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File: 448 KB, 1900x2560, dnbs1FOtSTox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15147250 No.15147250 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the scientific justification for making it illegal for people to collect rainwater that falls on their own property? How much longer before someone invents a scientific justification to prevent people from breathing their own air without first paying for a government loicense?

>> No.15147283

I'm not sure about rainwater but most of the things in that list are pretty standard regulations to prevent bad things from happening. Owning a weapon is so they can track you down if you decide to go and kill a bunch of innocent people etc. Protesting is so you don't protest in the driveway of the hospital blocking all the ambulances. And so on. They should be pretty obvious really

>> No.15147304

you gotta pay the mafia for your protection too.

>> No.15147323

>Whats the scientific justification for making it illegal for people to collect rainwater that falls on their own property?
The only pretexts I can think of are pollution or some kind of harm to the soil. Both sound far-fetched. Welp, I tried.

>> No.15147326

>that image

Nigger what? taxes on trade/property/commerce have been a thing for thousands of years. You didn't get to do business in the Kings city if you didn't pay the tax.

>> No.15147336

Minority makes the majority suffer, so having nice things stay nice isn't possible, unless people are raised in a way that would discourage malicious intent. These restricitions do decrease the "crimes", as it is no longer worth it for the majority of the minority. So, the problem is lessened, but still existant. As mentioned, it's only possible by removing the "bad" in people, or removing the people. Boundaries in a game are there so everyone wishing to play by the rules are free to do so, and others are punished for their the lack of cooperation. We live in a society, bois

>> No.15147395

There is no scientific justification.
>Owning a weapon is so they can track you down if you decide to go and kill a bunch of innocent people
No. Weapon registration exists so that they know whose house to go to when preparing to ready the population for the next globohomo mandate. If you killed someone, either they can't track you down because all they can estimate is which firearm or weapon was used and there are perhaps tens or hundreds of thousands of people who own it and they have nothing else to go off, or there's a witness, camera footage, etc. that can be used to identify you.
>Protesting is so you don't protest in the driveway of the hospital blocking all the ambulances.
Except in practice, regulations on protesting/speech/etc. are usually there to create a justification as to make it easy to dispose of a political enemy who exposes themselves as one by protesting or at least make it inconvenient for them and get away with it.
>They should be pretty obvious really
And then in practice, you get fucked over by them as the growing quantity of regulations you have to adhere to under the justification of "preventing bad things from happening," especially when those bad things are statistically improbable and usually quite rare, begins to make things more an more inconvenient and forces to go through more and more nonsensical rituals to adhere to the regulations. However, the "bad things" still end up happening in spite of the regulations so they don't really protect anything. Regulations in essence are often not for public safety or anything along those lines. They're there mostly as an exercise in the assertion of the authority over a population.

>> No.15147403
File: 13 KB, 220x199, 64355.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Minority makes the majority suffer, so having nice things stay nice isn't possible, unless people are raised in a way that would discourage malicious intent. These restricitions do decrease the "crimes", as it is no longer worth it for the majority of the minority. So, the problem is lessened, but still existant. As mentioned, it's only possible by removing the "bad" in people, or removing the people. Boundaries in a game are there so everyone wishing to play by the rules are free to do so, and others are punished for their the lack of cooperation. We live in a society, bois
Reads like a GPT.

>> No.15147417

>Boundaries in a game are there so everyone wishing to play by the rules are free to do so, and others are punished for their the lack of cooperation.
Except you don't get the choice to play. If you try to get out of the game and go innawoods, the park rangers see you then call in the feds to kill you or throw you in a cage.
>others are punished for their the lack of cooperation.
Unless they're the top dog in the corruption ladder. Then they usually get away with it.

>> No.15147426

Don't hate the game, anon. Hate the players. The whole world is a stage, and we have to play by the rules. We live in a society, if you get my drift. It is what it is.

>> No.15147445

You need to read something other than pol and conspiracy blogs and watching bitchute videos

>> No.15147448

Why are you seething? Why does his post spark fear and rage in you and your clones?

>> No.15147449

>Don't hate the game, anon. Hate the players. The whole world is a stage, and we have to play by the rules.
Fuck off with the retarded nonsense. The game is shit and therefore deserves hatred. No one has to play the game yet they use this NPC tier rhetoric to justify why they'll apathetically continue on as usual even though the end of the game is their total destruction.

