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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15127851 No.15127851 [Reply] [Original]

Who created the big bang?

>> No.15127868

No one.

>> No.15127884

The physical world can't have booted itself (pushed the enter/run button). This would mean that the system would have to existed before it's own beginning, which is illogical (see pic). Something 'outside' of the virtual space (pixels) and time (cycles) must initiate the system. Locational terms like 'outside' are not accurate, being that locations are a feature of physicality, and do not apply to the non-physical, which is non-local from the point of view of those immersed in the VR (physical world).

>> No.15127887
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>> No.15127889
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for got pic with regard to this
see pic

>> No.15127892

You can't ask that question on this board

>> No.15127919

> The physical world can't have booted itself

Why not? Accidents happen all the time
Just cause things aren't alive don't mean stuff happens to them. Just look at earthquakes etc.

>> No.15127918

assuming we know everything, if you extrapolate roughly to 14 billion years ago, there was a big bang

assuming we know everything

>> No.15127921

>Who created the big bang?
Your mom.

>> No.15127926
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The big bang IS creationist. It was a booting up. See pic. There is a young earth type of simulation theoretic version as well though.

>> No.15127939

I did. Me. Next!

>> No.15127975

Terrible popsci analogy between left and right. Maximum processing rate is not the same as maximum propagation. There can be an unbounded amount of negligible energy photons emitted from a charged particle propagating through space. If there were a maximum processing rate, that would truncate that. How would the speed of light and count of negligible energy photos emitted be related by maximum processing rate? Does that relationship hold from experimentation?

>> No.15127983
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>> No.15127990

Why would a VR system not lose information? Aren't there regular memory dumps as a limitation of the machine, but from maintaining conservation? Every watch a program run on a computer? It fluctuates memory and cpu usage drastically

>> No.15128003
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>Terrible popsci
No. The guy is an ACTUAL scientist.
>Brian Whitworth, BSc, BA, MA(Hons), PhD

>> No.15128044
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>> No.15128051

>No. The guy is an ACTUAL scientist.
just a schizo crank

>> No.15128062

Nobody did.
It didn't happen.

>> No.15128063
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>something made a big bang


>> No.15128082


>> No.15128387

The God of the Bible.

>> No.15128404

Unironically Nietzsche's Eternal Recurrence will be proven true when we see the deceleration of the universe back to contraction and ultimately the big crunch which forces the universe's entropy back to zero, only to repeat forever and ever.

>> No.15128408

magnetic field

>> No.15128412
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the universe extends to a limit then contracts and again the same process

>> No.15128558

Eternal recurrence was a thought experiment on the best way to live your life. Not an actual thing Nietzsche believed retards

>> No.15128592
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jesuits did

>> No.15128661

>Why not? Accidents happen all the time
I don't think you understand the complexity of the physical world. Bootstrapping, or creating something from nothing, is impossible in the physical world. It requires a level of understanding and manipulation of the physical laws of nature that no known entity can possess. Therefore, it is not possible for the physical world to have "booted itself".

>> No.15128705

the unmoved mover

>> No.15128749

The universe is a hypersphere with the 3 spatial dimensions as concentric “shells” and the radial dimension being time.

This explains why the time dimension behaves geometrically different from other dimensions. It explains why time seems to have a “beginning” but may not necessarily have an end, and seems to have a meaningful direction. It also explains why (if our experience is of traveling outward along the time axis) space seems to have begun as a point and now everything seems to be rushing away from us, often at speeds faster than we know it’s possible for things to travel relative to one another.

The universe having a beginning need not imply it have an end and a hypersphere is probably the most simple geometric construction for spacetime

>> No.15129532

Citing a name and credentials doesn't refute the actual argument I made or answer either of the questions I posed

>> No.15129538

One guy

>> No.15129541

This but from a different bible

>> No.15129542

>the big bang because uhhhh just because
lmao even saying God is a better argument than this, retard

>> No.15129562

It's not like an accidental falling together of pieces. There was absolutely zero matter to work with. This fact makes it impossible for a self start to any physical entity.

>> No.15129626

It is a big simulation. We are just avatars. You might be the only one really alive.

>> No.15129638

lowest possible IQ take

>> No.15129648

it is a dumb question, so here was the dumb answer. It is just as good God being the creator.

>> No.15129654

A bigger banger

>> No.15129700

What's the biggest bangest?

