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File: 691 KB, 1021x811, 40EB5BC4-FD9F-4404-9C1F-EFF1261C047C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15125014 No.15125014 [Reply] [Original]

What is to be done with them?


>> No.15125046

He's still right on the self and free will

>> No.15125118

>"has no doubt people died as a result of [
's] pursuit of the truth" and he didnt want to dignify his views with a debate.

How is sam not saying that we can't debate life and death issues because the opposite view may lead to dead people? Seems like if you agree with sam intellectuals need to pack it up or talk about cats in trees.

>> No.15125121

People aren't diagnosing his problem correctly. He's a brainwashing victim of Twitter and how it would socially reward the most outrageous of hot takes.

>> No.15125133

Another problem is sam is saying debates don't demonstrate to an audience why ideas are wrong, instead they elevate the views of your opponent.

So why debate anyone ever? Unless you think the conversation is inconsequential. And if that's true why should anyone listen?

>> No.15125156

wot a retard

>> No.15125172

his final jewish form has emerged from the cocoon

>> No.15125214

Sam Harris was socially rewarded for outrageous takes before Twitter even existed. His aggressive atheism (as one of the "Four Horsemen") is the reason why he has a career. Compare him to the other 3 Horsemen, who all had careers before they became notable for atheist debates.

>> No.15125434

>Another problem is sam is saying debates don't demonstrate to an audience why ideas are wrong, instead they elevate the views of your opponent.
this isnt wrong, but he just needs to dunk on his opponent in the debate and make them look like a stupid coon, regardless of the validity or otherwise of their arguments or sources
that way he can always come out on top like christopher BASED hitchens

>> No.15127626

He doesn't need a career, he's jewish

>> No.15127769
File: 42 KB, 491x491, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's still right on the self and free will

>> No.15127824
File: 76 KB, 733x453, harris simp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sam harris was always a pseud
check this shit where he unironically simps for the us government and well-intentioned foreign wars

>> No.15127848

>ant man cheong
OP is a retarded faggot

>> No.15128024
File: 34 KB, 767x431, 770817E0-3F12-44D6-93ED-96200395B536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What we need to counter their arguments is a device that enables us to distinguish the morality of men like Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein from that of George Bush and Tony Blair.

>> No.15128474
File: 666 KB, 1024x768, 1665192604542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a world where the opinion of the general population is important - i.e. a democracy - then being able to persuade others of your ideas is important if you want to advance them. The alternatives are to bully dissenters into submission, eliminate them entirely, or redesign the system so their views no longer matter.

>> No.15128484

>being able to persuade others of your ideas is important
Daily reminder that this does not involve using logic, being right or putting your enemies on stage and letting them have a go at dismantling your views.

>> No.15128486

>public intellectual
>sam harris
Kys retared plebbitfag.

>> No.15128490
File: 18 KB, 661x645, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it involve quitting twitter like a bitch and shrinking the tiny echo chamber you live in even further?

Proof by authority or credentials is declining rapidly in effectiveness lately, and proof by silencing everyone who disagrees with you has never worked outside of North Korea and literal cults.

>> No.15128493

>Does it involve quitting twitter like a bitch and shrinking the tiny echo chamber you live in even further?
No. It involves controlling the flow of information and brainwashed golems into ridiculous ideas, one of which is "public debate".

>> No.15128502

Censorship doesn't persuade anyone of anything, it's a simple exercise of raw power to limit the range of human ideas, which has a horrible track record for long-term effectiveness and is almost never attempted by people who wind up on "the right side of history".

>> No.15128506

>Censorship doesn't persuade anyone of anything
Show me where I said it does in your next post. How come you can't? Why are you chimping out against imaginary characters like a preprogrammed golem? Maybe that has something to do with my observation about how public opinion is shaped?

>> No.15128513

If everyone believes 2+2=5 because every book that says otherwise has been burned and every teacher unpersoned, then yes they've been "persuaded".

>> No.15128514

Notice how you repeatedly fail to egange with what I'm saying, and simply revert back to your golem script.

>> No.15128516

I'm engaging with the parts of your post that make any fucking sense and ignoring your seething about "golems" or whatever the fuck.

>> No.15128519

Why are you lying?

>> No.15128522

Why are you seething?

Perhaps if you rephrased your question in a non-insane way I could better address your concerns <3

>> No.15128530

See >>15128484
This post will remain unchallenged. Your braindead infinite reddit culture serves no function in society except to keep potential opposition in a cycle of intellectual masturbation.

>> No.15128532

infinite reddit debate*

>> No.15128541

As I said, persuasion doesn't need to involve debate, but the alternatives don't actually change the minds of anyone who already disagrees with you and are only effective on the rest if you have the societal power to impose them at large scale. If Sam or anyone else wants to jerk off in his blog's comments section with his simps about how smart they are then fine, but by refusing to engage with people who disagree he's excluding the possibility of ever changing anyone's mind and marking himself as someone who'll retreat to his bubble whenever challenged, which isn't persuasive to anyone on any side.

>> No.15128544

>persuasion doesn't need to involve debate
It doesn't need to involve anything except compelling propaganda, and it certainly doesn't need to involve giving your enemies a chance to undermine you.

>> No.15128550
File: 43 KB, 720x452, 1651172977440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Propaganda is much less effective than it used to be and historically never works for very long without a lot of force behind it. In any case Sam effing Harris is in no position to propagandize anyone.

>> No.15128551

>Propaganda is much less effective than it used to be
Absolutely delusional.

>Sam effing Harris is in no position to propagandize anyone.
I never said he was.

>> No.15128564
File: 55 KB, 720x452, gallup science poll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They publish that poll every year at the end of September, but last year they stopped, presumably because the results of the poll constitute bad publicity for the ZOG media masters. Picrel is the 2021 results.

>> No.15128572

>we heckin' won, reddit!
>propaganda stopped in 2021!!!!
Thank god for Elon Musk taking over Twitter and saving freeze peach.