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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.25 MB, 2560x1920, Mandel_zoom_00_mandelbrot_set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15128390 No.15128390 [Reply] [Original]

Some other anon made a black hole thread, and it got me thinking, what other scientific/mathematical constructs do popsci midwits go apeshit over? Fractals. Am I the real retard who just doesn't get it, /sci/? Are the secrets of the universe hidden in these cool pictures generated by recurrence relations of complex numbers? Redpill me on fractals and why I should give a fuck.

>> No.15128398

Self-similarity is found everywhere in nature.

>> No.15128410
File: 131 KB, 1920x2560, mandelBUTT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15128413

Really? I haven’t seen much fractal popsci since the 90s. It doesn’t have a lot to do with real life afaik, like the mandelbrot set is self-similar in some ways and a fern leaf is self-similar to some degree but there isn’t any deeper connection that you could use to predict something about ferns or about the mandelbrot set

>> No.15128417

>It doesn’t have a lot to do with real life afaik

>there isn’t any deeper connection
Between what?

>> No.15128420

Fractals aren't either defined or commonly self-similar. Why do you midwits think that? Their gimmick is endless (but meaningless) generative (<= in a way) "complexity".

>> No.15128423

You just haven't been around enough midwits. Especially if they do any sort of recreational drugs.
>the universe is just like le heckin fractals bro they hold the secrets to heckin everything bro
But what I am curious about is if they could be used to model certain things/processes in a useful way.

>> No.15128425

>Fractals aren't either defined or commonly self-similar
Schizo word salad. Try again.

>> No.15128427

Shape repetition, like the Golden Ratio, is present in a lot of natural things because it's efficient. I can see why people are awestruck by the beauty of them.

>> No.15128430

NTA but I think he means real things in nature are not self-similar like a fractals is, just sort of approximately self-similar.

>> No.15128432

>real things in nature are not self-similar like a fractals is
They are, though.

>just sort of approximately self-similar.
Fractals don't imply perfect self-similarity.

>> No.15128435

>Expecting druggies to make sense
Fractals are mostly a representation of a pretty simple thing about math:
Simple rules can still lead to infintely complex behaviors.
Thats in itself a valuable information as it explains how a relatively short genome of just 23,000 genes can form something hyper complex like a human, or how simple fluid physics can create an unpredictably complicated system like the wheather.
Fractals depict the origins of chaos basically.
You won't find the meaning of life if you zoom into the mandelbrot set deep enough...

>> No.15128438
File: 69 KB, 452x363, 3524344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fractals are mostly a representation of a pretty simple thing about math:
>Simple rules can still lead to infintely complex behaviors.
>Thats in itself a valuable information as it explains how a relatively short genome of just 23,000 genes can form something hyper complex like a human, or how simple fluid physics can create an unpredictably complicated system like the wheather.
>Fractals depict the origins of chaos basically.
>You won't find the meaning of life if you zoom into the mandelbrot set deep enough...

>> No.15128440

>Fractals don't imply perfect self-similarity.
News to me. I though that was the whole point being illustrated by le ebin zoom gifs.

>> No.15128443

>News to me
Well, good thing I let you know. Now you don't have to be wrong anymore.

>> No.15128444

>repeat a process indefinitely
>arbitrary complexity is generated
Woah dude

Could've gazed upon a computer instead

>> No.15128445

>Fractals depict the origins of chaos basically.
This is a valid viewpoint. I should read a book on chaos theory at some point.

>> No.15128450
File: 82 KB, 1000x767, 3464353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>repeat a process indefinitely
>>arbitrary complexity is generated
>Woah dude
>Could've gazed upon a computer instead

>>Fractals depict the origins of chaos basically.
>This is a valid viewpoint. I should read a book on chaos theory at some point.

>> No.15128460

>posted pic is self-similar to the poster
Fractal post

>> No.15128461
File: 130 KB, 700x700, 23623234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related: literally (You).

>> No.15128463

>>Expecting druggies to make sense
I've met many normies like this when they're sober though

>> No.15128464
File: 30 KB, 400x600, 115C3D78-FEF4-4B6D-A61D-C7BFBF58AF0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you’re being a contrarian. Looking at the function [math]z \mapsto z^2 +1[/math], you would never expect its behavior to generate a shape as complicated as the mandelbutt >>15128410

>I should read a book on chaos theory
pic related does a good job of conveying the excitement about fractals and chaos theory (it’s from 1992, before even the jurassic park movie). Of course it’s a dead field now lol

>> No.15128469
File: 147 KB, 600x345, sam-shocked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real things in nature are not self-similar

>fractals are literally nothing. i see them when i look at my computer screen

>fractals are literally just chaos

>if you iterate infinitely, you get infinite complexity, duh!

