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File: 59 KB, 560x560, vax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15113841 No.15113841 [Reply] [Original]

>it's 2023, and soientists still can't tell us why the vaxes cause myocarditis in "rare" cases
I'm glad I had my doubts about how much they knew about the human body.

>> No.15113871
File: 156 KB, 410x410, E10942A3-B720-43ED-A9BB-57EDEA16C00C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL I take rare medicine that puts me in risk of myocarditis (and a shit ton of other things). I had issues with school not letting me work remotely and had to try concinving them that this is the reason I didnt take the jab. The head staff were nice people but they went REALLY fucking mad when I told I had not taken any of the jabs (I think there were 3 available already at that time). They even called a school nurse or something to try to confirm it and said that it was bullshit.

Fun fact: would not have taken it anyways. We are the true survivors of C19 for not being sheeps.

>> No.15113882

>Telling them why
Never give the real reason. Always go for religious exemption. Its much stronger legal grounds.

I work for a military contractor so we fell under Biden's order to take the jab. I refused. After haggling with work, they offered me a $5k/yearly raise to take it. I said I would and then never did. They started hassling about it again; I told them I had a religious exemption. Filled out a form, was exempt, and kept my $5k raise.

>> No.15113894

If they have to pay you $5000 to make you take it, it cannot possibly be something they're doing for your health.

>> No.15113927
File: 19 KB, 306x306, 1654606514854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another nocebo shilled thread
viruses don't exist

>> No.15113936

This thread is about an injected gene therapy, not a virus.

>> No.15114000

Successfully trolled the system I see :D is it still enforced even though no one believes in the jab anymore? Bet they cant take the raise back.

Religious reasons would not have worked because they literally had grounds to kick me out of the school and they knew me well since it is a small school. I was a problem student in their eyes for not being present there during the worst waves of C19. Note that this was not an university but a school before it, so they had a lot of power in decisions. I got exceptional grades even though they tried to warn me that I was never going to learn anything this way.

Always tell the most convenient answer in the situation. Had to give bullshit answer for healthcare workers at the local hospital because I see them monthly and just bcs they are nice. "Yeah I want to get the jab but I will have to ask the doctor about it". I bet they see if someone is not jabbed but they havent brought it up anymore, and they check these at every stay :-D

Hopefully people will now be more willing to accept the fact that not everyone wants to get C19 vaxx and just let us be.

>> No.15114175

i heard its when the shit gets in the bloodstream and goes to the heart and the payload gets delivered there and inflames shit

>> No.15115967
File: 141 KB, 800x1136, why_are_you_looking_at_me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Must not even be. Could as well be an autoimmune reaction triggered under certain conditions by the combination of the spike antigen, adjuvant (meaning the LNP particles and mRNA itself) as well as perhaps dead cells from the site of delivery (intramuscular, with the heart still being muscle tissue too).

>> No.15116485

pure schizophasia

>> No.15116798

>and soientists still can't tell us why the vaxes cause myocarditis in "rare" cases
Myocarditis is even more common from the virus itself, this has been proven, look the papers yourself

>> No.15116805

Disproven actually. The largest ever study on the topic showed covid doesn't cause myocarditis to increase in the population.

>> No.15116810

we might expect a virus to cause myocarditis. why should we expect a well-developed vaccine to cause myocarditis? saying "but the virus is worse" is passing the buck.

>> No.15116834

That's incorrect sweaty.

>> No.15117566
File: 125 KB, 1060x593, doctors forced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>it's 2023, and soientists still can't tell us why the vaxes cause myocarditis in "rare" cases
Oh they can say why, some have. But they are silenced by the media, governments, and big pharma corporations, and medical industry in general, since it would hurt their profits and hurt left-wing government control over the populaces.

One of the inventors of the mRNA vaccines warned the public of their dangers and how they were not ready yet. He was blacklisted and "canceled" by leftist governments and corporations.

>> No.15117576

the heart filters most scientists and doctors

>> No.15118255
File: 1.85 MB, 1288x5112, meme_RNA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's because they are all distracted by memeRNA.

If you look carefully at the vaccine ingredients, and beyond the memeRNA there are several other known to be "Clot" inducing and "cardiac arrest and inflamation causing" agents in it.

Like synthetic cholesterol.
The same as in LCD TVs.
It's shards of structural lipis.
similar to the hardness of acrylic Glass.
It's shrapnel.
> picrel

Novavax, moderna and Pfizer contain these.

> and all three of these have sudden cardiac problems as adverse events reported
> and put as blackbox warning or EMA-Safety warning.

But brainlets and mitwits literally get distracted by "Magic meme RNA".
And WILD speculations about:
> nanochips (even these things are visible with the naked Eye)
> if you can see it with the naked eye or light microscope its µm range not nm range
> which is odd for a so called "sterile" Dispersion
See regulations for this:
And EU regulation on that:
"The preparation complies with the test if the average number
of particles present in the units tested does not exceed 25 per
millilitre equal to or greater than 10 µm and does not exceed
3 per millilitre equal to or greater than 25 µm."

