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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 132 KB, 1753x758, Screenshot 2023-01-21 1.53.21 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15141864 No.15141864 [Reply] [Original]

Now that covid has been thoroughly debunked, when will vaxx/mask/mandate fags apologize?

>> No.15141872

Never. They were never wrong, they just had faulty information.

>> No.15142558


>> No.15142563

They want a "pandemic amnesty" from the people they maliciously attacked.

>> No.15142568

If one argues from a false premise, then their conclusion is false. Therefore, they are wrong.

>> No.15142573

>"This bully keeps hitting me, when will he apologize?"

>> No.15142587

Their ability to parse data is flawed and thus their conclusion was wholly incorrect. Now they get the lifelong shame of being wrong and early onset heart failure!

>> No.15142592

The common cold is the single greatest cause of loss of productivity worldwide. If you peasants insist on fighting the effort to eradicate it you are only going to make your own lives worse.

It would be nice if you didn't need to be lied to for you to go along with things. The boomers have us a brain-dead population base and that is going to be a problem for us going into the future.

>> No.15142597

Just going to add the further point that if you had of done what you were told in the beginning and just spent 28 days isolating we would not now be in this mess.

>> No.15142604

How many weeks to flatten the curve was it?

>> No.15142605

Until they let loose the next variant.

>> No.15142631

>tried to state sentence as fact

>> No.15142636

Maybe next time people will do as they are asked.

There's an easy way and a difficult way. It's a pity that a seeming minority of individuals are able to choose to make the process more difficult for you and this only works to the advantage of the oligarchy.

You get to choose the future. World War III or something better. There are a lot of arguments for resetting society and starting again. It's going to be difficult to impossible to carry many of these people into a better future for everyone.

>> No.15142653

Respiratory problems were the second greatest cause of mortality worldwide. Cardiovascular issues took first place.

If you're sensible with diet and exercise you can seriously reduce your risk for developing heart and circulation problems. There is no such simple fix for respiratory issues.

>> No.15142655

>in 2019

>> No.15142667

Go back to r3ddit

>> No.15142668

Looks like I'm already there given just how many of these threads there are.

>> No.15142715

28 weeks you say? Why anyone could quarantine for 28 months. We still have 28 years to go. Lock em up.

>> No.15142740
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>> No.15142750

>prime minister resigned in disgrace
>hounded out of office on the verge of tears
>party slated to lose almost all its seats

>> No.15142768

Carefactor zero.

Jacinda acted early in the pandemic and enacted an effective isolation policy which the local people actually adhered to. They were successful in preventing COVID breaches early in the pandemic however the rest of the world let them down. Eventually NZ and AU sprang multiple leaks through quarantine systems mostly as a result of individual human fallibilities.

The USA was all like "muh personal freedumbs" and the EU was not far behind. China has too high of a population density for any lockdown to be effective unless it was draconian.

>> No.15142771

So what you're saying is they had catastrophic failures to stop the virus even despite restricting the freedoms of all their citizens, and that's a good thing?

Sweden won.

>> No.15142776

Sweden is nothing but an experimental control.

What I'm saying is that we would now be in a better position if the rest of the world had temporarily restricted the freedoms of its citizens and if they had agreed to follow the rules.

The truth is that nobody is forcing you to do anything. You have choice.

>> No.15142780

>The truth is that nobody is forcing you to do anything. You have choice.
You're so afraid of the consequences of your actions that you deny forcing people to perform ineffective and nonsensical tasks just to humiliate them. You're desperate not to be subjected to the punishment that the majority of society now believes you deserve.

>> No.15142785

Everyone has their own set of priorities and makes choices based off those priorities.

>> No.15142788

The Australians sent to concentration camps for lawfully traveling didn't have a choice.

>> No.15142798

I'm Australian. I was overseas when the pandemic hit. I chose not to return until vaccination was no longer required. I'm not in an at risk group for covid.

Sure I spent months literally living on the streets of somebody else's country, begging to survive as a result. Like I said though.

We all make choices.

