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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15132622 No.15132622 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the science on masks have to say? Does it agree or disagree with what the politicians want to do?

>> No.15132642

> mask mandate on planes
Not amerimutt but i haven't seen a mask on a plane for a year

>> No.15132713

I got covid from a family member, she used a plane but she didn't use a mask
Masks should stay in planes

>> No.15132721

Amerimutt, haven't seen masks on a plane for over a year either. I flew for Christmas and nobody was wearing masks, not a single person.

>> No.15132723

Particulate volume testing shows that they would not make a difference at those distances.

>> No.15132724

there is no covid faggot

>> No.15132750

masks dont control the spread of disease
this has been well established by clinical trials of masks dating back into tests on influenza and other respiratory viruses, and the same non-significant results repeated for the handful of mask trials on covid.
health agencies bullshit you into thinking masks work by performing studies that lump massive droplets and fraction of a micron droplets into the same category, then claiming that 95+% of the total mass (not number of droplets) is filtered by the mask. and using bullshit number torture observational studies to "confirm" their efficacy.

>> No.15132837

The more heavy duty masks would work surely. If people complain about the lightweight masks they might end up making everyone wear the expensive filtered masks or something

>> No.15132849

you need to use a breathing system with an air tank, any filter that you can breathe through will not be effective enough to significantly reduce your risk of getting a respiratory virus

>> No.15132862

>definition of pandemic is virus is in every country/continent
>masks on planes prevents virus from spreading to every country/continent

Is this proof masks are stopping the pandemic? Or is this proof just circular logic?
You decide /sci/

>> No.15132866

masks became a political litmus test. I still see obese land cows smuggly wearing their masks, you know instantly that person spends all their time on twitter and is a prog.
Its got nothing to do with science anymore but trying to prove you are with the "correct" 'side'

>> No.15133029
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>Whats the science on masks have to say? Does it agree or disagree with what the politicians want to do?
Science always said the masks were useless.
It requires a full body positive pressure suit to stop germs. Even a N95 mask that is one time use, and properly fitted only stops 95% of larger particulate matter expelled from the breath.
The regular dinky cloth masks like nurses wear, is all show and no effect. "Reduces" bacterial transmission, but NOT viral transmission.

Masks were a programming scheme. Get people more used to being faceless, nameless, bots, that obey orders.

Pick up that can citizen.

>> No.15133050

I'm pretty well convinced that respirators work when worn properly. I'm also convinced most people couldn't wear a respirator properly, and the face masks most people wear are useless.

>> No.15133052

There's some studies showing respirators work in hospital settings, but they must be fit tested and worn at all times.

>> No.15133054

>Pick up that can citizen.
This is exactly it. A trivial demand, but the point is to humiliate you and teach you to know your place.

>> No.15133069

Sure a full face covering tightly strapped mask with N100+ rating capability filters.
That's a whole different thing, between face masks and body suits.

>> No.15133073

Pretty sure they were just N95s, and they didn't prevent all infections (was close to 50% if I recall), point being most people don't have a proper fit and could never go an hour, much less several hours without fiddling with it.

>> No.15133083

All you need is a KN-95 to stop yourself being infected and a normal surgical mask and HEPA filtration to bring infection rates to single digits.

Anyone arguing against masking is fucking retarded.

The stupid thing comes from your nose and mouth, so obstructing them will reduce spread depending on the quality.

You dumb fucks just don’t want to wear them and have made up excuses. Like soon to be teen parents making up reasons not to wear condoms.

>> No.15133091
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Excuses about “comfort” are retarded too…

There are other filtration masks besides the annoying N-95’s that suck to wear.

But once again, arguing in bad faith so no one even bothered to check before opening their covid hole.

Anti-masking is retard level behavior, and sooner or later you’ll get on board.

You’re not getting any younger.

>> No.15133096
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>> No.15133097

just rode on a plane today, didn't wear a mask
i'll report back if i get the coof

>> No.15133098

>Anti-masking is retard level behavior, and sooner or later you’ll get on board.

>> No.15133100
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China shill detected.

