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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 882 KB, 1920x1080, Leigh-Finke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15149363 No.15149363 [Reply] [Original]

I am having trouble understanding the Trans movement.

What I think society as a whole is struggling with is a problem with semantics. Most folks just think what a Man and a Woman is has been adequately defined for centuries but I have began questioning my understanding..

I think what I am asking which gets to the crux of the back and forth is why should trans men be allowed to compete in women's Olympic competitions?

>> No.15149364

>What I think society as a whole is struggling with is a problem with semantics
It's struggling with a problem with jews and you need to go back.

>> No.15149369

This didn't even enter the arena of answering anything remotely related to my question.

>> No.15149372

You didn't ask any question.

>> No.15149373

Look I'm an oldfag if that means anything anymore. I found 4chan when I was 16 and I'm now 32. I don't know where else to ask this and get a straight answer.

>> No.15149377

A straight answer to what? Why troons should be allowed to participate in women's sports? Okay, I'll bite. Two possibilities:

1. They shouldn't be allowed
2. Because it's funny to watch cunts getting destroyed

>> No.15149385

>I am having trouble understanding the Trans movement.
They're gay crossdressing men who want to express their sex fetish/kink in public and have forced participation i.e. you playing "make believe" with them and calling them a woman in public.

>> No.15149393

Well that's where I am at in my understanding. I just thought there might be something more that I'm not considering because of the arguments prevalence.

>> No.15149398 [DELETED] 
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those are good answers, but both wrong. women's athletics is an abomination which shouldn't exist. athletic competition is a traditionally male activity, the women who want to participate are suffering from confusion about gender roles, they wish they were born male.
given that women's athletics shouldn't exist, it can't be defiled.

>> No.15149421

Well okay. I am not really satisfied but I guess this is also the most I expected from anyone who isn't obviously virtue signaling.

>> No.15149537

>I am having trouble understanding the Trans movement.
it's a part of the depopulation agenda pushed by the jews.
transition = sterilization

>> No.15149562

Society as a whole is stupid beyond belief.

Male and female doesn't exist.
"entities" reproduce because only the ones that reproduce can actually remain, so all "entities" that don't have their archetype perish.
"sex" as we call it, is just a method for reproduction, by giving some individuals certain characteristics of certain strength, and so on.
This means that "sex" is entirely non-binary, it cannot be defined with cultural and social bias.

"biology" as a subject is trying to throw "observations" into boxes of labels based on the "researchers" cultural bias.

The "trans movement", I believe, also plays along with this, but more so argues that people should be free to live as they want, and have their characteristics changed based on how they feel.
Like with all medical intervention, if the person suffers a lot without medical intervention, then it's administered (which should be free).

A condition that leads death, such as massive bleeding, does in it self not actually NEED any treatment, because life in itself is not needed.
However, we've decided that life has value. Which lives have value is heavily culturally decided though.

>> No.15149565

>Society as a whole is stupid beyond belief.
And mentally deformed freaks like you are a symptom.

>> No.15149583

>culturally programmed drone

>> No.15149584

>vile subhuman spouts current year's deformed narrative
>calls others drones
You will never be human. Your life will never have moral value.

>> No.15149587
File: 62 KB, 495x530, 1672571970492844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to have someone engage you in a serious way you should lead with a less retarded foot than sports babe. It's a nonissue and not real. I'm simply not going to debate my being over made up basketball logistics.

t. ranny

>> No.15149588
File: 911 KB, 570x640, 6E36DDC3-C1BF-44F7-8651-04363BD21A75.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more tomboy gfs for the rest of us, faggot

>> No.15149633

At least try to make your off topic tranny/nigger/jew threads funny
Go back to where you came from

>> No.15149733

Michelle Obama is a trans-woman.
Tranny-surgeries only started to be covered by Health Insurance and Taxes (Medicaid/medicare) while Obama was president.
Prior to this, it was much rarer to see trans people because the surgeries are insanely expensive.
Now, Leftists/Jews have turned these trannies into welfare losers whose entire existence is dependent on taxpayers and health insurance holders.
And of course, taxes have increased, the national debt has increased, and health insurance costs have increased (only for taxpayers though).
>I think what I am asking which gets to the crux of the back and forth is why should trans men be allowed to compete in women's Olympic competitions?
They shouldn't.

