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File: 201 KB, 397x514, 1925_kurt_gödel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15132998 No.15132998 [Reply] [Original]

>proves God exists
>is called Godel
Who wrote this shit?

>> No.15133026

Stay back midwit and kill yourself never again touch the subject of logic

>> No.15133059


>> No.15133146

ghislaine MACKS-well
bernie MADE-OFF

>> No.15133150

God has a good sense of humour ngl

>> No.15133154

i would say 90% of synchronicity events are literally just jokes

>> No.15133177

I had the same thought just yesterday

>> No.15133210

It's pronounced GOOdel you dumb american retards

>> No.15133227

I'm gonna goo into your mouth

>> No.15133230


>> No.15133509

ö is not o at all. ö sounds like the e in 'her', except it's formed with the lips, not with the back of the tongue.

>> No.15133515

It's pronounced grrrr dell.

>> No.15133529

I once knew someone very intelligent and we were discussing Gödel's theorems one day, and he would pronounce his name without the umlaut, like "Go-dle". As an autist, who also speaks German, naturally I corrected him on this, thinking that an intelligent man such as himself would appreciate knowing how to actually pronounce this important person's name, but he would keep mispronouncing it. "Go-dle". Fuckin' drove me nuts. I have the same reflexive disgust when I hear someone pronounce Euler as "You-ler". Perhaps Americans need to be gassed.

>> No.15133530

OP is probably starting to seethe by now because he wanted to trigger a dispute about Gödel's fucked up "proof" and feel like a master troll because he just dropped the claim as something uncontroversial, but since he is an american and has no idea how ridiculous americans look when thinking ö is just the nazi form of o ( as in mötley crüe and mötörhead, absolute lol), he fucked it up and is now ignored except for his ignorance, which is not.

>> No.15133536

>I once knew someone very intelligent
funny, that. I never did.

>> No.15133549
File: 1.16 MB, 3200x1618, this_kills_the_redditor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15133551

If that's you Nic, then I'm sorry, but you're getting the gas.

>> No.15133552 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 1242x1242, 8c697d0446d576efda7f55d69e7d7dea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw it's a priori true that everyone except your wife is trying to poison you

>> No.15133555
File: 85 KB, 1242x1242, this_kills_the_logician.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw it's a priori true that everyone except your wife is trying to poison you

>> No.15133608

>either a property or its negation is positive, but not both
right there you can stop reading because it's just word salad

>> No.15133610

Why? What's wrong with it?

>> No.15133637
File: 14 KB, 571x457, 461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is being able to create the universe, annihilate yourself, and let the universe run on its own accord a positive property? If not, why not?

>> No.15133641

>is [randaom schizobabble] a positive property
I don't know. Why is it relevant?

>> No.15133642

An ö is not an o and they are also not pronounced alike.

>> No.15133643

What do you define as a positive property? Be precise.

>> No.15133649

The proof in anon's picture implicitly defines the conditions for it so maybe you should try to read it.

>> No.15133650

because if that's a positive property, god existed but no longer does, you dumb nigger
have you even read chad godel's proof?

>> No.15133652


>> No.15133655

If your incoherent schizobabble implies that God doesn't exist, then obviously your incoherent schizobabble is not a positive property, but regardless "being able to" do something doesn't imply that you have to do it, so it fails on every level.

>> No.15133657
File: 105 KB, 600x562, reddit-we-did-it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accept your defeat. Let me know when you're able to tell me what a positive property is.

>> No.15133659

I acknowledge your inability to read and your impotent rage.

>> No.15133661

This, also God is pronounced as JOD.

>> No.15133662

See >>15133657.

>> No.15133666

I don't need to tell you anything. If you want to know what it is, read the proof itself and Gödel's own comments. The fact that you admit to not knowing what he meant removes you from the discussion right off the bat and there is nothing more I need to do.

>> No.15133667

>I'll just arbitrarily declare what I consider to be positive properties, and you can't do the same
dumb nigger

>> No.15133668

See >>15133657.

>> No.15133678
File: 26 KB, 1129x603, 109midwit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15133679

>mentally ill seethe

>> No.15133683

No it's not. It's /gøːdl/. English doesn't have the ø sound though.

>> No.15133684


>> No.15133687

See >>15133657.

>> No.15133699

>proves God exists
He didn't, and theological "proofs" have always been quite heretical. God's test on man is faith. If God wanted to reveal himself so easily to man, he could appear any moment and do so, but that's too easy. God wants "conviction of things unseen." Ignore all these fucking Prots and Caths. Turn to the Orthodox Fathers.