>i hate fractals because muh druggies make no sense

>it's not a real fractal if it's not perfectly self-similar

>you can't even find the meaning of life inside the mandelbrot set

>fractals aren't either defined or commonly self-similar

>there isn’t any deeper connection that you could use to predict something about ferns or about the mandelbrot set

What is wrong with nu-/sci/?

>> No.15128482

>Looking at the function zz2+1, you would never expect its behavior to generate a shape as complicated as the mandelbutt
Except it doesn't. Repeated application of the function does, and I'd expect it to generate something complicated because of that. So you might as well mentally masturbate to a for loop.

>> No.15128488

>a for loop
>t. 90 IQ internet intellectual

>> No.15128492

>iterated application of a function
>iterated application of a function, mathematics

>> No.15128498

You truly have a subhuman level of intellect.

>> No.15128505

Not an argument.

>> No.15128524

You never made an argument in the first place. Iteration generally doesn't produce anything interesting unless you happen to iterate over an interesting structure.

>> No.15128535

>"interesting structure"
>the most basic bitch function ever z^2 + 1

>> No.15128538

Nevermind retards.This place is full of legit mentally ill people. Intellectualism makes lower-mid-IQ normies into delusional spergs.

>> No.15128553

It's alright, I'm one of them.

>> No.15128556

That's what I said. Simple stupidity doesn't explain your posts.

>> No.15128571

You have problems bro.

>> No.15128594

If you have to ask yourself

>Am I just an idiot like a rest or not?

You pretty much have mental retardation, you cant clearly grasp much differences between yourself and the bunch of sub-humans

Idk the whole
>le science
Field is cucked, they mud everything

Part of why is because they hire people who are psychopaths, psychopaths below 130 IQ, like you OP

Fractals might hide deeper truths about this universe, but dont pay attention to that

Just inject yourself with some tranny cardiac juice and watch rick and morty

Youre a moron

>> No.15128598

This whole board is filled with psychopaths around midwit intelligence who roleplay to be smart


You unironically find better "scholar" and people who study at dept on /pol/

Here you just have retards who unironically watch rick and morty all day and watch some tiktok about "fractals"

Then proceed to make the most vain mentally retarded threads possible

>> No.15128601

Did you lose an argument?

>> No.15128616
File: 147 KB, 800x789, fractal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you have to ask yourself

>>Am I just an idiot like a rest or not?

>You pretty much have mental retardation, you cant clearly grasp much differences between yourself and the bunch of sub-humans

>Idk the whole
>>le science
>Field is cucked, they mud everything

>Part of why is because they hire people who are psychopaths, psychopaths below 130 IQ, like you OP

>Fractals might hide deeper truths about this universe, but dont pay attention to that

>Just inject yourself with some tranny cardiac juice and watch rick and morty

>Youre a moron

>> No.15128756
File: 137 KB, 1920x2560, mandelcado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15128892
File: 2.29 MB, 1366x1506, tardiko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most popsciggers don't actually know what a fractal is, they just know about self-similarity and think that's fractals

>> No.15128897

You're clearly one of them, since you don't know what self-similarity means nor what fractals are.

>> No.15128931
File: 549 KB, 650x517, 1673705895071940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15129014

>anon just figures out the realm of forms and the imperfect reflection of it aka the material world
good work

>> No.15129317

popsoicuck detected
keep on zooooooooooooooooming in on those fractals bud
they'll show you the meaning of life and how to lose your virginity for sure

>> No.15129342

Before the 1990s fractals could not be studied because mathematics were done with a pen and paper, and when using a computer you could only do simple things like cellular automata and the game of life.

Later on computer performance got better so you could generate these shapes based on recurrence relations. They might be useful in computer graphics since a simple recurrence relation can generate a complex shape, for something like terrain generation, generating a world map etc.