>> No.15142834

So are you suggesting that there is no issue with governments forcing their citizens to homelessness or putting them in prison camps with inadequate food, water, and sanitation in order to implement a policy that verifiably did not work and could not work, and was not backed by any form of epidemiological research?

>> No.15142839 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15142855

There's no covid, retards.

>> No.15142885

I'm saying if you had of done what was asked of you in the beginning we would not now be here in this predicament. In some ways you are right. It's a conspiracy. It's also not the conspiracy you think it is.

If homelessness, taking time off uni or just losing your job is too difficult to bear in your country then that is your social problem.

Why you even care at all why someone else would or would not get vaccinated I do not know. It's not the death sentence you make it out to be, it is effective at its purported role. It's also performed well in other ways also.

It shouldn't have been so rushed. That has caused problems. People who demanded an end to the lockdowns forced this situation. It could have been done better.

>> No.15142890
File: 1.62 MB, 709x995, 79F1CD9A-3ED3-4798-B146-642F4C64DF30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was basically like flipping a coin. anti-vaxxies just got lucky.


>> No.15142891 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 815x1024, wood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if retards exist then that explains the existence of ppl who believe in covid, but theres also the people who make massive amounts of money by feigning belief in covid.

>> No.15142899
File: 23 KB, 474x317, basedcorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Vengeance is mine" sayeth the based ones.

>> No.15142904
File: 1.79 MB, 2100x5636, bad vaxxine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you sleep with a leftist crazy chick like that if paid $1000 to do her?
I don't think I'd do it for $100,000. Crazy leftist bitches would try to transgender you or something if you fell asleep.

>> No.15142905

>it is effective at its purported role

>> No.15142908

She made over $30,000 dollars in the Gofundme in picrel, from killing her kid. Probably got over $100,000 by the time it was finished.

>> No.15142910

Can someone tell me why do people get so assblasted about wearing a fucking mask?

Same shit with the vaccine. Fucking no one dies from the shit.

>> No.15142911
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>It shouldn't have been so rushed. That has caused problems. People who demanded an end to the lockdowns forced this situation. It could have been done better.
Most "vaccines" take around 10-20 years to make it to the public market.
So YOU are saying there should have been 10-20 years of "lockdowns".

There it is folks. The leftists want complete and TOTAL CONTROL, same as their Communist and Fascist forefathers.

>> No.15142913
File: 249 KB, 1501x1417, Masks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask plebbit.

>> No.15142924

In my mind it is not so difficult to stay isolated for 28 days. Nor does it seem so difficult to synchronise lockdowns globally.

The reality was that a population driven by social acceptance as a means of control is completely incapable of remaining isolated for 28 days. These people need other people or they break down. Why's it so hard. It was three years of Vidya for me.

>> No.15142927 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15142930

You keep ignoring the fact that if you could have adhered to a 28 day isolation period there would now be no need for a vaccine.

>> No.15142943


>> No.15142949

New Zealand.

>> No.15143066

But they have some of the worst coronavirus rates in the world despite lockdowns and vaxes. All they did was make the pain longer and more acute.

>> No.15143074
File: 74 KB, 886x822, Cultssss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In my mind it is not so difficult to stay isolated for 28 days.
You don't know how the world works. If everyone did that, hundreds of milllions of people would die in one month.

"In my mind" says it all.

>> No.15143078

Your stupidity is almost childlike. You had better not be an actual human being.

>> No.15143082

The whole world should have done the same thing instead of going to underground nightclubs, risking tinder hookups and protesting the infringement of their rights for being given a month long holiday.

The battle was lost early in the pandemic not now and it wasn't NZ who lost that fight for everyone.

>> No.15143474
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>> No.15143795

Hey not to be rude, but you should consider studying logical reasoning. I really feel terrible for anybody who has read your posts thinking it might be close to anything that would be considered a rational thought.

Even if the entire world was locked in their houses for 28 days and food delivery/waste collection workers were dispatched in hazmat suits, we would still have only prolonged the inevitable. The virus is zoonotic. Or are you implying we should have locked up all the wild animals too?