>> No.15129844

>everything seems to be rushing away from us, often at speeds faster than we know it’s possible for things to travel relative to one another
could you tell me more about this? genuinely curious, this sounds interesting

>> No.15130198

nta but he probably means that space can expand faster than the speed of light and very distant galaxies aren't even visible because the space between us and them is expanding faster than light. actually the visible universe is continously shrinking because of this and one day there wouldn't be stars in the night sky.

>> No.15130206

Who created the creator of the Big Bang?

>> No.15130207

his dad and mom

>> No.15130216

Nothing. Nothing caused it. Everything in the universe is based on cause and effect, but we have no reason to believe that cause and effect remains valid outside of the universe.

>> No.15130219

So.. you are saying that the chain of chicken and egg goes on forever? I realized recently that the only children of Adam and Eve were both male. How did they procreate?

>> No.15130231

>I realized recently that the only children of Adam and Eve were both male. How did they procreate?
Pornhub has the answer.

>> No.15130232

Cause and effect are but illusions of this particular universe. They hold no meaning otherwise.

>> No.15130580

>the big bang
Never happened

>> No.15130609

The most plausible theory in my opinion is that our universe has always been doing a Big Bang and Big Crunch cycle.

I know they say current data and understanding of physics doesn't support a Big Crunch, but I think that's an error due to our lack of understanding. Even if the universe actually is currently accelerating in its expansion, it might just be a temporary thing.

>> No.15130611
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Mathematics. This universe is a subset of all possible computations which exist platonically.


>> No.15131159

It was me. When I met your mother

>> No.15131330

The universe is cyclic and we’re merely working backwards to the birth of everything.

>> No.15131359

Bing "Badaboom" Johnson, aka Boss Sauce

>> No.15131363

oh is this guy again..
You and the - germ theory is bullshit guy - need to find the - all psych problems are actually from the gut microbes guy - here, partner up, and go to the nearest psych ward and ask for professional help and some good fucking meds, and stop shitting up /sci/

>> No.15131368

the physical world is too perfect to be considered an accident

>> No.15131370

It's more likely that reality has always existed in some form or another than that it was created by either anything else or itself (provided here we allow for a thing to "create" itself and not merely consider it as something always existing). Less assumptions. So no one created the Big Bang.

>> No.15133504

Georges Lemaître
How has /sci/ made it 55 posts in without being able to answer an easy fifth grade history of science question?

>> No.15133518

The cosmic serpent brought itself to motion within the primordial water and became two: Atum and Apep. Atum begat Shu and Tefnut that he might have space to move about in, and these two begat Geb and Nut that they and their creator might have land to walk on and a sky to hold back the dark waters. Atum took Apep and made him to encircle and protect the universe even as he was destined to bring it to an end in the way Atum began it.
This was all observed by the Water, Infinity, Darkness, and Stillness. Maybe also Thoth, but we're not going to talk about him.

>> No.15133531

>In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth
There's a famous book that addresses this topic

>> No.15134076

Peak brainlet

>> No.15134097

Im sorry, that was me. I am most dreadfully embarrassed, it was taco night.

>> No.15134318
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Your mother.

>> No.15134398

(((big crunch)))

>> No.15135604
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>> No.15135743

I don't think you understand the simplicity of the physical world

>> No.15135765

probably nothing
here's a question: what created numbers?
Nothing, they're just naturally existentially explosive
even in a vacuum I could count to ten and that would probably be enough to realize the nature of numbers
the universe is something like a data type I guess
you could also just apply the anthropic principle circularly with a lain-monad and assert a sort of dark squeeze theorem

>> No.15136003

>what created numbers?
The axioms of arithmetic.

>just naturally existentially explosive
No, they are logically explosive because they are based on an origin number that is a contradiction defined as its own opposite number and logical explosion necessarily leads to infinite arbitrary trivial values of truth.

You think nothing created the universe because your concept of the universe is based on numbers and numbers are only possible due to the explosive logic of arithmetic that results from the value of nothing being defined as its own opposite, a contradiction capable of yielding any potential outcome or modeling any possible structure.

>> No.15136006


>> No.15136007

>here's a question: what created numbers?
Upright monke brain did. Nature knows nothing of any "numbers".

>> No.15136013

Because you think your low energy slow mind would need some serious stimulants to have come up with thoughts that logically well formed and worded so well?