MIDWITS and Sceptards are unable to read the ingredients.
BUT THEY BELIEVE ridiculous extreme claims of:
> meme Magic Super Scientist Gods
> who possess the power to turn you into remote controlled zombies
>because of Bitchute videos and TED talks.

If you focus on memeRNA and memeAdenoVector and "halp my not my DNAnerino", you will be distracted from the excipients.
And also from the fact, that they then just could say: "Ok then take Novavax, SanofiCovidVax or ValnevaVax" (all adujivanted crap)

>> No.15119985
File: 39 KB, 800x501, 6g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you look carefully at the vaccine ingredients, and beyond the memeRNA there are several other known to be "Clot" inducing and "cardiac arrest and inflamation causing" agents in it.
Don't forget the most important ingredient, the one they want everyone to have in their body/brain.

>> No.15120006

sars cov 2 spike protein is a foreign protein attacked by your immune system
the vaccine makes your own cells express spike protein
biodistribution studies show lipid nano particles go everywhere via the blood
the heart has a lot of exposure to blood, when lnp containing spike protein enters your heart cells your heart cells express spike protein
your immune system then attacks the heart cells expressing spike protein damaging the heart

>> No.15120009
File: 44 KB, 630x450, Biden Vaxxing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your immune system then attacks the heart cells expressing spike protein damaging the heart
"that means it is working!"

>> No.15120032
File: 284 KB, 2850x1458, tb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15120035

That only applies to terminally ill patients seeking experimental treatments voluntarily.

>> No.15120043
File: 1.23 MB, 2002x1556, tb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you going to argue trump is against the vaccine?
are there actually people that still buy into the political dichotomy at this point

>> No.15120046

Oh no Trump is a cuck. I just think you're too stupid to be making accusations. You should have posted Warp Speed or something he actually did that was vax related.

>> No.15120047

are you blind >>15120032

>> No.15120049
File: 60 KB, 500x500, xh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No vaccines were administered to the public under Trump.
But still a funny meme you bring up.

>> No.15120051

Where are all the smug faggots defending the clot shot? They've been here for years and now they're harder to find kek

>> No.15120053

That's the Federal Right to Try bill wiki page. It has nothing to do with the vax.

>> No.15120055

They shook their duvets too hard.

>> No.15120057

trump and biden work for the same people
maybe look at the bottom half of the image you brainlet

>> No.15120065
File: 204 KB, 1079x842, big club.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trump and biden work for the same people
Trump didn't. That's why they pushed him out with election fraud, since he turned on the "club" around 2015 and exposed more of their scams.
That's why they still fear Trump and Democrats are trying to groom DeSantis to take his place.

>> No.15120074

>no vaccines were administered by trump
>trump wouldn't have distributed the genetic therapies he developed if he'd been re elected
it's all hegelian dialectic theatre. You are a productivity commodity that is managed by these narratives

>> No.15120224
File: 998 KB, 1356x2902, 1672735279460935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not listed on the ingredients list.
Feels like a psyop.
Sounds like a psyop.
And the Vaccine contains stuff that is literally on their own toxic.

Why speculate on memes, if the disclosed contents are problematic?

>> No.15120228

there is zero evidence that the vaccines cause negative side effects. take your meds.

>> No.15120499

>there is zero evidence that the vaccines cause negative side effects

Manufacturer product insert and Approving agencies say otherwise.
Should they also take meds?

>> No.15120513
File: 555 KB, 2753x2718, 325234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trump didn't
Then why was his cabinet full of Wall Street kikes just like every other presidential shabbos goy? I'll let you in on a secret: they allowed a moron and then a literal dementia sufferer into office, for the same reason they are allow pozzed woketards take over universities and make them into a joke, for the same reason they allow every traditional institution to degenerate into a clown show: traditional institutions are undergoing a controlled demolition, if you will, to be discredited and replaced by a new centralized technocratic system.

>> No.15120635

>look the papers yourself
The /pol/tards who are astroturfing antivaxx shit on here don't read the papers and they also think all the papers that contradict their narrative are fake. If you spent 5-10 posts arguing with these retards they will admit they believe in a mass conspiracy that involves millions of doctors, scientists, public health officials, working in unison across the planet.

>> No.15120637

What medication has no adverse side effects? Every single medication or vaccine ever invented has side effects. The question is always the risk-reward ratio.

>> No.15120752

>will admit they believe in a mass conspiracy that involves millions of doctors, scientists, public health officials, working in unison across the planet.

This is not even required.
Doctors and nurses blindly follow protocols.
They are extreme admirers of hierarchies and fear them.
They don't actually have a own opinion, they just have fear of not following the protocol.
Because then they:
> lose their job
> have liability
> lose their prestige

The scientific setting is very nudgy, especially the medical setting.
it has a quasi militaristic structure.
In fact the current medical setting originates from the Military defense opperatus.
You don't even need to involve them int the why.
They just have to know WHAT to do.
They just have to know to follow the god damn protocol.
If the protocol is authorized by the leading faculty or agency or board of directors, they will never question it and not even bother to look into that.
For a nurse a doctor is a vice god.
And for a doctor a hospital director is a vice god.

