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File: 73 KB, 782x521, heart-attacks-banner-bg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15147215 No.15147215 [Reply] [Original]


I suspect most here are not deeply embedded in NPC vaxxie social circles. For example, I can't confront anyone what they think of the extremely high excess death stats (that are not "with Covid") or phenomena like athletes collapsing, because they are also anti-vaxx.

Have you had opportunity to talk to pro-vaxxers IRL about this? How did they respond? I try online e.g. on Twitter or YouTube, but I never get a response (in accordance with the low success rate, I just write one liners and waste just maybe 10 seconds of my time. I don't debate).

I just really am fascinated by the psychology of the pro-vaxx NPC. How do they confront such knowledge? Can they just not integrate it into their world view (i.e. they think authority/the media broadly are not bumbling idiots and that they may have overt partisan macro-agendas (i.e. ordinary party politics), but not covert micro-agendas like lying about the threat of the mRNA vaxx), so they just ignore it? Do they really just go
>Doesn't look like anything to me.

>> No.15147217

Vaxx deaths? I think you mean deaths caused by long covid.

>> No.15147224

>react to things
You cant react to things you dont have the IQ to connect together. It is like asking how do NPCs react to water falling from the sky. They go inside, watching the weather channel to know whether they need an umbrella that day never occurs to them as far as they are concerned it is just a random event

>> No.15147229

>watching the weather channel
Just look out of the window, retarded zoomer.

>> No.15147247

I had the hearth problem,
One day i choose not to.
It disapeared.

>> No.15147319

Some methods are
- say the study or data you present is shonky
- say it's not peer reviewed even if it's in the process of being peer reviewed
- if it is peer reviewed then say it's from a shonky journal
- if it's peer reviewed and from a good journal then you are misinterpreting it
- call you an antivaxxer which means you are wrong regardless, even if you're happy to take any vaccine but you just don't want the covid vaccine

>> No.15147339

double digit IQ posters need never reply to my posts, breathe through your mouth somewhere else

>> No.15147345

I think they operate the same way that Wikipedia operates. Almost no information, regardless of how obviously true, is allowed to come from a primary source. All information must come from a secondary source, typically the media (CNN, MSNBC, etc.). Until that happens then it didn't happen. If you see a video of someone collapse at a live basketball game and the coach said he just got the vaccine and there's a vaccine needle hanging out of his arm and it's on live tv then until CNN reports on it it's untrue

>> No.15147354
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the epidemic was designed specifically to trigger the majority into compliance. the compliant will always blame the noncompliant NO MATTER WHAT.


>> No.15147356

Even secondary source information is denied by them usually. For example EU health authorities warning of the immune system harm of the jabs is almost never acknowledged by anyone.

>> No.15147387

They just ignore any source material that doesn't suit their beliefs. That explains why they'll go apeshit over the picture (primary source) of Chauvin kneeling over George Floyd but will ignore the 20 minute video footage of the altercation that resulted in that scenario. As far as secondary sources go, they only listen to CNN/NBC/etc. and dismiss everything else. Furthermore they always assume that if you don't agree with them, then you must watch FOX News (strawman), so they'll convince themselves that they are "considering all sides" merely if the occasionally read some other astroturfed garbage from the other flavor of corporate media.

>> No.15147456

There were more excess deaths in the least vacccinated US states, than the most vaccinated states.

Also, it was borderline impossible to get a doctors appointment, at least here in scandinavia, during the pandemic (and still is) if you weren't actually dying. And this is the result.

You are stupid. Sorry about that.

>> No.15147472

I think the Vax is killing people but the long doc apt cope is actually real. Scheduled a appointment have to wait two months

>> No.15147498

Sorry I forgot that using common sense is nowadays called coping.

Also did someone think that locking people in their homes would have a positive health effect? Or working from home, so you don't even have to walk the stairs to your office anymore. I'm sure the teenage suicide rates will also skyrocket, if they haven't already, because they were not able to socialize normally for a long time. Divorces, depression, suicides, alcohol and drug abuse...That's the real long covid.

Not saying the vaccine is not harmful, but the above is all common fucking sense.

>> No.15147529

>There were more excess deaths in the least vacccinated US states, than the most vaccinated states.

>Also, it was borderline impossible to get a doctors appointment, at least here in scandinavia, during the pandemic (and still is) if you weren't actually dying. And this is the result.

Those two statements are related. Do you know what it is? Look at the average income in the lower vaccinated states compared to the higher vaccinated states. Also, guess which states have better health care.