>> No.15149770


tranny deadnaming is a literal gnostic term

>> No.15149779

most of them aren't even gay

>> No.15149801

Underneath all the autism and stupidity, you kind of have a point. If people were willing to admit that we shouldn't care about the majority of people on earth, and that being universally kind / lifting everyone out of poverty etc. Is a bad idea, I don't think trans people would be a problem. Nobody would put up with it. Male and Female do exist however. Males produce sperm, females produce eggs.

>> No.15149807

History shows this almost always ends the same way: civilization collapse and death for the outliers. The few exceptions are when civilization weakened to a point where it was conquered by a stronger civilization, which quickly puts the outliers to death. Either way, the outcome for the outliers is the same: death.

>> No.15149817
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>> No.15149819
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this shit happened before

>> No.15149860

>They're gay crossdressing men
if only it was that simple
most of those mfers still want women

>> No.15149899

I feel bad for them because they can never be what they want by definition. They try to imitate and force others to accept alternative definitions. Even if they succeed in societal change they can't win because what they want to be will change phrasing.

>> No.15149906

Crossdresser here, a lot of us are straight. Trannies are the retards who take what should be a private fetish too far.

>> No.15149913

>Male and female doesn't exist.
Yes they do, males produce sperm and females produce eggs, this is binary as well

>> No.15149937

that's very interesting, guess there's nothing new under the sun

>> No.15149947

literally identical to a /pol/ post kek

>> No.15149957

>I feel bad for them because they can never be what they want by definition.
they just want to be recognized as women and abl;e to pass as women. you sound retarded.

>> No.15149960

but they aren't women

>> No.15149963

they can never attain that though and its sick that they get filled with this false hope that they can

>> No.15149964

they feel that they are women inside and their goals are to be recognized as such and pass. you sound like youre trying to be smart but dont know how to do it.

>> No.15149968

there are some trannies that actually pass so its clearly attainable

>> No.15149969

scientifically, how does one feel like a woman inside?
lol, lmao even

>> No.15149972

they feel like they want to be women. i shouldnt have to explain this stupidity to you.

>> No.15149974

They are not women and thus will never be recognized as such. Stop projecting your retardation on others.

>> No.15149975

so they feel like they want to be woman not that they actually are women?

>> No.15149984

Stop being autistic

To them gender is something you get to choose. They feel like they are women on the inside, have more similarities to women, and want to dress and act like women. For someone whose clearly obsessed with this people it it's embarrassing that you know or choose to know so little.

>> No.15149986

irregardless of how they feel, they aren't women.

>> No.15150145

And that can never happen by definition. They can change the definition of women so that they fall into the category but then if you apply these rules retroactively being a woman is no longer what they want.

The status and treatment of women has been established historically. If you change the definition of women then the phrase "Ben Franklin liked women" is no longer accurate because he didn't like troons he liked women born with a vag and XX chromosomes. Sorry if that sounds retarded but I think you get my point.

>> No.15150191
File: 1.89 MB, 1488x1488, dead tranny, rugged male appearance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature's perfection.

All the "validation" you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your "friends" laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who "pass" look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he'll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it's going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it'll be too much to bear - you"ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They'll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.15150245

Male and female are just names we've come up with to explain the properties involved in this form of reproduction. However, these are still just properties, and all of these properties are continuous in "value", therefore it's impossible to set a boundary.
Also, with sterility reproductivity stops, so at that point those properties are also gone.

