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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 36 KB, 470x600, ENTP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1514533 No.1514533 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Your personality type, and pictures related to it.

>> No.1514534

inb4 INTX x 1000

>> No.1514537



2nd poster got meh

>> No.1514543
File: 97 KB, 558x531, This is me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contributing, but obligatory sage as this isn't science or math (then again, neither is anything else on the front page).

>> No.1514544

Another fellow INTP

I border on ENTP too

>> No.1514549
File: 447 KB, 728x499, 1279210332976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INTP with the occasional INTJ mood.

>> No.1514554

I was bored, so I started getting people to do tests who were my friends

it was kind of interesting, the friend who's most like me, is an INTJ, and the others were plausible matches, so I guess there's probably something reasonably accurate about this?

>> No.1514565
File: 248 KB, 1280x903, Escape_by_flyingdebris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure INTJ, with a bit a weed

>> No.1514631
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>> No.1514662

since this is a MBPTI thread

does anyone have any resources on it, like, meanings, declarations of what you'd be good at, things you'd ilke to do probably, and so on?

>> No.1514673

Is there a website I can take a quiz or something?

>> No.1514698
File: 338 KB, 1576x1525, XvPgS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INTP here. i read this intp profile a while back and found it interesting: http://www.intp.org/intprofile.html probably not very scientific at all.

>> No.1514699
File: 59 KB, 600x750, intp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol, someone's seen this thread posted a few times before, eh?

also: INTP master race :D

>> No.1514704

forgot to say pic unrelated. except that indeed i do sit around programming matlab all fucking day.

>> No.1514709

XNTP here

>> No.1514710

I'm also ENTP

>> No.1514715
File: 27 KB, 400x320, intj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1514716

INTx here, rocking it up.

>> No.1514719

ENFP. I don't belong on this website.

>> No.1514720

"Where the Ti preference is strong, this drive can override the experiential element so strongly that the INTP will become quickly bored with anything that he has successfully analysed to the point of understanding it."


thanks for the site man!

this is meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

the pain of a thousand suns has resided in me, and I can finally figure out where to start my career

>> No.1514722

how do you into figure out personality type?

>> No.1514727

jesus christ O.O"

it's like this dude is a marksman bulls-eyeing me left right and center


>> No.1514731

google myers briggs test, there will be plenty of free ones ...

>captcha: "greatest reader"
why thank you

>> No.1514739

You are more interested in a general idea than in the details of its realization.

What does it mean by that?

>> No.1514746

you are a "big picture" person. you would invent/create something but never bother to implement it or work out the kinks.

>> No.1514753

I got ENFP. I feel like an outcast on /sci/.

>> No.1514754


saw through a sociopath and he got enraged at me so hard because I didn't accept his world view, all within 4 hours, didn't really get what a sociopath was until then, was completely naive, despite doing the research

can't stop grinning, it's like my face is stuck

that intp thing is mememememememeememememememeemememeemermeemememeemememememeememeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


in discussing my self image, at least...

but if I say that, am I conforming to what the article said about self investigation and detachment, or is it just me being me, regardless of the site, and it being coincidence

did the site suggest it as a possibility so that I'd "sleep on it" for all of a microsecond?


>> No.1514756

Is that if I selected yes? what about no?

>> No.1514773

After prolonged socializing you feel you need
to get away and be alone


>> No.1514775

I was rephrasing the quote.

You ARE high.

>> No.1514790


no, it's just I'm reading the article and it fits me better than my own skin

and it fucking bothers me, like herpes or something else I got when I was a kid (CHICKEN POX IS HERPES LAWL)


>> No.1514794

It shouldn't feel like herpes. If you are an INTP you're in good company.

>> No.1514801

The INTP melancolic is typically drawn to wild polar expanses, to mountain ranges and all places on the edges of civilisation. Whatever his particular yearning might actually be, it has a common root. The homeland of the INTP's psyche is a small and cosy community, isolated in the middle of a vast expanse of wilderness.

/tears of joy

yesterday I threw a couple empty bread bags into the garbage because they got in my way, they were sitting there for 2-3 weeks

and I live in a house outside of town, and love it

it's not that I'm in bad company, it's more that I don't think I've ever seen an instance of "someone gets me" as perfect as this

and it feels new and awkward, I dun get it.

>> No.1514803

INTJ, what up gangstas?

>> No.1514814

INTP and a bit of INTJ

>> No.1514821


>> No.1514845

So how the hell is this scientific? Scientists (if you can bare to call psychologists that) use the Big 5.

>> No.1514853

What is better for a ISTJ? CompSci? MechE? or Economy?

>> No.1514859
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>> No.1514864
File: 19 KB, 372x291, entp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1514871
File: 283 KB, 1600x1200, house-m-d-gregory-house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1514897 [DELETED] 

ISTF, deal with it

>> No.1514933

>if you can bare to call psychologists that

>> No.1514947
File: 64 KB, 486x365, bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1514952

this thread has convinced me /sci/ is worth my time to peruse

I am now looking at INTJ-INTP interactions and trying to figure out a bit more on the subject, god damnit, I keep neglecting threads by doing this

>> No.1514964

INFP BITCHES. I wear my rose-colored glasses at all times of the day.
No seriously, am I the only one here?

>> No.1514977


Wait, wat?

Do you have funding?