>> No.15143821
File: 6 KB, 310x162, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice.

Now compare Japan's fatality rates to America's.

>> No.15143834

there is no covid faggot

>> No.15144016

>fat people are more likely to die from a """vaccine""" that attacks the heart
will science ever understand what happened there??
Go compare Sweden to Germany instead.

>> No.15144053

Very nice, now let's compare the fatality rates before the vaccine came out.

>> No.15144071

I love your posts because the impotent redneck anger is so funny

>> No.15144080

There's a gaggle of Christian rednecks who think the world is controlled by Klaus Shuab and the WEF, and believe in some great reset transhumanist agenda is being forced on the population.

>> No.15144175

this so much, let's compare Fauci's original design to the nothingburgers called Delta and Omicron

>> No.15144195

I would gladly put a bullet in your head. That would solve all your problems

>> No.15144645

>The truth is that nobody is forcing you to do anything. You have choice.
No one had a choice.

>> No.15144656

>the impotent redneck anger
odd way of saying the majority of the population including the most educated on the matter. his posts are bad because he is speaking nonsense and lies but pretending otherwise. you will never be anything more than a thoughtless slate who feels and acts in rigid accord to a network of propaganda owned by a handful of people concerned only with money. is that not embarrassing? inhuman even?

>> No.15144663

Based. They're hated and they ARE afraid.

>> No.15144719

>Just going to add the further point that if you had of done what you were told in the beginning and just spent 28 days isolating we would not now be in this mess.
Kek. Did it work in China?

>> No.15144723

It worked perfectly. They were able to kill 20+ million political dissidents and nobody could protest.

>> No.15144725

>Jacinda acted early in the pandemic and enacted an effective isolation policy which the local people actually adhered to. They were successful in preventing COVID breaches early in the pandemic however the rest of the world let them down.
The rest of the world let them down, you say?

>China has too high of a population density for any lockdown to be effective unless it was draconian.
So you admit China has too high of a population to do it effectively. What about Africa? India? Would your recommendation have been to never ever allow international travel since it would have been impossible for the entire world to lock down, even if Europe and the USA did it perfectly?

>> No.15144730

>What I'm saying is that we would now be in a better position if the rest of the world had temporarily restricted the freedoms of its citizens
A better position how? You've already established it wasn't possible to completely lock down in countries like China. The virus had spread internationally by the end of 2019, meaning there was no way to get rid of it. So how would things have been better?

>> No.15144737

Odd question. Obviously, the answer is "Never". An apology would be tantamount to admitting that they had been played, for the suckers they are.

>> No.15144742

There's actually serological proof that it was circulating internationally in 2018 or early 2019, so even locking down by late 2019 would have been too late. Let alone early 2020.

>> No.15144767

I read a theory that it was circulating at a low level throughout Asia and Africa for a long time and that's why they seemed to have immunity to the early waves, but Western countries didn't have the same exposure and were hit a lot harder because of it.

>> No.15144781

covid isnt real retards

>> No.15144785

Neither are you.

>> No.15144787

That's the funny thing though, I don't think the West was hit that badly. If you're stricter with the count (with covid vs. of covid deaths) you come out with approximately a similar impact to the 2018-2019 flu season, in which "covid-19" was possibly the dominant cold virus present. That would give you 2 moderate cold/flu seasons but 1 was seen as normal and 1 was turned into a political circus.

>> No.15144792

>If you're stricter with the count (with covid vs. of covid deaths) you come out with approximately a similar impact to the 2018-2019 flu season,
follow your line of thought and realize the obvious

>> No.15144807

Well at least in the USA, pneumonia deaths were substantially higher in 2019-20, but of course improper ventilator use and shoving the infected into nursing homes are responsible for some of that. Anecdotally, I know some young, healthy folks who caught the very early strains and they're still not right (elevated blood pressure, decreased sense of smell, etc.). Obviously those were possibilities with respiratory infections before SARS-CoV-2 existed, but long term issues seemed to be more common with COVID-19. Omicron hasn't caused the same problems, at least that I've noticed.