>> No.15133736

>What do you define as a positive property?
see Axiom 1 of >>15133549

>> No.15133754
File: 170 KB, 1988x396, the universe begain whitworth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not true. There are contingency arguments that get you there just fine. The fact that the universe began should have been a good clue to you. The Things that began demand a cause or explanation. The cause can't be something physical, as this means the universe would have had to exist before it's own beginning in order to create itself. See pic. This is why coper try to come up with different goofy eternal universe theories. None of them are logical though. How does causation work in an eternal universe? ect

>> No.15133759

I will add here that you religion is irrelevant to the idea of if whether or not the physical reality can logically create (boot itself up) and sustain itself, which of course it can't, see pic, specifically
>And while the second option, that It does indeed come from Bit, sounds good, it is impossible for a physical world to compute itself. So logic reduces the three options above to two: either the physical world exists by itself alone and just happens to be very mathematically calculable, or it is in fact calculated and thus virtual.
There is no middle ground.
The the virtual world can't output itself. Sounds like orthodoxy doesn't have faith in us using god's own logic.

>> No.15133761
File: 533 KB, 2434x1512, universe creation bwhitorth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops here
the pic related is in this post

>> No.15133762

not him, but
A1: Either a property or its negation is positive, but not both
there must be some reason why you guys are refusing to define what a positive property is.
probably you guys are godless fedoras just trying to make proponents of this argument look retarded. or maybe you just don't understand the argument.

>> No.15133764

>there must be some reason why you guys are refusing to define what a positive property is.
There must be some reason why you spout schizobabble first, and then demand others to put in the effort of correcting your utter lack of understanding when you're called out. If you don't know what is meant b "positive property", why are you attacking the argument in the first place?

>> No.15133775
File: 13 KB, 284x177, 134836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Positive" is what Leibniz and other proponents of the ontological argument called qualities that make something "better" than it is without them
God who creates a universe such that he doesn't have to stick around to manage it = better. Cope and seethe.

>> No.15133776

ah, heh, I can see why they were terrified of defining it

>> No.15133778

Because "better" is entirely subjective. We can accept Godel's proof and use it with our own "better" properties.
Reddit /r/atheism wins again.

>> No.15133779

>i breathe through my mouth

>> No.15133783

>"better" is entirely subjective
That's specifically ruled out by the axioms. You clearly breathe through your mouth.

>> No.15133784

>Because "better" is entirely subjective.

>> No.15133788

That's specifically not ruled out by the axioms. You clearly breathe through your mouth.

>> No.15133792

Did you even read it? lol. Are you even sentient?

>> No.15133794

Did you even read it? lol. Are you even sentient?

>> No.15133800

A4 specifically rules out properties that are only "subjectively better" from being positive properties. Case closed. You may demonstrate more of your mental illness in your next post.

>> No.15133812

A God who sticks around is just as contingent (non-necessary) as a God who doesn't stick around. Cope and seethe.

>> No.15133817

>Who wrote this shit?
God does. Really makes you think, doesn't it?

>> No.15133818

>A God who sticks around is just as contingent (non-necessary) as a God who doesn't stick around
Prove it.

>> No.15133819

yep, it's not necessary that an omnipotent god stay around to manage the universe he creates, so the property of staying around to manage the universe is neither a necessary property (asserting as such would contradict omnipotence) nor a necessarily positive property (because I say so), and therefore by the contrapositive of A4, not a positive property.

>> No.15133820

No reason to accept D1, A3, A4 and A5.
A3 is so laughably bad you might as well just say god exists and skip the mental gymnastics.
Godel didn't think that argument proves god and even christian theologians didn't think ontological arguments are sound.

>> No.15133822

This whole logic is flawed from the very start because he assumes "positive" and "negative" things actually exist, when in reality, they don't. It's all a figment of the human imagination.

>> No.15133826

Okay, I'm happy to suspend judgment and accept that neither property has been demonstrated as necessary. I will therefore place the Godel proof into a state of limbo. Let me know if you wish to prove a modal distinction between
A: God who sticks around to manage the universe
B: God who doesn't stick around to manage the universe

>> No.15133828

>neither property has been demonstrated as necessary.
So? Prove that "sticking around" is a property at all.

