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15145131 No.15145131 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw spent $20,000 at university so far
>filtered by Data Structures
Guess it’s time to say goodbye to my dream of a six figure salary

>> No.15146351
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Found your own startup and say hello to seven figure wealth.

>> No.15146640

>Data Structures
You're probably not filtered anon, just try again!

>> No.15147042

Start your own crypto gimmick. Say hello to 10 figure wealth.

>> No.15147046

>dream of a six figure salary
>sad because he won't have a collection of rothschild jew currency units

>> No.15147047

lol i paid 2100 eur for my master in total

>> No.15147064

>10 figure wealth
more like 10 wealth

>> No.15147068

Just also track the digits on your salary, then it's 7 digits making only 10000.00 annually

>> No.15147072

enjoy your europoor job

>> No.15147113

>enjoy your europoor job
I make easy money though

>> No.15147186

It's still January, you have 3-4 months left to study.

If he finishes his degree he'll pay it back in two years or so. Assuming he's not stupid.

>> No.15147284

my brother in christ you still have x semesters to make it right. just try harder

>> No.15147291

A European is instantly hired by Americans for a 6 figure salary because Europeans are loyal allies.

>> No.15147396


>> No.15147547

>>filtered by Data Structures
don't give up anon, you might have trouble right now but eventually you will get it and probably pick up the subsequent topics much easier. Don't shutdown, seclude yourself and waste away like my pathetic ass, you got this.

>> No.15147743

>filtered by Data Structures

Drop out and go into IT.

Or stop being a bitch crack open a textbook and keep grinding.

>> No.15147753

You certainly come off like you have a good mentality

>> No.15147790

Data structures are fun tho

Do some boggle sorting on some arrays and you'll feel better

>> No.15147792

no you don't

>> No.15147794

I get paid to study though

Fair tradeoff

>> No.15147804

>Guess it’s time to say goodbye to my dream of a six figure salary
With the rate of inflation reaching Great Depression levels, you might be making a 6 figure salary just flipping burgers soon.

Besides overtaxation, this is the easiest way for big government to rob you and keep you poor.

>> No.15148513

Let this be your wakeup call
>do every homework
>Go to office hours for he answers
>Go to office hours and troll for exam questions
>Make friends with motivated group that will always create study guides

I went from a C student to making straight A's semester after semester

>> No.15148537

> paying for a masters
What, no stipend? Stay poor euro

>> No.15148577

Thats like 200-300 eur a semester, 600 in a year. You just job for like twice a week at mcdonalds for 4 hours and be done with it. So why stipend?

>> No.15148587

Hey don't give up anon. You can still turn things around and make something for yourself. Find happiness and joy in the world. People to connect with. You can keep following your dreams. I hope for the best for you anon, and other anons here too.

>> No.15148899

this try again or skip it and come back to it later. knowing what you don't know is the first step.

>> No.15149105

I look at higher leadership and have yet to see a European...

>> No.15149233

This is kinda depressing. Networking with your professors and peers got you straight As. Guess its true. Not what you know but who.

>> No.15149259

Fuck DSA, terrible course 9/10 times. Get through it and never look back. I also got filtered by it and thought I was ngmi, but i took some other classes and got some confidence and am retrying, cause there's no way I'm too retarded for DSA but have enough brain cells to make it into a coding theory course offered to grad students. Don't let your uni get you down, cause remember, they're happy as long as you get money, so make sure you get as much out of them as you can.

>> No.15149261

Dsa is not taught correctly by most universities.
But if you've done all the mathematics prereqs you'll find it much easier as you have been taught mathematical reasoning

>> No.15149266

It's taught terribly here. Arbitrary grading that deducts massive points for mistakes that quite literally do not matter, i.e. spacing, "stylistic choices", all that kinda trash, which are arbitrarily decided upon by the professor and/or TA. It's a weeder by policy and the time needed to complete assignments, not by difficulty. Total garbage. I've done Calc I-III, Discrete, Linear, and am currently in ODE's, Prob/Stats, and Coding Theory, which I am taking as proof of existence of at least a room temp IQ. Thanks for the encouragement anon.

>> No.15149268

Then he graduates and all jobs quiz him on DSA.

>> No.15149276

nah, not planning on going into SWE so i can avoid the fate of the code monkey. Who knows though, maybe i'll become one of the leetcode grinding NPCs if it's a ngmi outside of SWE.

>> No.15149283

u call them npcs, but they work like 30 hours and make more than doctors

>> No.15149288

I'm lazy and was taught bad.
It was a struggle to pass dsa the first time as i wasn't doing the work. I did get through in the end, but just

A good test is to sit down and try to write a memory efficient merge sort from scratch without google. That will see if you really understand the algorithm.
I'd say treat most of those algorithms the same.

Leet code is good if you use it to learn, and to try new things. Don't just solve the problems, challenge yourself.
>oh i need to do lots of tests for bounds checking
>i should setup automated testing

>> No.15149685

My wife got paid over 80k for hers.