Who remembers the videos in 2019 and early 2020 showing the Chinese government Nationals on a visa or diplomatic trips here buying up crates and crates of N95 masks and laughing about how Americans will be without masks and need to buy KN95 masks from them.

>> No.15133122

>Excuses about “comfort” are retarded too…
I need germs to keep myself healthy, I'm not going to subject myself to another hygiene theater just to be dependent on big pharma's plan of subscription immunity

>> No.15133724

Friendly reminder that the coronavirus epidemic is entirely fictitious and that anyone who says otherwise is either an enemy propaganda agent or one of their unwitting stooges.

There are still a lot of unwitting stooges remaining who were fooled by the propaganda and who don't want to admit that they were tricked for one reason or another so they continue to push the fake viral epidemic lie. Bad people & sad situation, but the coronavirus epidemic is entirely fictitious, it doesn't exist and it never did.

>> No.15133733

>Whats the science on masks have to say?
that it works, and never mind sourceless schizo talk and butthurt about being forced to do things for the good of others

>"Reduces" bacterial transmission, but NOT viral transmission.
it keeps the droplets expelled by coughers contained so that it doesn't fly all the way into your eye, nurses arent entertainers dumbass

>> No.15134450

>that it works, and never mind sourceless schizo talk
You just dismiss all sources given

>> No.15134546

The science here is the CDC wants the ability to unilaterally order around the country as a supreme dictator. They're probably expecting to have public health crises every few years and want to retain the precedent to be able to do this to all over again after a few new current thing cycles. Every creepy bond villain also thinks mrna is their ticket to living forever and they're not going to pull any stops when it comes to making us partake in their clinical trials. Yes, there will be more

>> No.15134759
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>even midwits, the dumbest of all demographics, can figure out whats going on
CDC outwitted by midwits

>> No.15134869
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Anti-Maskers are bonified retards because ALL you have to do to validate it is this experiment.

It’s all I did to evaluate masks WEEKS before they had to force you stupid mother fuckers to do something that is FUCKING OBVIOUS to anyone of actual intelligence.

As we can plainly see. American Rot is much worse than anyone ever imagined.

>> No.15134892
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These days, since it’s cold outside it’s even especially obvious WHY masking is important.

Compare the clouds of a masker and non-masker, and honestly most of you probably have.

You’re just so deep in your bullshit and are too scared to actually DO something about the pandemic.

Better to be big fat whales for pharma companies to milk.

>> No.15135080

nobody cares if you use all caps, all you're doing by attempting to raise your voice in text is highlighting your emotionally distressed state.
yelling is a valid argumentative tactic in arguments which may potentially get physical, which is not the case here because i'm behind seven proxies and so is everyone else.

>> No.15135119

It's been interesting seeing first hand how religious beliefs are born.

>> No.15135209

>biased tabloid site
>awfully cherry picked data
>still concludes with "Face masks in the general population might be effective"
>counters with "coronavirus is primarily transmitted via indoor aerosols" when you're supposed to open the windows in indoor environments, everyone knows that masks alone aren't going to save you after a certain amount of time
schizo talk

>> No.15135212

>everyone knows that masks alone aren't going to save you after a certain amount of time
So when are you going to open the airplane windows, anon?

>> No.15135222
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>planes are essentially wearing masks since they have HEPA filters onboard
>most people don't talk while commuting
so when are you going to take your meds

>> No.15135239

you're a fucking retard lol. when you 'see' breath you see water droplets, which are substantially larger than airborne viral particles.

>> No.15135296

Okay, so there's no need to mask on planes. Thanks for conceding.

>> No.15135340
File: 174 KB, 1242x1484, F89E1D33-6C1B-49B4-9AA8-5F680370625C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're a fucking retard lol. when you 'see' breath you see water droplets, which are substantially larger than airborne viral particles.

The virus travels in airborne droplets so your argument is invalid.

Even if it wasn’t though, you’re denying a clear and visible reduction in airflow because “masks don’t work” even though you can see that they do with your own two eyes.

American Rot in the flesh.