>> No.15144821
File: 115 KB, 1290x766, 165476573463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ was right all along get over it

>> No.15144884

retard cunt probably still cant make the connection

>> No.15144912

japan use ivermectin as a preliminary treatment

>> No.15144940

>/pol/ was right all along
/pol/ said it was the next coming of the plague early on.

>> No.15144996

>your boss is making less money
Nice rant but it really depends on who your boss is and highlights the fact that many multimillionaires with high opinions of themselves are starting to realise that they are actually the middle class and not special at all.

Use as many words as you want but your details fail to take into account the fact that early in the pandemic there were examples of quarantine preventing spread and it was individual acts of disobedience which led to the failure of the quarantine.

Basic viral theory states that for any virus to survive in the longer term it must evolve into a more contagious variant with lower mortality and shorter period of inactivity in the host species. This is exactly what has happened. It is exactly what would have happened regardless of any human intervention. It's highly likely the virus would have lost the ability to transmit to humans if human hosts were made unavailable.

>stop hitting yourself

Yea people can squeal all they like about being tricked, fooled or manipulated but there is no debating the fact that personal choice is still the number one factor.

Yea? Where? Sometimes I may be wrong or misguided. It's difficult to get everything right. After all, I have not yet been enhanced by AI ;)


You missed the most important word.

>Isolation does not prevent spread of COVID.

Yet there are multiple instances which can be drawn upon to prove you wrong. People failed the quarantines by refusing to adhere to them.

Only the virus lasts two weeks and during that time is only able to spread within households. I got this virus twice and both times it was as a result of sharing living space with sick people, not from going out to public places. I guarantee these people got cooties from kissing tinder sluts.

>> No.15145026

>Yet there are multiple instances which can be drawn upon to prove you wrong.
Are you fucking stupid? Let's say every single person in Europe and the USA follows quarantining perfectly and erases SARS-CoV-2. So you're just never going to allow any visitors from the rest of the world where SARS-CoV-2 exists? You're going to prevent travel to and from Asia and Africa forever?

>Only the virus lasts two weeks
There's people who have carried it for months. In addition, in a household with a lot of people, it's possible for the virus to spread for longer than two weeks.

>> No.15145038

>It is exactly what would have happened regardless of any human intervention.
Isolation and vaccination with a non-sterilizing vaccine causes the opposite. It increases the length of time that dangerous mutations can linger.

See: Marek's Disease

>> No.15145041

The absolute state of /sci/.

>> No.15145066

I fact checked this and it's not the same woman/kid
I 'oppose' the vaccine and the stupid mandates around it, but I also oppose misinformation. by spreading pictures like these you're no different than people spamming that COVID 19 is the worst thing since the black plague

>> No.15145078

Look let's follow your train of thought even though I stated that an early, worldwide quarantine would have been the best solution (albeit without any opportunity to derive massive profit).

28 day lockdown in some countries. Virus transmission ends in those places. Keep the borders closed to other countries until the variants become lea dangerous.

Isolation is the primary selection criteria preventing spread of any virus. Individual household lockdowns could be extended beyond the initial 28 days. I don't support the vaccine from any other perspective than as a money making tool to advance research on protein folding. I'm not *really* pro Vax.

I'm pro choice and letting people do whatever they want so long as it's not going to fuck everyone else over.

>> No.15145082

>Marek's disease
Might read up on this one though. Thanks.

>> No.15145089

/pol/ said that covid is unnecessary panic - true
/pol/ said that bill gates was investing in those vaccines(some people still don't know this) - true
/pol/ said that this vaccine is not efficient(probably not even a vaccine by medical standard) - true
/pol/ said that governments and corporations are involved in the covid crisis, intensifying and maintain it - true

cope seethe

>> No.15145103

>28 day lockdown in some countries. Virus transmission ends in those places.
Under ideal circumstances, no. No way. But assuming it does...