>> No.15147452
File: 27 KB, 490x586, a12o34iupasdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You need to read something other than pol and conspiracy blogs and watching bitchute videos

>> No.15147460

Tsk tsk. Look, kid, we just have to play the game by the rules. That's just how this game works, right? It's a society. The game of society plays the way it plays. It is what it is. There's no need for teenage angst.

>> No.15147469
File: 794 KB, 320x180, (you) model 72831A-2295.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tsk tsk. Look, kid, we just have to play the game by the rules. That's just how this game works, right? It's a society. The game of society plays the way it plays. It is what it is. There's no need for teenage angst.

>> No.15147485

In what kind of North Korea do you live if that's illegal in your country? I've never heard of that being illegal.

>> No.15147492

He lives in the US
This is where it's illegal to eat raw milk products as well

>> No.15147494

Just play the fucking game, kid. We live in a society and society has rules. It's part of the society game to play by the game's rules. It's a game like any game. You gotta make the rules unfair for them to be fair for as many people as possible. If the rules are fair, unfair players will win. The rules have to be unfair. It is what it is, kiddo. You need to refine your thinking.

>> No.15147505

But doesn't the rain go to waste anyway if you don't collect it in your property?

Are you saying that it's legal to let your flowers on your back yard use the water, but don't you dare to collect the water and give it to your flowers inside? What kind of weirdness is this.

>> No.15147578

>t. Retard

>> No.15147597

But if everybody collected all the rainwater that falls on their property, then we'd have no rivers. That would be pretty sad.

>> No.15147611
File: 219 KB, 483x470, 53823425236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if everybody collected all the rainwater that falls on their property, then we'd have no rivers
I wouldn't be surprised if ameritard statesmen actually believed this when they came up with this law. It's the same sort of people who would legislate pi=3.

>> No.15147645

It's not illegal to collect rainwater in America. There are a handful of states with severe water problems who place restrictions on how much you're allowed to collect though, but afaik there is no state that outright bans it

>> No.15148015

What? If anyone's seething it's you, you're the ones replying to me, I don't care

>> No.15148026

Why bother posting anything at all. I guess you're trying to make me seethe or whatever. I don't know why I'd be seething when you can't even provide a counter argument, that doesn't make sense

>> No.15148070

Why are you foaming at the mouth like that and lashing out against imaginary boogeymen?

>> No.15148079

The scientific justification is that it activates pleasure centers in the brains of power-hungry psychopaths who want to control your life. Everything else is just a sloppy post-hoc rationalization gobbled up by midwits

>> No.15148091

You need to read something other than pol and conspiracy blogs and watching bitchute videos fucking schizo, fuck off back to the pol sub

>> No.15148110
File: 117 KB, 680x680, TrainedNPC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not sure about rainwater but most of the things in that list are pretty standard regulations to prevent bad things from happening. Owning a weapon is so they can track you down if you decide to go and kill a bunch of innocent people etc. Protesting is so you don't protest in the driveway of the hospital blocking all the ambulances. And so on.
^THIS is the mind of a brain-dead zombie.

>> No.15148122

Imagine still being this much of a braindead moron after the last 2 years of covid. The government of Australia literally used surveillance helicopters to keep people in their homes and murdered shelter dogs so that no one could adopt them. Governments in Europe proposed fines and jail time for people who wouldn't take one of the most dangerous, least effective vaccines in history. They destroyed thousands of small businesses and funneled trillions of dollars to the elites, all while major government health organizations got every phase of the pandemic wrong.

Let me go ahead and restate for emphasis. You are an actual drooling retard. World governments have slaughtered more than 200 million people in the last 100 years. There has been no greater force for murder in world history. But here you are, still on your knees sucking their dicks until your mouth is dry. Fuck off back to your safe space. Please don't reproduce.

>> No.15148150
File: 1.16 MB, 686x776, sciencejak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me just say that I am an unironic eugenicist, and I physically smile every time I see retards defending the vaxx. I truly, actually hope your children will get a heart attack before they hit adulthood and you follow suit, millions must die, but unironically, world is overpopulated as is. I support abortion(for non-whites) and trannies(turning mentally ill and retarded into dead ends, plus weeding out children of parents too weak to actually defend them) for the same reason
The cattle will take everything the government throws at them and then they will thank them for it. Thank goodness for that, population should be easy to control and influence, as well as monitor and punish, most have it coming to them anyways

>> No.15148205

You haven't posted an argument. You've only posted the standard talking head rhetoric.

