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15123783 No.15123783 [Reply] [Original]

childhood is wanting to colonize the whole galaxy
growing up is realizing we'll probably just end up uploading our minds to a digital paradise and never leave the solar system

>> No.15123805

You gave up, you mean

>> No.15123808

Why the spam?

>> No.15123824

Unless we expand our lifespan or become immortal robots. I don't see humanity as in our current state now being able to travel to the furthest planet with life that doesn't look like shit(mars) and survive. What will we do when we run out of complete resources on earth?

>> No.15123849

We create all the materials needed in labs. 3D printing is an early form of matter replicators like in le Star Trek. There will be no space colonization since humans stop breeding in a highly developed society (most likely the only sex they will have is with cartoon characters in virtual reality).

The great filter theory isn’t just destruction or despair, sometimes it happens willingly due to living in a state of euphoric bliss.

>> No.15123858

If all human needs are met then it's even more likely people would turn their eyes to pursuits like research, art, space travel, etc. I don't think you can take that curiosity out of people.

>> No.15123868

>growing up is realizing we'll probably just end up uploading our minds to a digital paradise and never leave the solar system
I'm sorry you grew up to be a golem, but I do hope your masters upload you to the cloud while you're chugging down the reality emancipation koolaid.

>> No.15123870

it's okay Anon
we can fight over the design of digital paradise
I say it has to be A
You say it has to B
We fight
Then we switch

>> No.15123882

Growing up is realizing that your sci-fi fantasies are just a substitute for the promise of eternal life in heaven, your technocratic pop-science figures are just the new priest class, and the intention is to keep you compliant and supportive of a dystopian system of oppression worse than anything ever envisioned.

>> No.15123884


>> No.15123887

It's like you went out of your way to demonstrate the depths of your delusion in the shortest way possible. Imagine inverting reality like that.

>> No.15123890
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This is also a thing in worried about. It's looking like we won't even colonize Mars at this point.

>> No.15123924

You can't take it out of people, but you can abuse those desires with superstimuli that give stronger results with a fraction of the effort. Just look at any vidya community, a decent chunk of high-level players for any game are genuinely intelligent people who happened to get addicted to digital nonsense.

>> No.15123925
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>childhood is wanting to rule the galaxy
>adulthood is ruling the universe
>godhood is creating a new universe

>> No.15123927


>> No.15124615

why do we need to colonize it? its ugly and retarded with barely any life besides some shit ass water, why do people love mars so much? i'm gonna be a fucking Martian hater when i grow up, i'm gonna be racist to people who were born on mars even if their white.

>> No.15124633

if we don't leave the solar system we will go extinct eventually
we can't even stop a volcano, let alone the sun

>> No.15124653

by that time, it will be a billion generation later that will deal with that problem. our solar system will be fine for millions of years and we will have so much time to become an machine like species taking over the universe.

>> No.15124664

lets say there is a digital paradise, and the world is split between pro-digital paradise people and anti-digital paradise people. all the pro-digital paradise people enter the digital paradise.
what's stopping the anti-digital paradise people from destroying the pro-digital paradise people and their machines?

>> No.15124673

I don't get why going interstellar is the thing everybody thinks of when it comes to space exploration. The reality is we're probably gonna spend the next 1000 years or so just dicking around in our own back yard of a solar system.

>> No.15124690 [DELETED] 

>i want to colonize the galaxy
>no, i don't even own my own home yet
>but i am 100% certain that i deserve to have my own planet
why are people who don't even bother with getting their own property here on earth so dead set on getting to an off earth location?

>> No.15124693

We won't have 1000 years if the people in the top would actually give a shit about the planet. The planet is slowing going to shit over time and the earth is gonna feel hotter and colder than usual.

>> No.15124789
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>> No.15124797

>"Ohmugherd! We all gonna perish if we don't pay more taxes!"

>> No.15124812
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>if the people in the top would actually give a shit about the planet.
Ummmm they are the ones trying to depopulate the planet to "save it". Are you happy now?

>> No.15124816

>what's stopping the anti-digital paradise people from destroying the pro-digital paradise people and their machines?
Why bother? Just leave them in there desu

>> No.15124892


>> No.15124899

I want some Plato lovers to found their own planet and try to make a Republic as Socrates envisioned. Would be an incredible experiment, to be sure.

>> No.15125009
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I wanted a hot lady to rape me as a child.

>> No.15125181

>turn to pursuits
most people wont. theyd be happy to watch TV/twitch/whatever all day mindlessly.