>> No.15136017

it's obvious that your verbal IQ is <90 even before we get to the actual substance of your moronic post

>> No.15136025

The big wang.

>> No.15136026
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You wish, illiterate retard.

>> No.15136029

thanks for conceding that your verbal iq is <90. in any case, what does "opposite number" mean in your padded cell?

>> No.15136042

Thanks for proving you are an illiterate retard who can't read the words in an image and doesn't even know basic primary school level math definitions like opposite numbers are the additive inverse values of each other.

>> No.15136045

show me a source on "opposite numbers"

>> No.15136052

Here have two wikis, an edu, and a gov source, then spend a decade educating yourself, and come back when you are unretarded.

>> No.15136059

It was like "I wanna be something, go somewhere, do something, i want things to change." And then it went boom

>> No.15136066

okay, but i want a source on the padded cell version of "opposite number" where 0+0=0 is a contradictio, as i said from the beginning

>> No.15136070

0+0=0 -> 0=-0 -> 0 is its own opposite number.
Something that is its own opposite is paradoxical and known as a contradiction.

>> No.15136073

*known as a self-contradiction

>> No.15136075

>Something that is its own opposite is paradoxical
show me a source that talks about zero being "its own opposite" in a way that means anything except 0+0=0

>> No.15136080

Wouldn't it be more fair to say "based on what we know right now"?

>> No.15136081

Anything that is self-contradictory is logically explosive by the principle of explosion.
0-0=0 is true as well because 0 is a paradoxical value defined as its own opposite, show me a source that says anything including the valueless value of nothing can be its own opposite without inducing logical explosion.

>> No.15136083

full-blown psychotic episode

>> No.15136087

Complete non sequitur ad hominem.
You didn't even know what an opposite number is just a few minutes ago, there is no way you will ever be accepted into med school, your diagnosis means nothing other than your pathetic compulsion to project your own psychological state to the rest of us.

>> No.15136094

It occured by itself

>> No.15136113

>You didn't even know what an opposite number is just a few minutes ago
you see? blatant delusion after delusion

>> No.15136114

No, it occurred because some religion with ambitions to be the universal thought control organization asked some monk named George to figure out a way to make their supernatural ideals more secular.

>> No.15136116

Nope, I didn't hallucinate anything, you repeatedly asked to be spoon fed what an opposite number was right here >>15136029 >>15136045.

>> No.15136122

>you repeatedly asked to be spoon fed what an opposite number was
see? you can't write a single post that doesn't contain a psychotic delusion

>> No.15136127

Mlcaaahledaiez, who was created by the Grand Cooper. The Grand Cooper orchestrated these events to lead to his own birth, before traveling back in time.

>> No.15136131

No all I see is you coping and seething utilizing a 70 verbal IQ because you can't answer simple questions and don't understand basic math terms, you can only project your own psychological state every time someone proves you wrong.

>> No.15136134

a soul just like you.

>> No.15136138

it was either one soul or one alien or a collective together that created it, when you and finish you're reincarnation cycle you'll learn to do the same thing.

>> No.15136139
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Le sad demiurge fug DDDDD:

>> No.15136140

you did, you, me, everyone an everything that ever existed created it.

>> No.15136142

You have never once banged let alone bigly.

>> No.15136270

we got a live one over here boys

>> No.15136343

I did

>> No.15136777

I don't think you realize we're talking about the same things
semantics aside, it appears we're still contentious though
because I happen to be certain that something which is nothing is still nothing
paradoxes are not thing, they should be reduced to points and points have no breadth or length.
in fact that's the entire power of lain theory.
I dunno, what would you call a paradox?
Notice the number zero. Suppose zero. The implication of zero is a unit and therefore one. 0 => 1. And we can see the principle of induction and therefore we have N.
Of course you could show this is with sets, but personally I think set theory is fucking stupid.

>> No.15136785

Yes, the brain is very interesting
nothing like it in nature
It can inherit from the principles of reality. Or is it just a confided decision? frankly it wouldn't matter since the extent of that delusion would be at our noses.
The mind truly is more than material.
So regardless, the question of numbers still has merit even if we are convinced that we are dreaming apes.

>> No.15136790

define define

>> No.15136815

God obviously

It's even described in the first phrases of the bible. Imagine it like how a timelapse of the big bang would look like, but in words.