>> No.15148356 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 441x600, 1990s ben garrison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every day in the media
>oy vey the world is coming to an end!!
>you have to sacrifice all your wealth and rights, goy!!
>muh soience says so!!
>muh soience muffugguh!!!
every day, every single day, for decades on end, every day of your entire life and every day of your parents lives before you were born, always the same toxic lies, always from the same toxic liars

>> No.15148377

that's a nice barrel you have there for your rain water. It would be a real shame if the IRS found out you arent paying taxes on it

>> No.15148385
File: 13 KB, 474x315, jd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So true. Damn Joooz.

>> No.15148387

The image says nothing about taxes, it talks about permits. You are the blackest, dumbest gorilla nigger i have ever seen.

>> No.15148406
File: 46 KB, 640x660, taxes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>permits = taxes.
Any money the government extorts from the public = taxes. Various names for it, such as "fees", "permits", "licenses", "registrations", etc.

>> No.15148427 [DELETED] 

>permits = taxes.
Retard nigger homosexual. I didnt believe a person could have an IQ of 1 but you do.

>> No.15148446
File: 46 KB, 577x577, licensing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15148454

>But if everybody collected all the rainwater that falls on their property
Impossible to do moron. Even if property was 100% lake, it would still overflow with the next rain.

>> No.15148462

>Whats the scientific justification for making it illegal for people to collect rainwater that falls on their own property?
Signing a contract

>> No.15148467

So true. Nice meme.

Should be on every school classroom wall.

>> No.15148484

Licenses require much more than just money, and also you dont have rights. The government cant take away your rights, it gives you any right you ever had

>> No.15148759

I understand the rationale, but don't fool yourself into thinking that the people who see through the con will be spared. Once they run out of voluntary tributes, the rest will be culled by force. They were almost there already in Europe and Australia. One more small push and they'll be forcibly starving or quarantining the non-compliant. Americans will be able to resist a little longer through the second amendment, but even that will only get you so far. Drone technology has advanced quite rapidly...

>> No.15148762

>The government cant take away your rights, it gives you any right you ever had
Maybe the cattle deserve to be depopulated if this is what they think.

>> No.15149347 [DELETED] 
File: 3.45 MB, 750x668, that_s_racist.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the n word is racist

>> No.15149357

The past decade has been the largest drought in history and water needs to go to the reservoirs, so scientists can keep track of the amount of available water, when people collect rainwater, they just let it sit and stagnate and then get sick or kill their yard when they try to use it much of the time anyway.

>> No.15149360

>you dont have rights
You don't have rights. You have armed thugs protecting you from getting stomped into the ground. This can change any day.

>> No.15149378

>If you try to get out of the game and go innawoods
You should have taken to the high seas, Pirate, the woods are still someone else's land.

>> No.15149384

>the woods are still someone else's land
No, they're not. Your gang of psychopaths simply uses a monopoly on violence to declare imaginary ownership over land. If we skin them alive along with ther families, and make it a national sport to lynch and torture their supporters, it will magically stop being someone else's land. :^)

>> No.15149387

You mean the argument that reading is bad because there is only one true opinion?

>> No.15149406

>status quo good, reading bad

>> No.15149413

>he thinks the state gives you your rights
are in fucking china or saudi arabia or something? We dont do it like that round here law dog. white men take what they want, they dont ask for it

>> No.15149500

We who, only psychopaths try to form groups that value the group over individuals which is why thinking of doing something like that makes you immediately froth at the mouth and fly into a psychopathic violent rage of imagining murdering members of some arbitrary outgroup who threatened their land since it doesn't magically not stop being someone's land, your group will just take it by force like every other psychopathic tribe of people throughout history. But you aren't charismatic to have a group in your image, so you will just sit there and complain anonymously instead.

>> No.15149508

Is US man makes the law, in communist china the law makes man.

>> No.15149511

It's usually welcome. This myth was started by a guy who built dams on his property without permit.

>> No.15149522

Literally didn't read. There is nothing morally wrong with torturing and executing your rulers and their supporters.

>> No.15149524

It used to mean the opposite, psychopaths were the people who were asocial, normal people were expected to be social. I have absolutely no idea how you managed to turn it around, but it's obvious it will lead to our doom.

>> No.15149525

Please refrain from arguing with nonhuman elements. You are humanizing it by engaging with "its" programmed points in good faith.

>> No.15149531

Normal social people don't try to band up in groups to assert their dominance. Empathy does not mean that you don't know yourself and give up yourself to some group, it means you know yourself and you also know how that relates to other people preferences and how they might prefer things to be and you can find balance between the two. Psychopaths are the ones that just follow some authority or impulse and mark themselves in some way like a uniform or special name to symbolize their higher allegiance and enforce arbitrary laws from some higher authority without being about to think about how it can affect not only themselves, but other people as well.