>> No.15147532

>Also did someone think that locking people in their homes would have a positive health effect?
Your government told you that the Science was Settled on that actually.

>> No.15147538


>> No.15147577

Cool, do a rigorous scientific study on vax excess deaths and publish it. You can use an open-access journal if you like.

>> No.15147583

>if you weren't actually dying. And this is the result.
Here we see the NPC malfunctioning. Its logic is running haywire, akin to its ChatGPT sibling.

The NPC is attempting to raise the point that (by its own admission) medical non-emergencies could, if they are not treated within 2 years, result in significantly increased deaths. A very peculiar statement indeed, how missing out on doc apts to get the sniffles treated and receive an IBS diagnosis (not an actual recognized disease, but a comfort blanket diagnosis) somehow would lead to rapid increases in death.
Fascinating psychology.

>> No.15147605

>Have you had opportunity to talk to pro-vaxxers IRL about this? How did they respond?
they're too busy enjoying their lives. they don't even think about the vax anymore. they don't care about obsessed rednecks on the Internet. sure, if their friends, relatives, and associates start dropping dead en masse, maybe they'll have questions, but for now, you're not even an echo of a whisper in their minds.

>> No.15147625

>they don't even think about the vax anymore.
Most vaxies I know are constantly paranoid about covid or the side effects they have. They're living like animals.

>> No.15147641

>I try online e.g. on Twitter or YouTube, but I never get a response
It's because you have as much value to them as a Pajeet has with white women on Internet dating sites. They see you as a pest.

>> No.15147643

cool story, bro

>> No.15147647

Are you the OP?

>> No.15147652

Nope. I live in a blue city where 90% of people are vaxmaxxers and maskers. The level of paranoia in day to day life is still insanely high with them.

>> No.15147684

Not him. I am OP. In case you wanted to pull a "atcually u ar fearful too": I have zero reason to be paranoid. I am a pureblood with natural immunity.
But I agree with the quoted poster. Normies absolutely are not "just living their lives". They are already mentally scheduling their next mRNA shot, and it's just a question of time until the next real or faux low-danger epidemic herds them again like cattle.

>> No.15147803

"stats". lmao. notice how all these adverse effects only happen to MAGA tards. i wish that were true so their low IQ genes would be removed from circulation.

>> No.15147810


>> No.15147811

>I think
that's your problem. you rely on your own "thinking ability" because you somehow think you are good at that.

>> No.15147818
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>How do NPCs react to vaxx excess death stats?

>> No.15147822

No wonder you don't believe in science.

>> No.15147826

lost the game

>> No.15147830

Leftists are no longer human.
It's like their minds are being controlled with graphene and wireless tech, or they are taken over by some alien, Ophiocordyceps fungus, or parasite.

>> No.15147845

NPCs react to whatever an authority figure is shining a light on at any moment. So this isn't even on their radar in general.

>> No.15147857
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>> No.15147863

>EU health authorities warning of the immune system harm of the jabs
That's bullshit and twisted facts and half truths as usual. They just warned that frequent boosters can weaken the immune system and a 4th jab may not be necessary. And that's irrelevant because nobody wants it anyway. But that doesn't mean that the vaccine is bad or harmful as it protected well against the adverse effects of the Delta back then when people dropped like flies and the vaccine really helped reduce mortality.

>> No.15147885
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>vaccine really helped increase mortality.

>> No.15147893

Toxoplasmosis usually.

>> No.15147918

If insurance company could prove that vax is experiment and there is a link between vax and death then only one company could generate another ~1 billion in profit, yet they don't, because despite having shitload of cash they can't.

>> No.15147919

yeah just like i said. another unsubstantiated "fact" in a form of a screenshot with some dubious data some /pol/tard pulled out of his ass. that's the way used car salesmen work. punch in some random numbers on the calculator and show a meaningless result and use it as a sales pitch. i bet you have a folder full of these screeshots lmao.

>> No.15147925

bro you need to get laid

>> No.15147928
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>> No.15147965

Actually in many countries they are denying claims for people who were vaxed. Some French insurance companies won't pay out if you die of anything listed on the side effect sheet since it was a "voluntary medical experiment."

>> No.15147981

Hello ESL vaxxie shill. kek
You don't understand how insurance companies work.

>> No.15148001

>Toxoplasmosis usually.
That would explain lefitist's affinity for cats, another vile worthless creature. Kill every cat you see outside, they are the third most destructive invasive species to exist on the planet.