>> No.15136836

this guy

>> No.15136878

>The implication of zero is a unit and therefore one. 0 => 1.
ipsofacto 0! = 1

>I dunno, what would you call a paradox?
A logical self contradiction, something that is its own opposite such as something that is both true and false at the same time or something whose mere existence infers that it doesn't exist.

>> No.15137263

Nice schizotheory, on par with string theory

>> No.15137286
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>> No.15137292

oh ya true I say him do it, nigga has some cool tricks.

do it again!

>> No.15137304


>> No.15137311

>>15137304 笑顔

>> No.15137348

Nothing created it. Energy & matter has always existed. The universe is cyclic.

>> No.15137495

But what initiated the cycle

>> No.15137777

Then who created nothing?

>> No.15137821

Nothing doesn't exist

>> No.15137850

How can something that didn't exist create everything that does?

>> No.15137862

It didn't. Existence is and nothing is not.

>> No.15137864
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Spinoza's God

>> No.15138625

So then you are just back to the original question of who created existence if nothing is not a valid answer and this anon >>15137348 was wrong about nothing creating it.

>> No.15138630

So you think matter is conserved?

>> No.15139410

Unbound telesis. Read CTMU if you have the IQ.

>> No.15140468

Stuck in infinite loop. Everything that is, always was and ever will be.

>> No.15140735

Oh yea, that is why Jesus was always ranting about the iPhone in the bible.

>> No.15141320


>> No.15141394

Who created No-thing?

>> No.15141407

We have no idea what happened before the big bang, the whole point is that is the furthest back that we can infer based on the observed evidence, although it's not a sure thing exactly how it went down.

>> No.15141417

The big fart didn't happen. The universe was created in reverse with Earth as the center of all projection. If the projection were true, the big fart occured, but it's false. Instead a magnetic o sphere or magnosphere simulates outer space which seemingly comes from a major external event.

Suck my dingaling you fagpot unanimizer.

>> No.15141431

Reality is paradoxical, the past is created in the future. Existence arises from itself.

>> No.15141434

I know we often say that 'why' questions are stupid but 'who' questions are really retarded. We're not on a religion and spirituality board, there's no 'who'

You'd have better chances on /x/ if you want a non-scientific answer.

>> No.15141444

The Tao is eternal

>> No.15141450

Trips of truth

>> No.15141485

Who created its impulse to bang bigly, why is it so dependent on suffering creating suffering, why can't it just rest in eternal peace instead of eternal pain?

>> No.15141495
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A frog in a well cannot conceive of the ocean.

>> No.15141521

It can if it is has already experienced the ocean.

>> No.15141532

Has a frog ever experienced the ocean without dying in the process?

>> No.15141546

Are you from some poor uneducated flyover state so you don't know the coastal cities still have frogs and thinks total submersion is the only form of experience?

>> No.15142490
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shit happens bro

>> No.15142652

>there was nothing
>then there was something
>the Bible le proved the big bang

>> No.15142663

Nothing is something, they happen at the same time, not one after the other, must be why its all so explosive.

>> No.15142669 [DELETED] 
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Why won’t aliens talk to us?

>> No.15142681

Why won't you take the substances that have been reported to allow aliens to talk to you?
You can't even understand the average terrestrial alien foreigner, I don't know how you expect to understand an extraterrestrial alien.

>> No.15142693

They do, but you aren't listening.

>> No.15142713

I contacted a powerful being while tripping on Salvia divinorum (chewed). I don't think they want to talk to us or want us accessing their planes of existence like that, man.

>> No.15142716

BBC cuck porn

>> No.15143051

It just spontaneously came into existence. Just like God did. I bet they're related!

>> No.15143052

>Who created the big bang?

>> No.15143315

the big bang didn't happen, sudden appearance of all matter has been misinterpreted as a explosion

>> No.15143323

God duh

>> No.15143328

Powerful hallucinogens can partially decouple your higher-order mind from your brain, exposing you directly to the metacomputer instead of the sensory stream you're supposed to be getting from this universe. The beings you meet are exasperated machine elves who have the unfortunate job of babysitting your dumb ass so you don't get fully decoupled or flip any levers you're not supposed to.

>> No.15144098

Things don't just suddenly appear, but past events do become impossible to measure as time goes on, take your meds.

>> No.15145065

Everything just is till it isn't and vice versa. Consciousness is merely a realization of this.(idk kek)

>> No.15145693
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