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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15136708 No.15136708 [Reply] [Original]

Why do we consider pre-evolution hominids humans?

>> No.15136722

now do the same comparing white Americans to Asians and ask the same questions.

>> No.15136761

I wasn't aware Asians had an average IQ of 125.

>> No.15136769


>> No.15136780
File: 60 KB, 785x731, tfw out of soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now do the same comparing white Americans to Asians and ask the same questions.

>> No.15136789
File: 724 KB, 1441x722, here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now compare white inventions to asian inventions and weep

>> No.15136801

race isn't real you bigot

>> No.15136803

Race is real but it's a distraction to make you fight amongst each other instead of hanging tptb and their minions

>> No.15136841

it doesn't matter by how many points the difference in IQ is. based on your logic you are not evolved enough to consider you a human comparing with Asians.

>> No.15136844

I assume you mean Whites? Whites and Asians have a continuous genetic pool so there's no reason to believe they're different species.

>> No.15136845

>it doesn't matter by how many points the difference in IQ is.

>> No.15136848

there are chinks and then there are chinese,
there trailer trash and then there are whites
there are ni....

>> No.15136856

too bad you all have to invade white countries because your own are stagnant shitholes, huh?

>> No.15136869

according to his vision. I.Q. is the criterion to which we can measure humanity of a person/groups not genetic shit.

>> No.15136871
File: 44 KB, 488x266, 1674158017471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>apply culturally biased test
>be surprised the results are racist

>> No.15136875

So east asians are white?

>> No.15136883

in some others periods of history. major evolutions in human thought and industry was in other places of the world. for example, Muslims (Arabs, Persians, Turks .. etc) from 8th century to the 13th used to run the human evolution engine when the Europeans were chimps that cut each other legs for the tiniest wound before it turns to gangrene.

>> No.15136887

There is no difference, native whites have 106 IQ, you're confusing national IQ scores with many Afro-Semetic minorities in them dragging the average lower.

>> No.15136892

I think his implication is that since our genetics are non-overlapping and we have different brains we are different species. That fits the taxonomic criteria.

>> No.15136894
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>> No.15136896

That was primarily persians

>> No.15136898

I'm not Asian. but Japanese ppl, for example, come to western countries because the environment is too challenging in Japan. they do better in U.S or Europe because ppl here are just stupid (AKA not evolved enough) compared with them. anyway, try visiting Japan and see whether it is a shithole or not.

>> No.15136909

What kind of mental gymnastics is this?

>> No.15136916

>Asians are whiter than white people
>White people are culturally biased in favor of Asians

>Retards actually think like this

>> No.15136917

in that case, whites are not human beings compared to Ashkenazi Jews.

>> No.15136920

Jews have an average IQ in the 90s.

>> No.15136924

I think the most interesting hypothesis is that East Asians have the highest average IQ, but Europeans have a significantly higher standard deviation. This accounts for the disproportionate achievements made in Europe as well as the higher overall academic standards in Asia.

>> No.15136934

Arguably asians have been selected for conformity.

>> No.15136938

The final red pill is that verbal IQ should be downweighted by 50-75% in the calculation of the composite score. It only has its present value because psychologists had to find a way to make men and women have the same averages

>> No.15136941

gdp correlates more with verbal though?

>> No.15136942

a proper response of an idiot after regret reading a counter argument.. cope.

>> No.15136953

Never heard that before, according to what?

Granted, it wouldn't surprise me that much at this point, because we don't live in a free market. We live in a centrally planned hellscape where the money printer is generally controlled by a small number of governments and mega-corporations. In a technologically driven free market, spatial IQ is everything, and that is part of what we are seeing play out right now with the rise of Asia and decline of the West.

>> No.15136955

Japanese people go to the west because there's greater opportunity and better work culture. Japan has atrocious work culture with unreasonably long hours and extreme obligations to employers. Japan also has very low worker productivity compared with other similarly developed nations. The environment in Japan is challenging not because the competition is highly capable and tough to do better than but because people are forced into a race to the bottom of who's willing to submit themselves to the worst treatment.

>> No.15136966

semitic ppl and Persians have a very close IQs .. if that was the case then the IQ has no importance what so ever.

>> No.15136978

Anglo saxons have an In average even higher than Jews. Anglican Churches average like 120

>> No.15136985

I recall reading old figures on IQ per religious denomination with southern baptists at the bottom while quakers and episcopaleans held the top lines well above jews.

