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15143766 No.15143766 [Reply] [Original]

How can we defeat cognitive biases? So many clowns operate entirely based on instincts and gut feelings, and just ignore whenever they get it wrong.
For instance, antivaxxers 'feel' they predicted 'something' right about side effects, and ignore everything they predicted wrong in the past 3 years.

How can we make these people see how retarded they are before they cause more damage?

>> No.15143772

There is no such thing as a "cognitive bias". The "cognitive bias" narrative is a means to discourage learning and free thought.

>> No.15143778

I refuse to believe people as dumb as this really exist.
You think an active effort to not fall for your brain's pitfalls is somehow a 'narrative' mean to 'limit' you? Do you prefer to willingly cripple yourself mentally just to 'own the libs'?

>> No.15143780

>how can we make people stop being retards
probably the single most important scientific question but no one even has a clue where to start

>> No.15143781

They are not "pitfalls". They are essential to learning and thought.

>> No.15143785

Stop worrying about other people, faggot.

>> No.15143891

>So many clowns operate entirely based on instincts and gut feelings
is suppose to be a bad thing?

>> No.15143899

Yes because that's not the correct mode of operation for a golem. You are not allowed to make your own observations and figure out an intuitive explanation. You are to withhold judgment and wait for an expert-approved, (((peer)))-reviewed study to tell you the correct science opinion for this week.

>> No.15143911
File: 6 KB, 194x259, cubit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, there's a reason why standardized measurements were invented as far back as the Egyptians.
People understood that your intuition is a useful thing, but it can also mislead you. You can even it out by using your reason and measuring things external to you to validate the good intuitions and throw away the bad ones. The bad intuitions are what we call 'cognitive biases'.
Retards rely almost entirely on their cognitive biases. Humanity will never progress further while this is allowed.

>> No.15143924

There is no such thing as a "cognitive bias", golem.

>> No.15143934

Cognitive bias is just a description though, for someone who avoids reading anything they might not agree with. And there's lots of people like that, especially on 4chan. They only read the things they agree with and ignore any negatives about the things they agree with, then they either read nothing about what they don't agree with or they read it but only take note of the things they don't agree with

>> No.15143947

>let me tell you what to think
>my intuition is the highest standard in the universe
I can make measurements, schizo. There is nothing your low IQ can do against a well calibrated measuring instrument.

>> No.15143948

Yes. Making assumptions about things and then believing your own assumptions are true and then talking to other people about things you've assumed like they're actually facts when they're actually totally wrong because you never bothered to check if you were correct or not is how misinformation spreads around.

>> No.15143950

>Cognitive bias is just a description though
"Cognitive bias" is a slur redditor use against people who notice things.

>> No.15143953

I don't know why you keep sperging off about measuremets like a schizophrenic. Sorry about your profound mental illness.

>> No.15143960
File: 86 KB, 1200x800, alex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because measurements are what 'intuitive' retards fear the most.
They are what actually intelligent people use to weed out correct intuition from cognitive biases. It's really simple and straightforward if you're not a cool-aid guzzling politicized retard.
You're ready to throw your entire life and the life of everyone you love at the whims of the first loud enough clown with a plausible enough 'intuition', rather than learning how to make a well thought and prepared measurement.
You will never be a human.

>> No.15143961

>measurements are what 'intuitive' retards fear the most.
Have you tried taking your meds today?

>> No.15143968

Why would you believe in meds if you don't believe in measurements?

>> No.15143972

This board is infested by actual subhumans.

>> No.15143974

This is either a bot or one of the retards that spams pseudoscience all day long. Either way, this thread is exactly about this kind of mongrel.
How do we teach people to make better more informed decisions, rather than just following their monkey gut as the ultimate truth?
There has to be something we can do to save these NPCs.

>> No.15143982

Unfortunately people capable of truly thinking for themselves are an incredibly rare breed. I have come to accept that people with strong cognitive biases and no awareness of them may reach a point where their delusions become so strong it's basically impossible to enlighten them. You see it in this very thread people with no critical thinking skills or self awareness insisting that they are in fact the most aware and rational.