Nurses for example.
They are not even allowed to give a patient with headache Ibu or paracetamol if a doctor does not say it explicitly.
They are barely allowed to resuscitate a patient.
But thats it.
Any deviation of any protocol will be punished by the Advisory board of directors of the hospital or any other top level body of oversight.

> Nurses follow protocols of the doctors
> Doctors follow protocols of the Medical Association of their county or hospital group
> Medical Associations follow the protocols of the federal agencies for health
> Federal agencies for health follow the protocols of the WHO and their Funding members (Mostly Pharma corperations)

There is a chain of command.
Not everyone needs to be involved and requires the knowledge of the "inner circle".
It is just required to have obedient servants who will follow the protocols like a soldier follows their orders, despite what they think or feel.

>> No.15120758

Yeah the lack of understanding is pretty strange at this point. I think there are some studies underway though.

>> No.15122194
File: 22 KB, 720x263, governmentts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then why was his cabinet full of Wall Street kikes just like every other presidential shabbos goy?
Because while Trump was honest, he is still a dumb New Yawker with too much hubris. That was his failing.

Trump should have lined up over 2 million bureacrats against the Vietnam Wall on day 1 of his Presidency.

>> No.15122205
File: 41 KB, 768x384, WEF Key People.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they believe in a mass conspiracy that involves millions of doctors, scientists, public health officials, working in unison across the planet.
While it "involves" them, they are not in charge. Only a few people control hundreds of millions.

Also, you seem confused as to what a "conspiracy" really is, since you are programmed and cannot think rationally it seems.

A "conspiracy" is a plot where two or more people are involved. That's all, TWO OR MORE PEOPLE INVOLVED = conspiracy.

>This is not even required.
>Doctors and nurses blindly follow protocols.
>They are extreme admirers of hierarchies and fear them.
All problems go back to just a few people in charge of a few governments.

>> No.15122490
File: 75 KB, 960x918, Microchips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15122493 [DELETED] 

based schizos

>> No.15124050

no you

>> No.15124100

They were right all along.

>> No.15124315

germ theory is stupid hoax

>> No.15124734

The people who are right and just, are always silenced or ridiculed by the mainstream media. Democrats are pure evil it seems. Thank goodness they are also really weak people.

>> No.15124739

>Chicken pox, genital herpes
Anyone who falses for this obvious psyop is a retard.

>> No.15124768

fine, but why does the vaccine cause myocarditis in some cases? strikes me as odd that they'd be pushing the envelope on mrna technology without being able to answer fundamental questions like that.

>> No.15124788

You need to look at the big picture! Mass control via fear and compliance. A few million lost to heart issues is just a few broken eggs. Must get humanity under control. Too much freedom is dangerous to the ruling elite.

>> No.15124917

They don't care what you or I think. I've wrestled with the basic irrationalities of the last few years trying to understand the 'why' behind a dozen different insane decisions from all of the powerful entities that make up our system. The only explanation is that it is a small club and we ain't in it, and their reasons for doing the things they do are beyond us because of that. It's easy to fall into the mindset that these people are simply stupid and don't see the obvious changes they could make to policy to increase trust and health both. It's the wrong mindset though. They aren't stupid.

>> No.15125440
File: 283 KB, 1080x1260, Scamdemic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's easy to fall into the mindset that these people are simply stupid and don't see the obvious changes they could make to policy to increase trust and health both. It's the wrong mindset though. They aren't stupid.
Cannot be emphasized enough.

It was all planned. Notice the date in picrel.

>> No.15126235

yep, spread was never proven

>> No.15126238
File: 129 KB, 593x900, 96f3ced4196716f14a120b1ebf27f1fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Chicken Pox is not "known to spread" it is just a belief which has been programmed into the masses, not a proof, not a fact. In reality, it is more common for children exposed to other children with Chicken Pox to NOT get chicken pox, but because we have been taught to believe in germ theory we have a confirmation bias skewed towards confirming the idea that things can spread. Therefore when we see a room of 20 children and 2 get sick we confirm the idea that those 2 spread the sick to each other, while ignoring the 18 children who did not get sick. We dismiss all other rational explanations, like the children have similar diets, the children were exposed to a cleaning chemical in the room which their bodies need to expel, etc. The spread has never been proven, it is just a belief that has been spread and then falsely confirmed by our brains tendency to filter information in favor of information it has been previously supplied.
- Lauren Whiteman

>> No.15126244

weird I got it from having my parents take me to a chickenpox party then I spent the next few days miserable

>> No.15126252

> I got
again, "personal story" shillshit from anonymous faggot

>> No.15126501

I had the pox.
10 or children over they get it too.
And 2 of my cousins.
None got them.
We even had to play really touchy games.
And drick from the same cup and al this retarded stuff.

None got sick.
And none had it before.
This story got brought up every fucking family dinner.

Also I had 3 room mates.
Who got sick at least 2-4 times a year.
And I got never sick.

And I wondered why...
Now I am pretty much sure, it was because they got hardcore drunk almost every weekend and me not.

>> No.15126511

Wow, yet another enlightening thread about vaccines.

>> No.15126521

it is not "rare" it is actually rare.

