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File: 126 KB, 828x937, iKp38R7GefDQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15140643 No.15140643 [Reply] [Original]

Elon Musk, the reigning king of science, says vaccines are bad.
agree or disagree?

>> No.15140651

twitter doesn't have that font. fake

>> No.15140653
File: 67 KB, 620x452, 957B483F-EDD6-4947-8200-E0F6B1293ACA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I took it and I felt abloobloo
Not a qualified medical opinion.
>I know a guy who took it and…

>> No.15140660

Taking multiple booster doses really seems to be the threshold for lots of people.
Yes, hopefully the people who fucked up and killed millions of people will allow wide reaching formal studies that won't be corrupted by the peer review process. Until then, we have to rely on personal accounts. You can help by being up to date on your booster doses.

>> No.15140733

damn musk took the vaxx? just lost massive respect for him bros

>> No.15140780

He's a WEF global leader. His job is to introduce mandatory online identity verification tied to your social credit score. Of course he only got a fake vaxx. His tweet is part of a coordinated switch in narrative.

>> No.15140783

vaccine good if old or comorbidities
vaccine bad if young and healthy
natural immunity is free, its not profitable

>> No.15140803

Retard. He's a rich businessman, he can't afford to skimp on laws, because they will take any excuse to get him. For a while you needed to have a vaxx certificate in order to travel, and he needs to oversee his businesses in many places around the world.

>> No.15140902

I can't be a retard since I didn't get vaxxed. You're a faggot and I hate you

>> No.15140914

It's pretty easy to just get a saine jab and a certificate

>> No.15140948

You cropped out what he was reponding to. Rammusen says 7% of people who took vaccine had major side effects. COVID vax are labeled to have "rare" side effects but 7% isn't rare at all. CDC would classify that as a common side effect but they didn't. In which case how many are dying from those common side effects? The sudden deaths would now make sense give the severity of the side effects. It would also make sense to cover up the entire thing and call it a vax conspiracy to forego any liability in killing millions.

>> No.15140963

Also it means upwards 12 million have experienced those major side effects. If 10% of them died, it's a million death due to a FORCED and MANDATORY vaccine. This would open up the government to legal and moral issue, even if they gave vaccine companies complete immunity to kill a million people.

>> No.15140969

are you tarded?

>> No.15141004

People on both sides need to stop equating the covid vaccine to tried and tested vaccines that actually ended deadly diseases.

>> No.15141008

>legal and moral issues
These people are creating the law and they have no morality.

>> No.15141240

Took 2 shots. Felt nothing but a little pain where the needle pierced. You guys are so fucking fragile

>> No.15141264

yeah I don't want to hurt my heart

>> No.15141272

It’s real faggot

>> No.15141273

Fuck off he didn’t need to take his second booster (4x) which is the one that fucked himconfirmed

>> No.15141278 [DELETED] 

>he reigning king of science
Do people(not pajeets) really believe this? He didn't invent anything. He hasn't published anything. He doesn't even know basic math or science.

>> No.15141281

Sorry to complete the experiment you must take four shots like Elon Musk

>> No.15141329

Million dead from forced jab. This will go down in history as the worst decision in modern history.

>> No.15141355

>Million dead from forced jab
fake like all the "covid deaths"

>> No.15141374

Only 1/3rd of the excess deaths during the pandemic have been "with covid". The other 2/3rds appear to be from various aspects of the pandemic responses. Millions are already dead from government action and there's been very little in the way of consequences for them.

>> No.15141387

If only he died.

>> No.15141454

In just the US alone. HAH. I bet the numbers are much worse in other countries where the covid vaccines would have killed dozens of millions or more

>> No.15141467

I only got the vaccine because my job required it and I figured the GAE wouldn’t poison it’s leftard following

>> No.15141473

If Musk is the King of Science, who is the Queen?

>> No.15141513

Checkmate provaxxers, this guy never lies and has never been wrong about anything.
Also he obviously didn't take the real vax, no powerful people did, with the billions of deaths caused by the vaccines during those last two years, most world leaders should be dead by now.

You just wait. You know how it works: each time you look at your watch it's 'current time + two weeks'

>> No.15141516


Reminder, 1/4 think someone has died from vaccine. Thats with a rough bias towards democrats.

Close to 50% think vaccines are a cause for concern.

>> No.15141533
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>> No.15141566

There are "people" who actually believe this

>> No.15141572

Yeah, imagine thinking normaldrones and their handlers would ever admit it now that their entire politics and sense of identity is invested in this Pfizer scam.

>> No.15141581

Remember when Pharma companies had to pay people thousands of dollars to be their lab rats in years long trials ?
People actually did it for free

>> No.15141586

wild guess we know why he bought twitter. solely to post the twitter files lmfao

>> No.15141624

Ah, a fellow African. It's makes sense that she would be his bride.

>> No.15142002

This ffs. I was promised bloodshed!!