>> No.15143992

>For instance, antivaxxers 'feel' they predicted 'something' right about side effects, and ignore everything they predicted wrong in the past 3 years.
Yeah, like how they believed the WHO when they said covid showed no human-to-human transmission.
Or how they believed the CDC when they said masks don't work.
Or how they believed the CDC when they said masks are so important that not wearing one is murder.
Or how they believed our leaders when they said that closing the borders and not partying in Chinatown is racist.
Or how they trusted the CDC when they said foreign covid tests wouldn't work and they would promptly develop their own.
Or how they believed funneling sick old people into nursing homes to die was smart.
Or how they considered Andrew Cuomo a covid hero.
Or how how they trusted the science that covid came from bat soup and not the covid research lab at ground 0.
Or how they dutifully chanted "Ivermectin is horse paste" like mindless drones.
Or how they thought that an mRNA spike protein injection with no proven benefit to all-cause mortality is a vaccine.
Or how they thought that destroying the economy would be good for the country.

>> No.15144003

> The bad intuitions are what we call 'cognitive biases'. Retards rely almost entirely on their cognitive biases.
This is problem we face in 2023 in the US, and most of the western world. Specifically that the government controls institutions of learning, online discourse, watchdog health agencies, medical institutions, news media, social media, scientific journals, and publications, and almost every informational outlet available. Our government pushes their agendas not allowing the “bad intuitions” to be flushed from the system because common people are brainwashed, and can’t critically see this occurring. This occurs on both sides of the political spectrum. Trust in the government establishments’ informational reach to weed out that “cognitive bias” is foolish, and naïve based on the government institutions track record. Scientific and production of government policies, not funded or controlled by groups associated with the government or corporations, directly dependent on the government for their prosperity is the only way to produce reliable information which is almost nonexistent in today’s age. If we can’t agree on government is not to be trusted without independent third-party verification, based on their track record, there’s no point talking further, you should delete this thread, and you likely are someone introducing those “bad intuitions” into the aforementioned public systems.

>> No.15144007

> Scientific and production of government policies
Independent scientific reproduction of government policies

>> No.15144013

The globohomo controls the rulers retard they just change the measurements to mean whatever (((they))) are meaning

>> No.15144021

Yeah or when they predicted everyone would die in about two weeks from now. And then it was actually the next two weeks. And then the next two.
And when they had a gut feeling that Covid was the disease that would end the world because they kept seeing videos spammed on this very website in early 2020 with Chinese people puking blood and being dragged into vans in front of their Children.
Or when their gut feeling said it was airborne aids.
Or when their gut feeling said in early 2020 (again, just look up the archive) that you should be wearing masks because that's the redpilled position even though the TV is telling you not to wear them.
Or when they flip flopped and said wearing masks is something only cucks do because now TV says you should wear one.
Or when they said covid doesn't exist even though it's visible on an electron microscope.
Or when they said germ theory is not real.
Or when they said all of scientific research is controlled opposition, except when scientific research happens to align with whatever they are feeling this week on their gut.
Or when they actually started wearing masks because of 'spike protein shedding' that they 100% made up.
Or when their gut feeling knew Trump would win because ... JUST SHUT UP HE WON OK?
Or when their gut feeling said the shape of the globe is not what pictures and experiments show.
Or when their gut feeling says relativity is not real (you've seen the threads) despite measurements showing it is.
Or when their gut feeling was somehow dormant during every other vaccine that they ever took.
Or when their gut feeling was somehow dormant when vaccines eradicated smallpox from the world.
Or when their gut feeling was somehow dormant when their resistant to taking vaccines and medicine brought back diseases that were virtually gone like polio.
Or when their gut feeling gets fooled by even the most primitive illusions known for centuries but they're still sure it's trustworthy.

>> No.15144031

This sounds like your bad cognitive bias about people not trusting the official government narrative about Covid. It seems foolish to apply this type of reasoning to everyone that disagrees with the government. You seem guilty of what you’re accusing others of.