>Keep the borders closed to other countries until the variants become lea dangerous.
When would that be? Would you consider the variants less dangerous now? What's going around still seems pretty dangerous in China.

>> No.15145114

>Individual household lockdowns could be extended beyond the initial 28 days.
So let's say you have a true lockdown, entire countries. How do you propose people eat if not leaving the house for 28 days? Also, will people stop going to the hospital?

>> No.15145121

>/pol/ was right if I ignore when /pol/ was wrong.
So you weren't around in early 2020 when the videos of Chinese dropping dead were going on? Either you're a newfag or a liar.

>> No.15145176

>videos of Chinese dropping dead
glowies spam. anyway they talked about event 201 back in 2019, everyone knew to some degree that something was going to happen, but they were accused of being conspiracy theorists, trumpers, russians and whatever the fuck people like you believe.
but despite all the slander and contempt, they got almost everything right

>> No.15145193


>> No.15145197

Mmm, at this point the debate goes into topics I don't have much of an opinion on like "is the virus actually dangerous at all" and there are probably other people who care about this line of discussion much more than I do.

But we can agree that quarantines require ideal circumstances like civil obedience to be effective.

Do you have an alternative solution?

In some countries people are raised to be too retarded to learn how to survive for 28 days or more without leaving their household. I am not from one of those countries.

>> No.15145205 [DELETED] 

im in this hellhole for more than 15 years.
i bet that you from early 2020 with the rest of science cultists invasion

>> No.15145224

some rednecks and racists know about the world more than you, grow up you sack of shit

>> No.15145263
File: 73 KB, 843x858, sovi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the virus doesn't exist, faggots

>> No.15145264


>> No.15145468
File: 70 KB, 453x680, Bad Vax blood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I fact checked this and it's not the same woman/kid

Yeah sure. "fact check", the calling card of the leftist-liar.

>I 'oppose' the vaccine
Yeah sure you do.

Typical leftist talking point, just like "I am pro-2nd Amendment, buuuuuuut......."common sense regulations"...... "ban this and that"....... etc."

You vaxx shills are just pathetic.

Even the bodies and blood of "vaccinated" people are now contaminated. See picrel.

>> No.15145534

>In some countries people are raised to be too retarded to learn how to survive for 28 days or more without leaving their household.
Really? That's super duper convenient that not a single person in your country would have any kind of medical emergency in 28 days. Apparently the key to immortality is to just lock every down. Can't get sick or die during a lock down!

>> No.15145538

>/sci/ was right about everything
>/sci/ was kind of right about some things
>some people on /sci/ were kind of right about some things

>> No.15145576
File: 159 KB, 1125x1670, 1655729558377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you fuck up THIS bad you can never admit it, you just try to cover it up and hope you're never held accountable. Since pretty much every government and powerful institution on the planet was in on it and therefore is in the same boat it will be relatively easy to avoid accountability.

>> No.15145615

Yea my other point was that if NZ could manage a lockdown including medical emergencies and leaving food supply chains operating then what's wrong with your country.

>> No.15145641

They didn't. New Zealand became so fucked that they had mass protests and the Labour Party is the most hated political party in the country's history after 50 years of dominance.

>> No.15145643

>screenshot with no article

>> No.15145659

Their quarantine worked until it didn't anymore. I already pointed out how they were let down by the rest of the world.

>> No.15145666

So your point was for countries to do like NZ, break away from other land locked countries and become islands, then abandon lock downs when cases explode? Interestingly enough, despite almost no covid cases in 2021, deaths went up 7% from 2020. In 2022, they went up over 9% from 2021. That's worse than many Western countries that were considered covid failures.

>> No.15145670

>I already pointed out how they were let down by the rest of the world.
You didn't point out anything of value. Certain countries would have never succeeded, you even admitted yet. So what would your plan have been, to just keep locking down forever? Once NZ dropped the charade, the wheels had fallen off, in fact they were starting to fall off before the covid surge even began in 2022.