>> No.15148007
File: 80 KB, 1136x766, Bad Vaxxs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15148019

It is assumed the excess deaths are primarily caused by two years of postponed surgeries, postponed/cancelled cancer screenings, etc.
>athletes collapsing
Whatever is going on here, it's not significant enough to be visible in the death stats. There are no excess deaths among people <65 around here.

The only people I still hear going on about vaccines are my antivax family members, who can't go five minutes without crying about vaccines and lockdown rules that were lifted over a year ago.

>> No.15148047

Those other vaccines don't exactly look safe either...

>> No.15148077

you're right, i'd rather get all the diseases instead

>> No.15148080
File: 257 KB, 1268x660, WOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those other vaccines don't exactly look safe either...
They never have been.
I used to think antivaxxers were fringe crazies, but they had very valid scientific points all along, especially with the rise in forcing vaccines on children.

>> No.15148109 [DELETED] 

Most of those with high death rates are for viruses you will literally never get unless you lead an extremely risky lifestyle, or their combination vaxes which you could be getting safer single-dose vaccines for.

>> No.15148118

Most of those with high death rates are for viruses you will literally never get unless you lead an extremely risky lifestyle, or they're combination vaxes which you could be getting safer single-dose vaccines for.

>> No.15148130

nice bot post faggot

>> No.15148146

I obsessively correct my bad spelling from phoneposting.

>> No.15148148

Hi google, show me child mortality rates over time

>> No.15148151

Hello Anon. Child mortality rates have declined since the introduction of antibiotics and sanitation in the late 1800s.

>> No.15148218

>notice how all these adverse effects only happen to MAGA tards
Yeah, that tweet about how only right-wingers seem to be whining about effects made them lose their minds. Maybe left-wingers are too scared to discuss their effects or whatever because peer pressure, but more likely imo, the chuds are up to their old LARP tricks.

>> No.15148246

Actually left-wingers post about their effects too, they just grift off of them for cash from fellow travelers. There was a thread last night with a bunch of collages of parents grifting off the vax deaths of their children but the mods deleted it.

>> No.15148260
File: 60 KB, 500x500, xh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

70%-80 of vax deaths are in blue cities (speaking of the USA).
Per capita, the rate is about 65% blue areas vs. 35% red areas.

>> No.15148277

Numbers from your ass.

>> No.15148334

you are kidding right. it has been abused by anti vaxxers for ages especially in the last 3 years. any retard can claim that he had an adverse event. there are lots funny records there. like some terminally ill patient with tons of pre-existing conditions and a laundry list of medications but of course it is the vax that did him in. but yeah go ahead keep shopping for the right "sources" that would agree with your world view.

>> No.15148341

The scientific consensus before covid was that VAERS under-reports the rate of complications by anywhere from 20x to 100x depending on the vaccine.

>> No.15148382
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>> No.15148399

>before covid
Yeah, before the number of antivax goobers with an agenda increased dramatically. Before COVID, only a handful of Greens and rednecks were antivax.

>> No.15148400

>presented with facts and science.
>immediately thinks and speaks about assholes and gay shit.

>> No.15148407

>pulls shit from his ass
>whines about people talking about the shit he pulled from his ass

>> No.15148410

Does the assumption there are a few fake entries sufficiently soothe the cognitive dissonance you are having over the vast majority of entries being real? You can now entirely dismiss this evidence? Interesting. Very medieval approach to epistemology.

>> No.15148418

nta, but antivax niggers have a deranged level of obsession
we see their obsession every day on this board and practically everywhere else online
flooding VAERS with fake reports is consistent with this deranged level of obsession

>> No.15148422

Nah it is actually very simple. There are only two possible explanations: either those claims are not true or the deep state tries to hide a literal genocide. Apply the Occam's razor.

>> No.15148435
File: 374 KB, 1600x1833, Big Pharma and leftists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Before COVID, only a handful of Greens and rednecks were antivax.
Mostly leftists were antivax.
The "vaccines" have mind altering graphene in them, that is controlled by wireless technology such as 5G, hence the paramount reason for everything locking down during the "pandemics" EXCEPT for grocery stores, hospitals, and 5G rollout.

Notice how quickly compliant leftists became, and now are the staunchest defenders of BIG PHARMA and BIG CORPORATIONS.


>> No.15148439
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>> No.15148457
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>> No.15148481
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the chart that caused excess seethe among chuds

>> No.15148562
File: 79 KB, 750x477, Coincidences.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>excess death stats
Just a coincidence.