>> No.15144034

((((((Science))) was (((invented))) to dumb down the (((goysloppers))) so (((Aryans wouldn't be able to use there 950+IQ to get rid of (((they)))))) you should (((trust))) evey (((bias))) we were given bias by GOD and it's perfect by design you are (((subhuman))) and will be eradicated during the 4th hyper riech of hyperborean Deutschland)))

>> No.15144043

How can anyone control a measurement you make, anon?
Just go pick up a ruler somewhere and measure a thing. I promise you'll be ok.

>> No.15144047

When I see a graph and data I don't consider what other conclusions I could draw based on that data. I don't consider what factors could influence the statistics. I just know in my gut niggers are bad.

>> No.15144054

Everyone is subject to cognitive biases. I try to fight mine by not always relying on my intuitions.
I do this because there have been many times where what felt most intuitive or just felt right turned out to be the incorrect thing.
For anyone that studied even college level physics or math this is not an uncommon experience. You have to be a special kind of stupid to think monkey intuition is gonna cover and generalize to things that we didn't evolve worrying about like statistics, probability distributions, very large or very small scale phenomena, etc etc.
Everyone tries to apply simple monkey logic to things where it doesn't fit. It's natural. Scientists do it all the time too, but the key different is you test those intuitions with well thought out measurements.
Antivaxxers are one of the groups, not the only one, that is stuck to the 'following your gut at all costs' part. Again, this is not a right-wing exclusive problem. There are retards on all sides. But right now it is more noticeable among conservatives. I just don't have the patience to wait until it all plays out anymore and you see conservatives being exposed for their lies a la Alex Jones.

>> No.15144055

The difference is that 95% of yours were only ever believed by a few loons, while all of mine were official government/institutional positions that nearly 100% of people like you gobbled up wholesale. Without fail, whatever horseshit the government came up with you bent over and took while asking for more. They speak for you. The few retards who think viruses are fake don't speak for us.

>> No.15144061

If you want other people to let go of their bias and focus on observable measurement you need to do the same. "Meet in the middle" was a meme for a long time for a reason. Even if you think they're wrong you need to establish common ground and mutually work toward the truth with evidence. You may get the other person to understand you and agree with you on something, but you may also realize there was truth to what the other person was saying as well. Be reasonable if you want other people to be reasonable.

The rabid pro vax crowd is unwilling to do this, even with those who merely express hesitance towards percieved coersion from institutions they don't trust. They discount any evidence against their narrative out of hand and lump questioners into the same flat earth conspiracy box. Of course nobody you talk to is going to "overcome their cognative biases" if your behavior reinforces them. This also holds for that guy who bursts into raging about "handlers" and says everyone's having a psychotic delusion when they call his naturalistic hippy bullshit out as retarded, but the funny thing I've noticed in the real world: average working people seem to hate the hard pro vax side more than this one 4chan troll.

>> No.15144063

Arguing instrumentation and measurements provide validity in a societal system in an ambiguous vacuum void of structure and conditional applications doesn’t prove, or validate anything. Try laying some foundational support to your point.

>> No.15144068

NTA, but how come you criticize him for putting you in a group and claim to be an individual, but then put him in a group and negate his individuality in the same post.

>> No.15144073

He doesn't know what those words mean, he just knows they get him argument points.

>> No.15144075

The difference is the exception vs the rule. His claims were a small minority of "my" group. My claims were the vast majority of "his" group. I can state without the slightest tinge of hesitation that that guy believed over 90% of the things on my list when the government said them.

>> No.15144077

I wrote this >>15144003 so we can solidly agree on not trusting government institutions however, demonizing all anti-vaxx opinions is aligning with a government 100%. You seem to be lumping in well poisoning arguments against valid concerns with the vaccines. There are valid concerns with mRNA vaccinations and trying to attempt to vaccinate against coronavirus is in general that pre-date Covid-19. If you can’t acknowledge this then you are absolutely part of the problem. Not all anti-vaxx theorizing is retarded, and should be covered by main stream institutions, instead of demonizing it the way we see today. This is actually antiscience.

>> No.15144078

All of them are true though.

