmissible pathogens

>> No.15152342

>yell in someone's face
>they get upset
wow that was hard

>> No.15152344

yes because that's harmful to their sensitive hearing. why is caughing harmful if it doesn't transmit pathogens? :^)

>> No.15152348

>be in school
>stacy coughs and sneezes
>still goes to school
>"I just cannot get sick right now, I have the debutante ball this weekend, and If I don't go school my mom won't allow me to go there"
> sits in class coughs and sneezes, reuses snotted Handkerchief multiple times
> feverish
> coughs in all general directions
> nobody else in the class got sick

Work at subway as shitty wagie while in highschool
>coworkers afraid of boss
>everyone comes to work even if sick
>several times worked with sick collegue
>never got sick

>be at home
>mom is sick
>me not
>dad not
>care for her
>did not get sick

>Be sick
>Mom not sick
>Dad not sick
>care for me
>don't get sick

>Gf gets sick
>sleep with her in bed
>coghs constantly
>don't get sick

>live with roommates
>they don't sleep enough
>they take drugs and get hardcore drunk every weekend
>they get sick frequently
>me and other roommate (both rarely drink) don't get sick

>> No.15152350

I practically tongue-fucked your girlfriend's throat while she was sick and I can confirm diseases are not transmissible.

>> No.15152357

>Then it's assumed they did the control.

>> No.15152504
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>> No.15152523

Out of genuine curiosity, if we ignore the anti-germ theory angle completely. What are the specifics of the alternative theory?
What causes disease?
How does disease spread?
How do our bodies fight it?
What enables immunity/resistance?
How do antibiotics work?

>> No.15152600

Koch was another fraud, what's your point?

>> No.15152602

>Proves that Mycobacterium is the cause of TB through proper experimentation
>Retard 130 years later says he didn't
Whatever you say, fraud.

>> No.15152623
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>What are the specifics of the alternative theory?
You don't have to have an alternative actually. You could just say: "I don't know"
>What causes disease?
What disease specificly?
Flu like symptoms appeat with almost every type of poisoning.
Acidosis by eating shit.
By being literally poisoned.
Stress caused acidosis.
Eating a shitton of sugar and binge drinking and getting so sleep, leads to acidosis.
Oh and malnutrition, leads to necrosis and then illness.
Oh and metalfumes from fireworks.

>How does disease spread?
Implies that it spreads from the beginning.
If I poison a water supply everyone downstream would get sick.
If I start a vaccination campaign with mercury, and send my doctors from village to village, and it would appear as if it spreads.
If I send poisoned food to a kindergarden, it would appear as if it spread.
>How do our bodies fight it?
By expelling dead cells, via vommiting, coughing, diahrrea.

>What enables immunity/resistance?
Is again a implication of disease spreading via mere touch or air.

>How do antibiotics work?
They don't. The subsequent rest and sleep does.
Most people get sick, still go to work, and only when its so bad, that they have to go to the doctor, only then they feel "allowed" to rest.
Only antibiotic ointments help against skin diseasee, because the most of the time contain oils that provide nutrition. Or are so poisonous that accelerate necrosis. So the skin does not attempt to heal anymore, and the disease is gone but you will have a scar tissue after that.

>> No.15152638

Yet according to Hadwen "Nobody has ever found a tubercle bacillus in the early stages of tuberculosis.”

>> No.15152663

They literally did that experiment already many times when virology was first discovered. They won't do it again because scarce resources are better used elsewhere

>> No.15152664

>Mycobacterium is the cause of TB through proper experimentation
Show the expemiment.

As far as I know he just stained a tissue sample with extremly toxic stains, which lead to the sestruction of cell tissue.
Which resulted in a still image of dead stained cell fragments.
Which he denn labeled as Bacillus...

Also no controll experiment.

And his tuberculin was a scandal, it was mostly glycerin which got injected in people.

>> No.15152667

>They literally did that experiment already many times when virology was first discovered
They didn't

>> No.15152693

Is this "acidosis" observable in any way?

>How do antibiotics work?
>They don't.
Aaaand the efficiency of antibiotics has also never been proven, right?

>> No.15152695

Get a pure culture of a pathogenic bacteria, inject it into yourself (no cheating by swallowing them), and come back with results. We'll be waiting.

>> No.15152696

>It's been proven that penicillin binds to PBP, inhibiting transpeptidation in peptidoglycan thus producing a bactericidal effect
Yeah I'm not buying it

>> No.15152697

Ok, viruses are not real.
Is DNA and RNA real?
Are genetic diseases real?
Do you believe that certain people are predisposed to certain diseases (e.g. schizophrenia)?

>> No.15152699

nta but antibiotics are necessarily toxic, the question is how toxic they are for your body as a whole.

>> No.15152700

>Is this "acidosis" observable in any way?
ok, what about this?

>> No.15152705

That should not be relevant for this discussion. Does it kill the germs and the patient gets better? Yes.
Do people die from bacterial infections without antibiotics? Yes.

>> No.15152716

It's a parallel topic. How often do people die or experience reduced fitness due to antibiotics?

trivialising the arguments of germ theory deniers/questioners doesn't actually lead us to more knowledge, the viruses don't exist guy is an antagonistic retard but there is fraud and lobbying involved in the establishment of current medical practice that ought to be re-examined

>> No.15152717
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Measurable via PH test of urine, bronchial fluids, and Interstitium.

Low PH means you are acidic.
Can have various reasons.