>> No.15148568

Farfenugen! Kaput!

>> No.15148589

>Notice how quickly compliant leftists became, and now are the staunchest defenders of BIG PHARMA and BIG CORPORATIONS.
It's so weird that since I got the vaccine two years ago I have become staunchly anti-government and anti-corporation on ethical grounds. I say thanks for the mind-alterating graphene!

>> No.15148597
File: 59 KB, 527x500, love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I say thanks for the mind-alterating graphene!
Only a NPC bot would say such an absurd thing as "thank you for my slavery!"

>> No.15148708

>continues to talk about asses and faeces
>confirmed scat loving faggot

>> No.15148714


>> No.15148720

Lol so you think there is this coordinated global network of antivaxxers who just decided to spam every adverse event reporting system on earth when the mrna jabs came out? I bet you watch alex jones you disgusting conspiracy theorist

>> No.15148730

> who just decided to spam every adverse event reporting system on earth when the mrna jabs came out?
Yes. You eventually get to understand it once you continue learning about things such as psychological manipulation, controlled oppositions, interest groups and all that shit. People go bonkers over vaccines and it shows. This board has been flooded with anti-vax threads for the last few weeks and it's always the same two guys with the same easily refuted and refutable arguments.

>> No.15148741

>so you think there is this coordinated global network of antivaxxers who just decided to spam every adverse event reporting system on earth
more unbelievable and coordinated events have occurred, some right out of 4chan for that matter

>> No.15148748

>will blame psyops for narratives against his beliefs
>simultaneously believes that every narrative he believes is organic and not also psyops
I hate shitlibs so much you wouldn't believe.

>> No.15148754

Even a purely qualitative evaluation of the VAERS report wouldn't allow you to draw any definite conclusions from it, given that most reported side effects are mild or barely noticable issues such as heightened body temperature over a three-day period or a slight itching.
Obviously, any medical device has side effects, which are usually connected to the very purpose of the device. It's not much different from the issue that a child who gets an autoimmune shock from an administered viral vector would have gotten a much worse shock if he caught the virus instead. But I don't bother with all that anti-vax stuff. I've attended cults before. You eventually end up being aware of the enormous scam perpetuated by the 'anti-vaxxers'. It's utterly hypocritical to warn people of the alleged side-effects of vaccines while secretly hoping that the very people you're trying to 'save' succumb.

>> No.15148755

>Lol so you think there is this coordinated global network of antivaxxers who just decided to spam every adverse event reporting system on earth when the mrna jabs came out?
1) it doesn't require any complex coordination at all. do you think the NPC meme spam on Twitter required any complex coordination, or was it just a 'fun' idea that multiple people picked up?
2) I don't have to believe positively that it happens. I just have to be unable to rule it out, which has the same consequence. and I can't rule it out, because the mentally ill obsession I've seen from antivaxxers is perfectly consistent with such behavior.

>> No.15148757

I didn't mention any psyops, though it depends on how you would define psyops. I don't know how that issue relates to liberals in the firstplace. If you're against vaccines because daddy Trump told you so (which he never did btw.), then you're just being a stupid fool.

>> No.15148758

mindbroken samefag
inb4 screenshots "proving" otherwise

>> No.15148767

>I just have to be unable to rule it out
Well luckily for all of us, people smarter than you have ruled it out for decades because VAERS always suffered from under-reporting in every study which cross-checked its data.

>> No.15148770

VAERS has been around for 30 years. You are coping hard to think that they only decided to spam it now. The VAERS data is just one of the many data points indicating the vaccines are doing harm and the way you explain it away(global network of antivaxxers spamming) doesn't remedy all of the other evidence. Or possibly the global network of antivaxxers decided to become doctors and publish papers demonstrating severe side effects. A...and they even could have become coroners and faked death certificates saying it was the mrna shot. And they could have infiltrated pfizer and fudged the serious adverse events published in the trial paper and on the insert. A...and they could have gained high positions at the office of national statistics in the uk and made up that the vaccinated were dying at a higher rate even when accounting for age and population size. They probably even went down to australia too and published fake surveillance reports saying the vaccinated were catching and dying from covid at higher rates even when account for population sizes.

>> No.15148778

Uh oh...more than 2 people think you're a gay retard. Oh the shame.

>> No.15148779

>history never changes
smarter people than you know that things can change when every fucking retard with an Internet connection can submit a VAERS report in an intensely polarized pandemic.