>> No.15126522

>true survivors of C19 for not being sheeps.
true brainwashed wannabe alt-right retards

>> No.15126740

As far as I understand (not a virologist), this might be correct.

>> No.15126825

>everything I don't like is my political boogeyman that doesn't even exist beyond a buzzword the news uses

>> No.15126949

>mRNA itself
Do you mean naked mRNA after it has been released from the LNP and somehow escaped the cell and ended up in the bloodstream? How could this happen?

>> No.15126961

>In reality, it is more common for children exposed to other children with Chicken Pox to NOT get chicken pox
The fuck? I come from a generation when parents still sent their kids to chicken pox parties, and we sure as hell got chicken pox.

>> No.15126966

>again, "personal story" shillshit from anonymous faggot
And you gave an anecdote. Do you have an actual study showing exposure to chicken pox doesn't often lead to chicken pox?

>> No.15127681
File: 29 KB, 400x400, badge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are the true survivors of C19 for not being sheeps.

>> No.15127706

The cases are rare though. Meanwhile, Covid itself causes myocarditis.

>> No.15127717

>Covid itself causes myocarditis.
Not a single documented case yet.

Meanwhile the "vaccines" cause it in nearly 20% of people now. MASSIVE COMORBIDITY.

>> No.15127854

because spike protein itself is a primary toxin of sars-cov-2. and the vaxes not only flood you with spike protein, but also have adjuvants that trigger your body into heightened immune/inflammatory response to the spike and your cells that are hijacked into manufacturing spike, and the mrna nanoparticles dont actually biodegrade very readily and AFAIK studies trying to measure residual spike and mrna in your body post-vax still detect it into the studies' maximum observation period.

>> No.15127869 [DELETED] 


>> No.15127915

Weird how you didn't call out the schizo who says viruses don't exist.

>> No.15127980 [DELETED] 

link me to his posts and I'll tell him to take meds

>> No.15128194

what a load of shillshit lol

>> No.15129711

Are you controlled opposition? Your goal is to act retarded as possible to make people against the vaccine look like complete morons? Fuck off, you're giving the rest of us a bad name.

>> No.15129749

It hasn't even been confirmed the myocarditis is caused by the vaccine, for starters.

>> No.15129780

> shill goes ad hominem
shill, germ theory is a hoax

>> No.15129783

Well, do you believe in sars-cov-2? Do you believe in viruses in general?

>> No.15129805

>virus emerges in late 2019
>becomes an 'oh shit oh fuck' problem for the US in March 2020
>vaccines are ready in November 2020
>at most 12 months of production
>completely novel form of vaccination
>physically impossible for there to be data on outcomes after six or so months
>decide to wait for longer term data
>get called a science denier for wanting to base a health decision on data
Still can't believe how people behaved.

>> No.15129813

Even if that were true, it doesn't address the criticism. If the line from the establishment had been "the vaccine has risks but the best data we have suggests the virus is worse" we'd be having a completely different conversation.

>> No.15129815

> virus
no such thing
> word spam
cheap shilling

>> No.15129822

how long do the longest term side effects of a vaccine (any vaccine) take to appear? i cant find anything on this because all of the searches are infected with covid apparently

>> No.15129824

>>virus emerges in late 2019
You have accepted this information from your government for a fact without any sort of verification. You are just as bad as the vaxxies.

>> No.15129836

True, the hard evidence suggests it had been circulating since 2018 at the latest. Nobody would have called it a pandemic if it hadn't been reported on.

>> No.15129841

That was my problem with the vaccine. Previous vaccines are made, tested, and certified over much longer timespans, and there were still a few cases of adverse reactions not being discovered until rollout. The covid jab underwent that process in a dramatically shorter timeframe, was a completely novel method of inoculation, and didn't even get FDA approval, just an emergency authorization (which for Trumptards means he leaned on the FDA to greenlight something before it was ready). Under those circumstances it was impossible to know what kind of risks would be associated with it and is why I waited. And of course the establishment decided to go with their "safe and effective" hysterics which told me they didn't care about the science, so when it came out in 2021 that the jab definitively was cause adverse heart outcomes in my demographic, I was completely done and determined to avoid their bullshit unless there was widely replicated concrete data to support it.

>> No.15129846

im asking whether vaccines even cause side effects as far as six months afterwards and if there are any studies or stats about that

>> No.15129848

I was being charitable. My point was that even if you accept everything presented by the government at face value, there was no way to know in winter 2020/1 what kind of impact the vaccine had on people long term, because the data could not possibly exist. The origins don't matter; the point is that even trusting everything said by the government (even when masking had already ousted them as liars), vaccine hesitancy was a rational position for someone in a low risk group for covid.

>> No.15129860

>the hard evidence
what hard evidence?

>> No.15129875
File: 223 KB, 1244x748, Get it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like they're giving up on the unjabbed and are instead going to focus on those who have already demonstrated that they can be pressured into getting injections.

>> No.15129879

Serological tests from hospital labs showing an unknown respiratory virus in patients.

>> No.15129885

You're still looking at it from a shill's perspective. All you need to know is that viruses are a lie. That instantly makes all vaccines a no no.

>> No.15129888

thats hardly "hard evidence" of anything, how many new diseases are found a year?