Your definition is just based on observations, we could just as well have 10 different genders to differentiate different females and males, and some that re both, and some that are neither.
iirc, there's been one recorded case of a XY "female" who gave birth to another XY "female" (she could only give birth to "females"). Which just shows how abstract this all is, there's nothing to say that this is not a proper way of reproduction, and it could be the way that future humans reproduce.

>Males produce sperm, females produce eggs.
You have to use social bias to make this statement.

>> No.15150253

Once we start making babies in incubators, from skin/stem cells, we as a species might start to lean towards developing entirely infertile. At which point, all of this talking about sex and gender is just moot, and can only be looked at as such a stupid thing to argue about.

>> No.15150277 [DELETED] 

>Once we start making babies
you don't have those abilities, you're talking about other people, not yourself. imagining yourself as someone capable sure does feel good doesn't it?
i bet you probably imagine that its almost as good as the real thing.

>> No.15150283

We, as in the species. You stupid fuck. You specifically will never evolve.

>> No.15150307 [DELETED] 

>Male and female are just names we've come up with to explain the properties involved in this form of reproduction. However, these are still just properties, and all of these properties are continuous in "value", therefore it's impossible to set a boundary.
You are literally wrong and have no idea what you're talking about.
Males are defined as the sex that produces sperm, females are defined as the sex that produces eggs. This applies to EVERY SINGLE SEXUALLY REPRODUCING LIFEFORM, whether it be an animal or a plant or a fungus or whatever. This is binary, not continuous, and there are no intermediaries (there is no such thing as a gamete that is halfway between a sperm and egg, etc)

>> No.15150312 [DELETED] 

Lol this is literally never going to happen. It's incredibly inefficient and pointless, as well as expensive and faulty.

>> No.15150328

You are gay because people that hate gays are typically gay themselves. The more they hate gays the more gay they are. You will deny this but that is because of your repressed gayness. There are quite a lot of studies showing that this is the case

>> No.15150332 [DELETED] 
File: 718 KB, 675x1200, 1666312173135127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the opposite of what you claim. We are going to genetically engineer humans to become more sexually dimorphic, in order to optimize efficiency, reproduction, etc.

Men (males) are going to be genetically modified to be small, lean, and super athletic, who require only a few hundred calories per day, but who can perfom all relevant labor, and who are superior to larger males in modern combat.

Women (females) are going to be genetically modified to be tall, thick, and super fecund, who gestate litters of 3-4 babies each pregnancy. In this way, society will always expand exponentially, even assuming only a single pregnancy per woman.

>> No.15150341 [DELETED] 

>this way, society will always expand exponentially
This is unnecessary though. Especially once were living to 10000+ years old

>> No.15150350
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>> No.15150379

Age has no bearing on this, we can live to 10000 and we'd still want females to be maximized for fecundity and males minimized for energy cost.
Low birth rates are not something we want

>> No.15150527

Please stop giving him attention and correctly report.

>> No.15150529 [DELETED] 

Your desire to see me gone is literally never going to happen. If you don't like it, leave. I'm not going anywhere

>> No.15150532

You're a terrible person and go out of your way to make everyone's day worse. I don't know why you're like this but I've never met an avatarfag who even comes close to how despicable you are.

>> No.15150533

You're routinely banned from /sci/ for posting underage pornography. Your position here is tenuous at best.

>> No.15150534

Should I be reporting it for violating US law?

>> No.15150535

How? Literally the only reason you hate me is because you're a bigot who doesn't like the idea of being physically larger than men. That's literally the only reason, stop pretending it's anything else.
I've literally never done this, and I don't even get banned. Why do you guys just make shit up all the time?

>> No.15150538

Because you purposefully talk in an insufferable way and try to upset whatever insecurities you detect your opponent has. You know this very well.

I'm asking you now, as an adult to an adult, why you do this. Can you act your age for once?

>> No.15150543

>Women tried to get power, failed, then the empire go overrud by savages...therefore woman are to blame for the empire falling
Ok, I don't condone modern cancel culture or maybe even feminism, but this is stupid.

