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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 354 KB, 1920x915, chinese-new-year--mobile~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15143035 No.15143035 [Reply] [Original]

So there's a new strain coming out of China that has complete immunity to all vaccines. Are we going to double down and spend another two trillion dollars developing a new vaccine? We're at the debt ceiling... again...

>> No.15143040

infecting people who were vaccinated does not mean it will start killing people faster than the flu

>> No.15143043

one infinity is not always equal to another infinity. Some infinities arr small or tiny compared to others...

So when I ask "how fucked are were" are we tiny fucked or megafucked?

>> No.15143045

Covid has killed more people than Hitler killed Jews. Get your head out of your ass.

>> No.15143054
File: 69 KB, 500x672, a big scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has complete immunity to all vaccines
So more of the same.

>> No.15143057
File: 22 KB, 474x474, hhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vaccines have killed more people than Hitler killed Jews.

Also, Hitler was an amateur at killing Mao and Xi aka "winnie the poo" hold the world records, at 60+ million and 50+ million respectively, with Stalin coming in third with a paltry 40 million.

Socialism, the world's greatest killer.

>> No.15143059

The Spanish Flu was a result of WWI and killed more people than the war did. Your head is so far up your ass I could pick you up by your dick and call you a tea kettle. Yes, the vaccines are fucking stupid, untested, unverified, extreme countermeasured stop-blocking piles of shit we spent trillions of dollars on. Are we going to do it again or not?

>> No.15143093

This propaganda is only going out so they can give you more.

>> No.15143096

There's no COVID you nigger

>> No.15143105
File: 48 KB, 477x478, ralphie helpin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your head is so far up your ass I could pick you up by your dick and call you a tea kettle.
Talking about yourself again?
Quit thinking about dicks and assholes faggot. Get mental help for your homosexuality issues.

>Are we going to do it again or not?
Of course! Big money in it. Leftists are ready to get another 2 Trillion dollars, and the Ukraine Scam is already wearing thin.

>> No.15143120

more what? They'd have to develop a brand new vaccine which will take at least another year what with America so being so bankrupt even the Jews are like "we shouldn't lend ourselves any more money."

This is /sci, not /pol. go home

So we just raise the debt ceiling again to 40 trillion? USA *will* go bankrupt fighting this.

>> No.15143124

>more what? They'd have to develop a brand new vaccine which will take at least another year what with America so being so bankrupt even the Jews are like "we shouldn't lend ourselves any more money."
No they won't lol. They just keep dosing you with the same one over and over and over.

>> No.15143134

>USA *will* go bankrupt fighting this.
Yes, it already has. The chickens aren't coming home to roost either, they are fleeing to their safe-houses in New Zealand and Switzerland like their Nazi forefathers did after the collapse of the reich.
Hunting leftists like i n the 1950s and like Magneto did, will be a thing soon again.

>> No.15143193

>source: my ass

>> No.15143198


>> No.15143318

His ass

>> No.15143319

>implying sars-cov-2 has been isolated
come back when you have proofs of your deadly virus

>> No.15143330

Well, yeah, that's how fighting pandemics in the modern day works.

>> No.15144160

cases in china predicted to well exceed 4 million new cases per day.(four days ago)

>> No.15144321

>The overall burden of influenza (flu) for the 2021-2022 season was an estimated9 millionflu illnesses,4 millionflu-related medical visits,100,000flu-related hospitalizations, and5,000flu deaths

Let's say the risk of dying from COVs is the same as the flu: 5k/9mil=.05%

.05% of 4 million new cases per day in China equals 2k deaths per day or 730k deaths per year in China, about a tenth of deaths from any and all causes.

live under a rock if you want...

proof... like... this is /sci. do you not trust millions of scientists worldwide who all agree that COVs exist?

>> No.15144334

the covid fatality statistics is such a pile of shit fake garbage
>someone have brain cancer
>he tested for covid
>+1 covid death

>> No.15144335

>new strain
>has complete immunity to all vaccines
So this is how they're shifting the bullshit narrative

>> No.15144341

You mean the flu that was proven non transmissable?

>> No.15144416

>do you not trust millions of scientists worldwide who all agree that COVs exist?
I would trust them if they had any proofs. They don't have any.

>> No.15144555

... aren't you all a little far away from your containment board /pol?

>> No.15144653

but isn't /sci/ supposed to have scientific evidence for their claims?

>> No.15144735

>So there's a new strain coming out of China that has complete immunity to all vaccines.
That's bullshit. It hammered China because they actually had a decent part of their population that was naive to Omicron. Everyone else should be fine, just quit vaccinating, especially if you've already had an infection.