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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 3.60 MB, 2623x1744, All_Gizah_Pyramids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15143436 No.15143436 [Reply] [Original]

why do people believe the pyramids in egypt were build by some kind of aliens? we could build or reconstruct them today and I am sure we are underestimating the building capabilities of the ancient egyptians.

>> No.15143438

not science or math

>> No.15143442

>we could build or reconstruct them today and I am sure we are underestimating the building capabilities of the ancient egyptians.
If they did something like this, it was totally doable and discoverable for them.

>> No.15143447

>we could build or reconstruct them today and I am sure we are underestimating the building capabilities of the ancient egyptians.
I mean, it's difficult for people today to imagine us doing something like this if it wasn't profit driven. We could do it technologically, but none would do it since there's no profit in it, therefore we can't do it. It's difficult for people to imagine someone wasting all this money on a bunch of rock stacking. Even today it would have been quite expensive, let alone 4k plus years ago.

>> No.15143559

>quite expensive
slaves are free and there's an infinite supply

>> No.15143591
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>> No.15143594
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Because they look exactly the same as alien spaceships

>> No.15143608

>why do people believe
they lack experience in the world. either soft science or entirely nontechnical people. they will always believe stupid shit.

>> No.15143694

They're built based on geomathematics. 3.14/pie was used back then when our history books say otherwise. Our history books and understanding of them is wrong.
Watch The Code by Carl Munck.
It IS math and science.

>> No.15143696

Actually they were paid workers who came there to work from all surrounding regions. They even had dental insurance.

>> No.15143698

Wrong board. Get deported

>> No.15143707

You should ask your question on /x/ or /pol/ if you want some arguments in favor of the alien origin.
We obviously know they were built by normal humans of the time.

>> No.15143709

>We obviously know they were built by normal humans of the time
Lol 99% of people on here are /x/ and /pol/ crossposters and they believe in same shit

>> No.15143984

aliens is a code word for whites

>> No.15144134

It was built by us, but it was directed by aliens

>> No.15144153

>we could build or reconstruct them today
Then do so using the means attributed to them by egyptologists using only the tools and techniques attributed to them by egyptologists. No modern tools or techniques.

>> No.15144330

Todays safety regulations would be too complex compared to ancient egypt times. Pyramids had a spiritual meaning back then, that's why people were determined to build them no matter the costs (or you were a slave and had no choice). We have build stadions, skyscrapers, etc. and you want to tell me people living some 3000 years ago were not able to build a triangular sand castle?

>> No.15144403

not aliens, but likely by a civilization older than the egyptians who had incredibly advanced technology. most like 13,000 BC or so. Egyptians were the dumb cousins of the initial civ who showed up later and took over. Younger Dryas Impact theory will be proven real.

>> No.15144869

Graham, stop posting. Go home.

>> No.15144888

>a triangular sand castle
Look at the internal structure and say that again.

>> No.15144891

Giants did it.

>> No.15145097

I'm not seeing an alien spaceship, I just see a regular pyramid

>> No.15145106

If the pyramids were really built by humans we would expect to find a lot of early smaller scale attempts at constructing something similar and maybe some remains of failed attempts too.

>> No.15145127

>we would expect to find a lot of early smaller scale attempts at constructing something similar and maybe some remains of failed attempts too.
We find exactly that stretching back a thousand years ago

>> No.15145479

You need to feed slaves, and there is an opportunity cost where you could have them doing anything else besides stacking rocks.

>> No.15145502

Black slaves the Pharoes used, would multiply like rabbits. No need to preserve the health of the slaves, as there were plenty more where they came from.

The pyramids are not much of an acheivement, when you consider each one took 20-30 years to make, with a constant 20,000 slaves working year round.

>> No.15145523

Itd be funny

>> No.15145532

/pol/ anon here. The jews did it.

>> No.15145596

It's Engineering you mook.

>> No.15145618

Pyramids were a contract between the people and their leader, that he would protect them in the afterlife.
So even the slaves working there aren't doing it for nothing, they're doing it so they can be granted eternal life thanks to him.

>> No.15145649
File: 250 KB, 1024x709, 2048px-Homestead_FL_Coral_Castle_revolve_gate03-1024x709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we could build or reconstruct them today

They couldn't even build coral castle correctly.
Case in point, they tried to "repair" the door and broke it.
It use to open with a toddler pushing with 1 hand, but now it doesn't move at all.

>> No.15146243

How the fuck did one old guy build this entire thing?

>> No.15146280

>The pyramids are not much of an acheivement
>when you consider each one took 20-30 years to make, with a constant 20,000 slaves working year round.
Just from an organizational perspective, this rivals even the man on the moon, adjusting for technology and timeframe, of course.

>> No.15146282

when will this meme die?

>> No.15146859

>why do people believe the pyramids in egypt were build by some kind of aliens?
Because they were

>> No.15147020

you'll do anything to bend reality in a way to conform with your schizo alien beliefs

>> No.15147193
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>> No.15147196
File: 2.72 MB, 240x234, joker5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not /pol/ here, pic rel

yah, no they didnt

>> No.15149169
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>> No.15149181
File: 28 KB, 662x484, 2f983608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question I've never seen an answer to. How do you actually carve out two ton block of stone from the rock without using modern boring machines, explosives and whatever else? How in the hell do you do that with copper tools?

>inb4 it was limestone which is softer than granite

Yes but still, how do you even do that with softer stone? And you have to do that for two MILLION blocks. And not only that, I think the pyramid of Giza also has some parts of made from few granite blocks.

>> No.15149208

open a book sometime

>> No.15149517

Rotating wheels and tracks that grind and push blocks out like a wood planar. Gets them nice and even and uses mechanical power rather than human hands. It's not hard to imagine a water or wind powered device to power this.

>> No.15149564

there are supposedly marks of rotating saw cuts on some stones

>> No.15149607

because is not easy facing the fact that it was made with thousands of slaves deaths and suffering

>> No.15149609

It's because the brits ran propaganda campagins that they were civilizing their colonies so it can't possibly have been that these savages were once more advanced than the white man.
It's a vestige of 20th century psyops.

>> No.15149844

What arguments are there against this?

>> No.15151694

they really had dental insurance?

>> No.15151709
File: 31 KB, 468x469, 1674494113791664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15151713

because of their alignment visible from the air, like the nazca lines

>> No.15151726

>we could build or reconstruct them today
citation fucking needed.

>> No.15154115

why are there hieroglyphics in australia?