>> No.15135346

>planes have HEPA filters.

They’re not in use on the runway and taxiing and instead you’re breathing a soup of everyone else’s excretions.

Also, most planes don’t run HEPA filters anyway. They CAN have HEPA filters. Only a few airlines use them anymore (they even went on TV to complain) and none of the cheap ones do.

Just hunting for ANY weak excuse to not do what you know needs to be done.

>> No.15135351

>Just hunting for ANY weak excuse to not do what you know needs to be done.
This. People need to man up and realize they were fooled. Masks have never worked to prevent the spread of an airborne disease and they will never work in aircraft even for contact and aerosol diseases.

>> No.15135357

Speaking of planes: It’s wild that these guys complain about masking but STILL go through the TSA checkpoint.

For the number of bodies Covid routinely drops in a single day, even while your leaders try even method to throttle the numbers it just keeps on chewing you up.

Cops are wild too as they’ll invest in all sorts of paramilitary shit when Covid kills them more than the event they’re wearing body armor for.


>> No.15135363

>even while your leaders try even method to throttle the numbers
kek! this was good bait until you said that. nobody will believe you if you lie like that, you have to soft-sell it to shill right.

>> No.15135369

Coming from the Pharma shill?

>Catch the plague so we can sell you meds and “vaccines” that you’ll have to take 2 of every year!

My method is even cheaper.


>> No.15135373

Pharma is the one telling you to wear your mask and take your vaxies. I'm telling you that you need neither. If you legitimately believe that governments were downplaying deaths despite evidence of the CDC openly declaring unrelated deaths to be "with covid" you belong on reddit and nowhere else.

>> No.15135389


>pharma tells you to wear masks, I’m telling you you don’t!

No sale faggot boy. I’m not interested in buying pills or taking clot shots so I can survive when I can just not catch it altogether.

Sell that bullshit to the other hick retards on this board I’m too smart for that.

>> No.15135416

You can wear a face diaper if you want, just don't force everyone else to go along with your weird fetish.

>> No.15135417
File: 27 KB, 475x407, 598440D2-BD0C-446F-88A5-E38C54D310C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wear the face diaper, vaxxcattle. we're not fucking around any more!


>> No.15135429

Maskies will get our way soon :)

You’re wrong. The sooner you accept that, the happier you’ll be.

Until then, enjoy the ride. It’s what you wanted lol

>> No.15135484

>The virus travels in airborne droplets so your argument is invalid.
Your premises are invalid so any argument about masks are useless

There is no ethical reason to give a shit about spreading covid or not

>> No.15135489

>you’re denying a clear and visible reduction in airflow
My breathing flow is more important. Thanks for admitting it restricts my air flow.

I'm not in the mood to breathe my own excretions kek, you can suck it up tho

>> No.15135493

You are hated and afraid. Your handlers are losing control of the narrative and no amount of shilling will stop that from happening.

>> No.15135497

I'm not accepting shit and if I see one of your "maskies" I will make sure to ostracize him like you niggers did with us purebloods

>> No.15135514

American bots are worse than retards. The internet was a mistake.

>> No.15135643

>wah wah I'll ostracize YOU! Boo hoo

Nothing of value was lost...

and you'll still change my oil, cut my sheet metal, or whatever mid-IQ job you have that you'll do regardless of how mad you are.

Soon, they'll make you mask to keep productivity. Why let you have a week off 4 times a year when they can muzzle you instead.

You're a fucking retard bro, you can even add this shit up and you're still just bleating the same old tired shit.

Parent's should've worn condoms but probably used the same excuses so now we have you...

>> No.15135681

7% chance of infection with a mask, 52% chance of infection without one

>> No.15135835

It’s crazy that we even had to waste money to prove something so obvious, only to be ignored anyway by the latest version of AmericanOS for the benefit of pharma…

>> No.15135843

These people are now like inmates who were institutionalized and cannot live free. The government has ended this shit and said its not needed but some businesses and people are now just doing it of their own choice.