>> No.15150587

Okay, fair enough, you're right.
>Because you purposefully talk in an insufferable way and try to upset whatever insecurities you detect your opponent has. You know this very well.
I don't try to talk in an insufferable way, I just try to be clear and pedantic (I admit I'm pedantic). I'll try to change it.

>I'm asking you now, as an adult to an adult, why you do this. Can you act your age for once?
The reason I do this is because, it seems to me, the only reason people dislike what I'm saying because of what I said in the earlier post. If I'm wrong tell me, but if not PLEASE just own up to it. I don't understand what is so bad about what I'm talking about. It is clearly ideal in every respect; socially, biologically, economically, etc., and the ONLY reason you dont like it is because "b-b-but I have to be bigger than men!?!?"
You can understand why this is frustrating, right?

>> No.15150601

>Your desire to see me gone is literally never going to happen. If you don't like it, leave. I'm not going anywhere
You do talk in an insufferable way and you do it very intentionally. Why?

Sexual dimorphism is retarded and completely unneeded in modern society. All it does it pointlessly separate people, and recently apparently a large amount of people have desires be the opposite sex.

>> No.15150634

>You do talk in an insufferable way and you do it very intentionally. Why?
Yes in that instance I did, because you are completely going against the spirit of this website by telling someone to report me to try to get rid of me. It's reddit behavior. You are 100% in your right to ignore me or whatever, but you basically run to the authority (jannies) to try to remove what makes you uncomfortable. Why are you even on this website?

>Sexual dimorphism is retarded and completely unneeded in modern society. All it does it pointlessly separate people, and recently apparently a large amount of people have desires be the opposite sex.
I don't agree at all. The way I see it, if were going down that route, we should just exterminate males and make our species completely female anyway. I don't think this is desirable, morally or pragmatically. But otherwise, why should we have two sexes at all, if we're not going to be dimorphic? And if we're going to be dimorphic, why wouldn't be be the ideal dimorphism, with respect to reproduction and energy etc?
But beyond that, I don't think you even believe this. Please answer this honestly: What are the physical traits you look for in a partner? Are you bisexual? What is your gender identity and what is your biological sex?

>> No.15150653
File: 105 KB, 800x650, fags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why should trans men be allowed to compete in women's Olympic competitions?

Because it is funny AF to watch the leftist femi-Nazi's Reeeeeee at losing to men, even wimpy faggot-men, do everything they used to do, even better.

>> No.15150655

>because you are completely going against the spirit of this website by telling someone to report me to try to get rid of me. It's reddit behavior.
You're intentionally trying to derail an on topic thread, like you almost always do when you avatarfag. Reporting is the opposite to reddit behavior, because reddit behavior is encouraging it. The redditor does all his serious discussions on reddit, of course - to him, 4chan is for le epin funpostings and maymays and stupid unfunny off topic threads. He doesn't care about 4chan's quality because reddit is where he actually talks about things.

We ought to make our species androgynous. No silly "genetic modification" science fiction involved because we can do it using eugenics.
>But otherwise, why should we have two sexes at all, if we're not going to be dimorphic?
Still male and female, but if both of them are wearing underwear you can't tell which is which. You'd only know the gender of a pregnant one.

>What are the physical traits you look for in a partner? Are you bisexual? What is your gender identity and what is your biological sex?
Youthful cute features, big eyes, round face. I have big eyes too, maybe that's why. I'm slightly gay but not interested in a homosexual relationship. I identify as male because I have xy chromosomes.

>> No.15150671

>You're intentionally trying to derail an on topic thread
Changed my mind, this is a terrible thread

>> No.15150676

>I've literally never done this
You admitted in another thread that what you masturbate to and what you post here is "straight shota." This means underage boys with adult women.