>> No.15149533

>Normal social people don't try to band up in groups to assert their dominance.
They do. Not reading any further. Why are you trying to gaslight the other poster?

>> No.15149546

I mean normal as in a neurotypical well adjusted properly socialized person without mental disorder or psychopathy, not normal as in the average living human with a myriad of mental disorders and a tendency toward psychopathy, but I understand the semantic confusion.

>> No.15149548

Are you that schizo who thinks lead is a nutritional supplement?

>> No.15149551

>I mean normal as in a neurotypical well adjusted properly socialized person without mental disorder or psychopathy
Yeah, they band together to assert their dominance. Why are you trying to gaslight people? Are you a psychopath by any chance?

>> No.15149552

Is that just a character from one of your psychosis deliriums?

>> No.15149556 [DELETED] 

For the last time, you psychopath: normal and well-adjusted people DO NOT, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, organize and assert collective power. Only a government is allowed to do this. Are you a psychopath like the government? Be a good individual and assert your political power by voting for Red Sockpuppet or Blue Sockpuppet. Anything else means you need to be locked up in a cell and injected with chemical lobotomizers. You're not going to disagree with this, are you, you fucking psychopath?

>> No.15149557

A post from said schizo >>15149473
He thinks that group socialization is a sign of disrupted neural development and autism is how people are designed to react to the world.

>> No.15149561

For the last time, you psychopath: normal and well-adjusted people DO NOT, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, organize and assert collective power. Only a government is allowed to do this. Are you a psychopath like the government? Be a good individual and assert your political power by voting for Red Sockpuppet or Blue Sockpuppet. Anything else means you need to be locked up in a cell and injected with chemical lobotomizers. You're not going to disagree with this, are you, you fucking psychopath?

>> No.15149573
File: 31 KB, 468x469, not-science-needs-pruning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15149585

>Only a government is allowed to do this
Governments ARE psychopaths, they are only allowed because you participate, you can't condemn psychopathy and use its horror as an excuse to be psycho without being a pschopathic hypocrite yourself, govs and corporate persons need to feed off people's labor to operate the only way to stop govs is to stop participating, not voting, not picking some side, not joining some group, not to trying to recruit your own government to repeat the same mistakes, not by trying to acquire or acquiesce to political power.

If people were well adjusted they wouldn't need governments, if you are fine with political violence, why not just join the groups already doing political violence instead of pathetically trying to recruit people to act out violence that you can live vicariously through in the comfort of your own privilege that was provided by some psychopathic government that clearly turned you into a psychopath.

>> No.15149586

Thanks for demonstrating why simpy killing you would not be enough.

>> No.15149590

Nothing is ever enough for you psychopaths, your missing empathy is very closely related to your inability to create a mental model of what it actually takes to make things outside of yourself and your own immediate experience, so you don't understand limits and consequences, even just basic cause and effect often.

>> No.15149591

You are hated and you are afraid. Keep screeching harder about how people should always bend down to their rulers. It won't help you when you're getting the Mexican-cartel-style execution that people like you tend to get when their regime gets overthrown. lol

>> No.15149596

You are the most illiterate, terrible recruitment officer for the saddest army to ever not quite exist, good luck in your sad little recruitment drive though..

>> No.15149599

I don't know what your psychotic screeching is about, but the point still stands that people whose financial interests, social status, career and entire sense of identity are invsted in a subhuman system of oppression, will defend it to the death, and therefore will need to be killed.

>> No.15149604

If you just had any semblance of self control and weren't so dependent on your society to have your safe little time farming (You)s in the privilege of anonymity their society has provided you, you wouldn't be so lonely and begging other people to do your dirty work with impotent boisterous rage, you are clearly just jealous and acting out power fantasy instead of doing an ounce of physical labor to take care of yourself instead. You are the one calling to risk your life to have control over other people, you are just describing yourself as the type of person who needs to be killed.

>> No.15149606

I genuinely don't understand what your psychiatric rambling is about, man. First it was about recruitments and armies. Now it's about how I'm lonely and begging people to... do what for me? You are not okay in the head.

>> No.15149610

To commit the savage violence that keyboard jockeys like you are clearly afraid of or you would be crying about it anonymously into the abyss trying to convince people to do what you never can.

>> No.15149612

Show me where I was telling anyone to do anytihng. But first explain your paranoid schizophrenic rambling about how I'm recruiting people into my army. Fucking lol. The rage and fear are really taking a toll.