>> No.15133833

it's just excluded middle.
X is the property of faggotness.
OP is either a faggot or not a faggot. he can't be both simultaneously

>> No.15133840

A: God who sticks around to manage the universe
B: God who doesn't stick around to manage the universe
If you choose A as your positive property, I'll choose B as mine. If you insist that A is necessary (or necessarily positive, for that matter) but B is not, I'll need to see a proof of that, or I'll be making fun of you at my Reddit meet-up this Saturday.

>> No.15133841

We were talking about properties. Prove that "sticking around" is a property.

>> No.15133848

Being a stick-arounder is a property as much as being a pump-and-dumper is a property.

>> No.15133855

>Being a stick-arounder is a property
Prove it. Notice how you're stuck in a loop simply chanting your talking point over and over instead of making a logical argument?

>> No.15133861

I mean, I do assume that you understand English and aren't playing dumb. Otherwise, I'll need to know what your understanding of "property" is.

>> No.15133863

So you can't explain why you think it's a property?

>> No.15133868

Not to retards, no.

>> No.15133872

Okay, explain it to the other geniuses in the crowd. Why do you think it's a property? How come you just keep chimping out and chanting?

>> No.15133881

You are entirely right. Property has not been defined in the argument. I'll await a definition of property before I accept the argument.

>> No.15133883

>You are entirely right
Ok. Then your "argument" is null and void.

> I'll await a definition of property
Have fun with that. Just refrain from sharting out dumb arguments in the meanwhile.

>> No.15133884

I accept your inability to define 'property'.

>> No.15133888

You think I care? I don't believe in any god, fedora nigger. I just enjoy watching you shit the bed every time someone posts that meme.

>> No.15133890

I'm not a fedora. I'm a theist.

>> No.15133891

Seethe harder, fedora nigger.

>> No.15133894

You're a self-admitted fedora. I'm unironically a theist.

>> No.15133896

Go wipe the foam off the corners of your mouth and try not to fail so hard next time.

>> No.15133914

As you say, you don't believe in any god. I knew perfectly well that you were a fedora trying to make theists look retarded, and so did other posters (e.g., >>15133762). You failed.

>> No.15133918

>trying to make theists look retarded
You made yourself look retarded. All I had to do was to ask you to explain your claims. lol

>> No.15133925

called it
you got the fedora chinlet so desperate that he had to play obtuse lmao
>muhhh I don't know what a property is... >muhhh define property
>muhhh ohhh, define trait then
>muhhhhhhh word definitions are so circular... oh im sooo smart
this is the power of the fedora...hes butthurt that you didn't bite

>> No.15133927

>t. dumb nigger fedora chinlet

>> No.15133937

I see right through you, fedora nigger. Your desperation is amusing.

>> No.15133939

Orthobros don't accept these theological "proofs." You atheists don't accept them either.
Wow, you "won."
Imagine being this retarded. You confess you accomplished the grand goal of defending a proof you don't believe is sound... from the assault of someone... who doesn't believe it's sound.

>> No.15133944

See >>15133888
>I just enjoy watching you shit the bed every time someone posts that meme.
Hope that clears things up for you.

>> No.15133950

You can't even do that properly. If your goal is to annoy people, you don't give them a win by admitting that they're right about you being an atheist LARPing as a theist. In fact, you should've pretended to be a Prot.

>> No.15133955

You "won" so hard that you're stuck in a loop samefagging and trying to save face. lol

>> No.15133957

Yes, I'm everyone on this board except you. Come visit me tomorrow.

>> No.15133961

I know it's you because "that guy" (obviously you) stopped obsessively replying and trying to save face as soon as you showed up. Dumb fedora nigger.

>> No.15133968

>as soon as you showed up.
Nooooooppe >>15133699
If you want people to keep shitposting with you instead of running off, maybe don't bring things to a close by saying what you're doing.

>> No.15133969

I am now hiding this thread but you will address me again because you're an inferior nigger with zero impulsve control. I'll be living rent-free in your head for weeks.

>> No.15133974

Okay, I won't disappoint you. Here's my reply.
Have a good one, anon. I mean that sincerely.

>> No.15134009

Oh, so it's just the ontological argument except described in terms of formal logic.

>> No.15134019

It's an ontological argument with greater modal clarity. I don't think it's successful, but it's significantly more interesting than the Anselm/Descartes ontological arguments.

>> No.15134065

>A2 A property necessarily implied by a positive property is positive
Being a straight white man in today's world is a positive property. Being a straight white man in today's world necessarily implies being alive. However, being alive isn't a positive property for some classes of humans.