>> No.15144083

I'm not American, retard. The government where I live was against vaccination. You live in a tiny bubble, which is only narrowly larger than your tiny brain. It's what I'm trying to tell you. Everything you do and say, even here, even now, is just spouting gut feelings as true.
You are angry at me for telling people to make more accurate measurements and statements before they make decisions.
Take a moment to ponder about how truly clownish and retarded your position is.

>> No.15144095

you simultaneously believe: covid showed no human to human transmission, masks don't work, and wearing masks is vital?

>> No.15144097

Galileo had a spout with a philosophy teacher from time, forgot his name. The dude would refuse to look through Galileo's telescope and see the moon had blemishes, because he was an Aristotelian, and Aristotle taught the moon was a perfect sphere.
All he had to do was look through the fucking measuring instrument, but he refused.

We have people nowadays that state things such as 'viruses don't exist'. They post it on this board almost daily, weekly at most, and they always get replies, always get engagement, and people out there keep buying this kind of shit, even though technology is at a point where you can also just look directly at things with powerful enough instruments.

The materials to learn statistics exist for free on the internet now, yet people refuse to learn them. The materials showing the kinds of errors cognitive bias leads to exist, with examples, and people refuse to look into that.

>> No.15144101

So basically tribalist monkey brain thoughts.

>> No.15144107

Oh look, it's another "why can't everyone see how much smarter I am than everyone else? Why won't everyone follow me, as that's best since I am the smartest" thread.
Get over yourself and go make your bed.

>> No.15144116

He's a redneck retard who sperges out against the actual educated anons on this board

>> No.15144118

>Thread: Let's come together to find ways to defeat cognitive bias

>> No.15144120

Have you ever considered that a lot of the threads on this website aren’t done in good faith, have an agenda and automated? Have you considered that dead Internet theory is much more of a real phenomenon than a lot of people are comfortable believing? I choose to believe intelligent people have the ability to self evaluate, admit when they’re wrong, and consequently grow intellectually from this process. Pointing at opposition that could be manufactured without evidence is a way of conditioning your own bias. We honestly don’t know how many people are posting here genuinely, or if a lot of the content is being done through API calls with AI bots, therefore, making those type of assumptions worth little. We have an unverifiable dataset in the form of 4chan anons. By your own admission, it makes no sense to trust this data set being presented as users opinions on this website.

>> No.15144125

To be honest, I think most of the problem is autists, schizos, thirdies and other mentally inept people.

Basically human bots that can be programmed to propagate any message.

>> No.15144126

You have a point, but I also see this stuff reproduced in real life, personal messaging groups, human politicians speaking, youtubers speaking. So even if the source is automated, the consequences are tangible in the flesh.

>> No.15144138

They are not bots or mentally inept (on average). No, they are just human... And so are you. So, be aware of that.

>> No.15144142

>The government where I live was against vaccination.
Pretty much every single first world government pushed the vaccine, so I am left to assume that your country doesn't matter at all
>You live in a tiny bubble
Yes, the tiny bubble only comprising 98% of the developed world
>Everything you do and say, even here, even now, is just spouting gut feelings as true.
I have stated nothing untrue, and you have given nothing that contradicts my claims.
>You are angry at me for telling people to make more accurate measurements and statements before they make decisions.
On the contrary, I was agreeing with you fully. US government bootlickers are some of the most biased, least objective clowns on the planet. They never base their decisions in empirical observations, but rather in whatever authority figures tell them. They analyze every claim through metainformation -- who made the claim, does that person believe anything I don't like, does the mainstream media believe that person, etc. -- not the claim itself.

It is very interesting that merely listing out some examples of people who are clearly guided by bias and emotion, not measurements, was enough to trigger you this hard. This probably indicates that there is a fair amount of projection buried within the OP

>> No.15144149

>We have people nowadays that state things such as 'viruses don't exist'.
Have you seen even a single real human make that claim in real life? Did that person gain any popular support?