>> No.15149615

So you don't think anyone should actually do any of that nonsense you keep rambling about, what a lonely larp, does it get you a lot of attention, soldier?

>> No.15149618

So you can't point to a single instance of my telling someone to do something? Ok. Now let's talk about The Army. Am I the only recruiter for the army? How many posters on 4chan are Recruiters? How many psychopaths are in The Army? Are your family members or coworkers in The Army?

>> No.15149621

So you can't point to anything you have said that is actually recommendable to do, its just larping nonsense from some savage psychosis delirium that you can't control?
Anons are constantly trying to raise a personal army, you aren't the first and won't be the last, your shit is weak and your cure little threats are all just impotent larps from someone who can't even control their impulse to shitpost.
The army is psychopathic all members of the army share a psychopathic mission including whatever family member, friends, or distance relatives you know that are real nice guys.

>> No.15149624

>The army is psychopathic all members of the army share a psychopathic mission
Tell me more about The Army. Has a member of The Army ever tried to stalk you? Does The Army have access to any weaponry? How many Recruiters for The Army are in this thread with us right now?

>> No.15149630

Sorry lonely guy, I don't have the time, but it sounds like you are finally ready to admit your psychopathy and join The Army instead of trying to hang out here and recruit your own personal army all the time where you know you will fail in your impotent rhetoric and will never have to ever experience anything you advocate.

>> No.15149635

Sorry, I don't understand. How does The Army's leaders communicate with The Army? Coded messages on 4chan? Secret dogwhistles? How do I and other recruiters deliver orders and tell our soldiers what to do?

>> No.15149637

Go to the link and never come back, the psychopaths there can helpfully answer all your psychopath related questions over there, I do what I can to avoid you people, so I don't know all the answers to your condition or what you need to do to start being able to give orders in accordance with your psychopathic power fantasies.

>> No.15149639

Why did you shrivel down so quickly and stop talking about my personal army and how I give them secret orders?

>> No.15149645

It wasn't quickly, you have been begging for attention and dog whistling about your savage psychopathy for hours, if not days, lonely boy, you exhausted the depth of my knowledge on being psychopathic, if you want to indulge you psychopathy further you will have to go to recruitment and experience all the esoteric psychopath initiation rituals developed over time by team psychopath.

>> No.15149647

Don't know what to tell you at this point. Unironically take your meds. You are lashing out against imaginary characters over and over again.

>> No.15149654

Good thing I never asked your opinion and you have admitting that all the shit you say is just a larp that you don't actually recommend doing.

The army is real, the link is real, you really need to follow it and never come back instead of really just pathetically trying to copy what they already do while simultaneously crying about how they are the bad guys.

>> No.15149655

I'll be living rent-free in your head for weeks as some imaginary boogeyman meanwhile you will be forgotten 5 minutes from now. You will reply again even though no one will read your post. lol

>> No.15149664

Sure it couldn't just be the guy addicted to impotent power fantasies has another impotent fantasy of being the boogeyman instead of people who feel just feel sorry for you and extending an olive branch of something for free.

>> No.15149715

>white men take what they want, they dont ask for it
Then why do you complain about the government?

>> No.15149746

>Normal social people don't try to band up in groups to assert their dominance.
Exactly. They do it to get rid of you so that they don't have to deal with your fuckery.

>> No.15149764

No it isn't me.
That's the total opposite of what I'm saying. As theneocortex fails, one of the things that happen is that the person becomes asocial, and becomes paranoid and feel opressed by the society that expects them to be social, which is why they destroyed society, like several times before in known history.
That is, the problem of autists is that they have a need to be social, which is however impossible.

>> No.15149784

Your take sounds like paranoid schizophrenia to me.

>> No.15149804

Yes, as I wrote in the other thread it probably was, (in fact the supposedly political schizophrenia in the soviet union almost certainly was) but now it has become normal.

>> No.15149831

Just with respect to the water, collecting rainwater prevents it from entering the water table and being of utility to other people downstream. If every person in an area was collecting rainwater, it would significantly impact the flow of water to other areas, so that's why some governments regulate it. Whether or not that's justified is up to the local population.

>> No.15149850

>Rich companies lobby laws that make it harder to compete with them
>"Why is the government so greedy and bad????"
ancsps are the most retarded nigger jews there is.

