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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15153012 No.15153012 [Reply] [Original]

Remember when this "small" "science" channel was shilled on /sci/ every day?

What happened to the shillers now?

>> No.15153021

quintessential german jewish psyops bullshit channel

>> No.15153037

do german jews get paid reparations by the government?

>> No.15153059

Haven't recovered from the recoil of being exposed. But hey, 5 million more sciencexplain channel is about why egg cause bloodclot.

>> No.15153060

You don't need to shill what's mainstream.

>> No.15153071

vaids hopefully

>> No.15153113

They're enjoying themselves on the money Bill Gates gave them now


>> No.15153117

They lost their shilling gig, replaced by better trained Gates foundation shills

>> No.15153129

why should it be shilled. The German gvmt funds it via the Funk conglomerate

>> No.15153142 [DELETED] 
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>What happened to the shillers now?
Elon Musk fired over 10,000 people when he took over as boss at Twitter. Twitter had no technical hitches after all those firings, so it is safe to assume that all of the people who were let go were non technical employees, which means they were either pro-ZOG shills, censors or both.
those people have all be subsequently reassigned to other social media activities by their ZOG masters and no doubt many of them ended up on 4chan, spending their time doing spam advertising for highly censored ZOG media properties such as jewtube

>> No.15153253

I exposed them all

>> No.15153274

constant reinforcement trough repetition is a key aspect of brainwashing. if yo hear one person say it, ok that is their opinion, 2 people and you are a little more reassured it is correct, from the largest media corp[orations in the world to your rinky dink Jewtuber and now it is "common knowledge" and a "scientific consensus" and this works on 95% of the NPC normies. This is why (((they))) censor people. Lock step voices and the NPC stays in their trance. differing voices presenting facts to the contrary can snap some of them out of it

>> No.15153304

You sound deranged.

>> No.15153307

maybe you should get your mental health checked up, just in case

>> No.15153310

There are about 50 people at Twitter who maintain the core tech. Everyone else are sales, moderation or diversity hires.
t. Knows stuff

>> No.15153318

to a moron such as yourself I imagine someone saying intelligent things is quite confusing and foreign to you. try and keep quiet while adults are talking. I'm not taking question atm

>> No.15153321

>What happened to the shillers now?
Climate change.

>> No.15153329

Correct. This is how we've arrived at a point where NPCs are foaming from their mouths about how white kids are shooting up schools and how white police officers are executing innocent blacks, when the reality is literally the polar opposite. All it takes is endless repetition and silencing of opposition.

>> No.15153351

These posts arent glowing at all. Very Jewish of you fren

>> No.15153361

He sounds non-deranged for a change. You sound reddit.

>> No.15154528

Also sprach Pareto.

>> No.15154624

You mean shaking the duvet happened to them.
Oh wait, i see The Science issued an update last week, you mean coffee happened to them.

>> No.15155597


>What happened to the shillers now?

Winter vagina perhaps.

>> No.15155688

Thier videos are very high quality. What's wrong with them?

>> No.15155753

pseudoscientific and pseudointellectual fake news/fake research/cherry picking/one-sided story telling from the government and funded by group of interests (billionaires).
it's just another funded popsci turk like the ones you can read from buzzfeed

>> No.15157032

kurzgesagt does not work with the funk network any more.

>> No.15157036

It is obviously a good channel, nothing they say could easily be classified as unscientific. Their videos about climate change, genetic edited food or nuclear energy are based in fact.
They are not extremely detailed but they do gods work by making science accesible for the normal goy and the sources they provide are legit.

>> No.15157041

it also goes both ways. NPCs adopt the beliefs of their peer groups as they rarely, if ever, use first hand sources. if you wake up enough NPCs an form your own counter culture where you are constantly reinforcing views that are in fact true (or even also lying for nefarious groups) then this presents a big problem for the controllers as it will spread like a virus once people stop rejecting the establishment bullhorn, Once the trust in a confidence man is lost it is near impossible for them to be conned by the same one again with some exceptions namely familial/romantic connections

>> No.15157042

*start rejecting

>> No.15157069

This is why they cracked down on Glenn Greenwald and Julian Assange so hard. They played into the programming the controllers had already laid down, but their message was contrary to their desires.

>> No.15157093

Cool, but not meaty enough anymore, and they make sci-fi vids now
I'm on the yamsox train now

>> No.15157157

And they speak with absolute certainty about topics where the truth is ambiguous at best.
For example in the dinosaur extinction vid they declared as absolute fact that after the impact debris rained down from suborbit in such density that the entire sky glowed red hot for an entire hour. Now this is certainly possible, but it's only a possibility.

>> No.15157164

To add to that, I think the propaganda payoff for them is to make the audience feel like The Science is something fixed and certain, like dogma. They try to avoid communicating any ambiguity.

>> No.15158049

Popscitards shill otherthings now

>> No.15158289

within any system/hierarchy there will always be entrenched interests pushing a dogma, whether correct or not, as it is what keeps them in power. It always harder to undo something as it is to jump in head first. This is a good life lesson to learn and something to always be weary of in regards to politics. Once you get an entrenched bureaucracy they act in the interests of the bureaucracy, not whatever group they are supposed to hold allegiance too