>> No.15129889

link the source and let's check whether there was a ""virus""

>> No.15129912

do you believe in bacterial infections?

>> No.15129924
File: 852 KB, 2560x1920, funeral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how many 4channers died because of Covid. May they rest in peace.

>> No.15129926

I believe in correlation of some diseases with bacterias. I wouldn't be so sure about causality though.

>> No.15129930

what made you disbelieve in viruses? or have you never done believed they exist?

>> No.15129945

by acknowledging that the sole reason for my belief is that the doctor and the teacher say so. I have checked for myself that there are no solid proofs for the theory, the whole logic is circular and no experiment which would verify it has ever been done. on the other hand, there are plenty of facts which suggest that the theory simply doesn't adhere to reality. e.g. all these failed experiments which tried to prove that flu was contagious:

>> No.15129973

yeah, imagine you put a plant under a shadow, hindering sunlight. plant rots, it must be because of bacteria!

>> No.15129976

literally how TM"V" was discovered

>> No.15129980

well at least you seem friendlier then the rest of the scitzos, thanks for answering my questions and have a nice day

>> No.15129984

not so fast. now it's your time to give reasons why you believe in this ridiculous theory.

>> No.15129993

a good start, im not an epidemioligist or anything so i unironically trust the experts

>> No.15130017

All right, check the history of the first virus discovered

>> No.15130177

Considering I've observed them under an electron microscope, yes.

>> No.15130182

Again, why are you trying to make anyone with a rational argument against vaccination look like a complete ass with your antics? I genuinely believe you're here as pro-vax and want to make the opposition look like schizo morons.

>> No.15130187

>im asking whether vaccines even cause side effects as far as six months afterwards and if there are any studies or stats about that
Look up Gulf War Syndrome and the anthrax vaccine.

>> No.15130270

shill, how do you know it was "viruses", and not just any?

>> No.15130276

shill, germ theory is one huge schizo phasia, with pseudo arguments. spread was never proven, shills paid to constantly spam about it. pure hoax.

>> No.15130279

> Wikipedia
globohomo propaganda and bullshit, don't use it

>> No.15130282

it's not "discovery", it's hoax

>> No.15130321

>shill, how do you know it was "viruses", and not just any?
Because it wasn't "any" else.

>spread was never proven
Are you seriously not aware of challenge trials? They even had human challenge trials for SARS-CoV-2.

>> No.15130392
File: 51 KB, 828x705, 1631045121003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judging by the catalog not enough.

>> No.15130492

shill, "it" is a functionality, not a bubble in microscope. contamination with snot never achieved.

>> No.15130497

dogs and people don't own a country

>> No.15130517

>contamination with snot never achieved.
Controlled opposition, you're very wrong, or did the controlled experiments with rhinovirus not suit your fancy? What do you call this "thing" that jumps from one person to another and causes infection?

>> No.15130523

>how long do the longest term side effects of a vaccine (any vaccine) take to appear?
that's irrelevant, what matters is if anyone notices and does anything about it. even if the medical field does notice and study to confirm a side effect, pharma companies will suppress and deny. it took over 3 years of investigations and court battles for GSK to admit their shit swine flu shot was giving hundreds of kids narcolepsy, which usually happened a month or two after injection.

>> No.15130526

wow, the left cannot meme at all. They are devoid of a sense of humor, having been replaced with irony.

>> No.15130557

It's not even irony.

>> No.15130587

How did you know that you were looking at a pathogen?

>> No.15130590

Post papers that, according to you, prove that there is a "thing that jumps and causes infection". Post the experiments.

>> No.15130690

>If you don't take every single disease treatment available as soon as it's available, you're killing your neighbors
I've heard chemical castration is great for reducing the spread of AIDS, have you considered it?

>> No.15131144

>They even had human challenge trials for SARS-CoV-2.

>> No.15131428

They know nothing about the human body. Quote from Voltaire, which is still true today: “Doctors put drugs of which they know little into bodies of which they know less for diseases of which they know nothing at all.”

>> No.15131436

Trump is controlled opposition. At best he is opposition, but has his hands tied, and can't do much.

>> No.15131443

They get kickbacks for hitting a certain percentage of wagies jabbed, it was a lot of money, covid pandemic emergency funds were basically limitless, it's why all those people became billionaires during it

>> No.15131449

They fucked up the risk reward ratio too

>> No.15131460

Antibodies are not specific. Antigenic tests are only demonstrating that some antibodies are present in the body. Those antibodies can fix to many thing. Cellular debris, bacterias, fungus. It's not a proof of a so called "virus".
PCR tests, as well, detect some genetic material. But in no case are they proof of a "virus". Indeed, they detect genetic material, that's it. Which can come from human cellular debris, bacterias, fungus, parasites.

>> No.15131476


There's been studies like this since the 80's. Have sick volunteers touch things, then have healthy volunteers touch those things. Have sick volunteers and healthy volunteers interact, but tie hands down to rule out fomite spread. Healthy volunteers still become sick, yet mainstream media acted like aerosol spread was brand new with SARS-CoV-2.

They weren't endogenous cells, and they were capable of producing more of themselves within the cell lining.