>> No.15136091

>Listening to Biden

>> No.15136765

What is with intentionally posting wrong information? I know it had to be intentional because you could have simply pasted the relevant text instead of typing it out.

>The probability of getting COVID-19 for mask wearers was 7% (97/1463, p=0.002), for non-mask wearers, probability was 52% (158/303, p=0.94).

>> No.15136863

I can't read! :-(

>> No.15136870

That's an insanely large difference in sample sizes.

>> No.15136880

If the p value is above 0.9 it doesn't matter that much.

>> No.15137004

It's not valid to sum up populations across different observational studies with widely different selection criteria and followup methods. The difference in population size alone should be enough to raise serious eyebrows. A valid approach would be to evaluate individual trials of randomly masked vs unmasked members, at the same place and same observation period, then log the risk reduction factor, N and p, and a table of mask used, environment, study period etc. Every randomized mask trial I've seen for any airborne virus has shown no significant difference between masked and unmasked groups.

lol, lmao

>> No.15137724

Oh great, we’re at the “I don’t like the source” part of the thread.

Should we go to the barber shop so you can split hairs?

>muh sample size
>ignoring that the SMALLER sample got infected more often

I guess the idiom about a monkey typing up Shakespeare is true lmao

>> No.15137746

Shoo shoo midwit.

>> No.15137750

wear the face diaper, bigot. display your obedience to me!


>> No.15137759

Anon also didn’t read the study…

But when you’re only looking for a reason to be right and not the truth it’s easy to do that…


I can do this all day. You guys are ALL just cowards looking for an excuse to be right when you’re just plum wrong.

To say masks don’t work is to say condoms don’t work by blocking the hole the pathogen comes from.

You’re saying firebreaks aren’t effective for wildfires by removing what a fire needs to continue burning.

Anti-maskers are retarded at best and full of shit at worst.

>> No.15137762

You first pharma cattle.

>> No.15137764

Don't you have a booster to be getting, cattle?

>> No.15137768

>Face diaper

You mean “Retard Condom”

I don’t want to catch you stupidity and spread it around.

You do you though.

>> No.15137769

Not vaxxed.

I’m smart.

There is no immunity to any coronavirus. Herd immunity was a scam along with all your pharma pills to “make it less severe”

So, project more nigger. You’re not talking to me :)

>> No.15137772

Condoms aren't something you breathe through. The pathogens have a far tighter barrier material, dumbass.

>> No.15137775

I see your parents didn’t use theirs correctly…

>> No.15137785
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>> No.15137787

The same authorities telling you that vaxes will cure the coronavirus are telling you that masks work.

>> No.15137790

Go back to faceberg. Your kind isn't welcome here.

>> No.15137794

adding up populations across different studies, literally just taking the sum, then acting like that constitutes a single megastudy is an invalid operation even if the studies were designed with exactly the same protocol performed under the exact same circumstances. there are zero randomized trials of masks that show a significant risk reduction. your number tortured pseudo-observational garbage is academic noise.

>> No.15137795
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Remember that brief period during which if you wore a mask, you were considered a stupid rightwing ignorant chud?

>> No.15137796

Once again. Not vaxxed.

Smart enough to sniff out all of the pharma scams INCLUDING:

>Get sick! We can cure you! For a price ;)

>> No.15137799

So you believe all scams except the one that was too blatant for you. Continue spending your money on useless diapers I guess. The fungus you breathe in from them probably has no ill effects.

>> No.15137801

It's really incredible how quickly NPCs can have their scripts changed.

>> No.15137802
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I do, and I thought that Trump and the republicans would win EVERYTHING for shoving all “da science” down the democrats throats by doing something low tech, simple, and something we’ve used in pandemics before.

But no. Politics.

Look at this cesspool of a thread. Just a bunch of stupid goats bleating the same stupid shit over and over again.

>> No.15137807

Retard it’s cheaper to buy a bag of respirators on Amazon than to pay for ONE course of covid treatments.

But go ahead believing you’re smart for catching something you don’t have to.

Makes no difference to me. I can just insulate myself and keep on goin.

You’re not getting any younger.