>> No.15125185

childhood is wanting to colonize mars
growing up is shoving a chocolate bar up your ass

>> No.15125436
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maturity is realizing the automated systems we make to run our simulation, running on free energy and direct matter synthesis, will suffer a catastrophic computer virus and kill everyone connected to the network leaving only a self-replicating hellscape spreading across all dimensions

>> No.15125466

Deadly planets suck but Space habitats are based. It's a Cheat code to becoming type 1

>> No.15125852

if you have the resources of a k2 civilisation you only need like 0.01% of people to do it and they might individually have the resources of our entire civilisation

>> No.15125862

what Hitler did was level 1.
going to other planet is another level

>> No.15125905

You both make true statements which however are not pertinent for the argument he's making. Do you not immediately see the logical weakness? It's irrelevant if large sections of the populace are automatically disqualified -- large parts are also disqualified by being born with an intense desire to live in an urban environment like London, Tokyo etc. on planet Earth.
What matters is that a section, that always will push for colonization, will necessarily persist in an very advanced future. These segments can never be satisfied with the opium of VR space experience. Read Nozick: genuineness matters.

>> No.15126036

statistically speaking, out of 10+ billions of people that will be alive at this stage, at least one will try to reach for the stars.
One individual with a strong will is all that's needed.

>> No.15126042

Space doesnt exist. Good luck getting through the firmament

>> No.15126048


>statistically speaking

p < 0.05?

>> No.15126056

>is realizing we'll probably just end up uploading our minds to a digital paradise and never leave the solar system
but still wanting to colonize the whole galaxy desu.

>> No.15126122

im going to vibrate through it

>> No.15126257

there will always be a part that will refuse the technological opium and want to explore reality instead of slumbering in the matrix
might take a hundred, a thousand or a million years but eventually they will succeed.

>> No.15126277

As soon as we upload our minds and try to escape reality, there will be a solar flare or other natural disaster that will remove such a fake existence.
Nature has a way.

>> No.15126278

>le faustian spiritino! le jesus!

>> No.15126288


>> No.15126327

>we'll probably just end up uploading our minds
no, this is just being a dumb teenager who maybe smoked too much weed or dropped too much acid one time but is otherwise completely ignorant of how their consciousness actually emerges from the mechanisms of their body and therefor cannot be 'transferred' in any way in which the ego comes along for the ride

>> No.15126367

You wouldn't get it.

>> No.15126422

>its heckin over, we will be trapped in these flesh bodies for all eternity stuck on earth forever!!!

nah we will be in the matrix soon and ima fuck digital bitches and go on a rape online coom spree

>> No.15126425

>muhhh resources
>muh humanity achievement

get over yourselfs, you faggots will never colonize mars to last a single day anyways.

>> No.15126429

>muhhh pee pee
>muhhhhh poo poo
>muuhhhhhhhh mars bad

>> No.15126458

how will you feel when a lot of people will die attempting to get there? i'm gonna laugh and eat some nuggies when you retards fail to get over that ugly planet. I'm way more interested in that trapest planet, seems way better than gay mars

>> No.15126471
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>dying bad!!!!!
You will die.

>> No.15126487

We won't have another 100 years at the rate we're going.

>> No.15126498

>nigger holding back the White Man from advancing to a higher order civilization
like pottery

>> No.15126557

if you like death so much you die first faggot, i'ma try to live forever and spread my superior genes to get rid of white people

>> No.15126559

You will die soon, lol

>> No.15126561

not me, i'm the chosen one fag. i'll be the first man to ever become immortal

>> No.15126879

you realize that you're the only person on the planet that talks like that. not even fags on reddit talk like that. just you. you're the cringe

>> No.15126890

true but not because it is impossible but because of wokeism

>> No.15127457

Upload civilization is 10x harder than colonizing the solar system.

>> No.15127557

I will not eat the bugs, but I might ear the Klaus
I want to say sauteed with peppers and served in a tortilla but remembering that he's german perhaps slow roasted and served with cabbage and potato dumplings would be more appropriate?

>> No.15127562
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>> No.15127584

I will quantum tunnel my way through

>> No.15127634

This is comedy gold
A new race: True martians, better known as spacefags are born and raised on mars, true martians are descendants of the most soilent popsci space tards who were hated by many on earth, and decided to go to space because “it’s leheckincoolyo”. Despite optimism in the early habitation of mars and hopes of scientific advancement, it was discovered that there really wasn’t all that much to do there except mine for resources to build more habitation, turning mars into more of a storage planet.

>> No.15127644

Space Idiocracy

>> No.15127664 [DELETED] 

Before you can become Space Hokage you must know pain white man.

>> No.15127667
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Before you can become Space Hokage you must know pain white man

>> No.15127862
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>> No.15127992

do you have the one where its a niggress and a kid in a chair with a similar message?