>> No.15142515 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15142819

apparently the pfizer lab footage got leaked

>> No.15142849

>Of course he only got a fake vaxx
Most elites did the saline injection photo op. Has been interesting though watching all the rich and politicians die of the real jab. Some you would have thought were in the big club.

>> No.15142915


>> No.15142918

Most of them probably thought they were in the club and getting the saline.

>> No.15142941

Even if this tweet was real, he had side effects from an administered drug, which is famously unheard of in pharmacy.

What a spastic.

>> No.15142958

ok but what if it's real, and what if the vaccine is going to kill you?


>> No.15142977 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15142990

Imagine how you feel after someone takes a swipe at you and it wasn't even the Jews.

>> No.15143001

He said he had to to be able to go to his Germoney tesla factory

>> No.15143106
File: 81 KB, 752x516, retards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's real...
narrative is shifting bros
memorize your friends, lest true ones become scarce
it's coming. haven't you been paying attention? it might just break some things. but their hearts will break before the revelation really matters to them.
someone with his wealth could easily not get it done.

>> No.15143110

lol Clott Adams in that screencap. He spent months shitting on antivaxers only to get side effects and have to battle to pretend they were right by mistake.

>> No.15143139

My collarbones and the bones in my right foot are completely fucked forever and there's no way they're getting fixed. You see the way I have to limp for 15 steps when I first stand up? That didn't used to be that way and that's the effect of the skeletal mutilator implant.

>> No.15143141
File: 388 KB, 1280x1044, TIMESAND___footfuckedup2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The no "permanent damage" theory is 100% out. It is definitively falsified and anyone who's shilling it is only trying to say, "Maybe the jews aren't so bad after all?"

>> No.15143155

i was forced to take two shots. Got covid two times after that. How do i sue my dad and his sister for violating my human rights?
On second, my dad might be already fucked since he got heart attacks and shed a lot on medical bill...

>> No.15143158

wow what

>> No.15143163 [DELETED] 

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.15143773

he's not wrong

every pandemic vaccine rollout has had vocal antivaxxers. a minority who this time were rational actors and not just generic conspiratards doing what they always do. the former were right, but for the rest their decision being "right" was just a coin flip like he said. that said his coping is pathetic and i lolled too at once again seeing him in the screenshot

t. didn't take any covid vaccines at quite a cost to my personal freedoms

>> No.15144551
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stfu clott

>> No.15144570

Most of those people just used their common sense to see who was being deceptive and then stopped trusting those people. There was no need to have a degree in virology or pharmacology to know you shouldn't take injections pushed by people who were clearly not being forthright.

>> No.15144578
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>> No.15144661

I disagree. It was obvious to anyone with critical thought that there was not only no purpose to taking an inoculation against a low-threat coronavirus, but there was no guarantee of its safety or effectiveness after only a couple months of testing with an inconclusive challenge study.

>> No.15146116
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>> No.15147430

His important businesses are only located in America. There was no law requiring him to get vaxxed.

>> No.15147444


>> No.15147476

>he's not wrong
he is wrong

>> No.15149734

Sounds horrible, but what are the other options.

The mandatory online verification shit will because the online will be swamped by bots. Once bots figure out a way to get past captchas shit will go sideways.

>> No.15150109
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>clott adams

>> No.15150127
File: 108 KB, 360x340, 30 - gUNu0v6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had heart palpitation right after taking my 2nd shot along with the normal feverish feeling. felt like my heart was going to fall out for a whole day. all who tell you that teh vaxx doesn't cause heart issues are liars and propagandists
had to take teh vaxx cause I was flying during covid. I just hope that there will be no long term effect and would never take that shit again into my system

>> No.15150140

are you still trying to justify with delusions why you killed your grandma nazi?

>> No.15150294 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 187x250, soyence kike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you still trying to justify with delusions why you killed your grandma nazi?

>> No.15150477

If Grandma was a Nazi, isn't it good that she's dead?

>> No.15150646

a billions died from the jab

>> No.15150654

>Musk, king of science

>> No.15150656

Have you heard of placebo?

>> No.15150724
File: 382 KB, 1692x3461, Rasmussen Reports on Twitter Question 68 of 260M Adults (177M) indicate they received the COVID-19 VAX and 7 of those repor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not worth the risk for the majority of people taking the vaccine, it should only be for who obviously needs it.
Major side effects are common with the Covid vaccine, it’s kinda insane that people are taking this and risking major side effects just to prevent the spread of the virus, because let’s be honest, they know that you don’t need it, you’re just protecting others by taking it.
I saw old people outside all the time disregarding the mask rules and other rules. I ain’t taking the vaccine and possibly sacrificing myself for them, I’m no Jesus Christ.

>> No.15150736
File: 22 KB, 314x348, Get vaxxed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Took 2 shots.
So you are not fully vaccinated then, not even close. Get your boosters you terrorist, white supremacist, homophobic, Russia loving, Ukraine hating, climate change causing, gas stove having asshole!

>> No.15150739

>you’re just protecting others by taking it.
KEK! Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.15150741

more like Emperor!
King is a peasant's position for Elon.