>> No.15149954

why is it my job to act and use my property as a conduit for other people's water? are those other people paying me anything? if its so necessary that i don't collect and store my own rainwater, why aren't any of the people who benefit from rainwater infiltration and running willing to put up a penny to get what they want? why do those mendicants seem to expect everything for free when there aren't even willing to part with a penny to get their way?

>> No.15149961

sounds like you should start murdering politicians

>> No.15150409

>why is it my job to act and use my property as a conduit for other people's water?

>> No.15151299

The political theory would probably be that the water is community property and you don't own a share of it as personal property just because it fell on your land. I suppose the real answer is that there's no government higher than the local government protecting a personal right to rainwater, so the local government is free to pass whatever law it wants.

>> No.15151758

Water flows on its own. You don't have to do anything to make it happen.

Anyway, sane rain collection is usually encouraged. But there is a difference between collecting rainwater in a barrel, and something more substantial. When you build a dam, you must synchronize your use with others to work against flooding, for example you may be forced to lower the levels when heavy rains or snowmelt upstream is expected, to absorb some of the incoming water.

>> No.15151786

desu i really enjoyed his takedown of you because you type like a total faggot

>> No.15151857

>are those other people paying me anything?
Yes they are letting water from their land accumulate in the underground aquifers you rely on when it isn't raining, so that you can all draw from that water reservoir when it is needed rather than only when it is raining.

>> No.15151860

Wipe the foam off the corners of your mouth before you start the act, sodomite.

>> No.15151867

There's that fag talk again.

>> No.15151881

Why are you so obsessed with me as an individual? It's weird. I get being upset over a post (we were all kids at one point) but you're clearly upset over my specific existence. :^)

>> No.15151937

I don't know you individually or when I have interacted with you in the past, I just know fag talk when I hear it, if you keep getting accused of talking like a fag by a variety of posters in an array of threads, you just need to take your classes and learn to talk like someone who isn't lonely and pathetic.

>> No.15151942

See? This is how I know the board is infested with reddit users. "People" like you just carry their butthurt over across days and threads, conflate everyone they're mad about into a single entity and keep hallucinating it everywhere. They can't let it go when they lose an argument. You are foreing matter. You belong on website with usernames, probably one that forces you to use your real name, too.

>> No.15151957

Which thread? Which day? Which argument? I said I have no idea about any past interactions, I don't know who you are, only that you are talking like a fag right now. Take your classes, stop being a fag.

>> No.15151959

Notice how you continually try to zero in on some personal reddit beef you have with other posters. Seething and utterly obsessed.

>> No.15151962

He's definitely a shill who was offended by one of your posts before. Probably in a vax thread. But that's really the best part about this, because you get to see how desperately they flail trying to mimic even a fraction of your ability to upset them.

>> No.15151972

No, I said I have no idea what this beef is you keep trying to invoke, I only know you are talking like a fag right now in the shitty post you just made with half a thought instead of any real effort or argument.

>> No.15151975

You and I both know. Your reddit audience isn't here to updoot you. Keep the (You)'s coming.

>> No.15151989

I have no idea what you are talking about. Take your classes and fix that fag talk.

>> No.15151998

>he outright admits it
Rent-free in your head forever. Auto-hiding your posts now but you will shit out another (You) for me like a golem slave.

>> No.15152001

Yes, I have outright admitted that you talk like a fag ever since I joined the thread a few posts ago.

>> No.15152056

Whoa retarded reverse psychology doesn't always work? I thought if you called someone a golem slave if they try to reply it would immediately force them to be physically incapable of replying too, I guess we are both retarded idiots for believing that, you a bit more since you actually tried it, but I might have tried it too one of these day, so don't feel too bad about your massive retardation, I am sure it will just fix itself eventually.

>> No.15152060

Hello? Your retarded reverse-psychology failed. I'm still replying. You can stop pretending now that you won.

>> No.15152062

Did you really think you could influence my behavior, fag?

>> No.15152604

>illegal for people to collect rainwater that falls on their own property
In the USA it is settled law that you can collect rainwater from any roofed structure. What you can't do is build wildcat dams like that guy in Oregon.

>> No.15154436

>a scientific justification to prevent people from breathing their own air without first paying for a government loicense?
they haven't figured that one out yet, but wait until you get to mars

>> No.15154783

You don't need to read /pol/ or conspiracy blogs to realize that regulations are created to personally benefit whoever lobbies for them, not to do good. You just need a functioning brain.

>> No.15155587

simple pictures such as >>15148446 often helps the low IQs understand concepts they can't grok via text based description

>> No.15157040

don't forget to pay the property tax too

>> No.15157428
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