>> No.15144150

This is the point of dead Internet theory under the covers from my perspective. Create programmable narratives that are supported by artificial intelligence bots that swarm user section comments on social media platforms to plant the seeds of ideas that normal users (real people) adopt and then support. At first, these ideas aren’t supported by real people. Once there’s a real support base for these narratives, the artificially created content support done via bots is withdrawn, as the narrative is now supported by real people. This is how I believe our establishment seems to manifest abstract unpopular concepts into reality.

>> No.15144154

Who knows how many people seriously claim viruses don't exist and how many are trolling. Without investing much time looking at it, and simply from board osmosis, I am still able to say this much: The main argument in regards to "viruses don't exist" does not dispute your measurements and there is no serious claim that they're "faked". The claim is it's a resulting symptom from some other cause and not a "virus". That may be wrong, and alternative hypotheses may be worse, but it goes beyond refusal to look at a picture. If you can't even understand the argument being made how can you expect to convince other people it's wrong? If you can't even do this with fringe stuff like "all viruses are fake" how do you expect to do it with more controversial and muddy topics? This is why people don't listen to you, no matter how right you think you are.

>> No.15144161

Partially true, however, the false narrative is initiated through artificial intelligence controlled bots that mimic real people. The programmable people pick up the cause from the bots. The only way to get around these issues are to enforce that everyone using any type of publicly available, technology platform over the internet has to be a verifiably real person (no bots) which has its own set of problems. Not to mention that ultimately the governments behind a lot of this narrative crafting so enforcement and regulation Not to mention that ultimately the governments behind a lot of this narrative crafting so enforcement and regulation of this type of system would be extremely problematic because this is how they control information post-internet. See >>15144150

>> No.15144162

> double sentence - using a cell phone

>> No.15144179

>a verifiably real person (no bots)
Or just improve captcha systems. It is pretty telling that 4chan is pretty much the only message board/social media platform that requires captchas for every post

>> No.15144194
File: 662 KB, 1284x2778, 9C9E349B-C1A9-4AB0-9943-6A0593085580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think human verification needs to be enforced at an ISP level, and written into official state law. Obviously easier said than done, and this is simply a starting notion, not a solution in any regard. The problem with things like CAPTCHA, is that it puts the burden on the actual website. Take Twitter for example, they can claim they control these bot populations by pruning 1 million accounts a day however, this doesn’t stop the type of idea control that these bots produce in that time period. Account creation can be automated and bot messaging can still occur under those guidelines. Verifying only humans are participating in online discourse of any form should be built into the backbone of the Internet, not upheld by individual companies providing content on websites.
> picrel
You can pay $20 a year to avoid the CAPTCA on 4chan. This is one way bots are able to post here.


>> No.15144248

It means to ignore things though. If I say you have a cognitive bias problem it means you're only reading the information you already agree with and ignoring anything that makes you question if you're actually right about something. So if anything it's saying that you're only noticing things that you want to notice

>> No.15144274

>For instance, antivaxxers 'feel' they predicted 'something' right about side effects,
high level cope

>> No.15144282

>just trust the experts

>> No.15144286

>It means to ignore things though.
No, it doesn't. It doesn't mean anything. You can't name and define a single cognitive bias without my turning it around against you and showing how it's essential for learning, survival, or formulating proper scientific hypotheses in the first place. "Cognitive biases" don't exist; it's simply a slur originating with the corporate-manufactured """skeptic""" movement.

>> No.15144507

That doesn't make a lot of sense. For example say you think there's no correlation between the covid vaccine and heart attacks. Then two scientific papers are released at the same time by different labs and one paper found a correlation with the vaccine and heart attacks and the other paper found no correlation using a different sample group of the same size. Then if you were aware of both papers and their outcomes but you only chose to read the paper that says there's no correlation and you ignored the other paper and went around telling people only about the paper that shows there's no correlation then that's a cognitive bias. You are biased towards the results you want to see and you only read about those results and not the others. This is an extremely common thing that people do

>> No.15144535

The real question to ask here is why both studies have differing conclusions. The problem is in todays world on the public internet only the government’s narrative is allow to exist in the mainstream. So why is the government forcing an incorrect cognitive basis to exist in public media of all forms?