>> No.15145684

Difficult not impossible. Civil disobedience is the issue here. Even given the border complexities in other parts of the world. I didn't follow COVID news after the first six months. I can assume the medical system in NZ is not very robust and they may have opened borders too rapidly but I'd have to look into it to say for sure.

Your reading comprehension is abysmal. Go back, re-read the post you are referring to and save me the effort of repeating myself.

>> No.15145730

>If one of the most isolated, least populated, small and affluent country can do it, why can't literally everywhere else on earth do it?

>> No.15145733

>points out reading comprehension in a post
>gets asked another question which was answered already

>> No.15145745

>I didn't follow COVID news after the first six months.
So you're just a retard talking out of your ass. At least you finally told us.

>> No.15145749

The funniest part is they couldn't. They failed so badly that the name of every person related to the lockdown project is political poison and none of them will ever work again. New Zealand is one of the pandemic's worst failures.

>> No.15145881

>Your reading comprehension is abysmal.
Nope, I'll stick to how you didn't point out anything of value. You're claiming NZ was let down by the rest of the world, but then you're also claiming some countries couldn't/wouldn't have been able to comply. So your solution is shit because even you realize it wasn't feasible. And you have yet to state an exit strategy, just that at some point international travel could resume once a less dangerous variant exists. Well that variant supposedly exists now and China is having a hell of a time since they successfully managed to keep cases under control since Omicron, leading to no level of immunity (and don't act like any of the vaccines have done shit since the beginning of 2022).

>> No.15145910

Yea look admittedly my argument is basically "could have, should have, would have". If only we could go back. Quarantine was my preferred solution but the population was incapable. Now look at things.

Rushed vaccine, improper transport and storage, poorly trained people doing injections and tests, confusion between health issues caused by the virus and vaccine. On and on.

Which only provides fuel for the clowns like you who want to burn everything down.

At the heart of it all it seems like I don't believe we are being culled while people like you do.

It's all just greed and incompetence.

Next time you will refuse to stay inside for 28 days all over again. But it won't be for a few years. The economy needs to recover a bit first.

>> No.15145918

You should wear a mask anyway. Airborne transmission viruses and infections are nasty.

>> No.15145932
File: 28 KB, 474x247, disinfection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Killing yourself and self immolating is the most effective method of preventing the spread of infections. Talk to your government healthcare provider to see if this is a good option for you.

"Do the right thing."
"We are all in this together!"

Follow me for more science and health tips such as this.

>> No.15145937

But I did stay inside. I avoided people until I knew COVID-19 was treatable. It finally got me early in 2022, a day of fever and I was fine.

>> No.15145938
File: 107 KB, 1074x849, Fake Nooz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"fake news"

>> No.15145977

>archived 3 Aug 2020 20:52:27 UTC
>thread started 5 months prior (March 2020, start of lockdowns)
wow that's some stark contrast
almost as bad as being deathly scared of a virus so you lock yourself in your house, then one day later decide fuck it and go out and riot and kneel for niggers because white ppl bad

>> No.15145979

The reason for the change in prevailing opinion was because the sudden deaths and other weird shit in the Wuhan videos simply did not happen in any other country. Italy was the next "hardest hit" according to mainstream media, and there were leaks from Italian hospitals showing they were not overfull as the media was claiming. Same thing later happened in USA after the lockdowns started. Then after 2 months of lockdowns with no sign of massive numbers of deaths nor plans to end the lockdowns from authorities, people were naturally skeptical. I don't know why I'm arguing with you though, you're just a shill. Enjoy your (You).

>> No.15145982

I got it a couple of weeks before the lockdowns started. After that I was immune for around a year and a half. Then got some other variant. I spent the pandemic migrating between whichever places would let me into their country at the time.

Lots of hotel quarantines which were not enforced only to learn nobody else was doing them. Tests before and after border crossings.

Then the bank started asking if I was really me and I couldn't get money.

Fun times.