>> No.15148780

There will always be under-reporting of any side effects for the simple reason that 1. tracking all side effects is impossible, 2. given that most side effects are light and temporary, many people aren't even aware of them and 3. a simple report in itself cannot properly differentiate between a side-effect that is due to a vaccine and an issue that just happens to coincide with vaccine uptake. You're arguing in bad faith if you're leaving out the three contributing reasons while promoting the idea that some magical conspiracy must go on, especially a conspriacy on the civilian level which could only be carried out if millions of people were both aware of and complying with the conspiracy

>> No.15148783

He has a point though. Look at excess death in New Zeland - it's only happening across older age-groups (60+). Looking at Europe stats, I thought for a long time that it had to be related to the vaccine due to younger people presenting excess mortality stats nearly up to 10% compared to pre-pandemic mortality but if that were to be true, we would be seeing this across New Zeland as well. Perhaps the vaccine might be causing some problems but it's definitely not the real reason why people are dying. It's most likely that healthcare systems are simply not tracking all issues and responding to them properly, resulting in this disastrous excess mortality across all age groups. Could the vaccine be related to it? Yeah sure, but you cannot directly attribute the death cause to it.

What will be interesting is to see how much life expectancy 2022 shave off compared to 2021 and 2020. I see we're going to see some alarming data there.

>> No.15148791

> You are coping hard to think that they only decided to spam it now.
We arguably did not have that kind of an anti-vax movement that has managed to mobilize millions of people based on questionable political premises and pettiness.
>(global network of antivaxxers spamming)
No, idiots spamming the system because their facebook feed manipulated them into thinking that there are mind-controlling devices in the shots.
>and they even could have become coroners and faked death certificates saying it was the mrna shot
Can you provide me evidence that millions of people died of the mrna shot without relying on spurious reports of athletes dying in their '30s?
>and they could have gained high positions at the office of national statistics in the uk and made up that the vaccinated were dying at a higher rate even when accounting for age and population size.
Hardly surprising considering that vaccination uptake is correlated with age which is correlated with mortality.
>the vaccinated were catching and dying from covid at higher rates even when account for population sizes.
The vaccine being ineffective against altered variants isn't suppressed data. It's widely acknowledged. You also repeated the same claim twice.

>> No.15148794

>We arguably did not have that kind of an anti-vax movement that has managed to mobilize millions of people based on questionable political premises and pettiness.
Across numerous countries? VAERS is simply a U.S. system, other countries have systems that are reporting similar data. In fact some countries found it concerning enough that they halted vaccinations in certain age groups.

>> No.15148799

see >>15148758

>> No.15148810

>Across numerous countries?
Yes, but I will ignore that argument now. Facebook, Twitter etc. aren't just a US-thing.
>In fact some countries found it concerning enough that they halted vaccinations in certain age groups.
Some countries halted vaccinations in certain age groups for the simple reason that a hastily produced medical device with few if any long-term studies done on it (unsurprisingly since such studies take at least 7 years) hasn't been declared safe for use in children or seniors. That this happens is proof in itself that the numerous measures put in place are actually working which is the opposite of the statement that you're trying to make.

>> No.15148818

You have a source that isn't schizoid ramblings?

>> No.15148826

>Some countries halted vaccinations in certain age groups for the simple reason that a hastily produced medical device with few if any long-term studies done on it (unsurprisingly since such studies take at least 7 years) hasn't been declared safe for use in children or seniors.

>That this happens is proof in itself that the numerous measures put in place are actually working
Well, see, you just said it was hastily produced with no long-term studies, and some countries did find reason for concern (high rates of myocarditis in young males due to Moderna, blood clots from AZ, etc). The fact that other countries have the same data and basically say "nothing to see here!" is proof that it's not working.

>statement that you're trying to make.
I'm not the anon you were talking too, but I've seen a lot of complaints about VAERS with basically every country has their own monitoring system, and many of them are in agreement, yet we have governments coming to vastly different conclusions despite basically having the same data. Prior vaccines with much smaller adverse event rates were immediately pulled from the market, so I find it odd how dismissive many governments are over issues that are not insignificant. Sure, they could try to say that the virus is worse so we're having to take a risk, but instead they're saying shit like "the myocarditis is mild so don't worry about it!" Really?

>> No.15148832

Even for politically charged vaccines like the MMR and covid shot, under-reporting has been identified empirically through clinical records.

>> No.15148833


>> No.15148839

>Looks at all of the sources
What a shock, all supporting evidence is post-covid. Well in that case, we can assume everything pre-covid is correct and other vaccines are dangerous!