>> No.15150680
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according to the people who think there is only sex or that sex is more important in sexual selection than gender fucking the person on the left makes you straight and fucking the right makes you gay, I don't know if the trans shit is real or valid or whatever the fuck and shit like 32 genders is fucking absurd but it's clear neither side has a coherent or consistent view

>> No.15150681

you gotta be suckin the glass dick if you think thats a tomboy

>> No.15150691
File: 22 KB, 980x175, monogamy means smaller males.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to ignore the reddit part because it's more interesting to talk about the thing.
>We ought to make our species androgynous. No silly "genetic modification" science fiction involved because we can do it using eugenics.
How? You mean only allowing androgynous people to reproduce?
I do understand where you're coming from, it's like a super egalitarianism applied to our physiology, and it is very sensible. I just don't agree overall, I think female biased dimorphism is preferable, for all the reasons that I've talked about already.

The pictures I post are not straight shota, they're just mini-giantess. It's different.

>> No.15150695

Meant for >>15150655 >>15150671 sorry

>> No.15150705

>The pictures I post are not straight shota, they're just mini-giantess. It's different.
So why did you tell us that you post and masturbate to shotacon? Were you just pretending?

>> No.15150711

Sex is binary. You either have it or you don't. And you clearly don't.

>> No.15150718

I dont post it but I do like it. What I post tends to just be mini giantess stuff, not ss
Please answer honestly: What is your biological sex, what is your gender identity, and why do you hate me?

>> No.15150723

>How? You mean only allowing androgynous people to reproduce?
I'd like the eugenic parents to be paid to raise about 10 children, and dysgenic parents to be paid to have less children. I think the latter sadly would be a lot easier in our modern society.
I'd like to look into ways to "improve" fat distribution. I know some women gain weight mainly in certain areas so I think this is possible. So one could gain weight and the fat would first go into their buttocks, then breasts, then everywhere else to look like a normal fat person. That way it would be possible to look like a normal female. And instead of that you could stay thin and go to the gym look like a twink. So everyone would have the option to look like the current human genders and be what they want to be.

Preferably, actually, I'd like all human beings to have both reproductive systems and be able to produce with another individual either by impregnating or being impregnated. Self-impregnation wouldn't be possible, because I find humans being in married pairs very nice. But I don't believe this to be possible through eugenic breeding.

>for all the reasons that I've talked about already.
What are they?

>> No.15150731

Sorry anon, no datamining on /sci/. Though I wish you luck in presenting your pedophilic desires to society under your real name. I'm sure people will be very accepting.

>> No.15150735

Asking you if you're a man or woman is not datamining lmao
Society is going to become female-biased in it's sexual size dimorphism this decade. I already publish under my real name

>> No.15150737

>What I think society as a whole is struggling with is a problem with semantics
You spelled "semetics" wrong.

>This didn't even enter the arena of answering anything remotely related to my question.
Tell me what books they burned, anon.

>Look I'm an oldfag
Look everyone, a newfag.
>I don't know where else to ask this and get a straight answer.
That is what arguing using dualistic rhetoric is supposed to do, dummy.

>We ought to make our species androgynous. No silly "genetic modification" science fiction involved because we can do it using eugenics.
Every method used to accomplish such goal would be dysgenic to what you have now. Elites tried it once and all they produced were children with down syndrome. They were only smarter than peasants at the time due to their access to education so no one thought the wiser.
>Still male and female, but if both of them are wearing underwear you can't tell which is which. >You'd only know the gender of a pregnant one.
We call them "homo sapiens", you lost soul.

>Youthful cute features, big eyes, round face. I have big eyes too, maybe that's why. I'm slightly gay but not interested in a homosexual relationship. I identify as male because I have xy chromosomes.
And you think any of that has to do with liberating yourself from rockape hellscape planet? Fucking materialists.

>> No.15150749

>Elites tried it once and all they produced were children with down syndrome.
Is this true or a larp you just wrote?