Of course there's been plenty of animal challenge trials as well.

>> No.15131480

>Antigenic tests are only demonstrating that some antibodies are present in the body.
You don't seem to understand what an antigen test is. It's looking for specific proteins, not antibodies.

>> No.15131512

No control experiments. Worthless papers.

>> No.15131515

How is this not a control?

>Spraying of contaminated tiles with a commercially available phenol/alcohol disinfectant reduced (p = 0.003) the rate of recovery of virus from the tiles from 42% (20/47) to 8% (2/26). Similarly, the rate of detection of virus on fingers touching the tiles was reduced (p = 0.001) from 61% (28/46) with unsprayed tiles to 21% (11/53) with sprayed tiles

>> No.15131518

You don't know that the proteins belong to a "virus".

>> No.15131522

Call them a turd burgler instead of a virus, it doesn't change what's happening.

>> No.15131539

Proper control means that only the independent variable (here presence of the viral particles) is changed. Therefore they should do the whole experiment twice, where the second half of "donors" would be infected with the exact same substance as the first half, with the exception that it would contain non-pathogenic genetic material instead of the "virus". If transimission happens in the second half, your hypothesis is wrong.

>> No.15131542

What's happening is that you test for some specific protein from which you deduce presence of a certain entity. But you haven't demonstrated any connection between the protein and the entity.

>> No.15131551

They performed the experiment twice. Once with infected tiles, and once with tiles that had been sanitized by alcohol but retained the same genetic material (just denatured). The subjects didn't know which they were touching. The tiles that hadn't been sanitized resulted in higher rates of infection.

>> No.15131560

>But you haven't demonstrated any connection between the protein and the entity.
You're detecting proteins of the entity itself that are not present in the host.

>> No.15131590

You're misunderstanding. There was only one group of DONORS, i.e. people who got infected with the virus intranasally and then touched the tiles to spread the infection. There should have been a second group who would get "infected" with a medium without the virus (or even better with some harmless protein and genetic information), which would also attemp to spread the infection by touching tiles etc. If you haven't done this, you don't know whether the transimission occured as a result of the experiment. Don't ask me how would it happen, I'm not saying it would happen. I'm saying that the experiment is inconclusive in this regard.

>> No.15131595

How do you know there even is "an entity" and that the specific protein is its part? You have never isolated the entity and analyzed its proteins. So how do you know?

>> No.15131602

>There should have been a second group who would get "infected" with a medium without the virus
A medium without the virus? So they'd have no infection to spread unless you're talking about bacteria.

>(or even better with some harmless protein and genetic information)
How is that any different from a sanitized tile? The genetic material was the same, it was simply disorganized by the alcohol and became inert.

>> No.15131614

>You have never isolated the entity and analyzed its proteins.
I don't know what you consider isolation. Viruses have been pulled from cell cultures. But let me get this straight. You believe viruses itself are fake, but there's proteins that upon exposure cause people to become ill? Or you explain the spread of illness (like in the experiment I provided) how?

>> No.15131629

>So they'd have no infection to spread unless you're talking about bacteria.
So you say. But you haven't proved that the symptoms would spread only if you use a virus, and that they wouldn't spread if you don't use a virus. That's exactly what I want to be proved.
>How is that any different from a sanitized tile? The genetic material was the same, it was simply disorganized by the alcohol and became inert.
I don't know if it's the same. You're now making the claim that a sanitized tile is equivalent to a tile "infected" by a donor inoculated with harmless genetic material. You don't have a proof though. You're trying to shift the burden of proof on me.

>> No.15131638

>But you haven't proved that the symptoms would spread only if you use a virus, and that they wouldn't spread if you don't use a virus.
Is that not proven through the reduced infection risk with sanitizing?

>You're now making the claim that a sanitized tile is equivalent to a tile "infected" by a donor inoculated with harmless genetic material.
But you're literally talking about the same genetic material on the infected and the sanitized tiles...

>> No.15131669

>I don't know what you consider isolation.
Removal of all material of different type. An "isolated virus" is a single viral particle, or a homogenous substance consisting only of viral particles. What virology calls "isolation" is the literal opposite of isolation, it's mixing the sample with other genetic material.
>but there's proteins that upon exposure cause people to become ill? Or you explain the spread of illness (like in the experiment I provided) how?
Organism tries to get rid of alien material, that's what symptoms are. So yes, I'd say people might develop symptoms when injected with proteins. I'm not saying that proteins cause diseases instead of viruses though. All I'm saying is that a specific theory (that viruses cause diseases) is unverified and most likely wrong. I'm not trying to push an alternative theory. I don't "believe" in anything. I'm simply raising a criticism of a scientific theory, which is something scientists should be doing themselves, but apparently they aren't. Of course there are some theories of diseases and I'm familiar with them, but criticism of germ theory doesn't necessarily mean pushing an alternative.

>> No.15131708

Suppose you perform the same experiment, but instead of a virus you use RNA from baker's yeast. Would you say that the paper implies that the experiment would fail and no transimission would occur?

>> No.15132046

> virus
no such thing

>> No.15132154

wikipedia literally debunks the climate crisis theory. Wikipedia is based. You are a retarded virgin. Probably really ugly. I miss when anons just said they were gonna an hero, now you all done became fucking retards instead.