>> No.15144852

Well you wouldn't know until you read both studies, but the way I explained it how they sampled different people it could be that their sample sizes weren't big enough. If it's reasonable sample sizes and it's still unclear then you just have to wait for more information or try to find some clarification, for both studies.

The government is pretty much hands off with the media due to freedom of the press. I'm not certain but I think if the media lies about someone then it's up to that someone to sue them, like gawker and hulk Hogan. If the media lies about events though I don't think anything happens other than they might lose some trust. I think the media definitely preys on people's cognitive biases though. CNN is constantly saying how bad Fox is and vice versa which I imagine gets some people to avoid reading stories from the other outlet. And probably increases their sales too if they can spin a lot of drama to keep people interested. The media doesn't seem to always outright lie about things though, they more just lie by omission, which is like a cognitive bias on their end and reality is being filtered through their biases so the news you get is pre biased. Pretty much everybody in media does it, from the big media outlets right down to the alt tech and YouTube content creators, there's almost nobody that talks about the positives and negatives of both sides fairly and equally, they're pretty much always leaning one way or the other. So then it's up to you to control your own cognitive biases and try to read a bit from each side

>> No.15144857

>The government is pretty much hands off with the media due to freedom of the press.

>> No.15144897

> The government is pretty much hands off with the media due to freedom of the press.
Stopped reading here. That’s laughable. Only a complete idiot would think this is reality. Good luck with your meager exists you moron.

>> No.15145011

Being wrong hasn't stopped weathermen, journalists, day traders, government officials and scientists from having careers. Faceboomers being delusional is very low on that list people that need their records corrected, however social media is unique in that it selects for opinions and personas that attract the most attention.

Most people don't care about the truth within information, they care who is relaying the information and if it will make them feel good and look good. For example: Facebook boomers(your parents on the internet) are cringe; therefore anything they say and like is by associations cringe.

People like fashionable, authoritative, profitable, fun and luxurious beliefs over true ones in their public and professional persona. People's personal beliefs tend to be much more eccentric and loose. This is true in academia as it is on Facebook, professionals are actually more vulnerable to biases because they filter out and selected for people that agree them.

>> No.15145018
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>> No.15145551
File: 85 KB, 680x680, vaxsheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no such thing as a "cognitive bias". The "cognitive bias" narrative is a means to discourage learning and free thought.
FPNI Leftists simply cannot grasp most concepts and differentiate. They are like programmable bots, unthinking drones.

>> No.15145553

kek, so true.

>> No.15145680

shut up retard

>> No.15145857

It takes intelligence to recognize and avoid cognitive biases, in addition to training. Most apes don't receive this training and even less are intelligent enough to apply it. Evolution selected for intelligent apes in the past but there is no guarantee that whatever evolutionary pressures exist in humans now are still selecting for greater intelligence.

>> No.15145863

generalization, phoneposter cap on 'thread', the slash after the 'thread', and 'thread'ed your own comment?
you better be being stupid on purpose, because if you're actually this way that's just sad.

>> No.15145944

how do we defeat midwit rationalizations for operating on herd instincts and blinding abiding what the television claims is expert consensus?

>> No.15146057

Notice how you failed to name and define any "cognitive bias" there. Try again.

>> No.15146059

>being confused by different posters
>calling a post a "comment"

>> No.15146060

We become the experts and then advise the midwit community to inject bleach. :^)

>> No.15146066

didn't stop them from censoring and chiding the evidently correct, common sensical barrington declaration

>> No.15146068

I'm still waiting for my winter of severe illness and death

>> No.15146074

>evidently correct, common sensical
Well, there's your problem. Anyone can defend a correct and common-sensical position but it takes a midwit intellectual extraordinaire to defend a nonsensical one. The more counter-intuitive, the better. You need something that even the dumbest redneck can and will be able to see through.

>> No.15146246

You can't and all the methods you will apply to defeat them will become sources of new, worse cognitive biases.

