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File: 47 KB, 656x574, 1570807848143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15145022 No.15145022 [Reply] [Original]

Autism is not real. You can't even define it.
It's just an excuse to be a lazy retard.

>> No.15145053

They hand out these diagnoses legitimately sometimes, but they also hand them out because they don't want to say, "People are assholes who will socially exclude people because of how they look or how much social value they are perceived to possess". It's really strange, isn't it, how many "borderline spectrum" people are really funny-looking or are not athletic, isn't it?

Literally I know someone who was diagnosed autistic. He looksmaxxed and made a lot of friends and the doctor (a literal fucking doctor) said the autism cured itself.

>> No.15145071

>Autism is not real. You can't even define it.

real autism is a severly disabling condition that leaves those afflicted unable to take care of themselves or earn a living , often they cant even speak normally. Today people who are eccentric or like things like computers or trains are being called autistic but its an insult to people with the real condition.

>> No.15145085

Exactly, Asperger’s is a myth and honestly the entire world should be pissed off at these fake mental disorders that are just a result of personality quirks. We have a bunch of high IQ virgin needs claiming to be autistic because of this when in reality all they need to do is go outside and work on their social skills which can be fixed, not real autism.

>> No.15145124


>> No.15145125

You are correct.
Hopefully autism (((spectrum))) will be widely regarded as outdated pseudoscience in the future and all those quacks lose credibility.

>> No.15145139

I thought it was an anomalous degree of tunnel vision.

>> No.15145143

Or something like OCD.

>> No.15145163

Something about overspecialization of the left brain, where as schizophrenia is the opposite,the overspecialization of the right brain

>> No.15145178

How is it possible to get diagnosed with both?

>> No.15145202
File: 130 KB, 1242x1009, Full Autism Pinball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autism brought you Task Manager, Windows copy protection, and Space Cadet Pinball.

>> No.15146034

After the lobotomy, I would never trust a psychologist/psychiatrist to get things right again.

>> No.15148085

>Autism brought you Task Manager, Windows copy protection, and Space Cadet Pinball.
Task Manager and Space Cadet Pinball gave me autism.

>> No.15148112

I'm sorry about your loss.

>> No.15149127

It's not, they by definition exclude one another

>> No.15149145


>> No.15149322 [DELETED] 

Ut's often the opposite, and autists are unusually good looking, and physically tougher.
I think the most common "problem" is that tgey react to bullying, and somebody taught the children to bully those even harder.
>gets bullied
>fight ensues
>"Ms teacher, we were playing and he attacked us completely out of nowhere for no reason."

>> No.15149324

It's often the opposite, and autists are unusually good looking, and physically tougher.
I think the most common "problem" is that they react to bullying, and somebody taught the children to bully those even harder.
>gets bullied
>fight ensues
>"Ms teacher, we were playing and he attacked us completely out of nowhere for no reason."

>> No.15149473

Autism is when your neocortex works, as opoosed to neurotypicality, which is when your neocortex doesn't work.
Any autistic disability results purely from discrimination.
In the 19th century, Phineas Gage lobotomized himself by accident, and stopped being autistic. A centurely later the exact same injury was used to "cure" people whose neocortex was still fully working.
Schizophrenia probably used to mean those whose neocortex was disabled to a higher degree that was typical at the time, it has ceased to have any meaning, tge previously schizophrenic behaviour is now considered within the social norm.

>> No.15149535

There is a physical component to Schizophrenia. You just got desensitized to it due to it being a buzzword. Ashwaghanda is used to treat and calm people with it. Keep in mind these are all humans terms to describe human behavior. Our understanding will be vastly different in fifty years. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31529808/

>> No.15149555

You're arguing with someone who thinks that high levels of lead are necessary for neurodevelopment.

>> No.15149747

Have you ever ignored an autist that wants attention? They just give you an I'm not-getting-my-attentional-feedback goofball face. Beat your kids to avoid autism.