But poisoning and shitty diet lead to that.
You can even pee on a PH test, to check your health.
Yet it's not that helpfull if you do it only once a day, since the PH will vary because you will of course excrete ecids and bases via urine.
But for example if you take multiple tests in a day, and it equalizeses arround a PH of 7-7.5 you are fine.
If it never is close to 7 you have a issue.

>> No.15152731

I'm just kidding anon, I'm a medical microbiologist, I've seen heaps of proof on the mechanisms of action of antimicrobials. The people who are denying it in this thread are retarded.

>> No.15152735

>How often do people die or experience reduced fitness due to antibiotics?
They don't?
There is no point in acting contrarian.

I thought you would pull something out of your ass, but you actually are trying to educate using real medical knowledge. Wow.
This is hilarious. Normal pH is 7.34-7.44. There are BUFFER SYSTEMS that keep the ph at this level. Any increase or decrease of ph outside the norm induces compensatory mechanisms. It doesn't just lead to ANY disease. It leads straight up to death!
And you are telling me that changes in ph lead to...flu?

>> No.15152739

I must admit, you are not very convincing.

Specifically why you're not very convincing is you seem to essentiallu assume all disease is either flu or colds. And also I guess only the stressed, malnourished or straight poisoned get it.

What really amazes me is how the world can be so shock full of poisons that only target like one person.

Not to even mention the whole basis of it, from what you're saying and highlightong with your image, seems to be based on correlation equaling causation. Some poisonous reactions have similar symptoms to flu. Does that mean that all flu is caused by poisonous reactions? The logic there feels a bit flawed.

Oh and I thought the whole idea of the thread was to support, was it calle environment theory? If it's mostly just against another theory... Well nothing really wrong about it, just a bit poor and boring in content. I am a tad dissapointed if I'm gonna be completely frank. Sorta expected more.

>> No.15152742

>They don't?
Well, of course there are side effects. Most are as rare as dying from anaphylaxis by eating a walnut

>> No.15152754

>They don't?

>> No.15152762

Acidosis is about the acidity of blood. Not piss.

And around 7 would be hella acidic. The body requires like, pH7.4 or so

>> No.15152765

>And you are telling me that changes in ph lead to...flu?

Flu like symptoms.
Also you mix together blood PH with the PH of various tissue types.
Your loung, your liver, your kidney etc.
They have different tollerances from your blood.

Compounds that poison you, will be eradicated by chemical proceses.
These are either acidic themselves to "disarm" said compound to bind it to a non reacive form.
Or in the breakdown process create acids.
Most of the time.
Rarely you get the opposite. Alkalosis.

I don't say that it requires much of a change.
But your blood and general interstitial fluids operate best at a slightly basic PH of 7-7.5 depending on the tissue type.

For example flu like symptoms after exercising is caused by a built up of lactic acid.
There is observations of lung equalizing letabolic acidosis by selfe induced metabolic alkalosis. This is a really interesting topic of how your body regulates the PH.

I don't say this is the solution to all problems or cause.
But it is mostly and it is extremly overlooked and literally memoryhold in the medical field.

PH means a lot.
If its green then you are clean is a simple thing to live by.

>> No.15152768

You should have read the article before posting it

>> No.15152771

As I said piss is a inaccurate measure but indicates ph irregularities.
Blood ph is hard to measure as a normal human on a frequent basis.

>> No.15152776

So it doesn't lead to flu?
What causes flu then??

>> No.15152778

Is there some issue with it?

>> No.15152779

Of acidosis is a main cause of disease. Couldn't most diseases be cured by injecting something that alkalises the blood?

Why haven't we seen medicine like that yet??

>> No.15152790

Flu is a assortment of symptoms.
From diarrhea to fevery shivers.
To cold shivers.
To coughs.
To sinuitis.
To dry coughs.

Why do they symptoms vary so much?
I don't know.
But they make you believe these symptoms are clearly flu...
Even if rsv, diphteria, covid, the cold have the same set of symptoms.

Believe what you like.

Flu is just a mix of symptoms of which you don't even have to have all of them.
Just some, and they can declare you as flu patient.
.you don't think its odd that there are so many conditions with "flu like symptoms"

>> No.15152794

>Also you mix together blood PH with the PH of various tissue types.
I do?

>But it is mostly and it is extremly overlooked and literally memoryhold in the medical field.
Chages in pH are studied through and out. They cause specific syndromes but you, on the other hand, claim that they cause all diseases at random.

>> No.15152795

Robert young went to jail for this.
Healing does not bring money.

And no. You cant just add shit.
It depends.
Adding stuff is also just symptom treatment.
Find the cause eliminate it.
Drinking water helps.
Because it dilutes ypur body and helps you to wash out unwanted chemicals.

But no I don't subscribe to any panacea.
There are some """natural healers""" who swear on salts.
I don't.
Resting and fasting and drinking helps.
People don't rest enough.

>> No.15152800

I don't conflate it to mean that all disease with flu-like sympoms are flu.

>> No.15152807

>I do?
Normal pH is 7.34-7.44. There are BUFFER SYSTEMS that keep the ph at this level.

This is not everywhere the case.

> cause all diseases at random.

Your body works via communicating cells that have ions.
Your body requires electrolytes to function.
These are mostly basic alkaline compounds.
If you are acidic your biochemical communication system does not operate well.
Even white blood cells require ions on their outside.
Equalizing their load with acids, lead to malfunction.
It's similar to neurotoxins, non lethal doses lead to random eypressions of disease.
Some get blind, some lose memory, some lose the ability to speak or walk propperly, some get chronic datigue, some get MS.