>> No.15146247

>For instance, antivaxxers 'feel' they predicted 'something' right about side effects, and ignore everything they predicted wrong in the past 3 years.
But those were mostly shills and non-white retards. I correctly intuited that covid isn't real and that the vaccine would be useless and it looks like I'm right.

>> No.15146250

>For instance, antivaxxers 'feel' they predicted 'something' right about side effects, and ignore everything they predicted wrong in the past 3 years.
You mean Pfizer drones ignore everything "antivaxxers" predicted right? You require state-mandated treatment for your cognitive biases.

>> No.15146252

>His claims were a small minority of "my" group.
Prove your claim, or else it's getting added to the list of gut feelings you retards have.

>> No.15146254

NTA but you are subhuman and will be dealt with soon,

>> No.15146266

I am truly shuddering in fear over here. Let me guess, two more weeks until you chimp out? Kill yourself, retard.

>> No.15146271
File: 1.29 MB, 1000x9651, 1672989416151349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am truly shuddering in fear over
Your owners are. I wonder why. :^)

>> No.15146274
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, two more weeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and ignore everything they predicted wrong in the past 3 years
We were not wrong.
Even Clott Adams has admitted defeat in his latest YouTube video.
Just wait two more weeks and all of our predictions will come true.

>> No.15146276

I'm afraid that may be a cognitive bias of yours.

>> No.15146283

Name and define a "cognitive bias" that doesn't play an essential role in survival, learning and hypothesis formation. Protip: you will chimp out and deflet in your next post.

>> No.15146285
File: 32 KB, 702x702, friendly nigger and whitey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, securing your own survival is no excuse for being racist.
Now hand over the wallet or Jamal will teach you a thing or two about critical race theory.

>> No.15146299


What is measured vs. what is not measured. How it is measured vs. how it is not measured. How it is presented vs. how it is not presented. All biased.

>> No.15146300

why do amerishits pretend to be racist? you literally killed each other over niggerinos and kneel for them

>> No.15146302

You're a phoneposting retard.

>> No.15146335

I'm posting from a laptop, you schizophrenic. Either way, why do your handlers need a literal army of shills to do damage control? What are they afraid of? :^)

>> No.15146396

my handlers gave me your dossier and instructed me to torment you in multiple thread at the same time, simply because you're a fucking retarded faggot

>> No.15146399

>torment you in multiple thread at the same time
The living conditions in your head sure are a nightmare, even for a rent-free tenancy. Why do your handlers need a literal army of shills, though? What are they afraid of? :^)

>> No.15146404

>What are they afraid of? :^)
the spread of schizo-babble and smileys from 2010

>> No.15146412

>the spread of schizo-babble
Why are they so afraid of "schizobabble"? That's always been around. Why do they need to hire a literal army of shills to combat it all of a sudden? :^)

>> No.15147853

speak for yourself, I was right from the beginning.
I took from /pol/ what made sense, researched it, and updated my worldview. Same with mainstream media. Unvaxxed, but isolating until omikron.
Pol was "righter" than msm overall each step of the way. most of their predictions were 6months+ ahead of schedule. Some of them 2 years. And some of their info like the wargames they found even before covid was a thing. Yes, some anons warned of such an event before they noticed the outbreak in china.

And stuff like 2 weeks is a meme, no matter who says it, be it 2 weeks of quarantine to stop the spread or 2 weeks until you all drop dead.
Only midwits fall for those obvious psyops.
Red deer? Seriously? Who comes up with this stuff?

>> No.15147871
File: 283 KB, 1080x1260, Scamdemic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And some of their info like the wargames they found even before covid was a thing. Yes, some anons warned of such an event before they noticed the outbreak in china.
Not like it was a secret thing.
The leftist elites outright said they would release a virus to steal elections worldwide, especially to oust Trump and Bolsonaro.

>> No.15147909

I am strongly for an internet of people, but I am also strongly, STRONGLY for an internet of anonymity.
Captchas are useless, but even videos, voices and passports can be forged (and as such artificially generated with models like stable diffusion).
This is actually a security white hat - black hat problem and needs to be treated as such.
Team red holds all the cards, and team blue is just slowly realizing there is actually a real fuckhuge threat.