>> No.1514996


I'm on welfare trying to figure out which career I want to take, and I'm an INTP


so yes I have funding!

it's pretty sad really

but within a week or so I'll be along in the next step to getting out of it

>> No.1514998

oh, and uhh, seriously?

no I'm just looking up stuff on google, on forums and shit

which type are you, by the way?


is where I'm reading atm

>> No.1515011

>it's not that I'm in bad company, it's more that I don't think I've ever seen an instance of "someone gets me" as perfect as this

i felt good when i read it, because i also felt it fit me pretty well. and knowing that, there are plenty of other INTPs and you'll eventually find some. check out the US distribution of myers briggs types here:


>> No.1515051

although I am canadian, thanks for the chart, I'll bet the distributions are similar for canadians

cue molson music?

luckily enough I'm a psychonaut, and I've basically made "excuses" for what is seemingly irrational behaviour

now keep in mind this is my viewpoint, and the context that this is in

I'm an atheist, I don't see the point in religion, well, not entirely anyways, I see a bit of one now, but it's fuzzy at best

religions tend to bring people together for whatever reason

strength in numbers

ipso facto, there's something much ado about social groups
I'm a determinist too, so you've probably seen me in the flaming, but how can I reconcile this with the usefulness of free will?

evolution selected for the potential to believe in free will

so it allows for a bit of flexibility at times, haven't really studied it

being a psychonaut as far as I can tell, is great for understanding subjectivity

>> No.1515071

INTP here.
I am having actually problems dealing with girls (I am 19) as it is mentionned that one of the weaknesses of the INTP type is :
>>"Not naturally in tune with others' feelings; slow to respond to emotional needs"

So I am suggesting that we think about ways to reduce the weaknesses of our type. I don't know if there is a type like the one I'm trying to make. Neither if there are therapies that helps you change you type.

>> captcha : intellectual Polo

>> No.1515077

I can see where you're coming from. This INTP thing fits me so well it makes me want to break something...but in a happy way.

>> No.1515083


I'm the dude screaming all thread about this and how it pained me for some reason to get it, and then I read it was written by an INTP and went
"every thing went better than expected"

I like this idea, LIFE COACHING TIEM~

also, /sci/ intellectual polo, watch your favourite ideas get trampled and bashed around by british people in silly hats

I like

>> No.1515094

It's your little brother INTP

can I play too? ;_;

>> No.1515106

INTJ here. If you were planning on posting in this thread, its alright because I already did so for you.

>> No.1515132

ENTJ, Look it up, its god tier.

Capatcha: Placebos what

>> No.1515176

No ISTPs I see...

>> No.1515182

oh interesting

INTP's are nukes as ISTP's are to assassin's sniper rifles

veryyyyyyy interesting

>> No.1515184

ENTJ muh fucka, just like Sagan

>> No.1515195
File: 8 KB, 300x400, einstein3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ENTJ is ass shit tier my friend.

INTP here.

>> No.1515200


I agree, socks are a fucking waste of time


>> No.1515204

INTP here , captcha is pederast have.

go figure...INTPs have lose morals, and I'm a textbook one.

feels both fucking awesome and awkward (depending on the context).

People who love me, love me for being awesome like that, but some love me because my ways of thinking are a an eccentric curiosity to them.
Not that they are 'better', I ...bleh, almost overexplained again.

>> No.1515208
File: 20 KB, 338x506, 57421465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a categorical model rather than a continuum

>> No.1515227
File: 19 KB, 280x280, 280px-WalterBishopSnack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to watch fringe with my friends, there were two reasons I watched it, one, it was with my friends

two, this motherfucker.

I wonder I wonder, if there is another universe to loot and plunder

>> No.1515236
File: 62 KB, 750x600, infp poster8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1515239

I think I usually get INTP and INTJ but it's been a while since I've taken it

>> No.1515241

intj here

>> No.1515266
File: 47 KB, 750x600, ISTJ poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ISTJ here

>> No.1515271
File: 27 KB, 395x346, homer pensive with hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bullshit online quizzes for a bullshit personality theory

>> No.1515298
File: 7 KB, 292x61, captcha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while I agree a little...
>implying, that there cannot be a valid, high-level way of categorizing human personality.
>inferring that we cannot categorize animals the same way.
Sledge-dogs are multi user friendly, for example.
Not every breed is like that.

Still, I agree somewhat, the scientific significance is...not very significant.

>> No.1515315

INFJ here.

>> No.1515321

it IS an interesting correlation that there are so many freaking NT's here, I/E, or J/P

>> No.1515335

ITT: bunch of insecure faggots who needs a support from internet testing to form a solid standing of themselves.

>> No.1515342

>implying support from the internet is not why we are all here

>> No.1515474


I'm unimpressed by a mundane trolling job or a terrible and inadequate summarization of what's going on in this thread, characterized by a lack of understanding

if you really wish to debase social constructions for being social constructions, go talk to yourself and not others

>> No.1515493

>Phd in mathematics
>any jon i want
>300k sincerely

>> No.1515500

Posting since the thread has been so resilient

INTJ reporting

>> No.1515526

well, everyone likes to talk/check up on where they stand/figure out stuff about themselves

so it's a fairly universal interest

personally I find it one of the more /awesome aspects of anything related to what might be called herd mentality or anything of that sort

>> No.1515550

INTP here

out of all of those indicators the N is the most important. The N represents the personality type that has the ability to think abstractly.