If a conplex system is damaged or irritated it leads to complex problems.

>> No.15152809

Considering the utter madness of medieval medicine. Did the idea seriously never come up?

Do you seriously believe money's all there is to it? Even when nations don't use private healthcare and thusly are incentivized to create working cheap cures?

Even when we consider the time before big pharma. This cureall was never found? Sounds silly if true.

>> No.15152810

This means the ultimate panacea is the bariatric surgery. Stomach acid has a pH of 2. This means that by removing the stomach we increase the average pH of the body! And nobody ever gets sick.

>> No.15152812
File: 1.96 MB, 2048x3584, 1674653572685469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imbalance generates problems. You don't need to be a great /sci/entist to understand that.

>> No.15152819

Then elaborate what is the specific disease of "flu"?

>> No.15152825

Yes indeed, the difference between poison and medicine is in the dose and all. We all know that.

Claiming it to be the one and only sole cause of all disease though. Well now that's a bit silly.

>> No.15152839
File: 224 KB, 897x531, 1662493510556359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The flexner report lead to picrel here:

It all boils down to obdfuscation and complication.
Non invasive remedies were eradicated.
And also all scientific medical curiosity.

It's not medival shit.
Also you should realy take a deepter dive into that. And who exactly pushed and force the blue mass on people.
Mithridisation is not a "peasant" medicine style.
Same for mettalurgist treatments like mercury. It still exits btw.

>> No.15152841

You won't like hearing it

But the definition is roughly:
"An acute contagious viral infection of humans, characterized by inflammation of the respiratory tract and by fever, chills, muscular pain, and prostration."

Of which the most importamt aspect, as compared to the poisons you mention is the contagiousness of it. If you want to get more specific into what differs influenza from other viral disease with similar symptoms I believe that is down to strain. We can test the rna of viruses and the dna of bacteria in sick people and if the same ones crop up specifically in people sick with a specific disease...

Well don't take a genious to infer something out of that.

>> No.15152849

Ah. I see

This isn't about germ vs environment theory at all. But rather just an anti-establishment take bred out of a belief that all of the world is puppetered by secret masterminds who want to keep the common man(you) down.

Finally makes some sense

>> No.15152897

nta but
>a belief that all of the world is puppetered by secret masterminds who want to keep the common man(you) down.

Taking the past 3 years into consideration what evidence do you draw on to believe that this isn't the case?
Are you vaxxed?

>> No.15152922

>What evidence
I'm not a fucking American is what.
(My condoleances for the situation in the US)

>> No.15152933

This has been a global operation in totalitarian control, what magical country allowed you to escape it? America was just the main target.

>> No.15152950

One that never locked down

>> No.15152974

>secret masterminds who want to keep the common man(you) down.

Not secret.
They did it in the open. And still do it.
It's not a conspiracy nor secretly.
Just because it isn't communicated on Prime Time TV does not make it a secret.
Nobody cares.
And they convince people of their goals. Openly.
Not secretly.

>> No.15153025

May I know the name of this either based or third world nation?

>> No.15153027

Most of Africa, parts of Europe.

>> No.15153054

Getting too off-topic
Even though the topic turned out to be sorta dumb, sadly.

>> No.15153069

Well that's likely more than not, you would likely have to go out of your way to find someone with real knowledge of the topic

But you could look into some of the books highlighting failings with the medical system or germ/viral theory. You will likely gain a better understanding of whatever the lay readers here are inexpertly trying to argue.

>> No.15153085

Thank you
You're right, I should visit my local librRh

>> No.15153324

you have no idea what the body does in reaction to that or what happens when a cause is corrected or would otherwise be and you still have shit injected and symptoms persist

>> No.15153340
File: 1.33 MB, 1036x1476, germ theory books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could try some of these I saved it from a thread here last year sometime so it might have been updated.
I've read Virus Mania and thought it left me with a lot of questions.

>> No.15153341

No one said that. And this
>the difference between poison and medicine is in the dose and all
Is not true. It's always poison no matter how little you use if it's something that shouldn't be there and causes harm. The only difference is not seeing immediate symptoms of it. Doesn't mean it's harmless and that you can just recover from it with no lasting effect on health, or even that there won't be clear symptoms much later on which are then not associated with the poisoning (for no good reason) but must then be associated with something else.

>> No.15153367

I don't know, anon. What's your hypothesis? Can you back it up with scientific evidence?

>> No.15153373

>They literally did that experiment already many times when virology was first discovered
Post a single instance, please.

>> No.15153410

Yuck, these look exploitative like hell

> Why everything you thought about X is wrong
Titles like this absolutely ooze "grifter selling books to make a quick buck".

>Doctors don't want you to know!
>Coronavirus is a buzzword let's use that!
Like, you serious with this?

>> No.15153432

>How to protect your family!
>*They* make money at (our) expense!

It's fucking textbook bs alert titles all the way down.

Bottom two look alright though, at a glance

>> No.15153436

>the books are bullshit
>I haven't read them
>but I know they're bullshit

>> No.15153441


>> No.15153463

Telling you they immediately ring a bunch of red flags.

In fact, they ring a hilarious number of red flags. Only one that doesn't, except bottom two is "We want to live"
But I can't actually read the rest of the cover.

That kinda language is very worrisome when coming what's supposed to be scientific literature.

