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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15141080 No.15141080 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ think of eugenics? In favor or opposed?

>> No.15141091

The safest eugenics policy is to kill anyone who wants the state to engineer a "better" humanity by any means. Preferably torture some of them in public, too.

>> No.15141106

I haven't given it as much thought or research as would be required to have firm opinions on the subject, but off the cuff, I would say the safest, least divisive form of eugenics is voluntary selective breeding amonst those who care - such as has been practiced by aristocracy or societies which have arranged marriages, for example. As for gene editing, when we can successful edit the genes of plants and animals with no known problems for a century or so, maybe we'll be ready to start experimentation on ourselves - starting with the elimination of genetic disorders. Do I think this will happen? No. Human beings are unable to be patient as a species.

>> No.15141110

>voluntary selective breeding amonst those who care
That's just normal breeding.

>such as has been practiced by aristocracy or societies which have arranged marriages
That's ideologically-imposed breeding leading, predictably, to dysgenics, as any attempt at eugenics will, since the only people who attempt it are subhuman to begin with.

>> No.15141117

>normal breeding
No it isn't.

It lead to dysgenics due to a lack of the knowledge we now possess, as well as social motivations rather than eugenic ones.

You lack the imagination necessary for real science.

>> No.15141119

>No it isn't.
Absolutely is. People choose partners that appeal to them.

>It lead to dysgenics due to a lack of the knowledge we now possess
It leads to dysgenic due to it appealing only to mentally deformed subhumans.

>> No.15141122

You're not capable of getting it, and you're an embarrassingly hypocritical person.

>> No.15141125

Not capable of getting what? That your cult leaders know what's best for humanity this time around? As I said, there's no discussion to be had with you because you are physically, morally and intellectually deformed.

>> No.15141130

I'm only seeing one spectacle here, and it sure isn't me.

>> No.15141138

Post jaw, incel.

>> No.15141158

Post tits, roastie.

>> No.15141233

I'm a man. At least you're not denying your facial deformities. How come eugenics fans are always facially deformed?

>> No.15141237

Very in favor of. We can start by euthanizing OP

>> No.15141239
File: 547 KB, 1040x1080, 1673980960577904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically fat people shouldn't exist
I will make an exception for those bred to be sumo wrestlers but that's the best I can do, also if you're an inuit I guess but that's it
Actually maybe we should just send fat people to siberia

>> No.15141267

That wasn't me. Apparently you're annoying enough for others to chime in, kek.

>> No.15141274

Post jaw.

>> No.15141292

Eugenics is hypothetically a positive thing as it would, by definition, benefit society. However, whenever a program has been implemented by the state, eugenics has been a dangerous pseudoscience and a tool for political power. Ironically, the most effective eugenics right now is probably a relatively free society in which a man's likelihood of having children is determined by his personal success.

>> No.15141354

You're pathetic, man. Why did you even make this thread? You don't have anything to say.

>> No.15141356

I didn't make this cancerous thread. Post jaw. How come you won't?

>> No.15141381

Obsolete. The future belongs to genetic engineering.

>> No.15141386

Genetic engineering is Eugenics, 'soft Eugenics'.

>> No.15141517

Why would I? Because some retard on an anonymous image board demands it? HA! What kind of insecure faggot would give a shit what you want?

>> No.15141519

>Why would I?
Why wouldn't you? Provide a counter-example to my observation that all eugenics shills on 4chan are so dysgenic it's written all over their deformed faces.

>> No.15141580
File: 718 KB, 675x1200, 1671412456281127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're literally less than a year away from beginning to genetically modify germlines to make men small and super athletic, and women tall and super fecund who gestate litters of babies each pregnancy.

I'm more attractive than you and more intelligent

>> No.15141585

Society should encourage healthy people to propagate and help unhealthy people. Simple as.

>> No.15141617

Post jaw and verified IQ score.

>> No.15141656

>this post appears to be an automated spam bot

>> No.15141663
File: 519 KB, 690x734, 1473894641133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont need to, I'm better than you and I've already won. We're going to genetically modify you and everyone you know, and you aren't going to stop us.

>> No.15141665

I won't live long enough to care what the ghouls running the show plan to do with the human genome. Let them build supersoldiers and kill each other. Just stay out of my life.

>> No.15141666

Literal cuckoldry, and unnecessary since gene editing is getting closer and closer.

>> No.15141687

Thanks for confirming that you are a deformed freak and that putting you out of your misery is a moral duty. It's nice that you even go out of your way to post definite proof of it in the form of pictures of heavily deformed humans catering to the tastes of clinical subhumans.

>> No.15141694

high danger of abuse, I only support the ending of dysgenic policies and the encouragement of soft positive eugenics, I also feel that ideological structures such as religions are a more efectve vehicle for eugenics because of their focus.

>> No.15141718
File: 233 KB, 1300x1321, 1637439830900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm quite handsome and intelligent, you can cope and seethe but we're going to genetically modify humanity to maximize fecundity and minimize resource requirements. These are basic principles of evolution.

Waves of small super intelligent super athletic males being born from the wombs of giant superintelligent fertility goddesses

>> No.15142124


>> No.15142140

If you can't conceive arguments for eugenics on your own, you're too stupid to be here.

>> No.15144038


>> No.15144647

I'd post my dick but it wouldn't fit into the screen

>> No.15144669
File: 289 KB, 1280x1532, poll-gene-editing-babies-2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

India superpower when?

>> No.15145192

The correct amount eugenics is to breed with someone you find to be attractive. More than that is too much.

>> No.15145293
File: 792 KB, 280x158, 1646768725558.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but eugenics is by its very nature a quintessentially feminine endeavour, women are the endowed-by-nature sexual deciders of the species. Unironically obsessing about 'muh genes' is for women and gays like (you)