>And you think any of that has to do with liberating yourself from rockape hellscape planet? Fucking materialists.
Gnostic? I'm not a materialist.

>> No.15150756

>Michelle Obama is a trans-woman.
More and more world "elite" are coming out as trannies.
That Jacinda Arden in New Zealand is also a tranny and flaunting her penis lately like Moochelle Obama did on Oprah.

>> No.15150768 [DELETED] 

Why can't you just answer a question? Why do you always have to resort to pseudo social shaming tactics? (I know why, it's because you're a woman lol)
I am a man. Is this 'data mining'? Seriously why are you being an idiot?

>> No.15150777

>I'd like the eugenic parents to be paid to raise about 10 children, and dysgenic parents to be paid to have less children. I think the latter sadly would be a lot easier in our modern society.
>I'd like to look into ways to "improve" fat distribution. I know some women gain weight mainly in certain areas so I think this is possible. So one could gain weight and the fat would first go into their buttocks, then breasts, then everywhere else to look like a normal fat person. That way it would be possible to look like a normal female. And instead of that you could stay thin and go to the gym look like a twink. So everyone would have the option to look like the current human genders and be what they want to be.
>Preferably, actually, I'd like all human beings to have both reproductive systems and be able to produce with another individual either by impregnating or being impregnated. Self-impregnation wouldn't be possible, because I find humans being in married pairs very nice. But I don't believe this to be possible through eugenic breeding.
sounds like your fetish

>> No.15150781

It's not possible for mammals to be true hermaphrodites in general, even with genetic engineering.
>What are they?
A large female and small male use fewer resources between them to reproduce at a greater rate than an average sized male and female. So at a societal level, you can support more of them AND they reproduce at a greater rate. They have superior fitness, biologically speaking.

>Gnostic? I'm not a materialist.
No wonder we disagree. I am a materialist, or at least the modern form of it.

Whats wrong with that?

>> No.15150789

>A large female and small male use fewer resources between them to reproduce at a greater rate than an average sized male and female.
Why would they need to breed like rabbits in modern society?
What's stopping androgynous and even hermaphrodites idea I said from doing this?

>> No.15150791
File: 3.00 MB, 1500x1000, _methode_times_prod_web_bin_033a33a0-1485-11ea-9c0b-093df0cbf5ab[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this true or a larp you just wrote?
Again, the only reason nobody noticed is the same reason people now have forgotten that the word "populace" means "stupid people who live in the country side".

>I'm not a materialist.
I'm gonna go with "materialist" because like the materialist you particularized it down to a set of choices you can "be".

>> No.15150795

>I am having trouble understanding the Trans movement.
This is because its not a single thing. Its a blanket term for a lot of different things which only have some similarities. Within the movement itself there are factions that vary widely, from the view that gender and sex are absolute and fixed and you must transition if you have any girly thoughts to become correct, to people who think that last group is part of the problem for enforcing such binary views on gender and sex.
It doesnt help that the west fucks everyones normal social relationships

As far as olympics. The obvious way forward is just to expand the already accepted custom of certain sports having weight classes. Instead of weight some other metric can be devised that ensures there are a few tiers of competition to keep competitors roughly on equal footing. Thats already kind of what mens and womens was to start with, a very crude form of that.

>> No.15150798

This is really horrifying stuff.

>> No.15150801

Are you sure that's down syndrome?
>I'm gonna go with "materialist" because like the materialist you particularized it down to a set of choices you can "be".

>> No.15150822
File: 105 KB, 1920x1080, 190923112717-greta-thunberg-unga-climate-change[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you sure that's down syndrome?
I can't say for sure as there was no ability to microscope chromosome counts at that point in history, but compare it with this modern example here and you'll see.

That's what a materialist is anon. See instead of recognizing the "humans" you already live amongst, you're focused on the mundane side of things. Like measuring, descritizing, partcularizing "human" into "male/female/androgynous". You are "Human", not ("Identity defined by thing attached to human").