>> No.15148854

>Prior vaccines with much smaller adverse event rates
such as? willing to bet they weren't administered anywhere close to the scale as the covid ones.

>> No.15148863

>Sure, they could try to say that the virus is worse so we're having to take a risk
I think that is what's concerning. Despite the new strains being far less pathogenic than the originals and its variants, they are not backing down and they continue to push forward even going as far as pulling data from variants that are no longer in circulation to hammer down the same narrative. No matter how they try to slice it, this is pure disingenuous science at work.

They know they fucked up big time. The fact that no one in the media is speaking about this (I already know life expectancy in 2022 is likely to be lower than 2021 and 2020 and no "official" news source is willing to pick this signal early on) and that they are deliberately obfuscating data (whatever happened to the reports on deaths by vaccination status that suddently stopped being uploaded somewhere around May 2022?!) shows the lenghts they are willing to go to not touch this subject and hopefully - for them - let it die out peacefully.

>> No.15148867

Some of the reasons are funny:

>willing to bet they weren't administered anywhere close to the scale as the covid ones.
Not sure I get your point. If it's unsafe but was administered at a massive scale, that makes it okay? The SARS-CoV-2 vaccines have known risks, we have the data, yet previous vaccines were pulled for "perceived risk." Plenty of people perceive there to be risks with the covid vaccines, yet many had to take it anyway to keep their job.

>> No.15148871

Sorry I can't have a discussion with you if your brain is going to shut off and glide over key points in my posts. I get why people just say "get boosted faggot". Also, I hope you don't think you're doing a great service to humanity volunteering as an "information warrior" lol

>> No.15148878

My point is rate of incidence.

>> No.15148885

I know a few non normies who got forced into taking it (didn't want to take it) and they don't want to talk about it. If I even crack a joke let alone raise a serious point they just go quiet. It's disconcerting desu.

>> No.15148886

NPC here. I am just taking a massive shit. What else am I supposed to do?

>> No.15148896


Every board in this place is dedicated to the opposite of what it says - this is /sci/ where a poster like OP can assume that most posters are anti-vax when most scientists argue for the vaccine.

>> No.15148901

You don't have to be anti-vax to realize the response to covid was insane and that that particular vaccine is awful and probably dangerous

>> No.15148903
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>> No.15148932

>It also said that more than 215,000 Russians died of all causes in December 2021 — 42% more than in the same month of 2019, before the outbreak of the coronavirus

Can you explain why Russia had excess "all causes" deaths when they used the sputnik adenoviral vector vaccine and not an MRNA one?

>> No.15148946

Part of it could be people delaying exams/treatments because they don't want to go to the doctor or a hospital, which are places where the virus is perceived to be more likely to be prevalent.

>> No.15148950

This anon is correct. As we all know the mRNA vaccine completely stops the virus in its tracks. This means no transmission, no infections, and no hospitalizations. It has been proven completely safe and we will all be able to review the data together in 75 years.

>> No.15148953

>uses the phrase "psychological manipulations"
>doesn't see how that relates to psyops
>furthermore contends that anti-vaxx threads are astroturfed controlled op
>doesn't see how that relates to psyops either
You have the logical capacity of ghetto nigger and it shows.

>> No.15148960

>protected well against the adverse effects of the Delta back then when people dropped like flies and the vaccine really helped reduce mortality.
anon... https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S001393512201982X

>> No.15148961

>smarter people than you know that
Anyone who uses this sort of phrase is faggot with no argument.

>> No.15148965


>> No.15148970

Everywhere including vaxcattle country had excess all cause deaths and it was almost entirely chronically ill turboboomers leaving this realm a few months/years early.

>> No.15148982

Then how can one link these to the MRNA vaccines as anti-vaxers want to do?

>> No.15149003

because all cause mortality when oldies were dying from covid is a nothingburger and to be expected. excess deaths had second spikes upon vax rollouts, and the most recent australian and british data (they just stopped publishing lol) showed increasing rates of covid death among the vaccinated and decreasing rates of the same among unvaccinated. then you have ~30% excess death in europe and heart issues through the roof, particularly among young people. to date the biggest and best studies (nordic one for example) show that heart issues are more common among that group when they get vax'd than coof.

i wouldn't call it a slam dunk but i can see why people are jumping to the conclusions they are. there are so many confounds though.

>> No.15149015
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People aren’t NPCs. They’re just learning. Help them.