>> No.15153470

Anyone who's grown up on the internet with the barrage of clickbait that entails really should have warning bells chiming hard at the language on the front of those books.

>> No.15153471

bottom left is just geison's book on pasteur's lab notes

>> No.15153476

Yeah, that's the one that looks the most reputable
And the one I'm gonna actually read

>> No.15153509
File: 118 KB, 900x2316, cough_runny_nose_fever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But the definition is roughly:
>"An acute contagious viral infection of humans, characterized by inflammation of the respiratory tract and by fever, chills, muscular pain, and prostration."
Is literally what happens with all "flu/cold"-like diseases.
> picrel

>Of which the most importamt aspect, as compared to the poisons you mention is the contagiousness of it.
Contagiousness is a claim and a reification fallacy, when the fact of transmissibility is never proven to begin with.

When do most flu cases happen ?
> between December and March
> because
> its cold
> people eating candy, and jumping from one holiday binge drinking to the next
> sugar
> alcohol
> sugar
> alcohol and eating fatty crap all day long
Oh all people are sick in a vaguely similar time, who were part on similar events.
All so drunk and binge eating and drinking.

>Well don't take a genious to infer something out of that.
You don't have to be a "declared" genius, to just stop believing in things that were never proven.

>> No.15153510

virus mania is worth grabbing a pdf of
I flicked through cowan's contagion myth book but he feels like a grifter.
the blue what really makes you ill is written by an accountant and an electrical engineer and it feels like it from the pages I looked at I'm not sure of their chain of logic but they're pretty stolid types.
I think the we want to live guy vonderplatz might be one of the weirder ones on there

probably a /pol/ list

>> No.15153512

Have you ever had your blood pH deviate from the normal range? I can tell you as someone who cares for a person with failing kidneys, you're not going to mistake the symptoms for the flu.

>> No.15153567

>Have you ever had your blood pH deviate from the normal range? I can tell you as someone who cares for a person with failing kidneys, you're not going to mistake the symptoms for the flu.

If it appeared to you that I wanted to give you an "universal explaination" for flu, like "virus" but instead of "virus" it's "PH-imbalance" than I am sorry, that I miscomunicated.
It is A (one) (1) cause of it.
Whatever it is, it is a cleansing of your system, for whatever reasons.
It expells dead cells, forces you to rest, increases temperature (which accelerates chemical reactions and tissue regeneration).
If you poison your self symptoms are flu like.
Or "if you have the flu" your symptons are "intoxication like" for example with alcohol, stress hormones and their metabolites or mercury or aluminium.
I don't know the cause of every individual case.
Nor is it the claim I want to make.

There is no proof of a virus causing the disease.

>> No.15153618

Virus Mania is fucking brilliant. Joke's on you if you don't read it just because you've arbitrarily decided it was bad.

>> No.15153650

My point is change in pH is not a reasonable explanation for flu-like symptoms because the result is going to be a lot worse.

>> No.15153658

The other point is that if it's not change in pH, then you should look for some other explanation, but not for a virus. That's cheating, you will always find a virus if you decide there's a virus.

>> No.15153664

But it doesn't have to be a virus, it could be bacteria or mold. We also know people can feel terrible if they're poisoned, if an organ fails, etc. Believing in germs does not exclude other possible causes, but I find it highly unlikely something like a change in pH or poisoning could result in a runny nose for about one week. The most probable cause is a virus.

>> No.15153699

>My point is change in pH is not a reasonable explanation for flu-like symptoms because the result is going to be a lot worse.

You switch cause and effect.
If you habe a kidney issue, your PH will be of, because your kidney like the liver, are cleaning the fluids of your body, and your expell compounds with various PH from your urine.

If your kidney is damaged, your PH will be off...
That's a way to detect kidnay damage.
If no Kidney damage is suspected no PH check will be done.

The concept of correlating ph with wellbeeing is not commonly understood nor accepted by the medical field, even though they know electrolytes play a important role in well beeing.

>That's cheating, you will always find a virus if you decide there's a virus.
Please elaborate on that, and please elaborate an how you know the causality by:
> show me the virus
> show me the virus is causing this specific disease

>> No.15154272
File: 221 KB, 419x552, 1648109449252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it could be bacteria or mold
Could. But isn't.
Thats why they switched to Virus.
Because real scientists with no big corp funding could and did the bacterial experiments.
And they found nothing.
That's why they switched to experiments and a """theory""" which requires expensive or strictly regulated materils.
Like a Electron microscope.
And radioactive staining material, like uranyl acetate.
Hard to do such an experiment, if you don't own a big lab.

>> No.15154274

>Because real scientists with no big corp funding could and did the bacterial experiments.
>And they found nothing.
Fucking cholera almost killed one of them.

>> No.15154330

>Fucking cholera almost killed one of them.
Please state a source...
You make claims.
Give the source.

>> No.15154390
File: 439 KB, 652x3048, fake_study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I looked at the volunteer experiments...
And these are absolutely retarded.
All of these experiments, required the volunteers to go through fasting.
Were administered Tetracycline:

Which causes diarrhea

And the culture was buffered with Sorensen’s phosphate buffer:
Which contains:
sodium phosphates
Which is typically used to induce, you guessed it, diarrhea:

>> No.15154404

>Terrain theory
Why call it this instead of miasma which both sounds cooler and was the actual competing theory?