>> No.15136992

Wouldn't surprise me. That basically fits into a perfect racial distribution since most blacks are Baptist.

>> No.15137015

persians are aryans half wit

>> No.15137022

a large portion of turks are aryan too. this is like saying niggers ran a world empire and had great scientific achievements because they lived in america

>> No.15137024
File: 1.39 MB, 968x6144, africa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

persians of today are not the same people that lived there in that time you nigger brained ape anymore than modern Egyptians

>> No.15137033
File: 36 KB, 500x481, B530A33E-6C4E-40BA-BD29-99D58ADE5F8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is hugely significant because if the average is 1 standard deviation higher that puts their outliers on the right side way further out and more of them and even lines up with the stereotypes of the perfidious Albion and cunning jew

>> No.15137052

Probably because the majority of the chemical anatomical (biological) makeup of them being very similar to modern day humans. Along with that, skull shape and thinking patterns, kinda filling the gap between the evolution of from monkeys to human, making them, practically just a distant ancestor of the modern day human.

>> No.15137098

>implying stiltskins are any more intelligent or evolved than most of us; especially being that most invention and progress being created across Europe and the US. Albeit, the ching chongs having created video games and some basis in theoretical ideas, very few things from them being as on point as some of our inventions. Cars (Ford), weaponry, utilities for a house, esp. electricity (Benjamin), Einstein with theories of relativity and the atom bomb being a couple focal examples.
You being sarcastic? If so, considering that there are several facets to the human brain and its pattern waves of thought that are not necessarily tested by an iq, such as emotional intelligence, there is some, -perhaps, at least a dash- of truth to iq not being the exclusive decider of intelligence (mattering a little less than some people think. On the other hand, however, an iq test, being composed of questions regarding spacial recognition and abstract thinking, along with the general logic of math & vocabulary patterns and analogical comparisons of which; making an iq test a relatively solid indicator of somebody's general recognizance and thinking abilities.

>> No.15137106

>You being sarcastic?
Hmm, I don't know.
>such as emotional intelligence
Dumb people are less emotionally intelligent as well.
>iq not being the exclusive decider of intelligence
Of course. IQ isn't the be all end all of intelligence. It's not a perfect measurement and it shouldn't be used as though it's some crystal ball. However it is a fairly accurate and excellent statistical tool on the macro level.

>> No.15137128

Smh. I know, right. Imagine lacking the ability to make shit work within their own nation to practically steal invention within, or rather, from a more developed nation. However, there is the argument that humans have migrated many times, historically, over the ancestry of the human race, sometimes for freedoms (religious and personal, etc), quality of life & otherwise for resources of foods and irons and other metals being in mines (such as the gold rush), making it, sometimes, if not many times for someone to leave their country of birth. What's considerable problematic these days, is that, being that the great majority of land, globally, being populated makes it so there's not as much open land (or open space) left, makes it difficult for someone to just migrate to and build a new community. Issue with all of that of course, is, with the human race heading towards 8 billion, the invading of and illegal migration of people into another's nation is absolutely a draining steal of one nation's resources (especially considering that many citizens of a nation being less fortunate than others, as is, and there already being financial struggles going on within citizens of a nation and illegals coming through and stealing jobs and houses, when a nation or (e)state could not even help citizens born and raised there with such.

>> No.15137136

This is cope lol, I've been to both Chinese and Japanese universities the students there are relatively low quality and the faculty are only comparable to the most uncreative, but productive labrats in the West.

People come to white countries because it's the best. Whites regularly get paid massive grants to go East and none choose to stay because they are behind on almost everything.

What is true is that Western universities fleech international students on tuition fees though.

>> No.15137150

I think it would be more accurate to say rather than "dumb people being less emotionally intelligent", people being less emotionally intelligent are less smart.
But of course, emotional intelligence isn't really accurately projected on an iq test, as someone can score high on iq but have low emotional intellect and the vice versa as well. I would believe that how smart someone is would kinda have balance between those two things. Although, having a high iq is definitely more correlated with new invention and scientific revolution and progress of society than emotional intelligence; with thinkers like Einstein being theorized to have some disabilities, but making some solid contributions to scientific conjecture and hypothesis

>> No.15137182

>from 8th century to the 13th used to run the human evolution engine when the Europeans were chimps
You mean when Europeans who were establishing the first modern universities (10th century), the highest production rate of manuscriots and books both per capita and in total, the most advanced metullargy and armour, and having the highest concentration of automated industry (gear concentration by mills) on Earth?