>> No.15132375

>Removal of all material of different type. An "isolated virus" is a single viral particle, or a homogenous substance consisting only of viral particles.
First, I don't know how that would even be possible given how tiny they are. Second, what they're calling a "virus" is clearly there and identifiable by electron microscope, so even if they removed it from the cell culture, you'd still refuse to call it a virus and say it's just some random thing.

>I'd say people might develop symptoms when injected with proteins.
Well we have a problem because there was no "injection". It was an exposure to proteins via fomites or aerosols. We know that proteins can be irritants, they're called allergens, but typically they just cause irritated eyes and sinuses (in severe cases there's anaphylactic shock). Those allergens don't produce a prolonged illness, and a culture days after the fact won't reveal those allergens shedding from our cells. So when we're talking about a virus, we're talking about a specific set of proteins that in tiny amounts can produce an illness that causes far larger amounts to be produced by our own cells over the course of days to more than a week.

>All I'm saying is that a specific theory (that viruses cause diseases) is unverified and most likely wrong.
So how do people swap spit on a regular basis (it's happening any time you converse with someone in-person), yet illness only develops when a sick person is introduced into the equation. What is your proposal?

>> No.15132383

shill, Wikipedia is shit of shit, just like government and your shilling agency

>> No.15132413
File: 496 KB, 1033x717, WHO Knew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true that being against the jab is worse than terrorism and nuclear war?

>> No.15132417

Well they can't profit off of terrorism and nuclear war. Maybe if they come up with a vaccine that fights terrorism...

>> No.15132428

depending against whom. as for yourself, no problem, but don't interfere with depopulation of other stupid biomass

>> No.15132433

Only developing when a sick person enters the equation is a contradiction. Who was the first sick person?

>> No.15132474

>Only developing when a sick person enters the equation is a contradiction. Who was the first sick person?
Are you around every person on the planet at once? Otherwise you're going to be exposed to different people at different times.

>> No.15132601

>First, I don't know how that would even be possible given how tiny they are.
Bacteriophages and so-called giant viruses can be isolated completely, then it's possible to do a biochemical analysis of proteins and do sequencing in a conclusive way. No virus has ever been isolated like that.
>Second, what they're calling a "virus" is clearly there and identifiable by electron microscope
What they do is that they draw an arrow next to a particle, that's the proof that it's a "virus".
>so even if they removed it from the cell culture, you'd still refuse to call it a virus and say it's just some random thing.
I don't care how you call it, I care about its origin and its properties. So unless someone demonstrates that its a pathogen, yes, I would say it's just some random thing.
>So how do people swap spit on a regular basis (it's happening any time you converse with someone in-person), yet illness only develops when a sick person is introduced into the equation. What is your proposal?
That's circular reasoning. If the illness is caused by some external factor (e.g. sudden change in weather), then more than one people would get sick but they probably wouldn't fall ill at the exact same time. Then you can always say that the first person "caught it somewhere" and infected the others. There's no way to distinguish whether the cause is a pathogen or some external factor such as weather. However, external factors are clearly there, they're observable. Invisible pathogens are not.

>> No.15132626

>First, I don't know how that would even be possible given how tiny they are.
Actually it is possible to isolate viral particles by density in a centrifuge. You have to put the sample at the top of a column of fluids segregated into zones by density and it will arrange itself out. It's one of the standard procedures for viral isolation since the 50s at least.

This is how you get those really good pictures of well-studied viruses like influenza and smallpox.

>> No.15132831

ITT: not a single soience study posted that explains how the vax can cause myocarditis.

Tell me why we should trust these soience jokers again.

>> No.15132840

government is faggot, scientists are only paid shills

>> No.15132948

Election tourist

>> No.15133014
File: 14 KB, 474x314, money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They get kickbacks for hitting a certain percentage of wagies jabbed, it was a lot of money, covid pandemic emergency funds were basically limitless, it's why all those people became billionaires during it
Also look at all the government money hospitals got for every "covid patient", and they got even more money if the "covid patient" were to die in the hospital.

>> No.15133024

Well yeah, they're all fake and gay but at least the jab can actually kill goylems.
Out of the three, the jab is the most effective, and opposing it is antisemitic to the extreme.

>> No.15133031

>What they do is that they draw an arrow next to a particle, that's the proof that it's a "virus".
What else would you like to call it? Where did it come from?

>I don't care how you call it, I care about its origin and its properties. So unless someone demonstrates that its a pathogen, yes, I would say it's just some random thing.
Random as in it isn't even from the cell lining, it was just shit floating in the air that doesn't resemble anything else that we know of, and magically multiplies during an infection?

>That's circular reasoning. If the illness is caused by some external factor (e.g. sudden change in weather), then more than one people would get sick but they probably wouldn't fall ill at the exact same time.
So when a person gets on a plane, travels a thousand miles, gets sick, infects their family at the destination, it was the weather change at the first location that caused the illness to the people at the second location? Or another example, the viral samples that are saved and transported and then used for challenge trials, how can you blame the environment for those infections when the challenges take place at a different place at a different time?