>> No.15150825

Transwomen are women, chud.

>> No.15150831

Isn't that just caused by inbreeding? Greta looks like that because she's been a vegan her entire life.
>See instead of recognizing the "humans" you already live amongst
I don't understand, I'm a materialist because I study the way humans look and organize the looks into categories?

>> No.15150836

only if you rewrite the definition of what a woman is

>> No.15150837
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>I'm a materialist because I study the way humans look and organize the looks into categories?
Correct. Because you can do all of that and still not be able to explain "how" that actually happens and why it's important.

>> No.15150852

>Because you can do all of that and still not be able to explain "how" that actually happens and why it's important.
How what happened? Why do you keep vagueposting.
It's important because the way people look is rather important in human society.

>> No.15150877

a materialist ignores the spiritual plain and thinks only in terms of matter

>> No.15150889
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>How what happened?
How the "features" of rockape happened. And more importantly...why they matter? Hard to be big brained when you care about everything outside of your skull.

>Why do you keep vagueposting.
Because materialists hate when you can't objectify a subject spoken about.

>It's important because the way people look is rather important in human society.
And...why is important Anon? Why is it so important to look good? How does getting jealous of Stacy get me away from Stacy and her mental bankruptcy?

>> No.15150894

Why would the modern world mean we shouldn't breed like rabbits? Industrial farming makes more food than ever, this environment is more suited for it than ever before.

>> No.15151053

>I'd like the eugenic parents to be paid to raise about 10 children, and dysgenic parents to be paid to have less children. I think the latter sadly would be a lot easier in our modern society.
This would take centuries to achieve a complete androgynous population. It would be quicker to use in vitro to choose the most eugenic.
>I'd like to look into ways to "improve" fat distribution. I know some women gain weight mainly in certain areas so I think this is possible. So one could gain weight and the fat would first go into their buttocks, then breasts, then everywhere else to look like a normal fat person. That way it would be possible to look like a normal female. And instead of that you could stay thin and go to the gym look like a twink. So everyone would have the option to look like the current human genders and be what they want to be.
You'd have to do tests to fatten up every single subject

>Preferably, actually, I'd like all human beings to have both reproductive systems and be able to produce with another individual either by impregnating or being impregnated. Self-impregnation wouldn't be possible, because I find humans being in married pairs very nice. But I don't believe this to be possible through eugenic breeding.
It could be possible, according to the daily mail a man had this and apparently had a working womb. However it doesn't mention the the man's fertility at all.

>> No.15151148


>> No.15151160

KEK good one anon

>> No.15151162

I didn't see gay hate anywhere in that post

>> No.15151167

You are dumb
>women try to get power
>in the processes of attempting to acquire power, they have less children
>less children means less soldiers
>savages beat civilized society from numbers advantage

>> No.15151177

>arachnophobic eh? you must secretly want to fuck spiders

>> No.15151386

have a look at the 3rd sentence, then the context of the rest of the post

>> No.15151393

people are afraid of spiders and avoid spiders but they don't hate them the way they would hate an enemy or someone despicable. There's a semantic difference in the world hate there

>> No.15151557

>understanding the Trans movement.
One cannot understand mental illness.

>> No.15151981


Pretty sloppy analysis.

>> No.15151986 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15151990

NTA but the only real pattern I've noticed is that people who regurgitate that old "homophones are secretly gay" narrative are usually the same gay subs who make memes about Nazi Chad physically and sexually abusing them.

>> No.15151997

this. never in my life have i seen men who hate fags show interest in other men, but i constantly see faggots show interest in their bullies. the most plausible explanation is that this trope is based on a gay fantasy

>> No.15152002
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Not even worth discussing.

>> No.15152005

After looking over it again I'm inclined to agree though I think the tenets of his argument hold they don't really present a consistent parallel between classical gnostics and the modern insanity. Worthy of further study and rationalisation perhaps.