>> No.15129350

In his Socratic dialogues Plato argues through Socrates that because the material world is changeable it is also unreliable. But Plato also believed that this is not the whole story. Behind this unreliable world of appearances is a world of permanence and reliability. Plato calls this more real (because permanent) world, the world of ‘Forms’ or ‘Ideas’ (eidos/idea in Greek). But what is a Platonic Form or Idea?

Take for example a perfect triangle, as it might be described by a mathematician. This would be a description of the Form or Idea of (a) Triangle. Plato says such Forms exist in an abstract state but independent of minds in their own realm. Considering this Idea of a perfect triangle, we might also be tempted to take pencil and paper and draw it. Our attempts will of course fall short. Plato would say that peoples’ attempts to recreate the Form will end up being a pale facsimile of the perfect Idea, just as everything in this world is an imperfect representation of its perfect Form. The Idea or Form of a triangle and the drawing we come up with is a way of comparing the perfect and imperfect. How good our drawing is will depend on our ability to recognise the Form of Triangle. Although no one has ever seen a perfect triangle, for Plato this is not a problem. If we can conceive the Idea or Form of a perfect triangle in our mind, then the Idea of Triangle must exist.

The Forms are not limited to geometry. According to Plato, for any conceivable thing or property there is a corresponding Form, a perfect example of that thing or property. The list is almost inexhaustible. Tree, House, Mountain, Man, Woman, Ship, Cloud, Horse, Dog, Table and Chair, would all be examples of putatively independently-existing abstract perfect Ideas.

>> No.15129353

Plato says that true and reliable knowledge rests only with those who can comprehend the true reality behind the world of everyday experience. In order to perceive the world of the Forms, individuals must undergo a difficult education. This is also true of Plato’s philosopher-kings, who are required to perceive the Form of Good(ness) in order to be well-informed rulers. We must be taught to recall this knowledge of the Forms, since it is already present in a person’s mind, due to their soul apparently having been in the world of the Forms before they were born. Someone wanting to do architecture, for example, would be required to recall knowledge of the Forms of Building, House, Brick, Tension, etc. The fact that this person may have absolutely no idea about building design is irrelevant. On this basis, if you can’t recall the necessary knowledge then you’re obviously not suited to be an architect, or a king. Not everyone is suited to be king in the same way as not everyone is suited to mathematics. Conversely, a very high standard in a particular trade suggests knowledge of its Forms. The majority of people cannot be educated about the nature of the Forms because the Forms cannot be discovered through education, only recalled.

To explain our relationship to the world of the Forms, in the Republic Plato uses the analogy of people who spend their whole lives living in a cave [see Allegory of the Cave]. All they ever see are shadows on the walls created by their campfire. Compared with the reality of the world of the Forms, real physical objects and events are analogous to being only shadows. Plato also takes the opportunity to use the cave analogy as a political statement. Only the people who have the ability to step out into the sunlight and see (recall) the true reality (the Forms) should rule.

>> No.15129364

Based Plato. His idea actually makes a lot of sense if you don't take it quite as literally as he intended.

>> No.15129378
File: 83 KB, 720x720, plato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of the posters on /sci/ are hylics, they cannot perceive the forms, only the shadows. therefore they are useless in discussions pertaining to what is true and real

>> No.15129383 [DELETED] 

I think the sophists made more sense. The greeks believed mankind lived through a golden age before them and their knowledge was communicated to them from that area.
The only science that has objectively and beyond a doubt improved over the past centuries is material science, making better concrete, better steel, better fuel etc.

>> No.15129393

heraclitus is the most chad old greek

>> No.15129398
File: 56 KB, 450x370, DiogenesAlexander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You misspelled Diogenes.

>> No.15129426
File: 327 KB, 955x848, vacuustat_structure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Redpill me on fractals and why I should give a fuck.
They have some interesting applications.

>> No.15129511

>Redpill me on fractals and why I should give a fuck.
They're basically EVERYWHERE and in EVERYTHING.
This video does a decent job of explaining.


>> No.15129540

you can do some pretty crazy videos with this thing


>> No.15129543

i like this one

>> No.15129632
File: 2.59 MB, 564x640, rik-meme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just wants to see trippy shit
try looking up 4d fractals

>> No.15130180
File: 175 KB, 256x256, consciousness embedded within the universal fractal neuralblender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15131628

p good

>> No.15131703

fractals are just a reflection of some shortcomings of arithmetic with its open ended arbitrary nature and infinite divisible precision

>> No.15131710

hylic response

>> No.15131722

>Simple rules can still lead to infintely complex behaviors.
Infinite complexity is a form of logical explosion and logical explosion results from contradictions and the origin number is a contradiction (since zero is its own opposite) so the arithmetic system is a logically explosive system resulting in infinite arbitrary trivial values that tend towards complete incoherency by the end where the final number, aleph null, is actually assumed to somehow equal the product of itself repeated indefinitely.