Anyway, technically germ theory is what first led us to clean environments (wells etc.) because before we had assume disease could only spread through bad air as miasma.

Germ theory was before aerosols were properly understand. Both germ theory and miasma are wrong, only combined are they correct.

>> No.15154444

>Why call it this instead of miasma which both sounds cooler and was the actual competing theory?

Miasma means "bad air".
Which is also retarded.

> technically germ theory is what first led us to clean environments (wells etc.)

No actually has no correlation.
If you would look into the "Big Stink" of the UK, it caused disease, because they started to put shit in the water.
Shit and water were seperated, people had sesspools and mixed shit with earth instead of putting it into the water supply.
Then the "government" came to the great idea, to use the "storm drains" to get the shit out of sesspools, and put it directly in rivers.
Which created the great stink, and brought disease.

> Germ theory was before aerosols were properly understand
It is literally the same magical shit. Not proven just claims.

Terrain means :
>Your body is the terrain
>Similar to soil
>if the soil is poisoned, plants die
>if soil PH is off, plants die
>same for your body and your tissue
Your body is the terrain, not the "Air".
Terrain is not "your environment" as the "outside".
It the terrain of your micro biology.
And yes outside influences like food intake, breathing in toxic fumes, drinking poisoned water will fuck up your terrain.

>Then shit in the water proves germs
Shit in water is like "fertilizer in water".
Phosphates and 2–25% protein or nitrogenous matter and alkaline substances.
It's fertilizer. Non human consumable expelled biological trash.

You can cook your shit to kill all bacteria, add it to water and drink it, and you will still get sick.

>> No.15154467
File: 60 KB, 580x454, terrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay so what are the "poisons" responsible for the flu? and which poison for ebola? And for cholera (and don't say Cholera toxin)?
You purport that these pernicious substances linger about, ready to strike and cause disease, but you don't say what they are.

>> No.15154491

>okay so what are the "poisons" responsible for the flu?

> and which poison for ebola?
I don't how how they poison africans

>And for cholera (and don't say Cholera toxin)?
They literally faked the "cholera" experiments:

>You purport that these pernicious substances linger about, ready to strike and cause disease, but you don't say what they are.
> ready to strike and cause disease
No I don't

>but you don't say what they are.
You don't need a alternative explaination to say: "the current explaination is false"
you can just say: "we don't exactly know, but there are multiple factors, we need to look at."

"If it's not virus I need a alternative otherwise I belive in virus, even if its wrong"
"Variable X is not cause for Phenomenon A, but until I know which variable is actually responsible, I keeps saying it's variable X, even though it is not, because I cannot exist in a state of lack of knowledge about a subject, a lie is better than nothing"

>> No.15154517

So you've got nothing.

The current theory is useful. It can make predictions and it provides treatments that for whatever reason help.

You say it's wrong but offer up nothing useful in return. Thee whole terrain idea is full of way too many holes, you even admit yourself you have no idea how things would actually work under it.

When dealing with human life we have to be practical. Until you cone forward with a superior theory that is useful in practise then we'll use the current one, even if not fully correct, because it works.

>> No.15154527

Your explanation for why antibiotics work does not explain why it works on animals and children.
It works even when the subject does not know they've been given it.

How does that work?

>> No.15154529

>Then it's assumed they did the control.

The Science of the gaps. We did it reddit!

>> No.15154534

>Your explanation for why antibiotics work does not explain why it works on animals and children.
>It works even when the subject does not know they've been given it.
Show a study....

>> No.15154536

So you do not believe that farm animals nor children when sick are given antibiotics to help?


>> No.15154539

>So you do not believe that farm animals nor children when sick are given antibiotics to help?
I don't just believe a thing.
Show me how it is proven.

>> No.15154588

>Humans and antibiotics vs placebo

>Cows and antibiotics vs new antibody-based treatment

>Cows undergoing various antibiotic treatments


>> No.15154600

Explain how cholera, syphilis, plague, tuberculosis, and typhoid fever suddenly became treatable at the advent of antibiotics.

Or do you assume that humanity never gave patients something else that might make them rest beforehand?

And here's a book too, since you demanded some kinda source.

>> No.15154674

All you have is "acidosis." What causes the acidosis? "Poisons"
And why would "acidosis" be a) transmissible and b) cause a variety of very specific symptoms. Why would ebola acidosis cause ebola while influenza acidosis cause influenza. You're one of these retards who thinks that baking soda is a panacea.

>They literally faked the "cholera" experiments:
We know exactly how cholera toxin works. It opens a chloride channel in the intestine which causes other ions and ultimately water to rush into the intestinal lumen. It's a very specific mechanism and the disease has specific symptoms (rice water stool) which logically follows from this molecular mechanism.

This guy is a special type of troll who ignores all argument and creates a cult following around him. He reminds be of the "oathbreaker" guy from /pol/ back in the day.

>> No.15154709

ebola isn't what you've been led to believe it is, also you can literally treat it with vitamin c what's with what?

>> No.15154717

>I deliberately choose to believe in a lie
well, it's your choice

>> No.15154724


Good morning shills, I hope your deaths are painful.

>> No.15154744

I deliberately choose to use a functional model until a better one comes around.
Because it saves lives.

Bring me something functional, of substance, and I'll be haooy to change in a heartbeat.

>> No.15154753
File: 56 KB, 640x507, 1615290565936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started with

Day 0 after initial administation
n=13 (8 antibiotic, 5 placebos)

Within days 0 to 4:
"three patients were removed from the study and excluded from
further analysis"
Exclusion of 3 from the non placebo group.
because 1 reacted badly to the Antibiotic.