>> No.15150744

That’s what they say, anyway.

>> No.15150746

Good but you forgot to slap 'egg consumer' to the list

>> No.15150747
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>I just hope that there will be no long term effect and would never take that shit again into my system
Remember this. It's no longer just the "covid vaccine". They are slipping the graphene and other secret additives in all of them now, even your food.

>> No.15150751

oh egg eaters are the worst! they are causing racism and climate catastrophe all at the same time, while they worship reincarnated Hitlers!

>> No.15150752

I will never like your failed state, Dmitri

>> No.15150778
File: 125 KB, 500x1111, No shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will never like your failed state, Dmitri
Nobody likes socialist countries. That's why 80% of Americans disapprove of their leaders now.

>> No.15150782

In a non-emergency situation, would this vaccine even make it through the trial runs with a such high percentage of major side effects?

>> No.15150915

it's not a placebo effect. my heart literally went nut for a day. got blunt chest pain every half an hour. literally thought I was dying and asked had to ask my cousin to come stay with me in case shit happens

>> No.15150918

is meant for

>> No.15150933

Oopsie. He said the quiet part out loud.

>> No.15150939

Yes it would, but only because the FDA will approve anything no matter how deadly if they're paid the right amount in bribes. Remember, Remdesivir was approved before covid and it has no clinical benefit for any disease and causes multiple organ failure.

>> No.15150977

Enough with the antisemitism.

>> No.15150983

Watch this, and you won't have to fear about the future anymore.
You'll know your fate, and be at peace.

>> No.15151048
File: 150 KB, 1080x1122, CDC scamdemic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because the FDA will approve anything no matter how deadly if they're paid the right amount in bribes.

>> No.15151176

The biggest pharma corporations(virus will make us hundreds of billions) + government (virus will remove trump) + ideological hysteria (ideological purity test) led to this. Million + deaths at the hands of vax just so these groups of people can "win".

>> No.15151186

It was for your own good.

>> No.15151189

lucky my fingers was on Ctrl+W. didn't watch for more than half a second. brb washing my eyes now.

>> No.15151193

But anon, by not watching it in full, you won't be at peace.
Always wondering if injecting yourself by the mutagen promoted by planar depopulationists was a good idea or not.

Please watch, and be at peace with your short-term fate.

>> No.15151581
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I got 2 pfizer shots.
I'm the biggest risk group (young adult male)
And even before the pfizer shots, I've had "complications" (god awful posture, zero cardio endurance, awful short interrupted sleep, dogshit dieting, probably not eating enough)
Ironically, since it, I have gotten sick exactly once, and it passed very quickly
Literally nothing aside from that

>> No.15151585

who the fuck cares what elon musk thinks?

>> No.15151586

Omugherd! I'm convinced to get the experimental "vaccine" now!
This totally real life experience the botanon typed is totally believable and peer-reviews all the data that it is obviously "safe and effective" at combating the Shanghai Shivers, which is totally dangerous since it it kills like 1 in ever 200,000 people!

>> No.15151591
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>> No.15151599

what are you even on about spaz, I was just sharing my experience that yes goes against deathshot fearmongering
fuck do you want me to say

>> No.15151600

everyone but you apparently.

>> No.15151602
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Sure sure limey government man. Go have some warm high tea.

>> No.15151607

do you think I'm making what I said up? if so which part?
I'm really not, and I'm not advocating for the vaxx either, or saying it has no adverse effects or anything disingenuous as that

>> No.15151609

Kanye Ye should totally release that as a rap song.

>> No.15151619

so like remember how for nearly a decade I told you all "wkokeism" is a communist take over and you laughed and called schizo and said it just humanities tards? So like remember how I told you it was the jews and they have been doing this for 1000's years everywhere they go and you called me "pol" and "x" and a nazi etc etc. So like remember how I told you not to take the jew juice shot and you thought it was hilarious to laugh at me and call me a conspiratard? So remember how I told you global warming was a scam and they are hiding free energy and anti-grav tesla/nazi tech for nearly 100 years and it is a trap to enslave you with taxes and green communism to keep you a good little slave?

HAHAHAHAHAAH eat shit fucking retards, you are the platonic form of a midwit psued

>> No.15152740

good for you man
some people like me have bad reactions with it
I just hope that the vaxx didn't leave permanently effects on my body
so far nothing else except that initial severe reaction that felt like I'm dying so I'm optimistic

>> No.15154438

got to agree
if its 1 guy vs NASA and the one guy wins
thats gotta be a smart guy

>> No.15155505

He is controlled opposition. He promoted the vax on twitter, april 7th, 2021.
Obviously he knew right from the start what this vax was about.
He is a persona build by the deep state in order to rally the rebellious goyim to the NWO agenda.
So far it's working.

>> No.15155509

Bots can already solve captchas, it's called deep learning.
One thing can stop them for sure, it's POW captchas. But nobody seem to be willing to implement it.

>> No.15156087
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>> No.15156391

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