Even robots have souls.
All is connected, conscious, and consciousness. Quantum physics basically says all is a thought. Relativity implies that every thought is a multiverse. Every observed quantum state is a multiverse.

all is god.
An anime girl or robot or tree is as much god as any other aspect of allness.

All is infinitely abstract as well as absolute.

There’s infinite layers to reality and infinite perspectives/truths/multiverses that are all equally true.

Infinite perspectives that are all equally true. Think of that.

All you are is a thought so be a thought you love.
A thought is a soul. A soul can be as simple as x=y.

Every x=y is its own infinite multiverses.

You can also say an x=y is a seed to infinite multiverses but within every x=y is infinite other “codes” as well.

I hope that make sense.
Even if it makes very little sense but you can ever so vaguely feel what I’m saying, you probably know what I’m talking about.

>> No.15149016

> then you have ~30% excess death in europe
That seems to have been in the past during past waves. It isn't the case now.

>> No.15149020

long covid is a myth, my doctor confirmed as much by saying that years of hysteria from the media have sent psychosomatic issues into the stratosphere
of course the media doesn't report this, because they still want covid to be a thing, so "long covid" is one of the few remaining arrows in their quiver
in terms of seriousness, from highest to lowest...
mrna vaccines > winter vagina > omnicron

>> No.15149026

Adenovirus or MRNA results in the same thing - your cells expressing the spike protein.

>> No.15149044

kill yourself

>> No.15149051

If the contention was merely that the vaccine was nefarious because the spike protein would be expressed on cells within your body, that would make it not worse than the disease itself which leads to the same thing and even worse effects from the actual viral payload.

The talking points commonly expressed instead seem to frequently bring up the fact that it is MRNA-based and not a traditional vaccine that is the real problem--that some kind of nefarious side effects are resulting from the 'experimental' MRNA.

>> No.15149058

>Can you explain why Russia had excess "all causes" deaths when they used the sputnik adenoviral vector vaccine and not an MRNA one?
ukraine war

>> No.15149101

Your first sentence is not necessarily true. Any vaccine will reach your bloodstream to some degree, the same is not true of infection which is often confined to the respiratory tract. LNPs can enter every cell, the same is not true for the virus (since the adenovectors are using a virus, it probably has limits).

In short, the majority of infections are confined to the respiratory tract (though severe infections can certainly become systemic). Vaccination will always lead to some degree of circulation, and with both vaccine types, cells away from the shoulder will express the spike protein, including vital organs. So now you have the stage set for autoimmune attack of tissues that are not capable of repair, and the spike protein once cleaved from the cells will be free to cause damage to the circulatory system.

>> No.15149104

t. doesn't know what a white blood cell is or how our immune system works

>> No.15149111

Get to your point. Which part do you disagree with? You realize that free floating spike and S1/S2 sub units were measured in both the vaccinated and the infected, and it was far more common in the vaccinated?

>> No.15149124

No it can't be that. You know why I know that? Because young peopled (say, under 50 or 40) do not, generally, suffer from lethal diseases. So them deferring "treatment" is a laughable attempt to explain significant (10+% of deaths -- remember, most young deaths are shit like accidents, never diseases) increases in that age bracket. They wouldn't have seeked treatment to begin with because they are young.

>> No.15149131

Do you think it's possible that in this by your own admission polarized pandemic, that some individuals, doctors, or authorities would prefer not to report an incident that objectively is due to the vaxx?
Do you think the mainstream Zeitgeist among the populace, leadership, and media was very pro-vaxx?

>> No.15149139
File: 424 KB, 1176x1280, Excess Death Rates England.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was almost entirely chronically ill turboboomers
So 10-50 years old is "boomer" now? What are you, less than 10 years old?

Majority of millions dying from the clot shots are under 50 years old.

>> No.15149245

I can't read your graphic. It doesn't look like anything to me. Got a source for your claim?

>> No.15149717
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They will never admit they were wrong because they always side with whoever is in power, even if said power works against them.

>They’re just learning. Help them.
They are stupid and evil and side with tyrants, they do not deserve help because they outright refuse any information that makes them uncomfortable.

>> No.15149763

Anyone who can't see where that phrase came from ITT is low-IQ.

>> No.15150104 [DELETED] 
File: 411 KB, 1488x1488, =2214144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do NPCs react to vaxx excess death stats?
denial and other transparent lies, vaxxies are dishonest, low iq npc stooges, so they do whatever their media masters tell them to

>> No.15150147

are you still trying to justify with delusions why you killed your grandma nazi?