Sooner or later, due to YOUR own stupidity. You will join us :)

>> No.15137811

How fat or old are you that you need treatment for a flu?

>> No.15137813
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I expected droves of decked out Trumpers with masking hats AND masks.

I was looking forward to the reddit threads seething about Trumpers saying mean things but now masks make it so they couldn’t be doxxed.

and as a result, you’d be a the pandemic by smothering it out.

But no. You… fucking retards bro… threw it all away.

>> No.15137817

Shhh... It's ok. If you shake too hard you might catch a case of the suddenlies.

>> No.15137819

Really bored tonight, huh?

>> No.15137822

Mountain man. Exercise daily with a good balanced diet based on activity.

I simply don’t have time to “be sick” when I can avoid it all together. As a result, my PTO goes toward vacations instead of sick days and I lose less productivity.

You don’t have to worry about virus complications if you don’t get sick, and you don’t have to rush to get a vaccine if you get good at it.

Which is all I have done since the outset. It was obviously airborne so masking is the obvious best choice EVEN IF the protection is only one way.

>> No.15137824

I was constipated but I pushed it out. l8r g8rs

Stop being stupid. The sooner y’all do this shit the sooner we can be done and hang the people responsible for putting us in this mess.

I am waiting on you.

>> No.15137946

Masks work, if people would actually wear them. They work best to prevent spread of diseases if you're sick and wearing one. Problem is sick people are the ones who don't wear them.

Anectdotally, I wear an N-95 religiously when in close proximity to strangers. I have never gotten covid (or even a cold/flu) since I started doing this when the pandemic began. I even had multiple close calls where afterwards I found out someone near me had it. This was through contact tracing at work, when I went to an in-person meeting. The people who didn't wear a mask all got sick, I didn't. That's when I was fully convinced they really do work. But it has to be an N-95 with a good seal to be most effective. And you also need to be aware of hand washing and touching your face after touching fomites.

>> No.15137951

As a chest and heart surgeon I can authoritatively tell you that masks do nothing.
I never wear them when doing operations, or gloves either.
Germ theory after all, is just a theory.

>> No.15137954

You all know nothing of clinical microbiology, please stop spreading dangerous misinformation. It literally could kill someone.

>> No.15138011

Funny you mention that. A study done in modern hospital wards showed that mask usage in the surgery had no measurable impact on patient outcomes.

>> No.15138290

Which one? Why?

>> No.15138300

/pol/ thinks that because something is not 100% effective it is 0% effective
fact is any measure is a probabilistic reduction rather than an absolute 0/1 reduction

>> No.15138371

or negative percent effective, ala the mrna "vaccine"

>> No.15138449
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>Masks on planes
>96 replies
>not a single Bane post
4chens, i am disappoint with (you)s

>> No.15139149

Literally kill yourself.

>> No.15139204
File: 76 KB, 1200x800, everyone is like me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm a mind reader, i know what everyone else is thinking
projection is a common fallacy amongst low IQs

>> No.15139212

I am going to have to ask you to lurk more if you are unable to notice obvious trends like that

>> No.15139218

I did not say it, but a second /pol/tourist-trend is that when you call them out they feign ignorance and try to gaslight you

>> No.15139252

Because adequate ventilation means microbes only spread a few inches from the face.

>> No.15139272

The only thing to learn from the pandemic is that evidence based medicine is absolute bullshit.

>> No.15139307


>> No.15140569
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>> No.15140715

it just seems so pointless. no one is actually doing the whole clean room gimmick when they get home so who cares. exposed skin, not wearing goggles, touching your face with your hands. just political nonsense but w/e vaxxies are a lost cause

>> No.15140932

>no one is wearing a hazmat suit so it is pointless
pointless would be doing all this other bullshit when none of that was how covid was primarily spread

>> No.15141031

She is based, you should kill yourself

>> No.15141571
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>> No.15142531

masks will remain popular so long as ugly women want to hide their faces while wearing yoga pants.
same reason veils are popular in muslim countries with some of the women, people who re ashamed of their faces wish to keep their shame hidden or disguised.