>> No.15131744

You didn't have the temperament to deeply analyze and assess what I said, so I don't quite understand what you are trying to communicate, but you seem like you just can't defend your assumptions and simply get irate when they are challenged.

I am not interested in any further engagement from your kind, so thanks for making it easy to filter you.

>> No.15131745

hylic response

>> No.15131765

Maybe you are just having problems explaining it to the class because you are the stupid one?

>> No.15131771

You explained the nature of your own post and its uselessness quite well, great job.

>> No.15131775

seething hylic

>> No.15131790
File: 2.88 MB, 169x95, 1422504339648.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15131791

>they say while trapped in the same condition they critique

>> No.15131820

>Maybe you are just having problems explaining it
Maybe you're right. I guess I do find it difficult to explain something so glaringly obvious as the fact that you can't just iterate over something that has no interesting structure, and expect an interesting structure to arise.

>> No.15131824

I have so much control over your hylic mind you cant stop responding. Watch I will make you respond again

>> No.15131826

>you can't just iterate over something that has no interesting structure, and expect an interesting structure to arise.
0! = 1

>> No.15131828

That's nice. And now your meds.

>> No.15131843

Factorial is an iterative function and applying it to any null structure yields an arbitrary unit of structure. You were clearly wrong in your assertion and I already took my parkinsons meds are a biannual infusion that isn't due for several more months and other than that I have a clean bill of health, but thanks for the concern.

>> No.15131846

>applying it to any null structure yields...
Yields what? Show me.

>> No.15131855

I did 0!=1, do you not understand what yields means or how functions work.

>> No.15131861

Show me what interesting structure you're talking about in your next post. (You won't)

>> No.15131870

A single unit which is definitely interesting because every other definitive value can be expressed in its terms.

>> No.15131872

So all you have to show is your raging mental illness. Okay, that's what I thought.

>> No.15131873

I don't know... Fractals just creep me out, especially since brain starts generating those patterns on DMT

>> No.15131894

No, I still have the universal math formula 0!=1 to prove that you were wrong since any arbitrary unit of structure yields from iterative functions applied to null structures and all you have to show is your overactive ad hominem database.

>> No.15131897

>any arbitrary unit of structure yields from iterative functions applied to null structures
Okay. Now show me the interesting structure of 0!.

>> No.15131898

show me your bussy

>> No.15131905

There are many ways to model a unit such as 1 (You) which is why it is such an interesting structure.

>> No.15131907

Just put your reading glasses on. My asshole is literally rubbing all over your shit-eating faggot whore face.

>> No.15131911

Thanks for demonstrating why eugenics is rational, moral and necessary.

>> No.15131912

you take a lot of dick in it too I am sure

>> No.15131913

Thanks for showing how psychopaths react when clearly proven logically wrong over and over with such unassailable consistency that you have to start calling for death to the infidels.

>> No.15131917

he has a yeast infection in his bussy

>> No.15131921

>proven logically wrong over and over
Yes, you've absolutely proven me wrong about how iteration always leads to interesting structures, by screeching "1" over and over again. Your mother should have been sterilized.

>> No.15131923

I command you to keep posting in this thread and on /sci/ in general, by making any further posts ever, you contractually accept your eternal subservience everyone else on this board in perpetuity.

>> No.15131924

When did you become such an attention-seeking, feminine little redditor? Did you get castrated? Did they catch you molesting children again?

>> No.15131928

Respond this this post if you love sucking dick. You scared to death to respond to your intellectual superior

>> No.15131934

I am not just screeching it though, I am trying to explain how it is mathematically defined as the result of an iterative function on a null value that by definition lacks value specifically any interesting ones while you are illogically screeching about killing people who mathematically proved you wrong.

>> No.15131938

Your application for eternal subservience and perpetual subhuman status >>15131923 has been accepted.

>> No.15131939

>it is mathematically defined as the result of an iterative function on a null value
Okay, but does 1 have an interesting structure? Show me the structure of 1.