Day 4:

Outcome measures, let me quote:
" A significant (p =
0.001) mean improvement in weight of
0.9 kg (a 2% increase) was also observed.
These increases were the same in both
treatment groups assigned on Day O"

I don't even know how statistically significant a n=12 trial is... even though they multiple times state there were no statistical significant changes... Except in some fluid measures which don't say anything about the patients health.
Also it is a study funded by the Company that sells the product: Eli Lilly & Company. So it's biased aswell.

>Cows and antibiotics vs new antibody-based treatment
>Cows undergoing various antibiotic treatments

Giving the cow shitty food, blaming bacteria for cow getting Mastitis, when it's the israeli grain and soi based diet which makes them sick.
then giving them Antibiotics, measuring milk "bacteria" as indicator for Mastitis.
Not if the cow is better, has no inflamation.
Milk had to be discarted either way... because it's tainted with antibiotics....

It's all reification fallacy, there is no measure of disease, only measure of "bacterial activity".
If you mistreat and misfeed dairy animals, their milk discolours and has inflamation and instead of Lactic acid bacteria other bacteria will be produced to deal with the toxins, produced by unnatural feeding.

>> No.15154760

>Giving the cow shitty food, blaming bacteria for cow getting Mastitis, when it's the israeli grain and soi based diet which makes them sick.
>then giving them Antibiotics, measuring milk "bacteria" as indicator for Mastitis.
>Not if the cow is better, has no inflamation.
>Milk had to be discarted either way... because it's tainted with antibiotics....
Not the guy you're replying to but shut the fuck up about a subject you know literally nothing about, you have never worked around cows or perhaps been near one in your life. I grew up on a dairy farm and can tell you that you are full of shit. you're trying to shoehorn in stuff to fit your ideological position.

We literally select cows for stronger immune systems.

>> No.15154763

>Explain how cholera, syphilis, plague, tuberculosis, and typhoid fever suddenly became treatable at the advent of antibiotics.

they stopped giving the people calomel and arsenicals and replaced it with lesser poisonous crap?

The health crisis existed in the first place, because the literally gave people mercury, arsenical and dimethyl ether as """"treatment""".
Then they switched to IG Farben based colours (which are also toxic but less then mercury).
Also see:

They literally experimened on people when they were sick.
Only when """"consensu"""" of "muh antibiotics" arrived, they stopped randomly giving, opiates, dimethyl ether, blue mass, arsenicals, amphetamins, calomel and electroshock therapies or forced icebaths.

>> No.15154776

First step to a better model is acknowledging that the current model is based on a flawed theory.

>> No.15154787


Here's a good interview with Eleni


>CJ: OK. What did Gallo actually do to prove he had isolated a new retrovirus from AIDS patients?
>EPE: If you read the first paper, what was called isolation consisted of electron microscopic photographs of a few particles in the cultures, not the gradient, finding reverse transcriptase and observing that some antibodies present in a haemophilia patient as well as rabbits reacted with some of the proteins in the cells of the cultures.
>CJ: That was reported as isolation of a virus?
>EPE: Yes.
>CJ: Is that really isolation?
>EPE: No. Isolation means separation from everything else. Not just detection of some phenomena. The only way to prove the existence of an infectious agent is to isolate it. That's what this debate is all about.

>> No.15154790

Isn't is common knowledge, that confined onions fed cows are unhealthier and require more antibiotics and culling than free range grass and hay fed cows?

So it actually does not matter?
You can just cage them and feed them onions and grains instead of Grass and it has the same result?
So organic farming and so on is a scam?

>> No.15154799

You are conflating systems and calling it proof, all cows can get mastitis, summer mastitis is commonly acquired while cows are not lactating and on a grazed diet.
The udder has protective mechanisms in place to protect against mastitis infections to some degree.

>> No.15154802

Curious now
What in your view caused the black death?

>> No.15154803

Which one?

>> No.15154804

And diet neither promotes or protects against it?

>> No.15154809

The Pestilence, the Great Mortality, the Plague

Known by many names.
The bubonic plague that ravaged Europe, parts of Asia and north Africa between the years 1346 to 1353.

That black death.

>> No.15154812
File: 563 KB, 1648x2756, 1649266385499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are believing that the roman catholic empire, the only entity with the jesuits possesed the ability to read ancient greek texts, and they wrote all history books and ruled all over europe.
And you really believe that they accurately depicted the past and present?
You really believe that?

"Little Ice Age" arround """1300"""" AD.
> semi cataclysmic event
> presumably vulcano or whatever
> atmosphere cools down for multiple years
> ice age
> no summer
> no crops people starve
> People from the Northern parts migrated to the southern places
> Catholic empire ruled there
> feared sharing resources or pilgerage
> lightbulb.png
> invented pestilence
> poisoned wells
> people got sick
> claim it's the pestilence
> send Pestdoctors out
> Pest docs give people """medicine""" called Pestiline
> its achshually mercury
> s. http://www.doctorsreview.com/history/doctors-black-death/
> topkek
> people die or get really sick
> people who refuse medicine have to go in quarantine or have to get tested
> in case of infection people got executed
> how did they test ?
> blowing in the neck, and if you get goosebumps you have the pestilence and therefore die, get your property burned because your field "yields pestilence"
> then people starved
> imagine how many pagans they killed in that age
> "pestilence"

>> No.15154814

We use blocking ointments to plug up the teat canal when cows are dried off after their lactation ends and then they go to graze on the hills for 2 months before they calve down again.
It's primarily caused by bacterial infections spread by flies as far as I'm aware.