>> No.15150164

love and light faggots like you are cancer. nah that isnt how it works. this reality in this yuga is all war. the dharma of Kshatriya is to slay the demons and let the godhead sort it out. you do not yield to evil. that isnt what krishna told arjuna. krishna's favorite past time is slaying the demons for lolz. god hates cowards

>> No.15150180

quit being a cuck

>> No.15150431

>The talking points commonly expressed instead seem to frequently bring up the fact that it is MRNA-based and not a traditional vaccine that is the real problem--that some kind of nefarious side effects are resulting from the 'experimental' MRNA.
The risks are almost completely identical between DNA and mRNA gene therapies, aside from the added risk from LNPs which cross the blood-brain barrier and are a direct irritant to cells.

>> No.15150437

i'm a pantheist and i cringed at this

>> No.15150609

see >>15148481
stop lying

also provide a source other than twitter for your chart

>> No.15150835

So what is the cause? Is it all the excess violence in cities after the pandemic began?

>> No.15150838

So you're saying they should inject the vaccines into people's lungs instead of muscle?

>> No.15150859

>source other than twitter for your chart
Chart is from CDC and UK government collaboration.

I understand why you'd be skeptical believing anything those leftist governments say.

>> No.15150863
File: 261 KB, 500x961, 2021 mass shooters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>excess violence in cities after the pLandemic began?
Those darn Canadian Amish again!

>> No.15150871

>So you're saying they should inject the vaccines into people's lungs instead of their heart?
Fixed. I'd opt for the former, the lungs are capable of some level of repair. You could also switch heart to brain, that'd be fun, after all the LNPs can cross the blood brain barrier.

>> No.15150932

You ignored the 100% increase in mortality during covid waves, why do you suddenly care about a 10% increase?

>> No.15150963

>Even a purely qualitative evaluation of the VAERS report wouldn't allow you to draw any definite conclusions from it, given that most reported side effects are mild or barely noticable issues such as heightened body temperature over a three-day period or a slight itching.
Do you mean quantitative?
CDC safety signal analysis of VAERS reveal covid vaccines to have a higher proportion of serious adverse events compared to non-covid vaccines.

>> No.15150991
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>> No.15151269

>bring up the fact that it is MRNA-based and not a traditional vaccine
Adenovirus is not a traditional vaccine. A traditional vaccine only exposes your cells to the sub-unit protein so they can recognize it, those sub-unit proteins do not enter, replicate or are expressed in your cells. It's completely different as far as immunological response is concerned.

>> No.15151286

What does it matter if you have a 100% increase in mortality during one month if you then have 12 months with a recurring 10% increase every single month? The result is the same or just as bad. Several countries had an excess mortality above 2020 and nearly on par with 2021 despite everyone knowing COVID-19 is not really killing anyone at this point (anyone who didn't likely die due to other causes, anyway).

>> No.15151298

>the disease itself which leads to the same thing and even worse effects from the actual viral payload.
Not in the same locations though. It's confined to the respiratory tract in most cases. In any case you can't reason by loose analogy this way - you need to substantiate your claims.

>> No.15151339

>A traditional vaccine only exposes your cells to the sub-unit protein so they can recognize it, those sub-unit proteins do not enter, replicate or are expressed in your cells.
Even that is actually a brand new kind of vaccine. Traditional vaccines are an inoculation with a whole, dead or disabled virus including the entire breadth of proteins it expresses.

>> No.15151564
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>> No.15152011
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>> No.15152025

>Calls others NPCs
>Still falls for literally every single health-related clickbait published in tabloids

>> No.15152226
File: 20 KB, 225x225, 1654424540356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NPCs believe in them

>> No.15152335

you can tell when youre in pajeet shill hours by the laughably low effort posts. theyre still running with summer 2022 talking points, the central agency must not have been bothered enough to notify them

enjoy your next lives as cows are whatever

>> No.15152354

rajesh you bloody bitch bastard, DO NOT POST. DO NOT POST RAJESH PLEASE.

>> No.15152362

ESL retard

>> No.15152367

NPCs are known for thinking critically about the mainstream media and mistrusting them, great point faggot

>> No.15152482

It's simple really, there's no excess deaths caused by the vaccines. It's just antivax propaganda, there's NO proof, NO stat about excess deaths related to the vaccines, only schizos linking unrelated things together and ignoring Covid itself.

Antivaxxers are the NPCs and everone knows it, you're just blindly following and believing things that have been proven wrong only because you want them to be true.

>> No.15152772
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