>> No.15145985

>The reason for the change in prevailing opinion
But you said /pol/ was right about everything. So they were right except for when they weren't right before changing their minds in order to be right? I wonder if that will work for the lottery, I can learn the winning numbers and then go tell the vendor that even though I played different numbers, I want to retroactively play the winning numbers.

>> No.15146004

>But you said /pol/ was right about everything.
I wasn't that anon. /pol/ was wrong about COVID being a somethingburger in early 2020, but correct about it after the data became available to assess the situation, simple as. In contrast, shitlibs never even bothered to assess the data themselves and just followed authority figures, hence went from being "right" to being wrong, and are still wrong.

>> No.15146683

Where's your scientific data to back up this absurd claim of yours?

>> No.15146734
File: 79 KB, 798x601, Rides at night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The narrative is shifting from "You're a bad person if you don't get the jab" to "Have some compassion, people are hurting", probably in anticipation for there to be more and more "people hurting". You'll be shamed (with all the previous social and employment consequences) if you imply they created their own misery.
>If you can't feel compassion for those who were harmed by choices they made while scared and based on advice that came from people doing their best with limited information, then you shouldn't be here!
Of course some people fall behind on their programming updates and will still try to push the "Everyone must get jabbed jabbed jabbed!" line long after it has expired.
pic unrelated

>> No.15147012 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 1024x952, nu narrative.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And so it begins...

>> No.15147106

Now that slavery's been debunked, when will blacks apologize?

>> No.15148288

>follow your line of thought and realize the obvious
That's the funny part about idiots like him, even when the truth is staring them right in the face they still believe the official narrative. Brainwashed goyim all the way to the end.

>> No.15148636


>> No.15148646

>when will blacks apologize
Never. Blacks should pay reparations though for all the damage they have caused western civilzation via crime and degeneracy.

>> No.15148656 [DELETED] 

Take your meds, schizo.

>> No.15148916


>> No.15149085


>> No.15149307
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>> No.15149451

We dont even lock up criminals. your post has lowered the collective IQ

>> No.15150092
File: 10 KB, 272x446, soyence expert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trust the soience!!!

>> No.15150099

It doesn't matter it's all a distraction, look what they're doing in schools.

>> No.15150106

You should pray for us instead. We have some vax in our bodies that nobody knows what it's doing. It's ineffective as a vaccine that was promised and at worse causes other side effects that lead to potentially millions of deaths. What's gonna happen to those of us who were forced to take vax in 5 years? Nobody knows. Mass die off? Society collapse?

>> No.15150138

My heart goes out to you, I pray that you only got saline

>> No.15150143

are you still trying to justify with delusions why you killed your grandma nazi?

>> No.15150248

based james lindsay poster

>> No.15150435

You should spend the time you have left being active to make sure this never happens again to anyone else.

>> No.15151548
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>> No.15151575
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>> No.15151662

good question?

>> No.15151671

> we
problem is overpopulation and health "care" jobs immense bubble

>> No.15151677

all who believe in viruses must be processed into food for cats

>> No.15151821

It's been really interesting being on the right side of this the whole the time, there was a chance the vaccines were safe and effective, and did both stop the spread while having minimal side effects across demographics. My process of skepticism was
>original study only tested for COVID, not SARS-COV-2, so no idea if it's stopping transmission yet - no idea why they didn't test for transmission initially
>media and gov't acted as though it did stop transmission
>media and gov't acted as though it was a positive risk/reward across all demographics, despite having insufficient or no data, or even data showing the opposite (e.g, moderna being banned in european countries for negative risk/reward in certain demographics)
>excess deaths climbed, undeniable and significant health effects being seen in plain sight yet ignored

Has anyone ever laid this out to Scott Adams? There was no being 'accidentally right', there was waiting for data, which never came, prior to action, or simply acting before data indicated what was best. And to be clear, I still wouldn't have taken it out of principle, and the risk was so insignificant I didn't even see why I'd bother. I mean sure, maybe some tinfoil hat perma-schizos were 'accidentally right', but a large number of us were very calculated throughout.