>However, external factors are clearly there, they're observable. Invisible pathogens are not.
How can you observe temperature and pressure changes, they're invisible? I feel like you're trying to dismiss something that you think is woo-woo and then adapting an even more absurd hypothesis featuring other invisible factors. Why do you believe in a barometer over an electron microscope?

Here's a simple thing you can do since you're convinced it's external factors. Arrange your own trial, expose participants to an infectious agent, but do it the first time in a cold room, and the second at room temperature. See if the environment matters.

>> No.15133851

>Where did it come from?
From the cellular debris.
>it was just shit floating in the air
You don't know it was floating in the air. It's not like anyone has ever isolated a virus from the air.
>doesn't resemble anything else that we know of
What are vesicles?
>and magically multiplies during an infection?
You have no idea whether it multiplies during an infection. If the "viral" particles are cellular debris, no shit that the CPE looks like multiplication.
>So when a person gets on a plane, travels a thousand miles, gets sick, infects their family at the destination, it was the weather change at the first location that caused the illness to the people at the second location?
Does that really happen?
>Or another example, the viral samples that are saved and transported and then used for challenge trials, how can you blame the environment for those infections when the challenges take place at a different place at a different time?
Post specific challenge trials that you have in mind. Otherwise this is too broad to answer.

>> No.15133854

>How can you observe temperature and pressure changes, they're invisible? I feel like you're trying to dismiss something that you think is woo-woo and then adapting an even more absurd hypothesis featuring other invisible factors. Why do you believe in a barometer over an electron microscope?
Germ theory is ten times more absurd. It doesn't even make logical sense. Everyone sees that e.g. sudden change in weather during the fall causes people to be sick, it's not a "theory", it's an observation. Virologists acknowledge this, certain viruses spread better in certain conditions etc. according to them. They literally acknowledge terrain theory. What is absurd is the insistence that there has to be a pathogen. But all evidence for that is circular, including microscopy. What are the evidence that convince you, personally, that germ theory of viruses is right?
>since you're convinced it's external factors
I'm not necessarily convinced it's external factors, there might be other explanations. Don't mistake scientific criticism of a certain theory for pushing some alternative. Actually I have no idea how that experiment would turn out. It's you who's convinced that the terrain woudln't matter.

>> No.15134012

You are wasting your time. Whoever the "Viruses don't exist" crowd are, they will just reset tomorrow and it will be as if you never talked to them at all.

And yes, these people, whether they are real or just shills, give unvaccinated a bad name, like flat earthers to conspiracy theorists.
If the alphabets aren't just shilling them themselves, I'm sure they are spreading these crapshoots to vulnerable populations like schizos for further dessimination.

These agents are also used to completely drown out signal with noise. Like they did with the test swab nanoparticles stuff. Then they throw them a bone by contacting a news outlet to talk about some scandinavian company who develops micromachiens and boom, test swabs are the antichrist becomes part of the theorizing forever.

It's all so tiresome. I am able to differentiate the bs from the relevant, but it's a spectrum and most conspiracy theorists are on it's lower end due to elevated openness - low agreeableness without the necessary verbal intelligence to quality control the grifting, shilling and theatre performances.
Cue the telegram echochambers and boom, we're rocketing straight to wonderland, where WEF psychopaths are not just highly intelligent narcissists deluding themselves into "saving the world", their vision of the perfect world, that is (and they condone any means necessary, no matter the price), but also reptilians and in contact with not just aliens, but bad machine elf entities they met during a satanistic DMT-trip with the bogdanoffs.

Upper class child trafficking is real, pizzagate to an extent probably as well, but adrenochrome is not.And the latter + a newstory about some guy who entered the location at the center with a gun is then used to discredit the entire crowdsourced investigation.
Nevermind the leaker of the mails who suicided with 2 bullets in the back of the head, which was completely drowned out in the newscycle.

>> No.15134053

>I am able to differentiate the bs from the relevant,
Clearly you aren't, because here you are defending pseudoscience without any arguments whatsoever, simply because you can't wrap your head around the topic.

>> No.15134982

>From the cellular debris.
So it came from the cells?

>What are vesicles?
Something that doesn't resemble a virus.

>You have no idea whether it multiplies during an infection. If the "viral" particles are cellular debris, no shit that the CPE looks like multiplication.
Why does the cellular debris cause others to produce cellular debris (aka get infected)?

>Does that really happen?
It's been documented during covid.

>Post specific challenge trials that you have in mind. Otherwise this is too broad to answer.
All challenge trials that I'm aware of involve get the sample, storing it, and then performing the challenge at a later date. How would the environment be exactly the same during the challenge portion?

>Everyone sees that e.g. sudden change in weather during the fall causes people to be sick, it's not a "theory", it's an observation.
Everyone sees that when someone is sick with a respiratory infection, people around them tend to get sick as well. It's an observation. Why is your observation of weather better than observation of sick people infecting those around them? Especially when there's plenty of examples where weather couldn't have played a role.

>It's you who's convinced that the terrain woudln't matter.
Never said that, and the immune system is part of the terrain.

>> No.15136603

an unfriendly reminder