>> No.15131941

just because I am a tranny doesnt give you power over me chud

>> No.15131945

HAHAHAHA told you tranny >>15131941

>> No.15131953

Being that you are one can I see why you might not think it can be interesting, but units come in many forms, that is what makes them interesting, if you were more precise about which 1 instead of just seething and screeching, you could be provided a better picture of that ones particular structure.

>> No.15131958

I didn't say 1 wasn't interesting. I just asked you to show me how interesting its structure is, nigger ape. I don't know where the "people" on this board are coming from. Truly nauseating trash. Do "people" like this even exist anywhere in real life? I only ever seem to find these degenerate American public school inbreds on 4chan.

>> No.15131965

Good, so you accept it is a legit binding contract which means you acknowledge your eternal form of subhumanity and take your rightful position as an eternal mind slave to the hivemind.

>> No.15131966

Living in your head rent-free. Yours and his. Couple of attention-seeking faggots.

>> No.15131967

that's what you are

>> No.15131968

Hush, child rapist.

>> No.15131974

no you

>> No.15131977

Why don't you tell everyone again how old are you and why your wife left you, boy lover?

>> No.15131981

you are a homo no take backs

>> No.15131986

Yes and I gave you the example of how compelling the structure of 1 (You) is and (You) have kept farming more (You)s from me ever since because (You) obviously find them interesting enough to remain engaged and I can feeding you more (You)s by reiterating nothing again proving (You) wrong again which will likely only further enrage (You) to the point of genocide since now that (You) have called out americans, (You) are clearly just working up towards calling for both continents to be wiping out all because (You) think someone from there unassailably with 100% philosophical, logical, rational, and mathematical precision has proven (You) wrong with robot consistency and precision over and over again.

>> No.15131987

>I gave you the example

>> No.15131998

Dementia is a hell of a drug when you can't even remember a conversation that just happened. Do they just put you in front of a computer so you don't wander off or is that way too much to remember?

>> No.15132000

Literally just take your meds.

>> No.15132010

I literally just told you my med schedule, Al, try to remember more than 30 minutes ago.

>> No.15132012

You don't tell me your med schedule, chimp. I tell you your med schedule. Take your meds. Now.

>> No.15132019

In that case, you are practicing medicine without a license which is punishable by up to $10,000 and a year in prison which will fly by for a dementia patient like, but you better turn yourself in if you want to avoid the fines.

>> No.15132024

> practicing medicine without a license
I'm a licensed tard wrangler and I am once again telling you to take your meds. Don't make me go get the suppository.

>> No.15132037

Not in my state and if were licensed for anything more than just being a tard in wranglers, you would know that medical licensing is regulated by the individual states.

>> No.15132040

>Not in my state
Your state is one of psychotic confusion. I am fully authorized to medicate you in your state.

>> No.15132164

Let's see this license since hiding it would mean you are explicitly practicing medicine without it which probably isn't the only felonies you are into and if this is your third strike, all bets are off over those sentencing guidelines.

>> No.15132175

>Let's see this license since hiding it would mean you are explicitly practicing medicine without it
Maybe you should tell the men in the white coats about it next time they drag you off to the fluffy relaxation room.

>> No.15132204

I doubt the nurses who administer my biannual infusions would be able to do anything about some obvious retard in another state practicing medicine without a license, but now that you have publicly admitted it, its just a matter of time before the cyberpolice van you.

>> No.15132221
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>> No.15132227

Imagine being such a dull and repetitive drone. Guess I'm gonna go. Merely interacting with you reduces others to your level and dehumanizes them.

>> No.15132238

this thread devolved into unabridged retardation

>> No.15132241

Rich coming from someone who only repeats ad hominem and hasn't ever once formulated an argument or a congruent thought.

>> No.15132246

as always only my posts are intelligent and relevant in this thread

>> No.15132308

the make nifty antennas apparently

>> No.15132815

fractals are popular because they're pretty to look at when visualised in certain way, I dont think there's much more to it than that
and midwits who claim they are fascinating because of infinite complexity, "they're found all throughout nature bro, there must me something special about them" or anything similar are just usual "I want to look smarter than I really am" hubris consumed idiots
>ha this crude online algorithm says you are stupid
now we are entering REAL midwit teritory
or, dare I say

>> No.15133173

its pretty cool, you define something simple and it just divides into subparts or congregate into bigger unit.