>> No.15154819

If you look into the testimonies of the time they mention bad sulfurious air this tied into a period of increased volcanic activity probably compounding with the little ice age

>> No.15154826

The 1300s one. Not the later ones

It was recorded by more than just the Romans. There are arabic sources as well.

I dunno why I'm even debating this. It's pigeon chess. Nothing is valid or true except the things that might support your "theory".

Not that you actually have a theory, basically stated by yourself. You just distrust germ theory, that is literally all there is to this thread. Nothing of value or use, no science. Just an anti-establishment take.

>> No.15154830

Why was it not global then?

>> No.15154839

>In New Light on the Black Death: The Cosmic Connection, Professor Emeritus of Paleoecology Mike Baillie argues that a comet caused the pandemic. He points out that witnesses of the period describe a significant earthquake on January 25, 1348, with other earthquakes to follow. “There have been masses of dead fish, animals, and other things along with the sea shore and in many places covered in dust”, wrote a contemporary observer. “And all these things seem to have come from the great corruption of the air and earth”
>Other documents describe tidal waves, rains of fire, foul odors and strange colors in the sky, mists and even dragons, in addition to earthquakes. Baillie believes fragments from Comet Negra, which passed by the Earth in 1347, caused the atmospheric phenomena.
>Some fragments descended and injected huge amounts of dust into the atmosphere. Tree ring analysis indicates that as the material descended from space, it spewed large amounts of chemicals based on carbon and nitrogen into the stratosphere. According to Baillie, illness and death resulted from poisoned water and air as the comet flew overhead.
>All the symptoms of the Black Death — especially bruises like blotches on the kin and high fatality rates — strongly indicate radiation poisoning, probably rendered even more deadly by dust and ammonia-like compounds in the atmosphere. Prof. Bailie concludes that :
>“The Black Death sits in a clear environmental trough visible in smoothed tree ring chronologies from around the world”— Bailie

>> No.15154843

depends which volcanoes

>> No.15154846

Not mentioning the crusades.

Nobody knows.
We just have to believe history.
If you believe there was a bacteria going around ok.
It's mor plausible it is a cover up for eliminating and genociding a shitton of people, nd then claiming
> it wasn't me
> it was the bad air

Nobody knows.

>> No.15154849

Why are you so offended by a criticism of a scientific theory? Isn't that what scientists are supposed to be doing themselves? If a theory is wrong, then it's wrong, period. Finding out flaws in existing theories is just as important as coming up with new ones.

>> No.15154873

Calling it a "critiscism" would be overly generous.

There's nothing of substance in this thread. The best argument so far has essentially been "the world is ruled by conspiracy" and "all of history is fake"

There isn't even an alternative theory. What has been brought up is so god damn full of holes it'd sink immediately on contact with reality.

What boons and sources have been given just reek of grifting and oseudoscience as well. Which really doesn't help either.

It's all just frankly, dumb.

>> No.15154891

The argument is that the whole theory rests on baseless assumptions, the core principles have never been verified in experiments with scientific method. There is nothing to be proved really, virologists and bacteriologists debunk themselves by doing garbage science.
Why aren't you offended by garbage science? But you're offended by somebody who's pointing that out instead?

>> No.15154905

Are you retarded.
Just trust the science and shut the fuck up. Listen to experts, and just believe.
Pretend it's a religion then you might be happy.
It's not about "proof" it's about what is practical.
Don't ask questions, don't have doubt.
Just believe, and if something does not appear coherent or has contradictions, say "science is ambiguous" .

It is better to be wrong, than to not know.
Always remember that.
A old chinese saying goes:
"The expert lies but he is not wrong.
But the humble peasant does not lie but he might be wrong"
What do you rather be?
A dirty little peasant who is wrong?
Or a honorable expert how lies from time to time, but cannot be wrong?

Being wrong is way worse than lying.

>> No.15154962

Whenever any proof is brought up it's not good enough.
It feels like there is no true scotsman.

You have zero alternative explanation that works.

And you claim that all of history, observations etc are wrong and warped by people in charge. No matter if it's done in different countries.

You claim that antibiotics function because of placebo. But when told antibiotics have an effect on people and animals not knowing they've imbided it, you just shit on the board and fly away.

>> No.15154970

I came here curious, wanting to be convinced but was given essentially nothing. Some blabber about poisons that doesn't properly explain things and relies on correlation. Things "seems" similar so they must be the same? Right?

You talk about garbage science, yet that is all you have to offer?

It really comes across as though you define "garbage science" as any science you personally do not agree with.

>> No.15154976

I mean fucking hell. You lot dispute that disease can spread. That's the whole pillar on which you build this.

If disease can spread nothing you offer makes sense. It explains nor aligns with nothing, from evolution and the immune system to direct observation by literally every culture on earth since time immemorial.

>> No.15154979

>If disease can spread nothing
It can't.
Thats the issue...

>> No.15154989

You're deluded
Talking to you about the subject is worthless

>> No.15155010

>Whenever any proof is brought up it's not good enough.
Yes, that's literally what I'm saying. That the proofs are flawed. Why are you satisfied with flawed proofs?

>> No.15155014

You have heard the term "No true scotsman" before, yes?