>that cut each other legs for the tiniest wound before it turns to gangrene.
Medieval European medicine was very advanced and is still being studied today as it is more effective at curing certain diseases than modern antibiotics.

See this Nature paper:

Bruce, J., Oyedemi, B., Parsons, N. et al. Phase 1 safety trial of a natural product cocktail with antibacterial activity in human volunteers. Sci Rep 12, 19656 (2022).

Do some research you stupid protestant propogandaist.

>> No.15137249 [DELETED] 

Because they're useful as civilization destroying bioweapons. As soon as questioning black people becomes racist, the weapon is active and you can flood nations with them where they reproduce beyond control, collapse the country of origin, and then regress into dirt eating, cow ass licking, trogs that can then be eradicated and the nation re-conquered.

>> No.15137288

Unbiased tests exist you idiot.
It's called ravens progressive matrices. And it was invented a long ass time ago because you're not the first person to have that thought.

>> No.15137310

They have 110
cumskins have 90

>> No.15137388

These charts are untrue - simple as.

>> No.15137597

>rice niggers have 110
>the masters of the earth have 90

>> No.15137686

>Scaled to ethnic composition of the US
Pointless scale altering. Have them be equal heights, it would have the same message but not look like it's misleading you.

>> No.15137992
File: 241 KB, 1852x880, pol-niggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related made me post-/pol/.
I would now rather associate with a 130+ IQ black than any white /pol/nigger goober.

>> No.15137996

Who was talking about /pol/?

>> No.15137998

Why would a psyop intentionally created to disillusion people make you hate the people it was designed to harm?

>> No.15137999

>hate the people it was designed to harm
Because they are retards for believing it.

>> No.15138006

>/pol/ filename
straight to the trash

>> No.15138009

/pol/ is 99% mutt, though.
that's why they always fall for the cheesiest shit.

>> No.15138013

What makes you think they believed it? Did you hear it on CNN?

>> No.15138015

Massive cope. If you like, you can change "I would now rather associate with a 130+ IQ black than any white /pol/nigger goober" to "I would now rather associate with a 130+ IQ black than any white Qnigger goober." Makes no difference to me.

>> No.15138017

Qboomers are anti-racist BTW.

>> No.15138020

The very existence of the white Qboomer made me less racist. I hold a black non-Qboomer to have higher value than a white Qboomer.

>> No.15138046

From an actual scientific point of view, ignoring that this is clearly a racist post
I think we should begin by asking what mental traits do they compare to with other apes such as chimps.
If blacks have phenomenal memory like chimpanzees then I am willing to believe these racist claims of divergent evolution.

>> No.15138055

>Tfw mostly English and Scottish
Why haven’t I invented anything?

>> No.15138061

I have humanity and empathy, something which asioids lack, so they are indeed not human, no matter how many iq tests they spoof

>> No.15138118

/Sci/ is full of pseuds.

>> No.15138153

>some bang-average whites will buy your book if it lets them believe they're as smart as the smartest blacks.
>these pathetic specimens self-segregate, and as the IQ in the room falls, they can all *feel* smarter together.

>> No.15138183

Why are you seething?

>> No.15138186

It's not seethe it's contempt.

>> No.15138189

>It's not seethe
Then why are you lashing out against imaginary strawmen? I don't see any mention of the things you're mad about in OP.

>> No.15138193

The things I am *contemptuous* of are 'the bell curve' from which the pic in OP is taken, and the continued leakage of /pol/ into self-selecting containment threads on /sci/.

>> No.15138194

>I'm angry because /pol/ lives rent-free in my head
Ok, but what does it have to do with OP? Do you have some kind of a problem with the National Longtitudal Survery of Labor Market Experience of Youth, 1980-1990?

>> No.15138198

You descend from the ones who were getting drunk and fucking 24/7 while newton was messing with mercury in his room.

>> No.15138203

now do jews

>> No.15138221

Can you help me do Jews? I can't think of any relevant Jewish inventions except for big pharma toxins.

>> No.15138281

The Haber-Bosh nitrogen extraction process is responsible for about 50% of your mass, and the reason we have ~8 billion people in the world instead of ~1 billion.

Granted, Haber also more or less invented chemical warfare and Zyklon-B, so win some lose some.