Another thing that bugged me was all these people assuming the vaccine prevents long covid (or other side effects), if such a thing even exists. There's no reason to think that, especially if it's not preventing initial infection. It may just be repressing respiratory issues, but allowing it to wreak havoc on you (though I'm doubtful of long covid - I found that arguement annoyingly unfounded).

>> No.15151824

Anyway, I guess my point that I got distracted from was that it could've gone much worse for us stubborn anti-vaxxers. If the vaccines conclusively showed they stopped infection/transmission with minimal side effects across demographics, we'd be in a tougher position (I still wouldn't take it due to unknown long term concerns, and no real need to be forced to take a vaccine for a virus I'm not at risk of being harmed from).

It's just shocking we get to enjoy being this right THIS hard I guess. Like every single step of the way, we were right and they were wrong. It's amazing.

>> No.15151830

Early on was the only time where treating it like it may have been the plague - until we knew better - was appropriate. By March 2020 is was pretty clear it was a nothingburger.

>> No.15151831

>Basic viral theory states that for any virus to survive in the longer term it must evolve into a more contagious variant with lower mortality and shorter period of inactivity in the host species.
Is there a name for this common sense occurrence? My brainlet friends always wanted a 'source' for this, I normally just sent them to the evolution wiki article but something more specific would be nice.

>> No.15151836

>I'm pro choice and letting people do whatever they want so long as it's not going to fuck everyone else over.
The problem with your stance is that you take it as objective fact that extended global lockdowns would solve the problem. Not only is that not true, but the consequences of enabling TPTB to enforce such a thing - a thing that's just conjecture, not objective fact - are many orders of magnitude more severe than covid.

>> No.15151839

>at this point the debate goes into topics I don't have much of an opinion on like "is the virus actually dangerous at all" and there are probably other people who care about this line of discussion much more than I do.
You already clearly have an opinion on it though. You said:
>Keep the borders closed to other countries until the variants become lea dangerous.
You clearly have a certain thresh hold of danger where it's acceptable to open up. How can you say lockdowns should occur (implying it's dangerous enough that it merits such), while not having any opinion on how dangerous it is? Again, the problem with your take is that it's all conjecture, not objective. Very brainlet arguement desu.

>> No.15151842

>Now look at things.
Yes, rampant inflation, shit generally sucking way more ass than before, mysterious excess deaths skyrocketing immediately after vaccination and a less lethal variant being dominant? It's clear as day the best thing to do from the beginning was nothing; let the boomers do something right for once and die off a few years earlier, enriching the younger generations and enabling prosperity, while not destroying the global and domestic economy.

>> No.15151844

based and memorypilled, well said

>> No.15151847

It's even worse than that, he can't even provide a plausible casual chain that works at scale.

>> No.15151849

retarded on two points.

Here's one point.
you can get true conclusions from false premise. for example:
- p1 - (You) are a real women - False
- p2 - all real women are faggots - False
- C - therefore, (You) are a faggot - True

>> No.15151890
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>> No.15151920

sweden had parital and voluntary lockdowns such as online only school and restricted numbers of people allowed to attend public events

>> No.15151936

Old people stayed home, and they encouraged young people to get sick early and get immunity. That's the ideal scenario.

>> No.15152100

no, they still wanted to slow the spread even among young people to manageable levels hence why schools were long distance for long periods of time.

>> No.15152156

>Basic viral theory states that for any virus to survive in the longer term it must evolve into a more contagious variant with lower mortality and shorter period of inactivity in the host species.
"viral theory" is pseudoscience. there's no covid, there are no viruses.

>> No.15152209

> common sense
not science, religion, /x

>> No.15152215

it's was all about destroying economy. you fight against your own population using proxy enemy (viruses, Russia, sin)

>> No.15152971
File: 113 KB, 828x923, wtf counting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What other things are the government officials overcounting? Why is counting accurately so difficult for people in government? Are they extremely low IQ?

>> No.15153073
File: 423 KB, 1312x924, isolateanddestroy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure but I learned the concept from this video. It might tell you more.