>> No.15147994

They're doing that on twitter and reddit. If you think there are shills on this tiny board you're a retard.

>> No.15148005

Yes, I' was aware of this but I do not apply this information in day to day bidness or to my worldview because it is 'too out there' and would probably make me more vulnerable to falling for hoaxes and psyops designed to placate the other side of this discourse.
There are plenty of programmable hosts in each "camp". And honestly, creating these false dichotomies like vaxxed - unvaxxed has been a favorite tool of social engineers since forever. The oldest trick in the book, so to speak.

I really wanted to be fooled, just this once. But they couldn't and now I'm sad and traumatized for what the world is heading to and how unempathetic the pull-stringers of this mess really are and how mindless the majority of humans actually operate.
Some of my friends they got with fear, others they got with comfort, others were swayed by appeals to altruism or solidarity and some of them they got through the intimidation tactics at the tail end of this mess..
It's sad, social science has almost reached near-perfect control. They figured out how to engineer societies and the hyperconnectedness through (social) media is the perfect transmitter.
In the end, the schizos have always been right. The voices really transmit their signals into the brain to make us do what they want.

>> No.15148012

You are a dysgenic and mouth-breathing imbecile if you read >>15146271 and still think they don't shill on 4chan. They would have to actively forbid and prevent their "volunteers" from shilling on 4chan to prevent them shitting up /sci/.

>> No.15148162

This website is irrelevant and doesn't even produce memes anymore. Twitter is where this actually is spread and where normalfags are exposed to it. Especially this board is too low traffic, the logical conclusion is you're just arguing with someone who happens to disagree with you.

>> No.15148163

>For instance, antivaxxers 'feel' they predicted 'something'
If you don't think they predicted something keep taking those boosters then and see what happens to you. Put your veins where your mouth is.

>> No.15148167

This website occupies rent-free space in the heads of those people. MIT "scientists" are writing PhD theses about how to shill 4chan to get the leftist consensus here.

>> No.15148176

Can imagine emotional scientists coming here in groups but not organized UN shills wasting time arguing with stubborn autists who don't even think viruses are real.

>> No.15148179

They're not writing those articles for each other. They're writing them to get employed by the globalist think-tanks who sponsor these troll farms.

>> No.15148214

The weirdest thing that happened to this website was that even ten years ago a lot of people still subscribed to the original 4chan mindset where you knew its HIGHLY likely that controversial posts are just some smartass trolling.

This has almost completely disappeared over the last decade and people come here, take mind-bogglingly shit life advice and treat it as gospel never thinking for a moment that hot takes from an anonymous imageboard are maybe not the best intellectual foundation to base your life on.

I blame the zoomers of course, they're just that fucking stupid.

>> No.15148226
File: 74 KB, 427x450, viruses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound hopeless. Buck up buttercup. People are more rebellious now than ever in human history.

Look at how NPC people were during the middle ages, simping to kings and queens and churches. Or during even early American Colonial life, with the witch trials and believing in hexing and other stupid shit.

People are tired of governments now, more than ever.

Sure there are around 40% of the population as pure drones, unthinking left-wing human bots, but they are insignificant in the grand scheme of things. That's why the powers that be want them all dead and giving them toxins in their jabs and foods.

>> No.15148230

>The weirdest thing that happened to this website was that even ten years ago a lot of people still subscribed to the original 4chan mindset where you knew its HIGHLY likely that controversial posts are just some smartass trolling.
That still happens now. If you challenge the narrative you still get called a troll/contrarian. Stop glorifying the past.

>> No.15148236

I think it's just /pol/ replacing /b/ as the main port of entry for this place. We need to gas everyone who came here after 2015.

>> No.15148247

STFU newfag.

>> No.15148256

nice, I'm finally part of the cool club!
What a waste of time those 7 years have been.

>> No.15148271

/pol/ replaced /v/. You will always be a newfaggot liar trying to force your fake narratives.

>> No.15148278

He likely arrived here less than three years ago