>> No.15153464 [DELETED] 
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how is this /sci/ go to /pol/

>> No.15153508

>I am having trouble understanding the Trans movement.
Me too, it's like a religion or some shit, it's so weird, sometimes i wonder if the conspiracy theorists are right. Is TikTok turning kids into faggots as they develop? I mean, all this is very recent, there were always faggots and lesbians, but for individuals to want society to treat them as something the evidently aren't, it's crazy bananas stuff, why is society allowing this, i cannot comprehend, just a couple decades ago this mother fucked would be stoned to death...

>> No.15153681

Give one scientific or mathematically derived statement that society has a jew problem. Also explain why pol can't choose between blacks or jews. You can't, as there are none, so don't bother replying

>> No.15153697

Do you think it’s reasonable or realistic that you must now permanently treat me like a cat in public if I ask for it?

>> No.15153702 [DELETED] 

those were the days
all the homes in the video are still he same as they were 50 years ago, except they have cable TV and internet these days. such progress

>> No.15153711

You are angry and afraid.

>> No.15153941
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Are you a mod?

>> No.15154442
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>> No.15154476

The side that says males produce sperm and females produce ova is coherent and consistent.

Also, I bet the one on the right could beat the one on the left in an arm wrestling contest.

>> No.15154635

No sane person for one moment believes a man can be a woman. That isn't the point. What this, and so many other apparently absurd things, are all about are power, control and subjugation.

Essentially it not only about showing free thinkers that they have no power but also that they can be forced to to agree to patent absurdities. Much like the Big Brother in the book by George Orwell where the antagonist forces the protagonist to admit that 2 + 2 = 5

Understand that at the highest levels it has got absolutely nothing to do with people standing up for the rights and justice of transsexuals, they are just a useful tool. Its about demonstrating power and control over the population, especially those capable of critical thinking.

"That is a woman. Even though he is patently not a woman. Just like 2 + 2 does not equal 5 But we dont care. What we care about is that if we say so then it is so. Not only will we humiliate and dis-empower you by forcing you to admit that it is a woman but if you refuse to comply we can punish you with social isolation, destroy your career and way of life, fine, and even imprison you. You will fucking obey and you will keep your fucking mouth shut when we say so."

That's why guys like Jordan Peterson get so much hate and misrepresentation. He refused to buckle and yet they didn't manage to destroy him. That makes them doubly furious, even though he was an exception.

This is nothing new. In the old days they used to try trouble makers, free thinkers, and unpopular people as witches and warlocks. Stick them in a suit of armor and chuck them in a lake. If they sank and drowned they were innocent, if they floated they were a witch and were burned at the stake. The message was simple. "See? We can do this absurd shit to your kind and all the normies will stand around and do nothing. Don't fuck with with us."

>> No.15154636

They're mentally ill. It's not difficult to understand.

>> No.15154642

If the words male and female didn't refer to real essences then it would be impossible for people to come to an agreement about a particular thing being male or female without communicating with each other, but it is possible for people to come to an agreement about a particular thing being male or female without communicating with each other, so the words male and female refer to real essences.

>> No.15155023
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The answer is simple: they shouldn't. They should have their own divisions.

>> No.15155135

I don’t deny that Gender is a construct (see: gender as a grammatical form, as a set of specific cultural expectations on men and women, etc.). But sex is absolutely biologically determined, and this is where the tension arises. I don’t care if people want me to use alternative pronouns or if they want to dress as the opposite gender, but when it gets into things like physical competition, that’s when it becomes a problem. A biological man is almost guaranteed to beat a biological woman in sports, regardless of how much hormone therapy they’ve had.

>> No.15155368

having sex with a woman is straight and having sex with a man is gay
you may reply with whatever cope of your choosing

>> No.15155396

So a straight man is sexually attracted to the women on the left and not the guy on the right?

>> No.15155419

bend them over and look at them from behind, ask your brain which is more attractive.