>> No.15155020

No. Why are you satisfied with flawed proofs?

>> No.15155024

>If disease can spread
Provide a SINGLE scientific evidence that would show that the transmission mechanism as conjectured by germ theory adheres to reality.
There must be thousands of them, right?
So where are they?

>> No.15155058

>What has been brought up is so god damn full of holes it'd sink immediately on contact with reality.
Germ theory is not full of holes?

>> No.15155138

let's be hones why would they lie?
I mean?
For what reason would they play stubborn?
Because of pride or money?
Because they are "psychopaths" who will rather cling to their job?
I mean listen to what you say, you literally say...
that virologists job is 100% fraud.
You are literally threaten their existence by questioning their job...

>> No.15155154

interesting are there more quotes like this?

>> No.15155196

>Not that you actually have a theory, basically stated by yourself.
I have but it doesn't matter.

> You just distrust germ theory, that is literally all there is to this thread.
I don't want to have to trust.
I want to know and have the scientific method being applied to it's full extend.
And I would love to see the scientific method being run on my theories aswell, and if these are wrong then it is.

The whole conceptual problem with "trust" is, that it is not scientific.
> bro trust me
Does not work for me.
If there is a scientific method with valid controls and no noise and all exclusions for side effects of the experiment have been done, than ok.
But this does simply not exist.
It's claims and random images and interpretation with no basis whatsoever.
Transmission is not verified, nor is the causality for disease.
You see a image that is some dead poisoned cells, in resin or dry frozen on a still image.
And that's it .
The don't have magic tweezers with which they obtain a single isolated virus.
They don't even to control experiments for the sequencing.
The just run the protocol without question nor proof that the protocol does what it is claiming.
It's like a witch brew they concoct and then interpret they read coffee grounds and tell you a story.
And everyone just trusts the story.

>> No.15155382

>If you have trouble reading this I can simplify it if you’d like
Please do.

>> No.15155383

> 294 posts
holy shit /sci/ likes to talk

>> No.15155387

shills vs schizos, this is at least the second germ thread in a week

>> No.15155761

>shills vs schizos
More like psychos vs. schizos.
It is a eternal war.
The one who is always saying:
"Trust me bro, I am not gonna hurt you or betray you"


"I don't trust anyone, I guess they want to hurt me or betray me"

"Oh yea I hate humans, I would subscribe to any Idea that would allow me to avoid human interaction. Except its beneficial for me and would help me to make them work for my benefit, which would allow me to consoom more and they are so busy that they are unable to disturb my peace"


"Oh yea I hate humans, I would never subscribe to any Idea that is not my own therefore I avoid human Interaction. Except It is proven to be beneficial for both of us equally, because otherwise I would expect some revenge or envy and this would disturb my peace"

>> No.15155801

as long as there are covid and vaccines threads, there will be germs threads

>> No.15155809

So you're on the schizo side then, check.

>> No.15156636

Elie Metchnikoff drank fluid containing cholera. He came out fine. He tested it on two more volunteers, one of which nearly died, leading Elie to conclude it was the "terrain" that mattered. Of course terrain matters to some degree, but I highly doubt the volunteer would have nearly died from drinking sterile water.

>> No.15156667

Facts. WASP science is nothing but authoritarian dogmas, indisputable "truths", and meaningless rituals and titles. They have contributed nothing to the world they only have stolen all the hard work from India, Africa and native America.

>> No.15156992

Was it like this experiment? :

What was the "choleric water"?
Was it shit in water?
Or was it a cholera suspected bacillus isolated and put in water?

>> No.15157001

>Or was it a cholera suspected bacillus isolated and put in water?
It was cholera bacteria cultures from his petri dish suspended in water.

>> No.15157004
File: 362 KB, 1183x866, 1674802949407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.15157716

can you point me to the exact protocol ?

>> No.15157777
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>> No.15158096

> explain my strawman

>> No.15158098

explain my strawman!

>> No.15158260

I can.

>> No.15158528
File: 70 KB, 600x486, 1644827518336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the blue pill.
It helps against everything.

>> No.15159386


>> No.15159428

>Anyway, technically germ theory is what first led us to clean environments (wells etc.)
no it's not. people like keeping things clean regardless. and dirty environments create foul smells anyway. miasma is literally based on the foul smells of swamps and polluted or stagnant waterways.

>> No.15159603

they may (i'm inclined to assume something that is a factor in disease does spread) but these models do not to scientific standards explain those diseases much less how they spread. and there is no consistent distinction between pollution/toxins and spreadable diseases. because it's all vague symptoms with pseudoscientific fake confirmations that then set a convention for judging what those symptoms mean in a given context or desire.

>> No.15159605

>if i call something a proof it means it can't be criticised
some meme fallacy does not apply here (if it ever applied in real life at all)

>> No.15159629

Alcohol is a poison.
Yet nobody calls it "yeast poison" or "bacterial poison".
It's retarded to call waste and metabolites of anything "a poison of organism x" it is a product.
If for example you have flesh eating amoeba, than it is different or like a bot fly that lays eggs into you and it larva is eating you and you subsequently die.

>> No.15159791

Everything is:
Reification fallacy.
Circular reasoning.
Anecdotal reasoning.

Or excuses like: if we cannot explain it for real, it's better to be stuck with a wrong paradigm than nothing at all.

>> No.15161006

According to Peter Duesberg one of the big problems with virology is that it doesn't adhere to Koch's postulates.