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File: 399 KB, 512x512, astronomy and anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15147425 No.15147425 [Reply] [Original]

Given that we've all now seen the power of AI and machine learning, we all now know that the images from JWST could just as easily be fakes created by a computer. Is there any way to independently confirm that JWST genuinely exists other than to trust NASA, a notoriously dishonest political organization which would be motivated to lie in this case?

>> No.15147429

they literally admit they're CGI

>> No.15147432

This. They're worked up in photoshop. Any natural photographs from the satellite would be in black and white since the telescope wasn't designed with visible color filters.

>> No.15147953

Definitely all fake. The satellite itself is fake too. I met a guy at the pub who worked on it for a while and he said all those big gold mirrors are actually filled with chocolate because it was easier to just buy novelty chocolate filled mirrors than actual mirrors

>> No.15148155

the only thing edited in the images is colours and it's not like they just pull some random ass bullshit from their butts. just like any camera the telescope captures EM waves, in this case in the infrared range and stores its frequency. without processing when the image gets displayed it would be invisible to ur eyes and useless, what they do when processing the image for example is that they take the spectrum of colors in the captured image and assign red to the lowest frequency and blue to the highest one and fit everything in between along the visible spectrum. in this example if JWST could capture red light and infrared, red objects would appear blue in the processed image and low freq IR would appear red. also the black & white image is as well processed because there is no white light hitting the telescope it's the same IR light, a black & white image would still need to be processed in the same way.

to summarize, all structures in the image are real and unedited, while colours are not what you would see, since it's in a different part of the spectrum than that you can see.

>> No.15148882


>> No.15148977
File: 6 KB, 168x300, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15148999

This. James Webb is real. My cousin was a teacher at the place they built it.

>> No.15149783

Does anyone else see the greedy merchant?

>> No.15150008
File: 27 KB, 750x755, james webb sausage telescope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JWST pics are real!!!
>NASA would never lie!!
>anyone who doesn't believe in JWST is a racist science denier!!
in 1986 NASA intentionally destroyed space shuttle challenger as a means of hiding a four year delay in the launch of HST which was caused by NASA engineer's incompetence and laziness.
the shuttle program was kept out of service and didn't come back on line until after the engineers had wasted half a billion dollars fixing the unnecessary problems caused by their laziness and incompetence. They told the general public the whole affair was over O-rings. So if NASA fucks up on an expensive project they make up a story and lie about it and say theres nothing wrong and that no mistakes were made. If JWST doesn't work right, NASA can always issue fake pictures and nobody will know the difference, the soigoy fanboi crowd has already indicated they can't differentiate between andouille and Antares and don't care to learn how to.

>> No.15150024

don't bother trying to explain this shit to retards that already made up their mind about this

>> No.15150028

you can make any unsourced claims you want but it doesnt make you any more believable.

>> No.15150044

The colors are fake

>> No.15150049 [DELETED] 

Meds Schizo

>> No.15151306 [DELETED] 

>NASA can always issue fake pictures and nobody will know the difference, the soigoy fanboi crowd has already indicated they can't differentiate between andouille and Antares
AI could easily make undetectable fake JWST pics

>> No.15152003 [DELETED] 

How do you know that isn't whats going on?

>> No.15152006

>NASA can always issue fake pictures and nobody will know the difference
>know the difference
The difference from what? They can shit out any CGI turd, claim that it's whatever and you will have no point of reference to even consider a difference. lol

>> No.15152016

All photos are cgi, a computer inside your camera translates data and outputs an image

>> No.15152021

>a computer inside your camera
lol ok schizo. what else is there a computer inside? is there one in your toaster, too? is the toaster listening to you? are the computers in the room with us?

>> No.15152580

it cannont
it doesn't understand how to perfectly replicate the spider

>> No.15154016 [DELETED] 

the IFLS community will never live down the sausage incident, the humiliation will follow them forever

>> No.15154113

They have a minigame where they make up a space picture by photoshoping items found in a pantry and then take bets if anyone will notice

>> No.15154196

>implying schizo
It's called a CCD.

>> No.15154456

Computer Coupled Device

>> No.15155551
File: 15 KB, 195x438, fk scott adams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How fake are JWST pics?
Do you really think that government scientists would lie about "the science"?
How are they going to pass peer review if they aren't being honest about their research?

>> No.15157207
File: 193 KB, 480x480, o7bmsXtcgmrG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to summarize
go back to wherever you came from, shill